Tsuki – Extra 64: The endless path of Mio ③

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter *Gulp* The sound of someone gulping echoed strangely loudly.  “Thi…”  “Thi?”  “This is a taste that I would be able to eat without issues if this were to be brought out in my 3rd option restaurant-ssu.” (Lime) Lime Latte returned the spoon to the bowl while still seated.  ‘Ooh’. Voices of admiration… Read More Tsuki – Extra 64: The endless path of Mio ③

Tsuki – Extra 61: Manga 55 SS The dream the two heroes see

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter People compete and bring each other up.  It is by clashing between equals that techniques and records are surpassed.  This doesn’t change no matter the world.  I think that’s not something that should change.  You are competing, so there’s obviously winners and losers. That border should not be diluted by… Read More Tsuki – Extra 61: Manga 55 SS The dream the two heroes see

Tsuki – Extra 60: The people that make forests and the people who live in forests

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter The elf whose name is the most known in Tsige is the adventurer Luisa.  There’s one other elf in Tsige who a certain group of people would even avoid saying the name of, but that’s solely just a number of people.  When it comes to the representative of the elves… Read More Tsuki – Extra 60: The people that make forests and the people who live in forests

Tsuki – Extra 55: Asora Information Record ② The Ogre that faces the Sea

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter I am at the sea.  If this were for the sake of inspecting the settlement constructions at the beach, there would be no issues, but there’s the crimson flowers blooming at the neighborhood of the Mist Town.  Even though it is a field that is being let to rest, it… Read More Tsuki – Extra 55: Asora Information Record ② The Ogre that faces the Sea