Categories: Weakest Mage

WM – Chapter 230: Takatsuki Makoto is a Spirit User

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“Momo, as an apology for being late to get you, I will avenge you.” (Makoto)

I said to Momo.

“Eh?” (Momo)

She raised her voice and her cheeks dyed pink.

Did I act a bit too cool there?

“…Did I hear wrong there? I thought I heard the foolish nonsense of livestock.” (Balam)

Balam furrowed his brows in displeasure.

Looks like he can hear me.

“Abel-san, can I leave Momo to you?” (Makoto)

I entrust Momo to Hero Abel.

“Please wait, Makoto-san!” (Abel)

“Makoto-sama!” (Momo)

The two are still flustered, but I faced the Impenetrable Demon Balam.

“Kill everyone except the Hero.” (Balam)

Balam gave his order bluntly.

“““Yes sir!”””


The demons and monsters jumped at us at the same time.

“Kuh!” (Abel)

“Hiiih!” (Momo)

Hero Abel is protecting Momo who is screaming.

I call to the surroundings.

“XXXXXXXX (Spirit-sans, please do).” (Makoto)


I requested to the Water Spirits in Spirit Language.

Right before the swarm of monsters crush us…

“[Ice World].” (Makoto)

The monsters closeby were frozen.

But there’s still a lot of enemies.

I could hear Balam going ‘Hooh…’ impressed.


A demon holding a pitch black giant scythe jumped at us.

“That’s…?!” (Momo)

“The Vampire Commander!” (Abel)

I heard Momo and Hero Abel.

Is it a famous demon?

“XXXXXXX (Undine, please).” (Makoto)

(Yes, if it is the request of our King.) 

It seems to be a strong enemy, so I ask Undine.

…What’s with the ‘our King’?

I should confirm that later.

“Water Magic: [Frozen Barrier].” (Makoto)

I use the mana of Undine to use Saint Rank Water Magic.


The Vampire Commander person was frozen with barrier and all.

It has been one dimensional for a while now…

Well, that’s fine.

Freezing them is the most efficient method after all.

“Attack them all at once.” (Balam)

Balam ordered to his subordinates with a slightly angered tone.

The monsters and demons rush at us like a tsunami.

I borrow the mana of the Water Spirits and Undine to fight them back.

The mana of Spirits is infinite.

But I lost control in the past and the Great Sage-sama got angry at me though…

Is it thanks to my 999 Water Magic Proficiency?

I can easily use any spell.

I glance at Hero Abel and Momo.

The two had their mouths wide open.

When my eyes met with Momo’s, she said ‘That’s incredible, Makoto-sama!’ with sparkling eyes.

Her looks are that of the Great Sage-sama, so it feels weird…

“You bastard! Where are you looking?!” 

“[Ice World].” (Makoto)

An excited demon jumped at me, so I froze him.

There’s still a lot of enemies.

Let’s do this without lowering my guard.

◇POV of a certain Demon Lord Confidant◇

I am called the Impenetrable Demon, Balam. I have been serving Bifrons-sama for 500 years.

I have ended uncountable fools who aimed for the Demon Lord-sama.

This time around it was the execution of the Heroes Setekh captured.

The stupid gargoyles ended up letting a number of Heroes escape, but one of them brazenly came back.

‘Definitely kill the Light Hero’.

That’s the order of the Great Demon Lord-sama.

It has been over 1,000 years since the world has become peaceful for the demons.

If this so-called Light Hero is a worthy enemy, I would like to cross blades with them.

But I have no expectations.

Only few can pose a threat to the Demon Lord-samas.

I haven’t even met a decent fighter in 100 years.

Until today.

My subordinates are being frozen one after the other.

“Interesting…” (Balam)

An opponent with backbone.

People who are acting rude right by the vicinity of Bifrons-sama.

However, compared to the Lightning Hero who is trembling, he is acting completely composed here.

“I am the Impenetrable Demon Balam! The first confidant of the Demon Lord Bifrons-sama!” (Balam)

I unsheathe the magic sword at my waist.

This is my first time introducing myself to a human.

The human mage glanced at me, but didn’t answer.

“Introduce yourself!” (Balam)

I shouted, but there was no response.

I was disappointed.

In the end, he is just a lowly human.

To think he can’t even do honorable introductions as warriors.

Then, I will cut you down in one stroke.

“Impenetrable Sword: [Darkness Cut].” (Balam)

A giant dark sword wave was released from my magic sword.


That mage speaks in unfamiliar words and a giant barrier blocked the sword wave.

Ice World, huh.

It is impressive, but it is not as if he has infinite mana.

When you run out of mana, it is your end.

I used my magic sword to continue my attack.

Now, how long will you last?


“Impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible, impossible…” (Balam)

My slash, stabs, magic; everything was blocked by his magic.

By the time I noticed, my subordinates had been wiped out.

Just how many spells did he even use?

Why is his mana not running out?

It doesn’t make sense.

He hasn’t moved one step from his position.

He continues shooting spells with a cold face.


He has been talking in a language I have never heard before in a direction no one is in.

…No, is that the Spirit Language that Cain-sama uses rarely…?

Is he a Spirit User?

But even if that’s the case…

He looked over here with eyes that I can’t read…

He slowly walks towards me.

“C-Come!” (Balam)

I take stance with the magic sword that has been passed down for generations, and pour all of my mana into it.

“Uooooooooooohhhh!!” (Balam)

My ultimate technique that lowers my lifespan when used.

I put my all in this attack through my magic sword.

99 slashes that cut down any enemy into small pieces attack him.


“[Frozen Barrier].” (Makoto)

My ultimate technique was blocked by a heartless ice barrier.

My blade stopped without even reaching him.

“Kuh!” (Balam)

I fell on my knees after unleashing my strongest technique.

The ground was frozen.

A cold wave was slowly creeping up.

And he approached me.

Why is a mage closing the distance…?

But this is my chance.

M-My last resort…

It is an underhanded technique that’s unlike a warrior…

“Don’t, Makoto-san! The eyes of Balam are the magic eyes of fear! If you look at his eyes, you can’t move from the fear!” 

The Lightning Hero shouts, but it is too late.

“This is the end!!” (Balam)

I activate the Magic Eyes of Fear, and look at his eyes.

He stopped moving…or was supposed to.

This is the first time I felt fear after I made contact with the eyes of an enemy.


I couldn’t speak.

He hasn’t been responding to me for a while now no matter how many times I called him.

I understand now.

Livestock that doesn’t even know how to introduce himself.

That’s how I looked down on him.

That in the end he was just a barbarian and not a warrior.

But that wasn’t it.

His eyes…the eyes he is using to look at me…were those of someone looking at an ant crawling on the ground.

Or a mosquito flying close to the ear.

The person that I acknowledged as my enemy was looking at me as if I were just a mere pebble on the road.

He had no interest in me.

He…didn’t think of me as his enemy.

I couldn’t move.

My body has been frozen from water magic.

But my body that has been given the blood of Bifrons-sama is undying.

No one can kill me…is what I thought.

And yet, what’s this feeling?

I will be killed.

Despairing fear was attacking me.

That man unsheathed the dagger at his waist and raised it high.

“Water Goddess Eir-sama…I offer it to you.” (Makoto)

Water Goddess Eir! 

So you are the Water Hero, huh! 

But the Water Hero should have been killed by Cain-sama…

A new Hero was born?

No matter how you see it, that’s way too fast! 

No, in the first place, the Water Hero is the weakest of Heroes that always gets killed first.

He should be the Water Hero, but…

Just…what in the world are you?

My head was in chaos, but I couldn’t move my body.

The small dagger pierced my body.

The next instant, small lights surround the area.


(Kya! Kya!)


They suddenly appeared in front of me…babies with small wings.

Servants of the heavens that were smiling uglily with their teeth in full view -Angels.

They began to eat my body.


I screamed.

I am being eaten alive.

The pain, fear, and most of all, my instincts understood that my soul itself was being eaten.

This is impossible.

Even if I have received an undying body from the blood of the Demon Lord-sama, if my soul is eaten, I can’t revive.

“Momo, Abel-san, I am done.” 

He turned around and was returning to his comrades.

“…W-Wait! …Who in the world are you?!” (Balam)

I wrung out the last of my strength to ask this.

There was no response.

But he looked back.

And then, he looked at me as if in wonder.

“You can still talk?” 

He muttered as if pitying me.


He is no Hero.

The Heroes I have confronted until now have righteous indignation, had hatred because of the oppressed humans, were avengers that had their loved ones killed; all of them would move from powerful emotions.

But he is different.

Sense of righteousness, hatred, revenge; he has none of those.

It was as if this were his ‘job’.

He kills demons as if it were breathing.

A death god.

A death god for demons.

Please be careful, Bifrons-sama.

The abominable Gods of the heavens have sent an assassin.

Please forgive me for perishing here.

I was eaten by the spell of the human that I looked down on as livestock…and died.

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  • When you think he’s no match for you then he pulls out his ultimate trump card, the reverse uno card.

    Undine calling Makoto as king though, is this the effect of being a former Water Spirit King? So I guess he no longer needs normal spirits now. He can just ask her whenever he wants to use saint rank magic and that’s a big powerup.

    And his finisher too. I thought he’ll use his dagger to kill him but he instead sacrificed him. What a madlad.

    I guess this is how Great Sage falls in love. Makoto you bastard! To think even when travelling back in time you’ll still get another girl. I’m so jealo-, I mean angry! I hope you explode this Valentine’s day, you dense brute!

    • It was thanks to his experience against the other Demon Lord Confidant, before meeting Setekh (I honestly forgot her name).
      Eir explained before that those Confidants are essentially immortal and can be revived as long as Bifrons is alive, and teached Makoto how to kill them once and for all.

      ...without even telling him that it just a sacrifical offer for stocking points to next hero revelation with a gruesome visuals...

      • I doubt his dagger can’t kill undeads when it can kill Gods which are absolutely more powerful.

        When I look closely, it is not only her body that’s being eaten.
        (Mana? …No, it feels as if her soul itself is being eaten…) (Furiae)
        Normally, the only way to defeat an undead is to ‘purify’ them with holy magic…
        The Fate Threads connecting Shuri were being cut one after the other.
        Them being cut means…the end.

        This is how Furiae described Shuri’s death in the perspective of a destiny magic user using sacrificial magic. Since Makoto’s dagger can cut fate threads, it essentially cuts the connection between the undead and Bifrons thereby killing them.

        Eir only said that to trick Makoto into producing more heroes for her. Plus, it isn’t Makoto’s style to go on close combat even with an OP weapon. The only added benefit is that he gains more lifespan than if he just kills it normally.

      • @Asphyxia : while the dagger itself can likely kill undeads, the thing about Bifrons reviving them is likely still on the table unless Makoto also cut their ties to Bifrons. This is something he couldn't do earlier because he lacked Destiny Magic. And while he can do it now, it's still more convenient to use the sacrificial technique since it's literally stab and forget rather than needing to snip their Strings manually. That it also raises his lifespan significantly is another motivation. And besides, there's no real concern about letting Eir reincarnate them. She's the patron of the nation he's serving, giving her more power to bring to bear is giving Rozes more power to defend itself.

        It certainly doesn't really fit him to go close and stab his enemies, but it needs to be noted that he does need a way to kill incapacitated enemies. His Water Magic has a pretty bad track record when it comes to killing outright, even when used via Spirits. And while he can probably just carve up the frozen statues with the knife, that'd take much longer.

        @Andre Stakov : not just though. While it certainly is something Eir used to facilitate building up power, and that she hid that particular purpose by forgetting to mention it, it really does serve to permakill enemies that can normally be brought back if killed otherwise. She wasn't lying at all when she said it could kill enemies like Shuri permanently. Shuri reborn as a hero of the Water Country still isn't Shuri, not an enemy, at least until she loses her mind and goes batshit.

    • I still think that he's still a Water Spirit King, but only most if not all of his powers were sealed

  • "I was eaten by the spell of the human that I looked down on as livestock…and died." sounds like a title of an Isekai novel lol! is balam is gonna be isekaing????

    • He’s not going to get isekai-ed but he will be reincarnated in that world so a proper title would be like “I Died as a Demon and Got Reincarnated as a Hero” or “That Time I Got Reincarnated as A Demon”.

      • “That Time I Got Reincarnated as A Demon”
        Not as a demon, FROM a demon, or as A Hero
        “That Time I Got Reincarnated from A Demon”
        “That Time I Got Reincarnated as A Hero”

  • “Water Goddess Eir-sama…I offer it to you.”

    I haven't heard this for a long time.. I thought this won't be used anymore... this is awesome!!

    I wonder who Balam will be reincarnated as?

    • You know, I think this is Makoto's first contact with any of the gods in the past? Eir must be having a very strange day. Say she's hanging out having just lost her water hero; perhaps having just reincarnated the water hero as a baby when all of a sudden *poof*! Angel babies drop a demon general soul in your lap.
      Like; iosebgieubvisdujbebfiwubiwwhatdidaherobabykillthisvampiregeneralorhowdidthisevenhappen?

  • ◇POV of a certain Demon Lord Confidant◇

    My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

    Anyone else or is it just me?

  • Makes sense that Cain would use spirit magic, and I imagine this is why Noah warned Makoto against ordering the spirits around. I'm guessing Cain will/had use/d spirit language to order the spirits to attack Makoto and gets/had his ass handed to him because Makoto is the Spirit's favorite boy.

    • More like, probably Cain is the type to order the spirits around? That'd also explain why he's better known for his sword and armor despite using spirit magic, his use of Spirit Magic is likely limited if the spirits don't like him.

  • I have a feeling as to why the great sage didn't admit to him meeting her waa either to discourage him from going because something is going to happen or some sort of space time law.

    • I'm thinking Makoto probably told her something like "Keep it absolutely secret, even from me... especially from me." Seems like the thing to do in that case.

      • There's also the need to properly cleanse them first. It was mentioned that reincarnating Shuri too fast might cause her to go insane because of the lack of said cleansing, but a thousand years should be enough time for the cleansing.

  • The ultimate fatality, didn't even leave his soul to be free.

    At this rate, the Water Nation will be OP in the future.

    • Killing two bird with one stone, eh? Save Abel... And harness water hero candidates for Water Country... 😀

    • I'm guessing that for the sake of causality, they can't use him until after the point Makoto went back. So a powerful pawn that Eir has to hold onto for a long time before playing.

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