Tsuki – Chapter 454: People and Secret Stone

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter “Ah, Shii.” (Eris) “Eris-senpai! Do you need anything-ssu ka?!” (Shii) “…Yeah, there’s a bit of Lime mixed in it, but the dedication to imitate the way of speaking and attitude of the people you admire, as leader, I will permit it despite being slightly embarrassing.” (Eris) “??”  “It is okay… Read More Tsuki – Chapter 454: People and Secret Stone

Tsuki – Chapter 453: Right, he is a merchant

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter Oracle of the Goddess. I barely have gotten any of that.  When I came here…as if kidnapped…the only thing we did was exchange some words. Hibiki-senpai apparently hears about it rarely.  But a shocking truth was revealed here.  Tomoki has been contacted by the Goddess pretty often.  Tomoki himself said… Read More Tsuki – Chapter 453: Right, he is a merchant

Tsuki – Chapter 451: It came unexpectedly indifferently

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter Yup. The 2nd generation students have begun to not get involved in perfect arias and focusing more on the activation of the spell with the least amount of effort.  I was told this by Shiki, but the 2nd generation students are clearly growing faster than the 1st generation students.  I… Read More Tsuki – Chapter 451: It came unexpectedly indifferently