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The Adventurers of Origin.

That was something talked about all around the world. It refers to the people that are called the ancestors of the currently existing adventurers.

They travelled through the whole world and helped out the people, and became the role model for the brave that came after. Of hyumans and demi-humans alike.

However, their names currently remain only in a small part of the Lorel Union.

Why is that? That kind of question popped.

Just like how Rokuya-san said about it not being anything hide about, he spoke about it fluently.

But he also said that this is not something we need to talk about in a room filled with people, so he began the talk after guiding us to a space that seemed to be a secret room in this floor.

When we entered the room, I felt something strange, as if we passed through a thin film. It was something slight that doesn’t warrant much attention though.

It is probably something to make it so that even if we were to come here on our own, we won’t be able to find it or won’t be able to enter it.

Well, let’s leave aside the topic of the hidden room for now.

I am still half in doubt, but it seems like this Rokuya is actually the one from the legendary Adventurers of Origin.

In other words, immortal.

It is not that they are always awake and active, they live in a style where they wake up every now and then and move, and have been living like that for a long time.

Honestly speaking, I wouldn’t be able to imagine a life like that.

At this moment, I felt like Rokuya-san and the other people called the Adventurers of Origin are existences I wouldn’t be able to comprehend.

Living for eternity.

How does that feel?

If I were forced to choose between death or immortality, the current me would probably…choose death.

If it were longevity, it would be a different story, but immortality…

Even if I become immortal, my surroundings will definitely continue dying.

I kind of don’t like that.

“Well, and so, we ended up cooperating, and that guy Munemori not only got the trust of Root, he even married her, and founded one of the nations that would be counted as one of the five major powers, Elysion.” (Rokuya)

“There’s still quite a lot of anecdotes remaining about the foundation of Elysion, and the dragon princess that appears in those, I could somewhat understand that it referred to Root from the talks the person himself told me, but…there was no mention about Apfel(Apple), you know?” (Makoto)

By the way, this is my first time hearing that his husband was a person named Sou Mamoru.

If I remember correctly, he was a swordsman.

And after building up his country, he began liking love affairs.

…I feel like this part of his subtly overlaps with Tomoki.

But well, there was no information regarding charm, and Root said his husband didn’t have those kind of powers.

“Yeah, we were erased from history after all.”

In those days, it seems Rokuya-san’s group called themselves Apfel, which is written as Apple. <Apfel=アプフェル>

It is a name I have no recollections whatsoever.

It seems like Lorel remembered them as Apple instead of Apfel, and called them Apple and people of Apple.

“Era…sed?” (Makoto)

It sounded conspiracy-like. Ominous words.

Moreover, Rokuya-san is one of the affected parties, and yet, he doesn’t seem to be blaming anyone.

“You see, Munemori revealed it to Root. About us…more accurately speaking, about the power of our master.” (Rokuya)

“Your master’s…” (Makoto)

It seems like Rokuya-san’s group, the Adventurers of Origin, have a leader they call master.

But rather than a relationship of one being in higher standing than the other, it sounded more like another word denoting a friend.

What’s with this.

I myself…feel like I have a relationship like this.

“Not only Munemori, us as well, the heroes, and also you; when coming here, you received a power, right?” (Rokuya)

“Yes…eh?” (Makoto)

“For example; Munemori received ‘the Sword of Ambition, Desire’ and ‘the Sword of Oath, Damocles’. A cheat sword that responds to his will and becomes stronger without the need of a blacksmith, and…the sword of resolution that you make an oath and as long as you protect it, all of your abilities are raised. The second one, in the case that he broke the oath, he receives a big wound, so it wasn’t all merits though.” (Rokuya)

“Ehm…” (Makoto)

“And in my case, it is a bit special, you see. I can’t talk in detail about the second one, but the first one is a bit different from norm, an ability that links my comrades.” (Rokuya)


In other words, Rokuya-san is –no, all the Adventurers of Origin are…Wise?

And as if natural, it seems he also sees through me as well.

But what is this second one he is talking about?

In my case, I was summoned by a God, and at that time, I received [Sakai] from Tsukuyomi-sama. That’s the only one I got.

Don’t tell me, is the language comprehension of the Goddess that she jammed inside of me also counted?

Is that the second one?


“Us six came here at the same time, and noticed that we had acquired an ability. And the one who was able to exercise that ability was master. That’s why…yeah, link would be the correct understanding of it.” (Rokuya)

“Link ability.” (Makoto)


If that’s the case, at least they wouldn’t be lonely. Even if they had come to a terrible world.

But this link ability, I don’t really understand it well.

“Ah, that’s the ‘Blood Pledge, Guild Verse’. Don’t know what sort of fate this is, but we were companions in an MMO -or so to speak, an online game- we played in those days. And our abilities were connected with it. What a joke.” (Rokuya)

“…Ah, a net game.” (Makoto)

So that’s what it is.

Rokuya-san and his companions, and then there’s the master <Guild Master>.

Guild comrades in an online game.

I see.

“The details of it are…to put it in an easy to understand way for you, it would be the reproduction of the online game system. Well, strictly speaking, it is different though. In other words, from a novice, I can hunt mamonos and change my job to thief, and after that, assassin, and further after, I can decide on a specialized job…it is that kind of setup. There’s also a shared warehouse that other people can’t see, side quests, and other fine details in the ability.” (Rokuya)

It is truly a guild.

And this entered the ears of Root, and that’s how the current guild was established.

They are truly the adventurers of origin.

No lies in their name.

But from what I have heard until now, I don’t understand the meaning behind them being erased from history.

It doesn’t explain the point about the immortality either.

“In other words, it is that right? Root took the idea of the Adventurer Guild from the ability of you guys? If the information of Root’s husband was about that ability, that’s plausible but…” (Tomoe)

It seemed like Tomoe was putting it all together, but at the same time, her eyes were saying there’s more to it.

Rokuya-san silently nods.

He continues.

“Yeah. Root took an interest in the structure called a guild, and tried to replicate it. It is certainly true that she heard about Guild Verse from Munemori and got the idea. But the part that would serve as the core, in the end, she was unable to create it.” (Rokuya)

“Eh?” (Makoto)

That’s strange. In the end, he did create the guild and is the guild master.

And in present, Root is still the guild master.

“Even if she is the heavenly dragon Root that governs over a percent of the world,  as expected, there’s no way she would be able to grasp the essentials of the Earth’s pc online games. She desperately gathered information from me, master, and the other members.” (Rokuya)

“That…must have been annoying.” (Makoto)

To the point you would want to call the police.

“Nah. Even if she was a dragon on the inside, her appearance was that of a peerless beauty. The three men counting me actually enjoyed it, you know. Root was aggressive, she wasn’t as stubborn towards one person like Munemori, she let us enjoy without any hesitation.” (Rokuya)

“I…I see.” (Makoto)


Could it be, I’m quite the herbivorous?

Or is it that, Root had quite the appeal in the past?

Judging from the atmosphere in the story, not only Rokuya-san, the other two members also enjoyed it.

I am currently receiving a culture shock here.

Rokuya-san is a Wise -though I don’t know from what era he is- he must be a japanese person.

If he is a person of the Showa era, were the men of that era this indiscriminate?

In that era, did they dig in when a woman made advances on you?


“…By the way, I was born at the end of the Showa era. I don’t think our perceptions are that different, Raidou-kun.” (Rokuya)

“A…Ahahaha…” (Makoto)

Did he master mind reading?

I am blocking the magic type, and there’s no signs of him probing.

My expression as well, I have lately been able to hide the things that show on my face.

“It looks like you are not self-aware of it, so this might be a good chance to tell you. You are a late bloomer. There’s a limit to being herbivorous. It has been several years since you came to this world, right? In age…you are already over twenty huh. ‘Sleeping with somebody will only be with the person I have decided to marry for the rest of my life’, that kind of ideal is so far from reality it is close to being a delusion, you know? If you are being desired, it is fine to desire as well. That’s all there is to it, and there’s no need to think too deeply about it.” (Rokuya)

He looks at Tomoe, looks at Mio, and even looks at Shii, and then, sighs and points a finger straight at me as he said that to me.

Shii is also okay with you, Rokuya-san?

It is true that I am an adult, but that’s clearly already crimina—no, let’s leave it at that.

“No well, you see, it is been a while already, so there’s things that are just hard to advance towards…” (Makoto)

“…Are you seriously saying that? Going through the trouble of finding a partner for one night would be just… there’s two women at both your sides that are practically shouting that they are ready anytime you want, right? If you are at a lost, if it’s those two, even if it is the two at the same time, they would probably not complain, you know?” (Rokuya)

“Rokuya-san! You are going too far.” (Makoto)


What is this person saying.

I hurriedly object as I look at the two.

Tomoe and Mio are obviously angered…or not?


On the contrary, Mio was stealthily giving a thumbs up to Rokuya-san. Her face is slightly red.

Tomoe didn’t say anything, but she was nodding and going ‘Umu Umu’.

No well, it isn’t as if I didn’t know, but…in the past, the figures of Hasegawa and Higashi were definitely bigger than Tomoe and Mio.

Then, if asked now, it would be about the same, or actually…

But if we were to cross the line, I feel like a variety of restrains will be broken.

Thinking about my determination of returning to Japan wavering and disappearing…honestly speaking, I am scared.

And in reality, whether it is Rokuya-san, that Munemori person, and the Adventurers of Origin; they have all stayed in this world without returning.

“…Fuh… Sorry. It was probably not something for me to talk about. Let’s return to the main topic.” (Rokuya)

“…Sorry.” (Makoto)

“It is fine. And so, Root thoroughly researched about us and Guild Verse, but it didn’t bear fruit. However, Root thought that an adventurer guild was a necessary existence in the future of the world. Just as her attitude showed, she wasn’t the type who would obey the Goddess after all.” (Rokuya)

“Yeah, Root is like that. I think his stance is different from that of the Goddess.” (Makoto)

I can tell by the fact that he is thinking of things like thinning out the hyumans.

So Root has been like that in the past too, and Rokuya-san had noticed that way of thinking Root had.

“That’s why…” (Rokuya)


Rokuya-san slightly narrows his eyes.

“Root has already diverged from the Guild Verse system, and she is trying to make it a permanent existence in this world.” (Rokuya)

“In other words, it means that Root is trying to make it possible for the Adventurer Guild to have your ability as well?” (Makoto)

“Yeah. But for the sake of that, he needs the cooperation of the Goddess, and more than that, there’s the need for our cooperation as well.” (Rokuya)

“Right. Leaving aside the Goddess, the cooperation of you guys would definitely be a necessary.” (Makoto)

“However, the price that was asked for was way too big. You probably already have an idea but…for the sake of that, all the people related to the Guild Verse ability are required to live forever. If the Wise die, the ability goes with them after all.” (Rokuya)


“That’s why, a lot happened, Raidou-kun. By the Goddess, Guild Verse became the core of the Adventurer Guild, and we became immortal. But you see, a problem was born in this.” (Rokuya)

“Problem?” (Makoto)

‘Yeah’, Rokuya answers with a bitter smile.

“At that rate, our achievements would be way too big. Moreover, the Adventurers of Origin are immortal. I was a charismatic person in those days, you see. If I wanted to, I would have been able to become the king of a major power.” (Rokuya)

“Obviously. Receiving immortality, bringing the Adventurer Guild to this world; those are achievements that would surpass a king of a major power.” (Makoto)

“That’s why it was inconvenient for Root. Her unyielding wish was for Munemori to be the greatest brave of that time. Fufu, in the end, she beared the child of Munemori. Even if she was a Superior Dragon, it was her first time having a child. She went wild probably because of the maternal instincts that were suddenly born in her.” (Rokuya)

“Maternal instincts have nothing to do with that. That’s way too much of a selfish wish.” (Makoto)

“Hahaha, right. It is just as you say, Raidou. But this is not something that’s happening now, it is all history that was settled thousands of years already. Also, it is not the history of winners, you know? It is the history of people that are fading away. It is not something for you to be so riled up about. In the first place, I who am one of the related parties don’t feel anger towards Root.” (Rokuya)

“Why?! If what you have done is true, then that bad treatment of Root would be similar to what the Goddess did to m—!!” (Makoto)

“No matter the sequence of events and the conclusion of it, the Adventurers of Origin became a minor fairy tale of Lorel, but Root has been able to properly maintain the Adventurer Guild in this thousands of years.” (Rokuya)


“The hyumans growing haughty was in part the Goddess’ fault, and even Root wouldn’t be able to stop that, but a diverse amount of demi-humans and a narrow amount of demons have been able to survive until today. It is certain that she has been able to carry out her role in the Adventurer Guild which she fervently spoke of in the past.” (Rokuya)


Even so, there are things that can’t be forgiven as well.

Being forced immortality, and have your existence erased, that’s just…

“That’s why, the Adventurers of Origin, as well as I, have accepted most of our circumstances already.” (Rokuya)

“‘Most’?” (Makoto)

“As troublesome as it is, the one man that has to accept it the most, is still fighting against it. And so, at that time in the past, there was one kind dragon that was enraged by this, just like how you are, Raidou-kun -no, that rage was even higher than yours.” (Rokuya)


Could that be…

“A dragon, you say? I don’t think there was anyone who would be able to fight against Root in the past. At the very least, I don’t know of one.” (Tomoe)

Tomoe tilts her head.

I see.

Leaving aside if both of them have met before, Tomoe was alive at that time as well.

She learned about the Guild when she heard of it from Root, so she was probably asleep at that time anyways.

“No surprise. In those days, the other Superior Dragons aside from Root and Futsu didn’t boast much strength after all.” (Rokuya)

“As I have said, I don’t know of a dragon named Futsu-ja. It seems like it is known widely in this country, but who in the world is that-ja?” (Tomoe)

After a brief silence, Tomoe seeks an answer from Rokuya-san.

It is certainly true that the name Doma is spread in Lorel Union as well, but the name of Futsu surpassed that.

And Doma is being seen as a dungeon’s Superior Dragon, but it felt as if Futsu was being directed something like reverence.

It felt like the kind of reverence they direct to Spirits and the Goddess.

“The Ancestral Dragon of Heavens, Heavenly Dragon Root; directly opposite, the Ancestral Dragon of the Land, Land Dragon Futsu. The matchless Superior Dragons that possess the highest of powers, however, Futsu was against the creation of the Adventurer Guild, and…as a result, its power was snatched away by Root and was terminated.” (Rokuya)


“This is a matter of Superior Dragons. It is a top secret matter that would be bad if Root knew, so Raidou, please keep it a secret as well, okay? After that, its existence was thoroughly erased by the hands of Root, even more thoroughly than in our case. That was way too pitiful you see. We saved it.” (Rokuya)

“As I thought, I don’t know of it. If we are talking about a land dragon, it would be Grount, right?” (Tomoe)

“More accurately speaking, that girl is a Sand Dragon. Can’t be helped, we are talking about Root here. She probably persistently chipped off the memories of Futsu from the other Superior Dragons every time they were dormant or were reincarnating. It was probably easier than erasing the Adventurers of Origin from the history of people.” (Rokuya)

“That damn Root…” (Tomoe)

“If Futsu had acted as how it normally acts, the situation wouldn’t have gotten so screwed. In the end, whether it is people or dragons, what decides things is most likely emotions over logic. Fufu.” (Rokuya)

Rokuya-san was probably reminiscing the events of one thousand years ago, he laughs.

Even though this was their defeat.

Receiving the curse of immortality and having their existence erased from history; that’s right, it is supposed to be a defeat.

And yet, is this really something that one can look back at it a thousand years after and laugh?

I…probably will end up fighting them at the floors below the tenth.

Since they are immortal, there’s only one way to beat Rokuya-san and the others, I have no choice but to break their will.

No, Tomoe and Mio are probably already investigating this immortality of Rokuya-san.

If possible, his memories of it as well.

That’s probably the reason why the two aren’t speaking much and simply look like they are listening to the story.

There’s the possibility that there will be some sort of way to break through this situation from what they might figure out.

But…the will of people that are able to accept defeat in this manner, if I have no choice but to break it, just how am I going to?

Is it breakable?

I currently…don’t know.

I felt something heavy slowly accumulating in my stomach.

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View Comments

  • Ragna-Rokuya.
    It just occurred to me why they were so over powered. They weren't playing RO... They were playing JRO. The balance there... Doesn't exist and never really did.
    Also, all those multiverses that keep getting deleted by the gods that Makoto had visions of.... Private servers and official servers being closed down one after the other.
    Still, RO is alive today but no one hardly plays it. Just like the people of origin. Not dead but forgotten by most.

  • “we don't have time for this shit! so just focus on the main plot and let's go!”

    How I wish that was the author’s actual thoughts. I’ve never laughed at kid panicking because they saw tits. Instead of wasting time on gags that don’t land, I’d rather they just advanced the plot.

    • yeah, I don't like these gags too for a number of reasons, one being it's too surreal/fake/forced or cringy (like my niece used to say).. but anyways, you'll see later on the author showed me I'm bad at reading between the lines lol

  • Rokuya said that he is from the period when Showa Era ends which is 1989, and considering that Online games started in the 1970s it can be said that there were decent MMORPGs during the Adventures of the origins time which is some where from 1989 to 1995 maybe upt0 2000. But it really is amazing that from 1989 to 2013 (when this series started and assuming Makoto reincarnated at that time), in just 24 years in modern Japan time 1000 years had already passed in the Current Goddess world.

  • Makoto please remember the headache you have against the dragon army scepter and try to kill the first husband now

  • Plausible but
    “More accurately speaking, that girl is a Sand Dragon. Can’t be helped, we are talking about Root here. She probably persistently chipped off the memories of Futsu from the other Superior Dragons every time they were dormant or were reincarnating. It was probably easier than erasing the Adventurers of Origin from the history of people.” (Rokuya)"
    So maybe Root erased Tomoe's memory of Futsu while she's sleeping back then.

  • IIRC, only root isn't "growing old" and tomoe was in a loop of birth-sleep-death, so she may have died many times

  • But then the idea of being dormant is still vague to me, like how did Root erase Tomoe's memory of Futsu while sleeping back then? Are superior dragons that defenseless while sleeping? It may be possible that he also killed her once while she's sleeping and then once reincarnating altered her memories.

  • it's likely Root never tried to kill Shin or Grount(sp?) because Shin is able to store her own memories in crystals, while Grount can still retain her memories after rebirth.

  • For u immortality might be likeable but for some people (including me) immortality is kinda punishment.
    Not to mention root force them to be immortal and erased their existence on people mind. It might be fun in the beginning but I'm sure it will be hell Soon

  • I don't think so,
    back on earth, he was still very passive with relationships, and rejected two girls because he thought it should be the guy that make the first step.
    his sister said that if he were to meet girls, he would say something like considering like a family and don't have love relation with them, and that exactly what happened
    that's just makoto having a stupid ideal that put himself into a dead lock.

  • Well i don't think he neaned it like that, problaly was something like if he opens himself to enter a relatioship with them, well he will feel comfortable, wich will lead to him feel lazy and he won't acomplish more.

  • You know how some people like to say they want lots of babies?
    Yeah, with Mio I wouldn't be surprised if that happened literally. Her being a spider and all.

  • @ Psychronia
    This is how I imagine Tomoe reacting to the moment she realizes for sure that she would become a mother:
    "Fumu it looks like I too will bear Waka-sama's children fufufu. I'm going to be a mother... a mother...... OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO BE A MOTHER!!!" Tomoe's brain has reached critical state. Melt down will begin in 5... 4.... 3... 2.. "WAKA-SAMA! WHAT DO I DO?! I'M GOING TO BE A MOTHER-JA NA!!" (Tomoe)
    "Wha!? Wait! Tomoe, stop before you... AGHHH!!!" (Makoto)
    And thus Tomoe flew into a panic that frightens Makoto to this present day.
    (Well this is kinda what I imagine going on in my head, anyone have similar thoughts?) :)

  • @Psychronia
    Hahaha :) yeah that's actually pretty good too. But maybe I'm just a little mean for thinking it would be more entertaining if she panicked just a little bit, but I can totally see her getting absorbed in that too.

  • To expand on Dans' answer...
    Picnic Rosegarden are a mercenary group that is currently made up of descendants of Wise, though it probably started out as Wise-only group.
    Their connection to Apple is that:
    1) Their leader is a member of Apple. Probably even the Master that Rokuya referred to.
    2) They reside on floor 20 (called Rosegarden, hence their name) of the dungeon, which seems to be under Apple's complete control.
    Members of Picnic seem to be "ordinary" Hyumans, with perhaps some Human mixed in thanks to their Wise ancestry.
    Members of Apple are all Wise, modified by the Bug to be immortal, so they can function as the core of the Adventurer's Guild's system.

  • No, Makoto's a level 9000 archer, so clearly he's actually a dancer and ERROR INVALID REFERENCE GOTO START that's why I love cake.

  • Tomoe was mentioned to have been alive at that time though.
    Root did create Lancer more recently, if I remember right, but otherwise, it's more like there was a secret 8th dragon that served as Root's counterpart.

  • Well then, maybe it should be put differently.
    Rather than "wanting to stay", it's "having less of a reason to go".

  • I think it is because of the order this events happen.
    In the current state, he still has no way of returning home.
    If he were to sleep with them, create a strong relationship, and enjoy the life in that world, his resolve to find a way home will waver and maybe even disappear which is the thing he doesn't want.
    On the contrary, if he were to find a way home and THEN consumate the relationship, there's no resolve to return home since he already has a way to.

  • I'm pretty sure the image of a shy, stiff-faced blushing Mio giving someone the thumbs up is one of the most adorable things.

  • It was apparently very clear that Root's child was her husband's though.
    Certainly makes me wonder what the story is there.

  • The thought of a whole....clutch(?) of Makoto-Mio hybrids both terrifies and immensely amuses me.
    Frankly, I'm more interested in how Tomoe and Mio would do as mothers. Tomoe has never given me reason to believe she'd be a particularly loving mother-openly at least. But apparently Root went a little crazy after becoming a mother for the first time so....
    As for Mio, my impression is that she would definitely adore her child and possibly even spoil them a little too much. The problem is...well, she's a spider. Spiders don't really have good relationships with parents, children, or mates.

  • what pic ? pic of Tomoe and Mio inviting Makoto to sleep with them ? wasnt that already out in the newest translated chapter of the manga ?

  • Correction. From what I read, Picnic Rosegarden's leader is not a member of Apple. Their leader is the disciple of Rokuya, by the name of Vivi as explained by Shougetsu in chapter 260. The Master of Apple is an entirely different person.

  • Huh. You're right.
    I guess I forgot about Vivi and just made that person Rokuya was talking to in Rosegarden to be the leader of Picnic.

  • a good point.
    I don't think they're actually her children, but they're definitely described as her "kin". My interpretation was that they were an underling species of hers, like a golden slime among metal slimes or something.
    As a matter of fact, both Mio and their origins are pretty mysterious. Did they originate in this world? Is Mio actually a wild beast that wanders across worlds for food? Is she in fact a lesser god or divine beast in that case? It's all been fairly untouched as far as the story goes.

  • As strange as this sounds, that doesn't seem like Luck-kun's style.
    Makoto's extreme luck has always thrown him into harsh situations with turbulent times. Immortality doesn't really fit that.

  • Blow them up if they're riajuu, blow them ujp if they're herbivores, what do you want people!?

  • Chiya's vision was what I had in mind when I made the comparison.
    So far, it's looking like the black eldritch creature inside the egg is the "True" Makoto which his shell, which is the Makoto we know, is desperately trying to restrain.

  • The way I interpreted it was that they all just sort of agreed to an open-ish relationship.
    Root was primarily attached to her husband, but since he was pursuing a harem, she was fine with sleeping with his guild mates while she researched their abilities.

  • It's a pretty vulnerable immortality, but that's why I kind of want to see Makoto break through the immortality just because.
    Like a bit where Tomoki's all obsessed with fighting Makoto only when he's immortal, only to have it not matter through sheer force of Makoto's will.
    My original plan was for Makoto to just shoot down the moon, but finding a way to break immortality from this sounds good too.

  • Well now that I think about it she sounds more like a kind of darkness spirit but well I am not versed in the supernatural/paranormal verse so I will leave that to the experts!!!!!

  • I am really more excited because this guys look like they can give a decent figth to the group, and maybe as senpais they migth help Makoto mature some more.

  • Good. Because I can create delusions. I can't create reality, but delusions utterly bend to my will.

  • Makoto's heritage has always been heavily speculated.
    His parents are both Hyuman, it seems. He's ugly(normal), but his sisters are gorgeous. His mother had a fling with a demon, but that doesn't match up with his birth date so it should be irrelevant. When Bug checked his blood, she confirmed he was his parent's child. But he also seems distinctly inhyuman and inhuman in nature.
    ...So, just what is he?

  • But...Mio and Tomoe aren't even part of Bug's world. They're residents, but she doesn't have anything to do with them.

  • what Psychronia said. for all we know Mio might be a trans-dimensional space monster who just happened to drop by on Bug's world.

  • Fair point.
    Then...perhaps steal the moon? Just suck the whole thing into Asora? That might f*ck with the gravitational balance of the world, but I'm sure Tamaki can handle it.

  • I'll do better than that. I'll imagine you coming at me from behind, but coming up behind you is a police car. Behind that is an ambulance. Behind that is a van. Behind that is a tank.
    ...Now, I'm not sure what stereotypes these models have, but I feel like I just told a very dodgy story with that.

  • awkward huh.... well..... some hentai said Incest is Wincest soo.......*insert lenny face*

  • The thing about immortality is that it comes with a bunch of natural prices.
    First and foremost, everyone you know and love will eventually die before you do. You could bond with other immortals, but that much means you can never safely form a connection outside that private circle ever again.
    After that comes the issue of power. Power is very much a requirement to living leisurely as an immortal because you'll eventually run into a disaster that would otherwise trap you in a fate worse than death otherwise(being buried in a cave-in or eaten by a monster, for instance).
    After that comes boredom, which inevitably turns you into someone like Root or Tomoe, who craves any form of fresh entertainment possible.
    All in all...a bad time mostly not worth living forever.

  • tsuki ga michibiku gaiden: root and apfel
    genre: cheating, mmf threesome, group, harem, n-dash, gou-kun, NT-- no please, not that...

  • Thanks to you, I'm now a better man.
    I'm leading the search for a missing delusional/mentally ill person; leading the police and the mental hospital/institute to the wanted person, while the reporter/media also follows from behind.
    A dodgy story indeed.

  • Hey, I didn't say that it was ending. From what I've read in the most recent raw (which was out last month despite being on hiatus for several), this story ain't over.
    It would be nice for someone to take up the LN, but it costs money to get the books to translate. Even if they're ebooks, it takes money. Besides, I'm sure an update will come for the WN soon.

  • maybe because of the UV-rays, gis genetics transformed into a new type of variant *ehem graunt i mean

  • wished that bug soon summoned(abduct) two more humans, the so called catch up female protags, cause i dont want them to be left behind

  • Maybe a certain turbulent time requires immortality to fix and he can't ignore said turbulent time because it will involve him either way?

  • Yeah thats what I have always in mind. And I also noticed that I think it was related to his 'True' talent that could make Gods watch over him and He would make the world move and his name would be carved to history. As stated by the 3 Gods and The 3 Goddesses of Fate.
    -its in the side stories.

  • i kind of remember them saying at the start of his journey that his presence when not hiding it could be felt by the demon lord that was actually really far away... so, i just really wonder just what the fuck would happen if he lifted that hiding right fucking now.

  • ah, glad to hear~~
    this is among my favorites series of all time, and i am really glad that we can still read it (although at a lower pace). Thx for the answer ^^

  • I'll have to respectfully disagree. I have Tomoe pegged as the type to channel anxiety they don't know what to do with into enthusiasm.
    So I see her doing something like:
    "Hmm...Katana is fantastic, but perhaps they would inherit Waka's love for the bow..."
    "It would be wonderful if they picked up both, but they could also learn something new..."
    "...yes, it would be best to give them options and let them choose the path that they find their soul in. In that case...let's have the Eldwarf-"
    "Wh-What is it, Waka? I am busy planning the future ja na."
    "Tomoe! They're 2 hours old! They can't even hold a weapon yet! They shouldn't hold a weapon yet."

  • Didn't he register his level when he had all of his rings equipped? Hmmm maybe I need to do some re-read.

  • Better than be a idiot or a sex maniac is be FUCKING NORMAL PERSON WITH DESIRES AND LIBIDO, wich makoto inst because 2 fucking gorgeous beauties where constantly making moves on him for TWO YEARS, SEVEN FUCKING HUNDRED AND THIRTY DAYS, and he only treats then as "family", there is no emotional involvement, no growing closer, he has no fucking sexual desire for then wich is NOT FUCKING NORMAL, so having sex in the first week or even first day is NORMAL, even more if the related parts are on a state of high tension

  • I'm sorry I'm not into that kind of sexy novels like yourself. And what I've meant about 2 years is he just left the love thingy in the air for a while, not doing anything, maybe it's not painful to you but it is for those people are waiting for him to make a move.

  • You don't need confidence in yourself to accept 2 women making moves on you lmao

    And to be fair, whether having sex on the 1st night or 1 year later, there's no such thing a normal here.
    That's why, Makoto not having any sexual impulse with actual women (despite having been confirmed to fap or whatever back on Earth) is actually not normal

  • which is a little bothering considering he's been here for 2 years and with no hope of ever coming back

  • Yeah they're just thirsty for romance when Makoto himself is just family-zoning them. This isn't a romance isekai, don't set up your expectations this way.

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