Categories: Announcements

Not a Chapter: Important – I’ve got bad and good news

Hey guys, Reigokai here.

Been a while since I have done one of this. It is because I have pretty important announcements to make.

First of all, let’s begin with the bad news…

I am not feeling QualiA… Yeah, I actually said it. I am the type of guy that has pretty flexible tastes. The story of World Reformation, I enjoyed it a lot even when I knew not many shared the same opinion. I even translated it all and it was a heck lot of fun.

Sadly, I don’t feel that same ‘umph’ from QualiA anymore. More so when the chapters are failing to portray Makoto as the veteran he is supposed to be. Yes, he does say some smart stuff, but his actions simply don’t match his experience.

I would have liked if this had been a battle where the MC actually made preparations but the overwhelming power of a God trumped all preparations he made in ways humanly impossible to prepare for, showcasing how hopelessly difficult it would be to reach God levels and defeat them. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. It felt really strange how the author seems to be trying to avoid Makoto from actually acting at all. And I am not talking about story wise, but the way the story is told is somehow telling me that the author simply doesn’t know how to shape Makoto in the world, as if he himself is wary of using Makoto. I feel like it wasn’t the God that was restraining Makoto, but the author itself.

In short, this may not be my style, but I have to say with vexation…that I have to drop QualiA. I simply don’t feel the author will surpass my expectations. The author tried to hype up the battle, yet barely even showed anything new about Makoto. Instead, he showed how flawed he is in basic preparation. It wasn’t Godly intervention, I think a regular intelligent person could have trumped Makoto, that’s how lacking it was.

As an author, I would have at least first showed how powerful a character can be (since that’s how he was introduced), then show that all those measures mean nothing to Gods. Of course, the author did try, but he ultimately failed and I feel it won’t be going above it. It is truly a vexing feeling.


Now for the good news. I actually had a story I wanted to translate beforehand, and maybe some remember I mentioned it before. But because a translator had taken it, I decided on pulling my hand from it. I have now decided that I will be taking in under my wing!

I am talking about Maou-sama, Retry!

  • Summary:

Oono Akira, a working adult that can be found anywhere was transported to a different world while logged into a character known as the “Demon Lord” in a game he manages. There he meets a child with a disabled leg and they begin to travel together, but there’s no way that others will leave a “demon lord” with such overwhelming strength alone.

While being targeted by countries and saints that are trying to subdue the demon lord, they cause turmoil wherever they go.

Demon lord on the outside, normal person on the inside, a misunderstanding type fantasy!


I know there’s already a translation for it, but the latest chapter was 4 months ago. I will be translating from chapter 1 without using the other translation as referrence. Not because I want to treat it as it doesn’t exist, I actually invite you to go read it, but I want to enter into the names and keywords in the story and actually get familiar with the writing.

I read a bit of it, and I could tell immediately that it was more difficult to translate than the ones I have done before, so it does take a bit of getting used.

Here is the website for the other translator:


I know this was incredibly sudden, but this is something I have felt since a few chapters back. And I honestly waited for the big climax of the arc to see if it would change my vision, and the latest chapter was the clincher that cemented it.

Dropping a series was a difficult decision. I actually treat the stories I take under my wing like my children, and the ones that know me for a long time would know this. I get really into the story and enjoy them a lot. But when I begin to force myself to find something to enjoy from it, I know there’s something wrong.

I am considering on finishing the first arc first before moving onto Maou-sama Retry.

Again, I am truly sorry for this sudden decision, and I hope that you guys will still continue to follow along in my future translation.


Support my translations or commission me to translate a chapter of any series on Patreon!

A translator that needs lots of love~.

View Comments

      • I tried to warn you, but it's was too late... This space-timeline is no good too... How many time travel should I do in order to prevent the Evil Mug hegemony ? Such a hopeless fight... yet I have to. For all the futur novel !
        Where is my mount ...? Orca ! I said we traveling in time and space again ! Orcaaa !!

      • What the fuck!? What the hell happened while i was repairing the new universe that was created when someone tried to bless the cursed mug!?!?!?!?!? Someone please tell what happened on these 3 months!?!?

  • Personally I'm actually rather happy to hear this...

    I tried to like Qualia, but it never caught on for me.

    And I do like Maou-sama Retry but most of the translated media on that (manga, ln) is still at the very beginning.

  • It does suck that the time spent feels slightly wasted and unsatisfying but atbthe end of the day Reigokai is the translator that has to slog through it all if the Translator isn't feeling or enjoying the story it becomes a mindless slog. Im excited to see a new story I will read from what is already translated of the new story and hope i enjoy it. As always thanks for all your hard work Reigokai

    • Yeah, I really was happy whenever you guys came excited and this really boosted my own.
      However, it definitely wasn't wasted.
      I still enjoyed the journey until then and the fun it gave me.

      • Truthfully the part I liked most about QualiA was the Lizard hunting arc it felt the most fleshed out and interesting. Dont worry we're with you for the lonh haul Reigokai There will never be enough translated work for Isekai !

      • You know what? It was worth it for Niva-san and Queen Caril alone. They were fun.

        In fact, the story grew proportionately less engaging the less screen-time our Tsukkomi Maid Night Reaper had. Coincidence? I think not!

      • I can certainly understand the decision. I kept hoping for something more, but I think the author created a world beyond his abilities. The heroes' stories feel like they are just a sideshow now, his maid all but vanished, all possible love interests seem to have fallen away, his 'divine' pet just got one-upped by a fully grown divine beast he already had in pocket (unless we find out he somehow supercharged his bunny for no reason), and so many other characters are just kind of floating around now. It went from building up a potentially broad world to being super focused on the MC. It's like the author started with a good idea, realized he went a little too OP making all of the other characters useless and is now lost for how to course-correct.

        I think he should have left Makoto in the shadows. Maybe sent him on his own journey Word Master-style after finding out about the mad god's interference and done things a little more behind the scenes. Even his cover as Crow is all but totally blown and he is solving the kingdom's problems in front of everyone now. At this point, it would be no different if he just taught the heroes, watched over them killing the demon lord, and just tried again in world 8. Hell, even if the next chapter shows that Makoto snaps after this and totally wipes out the demon race while imprisoning the demon lord till the heroes could kill him and then spent the rest of the story dealing with the mad God, I don't think it would make a major impact on the story as it is right now.

        All right then, rant done. Just upset at all the wasted fun this could have shown us.

      • You know, I just had a moment of enlightenment: Makoto defeated the god that's messing with him after the first world and all the rest was because his mind broke. He now has a split personality imitating that god and he jumps to other summons to fulfill his chunni fantasies and as a coping mechanism for killing his love. That's why he does such crazy things, jumps from one thing to another without much caring for consequences (because it's cool), messes up in obvious ways that keep his plot going, and why he can't accomplish his desire of beating the god. He says he's still not enough, but we have yet to see any indication of him getting stronger in this world.

        He's now ready to complete his own story by subconsciously confronting it, or he actually brought a group of heroes with him so they can end it for him!

        I know, I know; lunacy, but now I'm just letting my imagination loose to make sense of things... :-P

  • That is very sad to hear indeed. Judging from your impressions, the next, if not, the succeeding chapters doesn't really redeem or solve problem in the story. I was actually enjoying the story so far but this chapter really is infuriating.

    Again thanks for the story so far and I hope your next project will give us better ride/story this time around. ^^,

  • What a coincidence that I just started reading QualiA today, oh well there goes my determination to marathon all chapters.

    I know you've picked up new story, but if you want recommendation, my recomendations Is Made Bokura no SEKAI wo Darwin Oboeteinai no ka?
    as the summary is Why does no one remembers the true world...!" The era when the great race of the five tribes competing for hegemony on the ground ended with the victory of mankind led by hero Sid. However, that world was suddenly "overwritten" in front of a boy Kai. In the rewritten world, Kai saw the scene where humans lost to the five tribal wars because of the absence of hero Sidâ??here dragons and demons dominate the ground, and Kai is a forgotten existence from all human beings. However, after encountering the mysterious girl Rinne, Kai decides to break this rewritten destiny. In a world without heroes, he inherits the hero sword and martial art and challenges the mighty enemy races who reign.

  • Can't blame you. For someone that should have a lot of experience, Makoto doesn't act like it. He should have killed the witch the moment he suspected that gods are involved. I actually enjoyed the heroes' story more than Makoto's actions. I'm still following the story primarily because I want to see how the heroes will grow.

    • Puppy Hero, Mofu-Lover Queen, and Tsukkomi Maid. Yeah, as common with these stories, the main character is the least interesting part.

  • While that is sad to hear, imo qualia was getting boring, well imo that is but im still reading it. Though I suggest to continue translating the new story I mean pick up where its left off cause some of us are gonna crave for it fast (if its good) and just read the already translated ones and wait until you reach that point. Well that's my opinion. But the thing I'm most concerned is WHEN WILL WE HAVE A NEW CHAPTER OF TSUKI!!?? IS THE AUTHOR STILL NOT OKAY?

    • Yeah, I am totally aware that people will be skipping the first few chapters that are already translated, but honestly, it is more for me to get used to the terms and writing.
      Also, there's only 11 chapters. If it had been a larger difference, I would most likely do as you suggested.
      And about the Tsuki part...We all are waiting, my friend. We all are.

  • This mostly sounds like good news to me. I've read some chapters of Maou-sama Retry's manga and I admit, I'm fairly interested, so I'm down for this.

    I mean, I'll read anything you translate because community memeage and discussion, but yeah, I feel much the same about QualiA's flaws and said discussion...well, there wasn't much to say in recent chapters. Really, the biggest loss is we'll be breaking Reigokai's 2-series long chapter killing streak.

    Anyway, bottom line is, full support! Full speed ahead! No regrets or tears, just isekai, memes, and best girls.

    ...memage? Memeage? Memery? Memeocrity? Any ideas, folks?

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