ZAP – Chapter 116: Great Demonic Beast Expedition – Part 3

TLN: Two chapters today! Make sure you didn’t miss the previous one! —— The decoy ship was slowly guided by the tides and approached the turf of Vepar in the deserted island called the Grave of the Seas. —Kusukusu. —Kusukusukusu. —Fufufufu! The ship is being surrounded by many black mermaids. The black mermaids should know… Read More ZAP – Chapter 116: Great Demonic Beast Expedition – Part 3

ZAP – Chapter 115: Great Demonic Beast Expedition – Part 2

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter “We are being watched.” (Soran) “…Yeah.” (Eugene) I strengthened the grip on the handle of the white katana at the words of the beastkin Soran. Hostility as if my skin is being licked all over. When are the black mermaids going to attack…? “Soran, Eugene, there’s no need to be… Read More ZAP – Chapter 115: Great Demonic Beast Expedition – Part 2