WM – Chapter 352: Takatsuki Makoto remembers his promise

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter ◇The regular meeting between the Sun Country of Highland and the Moon Country of Laphroaig◇ One of the most prominent major countries in the West Continent…no, in the whole world, Highland. And then there’s the rising nation whose entire population is a High Ranked Mage or higher, Laphroaig. These two… Read More WM – Chapter 352: Takatsuki Makoto remembers his promise

WM – Chapter 351: Takatsuki Makoto and the Moon Country’s Queen

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter “You idiot! For how long were you planning on making me wait?! …Hn!” (Furiae) “Prin…cess…” (Makoto) I couldn’t speak until the end, was pushed down by Furiae-san, and was kissed.  I wondered whether this is appropriate for the queen of a nation, and was worried about this being seen by… Read More WM – Chapter 351: Takatsuki Makoto and the Moon Country’s Queen

WM – Chapter 350: Takatsuki Makoto heads to the Moon Country

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter “Waa, they are doing a festival~.”  “Hm? Is there something happening today, Aya?”  “That looks so nice and fun.”  Me, Lucy, and Sa-san arrived at Laphroaig with Teleport.  *Pon! Pon!* The smoke of fireworks spread in the sky.  There’s balloons…or something similar to that floating around, bringing color to the… Read More WM – Chapter 350: Takatsuki Makoto heads to the Moon Country

WM – Chapter 349: The adventurer guild of the water city

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter ◇Former Guild Receptionist, Mary Gold’s POV◇ “Haah…so bored.”  I was sipping the now lukewarm tea at Makkaren’s Adventurer Guild. It feels like a lie that I have been working busily as a receptionist in the Adventurer Guild just a few years ago.  Stray monsters have not been attacking the residents… Read More WM – Chapter 349: The adventurer guild of the water city

WM – Chapter 348: The White Great Sage (Fourth Part)

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter —King of Hades, Pluto. The brother of the Divine Realm’s God King, the god that manages the dead.  His appearance: a tall kind-looking old man with gray hair, swept back, and silver-rimmed glasses.  “N-Nice to meet you! I am the familiar of the Goddess Noah-sama, Makoto.”  I hurriedly kneeled and… Read More WM – Chapter 348: The White Great Sage (Fourth Part)

WM – Chapter 347: The White Great Sage (Third Part)

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter Trash Monstrosity, Chill Utas.  “What kind of guys are they?” (Makoto) I asked while being guided by the Divine Beast Cerberus.  — “It is hard to explain in words. Their figure is difficult to describe. We sent a number of Hades vanguards to subjugate them, but nobody came back. They… Read More WM – Chapter 347: The White Great Sage (Third Part)