Categories: Weakest Mage

WM – Chapter 211: The Moon Oracle Furiae is in shambles

TLN: Hey guys, Reigokai here!

Sponsored Chapters on days other than sunday are back! After a lot of mess in the previous year, those were impossible for me, but now I can find the time to!

Thanks a lot to the people who have been donating and the patreons as well! You guys give me the leeway to keep doing translations!

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◇Furiae Naia Laphroaig POV◇

It has been several days since My Knight Takatsuki Makoto has disappeared. 

My Knight used Spirits to cause a storm, and left somewhere with the Sun Hero. 

He saved me from the verge of being kidnapped, and…disappeared.

The wind and rain didn’t stop for a while, and on a certain day, it stopped completely. 

We waited for My Knight, Takatsuki Makoto, to come back.

But he didn’t return. 

Princess Sofia desperately continued her search. 

That he is definitely alive.

But as the days passed, her face darkened, and she was growing weary. 

My Knight Takatsuki Makoto was nowhere to be found.

And then, one day the Water Goddess Eir-sama apparently told her something, and Princess Sofia came. 

— “Takatsuki Makoto has died.”

That’s what the Water Goddess apparently said.

Princess Sofia had an expressionless face like that of ice…and she seemed to be enduring something.

Her shoulders were trembling.

She said she would be preparing the national funeral…and left.

I…couldn’t say anything.

Hero Aya-san was crying all the time. 

She was killed by the Sun Hero Alexander, but she revived with the special ability called Remaining Lives.

It is apparently an ability that revives you in a safe place after activation, and she woke up at a place far away from the location of the battle. 

By the time she arrived in a hurry, everything was over.

She was losing her temper at first.

After learning that Takatsuki Makoto and the Sun Hero had disappeared somewhere, she said ‘I have to go save him!’ and rampaged.

We all desperately tried to stop her, and then the next thing she said was ‘I will kill the Pope!’ and we stopped that. 

She has been crying the whole time since returning to the inn.

“Guuh…why…Takatsuki-kun…wuuh…” (Aya)

She has barely been eating and drinking these few days. 

The people around were worried that her body might break at this rate, but it seems like the body of a Lamia Queen is tough, so she is apparently okay. 

But her mental state is in shambles.

“…I don’t like this at all… Without Takatsuki-kun…I…” (Aya)

To think that such a strong hero like Aya-san would become so brittle without My Knight…

It doesn’t seem like she will be recovering anytime soon.

The Mage Lucy-san continues training.

“Makoto is definitely alive!” (Lucy)

Princess Sofia told us that Eir-sama said ‘Takatsuki Makoto has died’, but even with that, the Mage Lucy-san didn’t believe it. 

No, the words must have reached her.

She was about to fall in tears for a moment. 

But she soon stood back up.

She was mindlessly training as if she were glaring at someone. 

“I will definitely find him. I will master Teleport, and we will go find him at once! Aya! Furi!” (Lucy)

“…Yeah, Lu-chan. I…will go too…” (Aya)

It may simply be an act to cheer up Hero Aya-san. 

“……Yeah.” (Furiae)

It took my all just to answer.

It was as if she had been possessed by My Knight Takatsuki Makoto and was training while barely sleeping. 

The Teleport that she would mess up once every ten tries, she is now able to succeed once every three tries.

Moreover, chantless.

She will most likely become one of the few users of Teleport in the continent.

I think she is strong. 

So the Mage Lucy-san was this strong of a person, huh…

And I couldn’t do anything.

Didn’t search for My Knight.

Didn’t cry.

Couldn’t try to become strong, or devote myself to something.

I simply couldn’t accept reality. 

Days of nothing passed.

At that time, Princess Sofia, Hero Aya-san, and Mage Lucy-san didn’t blame me even once.


Even though…it is my fault! 

Because I am the Moon Oracle! 

Because I am a cursed existence! 

That’s why My Knight Takatsuki Makoto died! 

…He is already dead.

I am just a thorn in this party where My Knight Takatsuki Makoto is not in.

I want to run away this instant.

But that would be an insult to the Mage Lucy-san and the others who are working hard. 

That’s why I can’t move.

I just passed my days while trying to kill the sound of my breathing, and as if trying to kill my heart. 


Sixth day of Takatsuki Makoto’s disappearance.

We were made to gather at the Holy Maiden Anna’s Great Church. 

The Sun Oracle Noel was waiting there.

At that moment, my emotions that were accumulated like mud had exploded all at once.

“Noel! Why did the Hero of your country attack us?!” (Furiae)

I grabbed the collar of the Sun Oracle and shouted, but Noel didn’t say anything.

She simply closed her eyes as if in pain.

Acting like a victim! 


The one who stopped me was the Light Hero Ryosuke.

“But…!” (Furiae)

I looked at his face and was shocked. 

His face had sorrow on the level of Princess Sofia and the Hero-san, or even worse than that. 

I let go.

He was also terribly hurt.

By the fact that he couldn’t protect My Knight Takatsuki Makoto.

That’s right…Ryosuke was the one who has known him for the longest. 

There’s no way he wouldn’t be hurt…

…Why has it turned out like this? 

Was it because I made him my Guardian Knight?  

That everyone meets misfortune when involved with me…?

I don’t know.

I don’t know what would have been the right choice…

The sound of footsteps resonated.

The one who entered was the Destiny Oracle Esther. 

But her countenance was different from the last time I saw her. 

Her eyes were shining golden, and the mana that was overflowing from her whole body…no, that’s Divinity? 

She had a majestic atmosphere around her that was different from before.

I wanted to complain to the Destiny Oracle Esther who seemed to be close to the Sun Hero.

But for some reason, I couldn’t.

My mouth can’t open.

My legs couldn’t move forward.

It was the same for everyone else. The Mage-san, Hero-san, and Ryosuke were silent.

The air was heavy…

“Everyone, I have something to tell you.” 

There was a pressure in her words that allowed no objections.

“But before that…” 

The Destiny Oracle Esther waved her right hand.

The next instant, all the windows of the Great Church and everything resembling that were shut, and a giant magic circle appeared in front of the door. 

On top of that, I felt as if the space around warped. 

She is affecting the space? 

This is…a barrier? 

A barrier that surpasses Saint Rank. 

The Destiny Oracle Esther was such a skilled mage…?

Due to the overwhelming pressure, silence ruled the place.

Even the Sun Oracle Noel was gulping down in silence. 

“There’s something I would like to say about the incident the other day…the matter of the Sun Hero’s rampage… First, I would like to undo the worries that you have.” 

The Destiny Oracle Esther says this and mumbles something.

…What is about to begin?

Rainbow colored magic circles appeared one after the other.

Those clock-looking magic circles are for destiny magic…?

I don’t know much of other magic aside from moon magic, so I couldn’t read the meaning of the magic circles, but I could tell that it was quite the complex spell.

“Destiny Magic: [Miracle of Resurrection].”

I could hear these words muttered lowly. 

A magic circle shining brightly appeared in front of the Destiny Oracle Esther.

And then, the white figure of someone appeared inside the magic circle.

That pure white figure slowly grew clearer. 


The one laying down inside that shining magic circle was My Knight, Takatsuki Makoto.

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A translator that needs lots of love~.

View Comments

  • Thanks for the chapter!

    I wonder how he died though? Did Eir kill him? Assuming that the Holy Gods interrupted, I think the one most likely to be able to kill him is Eir since she’s also the Goddess of Water.

    Next is Furiae-san. I almost certain that she’ll confess to him after this. Just look at her reaction when she learned that Makoto died.

    Last is how I wonder this affected Makoto’s stats. Since he did a lot of high ranked spells, is his proficiency over 9000 now?

    • I think it was self-destruction that killed Makoto, yes he turned into the Spirit king of water but the strain in his body from the instantaneous transformation may have destroyed it in the process.

      • I thought it was a self sacrifice technique kind of thingy?
        Didn’t RPG-san ask if he wanted to sacrifice his flesh or something?
        Did I got that wrong?

        • Rpg asked if he want more power, but maybe with that more power, it enabled Makoto to dish out forbidden skills that in turn destroyed him.

      • He sacrificed his body to become a spirit, but that only means that he sacrificed his humanity and could not go back to being human, I don't know why everyone assumes that it was going to kill him.

        We don't really know how the life cycle of a spirit works, but it is assumed that the only way to kill the spirit king is by disappearing all the water in the world.

        Now there is the fact that he had become a weapon of the Titans(a follower of a Evil God) something dangerous for the Olympians and in this way he could reach Noah if Makoto still had his mind.
        They killed him?

    • The only one that could kill him would technically be Eir (water goddess), so I would assume so. So Makoto didn't die after becoming a spirit haha.

    • I don't think Eir Kill him, since Eir Also Embodiment of Water She might now it.
      I mean Makoto to become part That embodied water. and iirc he also asked to sacrifice himself for more power.

    • Taboo living weapons like the Spirit Kings wouldn't be a threat to the Holy Gods, if each one could be shut-off by the Holy God that also governs their attributes.

      • But the true problem of spirit weapon for the olympians gods were not there powers (it was a problem in itself but still) but the amont of damage they could do the planet !

    • Since Noah said from 1000 in magic proeficiency Makoto could summon Undine at will and it would be far to OP for the story for him to spam Saint rank magic like nothing, I would say 999.

    • Bit confused and wondering if I misremembered, but isn't it straightforward? SEPARATE from the spirit transformation, he activated and kept on the lifespan sacrificing technique, correct?

      In fact, it seemed intentional, like it was harder to undo the transformation than death, so he built in self-destruction before losing reason. Would mean he'd guessed more than his vague suspicions of death not being as irreversible as it seems let on, tho.

  • Thank you for the chapter.
    The excitement I had for this chapter was apparently so high I read the whole thing too quickly.
    Now what?

  • In the end, Makoto died, huh. I doubt that Alex could have killed him, so how did Makoto die ? Isn't he supposed to be immortal as long as all the water of the world isn't destroyed ? Does another way to kill him exist ? Did he get kill by Eir as she is a Water Goddess?

    Poor Furiae, she is being too hard on herself. With the death and resurrection of Her Knight, she should have now realized her feelings and confess to him according to the usual pattern of anime/manga/light novel.

    If Makoto was never resurrected, I think that she would have eventually realized her feelings and broken into tears while regretting that she never confessed her feelings to Makoto.

    • Maybe it's the strain in the body itself that killed him. For example, Goku was powerful but got killed by a mere sickness in an alternate time, so it might also apply here. Makoto is now all powerful but damage from the inside still affects him.

      • Maybe. They did say that becoming the water spirit king was a self-destruction magic, but if it was the case, Alexander would have known with his God-rank appraisal and would have make the fight last as long as possible.

        Anyway, I think his water magic proficiency must have increased at insane levels with the number of spells he cast. Water magic proficiency : 1000 ? 2000 ?

    • I was thinking the same thing, Furiae outcomes. They all sad but makoto got revive so I'm happy again. 😂

    • I don't think it's a matter of whether he really died or not. I think that he "lost himself" by transforming into the Water Spirit King (lost his soul if you prefer) and thus becoming something like a selfless incarnation of nature that only acts on instinct. It would be more like a "figurative" death rather than a literal one. I might not have been really clear there but that's how I looked at it...

      • Indeed, it would be one way of saying that Makoto is dead. The lost of one's identity and individuality is the same as being dead.

    • hmm, either he run out of Lifespan or His body unable to endure anymore spirit power or lastly the spirit left on whim since she is has enough fun..

    • I'd didn't expect tge author will kill him. Damn that was sad. Judging by the current info. I think Eir killed him because well she's the only one can do at that time, this would explain why sofia was the only one know the makoto is dead. And Ira revive him so was happy again. Looking forward to seeing the reaction of makoto towards the holy gods..

      Good job Ira, I will forgive you at least for the time being, for reviving makoto. And last Furiae chapter ehh, finally some insight on whats on Furiae feelings

    • Hmm sofia is more broke in this chapter, she continue searching for him and the first one to discover that he's dead. Damn. I'm thankful for her skill for not breaking her expression but That Ice expression is making mw sad for some reasons

      • yeah, i mean after finally fall in love and desperately searching for six day only to find him death..

        it is as if playing a RPG only to have the last boss died by story and the game ended.

  • Thanks a ton for the chapter :D
    So he died eh? Maybe he had to to stop being a spirit king
    I'm super glad Ira owed him a favor :l

    • This shouldn't count as repaying the favor since it was her side that caused all of this. Especially after Ira had just finished promising to help stop the persecution of the Moon Oracle. In fact I think that was what the favor was originally supposed to be, lol.

      Yeah you don't get credit for fixing the mistakes your incompetence created. Teach that stupid self important demigod to stop killing allies.

  • I wonder if it's not so much as death, but more like his soul took a long hard detour from his body when he did the spirit transformation. It put him on the technically dead scale until they revived him. "Dragged his soul back into his body."

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