Chapter 281: A fight to wrap up the fight

TL: I want to give a piece of advice here for future’s sake.

There have been people hurrying me to release Tsuki ga Michi chapters because the author has already posted 2 chapters and I haven’t translated any of those yet.
Not only were they hurrying me, some were even posted in the World Reformation comment section.

Let me be perfectly clear here, that only has the complete opposite effect.

The more you do that, the less motivated you will get the person. I am pretty sure this advice applies to all translators, so keep it in mind.

I appreciate the people that post comments notifying me about new chapters being posted, but stop it with the ‘281 WHEN’ and ‘There’s already chapter 282 out. When are you going to translate them?!’ comments.

I am just saying this to make one thing clear.

The next scheduled chapter will also be a Tsuki ga Michi chapter, BUT it will not be because I am accommodating to those people. I personally want to know what happens next.

Sorry for souring the mood there, but it had to be said.

Please enjoy the chapter! 🙂

Why did this happen?

By interfering with the cognition of the body and mind of everyone, the fight was being directed little by little to an advantageous one, and we removed the one that’s the main reason for this battle.

The [Fifth Hamlet Mist] of Tomoe that can realize the desires the person wants to see, and the black thread of Mio that can connect the magic power and senses of others.

We casted such large scale magic with us three, applied a stealth effect on it, and continued maintaining its activation.

The impression I have after trying it is that…it is surprisingly tiring.

I distributed magic power to Tomoe and Mio and strengthened them, and in exchange for them controlling the magic, I am the one that’s fueling most of the magic power it requires.

How do I explain it so it is easier to understand.

For example; it is like bringing things to another person’s house and trying to stealthily set those things inside it. Moreover, that house has quite the amount of security cameras, and has a mechanism that reacts when moving bodies are perceived.

…Was it that difficult to accomplish?

Yeah, it was as difficult as the example given.

In the end, all three of us participated in battle.

I fought against Hitsuna-san and the Marikosans.

The Marikosans are seriously dangerous. An attack that puts you inside a wall? That’s way too deadly.

Being caught in a spell that the usual me would have been able to deflect if it were outside this dungeon, I had fallen into panic.

Hitsuna-san was using strong spells that clearly surpassed her own magic power and was smashing them against me. Moreover, not only was it powerful, her sense and ability was top notch.

That talisman magic felt like, in exchange of a short aria, it costs quite a lot of magic power.

The fighting style of utilizing talisman magic in important points or utilize it simultaneously was clearly superior to that of the other mage that utilizes talisman magic as well, Mokuren. <the demon general>

The talisman magic at the demon territory was the mass produced type.

The ones Hitsuna-san utilized were not activated with talismans but pages, and the power, cost, magic power, and effects were different in a lot of different ways.

In other words, an original.

I see, I gotta say, I really did portray their monstrousness properly.

There’s no way the magic of hers and her skills were inherited just as they are, on the contrary, the talisman magic that remains in Lorel has been made to be more practical.

I glance to the side and I see Tomoe looking at me.

Her opponents were Haku Mokuren-san and Ginebia-san.

These two were probably thinking about stalling Tomoe by themselves, but in the end, they received a weakened version of the [Fifth Hamlet Mist] and are now inside their dreams.

They fought a long battle with Tomoe, moreover, managed to damage Tomoe a number of times.

There’s no one in Asora who can achieve that…with only two people.

Aside from Mio, Shiki, Tamaki, and I, the only ones who have been able to achieve a proper hit on Tomoe have been the transcendent team combination of three counting Serwhale; the four Arkes fighting together; or a team that has five people or more.

Tomoe also learns in those instances, so, lately, she has been starting to manage the group of three people where Serwhale-san is part of.

In that sense, the team of Arkes is the one who shows the highest evaluation average.

Within my followers, Tomoe and Tamaki are the ones who the closer you manage to get them serious, the more they stress in evasion. Tomoe with magic, and Tamaki with super-fast physical evasion.

In Mio’s case, her attacks get steadily vicious; she begins to add traps into her attacks. The irregular attack type.

With Shiki, it depends on his rings, but instead of his mobility getting higher, he is more the fortress type that smashes the opponent with consistent barriers and attacks. He can be called an all-rounder type that can deal against close combatants and mages, but he is currently more of a jack of all trades and master of none.

At any rate, to be able to deal damage to this Tomoe, who ‘attacks don’t hit’ while coping with her illusion magic, for several tens of minutes is something worthy of admiration.

Let’s have Tomoe show me her fight later for future reference.

At the side of Tomoe there’s Mio who has the eyes of someone that had crawl from the depths of hell and, with those eyes, she was looking at the still paralyzed Rokuya-san.

It was a scary truth, but Rokuya-san seriously managed to shut out Mio.

He couldn’t provide assistance on the other battlefields as he first planned, but…he accomplished that against that Mio…alone.

No seriously, that’s unbelievable.

No matter what tricks he pulled, if he was able to accurately pinpoint the weakness of Mio and the compatibility in this short amount of time we met, that in itself is impressive.

If we were to compare purely on attack and defense, he shouldn’t be able to pin down Mio.

This is not about being a Wise or whatever, I think that Rokuya-san himself is impressive. Yeah.

That gear restraining barrier is something I have never seen before and it is certainly strong, but Mio should be able to break something of that level.

It was a gamble huh… against that Mio.

Well, that’s how it is. Our own plan wasn’t proceeding as smoothly either.

Even so, when their trump card, Aznoval-san, arrived to the battlefield, our number one most important plan had succeeded.

“…That’s why I said. There won’t always be a convenient method to calm things down perfectly. I would say creating one is the hardest part.” (Aznoval)

Aznoval-san, who is standing at my front with great sword in hand, says this with a wry smile as if admonishing me.

At our surroundings, there’s us the Kuzunoha Company, Picnic Rosegarden, and the Adventurers of Origin; all assembled in one place.

Aznoval-san and I are the only ones right in the middle.

But even if that sword looks exactly like Masamune, that size makes me question if it can even be categorized as a weapon.  

In terms of weapon, this one looks like the joke kind.

Can you really fight with that?

“Wouldn’t you normally think that once something is done about the hatred of Pione-san, things would go better?” (Makoto)

Because this is the biggest wall between us.

The hatred this girl, that is a part of the mercenary group, is directing at me, Raidou.

It is certainly a difficult matter.

But if we manage to remove this part, we would be able to somehow talk it out and proceed with the negotiations.

I myself had the resolve to accept the title of Wise if necessary.

And yet…

“The way you did it was bad. Not being able to extend your hand in the times when your comrades are suffering is painful. Also the fact that, even in this overwhelmingly advantageous scenario, we couldn’t defeat a single one on your side and one-sidedly suffered.” (Aznoval)

“…No matter the case, I don’t want to lose any of my comrades either. Please don’t ask for the impossible.” (Makoto)

“…And you don’t want them to get hurt either.” (Aznoval)

“Yeah.” (Makoto)

“That’s respectable. If you think that way, it might not be too late yet.” (Aznoval)

For a moment, I saw pity in the eyes directed at me by the knight.


“What did you do…to Pione? In the battlefield where her comrades were fighting, she suddenly collapsed, and declared the end of the battle. She also apologized to you guys. Yeah, really suddenly.” (Aznoval)


“Tears from her eyes and mucus from her nose; from her mouth, there were remains of vomit. Her clothes were lightly wiped, but it was still quite dirtied. It was definitely not the state of someone fighting.” (Aznoval)

Speaking all of this plainly, there was silent anger added into every word he said.

“I did explain it though.” (Makoto)

“You showed her an illusion via magic, was it?” (Aznoval)

“Yeah, I showed her the death of her comrades and of herself in the scenario where the battle continues because of her hatred. We transcribed our fighting force and battle techniques into the head of Pione-san, and with that information as the basis, it will compare that with the information she has of her own comrades and show her an illusion of the foreseeable annihilation.” (Makoto)

“…And repeats it…infinitely.” (Aznoval)

“Until the moment she wishes the end of this battle from the bottom of her heart. It is not infinitely.” (Makoto)

It seems like Pione-san truly hates me for killing her friends in that unfortunate twist of fate.

That’s why, I wanted her to learn that if she continued holding that killing intent and hatred, this will only end up spreading even more and lead to the death of those precious people of hers.

The other precious people she has.

Our power level compared to their power level.

With the premise of us actually killing each other, everyone aside from the immortal Adventurers of Origin would die.

Of course, we wouldn’t do that for real. We wouldn’t be able to gain their cooperation if we did that.

That’s why we only did it inside that illusion, only in the head of Pione-san, and showed it in a way that’s no different from reality and repeated it.

For the sake of her choosing to have a talk instead of fighting.

“It is not only that. You made it so not only Picnic Rosegarden, even Takane-kun wouldn’t be able to notice that abnormality in her.” (Aznoval)

“Of course. If you had noticed it, you would have dispelled it before she understands after all.” (Makoto)

“That was also illusion magic huh. Also, shared senses and perception, was it?” (Aznoval)

“That’s right. The instant we entered this floor, we changed a part of the senses of sight, touch, and perception from all the people here. Putting it in detail, it was to have them see it as if Pione-san continued providing support from the backlines and was fighting alongside them even if she were to suddenly faint in place. Also, this would be a fight where we are outnumbered, so we had their body perceive the healing magic and support magic they receive as if it was only showing ⅓ of its efficiency. Well, there were some other small things we did as well, but the big ones are those.” (Makoto)

“There was also one that obstructed the people that tried to enter this floor.” (Aznoval)

“Ah, yeah. That was mostly to avoid having other people accidentally coming here and end up dragged in it.” (Makoto)

That’s right.

In the end, it seems this proved useful as well, delaying the arrival of Aznoval-san by a lot.

Pione-san persisted quite a lot. Even when she was continuously shown the death of her comrades, she didn’t throw away her hatred, and the fight was prolonged more than expected.

Thanks to that, Shii was forced to use her Forest Oni drug in order to endure, and Hokuto had to use the yarn that he only uses when he is serious.

Beren told me that he also used a number of Blast Spears that had my rings embedded in them.

That’s way too far.

Even with that, Shii was inflicted with a status ailment from an assassin team called Ryuma or Ryoma and was feeling lightheaded.

The healing made it in time and she has already calmed down though.

“…And so, this leads to the ceasefire of Pione and her apology. Raidou-kun, it is true that with this, the hatred Pione-san has towards you guys is gone. But in exchange, it looks like not only will this affect her activity in the mercenary group, it will even affect her daily life.” (Aznoval)

“Of course, if you wish for it, we can provide her nursing.” (Makoto)

“What’s clear right now is that Picnic Rosegarden had the heart of one of their comrades turn into pieces right in front of their eyes.” (Aznoval)


But we didn’t kill anyone, and even if it won’t show effects immediately, we can properly nurse her back.

That’s what I have been telling them.

“On top of that, even with the help of the Adventurers of Origin, they were unable to defeat a single one of the enemies that did this. It is true that there were no lives taken, but you guys achieved your objective and broke Pione. In other words, our 0 to your 100. We totally couldn’t vent anything out.” (Aznoval)

Well, even if you tell me you couldn’t vent anything out…

If this were a contest, there’s the option of a rematch, but this was a serious fight, so even if it was a regrettable defeat or a total defeat, shouldn’t you accept it?

…No, it is exactly because it was a serious fight that it leaves grudges which is troublesome.

That means…even when we have entered negotiations, they won’t be having a proper negotiation with me even if I accept the title of Wise?

T-That would trouble me.

We went through the pain of coming to Lorel, went all the way to this underground labyrinth, tired ourselves, and used our heads; but even with that, it wasn’t enough, you say?

…Give me a break already.

In terms of fighting force, they are perfectly fit for Tsige.

Even for people on the level of Toa-san’s group, there’s plenty enough things they can learn from this mercenary group.

They are truly the perfect fit without doubt, in other words, it is a jackpot!

I would really like to dispatch them.

With this Pione-san girl as the centre, the other members of the mercenary group had their spears pointed at us and they are currently directed at me, creating emotions that are incredibly unwelcomed for us.

“And so, Aznoval-san, why are you pointing your sword at me?” (Makoto)

“If I had to put it bluntly, to vent.” (Aznoval)

“Vent…” (Makoto)

How great.

“I personally want Picnic Rosegarden to have a good relationship with your Kuzunoha Company. I have a personal debt with you guys after all.” (Aznoval)


“Ah, forget about that. Anyways, Rokuya and the others already know the strength of Tomoe-san, Mio-san, and you. But the mercenary group hasn’t seen the true strength of the main cast here, right?” (Aznoval)

“…Well, yeah.” (Makoto)

“In that case, if we were to show a fight between me, who has been acknowledged here as a person with decent individual ability, and you, the representative of the company, they would be able to digest a variety of things.” (Aznoval)

“Have them accept it by showing them our fight huh.” (Makoto)

I don’t understand it well.

In the first place, even if Beren’s group was weakened, they were still able to fight on even grounds against them, so they should be able to somewhat gauge my strength.

Can’t they acknowledge it unless they see it with their own eyes?

Or is there any other reason why?

Is something like this really going to accomplish anything?

“The fight will end when either side admits defeat. With this kind of fight, we will show our full-power and let it be water-under-the-bridge no matter who wins.” (Aznoval)

“Okay?” (Makoto)

Is this really going to be resolved with such a haphazard method?

Then what was the point of the plan I struggled my best to make…

“The Adventurers of Origin, Makado Takane, and also Picnic Rosegarden, have accepted this. What’s left is…whether the Kuzunoha Company -no, Raidou-kun accepts or not.” (Aznoval)

‘Or more like, they wouldn’t accept it if this were to end without me fighting. I would be blamed by everyone if that were to happen’, is what I heard from Aznoval-san as he muttered this with his eyes turned away.

…He does look as if he is playing dumb, but it is also true that he has shown me an easy to understand method to resolve this.

I don’t know what circumstances Aznoval-san has at all, but I don’t feel any hostility from him.

Maybe he doesn’t have that much deep of a relation with Pione; he looks like the most composed one here.

And yet, I can feel no hesitation from the sword that’s pointed at me.

Rokuya-san told us before that as long as we manage to wrap this battle in a safe manner, he would be our ally in the negotiation.

In that case, it is fine to just fight this person and show the mercenary group my power.

Hitsuna-san already understands it, and the other three Adventurers of Origin seem to have acknowledged it as well.

There’s no problem in having one more fight.


“…Got it. Then, let’s go at it with our full-power.” (Makoto)

“Sorry about that. It is slightly painful that I have to clash blades against you who protected the descendants of the Hiiragi household. Let’s make it flashy and show our best. On a level that would blow away all the troublesome grudges and make us all laugh.” (Aznoval)

Hiiragi household?

It looks like we have some sort of connection that is completely unrelated to the labyrinth or the mercenary group.

A mysterious knight that acts cordially, and yet, also hit me with the most bloodthirst and pressure I have felt today.

His peculiar greatsword and his silver full-body armor.

With his large frame coupled with this equipment, he looks even bigger.

But the incredibly problematic large scale spell that was weakening us is already gone, and my strength has already returned.

I can also utilize my magic power as I please now.

Once I call for Azusa, it was soon in my hand.

It can also be said that I am in perfect condition.

Because I switched [Sakai] to strengthening, the Magic Armor that was covering my body is now visible.

My preparations here are done as well.

“Then, Rokuya…still can’t talk properly huh. Takane-kun, please give the begin signal.” (Aznoval)

Being called, a man wearing a long white robe stood to the front.

Ah, this person is Makado Takane.

The labyrinth’s designer.

“…Raidou-shi, are you ready?” (Takane)

“Ah, yes. Go ahead.” (Makoto)

His peculiar atmosphere reminds me of my high-school friends.

In regards to PCs, those two helped me out a lot.

I remembered the faces of my truly nostalgic friends, but time won’t wait for nostalgia.

“Then…begin!” (Takane)

Takane-kun, who was assigned to signal the beginning of the battle, confirmed if I was prepared, and gave his signal to begin.

As this occurred, I prayed that the thorny gaze being poured at me from the surroundings will lessen by the time this battle ends… and so, I focus straight on Aznoval-san.

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A translator that needs lots of love~.

View Comments

  • Looks like last fight and if they want to vent just beat, kill or torture Trashmoki either options work for me, thanks for the chapter

  • Thanks for the chapter. I can't wait for this arc to just be over, it feels as though it has dragged on a bit for me. And didn't they want the picinic bears to help with a war against some kingdom, and they have been gone for what, months at this point? I can't help but feel Tsige is just a burning wreck currently.

  • Hello everyone, my net name is trueslasher(I know you'll see it once you look at my post regardless, but I didn't feel right without saying it in my introduction xD). I'm new to this community, and as people who all enjoy this lovely novel, and appreciate Reigokai incredibly for translating it, I hope to get along with all of you.

    To be honest, I'm usually one of the last people to ever post in a comment section, but I felt it was necessary here. Even if it was only one more, I wanted to let Reigokai know that there's at least one more person who appreciates what they do. This is the first Japanese novel that I've ever read, and my only regret is that it's so good that I find myself unable to read anything else while waiting for the chapters.

    I'm in no rush though xP. Take care everyone, I'm out for now!

      • Yes it was! I started off thinking I wouldn't be able to enjoy it without the imagery, but I could not be any more wrong. It was a bit difficult with the rough translation of the first few chapters, but once I got used to it, I got completely immersed... and addicted xD.

      • I know right? Though TsukiMichi is my second JWN. My first one is Arifureta and Magus Grandchild(?) both at the same time~ hahaha~ What a good time it was... haaa...

        • Hmm...I honestly don't remember what my first WN was. The first in-depth following was probably Shield Hero, but I feel like I might've been reading one of the crappy wish-fulfilment harem fantasies.

          Either way, I wasn't interested for very long and didn't really jump into it until much later.

          • Oh yeah... Shield hero... I... is shield hero my first wn? Dang I can't remember! Damn you memories! Seriously though... I forgot which one is first... I remember getting hooked on shield hero amd shed some manly tears when Atlas(?) died...

          • Shush. Spoilers.

            I didn't really shed tears because she wasn't particularly endearing to me. It was still a gutting scene of course, but I think a certain other character's sudden death not long after that hurt more for me.

          • Which one? can youy remind me? Personally the wolf girl's death struck me harder because you know... Naofumi just beginning to learn love and stuff like that and then that girl who is always energetic and such died... thoguh in the end they live happily ever after and that's good.

          • ...Wolf? Was there a wolf?
            Anyway, first a spoiler warning.

            SPOILER WARNING.

            I'm talking about the character whose appearance marked Naofumi's reputation turning around and good karma coming back to him in general.

          • Oh King Trash's wife?

            Atlas is a wolf girl right? A loli wolf girl? I remember her have wolf ears both she and her brother have wolf ears if I remember correctly.

          • The LN is better since Glass, other characters in the series WN have more involvement in the LN then they did the WN and new characters appear. And just recently I just read vol 8 had the MC go to a place that is part of his trial of returning back to the Magical world that at the end of the WN series.

          • And they tone it down with medieval cruelty such as the torture such as having Trash instead of not poisoning MC and eating the food that not happen in the LN, but the queen frozen him up to his head for the cruelty he has done to the MC and turning a blind eye to the churches actions which mess up the country.

          • So the queen instead frozen trash up to his neck? isn't that more tortureous than poison though?

          • It was more comical then was in the WN in like some old cartoons you see people make jokes about the whole freezing. Something like in Zootopia when the mob boss says to ice them (MC's) he wanted them to be thrown in frozen water. And if people read the entire WN would know what he is like once he starts to redeem himself during that fake reborn hero appears and after his wife dies, he is kind of a masochist. With the food poison it makes me remember when I was food poison during boy scouts camp and I had to set home and pretty much every boy at the camp got food poison.

          • Oh I see I see... thnaks for the insight, I hope I can get my hands on an english release of the LN if it exist.

          • It does exist. It is being publish right now in Eng. in paperback by One Peace books. If was you I would buy it on Amazon since it is cheaper but if do not want to buy the book you can buy vols on kindle.

          • It think Shield was mine but am also thinking it might have been Mushoku Tensei, those were the 1st WN's I read and finish. Right now I am buying the LN of the Shield Hero.

          • I liked Shield Hero more than Mushoku Tensei. But what best for both of them is that they both brought in some form of an evil god that made the story great.

          • Diffidently, since the author led to believe that Hitogami was on the MC side, then out of nowhere we find out that he was planning to betray him because his descendants were going to defeat and seal him. He was a very great villain after you learn more about his history.

          • Yeah. I want to know more about him... actually I also want to know about Rudi's descendants fate!

          • The only WN that made me bit tearier was Word Teacher, when the maid who was looking after the MC (when his mother died giving birth to him) was dying and Sirius called her mother.

    • Well well... I can only say welcome to our community, where the dark side has cookies and the good dense guys have harems. Unfortunately we can never choose a side, like mother Russia "the side chooses you". As the ancients says "Once you read Jap, you never go back (because of waifus)".
      Anyway, as an avid reader of Japanese, Korean and chinese novels. If you tell me the genre you're into I can introduce you to some good novels. Once again welcome, because you're never leaving.... Forever... Jk.

      • Rofl, I dun wanna leave, I enjoy it here xD. Also, I just started reading another novel called 'The Rise of the Shield Hero'. I read the manga for it and wanted to see more(just like what happened with Tsuki ga Michibiku) and I must say I have a good feeling about it. At best it'll be another great read, at worst it'll be something to help my withdrawal symptoms from getting worse!

    • Hey! Welcome to our beloved community~! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your stay here! Though I warn you to be careful when reading the comment section... when the Devil King and his Four Devas (May increse in the future) are involved... your brain may rot... well in a good way (sometimes).

    • Shield bro huh? That's a good read.
      I think they took down the web novel from the original site. I know they're translating the light novel but it's still ongoing I think. Luckily for you though, I have the complete translated web novel. So if you need it just let me know. One of the few novels I liked so much I just had to save!!! Rafu~~~~

  • WAIT! Does it mean next chapter puts an end to this battle between Aznoval and Makoto?! Thank God! I mean, I want to know so badly that I don't mind this fighing getting one LONG chapter to finish!

    .. How does people waiting for translation knows what chapter has already been released? I couldn't grasp the numbers of the chapters at our disposal in Japanese (oficial releases). How they do that?! D:

    I really need to learn Japanese. Not just me, everybody in here. We cannot depend on people because than we can do our shit ourselves without bothering others.

    • Yeah we really need to... SO WE CAN SPAM JAPANESE LANGUAGE AND ANNOY THE OTHER DWELLER IN THIWS COMMU HAHAHA~!!! (and then get subsequently banned and regretted life decisions because not enough doses of TsukiMichi then commit suicide by crying)

  • BOOOO for stupid rushers!!!!

    YAYYY for a new chapter!

    BTW it really shows that it's a jap novel, if an european or american were in Makoto's place, I'm sure we would have screamed "Hypocrites!!!!". I mean the guy comes as a merchant representing a whole city for a contract, the other idiots attack him with killing intent and he defends himself with non-lethal actions. Then a bigger prick shows up forcing his hand BECAUSE HE WANTS TO VENT?!
    This is the part where a normal non-jap says F#CK YOU!! If they want to vent, go fix Trashmoki instead of bothering Makoto...
    Man, these authors really know how to rile up a reader...

    • that's not hypocrisy though
      he already explained his actions:
      -“Was the reason for pointing my sword at you also accounted in it? Even if you resolve this ‘core reason’ you speak of, reasons to continue the battle will be born in the middle of the battle. And as proof of this, here I am, pointing my sword at you for hurting my family. Without knowing the basis of all this fighting.”
      -‘Or more like, they wouldn’t accept it if this were to end without me fighting. I would be blamed by everyone if that were to happen’

      whereas makoto showed so much disgust about tomoki's and hibiki's mind control, and about Root's brainwashing of sofia, but yet he now just mind-broke and brain-washed someone to fit the result he wanted.

      But yeah, I agree that we, white people, tend to trow words we don't master as an insult to feel smarter.

      • your weak defence reminds me of the courtroom scene in GATE. Did JSDF fail to protect villagers/civilians from dragon? NO! They saved hundreds of lives!

      • Where did you read about Makoto "brainwashing" Pione? He only showed her a loop of what would happen if it was a battle to the death.

        It was all up to Pione to release herself from the loop, since her hatred was misplaced (Yes, because it's Tomoki's fault), it was only right that Makoto got rid of it. Honestly, if she valued the lives of her comrades, she should've stopped it a long time ago. It's her own fault for going that far.

        Tomoki and Hibiki's charm and charisma totally changes a person's personality and robs them of their own free will, while Makoto hasn't done something like that and even offered to heal her afterwards.

  • thanks for the chapter!

    I wonder about the morality of the illusion like 'izanami' in naruto
    It look like brain-washing to me. not the magic thing with the heroes, but the good old one:
    torture until mind break, and rewrite the part like you wish.
    by that illusion, Pione can either face eternal pain, or break and bend to makoto's will.

    So, it bring me to my real question: Since Makoto always looked disgusted by this kind thing, do you think the last conversation with Root about Sofia influenced the use of that tactic?

    • You're totally forcing the whole brainwashing thing in there, aren't you?

      All Makoto did was show her what they were capable of. It was her own fault for going that far. If she had any common sense or if she valued the lives of her friends, she would've given up at the beginning and she wouldn't have suffered like that.

      He should do something like that to Hibiki and Hibiki, since their the same as Pione. Despite going against a force they can't beat, they still keep opposing Makoto and causing unnecessary conflicts.

      • 'Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques. Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject’s ability to think critically or independently,[1] to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into the subject’s mind,[2] as well as to change their attitudes, values, and beliefs.'

        He mentally tortured her until her mind break, and that "Until the moment she wishes the end of this battle from the bottom of her heart."
        basically rewriting her own will and forcing his own will by torturing her, knowing everybody will break at one point, it was only a matter of time before she become what makoto wanted.
        It is brainwashing in my book.

        'it was up to pione to release the loop'
        'It’s her own fault'
        'they still keep opposing Makoto'
        This is just BS justifications, the reason doesn't change what makoto did,
        but seriously you either do what I want or die by my hands isn't a choose or free will, it tyranny.

        'offered to heal her afterwards'
        let me break all your fingers and pay the medical bill. you should thank me for that

        coming back to my actual comment what is shocked is makoto doing that after trowing a fit to root because of what he did to the adventurer and sofia.

  • Aaaa, this whole arc is sooo much vexing and stupid..... that adventures of origins and that merc group must be total brainless idiots who cant keep an eye on 3 people and after that mentioned 3 people escape from them (the most powerfull group of mercenaries and the group of transported humans that are basically origins of all powers there are in the level system of this world) and then tries to assasasinate someone and that someone defend himself, they are like "What are you doing to our friends!!! We will now kill you because you protected yourself from assasination!!! And we will leave the real culprit who brainwashed our friends alone because we felt like it and now your going to die!!!!!"..... like really Japan.... why does almost every Japanese novel author ends like this.... they have in their group a group of immortalls that should have a lot of experience so why they had to go for the most idiotic way.... i know it must be sad that they lost friends that had almost been saved from the brainwashing, but if they are that much important guard them better god damn it!! And the fact that everyone ignores Trashmoki is not much better..... like really, he is brainwashing like every women that he lays his eyes on, sooo pleaseeee AUTHOR-SAMA kill him already and make it please that his death will be the slow one where they leave him in some dark cave and isolate him there without food or anything and torture him, let some mamono to rape him than fix him back with magic and reapet this process for days, months and then years until his mind completely breaks. (And maybe let him in the middle when his mind is still not so much fu**** to let him escape just to capture him again and crush his all through of even escaping his miserable life) MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

    And BTW big thanks for translator for even translating this for us. If it wasnt for you we would had to wait for years until the LN would came out and then wait even longer when they came in english.... so you really deserve the biggest thanks!!!

    • That's kind of a slanted perspective on what just happened. Let's break the situation down with an analogous scenario.

      1 - Some dude feeds your dog something that makes your dog start acting weird.
      2 - You're talking to your vet about this when the dog jumps the fence and attacks a door to door salesman.
      3 - The salesman pulls out a hand-cannon and blows your dog's brains out. Your dog is like a teacup poodle or something.
      4 - Salesman starts pitching retirement home communities and vinyl windows while your kid starts wailing in the background.
      5 - You tell the salesman to wait a minute while you deal with the traumatized kid currently wailing about their dead dog.
      6 - Salesman proceeds to break through your front door while pointing out all the awesome savings he's offering.
      7 - You attack the salesman and he pistol-whips you and everyone else attempting to impede his awesome sales pitch.
      8 - Salesman proceeds to show the child images of her entire family dying repeatedly until she stops crying.

      ... Okay that kind of fell apart at the end.

      • it would more be like
        1 - some dude infects your dog with rabies and they go insane trying to kill anyone they see
        2 - while talking to the vet your dig jumps the fence and attacks the CEO of a company next door by trying to bite his neck. your dog is a rottweiler
        3 - the CEO pulls out a gun and defends himself against the rabid rottweiler by killing it
        4 - the CEO then offers you a job and is even willing to forget about your rabid dog that almost killed him just a few seconds earlier
        5 - you tell the CEO to wait because your daughter is still traumatized
        6 - the CEO comes knocking anyway and your daughter runs out with a gun trying to kill the CEO
        7 - you decide to also pull out a gun and try to kill the CEO and the CEO just defends himself without hurting you
        8 - then i guess the CEO pulls out a photo album about dead dogs... ok yea it falls apart there but you get the point

        • I think there are few things to change:
          3- Makoto did 'capture' them, examined them, and decided they should be put down, and killed them.
          so it would be more something like
          'The CEO caught and bind the dog, and then will seeing he has rabies, he pull out a gun and put him down'
          but I still don't really agree with that comparison because, will your are supposed to call professional service to take care of the rabid dog, I do not know a service that take care of 'stray brainwashed assassin'

          7- 'you decide to take a gun and say him to leave now, if he make a single step inside you kill him'

          8- 'The CEO jump in with a gun in hand, beat your shit, and show the album of dead dog will threatening her to kill you if she doesn't shut up'

      • I lost it at 4- because I imagined him saying something like: when you will hear the advantages you can get, it will 'blow your mind'!

      • teacup poodles are not brainwashed super assassin pitbull dogs(or original bulldogs bred for cockfighting). you horrible horibble apologists. it's like saying jews are insensitive to germany for blaming nazis and hitler for genocide.

      • Just that the super dangerous dog is just a little chihuahua and the salaryman is not in any danger but he shoots him nevertheless because of 'self-defense'.

    • you do realize that even if the adventurer of origins can easily kill Tomoki they can't do due to breaking the contract with the goddess which is doing something that would caught the attention of the world , Makoto is one thing since he is someone the goddess could care less

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