Categories: Announcements

Announcement! New Project, hot and steaming!

Hi there guys, Reigokai here!

So, what you have been waiting…hopefully. The announcement of the new project! —But first! I would like to get some points cleared out before that.

Let me be honest here, I read A LOT of stories before deciding. I read the suggestions and swam on my own at syosetsu.

Let me talk about the latter first. The amount of trash was beyond belief. I am sorry about saying this of others’ creations, but that’s how I felt while I was wasting away reading them all. I felt like this was a futile expedition, and at the same time, felt renewed respect towards the translators that find gems. And I once again understood just how lucky I was when I blind-picked Tsuki ga Michibiku.
Now, I might have missed some gems there, since if I were given only 10 chapters of Tsuki and had to decide if to translate it, let me be honest, I wouldn’t have. So some of them might have become a lot deeper than I expected.

Now, onto the first one, and most likely, the one you cared about the most. Your suggestions.

There were an incredible amount of suggestions, and of that, I am truly grateful. I checked them out and bookmarked some even. But these are the points that made most of them hard to pick:
1. Only source is light novel. I want to steer clear from that area, mainly because of legal issues.
2. The web novel raw had at least 1 year of hiatus. Ironic, I know.
3. Some were already being translated? Uhmm…thanks for adding to my bookmarks.
4. Alphapolis changing their policies. Apparently, alphapolis has now implemented the ‘pay to read’. First few chapters are free, but the next ones, you have to pay. Also, you can’t copy+paste there anymore (and I don’t know how to get around that).
5. And the most important, personal preference 🙂

Now, with all that out of the way, I will announce the new project! *drum roll*


World Reformation activities of the Dark God — Loving humans so much, I reincarnated in one —


At the genesis of the world, the ‘Dark God Entropy’ was defeated in the fight between the five other Gods, and was sealed.
And then, after 1,600 years, the seal of the God of Darkness was released and he is liberated. The God that was now free didn’t really have any special intent for revenge and didn’t have anything to do, so he decided to reincarnate as a human and enjoy the life of a human being.
The human that had obtained the soul of the Dark God and was born was ‘Kuromiya Haine’, a human that -while being human- possesses the powers and memories of the God of Darkness. The strongest existence.

While saving the heroes that fight monsters, and fighting against the other Gods that are trying to rule the humans, he acts in order to make the world a better place.


Yes, this is the new project! I have read 110 chapters of it, and I gotta say, the story has a lot of action, and the interactions between characters is one of my favorite parts of it.

Some may ask, ‘But Reigokai! He is not a Japanese person, and there’s no summoning or that kind of stuff! Aren’t you an Isekai translator? And what about Truck-sama?!’.
Yeah, there’s no Japanese person, and no summoning, but what I am looking for is not a transported MC to an Isekai, it is to transport you to an Isekai.
And whenever we read an Isekai story, Truck-sama runs over us and sends us to an Isekai. He is always by your side, waiting.

Also, special thanks to Raizu for recommending this and many other titles!

A close second was Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei.
But this fell in the points 4 and 5. Maybe in the future, when the point 4 is solved! (No, time machine is just a temporary one, and not one that actually solves it)

Estimated time of post will be starting next week.

I hope you guys stick along in this new journey to a new Isekai.

Isekai e Youkoso!




Support my translations or commission me to translate a chapter of any series on Patreon!

A translator that needs lots of love~.

View Comments

  • Thank u always for ur great work...

    --- And what about Truck-sama?!’. ---
    Sorry Truck-san, ur turn didn't come this time...

    This one seems good, another twist start to enjoy the story...

  • Copy/paste restriction can be bypassed with blocking Javascript.
    But this option will be annoying for some websites (doesn't always work), but seems to work on Alphapolis (For the time being...)

    • Yeah, I heard about that one when I was researching how to block the Patreon scammers from copy+pasting my content. But I decided against doing any countermeasures cause it would only cause more harm than good.

      Anyways, there's also the part about paying.
      I would have to go through 50+ chapters minimum before deciding. That's a gamble I don't want to take when I already had a good candidate.

    • No, you don't need to bypass Javascript.

      I have test on my PC and it is simple. The principle is "copy directly from source code, not from rendered page". In chrome, open the page you want to copy, then press ctrl+u to open the source code. You can easily find what you want there. It may contain some word/symbol that not relate to the text you need (mostly html code), but it easy to delete that.

      By the way, thank you for the new project, it seem promising.

  • Waaaaaai~!

    It's here! Looks fucking good! I'm psyched to see where a synopsis like this goes, and apparently character interactions are good, which is all I can ask of a novel meant to fill the gaping hole Tsukiga is gonna leave in my heart.
    Although the Isekai point needs a perspective shift, it seems like both novels still have a theme of "gods challenging gods" though.

    And holy cow, I totally forgot to comment on that part. Reigokai managed to land this great gem of a story from an admittedly large mine of mostly dirt(trash) and lapis lazuli ore(trash that's only potentially useful).
    That's some Makoto-grade luck right there. Or is it Iroha-grade? Hard to say...

    • I'm also really "psyched" to read this one. (I see what did there, "psychcronia").
      By the way, I like how the God of Darkness looks Lovecraftian in the picture.^^ Let's say he's an Elder God(since it doesn't seem like he's against humans).

  • So... I no longer exist, Reigo-senpai?

    Meh, Raizu has more of a pull than I ever did. Still, I'm sad that it's not Janitor-san, that is one damn good novel. And it's a web novel too. Then again... I've been having the strangest luck lately.

    Now to everyone else, Spoiler-san won't be around to give spoilers!!! This is a reminder, but Spoiler-san was born from my impatience with wanting to read ahead and the patience it did take to read Tsuki ga Michibiku through Google Translate. I'm not gonna read ahead on this one, especially since the site with the raws is going on a payment model soon. So sorry, the only time you all will be seeing Spoiler-san is when he's being an anti-Nepu.

  • As always, thanks a lot, if I might be a bit schizophrenic, but if a new chapter does come out, you will keep translating tsuki ga?

    • The m.c is already a (dark) god.
      Soooo OP.
      Will there be a cult worshipping him?
      Some shady cult, trying to shadily recruit new cult members. Like certain Aqua cult. You know...

      • A dark god of unimaginable power who's followed by a small group of zealously devoted followers.

        Ah~ I miss Makoto already~

    • Ahaha... well , let's try this one. Since Reigokai got so immerse in it (110 chapters, really?) and reccomends it, must be good right ?

      • Looks like it's not your the one is by our hearts...
        It's Truck-"sama"....
        Sad...SO SAD... T-T
        Better Luck next time, Truck~kun~

      • Yeah, I just saw him the other day,
        Truck-sama came out of no way and just randomly hit people, either its Spoiler-san or not.
        But luckily, I let him seduce Reigokai-san so that he won't go on rampage any longer~
        All is well and happy~
        And that's how he came btw.

      • Is that why Reigokai is now steering truck-sama's wheels, ready to hit us all into this new translation's world?

  • "Truck-sama runs over us and sends us to an Isekai. He is always by your side, waiting."

    I don't know whether to be glad or be horrified on what Truck-sama will do to us.

    • Don't worry, Reigokai already said that I will have no role this time.
      ... just the occasional passing by, that's all.

      (Btw, I hate Kaibaman. Suddenly summoning Blue Eyes at no cost, ruining my strategies. I will get you one day.)

  • Uguu... you mention me twice, but it seems that I will have no role in this Isekai. Well, my aim is only to find Spoiler-san, whom I believe will pop up again... or someone else taking up the devil's mantle.

    Anyhow, thank you Reigokai !
    I will enjoy the new serie to the last and you have my full support (I don't have monies but .. you know.. spiritual support).

    I wish you good luck in your new undertakings and take care.


  • The cover art looks nice and the premise sounds nice too. This is the first time I ever heard about this web novel and I haven't even read it yet but I'm already giving 10/10. Awesome work! Can't wait to start reading it.

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