Categories: Weakest Mage

WM – Chapter 210: Takatsuki Makoto is…

TLN: 2 chapters today! Make sure you didn’t miss previous one!

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◇Sun Hero Alexander POV◇

It should have been a boring job.

The Pope-jiichan ordered me to kidnap the Moon Oracle.

The Evil God Apostle will get in the way, so he told me that he didn’t mind forceful methods.

I thought that if they listened to what I said, it should be fine to do it by force.

But the Light Hero unexpectedly intruded.

Also, the Fire Country’s Designated Hero woman was unexpectedly strong.

It just isn’t going as smoothly as I thought. 

It annoyed me.

That must have been why…

……I ended up killing the Fire Country Hero while I was blinded by this.

After that, her corpse disappeared for some reason, and without having the time to find that strange, something even stranger happened.

The Water Country’s Designated Hero had suddenly ‘changed’.

He turned into a strange figure that shines blue. 

(…What is that?) (Alex)

The Water Country’s Designated Hero doesn’t have high battle power. 

When compared to the Fire Country’s Hero and the Light Hero, he is several times lower. 

But overwhelming mana began to cover his body.

High concentration of mana was being condensed, and even more mana was gathering. 

(That amount of mana is a bit problematic.) (Alex)

I look at the Moon Oracle that I was holding up with my right arm.

He is no match for me anyways, but I don’t know if I would be able to fight him with only one hand.

Just when I thought this…

Mist suddenly appeared in front of me, and it turned human shaped.

My right arm was suddenly cut off.

“What?!” (Alex)

Even orihalcun is inferior to my body that’s clad in Divinity.

What happened?

By the time I noticed, the dagger of the Water Country Hero, who was right by my side, had been swung. 

That small blade managed to cut off the arm of the great me?

Pure surprise won over my pain.

My arm fell to the ground together with the Moon Oracle.


The red haired elf ran to the Moon Oracle.


The consciousness of the Moon Oracle seems to still be hazy. 

The elf woman was trying to carry the Moon Oracle away.

What a pain.

I was going to hit the elf away, but I remember that I don’t have my arm.

“Sun Magic: [Regeneration].” (Alex)

I use magic and regenerate my arm.

I lightly make a fist with my right arm, and check its movement.

Umu, no problem.

And then, I glared at the Rozes Hero shining blue that’s in front of me.

Wounding my body deserves divine punishment. 

The Rozes Hero says something.


I couldn’t understand what he was saying.

He spoke words I am unfamiliar with and, suddenly, a giant water swirl appeared between around me and him.

A water pillar that’s big enough to cover the sky. 

When I looked properly, I could see that water dragons were surrounding the area while undulating around.

(Hundreds? …No, there’s several thousands.) 

They are skillfully avoiding the Moon Oracle, the red haired elf, and the Light Hero that is on the ground.

The water dragons are trying to engulf the Rozes Hero and I and bring us somewhere.

You want to change locations?

(What a pain.) 

Feeling annoyed, I try to punch the Rozes Hero with my regenerated right arm.


An explosion happened as it connected.

The annoying hundreds of water dragons surrounding me were blown away as well.

My punch has the power to blow up a whole castle. 

The Rozes Hero must have been turned to dust. 


That’s for going against the great Sun Hero.

My mouth warped.

But it was unnecessary killing.

The Destiny Oracle Esther might reprimand me for this.

I have to think of an excuse…at the moment I thought this…

The Rozes Hero that was supposed to have turned to dust…returned back to normal in an instant.



His body should have been destroyed to a point that it wasn’t possible to recover from.

However, the strange figure of the Rozes Hero that was releasing blue light was riding on top of a water dragon he himself created, and was looking down at me.


And he was speaking a language that I couldn’t understand for a while now.

Even more water dragons created by water magic were swirling around me.

This is the first time I see this magic.

It is quite the peculiar magic.

And it is impressive.

To think he would be able to survive after getting hit by the great me.

Well, it is already pointless.

(Fool… My God Rank Appraisal can spot all your weak points.) 

While feeling pity for him, I activate Appraisal.

I will crush your foolish third-rate magic.


Name: Takatsuki Makoto

Race: Water Spirit King*Embodiment of the World’s Water

Strength: Unknown

Vitality: Unknown

Mana: Unknown

Agility: Unknown

Appearance: Unknown

Height:  Unknown

Intelligence:  Unknown

Knowledge:  Unknown

Sanity: Unknown

Items in Possession: God Killer Blade*a dagger that was made from parts of the Former God King Chronos’s Scythe that was broken in the Divine Realm War.

Way to defeat: Eliminate the water of the whole world.


………What’s this?

This is not the Status of a human.

What in the world am I fighting against? 

Moreover, what’s that dagger?

That’s a sacred treasure! 

Why is a person of the mortal realm in possession of it?! 

What was the one who gave it to him thinking?! 

There’s a limit to excessive equipment. 

Even in the time when the gears in my brain turned, the mana around the Rozes Hero was increasing. 

No, it is not something as lukewarm as ‘increasing’…

Mana was gathering as if several explosions were setting off and condensing. 


And this guy hasn’t been saying a word for a while now.

His expressionless face was looking at me while shining blue.

However, there was clear killing intent directed at me.

My heart was stirring.

This is my first time feeling like this.

“Annoying! Begone!” 

It was a serious hit. 

In the past, when I did a serious attack, a whole mountain was erased.

Since then, I have never done it again -an attack that carries my all.

“This is the end!!” 

I smash the Rozes Hero with it.

Breaking the barrier of sound, the moment it connects, an explosion will occur. 

The one who gets hit by this won’t even have dust remain.

But…the fist of the great me had stopped while still pierced in him.

On top of that, the explosion that should have occurred was mitigated.


It was…m-mitigated?

Why is it that I, who has the power of a god, is unable to do anything against a weak human?! 


What’s with this guy?! 

I hurriedly take distance.


As always, I can’t understand the words of the Rozes Hero.

For a second, I think I saw the figure of many blue skinned women.

That’s…the Great Water Spirit, Undine?

Great Water Spirits are lending him power?

At that moment, what surfaced in my mind was the conversation I had with the Destiny Oracle Esther.

—“Listen here, Alexander. Don’t put a hand on the Spirit Weapons of the Titans, okay?” 

I remember the words Oracle Esther, who was my teacher, told me as if she were above me. 

The Titans that fought with the Olympians for hegemony. 

The Titans would give will to nature like earth and wind, and would use those as weapons.

The names of those weapons were called: 

-Great Fire Spirit, Salamander.

-Great Water Spirit, Undine.

-Great Wind Spirit, Sylph.

-Great Earth Spirit, Gnome.

And there was apparently an existence that ruled over them.

The people of the mortal realm would call him Spirit King, and the Gods would call it Spirit Weapon. 

The Spirit King apparently shows up from within the most experienced believers of the Titan Gods –in an Apostle that offers their flesh

That power is overwhelming, and depending on the user, it could destroy the world.

That it is powerful enough to destroy a star.

Because of that, at the same time as the war in the Divine Realm was put to an end, all the Spirit Weapons were disposed of by the Olympians.

The return of them is the highest of taboos. 

“You are strong, but you are a young Hero. Avoid battling with an Evil God and their Spirit Weapon, okay?” (Esther)

“Aah, okay okay. Got it.” (Alex)

I half-listened to the words of Oracle Esther. 

I thought she was a noisy woman.

At that time, I thought I would like to meet an existence that would be able to beat the great me.


The mana of the blue figure in front of me, the Water Spirit King, continued increasing even now.

The water dragons created from magic had already increased by the tens of thousands.

An amount of water dragons that were enough to cover the whole sky. 

It was as if a new ocean had been created in the sky

The Embodiment of the Whole World’s Water…

The way to defeat him is to eliminate all the water in the world.


There’s no possible way to do that…

At this rate, the great me is going to…

“D-Don’t joke around! There’s no way that I, the Sun Hero, would lose!” 

[Holy Sword summoning]!

A magic sword shining white appeared in front of me.

The Holy Sword I got from the Highland royalty.

I grabbed that, and poured all of my Divinity in it. 

I held the sword tightly with both hands and took stance.


I lunged at the Rozes Hero that was looking down at me, and swung down the holy sword.

The Rozes Hero silently places his dagger in front as if to block it.

Suddenly, a giant barrier of ice appeared in front of the Rozes Hero.

(This is the saint rank spell, Frozen Barrier; moreover, several layers of it! But…!) 

I will break them all! 

I unleashed an attack that would bring down even a Demon Lord in one hit.

Several tens of ice barriers broke, and the holy sword clashed with the Rozes Hero’s dagger.


Cracks formed on the holy sword.

I could clearly tell that my face had stiffened.

The barriers were broken…

But it couldn’t match the blade of the Rozes Hero’s sacred treasure.

I was the one who lost the clash.


My attack didn’t work.

His mana is still increasing without limits.

This is impossible…

I must not fight him.

I have no choice but to run away…but where?

He controls all the water in the world.

There’s nowhere to run.

By the time I noticed, all the eyes of the water dragons circling me…were looking at me as if saying they won’t allow my escape.

Several tens of thousands of eyes were looking at me.


I shouted and lunged at the Rozes Hero once more. 

At the deep dark depths of the water. 

At the depths of the sea where the light of the sun doesn’t reach…

…How many hours has it been?

No, maybe days? 

In front of me there’s the Rozes Hero looking at me as if he were a death reaper. 

What was circling around us were more than several tens of thousands water dragons.

I can’t even escape anymore.

I can’t defeat him.

I can’t kill him.

Can’t break him.

Won’t break.

Even if I cut him.

Even if I pierce him.

No matter what I do.

He would regenerate himself over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over.

I have infinite mana, but my opponent also has infinite mana.

That’s why the battle won’t be settled forever. 

No, that’s not it. 

The sacred treasure he holds…

If it is that, he could take my life away. 

And the Water Spirit King in front of me won’t stop until I die.

Why…did I try to oppose something like this?

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View Comments

    • can he? Makoto just need use this skill once again to kill the Pope & Templar..
      no offense but the pope been pissing me off especially when we told he plan to kill other important ppl in other Religion Aside from Sun

    • That implies the pope would still have a position after this. Saki who is a member of the holy knights not to mention the Light Hero Sakurai himself can both attest that they were attacked by Alex under orders of the pope. You think the guy's position is going to protect him after that?

      • Noah and Eir only lost connection to Makoto but I think they can still see what's happening, so Eir can also just descend and act as a witness. That's possible right?

      • Well at the moment he is still the pope. And it might be possible that Noel and her party can't move due to politics but at least we still have goddess and vampire loli.
        I sure hope all main goddesses decent for this situation.

      • It doesn't matter what his position is. Do you think if Sakurai shows up and states quite clearly that the pope had him attacked the church would protect him? The Light Hero, the Savior himself, carries much, much more weight than the pope. The pope can't try to force Alex to take the blame either when Alex is gone somewhere being killed by Makoto.

    • What can he do against somebody that literally can't be killed and is armed with a god killer blade and can also summons thousands and millions of water dragons? No amount of Political Talk Fu will let him turn the tables on Makoto and get him out of this.

  • finally Makoto going to Kill..
    it good he grow into better character...
    I know, I joked about God Slayer but to think he got God Slaying Weapon will he in the end got involved "Ragnarok" (War between Gods, Titans And Human).

    I wonder what will Happen to his stats when he woke up later..

    • I think it will not have much effect on statistics if it is Makoto, through Alex's god rank skill here it is explained that it cannot be known, and a little spoiler in the future when Makoto's stats stop then he asks Udine, Udine answers "I don't believe a tool made by holy god, my king will continue to grow stronger ", Makoto became stronger through titan god style training, so I concluded he can't be measured through holy god skills.

  • Okay Makoto, enjoy broke him slowly and kill him.

    He must offer a lot of lifespan for this power and his connection with Noah is severed and Alex is direct disiple of God meaning the ones that give divinity to Alex maybe Althena

  • Guys remember it said ALL water in the world so that would include all being there since living creatures like humans are made up of good bit of water so unless alex or some other being evaporates the world entirely makoto ain't going down, which by then would waste everything they got going on too so would be like shooting yourself in foot with a 12 gauge trying to shoot a bug

  • Damm! Go Makoto! Abandon your humanity and make that bastard suffer!

    Thanks a lot Reigokai! And thanks to whoever sponsored this chapter!

    On a side note, since Makoto is now a Spirit King, does he still counts as Noah-sama's believer? If so he can easily free Noah-sama!

  • Pfft yeah take that you shitty demigod. The moment makoto change to spirit king thats when you know that you were fucked up. I wonder how the holy gods will act this time? Since water is Eir domain, maybe she will eliminated all the water over the world to stop him? How makoto's comrade reaction when they know that makoto transform to spirit king and become world natural disaster? Well certainly that spirit weapon is existance that shouldnt be manifested to the world. Maybe the current makoto is stronger than the Great Demonlord?

    • Well the Great demon lord is from a higher dimension and makoto is the strongest of THIS world I don't think so, but maybe he can free Noah!

    • If kill him was must eliminate all the water in the world, he is far from great demonlord already. I think he is almost the same rank as god now.

    • Now that you mentioned it, Only Eir can kill him because he govern all water in the world so killing him or suppressing a water version of makoto would be easy. ( i think) man I'm getting scared on what's ganna happen.

      • I mean...if you eliminate all the water in the world, then you could very well be ending the human race.

        Even without going into the fact that most living things are made of a lot of water, they sorta needs water to...drink. For all intents and purposes, you kill him, you'd need to destroy the world along with him.

        • @psychronia, what i mean is that Eir is the goddess of water, so it means that she control, comands by her will, every water in the world. So killing makoto is easy for her even without eliminating all the water in the world. Because she knows inside out of waters of the world.

          • I can sorta see that, but then there's also the fact that Eir isn't a god original to this world. Tentatively, the current gods are invaders that took over.

            Not to say that she doesn't have immense power in relation to water, but it wouldn't be her "absolute" domain compared to one of the Titan gods.

  • Ahahahahah 🤣 a hero who has the power of a GOD against a hero who has the power of (at least a fourth of) a WORLD ahahahahahahah 😈

    That was a wonderful double release!
    Now I'm a bit worried about Makoto... will he be able to come back?
    Will he kill Alexander? Honestly, he deserves a punishment. A big one. But what about the source of his divinity? It's clearly a god who won't accept his death, so let's see what happens...
    Finger crossed for our Spirit King!

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