Tsuki – Chapter 321: Raidou and Shiki’s love countermeasure

“Ooi, Yuno, got a bit of time?” (Makoto)

I feel like it has been a crazy while since I have been in Rotsgard.

Tsige and here are the places where the Kuzunoha Company took root, and my notoriety is decently high.

The sparks of war suddenly hit Rotsgard and a lot of deaths happened, and in that event, the Kuzunoha Company and I had our names known in an instant.

1 or 2 months after a big disaster, storm, earthquake, fire or anything like that where there’s many victims, a city would normally be showing a pitiful appearance, and the people who took refuge would normally still be living in temporary residences.

But this place is almost completely revived.

The suppression of the people involved in the incident, the materials for the reconstruction, the support to the residents, and participating in the construction work; the Kuzunoha Company contributed in all those areas, and with that, the favorability points increased drastically, and it also applied to me since I am the representative.

On the other hand, due to the Academy Festival, many guests from large countries came, and after the incident, I ended up in the surroundings of the major powers.

The results of that are…well, decent.

The number one result would be our favorable connection with the feudal lord family of Kannoi which is the 2nd biggest power of the Lorel Union.

It was a country I didn’t originally have plans on going to though.

“Delicious! Sensei, what store was this from?!” 

I arrived at the Academy while feeling a lot of eyes as if looking at a rare creature (and a number of them that directed admiration and gratitude), and then, using the information I was given by Shiki beforehand about the whereabouts of the students, I made contact with the little sister from the Rembrandt sisters, Yuno.

A call from a temporary teacher should be a normal thing, but the gazes of the other students were filled with curiosity.

At this point in time, she has probably begun going out with Misura, so they won’t be assuming anything here with me…probably.

I can only pray that’s the case.

Now then, my temporary teacher room has become -to my surprise- a private room.

More accurately speaking, Shiki and I, even more accurately, it is mostly Shiki using it.

And what I have brought out is desserts.

For girls, it is gotta be sweet stuff.

This is effective when hearing them out. 

My basis is my mother and sisters, and also my archery club in highschool.

The Rembrandt sisters both love sweet stuff, so I had Mio prepare a good amount.

“It is handmade from Mio.” (Makoto)

“..Uwa, super rare stuff. Aah, even though it is a taste I have never tasted before, it is way too delicious! Mio-sama is a genius!” (Yuno)

“I will tell her. If she is in a good mood, she might even prepare more and send them here.” (Makoto)

“Definitely! Please do tell her! Haah…even though it is creamy, it is refreshing to the mouth, and there’s a peculiar taste to it. So wonderful…” (Yuno)

Yeah, I do think it is tasty.

But is it so tasty that it would give you ecstasy?

Does sweetness have a different effect between men and women?

What we have in today’s catalog is matcha bavarois, roasted green tea jelly, and two types of beans for accent. 

We were eating from white plates, but we brought them here from transparent glass containers.

They must have prepared plates that wouldn’t be weird to find in Rotsgard.

Mio has been influenced heavily by Lorel lately.

She bought quite a lot of green tea and oolong tea, and quite a lot of it is used on the daily in Asora.

Not only food, she even began entering the world of confectioneries.

For beans, she would practice with black soy beans, making them sweet or salty. 

She said she was investigating the compatibility of things like soybeans, adzuki beans, and red peas.

Honestly speaking, I personally would have considered being able to make anmitsu <syrup-covered bean jam> as the goal.

But if I were to thoughtlessly speak out the highest point I look for, I might end up reducing the possibilities for Mio.

I think Mio going ‘this is delicious, that’s also delicious’ is her optimum shape.

The derivation of salted bean rice cake was quite delicious, and Tomoe also enjoyed it. 

By the way, Shiki likes the bavarois of today.

Yeah, cream.

And well, the roasted green tea jelly that serves as a supporting role is something that Tamaki and I like. As always, Tamaki suspiciously likes what I like.

“What’s this? This is truly a mystery. It feels strangely familiar…but I can’t pinpoint what it is…” (Yuno)

Familiar…is she referring to the green tea flavor?

It is similar to regular tea, but I think it has a completely different taste though.

Maybe there’s a common taste in their roots. 

In that case, she is sharp.

“And so, I think you already understand why I came here. It is about Misura. First of all, are you going out?” (Makoto)

“Papa… I heard from Mama that he was looking cool doing his work… I am truly sorry for making you come in such a rush because of him.” (Yuno)

“No, I understand the worries of your father…to a certain extent. It is about his important daughters after all. And so?” (Makoto)

“Yes, I confessed to him and got an okay from him just recently. I am going out with Misura-senpai.” (Yuno)

Maybe she finds it saddening to finish eating it, her spoon would sometimes get slower as she answers my question with her lips that have loosened thanks to the power of the sweets.

The answer wasn’t ‘it was a misunderstanding’ which would have been the most peaceful of the answers…but it can’t be helped.

The spoon didn’t stop and Yuno ate the final piece of jelly.

Her spoon had been going up and down from plate to mouth all this time.

There was no relax time for her.

“I see, you are going out.” (Makoto)

“Yeah, lovey dovey.” (Yuno)

L-Lovey dovey.

It is a word that only idiotic couples would say, but in Yuno’s case, there’s the chance that she said this after calculating it.

It is because it is her that it looks as if she is cheerful and innocent. 

She actually has a pretty calculative side to her.

Did Misura win the lottery here? Or did he think about his future and decided to go for her?

“It is good that you both feel the same way. That’s what’s most important. But why Misura? I feel like a comrade taking the same class as you is a way too close of a place.” (Makoto)

“The trigger was at that time in Lorel. Misura-senpai is a person worthy of admiration.” (Yuno)

…It was a more decent answer than I expected.

I am sorry for selling it low.

“So it is serious to a certain degree?” (Makoto)

“Of course. Also, it is not ‘to a certain degree’ but serious serious.” (Yuno)

“My bad. It is just that your father has asked me to investigate this seriously. Want to eat one more of what you had just now?” (Makoto)

As if it were a sleight of hand, I summon one more.

Sorry, Shiki.

But Shiki has already eaten it, and he can eat them again in Asora.

“That’s not fair, Sensei. If you add more, I am gonna end up forgiving you. Thanks for the meal!” (Yuno)

“About that Misura, wasn’t he planning on working for the church? Because of family matters or something.” (Makoto)

“Yeah, he did. But there’s no problem. When that time comes, I will bring him to Tsige.” (Yuno)

The future plans of Misura don’t seem to match with being in a relationship with a daughter of the Rembrandt Company.

Rembrandt-san calling Misura as a hoodlum or a squirt might have to do with that…I hope so.

But Yuno said she would bring Misura to Tsige as if nothing.

“H-How?” (Makoto)

“I said before that I admire senpai, right?” (Yuno)

“Yeah.” (Makoto)

“It is not like I approve of everything about him. I do love him though. His career path is honestly him being dragged by the flow. It is not something you should be doing with feelings like that. For what sake did he work so hard in Rotsgard and reached to this point? That’s why I will be talking to him as many times as it takes, and I am thinking of instilling him the choice of coming to our place.” (Yuno)


“My sister and I have to think about the successor of the Rembrandt Company after all.” (Yuno)


“We clearly have no chance with sensei. This is the first time we see papa take a liking to a man aside from Morris, so if sensei had wished for it, my sister and I would have accepted you.” (Yuno)

Ah, my second cup is empty now.

But I have no words

I am speechless.

I thought they were passing their days in the Academy by just riding relaxedly with the flow through their talent, but they are properly thinking about the future.

And she is thinking about her marriage in a dry manner.

If I wanted to, I could take one of them.

Whether it be her older sister or her.

This must be the thought pattern of an incredibly rich person?

“Rembrandt-shi is my benefactor. You two are my benefactor’s daughters, and that vision of mine towards you two doesn’t feel like it is going to be disappearing.” (Makoto)

“Looks like it. That’s why I am interacting with Sensei as a benefactor too. I don’t want to trouble you.” (Yuno)

“I am sorry for troubling you.” (Makoto)

“No no, I have been presented with a splendid dessert, so we are even now.” (Yuno)

“Now that we are even, I would like to ask you something. About Sif, what does this mean?” (Makoto)

Without that, I would have originally come 2 weeks later to Rotsgard.

“…Aah, so you came here after hearing that too.” (Yuno)

“That’s right.” (Makoto)

“That’s…according to my sister…” (Yuno)

“Yes?” (Makoto)

“Ah, I shouldn’t be talking about my sister and father. My position as a little sister would be in danger, so please spare me from this, Sensei.” (Yuno)

“…And the truth is…?” (Makoto)

“I want to talk about this crazy delicious dessert with my sister, so can you meet with my sister too?” (Yuno)

“Got it. I will do that.” (Makoto)

“Then, I will call my sister! Thanks for the meal!” (Yuno)

The little sister that plays the contrasting personality of the elder sister, huh.

You would normally end up warped by doing that, but for some reason, Yuno seems to be enjoying that.


According to Jin, the Rembrandt sisters were really infamous before they were hit by the curse disease.

Yeah, he said the two sisters were the worst.

They warped because it was a sensitive time, but they got ill in that sensitive time and changed.

Even now, I still really hate illnesses and curse diseases.

But the fact that there’s people who can use this as a learning experience and grow is honestly something I am impressed about.

“Growth, huh. Have I grown since coming here? I am looking at myself all the time no matter how far I go, so I can’t tell…” (Makoto)

My eyes fall to the two plates that were left on the table.

Even though she wasn’t showing any bad manners in her way of eating, she ate in such a clean manner as if she licked it up completely. There’s two of them on top of each other.


Sif would most likely want to request seconds too.

If there were my share, I would give it to her, but I already ate mine.

Well, when that time comes…that means your share will be gone, Misura.

I used my deft magic trick to clean up the two plates.


“In other words, you are telling me it is a misunderstanding?” (Makoto)

I was internally glad but confirmed this from Sif in a calm manner.

The matcha bavarois and the other already mentioned things were showing great effect on Sif too.

The elder sister went ‘could this possibly be tea?!’ and saw through the identity of the sweets.

But when she learned that this is tea that’s different from black tea, she asked me for the production.

You were a few days in Kannaoi, so you guys should have drank it too, is what I thought while I taught her it was from Lorel.

She was surprised.

It seems like they were pretty busy over there, and they were treated as foreign guests, so they were mostly given food that matched the taste of foreigners to be safe.

The drinks were black tea, coffee, or juice, and there was one time they brought sake.

I see.

If they were thinking they were foreign guests that came for an urgent business, it is plausible.

It seems she is pretty sad that she couldn’t drink the tea that served as the base of these sweets.

“Father-sama only listened to the middle of what I was saying, and said ‘I get it, don’t say anymore!’ and didn’t listen at all. Probably what Father-sama said, only the beginning has been transmitted accurately. I received a response telling me that he has told everything to Mother, but to think that it would turn into a situation where Raidou-sensei would be coming hurriedly.” (Sif)

“…I see. Because of the contents, he must have tried to protect his heart. But this is a relief. With this, I can return without worries.” (Makoto)

“How about showing up once or twice in the class? The new ones are looking forward to your teachings, you know?” (Sif)

“Don’t you mean they are just showing respect there? I heard from Shiki that they are already going ‘hooof hooof’ by your training and it was heartwarming to see.” (Makoto)

Ah, Misura.


“Jin and Amelia are really into it after all. Daena is unexpectedly the one that is serving as their stopper. It seems like he also thought about things when in Lorel. Of course, that goes for Yuno and I too.” (Sif)

“Yuno, too? Isn’t she lovey dovey after going out with Misura?” (Makoto)

“Ah, it is about that, Sensei. That’s the misunderstanding of Father.” (Sif)

Amelia…no, Jin, sorry.

“I am worried about Yuno as her sister. She may say that she is serious, but the trigger was at that night where we were face to face with death. You know, when you are together with someone in a dangerous situation, even a commoner can look splendid, you know? There’s scammers that use that method too.” (Sif)

So there’s the concept of suspension bridge effect here, huh.

It is known in this world, moreover, used as a technique in scams.

That’s a bit unexpected.

“And so, I was in that situation as well. I certainly did think that Misura was decently good as a relationship partner, and said that I do like Misura too.” (Sif)

“Hm?” (Makoto)

Wasn’t it a misunderstanding?

“And so, I baited Misura by telling him: ‘would it trouble you if I liked you?’. If he were a person that would be fine on two-timing us sisters because of a misunderstanding of the moment, I would have had to deal with it to a certain extent.” (Sif)

What an evil nature!

“And then, he said with a serious face that he wanted to go out seriously with my little sister.” (Sif)

Well, that’s normal.

Or more like, is there a situation where the other party would go ‘it would trouble me’ and go into the two-timing route aside from games and dramas?

There’s times when girls would even bring out knives for that, you know?

There was one game where they brought natas or saws.

…Man, that’s nostalgic.

There was one friend in my archery club that was like that.

The kind that, rather than being the protagonist of a love game, he was more of a character you would try to conquer in a girl’s game.

He was the kind of guy that would nonchalantly say ‘It doesn’t trouble me, and I won’t trouble you either. I will treasure the both of you’.

In those two-timing scenes in games where the man is killed, he would go ‘why wasn’t he satisfied with only one when he is such a weakling?’. Or ‘Understand the characteristics of the woman first’.

Aah, right.

Now that I think about it, I haven’t encountered any gigolo-like people in this world.

Only pieces of shit that deserve to be slaughtered.

What would that guy say to Sif, I wonder.

‘You really treasure your little sister’.

…No, that’s not it.

He wouldn’t think it is distasteful like I do, and he would most likely spit out words I wouldn’t even be able to think up.

I was reminded of that nostalgic past of mine.

Ah, sorry, Amelia.

“In other words, you are saying it was just a series of events to confirm the feelings of Misura.” (Makoto)

“Yes, sorry for causing so much of a stir.” (Sif)

“…Hey, what would have happened to Misura if he was into it?” (Makoto)

“…Who knows.” (Sif)

Don’t ‘who knows’ me! 


The face you are making is scary, Sif! She feels like the stabbing kind!

Rembrandt-san, this girl is a bit on the dangerous side.

She is the type that would make her parents cry several times.

I am not at fault in this time’s incident, so I would like to not be caught in them.

Go ahead and resolve it between the family.

“By the way, Sensei.” (Sif)

“What is it?” (Makoto)

“Can I ask for this again in the next lecture? I can pay for it.” (Sif)

“…It is one of the things Mio is trying out from a variety of things, so I will try asking her, but if you are okay with something different from this, I could prepare it.” (Makoto)

“Then, please. Next time, a share for everyone…for around 20 people. I will do my best to prepare the money.” (Sif)

Hearing that it is from Mio, her expression changed slightly.

But to think that she would remain stout-hearted and not worry for her wallet as she ordered for 20 people.

She is courageous.

Well, it is just sweets.

Did she inherit that courage from her parents?

Yeah, Daena as well. Sorry, everyone.

The share of matcha bavarois and everything else has been wiped out by the Rembrandt sisters. 

Next time, I will bring an amount matching the people…no, for 20 people.

Looks like I was underestimating girls—no, the Rembrandt sisters.

At any rate, this was tiring. 

It is a bit of a saving that this isn’t as tiring as the time with the Dusk Street.

At any rate…teacher mode, end!

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View Comments

  • Well I guess I'm a bit disappointed that Yuno is with Misura. Mostly because it just came pretty much out of nowhere. They just said that Yuno was impressed with how good at defense Misura was which she sorely wanted to be good at too and then practically the next time we hear about her, she's suddenly dating Misura. There was no like build up or anything really. If there had been more buildup then I would have been fine about it. Meanwhile with Sif it really is just a misunderstanding. She just tried to see if Misura was serious about Yuno and if not she'd go all Mirai Nikki on him probably. Anyways I'm not sure if Sif has also given up on Makoto too or not. She seemed more enthusiastic about having dessert with him until he mentioned that it was made by Mio and then she became slightly less enthusiastic afterwards.

    • The part abt her being less enthusiastic when she heard the word Mio, I can't read that from this chapter yet...

      However, I do think that, even thou yuno hav given up on Makoto, sif may not...
      As in the conversation between sif and Makoto, it was not mentioned by sif that she did give up.
      She also didn't say that thou she is not into misura as what Rembrandt thought, she is looking out for guys with good quality.
      (at least in my head, I hope there is a clash between Makoto and Rembrandt over sif)

      However, it may all be my misunderstanding of the chapter.

      Sif could be interested in sweets only.
      She will nv be interested in guys...

      Still, the source of all this prob is misura...
      I do hope that yuno can really pull him away from church...
      Away from hibiki...
      Who knows if hibiki will attempt to rope in him her charisma seduction!!

    • Maybe the author is saving time by not including too much details? Who knows. But then, Yuno is not the type to be shy about these things and Misura is always been described to "go with the flow" so you could probably guess what happened behind the scene. That is just my take on it though.

      • Consider the fact that Lime being a half-dragon now was just suddenly dropped in our lap, and yeah, pretty sure that the author is cutting down on the details of what's going on around them, but is still wrapping loose ends up.

    • Well, it's kinda fair for it to be sudden when Makoto left the students alone at Lorel after the fights, as far as I remember, and then left the classes to Shiki.

    • Considering the goddess yelled at him not to 'mix his seed' with hyumans, Makoto probably has it in the back of his mind that female hyumans are more like pretty animals to look at from the side or raise like pets rather than have relationships with.

  • Thanks for the update. It was different and I can't see why he doesn't have an interest in the girls. Most MC want to go the harem route. Makoto's not a cherry boy anymore. Might want to expand his horizons.

    • "Committed relationship" has the word "committed" in it for a reason. Being in a serious relationship takes time and effort. Tomoe & Mio are willing to spend most of their time with the MC together, but even Mio who practically worships the MC wants to have significant time alone with him. Piling on a bunch of other women would hurt her, and definitely lead to increasingly intense jealously and unhappiness w/current situation. Even as it is she'd only save Tomoe because she doesn't want MC to hate her / knows it would deeply sadden the MC, not because she'd personally be sad if Tomoe died (promotion to only wife!). Tomoe's situation is a bit different given her legacy plans but if she actually got her mass baby making fantasy she'd definitely want to institute herself and (because of necessity) Mio as the "main" wives. There's a limit to how many people even she would be willing to seriously share Makato's affection/time with, imo. I don't think she's fully thought through that part of her baby fantasy.

      Given how the author has portrayed some of the side-character relationships I have some hope of the MCs relationship with Mio/Tomoe developing further. Some. It *might* actually earn the romance tag.


      Most Isekai MC either don't have to deal with that because of one or more of the following:

      A) Their 'relationships' are shallow. At the level of friends-with-benefits if even that. A variation of this are the so-called harems where it is seriously questionable if any of the cast are even in a relationship at all.

      B) The harem members act like the MC has Trashmoki's gaze power. In the more extreme cases they end up like dolls that only occasionally display personality before being weirdly okay with being shelved for later, while in the more typical cases they simply lose / have dampened any personality traits that would fight against being haremized. Like chopping the edges off of a square so it'll fit in a round hole.

      C) One or more members ARE unhappy, but circumstances are forcing them to put up with the harem state and the plot just tries to brush that under the rug (or they just suddenly get over it forever as a variation of (B)).

      D) The "harem" is a never-ending will-they-won't-they plot and if it's a true harem end it's after the story is over so the author doesn't have to deal with the many issues of such a relationship structure.

      E) The harem members also love each other to the extent that they're all bi or on the verge of it. Honestly this would still likely be far more unstable in RL than portrayed but it's certainly easier to suspend disbelief for it. Group Soul-linking/Emotion-linking could be a considered a variation of this, although is less likely to be sexual in their mutal attraction and it's even easier to accept as working. Variations of this that are completely platonic & lack any kind of supernatural link tend to fall more closely under (B) or (A).

      F) The MC gains the ability to literally be multiple places at the same time, and can thus spend ample quality time with several wives. Still some possibility of jealousy but much less so.

      G) The harem members are not human, and mating works differently for them in a way that just happens to promote a harem structure. This is usually a variation of (A), although they're more likely to at least be close friends.

      H) The MC has one-ish real love interest but their relationship is eternally stalled by a pile of orbiting women that the MC doesn't have enough spine to reject.

      I) The MC literally has something like Trashmoki's power and are forcibly collecting a harem.

      J) The MC continuously separates from each harem member due to various circumstances such that their only with 1-2 of them are with the MC at any given time for the duration of the entire plot. They may not even know other members exist. It's questionable if this can even be called a harem, honestly. Often leads to eventually being a combination of (A) & (B) if they aren't forgotten entirely. This is more common in CN wuxia-type novels IME.

      • Anyway,

        Tldr: Harems tend to be a source of misery, and they only work out for most isekai MCs because the problems with them are either glossed over, resolved by warping the minds of the female characters, resolved by a supernatural/fantasy plot element like a group soul link or MC body splitting, or avoided by the relationships involved being very shallow.

      • I think B is the description of harem in typical wuxia/xianxia Chinese novels.

        Anyway, I agree that harem is a source for misery. Before I read light novel titled Sevens, I thought that I want to have harem... But after reading Sevens from Mishima Yomu my opinion on harem flipped 180 degree. Harem is a source of bloodbath. Harem is scary.

        At a glance people might think it's envious to be able to have multiple sex partners, but looking deeper there's a darkness within the relationship.

        Heck, human and especially women are scary.

      • Your comment is so detailed I think I can match some of the novels I read with exactly how you described it.
        Not going to state which is which for spoiler reasons but these will fit perfectly in one of your options(not generic A/B but the more special cases).
        Death March, Everyone Else is a Returnee, Arifureta(this one might be debatable if it's close to A).

        On another note, here are the rare one's that don't fit in the 'most' category.
        Sevens(Probably one of my fav reads)
        I can only think of one...lol

        (I will also put this one here purely for the sake of the characters and story as it has undeniably one of the best character developments for both MC/Harem. Don't judge me. PLIC.)

    • Thanks for the chapter desu~

      Ara, so it seems that they weren’t truly devoted to Misura after all. Yuno likes him for his charisma, personality, strength, and disposition, and that it would be a good idea to rope him in to the Rembrandt Company to produce the next heir. Sif just wanted to test Misura’s loyalty for Sif, and had he not been loyal, he would have been dealt with accordingly.

      Wait, you’re telling me that the two sisters weren’t actually all that into Waka-sama to begin with, and only wanted to rope Waka-sama in to the Rembrandt Company?

      That would be...a problem.

      Well, since they are no longer vying for his affections any longer, there isn’t any real problem at the moment! :)

      [“It is good that you both feel the same way. That’s what’s most important. But why Misura? I feel like a comrade taking the same class as you is a way too close of a place.” (Makoto)]
      * is a way too close —> is way too close

  • This was a nice follow-up. I take that back about romance being one of the weaker areas of the author. It's certainly not the highlight of this story. However it's handled properly for what little there is and thankfully doesn't keep us guessing till the end! Well, Makoto is a unique case. The author really had me believing he just saw them as nothing more than family until after Ch 200.

    In any case, I'm surprised Sif didn't confess or ask for confirmation on Makoto's stance in a possible relationship with her. She may have heard from her little sister his answer, but wouldn't it be better to hear the answer directly from Makoto? You know, to let the reality sink in. I'm guessing they both gave up a long time ago, which is good to hear! Although I have no doubt that they will still do terrible things to anyone disrespecting or troubling their sensei.

    What do you guys think? Did the author handle the follow-up for the sudden relationship and ended the unrequited one successfully?

    • I think author skipped too much information. He/she didn't lay enough the groundwork.

      Author could make some flashback chapters to tidy up the loose ends tho.

      • I think the Author will write that information in the extra chapter like he/she usually does

      • Ah you're right, I forgot that most of the extras and side stories have the same time as the main story

    • The sudden drop of the pursuit of their savior Makoto doesn't fit the personality of a Rembrandt. But how long have they been chasing withno results.
      Although the sister's romance feels rushed, for an actual teenager isn't that speed normal? She already had a positive impression & friendship when high tension situation brought out reproductive urges.
      Yuna's a side character so it's not like we want to waste chapter space on details of her romance.
      Who was more interested in the reactions to Mio's treats then to Makoto's students' love life? The sisters also seemed more focused on sweets then sweethearts.

      • I also can't help but feel Yuno is lying to an extent. She did mention how she needs to find a husband for her family and that Misura was the only other person Rembrandt had a positive impression on, though not sure why. Perhaps she's using this opportunity to get over her feelings for Makoto. Not a healthy way to go about it but understandable for a teenager. I think she also gave up after seeing him fight someone that could only be described in legends. She placed Makoto in her mind a step further beyond her reach and now he's practically mythological or godly. That was probably the nail in the coffin. A case of shining too bright.

        Sif, after some re reading, probably hasn't given up on Makoto. She never out rate stated that she will give up or asked for confirmation nor even mention the topic with him face to face. Makoto also noted her reaction after finding out those sweets were made by Mio. In any case, I hope she doesn't continue carrying a torch. She really has no chance.

      • As for why I care about their love crisis, those sisters grew on me a little and there's no denying their close connection to Makoto. Out of all the students, those two received the most focus aside from Jin and Amelia. They were saved early on in the story, became Makoto's students, warded off some troublesome harassment towards their sensei, punished their father for being unreasonable, grew up and interacted with Makoto's first students. Can't help but care a little especially since the author really knows how to write multi-facetted side characters. The Rembrandt family is particularly my favourite!

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4 days ago

LS – Chapter 350: Thus, laughing

Previous Chapter l Next Chapter I was sent to the cave where I was once…

5 days ago

ZAP – Chapter 113: Eugene participates in the strategy meeting

The day after eating together with my classmates from the Legendary Hero Department. We were…

1 week ago