Chapter 212: Drowsiness of the Victor

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800+ comments, in 2 days! I knew I could smell it. And I loved it~

“I understand… Makoto-kun pushed away my serious emotions of the several millions of lives that I have been entrusted with. From what I was shown, I felt like he was a lot more scary than that Goddess.” (Hibiki)

After Makoto left from the passage, Hibiki was left alone.

A self-depreciating mutter came from her mouth.

“I am seriously the type that stumbles when it counts the most.” (Hibiki)

The fight with Io.

Remembering the invitations she did to Mio and Lime, Hibiki makes a wry smile.

She felt as if the important things were slipping from her hands, an irritating feeling.

The wind passes in between the fingers of her opened hand.

She felt as if it was a feeling similar to this.

Her self-depreciation continued.

“If we lose to the demon race, that’s the end; if we lose in the war against Tomoki, it will be the end as well; and if Makoto-kun goes haywire, it will be the end too huh. What an incredible situation. The last one has a narrow chance of hope though. A world without the Goddess huh… Thinking about the current state, it will most definitely become a warring era with the flood of the small countries, so it wouldn’t change the fact that it will be despairing.” (Hibiki)

A disastrous image appears in the mind of Hibiki, and disappears.

Winning against the demon race, shutting the Empire, and on top of that, restrain Makoto with something aside from power.

After doing all that would Hibiki finally be able to begin with her objective.

Just like what she said about it being an incredible situation, it is practically close to impossible.

Even so, Hibiki can’t just withdraw.

“Even so, I have to do my best till the end. Believing in me, many have died. For the sake of my objective, I have killed many. There’s also people like Naval that have sacrificed themselves. I can’t give up. I have to struggle.” (Hibiki)

As an awakened one from the world transfers, she has obtained the ability to change the conception of others into power.

Because of that point as well, she is aware of the innumerable cord-like feelings that have been placed on her.

The lives that have been entrusted to her, and the lives she has taken away; while having those in mind, Hibiki fights.

Hibiki felt that she has the obligation to do her best until the last moment of her life.

That’s why she can’t just push them aside.

Even if the other party is someone with power that can easily cut apart those feelings.

“Seriously…being a hero is quite the worthwhile position.” (Hibiki)

For Hibiki, the Goddess is the person that has provided her with this environment.

That’s why Hibiki feels a set amount of gratitude towards her.

But that’s all there’s  to it.

Hibiki’s impresion of her was like that of the first person that had found her.

Sadly to say, she is a type that is hard to respect as a superior, and there’s several problems with her as well.

But as a numerical value, she provides benefits, so it is someone that can’t be cut off and there’s no choice but to just accept it.

It is something like that.

Thinking until there, Hibiki sighs.

“Hah…If I could change the religion I am shouldering, I think it would be easier to have Makoto-kun instead of the Goddess. Even if he were to be treated as a God, by using the front of worshipping, it can be hidden in many ways. But even when he said such outrageous things, the only strong reactions I got from him were with the Goddess, and…his discrimination towards hyumans. He doesn’t have a purpose. That boy doesn’t even have the intention of founding a nation. If he at least had something like that…” (Hibiki)

Hibiki could tell that the options for the future would increase a lot.

If Makoto were to become a king, if he were to announce that he would be founding a nation, the hyumans and demons wouldn’t be able to ignore it.

Because it would be a big problem that would force them to even stagnate this hatred-filled war in order to deal with it.

Anyone that has seen his power would be able to tell.

Because it would mean that a country that surpasses all the currently existing countries in military power will be born all of a sudden.

At the very least, in the time that Makoto and his close aides are alive, they wouldn’t be able to enter a full-out war without that country, is what Hibiki thought.

“He doesn’t have the intentions to become a king or a God either. Because of that, his inability for authority is unconsciously showing, and thinks that the Goddess is an enemy of equal ground. I seriously don’t understand him…” (Hibiki)

Hibiki’s waist falls to the ground.

Hibiki sits in the cold corridor.

“My legs gave out…but that’s a given, right? If I made a mistake, I might have ended up dead cold right now at this place. Not only my spirit, even my body was enduring the fear huh.” (Hibiki)

An absolute strength.

Currently for Hibiki, that’s exactly what Misumi Makoto is.

The moment those straining feelings loosened, Hibiki’s body reminded her that.

What she wanted to ask, her invitation, and also, the confrontation she feared.

For Hibiki, the conversation just now was something she challenged with the feelings of standing on thin ice.

(He is already not in a dimension where I can think of him in human standards. Earthquake, tsunami, eruption, tornado…he is close to those. Fighting against him is not that realistic, but…as long as it is someone that moves with a will, I can’t ignore it. Seriously, he has become quite the monster.) (Hibiki)

Hibiki then notices.

That within herself, two things began to bother her.

The first one is something that she had already expected.

They were her own emotions after all.

(Then why I don’t obey him? If it’s just in military power, he surpasses that of a country; a monster in the skin of a human. No matter what Limia tries to do, they probably wouldn’t be able to beat him. Then there should be no other choice but to curry his favor, and yet…) (Hibiki)

The lights of the land near the castle she was looking at were few, and as she saw them grow sparse, Hibiki sunk into silence.

(…I see. It is hatred. I can’t forgive the demon race. They have burned many villages, killed many hyumans, and also my comrade…Naval as well. Ah, maybe that’s why.) (Hibiki)

Hibiki nodded a few times.

Facing your own emotions and controlling them.

It is something important, but difficult to do.

When those emotions turn so natural that they seemer deep into yourself, it becomes even harder to do.

Overcoming the death of a comrade is also a different matter.

Hibiki finally understood why she didn’t choose to completely curry favor on Makoto.

(Of course, I have killed many of them as well. Within them, there should have been people with comrades, family, and lovers. Even so, I hate the demon race. I see…so this is how it feels to be a concerned party. Is the hatred of war something so troublesome?) (Hibiki)

Hibiki was surprised that within her deepest self, hatred towards the demon race had piled up.

It is true that the demon race is the enemy, and there’s no doubt that they are a hateful enemy, but she didn’t know that it was binding her this much.

Since she thought she had it somewhat under control, this was shocking.

(To curry the favor of Makoto-kun, I would have to affirm his ideals even if it is only on the outside. In other words, it would become hard to continue the war. That’s why I…) (Hibiki)

In other words, she wished for the continuation of the war.

With her hand covering her mouth, Hibiki’s pair of eyes opened wide.

(That’s why I can’t. I want to bring down my enemy. That’s right. Until I kill Io, I…) (Hibiki)

Thinking about the reason why she wanted the war to continue, she reached an answer.

In the end, it was an incredibly personal reason, and Hibiki was amazed of herself.

Even though it was not funny at all, she felt a laugh coming out from within her throat.

After a while, the laughing stopped, but Hibiki didn’t stand up and was sitting just like that.

She was thinking about the other thing that was bothering her.

(I…what did I feel a sense of discomfort in? The moment I thought of Makoto-kun as a monster, I certainly felt it… Right, ‘refuge’! He said that when the world goes into chaos and turns into an End of the Century era, they could just go take refuge for a while. Why is there a need to take refuge? There’s no doubt that the world will fall into great chaos if the Goddess is defeated. But it is not a situation where individuals with power or organizations would take refuge. If it’s the Kuzunoha Company, it is realistically possible to even be able to become the number one company. But he said that he would be taking refuge.) (Hibiki)

That word coming from someone strong made Hibiki feel a sense of discomfort.

(Just that, when it comes from the mouth of Makoto, it doesn’t feel that strange. Refuge huh. A safe place. In other words, he has a place where no matter if the world has fallen into chaos, he is able to secure safety. That wouldn’t be his store. In the variant incident at Rotsgard, the Kuzunoha Company’s store was destroyed. Also, Rotsgard and Tsige won’t be spared from the chaos.) (Hibiki)

Hibiki lists out the places where Makoto has connections with.

Because she wanted to grasp even if a little bit more information of Makoto and his tendencies.

(! There is. The place that he arrived in when he came to this world. The border of the world. If he has a base in the deepest parts of that wasteland, it would signify that it is safe. They would be able to cut themselves away and live peacefully for years. For him who doesn’t think about calming the chaos himself, it is plenty possible.) (Hibiki)

She digs out the memory she had of Tsige where she went to train temporarily in.

She tries to remember as many stories of bases in the wasteland as possible.

And then, she arrives at one answer.

In the first place, those kind of talks are rare, and by elimination process, it was plenty possible to arrive at ‘that’ place.

“…The Mirage Town. I don’t want to think it is possible, but could it be, that’s the base of Makoto-kun -of the Kuzunoha Company?” (Hibiki)

A Mirage Town that a few number in Tsige have heard of.

In the end, Hibiki returned to Limia without going to that town.

But the more she thought about it, the closer she felt the relation between Kuzunoha Company and that Mirage Town.

“A mirage town located somewhere in the wasteland. If that’s his base, his first store being in Tsige begins to look like a splendid decoy. The wasteland is his base and has set up a store at Tsige. That’s right, if he already had a base by the time he left the wasteland and entered Tsige…” (Hibiki)

Hibiki noticed one other scary thing.

Her words stop unconsciously.

(For a base, the wasteland is just far. WAY too far! A base needs to be in a place where one can return in a short amount of time. His Majesty and prince Joshua said this when they returned from Rotsgard, that they have broken the long distance teleportation that the Kuzunoha Company was relying on… That’s a lie. It hasn’t been broken. They don’t use the merchant transportation method to ‘return’, they have in their hands a stable long-distance teleportation. Because they are able to take refuge after all.) (Hibiki)

Hibiki doesn’t know of Asora.

She does know that there’s a mirage town somewhere in the vast border of the world.

It would be impossible for her to be able to predict a parallel space, so even if it’s not a perfect correct answer, it was a guess that was close to what Makoto’s base is.

(If he is able to do business in this world while ignoring distance completely, it would be logical how he is able to have a store and has allowance to do peddling around the whole world. Yeah. Kuzunoha Company is like the Goddess, if I were to consider them an existence living on a different plane altogether… They declared that they didn’t have interest in the war, so there’s many ways to deal with this.) (Hibiki)

Hibiki thinks about how she will be interacting with the Kuzunoha Company.

At the same time, she was estimating the way to progress in the war with the demon race.

(It is slightly different from the request of Waterfall, but if I have Makoto-kun compromise that he won’t be destroying the world, it is still salvageable. If we are able to bring the advantages of Kuzunoha Company and him to the hyumans…next, as long as the demon race does a big move in the time that the Goddess is still okay, there’s the chance that it will turn advantageous for us. But well, the demon race is also hostile to the Goddess, so there’s not much for me to worry about in this part huh.)

Hibiki stands up.

She walks towards the opposite direction of the passage that Makoto walked away in.

Even when she knew Kuzunoha Company’s power to a certain degree, her eyes didn’t show the light of giving up, it reflected strength.

Makoto and Hibiki’s conversation, and Hibiki’s monologue. That one act had ended.

At one of the castle’s spires pretty far away from the passage, one shadow was sitting there.

It is the roof portion of the spire that shouldn’t have people to begin with.

The girl that was eavesdropping at the whole conversation of Makoto and Hibiki, first smiled with her mouth, and it spread all the way to her eyes.

“Ufufufu, a breakdown. That’s a given-desu. Waka-sama and Hibiki’s way of thinking about the current state was simply coincidentally similar after all. It has gone well.”

Makoto’s follower, Mio.

Mio had created a flow where it would lead to Makoto and Hibiki’s conversation, and induced it.

But she didn’t manipulate the result, and didn’t interfere in it either.

Mio was able to read to a certain degree what was going to happen if they were to clash their opinions.

“When I heard Tomoe-san’s assessment of Hibiki, it came to me. That it would be fine; that Waka-sama and her are not compatible. It is Hibiki who doesn’t know of what’s beneath, and Waka-sama who, in a sense, only looks from beneath. It was an obvious result-desu.” (Mio)

The assessment Mio heard from Tomoe.

It is something that even now Hibiki isn’t aware of, a subconscious part.

From what Tomoe said: Hibiki doesn’t know of the standing of the weak.

What Tomoe said of Hibiki was that: ‘She doesn’t understand the standing of the absolute weak. Because that girl believes that if they do their best, they will be able to bring about results-ja. No matter how they struggle it will be for naught, she doesn’t know that there are people that can only be weak. Well, she herself can do anything she tries to do, so since she is young, thinking that way can’t be helped~’.

And in truth, that’s what Hibiki thinks.

If you try till death, people will be able to bring about some results.

Of course, there’s many people in reality that can bring about ‘some’ results, but in society, there’s also a part that can’t do anything no matter what they try.

Not only the environment and the talent, there’s also cases where there’s external pressure they can’t go against.

But Hibiki, who clearly has not been a concerned party of these cases and even in Earth was born in a blessed household in Japan and with high talent, speaking about how much she understands of the current state, just like how Tomoe said, it is a part that can’t be helped.

On the other hand, Makoto doesn’t hold the point of view of a strong one.

Even in the parts of position and responsibility, he doesn’t understand in what stage he should be standing in.

Without any jokes and exaggeration, a responsibility that fits the strength of Makoto would be to act while thinking about the whole world in itself.

“It is because the more she learns, the more she doesn’t understand. That’s why, Hibiki is cautious towards Waka-sama. And so, because she is unable to bring him in, what they are trying to do is to exclude Waka-sama as much as possible from the war. But Waka-sama won’t consent.” (Mio)

Mio was laughing in a truly gleeful manner.

The figure of Mio laughing simple-mindedly below the moonlight felt like it had madness drifting about, and a dangerous beauty.

“That’s because Waka-sama doesn’t care if it’s hyuman of demi-human after all. He would help out the demi-humans that are troubled, but that’s all. What’s important for that personage is his own circle. And from the hyumans that I have seen, there was an abundance of idiots, so his preference turned into demi-humans, that’s all. It is so simple, and yet…everyone can’t understand it. That’s just strange-desu wa.” (Mio)

Mio looks at the true character of Makoto in that way.

That’s correct.

That’s why Makoto is still involving himself with hyumans, and at the same time, he has turned into a point where he can’t hold a wider field of vision no matter how much time passes.

“It is impossible to not get involved in the war. If there’s people troubled coming from it, Waka-sama will act. There’s no way he would think about what would happen in the future or the troublesome things that might come. There’s no need to match the pace of Hibiki who only thinks about big things like the future, the world. In the first place, that’s all empty dreams. Waka-sama most likely noticed it with this. To begin with, future things should be thought by the people of the future-desu wa. No matter what Waka-sama who lives in the present does, no matter what happens to the world because of it, it is simply an unavoidable destiny for the people that will be born later.” (Mio)

She once again voices out an unreasonable logic.

But Mio originally doesn’t care for anyone other than Makoto.

That’s why, for her. what makes Makoto happy is the correct thing to do.

If the noise is getting unbearable and her master is troubled, she wants to remove the seed of that distress.

The actions of Mio this time, were simply because of that.

Just that, Makoto takes in mind his surroundings way too much, to the point of overdoing it.

That’s why Mio moved slightly indirectly.

“The hyumans, the demons, and that one above, are really annoying. Waka-sama is saying that he doesn’t have any interest, so you should just go kill among yourselves as much as you want in a place that Waka-sama’s eyes don’t reach-desu. Seriously.” (Mio)

Mio disappearing from the spire, and those words, were done at almost the same time.


“Eh? Isn’t that Priestess-san -ah no, Priestess-sama?”


Before arriving at my room, I encountered an unexpected person.

One member of Senpai’s party, the priestess of Lorel. If I remember correctly…her name was Chiya.

She looks like she is the same age as Rinon, so she is probably 12-13.

Even though it is already pretty late in the night, she was standing there as if lying in wait for me.

Her attire is also probably not the one she uses when going to sleep.

“Ehm…do you have business with me?” (Makoto)

She maintained her silence, but I ask her who has been staring at me all this time.

“I am the priestess of Lorel, my name is Chiya. First of all, I want to apologize for my impoliteness. I am very sorry.” (Chiya)

She lowers her head deeply.

The 90° type, the one that bends the body a lot.

“You suddenly collapsed, so please don’t mind it too much. I have heard a bit of the circumstances after all. Uhm, I would be happy if you were to tell me what you can about what you saw though.” (Makoto)

“It is not only for the matter of me collapsing. In the time of the dinner, I was unable to take part in it, not even once.” (Chiya)

“Your physical condition was not good, so it didn’t affect my mood. It is something that can’t be helped.” (Makoto)

It is true that in the dinners, I was together with Senpai and prince Joshua a lot, but I haven’t been together with the priestess once.

In one instance, there was clearly a seat prepared for her and even the meal was prepared, and yet, she didn’t come.

At that time, it was a probably a ‘maybe’ case, but if her condition is not good, there should be no responsibility taken in not being able to attend to a dinner. Even when she is this young, she is quite the level-headed girl.

“Thank you very much. My impoliteness can be taken as the impoliteness of Lorel, so it is great that you say that.” (Chiya)

But she is so stiff.

It is not an atmosphere fitting her age.

This is not something that requires an apology, but it is certainly true that what she saw interests me.

About what she saw that could make a girl like this lose herself and faint.


That’s why I stay silent and wait for her next words.

“I rudely tried to peek into the true nature of you and your Kuzunoha Company’s entourage. Even if it’s my power as a priestess, it is an action that wouldn’t be helped if you were to scorn me. If you so wish to, it might be my duty to give you the answer of that result.” (Chiya)

“No well, I don’t really scorn you or anything…” (Makoto)

In the first place, it is something that Senpai made you do.

Also, if a girl of her age were to get the power to see inside others, I don’t think it would be strange to want to use it.

Well, the Priestess-san doesn’t fit that much into the kids of her age though.

“What I saw in Lime was a gentle large tree. Lush leaves wet in rain were glittering, and…maybe it was making it its dwelling? The young figure of a dragon was visible. I don’t know if it’s a hint to something, but I felt like he was a likeable person. That’s how I viewed it.” (Chiya)

A gentle large tree.

And a young dragon huh.

I see.

So it is true that she can see things only she can.

But it comprises many truths. There’s a high chance that it truly touches their essence.

“Mio-san was…a big black spider. The Calamity Spider. Around its neck there was a big choker, and that spider looked like it was lovingly caring for that choker that had a chain attached to it.” (Chiya)

So it saw through Mio’s true identity perfectly huh.

But a choker…

That’s probably hinting at the pact.

In that case…this girl saw that chain connected to me?

“Yeah. There’s a lot regarding Mio. As you can see, she is no longer the rampaging monster with no sense of sanity. In most cases, she is safer than in the past so…” (Makoto)

“…No matter if I make a racket about it, I have already reached the conclusion that the situation won’t change for the better anyways. Please don’t mind it.” (Chiya)

“I see…that’s great.” (Makoto)

“And, you were…a pure white hyuman-shaped form with no features.” (Chiya)

Something like a white doll?

No, I don’t think that’s all there’s to it.

It is not something to collapse for.

“A white hyuman shape with no facial features huh. Once again, I don’t know what it means.” (Makoto)

“Sorry. I have awakened this power just recently, so I still can’t accurately grasp the meaning of the things that I see.” (Chiya)

“No, I wasn’t blaming you.” (Makoto)

“Just that, that white hyuman shape had a crack. A small crack.” (Chiya)

“A crack?” (Makoto)

“At that part…… Sorry. At that part, in my eyes, it looked like…there was something incredibly repulsive dwelling there.” (Chiya)

Repulsive is quite the word.

Leaving aside my outward appearance, is this the route where it is telling me that even my true nature is ugly?

Something like this really depresses me.

“Was it something so repulsive that it made you collapse?” (Makoto)

“I don’t know. I didn’t looking straight at it for long after all.” (Chiya)

“I see…” (Makoto)



“Please! There’s probably nothing I can do, but…! Please…don’t bring that ‘thing’ outside! If you call yourself a merchant, please!!” (Chiya)

“Uo, ehm, please calm down a bit.” (Makoto)

When I thought there was a short silence, the Priestess-san draws closer as if she had lost it.

Moreover, what she asked me to do is something I have no way of doing anything about.

In the first place, what is ‘that’?

Something that not even I know myself, there’s no way I would be able to control if it comes out or not, you know?

While trying to somehow calm the Priestess-san, I was troubled by the request that I was unable to nod at.

The Priestess-san that had returned to herself, was heaving with her shoulders going up and down while having a tension-filled face. Because of the same reason, her whole body was still stiff.

“I-I am very sorry.” (Chiya)

“Uhm, I don’t understand it well, but I will do my best, so it would be better if you didn’t pay much mind to it. You might have seen something dangerous, but it seems like it isn’t showing you the future or anything like that.” (Makoto)

“I heard this from Onee— I mean, Hibiki-sama, but she said that you don’t hold a religious belief towards the Goddess? Ah, it is not like I am condemning you. For the sake of future reference, can I hear about what you rely on, whether it be in the Spirit-samas or in the studies, and the teachings and thoughts you hold?” (Chiya)

“Hah? The teachings and thoughts?” (Makoto)

“Yes. The teachings of the Goddess, the teachings of the four elemental Spirits that are born from those, and the truth that a number of scholars have arrived at in their studies. Those kind of things.” (Chiya)

“…I don’t have those. I don’t have much interest in religion, even so, if told that science is everything, I also think that’s not the case. What I rely on huh. Hmm….” (Makoto)


The Priestess-san looks at me and was dumbfounded.

Maybe she thought she would get some sort of thoughts of mine immediately.

That’s just unreasonable.

“Well, I do have experience in an art called archery that has created some rules inside myself. Are you fine with that?” (Makoto)

“Please let me hear them.” (Chiya)

“It is not something complicated or anything like that. It is to do what you have decided to do with your own power. It is something that you have decided to do, so don’t rely on someone else, and adhere to it with your own discipline. It is quite vague in many points, but it is something like that. But in truth, there’s only one thing that I have decided myself to do though.” (Makoto)

“What would that be?” (Chiya)

Maybe she is used to listening to the talk of others, it feels like this Priestess-san is easy to speak with.

…One of the reasons might be because she is a kid though.

“To continue with the bow. In the future, no matter what path I take, no matter what employment I have, no matter what place I end up living in, I have decided to continue with the bow for the rest of my life. That’s all there is.” (Makoto)

“…I see. To continue doing something, no matter what it is, it will require strong will. It may be difficult, but I think it is a splendid thought.” (Chiya)

“Thanks. I feel like I am being comforted though.” (Makoto)

When you decide you will do it, you will definitely do it…” (Chiya)

“Priestess-sama? By the way, how are you feeling? If you are still not feeling well, I can provide you with medicine just in case.” (Makoto)

“Wah? ah…I-It’s okay.” (Chiya)

“I see. In that case, it is already late, so how about returning to your room? If you need to, I can accompany you partway.” (Makoto)

“I will return by myself. I am grateful for your consideration. Sorry for intruding so late in the night. Have a good night.” (Chiya)

“Good night.” (Makoto)

How old was the girl I was talking to?

That’s the kind of impression I had remaining even now.

“Ah, Boss. Welcome back. The priestess was here a while ago, you know. Didn’t you meet her on the way?” (Lime)

“Yeah, I did. That girl, she came alone to this room huh.” (Makoto)

“Yeh, she said she wanted to apologize to Boss. I told her that you are not someone who would mind that, and that I would tell you when you come back, so she should return and sleep, but she didn’t listen.” (Lime)

“I see. Well, the talk felt similar to that, Gentle Large Tree-san.” (Makoto)

“Hah?” (Lime)

“The white featureless one will go to sleep now. Good night.” (Makoto)

“Okay…Good night, Boss.” (Lime)

The day of leaving Limia is close.

The home of Hibiki-senpai, the Limia Kingdom.

I did think that it was somewhat comfortable, but…it became a lot more tiresome visit than I expected.

I don’t have the power to think about the future of the country and the world in whole like Senpai does.

I can’t even understand individuals well, so there’s no way I would be able to understand hundreds of wills, and the country that is like the crystallization of the race’s will.

The Demon Lord, Senpai, and the Kings of each nation probably understand those things though.

But I who can’t even grasp the circumstances and tendencies of my company employees, this is just a heavy talk.

I can’t do it, but I should at least make an effort huh.

I should try to pursue what I can do.

When I return to Asora, I should try speaking with Tomoe and Shiki about it. Ah, when I return, I should show myself in Kaleneon.

….After that, a small talk with Zef…

Because I was doing some thinking, or more like, a lot happened and it is already this late of an hour, my thoughts were cut off in the middle.

Drowsiness is the best.

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View Comments

  • Hibiki has always been praised even in earth.

    SS with Makoto's sister shows that Waka-sama has never tasted being on the strong side, he was weak when he was a child since his body cannot adapt to Earth. He's a Hyuman, not a human. His body trained itself to be able to adapt to the environment which made him not so weak in earth anymore.

    Either way, Hibiki just shows how people normally are in this war situation. If she was sent into the same environment as Makoto, have her try to survive a harsh world. She might have the same path as Makoto.

    • Ah, now you say it..... If Makoto and Hibiki are to fight hand in combat in that world.... What will happen I wonder?

      • err.... what do you mean by 'fight hand in combat' do you mean
        : - 'Makoto and Hibiki fight side by side'
        - 'Makoto and Hibiki fight with each other' ?
        if the first, its almost impossible unless there's something that snap makoto to 'battle mode' that have the coincidentally have the same enemy with hibiki (since makoto already state that he NEUTRAL)
        if the second, the answer will always GET REKT, hibiki cant even defeat Mio , heck even Makoto in 'super low stats Materia Prima and slow regen mode' only get to hurt him a bit (if in FULL-FRONTAL mode, she wont be able to made even a slight cip on his Materia Prima)

        • No well what I meant is that fight between Makoto and Hibiki.... I just want to know which one's pure strength is better since both came from Earth. But Makoto's body only able to adapt there while Hibiki purely Human. .....Ah, sorry if it's hard to understand.

          • In a physical figth, without magic, Hibiki migth be faster but Makoto has more strengh, remember when he fough Shen in the desert, he didn't use any phisical boost and his punch where hard enough for a Superior Drangon compared it to be hitted with a brick. So we can asumme that in that World his base physical stats are on par with beings such a Superior Dragons and such, I don't think that Hibiki or Tomoki are at that level.

          • See, the tricky thing with this is that at this point, Makoto's mana was unlocked and he recieved the entirety of Tsukuyomi's power.

            It's not too far fetched to imagine that gave him some crazy physical power boost too.

            The only way to get a "fair" comparison would be if they arm wrestled or something on Earth. I guess it's worth mentioning that someone said using bows takes more strength than kendo.

          • My friend I will have to disagree with you there, it hasn't been mentioned if he used magic in that figth for anything else more that fire brids. I don't know if in a unconciouss level he was using body reinforcement, but thats a magic the we haven't been shown Makoto using, and he didn't even had an idea of what Sakai was at that figth (if my memorie serve's me rigth, can't trust that bastard). Besides he went three days, with out eating or drinking water in the desert, with extreme temperature changes and barely noticing it, he went though a B ranked monster like he was tofu, all that only by his body stats in that world alone, I don't believe that either Hibiki or Tomoki could do those things on physical level alone. Now on earth if they fough as an archer and a swordman, well I don't think that Hibiki would ever guet the chance to guet close enough to him to make her status as a swordman matter. But I am a Makoto fan boy so don't trust to mutch in my previsions.

          • No, you're right. I didn't think that Makoto was really "using" his magic combatively besides what we saw.   What I was saying was speculation that having all of Moonbro's power and all that mana in him gave him a stronger body in itself.

            Let's see...ah. Think Makoto's body as a balloon, and all the power swelling inside him as air or water. Because he has so much power inside him, the force from him hitting anything around him is already stronger than it waa before.  

            This is admittedly still speculation, but my point is that just having that power could have skewed Makoto's physical power too much for a "fair" comparison.

          • Ok, I haven't think of that, I don't buy it, but is a valid point. Although Tsuki-bro said that since he was a hyuman that adapted to earth without any blessing or assistance he should be stronger that both Heroes, I don't know if it was refering to his Magic power or overall.

      • by fight between do you mean in a sense without power ? (pure PRIME-EARTH strength) or fight with the blessing of gods ? (in which it definitelly Makoto wins because hibiki will absolutely getting REKTED, she cant even win again Mio, how the heck she can even win again Makoto who can even maim Athena, a god of war)

      • hmm... in pure PRIME-EARTH strength huh.... i cant give answer for that since for that thing we need to know the side-stories , since hibiki learn about kendo and makoto is archery...even though makoto learn a lot of other martial art basic before focusing solely on archery

  • hibiki finally see she is the same as makoto. boo boo and u still dare to judge people. chiya so cute hahaha. for the crack it might be the losing of his humanity through violent act like when he killed the adventure. I will still say let the sleeping dragon sleep. talking about. dragon.... could waterfall be brainwash by bug????

    • I don't think she's. The power Makoto showed when he fought....who was it? Dragon slayer. Well, it just overwhelmed Waterfall with fear. She had just been killed by that dragon slayer, which is a bad girl and really strong. Now someone even stronger with enmity to the goddess appeared. Thinking like: what if he decide to destroy the world? That power is too much for a hyuman. He won't use the power for good sakes, etc. And lead her to what she's doing now. Fear will clouded one's mind, I conclude!

      • Mind if I quote Yoda real quick?

        "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate... leads to suffering" --Yoda, Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace

        Sorry, but your words right there reminded me of that.

        • Oh, is that how it went? I've seen it twisted around I don't even know the original quote anymore.

          Last I remembered, it was "Fear leads to hate. Hate leads to violence. Violence leads to destruction."

  • Thanks 4 the chapter!

    Makes me wonder how Hibiki would fare when given a Kobayashi Maru scenario.
    And Makoto technically is a leader of a nation, a world even, it's just no one outside his company knows about it. Except for the Gods from Earth.

  • Contrary to Makoto's impression Hibiki is surprisingly stupid and naive what comes after the war with demons isn't peace but rather this would be the mark were hyumans themselves would start a war with each other starting with the Empire were Tomoki would lead it under the pretext of conquering the world since their common enemy the demons are already their slaves. That's why the real solution to gain peace is to have a very strong neutral organization that would serve as their mediator for peace negotiations and the ones that would control , extinguish the sparks of war which is only the Kuzunoha Company would be capable of

    • Literally all the moral panic arguments that Hibiki used were improvised attempts to manipulate our rather spineless protagonist. The story has repeatedly shown that she herself plans to immediately go to war against Gritonia after the current genocide ends. This has been confirmed from her own monologues.

      The supposed hero is basically a violent narcissist hiding behind a veneer of civility. She's exploiting everyone and everything she can to construct a scenario where she comes out as the mother of some grand nation. She produces countless rationalizations for her behavior, but in the end she moves on petty and selfish motives. Casual betrayal of allies, holding the spiritual leader of an allied nation hostage, grooming the heir to the most powerful noble family as her adherent, using the protagonist's clear goodwill and naivete to extract information, plotting against her benefactor Mio, and more. These are not the actions of an idealist.

      As an aside you ought to keep in mind that she has a mind altering power very similar to Tomoki's. In her case it instills feelings of awe and reverence, leading the victims to defer to her judgement and eventually become zealous followers/worshippers.

      • To be a little fair to Hibiki, Lily has plans of her own for Limia, after the war ends. Birds of a feather and all that, I suppose?

        You know, I kind of find their optimism endearing (in the watching a clumsy 3 year old bumbling about kind of way).

        Even after the heroes arrived, Hyumans have yet to achieve anything we can call a victory against Demons. Not only did their great attempt at pushing the Demons back end in a complete disaster, but they also got caught with their pants down with the Variant incident. The Demons used both opportunities to outmaneuver the Hyuman forces and strike at Limia's capital.

        If not for the Bug reaching deep into her bag of miracles and pulling out Makoto, twice in a row, forget Limia, there wouldn't even be a Gritonia around by now.

        So I find it cute how both Lily and Hibiki are already thinking about after the war, like it will end any day now in their favor, and that they assume their countries will be left in a state where they can actually still do anything, at all.

        As for Hibiki's power, to me it doesn't seem anywhere near as potent as Tomoki's. Remember, that she was only able to influence young nobles to her way of thinking (like that Hopelace kid). She has expressed before how frustrated she was with the older nobles and their shortsightedness. That they didn't heed her advice to move the capital to a more strategic location, and probably other stuff as well. That doesn't sound like a bunch that was being controlled by her Charisma.

        We just do not have enough information to figure out just how her gift of Charisma actually works.

        But, to me it seems that those who are already set in their ways are unlikely to be "dominated" (for lack of a better word) by that power. At most, they'll have a more favorable opinion towards her, and therefore more likely to consider her words, rather than outright dismissing them.

        I think her true gift from Bug, was not the power to influence people, but to draw strength from those whom she influenced in her favor. So the gift of Charisma makes it easier for people to open up to her, to the point where they form a connection to her (like the faithful do to their god), which in turn allows her to draw their power through that connection.

        Hmmm, you know, given Bug's sloppy personality, she probably took shortcuts with the heroes' gifts, the same she did with Makoto's gift of language comprehension, and for Hibiki she simply copy-pasted the divine ability to draw power from the faithful. Then she removed some features and reduced the potency, then called it the gift of Charisma.

        Since it's just a power to create a connection with others and use it to draw power from them, it seems like a much "Smaller" gift than comprehension of every language in the multiverse, minus the ability to speak Hyuman. So something Hibiki's smaller vessel can easily contain.

        • .....Hmm. I wonder how things would've turned out if Hibiki got rhe Charm power and Tomoki the Charisma?

          • Hahaha that's an interesting scenario.

            I bet Tomoki would be a lost cause (in a different sense than now).

            I think the only reason he could get "close" to others, is because he could Charm them. Otherwise he'd be too much of a coward to go around and create the necessary connections with people. He would be the Hikikomori Hero.

            I have this image of Lily taking him out of a closet whenever she needs his power, then putting him back after use. Like the tool that he is.

            As for Hibiki, I think we all know what would happen... :D

  • Thanks for the chapter!
    Mio and Tomoe guessed Hibiki and Makoto's nature really well. Mio might be the one to blindly follow Makoto, but Tomoe is I think trying to broaden Makoto's understanding and point of view.

  • He doesn't need to make a county he already has. He could probably decimate most country's by just letting the wolves attack them and the poverty hit novel updates before this chapter did.

  • "That boy doesn’t even have the intention of founding a nation. If he at least had something like that…” Didn't he pretty much already did that in Asora and in the godess world by taking Kalaneon from the demons territories.
    (…I see. It is hatred. I can’t forgive the demon race. They have burned many villages, killed many hyumans, and also my comrade…Naval as well. Ah, maybe that’s why.)
    Well at least she realized that but that makes her even more hypocrite since it voided more or less all her previous arguments in the previous chapter and.... bitch please do you really think hyumans are saints and never did such a thing before?
    Also she was able to understand that Makoto has something akind to a base while once again her theory is only half right though, it's even worst to makes move based on half right assumptions.
    "From what Tomoe said: Hibiki doesn’t know of the standing of the weak"
    Yep indeed her who has only be at the top can't understand that. Well in the end she just a child who doesn't understand how the world itself trully works.
    Well that was a great chapter as usual! Hope it help Makoto moves in a more ineresting way too. Is it weird that I want to see hyumans making a lot of dumb moves for him to takes care of them...well if such a thing happen it will be like 90% Tomoki and the Empire who will try something.... can't wait to see that!
    Thanks for the chap

    • As I see it, both Makoto and Hibiki are gray morality wise (somewhat normal, different shades of gray though), while Trashmoki is black (low life scum).

    • here is my thought about otherworlder

      hibiki: she always live with good situations. popular, rich, beautiful, natural born leader, strong, genius in many aspect. this makes her to unintentionally drunk with power. also stated in this chapter that hibiki doesnt know the standing weak.
      the bug actually and unintentionally gives her trial to make her realize her standing and changed her view bit by bit for better or worse- who know....

      thats also what happen to tomoki, he is really popular and that bait peoples jealously and make them bully him. this makes her to give tomoki charm power. so that he can actually understand how it feels bullying someone and hoping that he actually realize that he's reflecting. when he meet absolute power like makoto, it would change his view. just like what repeatedly stated in many anime: people can grow by making mistake.

      sadly, thats happen to makoto too.... makoto weak in that world due his origin in bug's world. and after he arrive in this world, he still treated bad so that he actually have a weak mind want to getting stronger. unintentionally make him into power hungry anti villain. by able to communicate with all mamono, the bug might actually hoping that he would actually become the two heroes enemy so that they can grow....

      afterall bug isnt god for nothing y'know

      • Yeah, I call bs. There's no way that useless thing put any thoughts into her actions, let alone those thoughts. Even her fellow gods view her as a huge disappointment.

    • people call him king of asora, but he see himself as the landlord, he does really rule and doesn't see himself has founding a nation. kalaneon is ruled by eva&ema I think. So he does show any feeeling of wanting to found a nation that hibiki could have pick up, and don't forget that both asora and kaleneon are secrets, there is no way people to admit what they dont know

  • "If Makoto were to become a king, if he were to announce that he would be founding a nation, the hyumans and demons wouldn’t be able to ignore it."

    girl he is already one step from apotheosis, he already made use of creation, you, trashmoki, the demon king, root, or even the bug just need to push him a little and it will be.

    • Imagined scene from Demon King Makoto *what if*
      Makoto : Shiki, how the deployement of mass cursing device ?
      Shiki : All device has been stealthily placed in every capital, ready to be deployed ar your command.
      Makoto : Tomoe, Root is going to intercept us this time, can I trust you with that ?
      Tomoe : for I am has already surpassed ordinary dragon race, my silver color is shining and ready desu-zo, one or three Root won't be a problem.
      Makoto : Mio, we need to preserve our strength for needless bloodshed of civilians, who knows if there's any demi-human mixed in the city, can you put a big show to crush the morale of enemy soldier ?
      Mio : sure desu-wa, but I'm afraid when I'm done there's no soldier left remaing.
      Makoto : That much is fine, they are soldier afterall, we only need to guarantee the life of our demi-human comrades, that's why Shiki curses are necessary.
      Makoto : Then let's start our war to the world, we will write the shortest war ever recorded !

      .... something like that ?

      • You know, the shortest war ever recorded would be:

        Makoto: *walks into world power conference* I formally declare war on the world. *shoots at image of "hyumans"*

      • @psycho hey hey hey ! some of the 'Hyuman' are decent like Toa party, Rembrant, his student, the prostitute manager, the Gotetsu owner, and... some....

    • .... I want to believe he will restrain himself from going that, after all there's still Toa and Rinon, I believe Makoto won't kill off his "circle"

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