Categories: Weakest Mage

WM – Chapter 224: Takatsuki Makoto arrives 1,000 years into the past

TLN: Thanks for telling me about the spoilers guys!

Also, don’t worry about me, I have already been spoiled to death. I am just sad that it seems to have hit a good number of people. Ban hammer has been given!

For a speedier response, you guys can message me to!

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I crossed the gate and an intense headache attacked me.

I held my head and by the time I noticed, I was inside pitch black darkness.

I couldn’t see anything, couldn’t hear anything.

I felt like all my senses were taken away.

I don’t know if my eyes were open or shut. 

Am I breathing or am I not?

How much time passed? 

It might have been an instant, or maybe a long time.

I couldn’t even notice that I had lost consciousness.


The moment I woke up, I was in an unknown place.

There was a rainbow colored barrier around.

(Is this…the spell of Ira-sama?) (Makoto)

I lightly pushed the barrier with my finger, and it crumbled without making a sound.

Looks like it was set to be undone the moment I woke up.

When I looked around, what was reflected in my eyes was an unduly vast wasteland.

There wasn’t enough grass for it to be called a prairie, and there weren’t enough trees to be called a forest.

A wasteland that hasn’t been tended to. 

I don’t remember this.

Is this 1,000 years in the past…?

I look up at the sky. 

It was covered in pitch black clouds.

The light of the sun isn’t coming down, and the whole world looks ashen.

(Pitch Black Clouds…) (Makoot)

The sight of the Dark Era that I learned of in the temple was spreading before me.

This is without doubt 1,000 years in the past.

(…Noah-sama.) (Makoto)

I call her inside my mind, but there’s no response.

I opened my Soul Book.

The words [Goddess Noah-sama’s Apostle] are gone.

The Spirit User Skill I was given is still there. The dagger on my waist is also proof that I was the believer of Noah-sama.

(I had no acquaintances in this world…) (Makoto)

My memories of the time when I left the Water Temple and began my journey alone.

No, I could have returned to the Water Temple if I felt like I couldn’t take it.

Also, I knew that Fuji-yan was in Makkaren.

But here…I don’t even have a place to return to.

Uneasiness gradually began to rear its face.

…[Clear Mind].

Calm down.

“Let’s search for Savior Abel…” (Makoto)

Move forward.

Stop thinking unnecessary things.

It is okay. I am sure things will go well.


“I don’t see a single person though…” (Makoto)

My monologues grew in frequency. 

I have been walking around for several hours already.

I saw wild animals here and there, but I haven’t met a single human.

I am getting depressed.

Or more like, is there no town or village?

Where am I?

Ira-sama said I should be appearing somewhere in Rozes, but this place doesn’t match any part of my memories.

If only I could at least find the Shimei Lake that is at the center of Rozes, I could tell my location…

At that moment…



I heard a conversation from afar.

Yay, humans! 

I was about to run there, but I stopped myself.

…This is currently the Dark Era that’s ruled by the Great Demon Lord.

There’s the chance it is demons.

Rather, the chances of that are high.

“[Stealth].” (Makoto)

I erase my presence and slowly get closer to the source of the voices.

Fortunately, the grass of the wasteland is tall, so I could get close just by crouching.

With Eavesdrop, I listen to the conversation.

“Hehe~, this is my prey. I found it.” 

“What’s with that? Don’t say something so stingy. Give me half.” 

“……Ah! …S-Save me…” 

The conversation I heard couldn’t be called refined by any standards.

A miss, huh.

“[Farsight].” (Makoto)

There were 3 people.

One is a young girl.

She is trembling most likely because of fear.

The remaining two…are monsters.

One is a chimera, the other is a griffon.

They look like normal monsters, but they are talking fluently.

…Monsters could talk 1,000 years ago?

“Then, I will get the upper half.” 

“Aah, not fair. The lower half is hard to eat.” 

The two monsters seem to be having a discussion about how to share her.

The girl couldn’t move at all from pure fear.

At that moment, letters showed in front of me.

[Will you save the girl?]

Yes ←


That time when I left the Water Temple and when I fought goblins for the first time passed through my mind.

I didn’t hesitate in my choice.

“XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Spirit-sans, Spirit-sans, lend me your strength).” (Makoto)


When I called the Spirits, I received a response that surpassed my expectations.

As if they were waiting impatiently for this moment.

A massive amount of mana gathered in an instant.

The air trembled and the ground shook.

Crap, I gathered a bit too much mana!

“What? Who are you?!” 

“Oi oi, is a human planning on going against us?” 

The monsters obviously noticed me.

The two monsters were coming at me at an astounding speed.

I was thinking about hitting them with a surprise attack like I did with the goblins a long time ago though…

I messed up here.

…Well, fine.

“Water Magic: [Ice World].” (Makoto)

I shoot the spell at the two monsters.

“The weak water mag—” 

“I will first bite off your head an—” 

Those were their last words.

The result of freezing even air itself was the completion of two ice monster statues.

Not only that, the plains that could be seen in the whole area to the trees had been frozen.

…Hmm, the power has been higher than my estimates for a while now.

But let’s leave the details for later.

I ran to where the young girl is.


“We are running.” (Makoto)

If we stay here, the chances of other monsters coming is high.

I pulled the trembling hand of the little girl and left that place.


We ran for a while and it seemed like we could hide in the shadow of a tree, so the little girl and I stopped there.

“Are you okay?” (Makoto)

When I asked this, the girl nodded.

Her age is around 10-12, I think.

Unkempt black hair and tattered clothes.

But when I look closely, I can tell that she has a cute face.

“Uhm…why…did you save me?” 

The little girl asked with scared eyes.

I don’t really have a reason though…

I was troubled in what to answer, and the little girl continued speaking.

“The monsters that you defeated are affiliated to the demon lord army. Their comrades will notice the abnormality, and they will begin searching for the culprit. When that happens, you will be tortured till death…” 

The little girl had a pale white face.

I see, so they were part of the demon lord army, huh.

“By the way, are the other monsters a lot stronger than that?” (Makoto)

“If we exclude the lieutenants, a platoon is made up of more than 20. If they were to attack at the same time, there would be nothing remaining of a human—” 

“20 more of those just now, huh… There’s no problem then.” (Makoto)


The little girl had her eyes wide open as she looked at me.

“Uhm…what do you mean by that…?” 

“If it is monsters of that level, 20 or 30 is no problem. I will freeze them in one hit.” (Makoto)

In order to not make the girl feel uneasy, I directed the gentlest smile I could make.

Well, the reality is that I would probably be okay even if it were more than a hundred of those.

As Noah-sama said, Spirit Magic is specialized for wars.

It is strong against numbers.

“Could it be that…you are a Hero-sama?” 

Her eyes were not blank like they have been until now. Light had returned to them.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed.

Oops, I raised her hopes too much.

“No, I am not a Hero…but I am looking for one.” (Makoto)

“A comrade of a Hero-sama then!!” 

She took that as me being the companion of a Hero.

“By the way, I don’t know much about the area around here… Where are we?” (Makoto)


The little girl directed a gaze of suspicion at me.

Eyes that were saying ‘what is this guy saying?’.

Even a person like me that couldn’t read the atmosphere could tell this.

Looks like I made a strange question.

“W-Well…actually, I was attacked by a really strong monster before I got here, and I hit my head. My memories are hazy now…” (Makoto)

I made a bad excuse.

“I see…” 

I don’t know if she believes me or not, but she didn’t question me further.

I did save her life after all.

The little girl answered me.

“This is the human farm of the Demon Lord Bifrons-sama.” 


There’s a lot to retort to that, but…

I don’t know where you will be teleported to, but the place you will be teleported to will be deeply connected with you’.

I remember the words of Ira-sama.

Now that I think about it, I did meet a person(?) from the Dark Era.

The Demon Lord that I finished off 1,000 years in the future.

I am super connected.

Looks like I have arrived in the territory of the Immortal King Bifrons-san.

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  • With him rescuing a little girl on the first thing he does in this timeline, I am now 100% sure that he is the hero Abel. Now the question here is, why the hell is he the Hero Abel. By that questioning, I meant that by comparing him to Ryosuke. Isn't Ryosuke like the Hero Abel with his skills? Ryosuke is portrayed as a swordsman that can use Light Magic. Makoto can barely lift a fucking dagger. The only explanation I can get is Makoto raised his physical stats (Str Agi End) as a side effect of being a Spirit weapon but that wouldn't make sense as even Lucy pointed out that ONLY his Water proficiency is affected. Complaints aside though I am completely 100% excited to meet the Psycho Apostle and Noah in this timeline.

    • I don't think he's Abel. Instead I think he'll do all these things that history will attribute to Abel. Remember how the fire country general was comparing Makoto to Abel saying that he is just as fearless and jumps into danger like it's nothing and needs his companions to try to reel him in? Also Abel must exist as an individual since the Great Sage talks about them and then mentions at one point that there was another person in their party aside from the ones we know. That mystery person is probably Makoto.

      • In Chapter 150 it is stated that the Demons almost ate the Great Sage but was saved by the Hero Abel. This wouldn't make sense if the Great Sage is already Demonized by Bifrons as she would be technically a Demon too and not a human. Great Sage also hates the Demon Lords because they treated Humans as Livestock.

        Chapter 150
        (“Angry for the defeat of Bifrons? He ruled over half of the West Continent 1,000 years ago, and treated the humans like livestock, you know? My human parents, the people in my village; everyone was eaten by the demon subordinates of Bifrons. If I could, I would have torn him from limb to limb with my own hands…”
        The Great Sage-sama showed her fangs and grinded her teeth.
        “Well, 1,000 years ago, I was saved by Abel just before I was about to be eaten, and managed to live on thanks to that. This time around, Abel is not here. If Bifrons had come back, I would have had no choice but to ask the Light Hero-kun… But the Light Hero-kun is naive after all.”)

        Right now I am convinced that the girl Makoto just rescued is the Great Sage before she was turned into a vampire. Everything Makoto technically have been done by the Hero Abel. Abel's lack of self-preservation and tendencies to do Self-Sacrifice is also present in Makoto (and technically Ryosuke too). His personality is pretty much the same too as even Noel thought that Makoto is copying Abel's Legend even though Makoto is just being Makoto

        Chapter 168
        (It is what was written in the investigation report from a subordinate of mine.
        “The Water Country’s Hero, Takatsuki Makoto, lacks a sense of danger.”
        “It was said that he faced an Ancient Dragon with just a dagger. The adventurers of Makkaren were amazed.”
        “It seems he faced the Demon Lord in the Wood Country alone. I can’t think of him as a sane man.”
        Those were the words of my subordinate when he returned from his investigation.
        That he is not a sane man.
        A Hero is an important fighting force of the country, so in a battle against a Demon Lord, they must be protected heavily.
        But the Water Country’s Hero rushes into the battlefield on his own.
        Just like the Legendary Savior, Abel.
        1,000 years ago.
        The Hero Abel of the long past that raided the Demon Continent where the Great Demon Lord was waiting.
        According to the legends, Hero Abel tried to face the Great Demon Lord alone in order to not create a single sacrifice.)

        In fact I don't even believe that Abel existed. I'm completely sure that Makoto just used transform to copy Ryosuke's face and since the Gods are all fatigued by the war they didn't bother looking at Makoto if it is his real face. This would also explain why the Sun Goddess has huge love/like for Ryosuke in the previous chapter.

        Chapter 88
        “Hero Makoto-sama, are you imitating the Savior-sama’s legend there?” (Noel)
        “Eh?” (Makoto)
        She suddenly said something weird.
        “Legend of the Savior-sama?” (Makoto)
        “…You don’t know about it? It is a famous story though.” (Noel)

        Chapter 214
        (“Lastly…Sakurai Ryosuke.” (Althena)
        “Y-Yes, Althena-sama!” (Sakurai)
        Althena-sama approached Sakurai-kun.
        “Sorry about the matter of Alex. I will be temporarily taking care of him. The only one who can defeat the Great Demon Lord is you. I expect great things from you.” (Althena)
        “…Thanks for your kind words.” (Sakurai)
        Sakurai-kun lowers his head respectfully.
        That was the softest expression Althena-sama has shown today.
        …Isn’t she being kind only to Sakurai-kun?)

        Lastly, returning specifically because Someone is waiting is exactly what Abel did in his legend.

        Chapter 88
        “Makoto-sama, I hate this story! If you were copying it, I thought I should get angry.” (Noel)
        She placed her hands on her waist and puffed up her cheeks.
        Her expressions really are bountiful.
        “Why do you hate it?” (Makoto)
        “Cause you know…” (Noel)
        Noel-sama directs eyes as if sulking.
        “Savior Abel-sama had a splendid girlfriend like the Holy Maiden Anna-sama, you know? And yet, he said ‘I have someone waiting for me’. That’s hurtful for the other girls, don’t you think?!” (Noel)

        Sorry for this long-ass comment. But I really have proper evidence on why I'm assuming he is Abel

      • Well there is also story with Anna.
        “Savior Abel-sama had a splendid girlfriend like the Holy Maiden Anna-sama, you know? And yet, he said ‘I have someone waiting for me’. That’s hurtful for the other girls, don’t you think?!”
        If it's only that then why "Abel" didn't take Anna with him or he could take that someone and return to Anna.
        The only reason why he didn't take her is probably no problem of distance but a time.
        For me this is one of the best evidence that Makoto is Abel or Makoto take Abel place as a Savior.

    • Yeah, I think it's pretty well stabilished by now: all the mentions of Abel's feats really fit Makoto's personality! That said, he is there to "save" Abel, so I suppose there is someone else who will take the credit for said feats.

    • I'm going to add

      Chapter 108

      “Do as you please. I will simply fight ‘when I think we can win’.”
      When the Great Sage-sama said this, she had slight nostalgic eyes.
      “Are those the words of the Savior Abel-sama?” (Sofia)
      Princess Sofia asks.
      “Yeah, his favourite phrase was ‘finish preparations for victory beforehand’ and ‘when attacking, make it a surprise attack’. Even though he was a Hero, he was cautious. Well, it can’t be helped though. In the decisive battle against the Great Demon Lord, Iblis, Abel was the only Hero left after all.”

      Remember, Makoto is the type to do full preparations before fighting the final boss

      But I don't think Makoto = Abel. It's more likely what Makoto did were attributed to Abel, to avoid the complications of time travel.

  • On the one hand I feel like Bifrons is about to get dunked on to demonstrate how much more powerful Makoto has become, on the other hand Makoto's still got no real defensive ability or any deus-ex fallback. He's going to have to figure out how to not get stoned by whatshisface or otherwise squished.

  • If this comment doesn't post that would mean I am banned, but as far as I know I have only discuss my theories. Since I haven't even read this in advance.

    The demon lord probably didn't recognize him before because he wasn't a spirit king yet. As far as I remember Great Sage was saved by Abel. If this girl is her....

      • Yeah, if you think about, her being a vampire(an immortal) let her drink*ahem meet with him after a thousand years. Of course you don't need spoilers to know she would be attracted to him.

        If she told him that they did met , He would prevent the vampirization from happening.

  • And we're here, a thousand years in the past. This is supposed to be a place Makoto is deeply connected with, but a thousand years certainly change a lot of things.

    At least Makoto caught himself. It's a thousand years in the past after all, humans aren't likely to be out freely in a Demon dominated continent.

    First order of business : secure a source of information (read as harem member). As expected in a world not dominated by the Holy Gods, there's a lot of spirits running around. Makoto is much less limited in what he can do here. Some last word those demons have though, sad and deeply ironic.

    And it's Bifrons' territory. Presumably the same place that became his graveyard a thousand years later, or at least close to that. That'd place it around Rozes and Spring Log. This strengthens the possibility that Bifrons really did recognize Makoto. Being a national hero doesn't come with any change in appraisable status after all, and since there is no Rozes here, Makoto can claim he's not a hero without lying.

  • Reading your thoughts on this chapter, I am sorry for all the spoiling that you get, but let's look at this positively, it meant that your translations of this webnovel (and this webnovel in particular) is super popular until people are willing to look at the raw/wiki/other infos!

    Seriously this is so good. Thank you for bringing this to us English readers in the first place.

  • That demon lord or whatever that was resurrected in the woods that said its you to Makoto, now makes sense. Hahaha

  • > Makoto: "A wasteland that hasn’t been tended to. "
    The same experience by the other Makoto, in Tsuki ga.
    Going by the flow, he will met a very very sweet ORC girl with the name of Enna.. Hahahahahahaha

  • Bifron's territory, so it means his sempai and setech is there right?, They are partners according to setech himself, this novel is getting interesting, thanks for the update

  • so, finally safely😏 reach 1000 years in past. with so many clue we can think that girl is Great Sage, but whenever she will become Vampire is still unknow, right?
    in past she is supposed to saved by Abel but now she is Saved by Makoto.
    So a bit of Paradox been made.
    Also iirc did the great sage saved before or after she become vampire (i wonder who turn her into Vampire)

    well with this we can assume Makoto definitely will save Naoh from being tricked by demon and punished, right?
    Also If he going to far killed to many demon lord will they ever be summoned.

    as long as he has the book Abel Should be safe, but the final is really important will he follow Abel to Charge into demon territory. we knoe Abel Is M.I.A not K.I.A
    is there a chance that Abel sent to future by Great Demon Lord(either by mistake or he is trying to escape but Abel got dragged in)

    Sorry so many theory and prediction.. 😁

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