Chapter 246: Now that I think about it, that did happen

TLN: Hey guys, I will be busy this whole weekend, so there won’t be any sponsored chapter! Really sorry >-<. The scheduled chapter will be coming out as always though.

The things I know of Lorel Union, are actually not that much.

I only know that even when it is a continent, it is slightly isolated by mountain ranges, and that they adore Japanese Wise, and because of it, the country possesses a peculiar culture.

I only roughly know the structure of it.

Also, the fact that they are actually using kanji as Wise writing, which tells me that the influence of Japanese people is relatively big.

But this is the world of the Goddess.

The people I know from Lorel are my student Izumo, and the distinguished Sairitz-san. The features of those two are pretty different from those of Japanese.

If we to put together all the people, it is true that they look a bit more yellowish than white and black people, but they look more like they have a variety of features mixed from Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Japanese.

There’s a lot of people with strong Japanese factors in them, which have an outward appearance that are pretty much to my liking, making the number of times I look at them again increase.

Since coming to this world, I have seen so many beautiful people, and yet, I feel like the time when I first arrived at Zenno and Tsige.

“And so, there’s those kind of circumstances involved. It was a time that had a tense atmosphere going around, even within us.” (Shougetsu)

But, from the outside, you can’t tell how much they have taken reference of Japan.

This country Lorel, is in a strange situation where the Edo period -that Tomoe loves- and the modern era have been fused.

It can’t be called the latter periods of Edo, but even so, it is not in their initial stages either. It felt as if an outside culture in the Meiji era<1868-1912> has begun to receive the Japanese culture in massive amounts.

What I can say for sure is that, in the past, it was a country that had Japanese factors by a lot.

It seems like Hibiki-senpai had come to Lorel recently, and she probably had a time when she felt nostalgic as well.

The city of Mizuha, the cityscape, the food; it has a feel as if a foreigner had gone to Japan once, and tried making a theme park out of that experience.

I think Mizuha is interesting.

I am looking forward to Kannaoi and the other places too.

And yet, the old man in front of me was speaking of something that was withering my motivation.

“Raidou-dono? The Raidou-dono that is working as the teacher of Izumo-sama. The fiance of Iroha-sama, Izumo-sama.” (Shougetsu)

“I can hear you. I am listening.” (Makoto)

The talk of Shougetsu-san not only had the faint smell of trouble, it smelled completely like trouble.

To the point that just listening to it made my ears hurt.

Putting it shortly, it is a conflict between households.

Literally a strife of heirs.

The favorite dish of Tomoe.

That’s most likely why she poked her head into it in an instant.

The destination is Kannaoi, the type that had Yaso-Katsui involved, which is like the specialty product of that land. The kind of problem that has whatever-its-name magistrates, and the whatever-that-name-was big shots involved in it.

The local feudal lord in this case, would be the current head of the Osakabe family, maybe?

From what the Shougetsu-san said, it doesn’t seem like the current feudal lord is suffering from any illness or weakened, so that should be the case.

Factions that wants to make the princess or prince of the family into their leader, and the princes and princesses that were not allowed to enter one, or have been judged as as an hindrance, are targeted.

The special 10% of the group.

‘You have understood their standing, and you are already involved in it’, is what the eyes of Shougetsu-san were saying.

There’s still the ‘escape’ command, but in this case, Tomoe will be coming from behind anyways.

She will be making infinite petitions to me.

In essence, I have no choice but to get involved.

I don’t know if our visit to Kannaoi in the middle of a household strife was a coincidence or the plan of someone, but if I wait till it ends, by the time that happens, the revolution in Tsige would be over too.

“Iroha-sama has the role of inviting the blood of the Ikusabe household into ours, and deepening our relationship.” (Shougetsu)

…Isn’t it more accurate to call it ‘shouldering’?

She is just being one-sidedly made to shoulder this burden, by deciding the person they are going to be marrying before being born.

Using marriage as a political tool is something that happens not only in Japan but in every country. Thinking about it rationally, it isn’t something to condemn.

In history, there’s most likely a lot of situations where that happened, and it most likely happens in the modern era as well.

This kind of things probably still continue.

Becoming a family should be a simple act where the two trust each other, and are joined into the same house, but it does hold a strong significance.

Thinking about it in a plebeian mindset would be a mistake.

‘A mutual-love marriage is best’, this thought is in a part of my head, so I just can’t help but feel weird about it.

“She is the fiancee of Izumo after all. Moreover, it is not the wife entering the family, but the husband.” (Makoto)

When you hear about the fiance of a princess, you also think that it is the wife that is the one entering the family. But of course, there’s also the possibility of the contrary.

“In other words, it is one of the methods to peacefully settle the long dispute between households. It is literally the sentiments of the people that wish for peace.” (Shougetsu)

“Calming down a dispute with marriage. Rather than bringing harmony between families, it is more like, assimilating a family huh.” (Makoto)

How long-winded.

In the first place, the Ikusabe are in Naoi, and the Osakabe are in Kannaoi, and both of them hold territories in their respective lands, so I don’t think a single marriage will change anything drastically.

“Aside from Iroha-sama, he also has a lot of other fiancees promised to him, and yet, the moment their backing fell, there were a number of people that didn’t think favorably of this betrothal and stepped in to interfere.” (Shougetsu)

“That’s why Iroha-sama’s life is being targeted.” (Makoto)

Are they really going as far as aiming for her life?

Mizuha is pretty far away from Kannaoi.

If she has become the target of assassination, I think it would be quite careless to walk all the way to a place like this.

“In reality, the actions of the princess-sama this time has made us hold our heads in pain. Even though the seventh princess has already fallen into the hands of a ruffian, she decided to do something like land survey at this kind of time.” (Shougetsu)


Right now, Shougetsu-san absent-mindedly said something incredible.

She went through the trouble of escaping from her room and running away from home, to secretly go and do land survey.

That princess is really quite decisive.

She is a girl that swims in an open air bath so, in other words, she is a little different from the princesses and high-class girls out there.

“But maybe this is a fortune within the misfortune. We have coincidentally had the chance to meet Raidou-dono who is heading to Kannaoi. This must be the guidance of the Spirit-samas and Wise-samas.” (Shougetsu)

Shougetsu-san is the only one who is denoting us as allies while looking joyful.

The eyes of Akashi-san and Yuduki-san are telling me that they don’t trust me yet.

The servants aren’t showing much emotions and just staying at the back. Doesn’t seem like they will be taking part in the conversation either.

“I don’t really have much of a problem in having you accompany us on the way to Kannaoi, but…we are heading to the labyrinth with a business in our hands, so I don’t think we will be able to cooperate as much as you wish us to.” (Makoto)

Let’s properly delineate a line.

If it is in an extent that can coexist with my job, I don’t mind a certain degree of trouble, but I can’t prioritize this and put the labyrinth for later.

The number one reason for coming to Lorel was because we were doing this for Tsige.

I can’t forget that part.

“No problem. It is fine with having Raidou-dono bring along Iroha-sama to Kannaoi. We will bring the double of Iroha-sama and serve as decoys. In that time, become the cover of Iroha-sama without making her stand out and—” (Shougetsu)

“Who’s there?!” (Yuduki)

Yuduki-san shouts and takes her stance.

There’s no windows here.

There’s also no presence of an exit and entrance.

Then…above huh.

At the other side of the ceiling.

Three people.

The moment I thought about doing something, a part of the ceiling had crumbled, and instead of escaping the instant they were exposed, they rushed in to attack.

How bold.

The rope has already been untied, so I am a free person.

I check the opponents.

Because of the crumbled ceiling, dust is fluttering about, and armed shadows were keenly moving within it.

Each of the three attacked Shougetsu-san’s group.

Instead of black clothing to slip into the night, they are armed huh.

It seems like this group was aiming for a bloodshed from the very beginning.

“Akashi!!” (Yuduki)

“I know, I leave the old man and the women to you!!” (Akashi)

The two bodyguards here also begin their movements well.

It seems like Akashi-san is carrying two while Yuduki-san is tasked to protect Shougetsu-san and the others.

A small confined space. Even if they have already noticed their presence, there’s no agitation even when it was a surprise attack.

I couldn’t tell at the time with Tomoe, but it seems like these two are good in their coordination.


This might end without the need for me to help.

These people aren’t using thought transmission.

If thought transmission was used, I would be able to intercept it, so I can say this for certainty.

If it’s intercepting thought transmissions, leave it to me.

I can take care of all the thought transmissions within a 3km radius.

…I definitely won’t tell that to anyone though.

Being seen as a walking wiretap would be troublesome in a lot of meanings.


If they aren’t using thought transmission, in this situation, it should be a moment they would want to escape no matter what, right?

Then, why did they go for an attack rather than escaping?

If their aim is Iroha-chan, information about there being a decoy should be pretty important to have their companions know about.

“Oraa! If you have trained arms, come to me! If you don’t come, I will be the one…wait, what?!” (Yuduki)

“Low-lives that aim for people that don’t have weapons are going to face my wrath…what?” (Akashi)

Right after their thoughts had taken in the situation, they noticed another possibility.

The movements as if aiming Shougetsu-san and the others was a faint!

The three, who I was following with my eyes while sitting, were heading towards my direction.


No matter how you think about it, I am still an outsider.

Shouldn’t I be the last one you aim for?

The three come to me from three different directions. With no hesitation, and with advanced coordination, they took an attack stance at the same time.

Pretty high level.

Even so, I haven’t heard about the spies of Lorel’s being high level.

That description applies to Aion Kingdom.

Even I who have fought against the spies of Aion, was surprised by the proficient movements of these three.

These are not movements of a spy…they are the moves of an assassin.

“Sharp Step.”

“Enhance – Death’s touch.”

“Largo Tempo.”

The three activated their skills at the same time.

Speed up, increase in attack power plus added effect for chance of instant death, pain numbing.

All of them had effect in the whole party.

This is one of the higher jobs of Shadow Thieves, the skills of the Shadowless.

I have an acquaintance in Tsige that was a Shadow Thief, so I could tell the effects of the skills.

Thief, assassin; whichever it is, the three that have the same advanced-class jobs are coming towards me with the intent to kill me.

Pain numbing will be troublesome when trying to make them spill the beans, so I will dispel that one first.

Just by having a bit of buffs placed on themselves won’t make them pass through my Magic Armor.

It is said that even a master will have difficulties dealing with attacks from three different directions at the same time, but this is a fantasy world with magic.

None of the daggers reach me and were stopped by the Magic Armor.

“You went through the trouble of buffing yourselves, but I will have to cancel th—” (Makoto)

Ah, there’s no need to make them talk.

The eyes of this girl…so that’s what this is.

“W-What?!” (Akashi)

Akashi-san was surprised that the assassins’ attacks were redirected at me, and that the attacks didn’t manage to work and had stopped; she made a shout with both of those emotions.

Ah, as I thought, from within the people here, she might be the one I like the most.

“How pitiful, a puppet.” (Makoto)

I mutter these words.

The three assassins, young girls.

Those eyes of theirs were muddy with thick magic power.

There’s no need to check thoroughly. Their whole bodies are being invaded by it.

I know of this. This is the ability of ‘that person’.

“…For the sake of the hero.”

“You are the enemy of Tomoki-sama.”

“Raidou, definitely kill.”

Just how much of it was actually the order of Tomoki, and just how much was it the rampaging of these girls? I can’t tell that.

At this point, that doesn’t matter.

If they wanted to, they would be able to show suitable strength, and yet, they were like machines. An accurate, coldhearted, and distasteful attack.

That Tomoki, it seems like he hasn’t changed.

“Can’t be helped huh.” (Makoto)


Yuduki-san probably noticed the change in my emotions, or maybe she reacted to something that was unexpected, she made a voice that reflected those kind of feelings from her.

Judging from her timing, it might be because she saw my actions. It is harder to distinct exactly because she is a person that seems to be pretty perceptive.

At the same time as I muttered this, I change gears and grab the neck of the assassin at the right with the hand of the Magic Armor, and…break it.

I did the same with the one at the left, grab her head and crush it onto the wall.

Luckily, there’s no one close to the one at the front, so I continuously shot Brids at her chest and pierced through three points of her.

From the three holes that formed a triangle, the one at the top was the biggest. You could clearly see the other side through those holes.

It is nice that there was no annoying screaming.

If that guy is doing something bad in Lorel, it might not be such a bad idea to moderately crush what he is doing.

Having a conversation with him…at this point, no way.

If he comes to make a stupid negotiation with me again, even if I am to make the Empire my enemy, I wouldn’t mind.

I thought that Izumo got me involved with Iroha-chan, but now there’s the possibility that this was a plot from Tomoki.

Seriously, good grief.


Shougetsu-san and the others were stiffened.

Crap, was it bad for me to clean this up?

“Ah, sorry. Was it bad for me to clean it up? It seemed like they were assassins though.” (Makoto)

Just in case, I don’t mention that this is related to Tomoki and the Empire.

I want some positive proof of how much relation he has.

It is fine to just bring this information back and have Tomoe make a different team to leak the information.

“They seemed like…quite the proficient fighters though…”

“Ah, well, to a certain extent, yeah. But we have also gone through our share of struggles, so something of this level, no matter how many there are, it won’t be a problem. I’m on active duty after all.” (Makoto)

I crushed the head of one of them, but since I have the chance, let’s try checking the faces of  the remaining two.

I take off the cloth from the face of the first and third one.


Could it be…I feel like I have seen their faces before…


The girls that Tomoki was going to exchange with me for Tomoe!

That means, the other one was also one of them.

Hah…to think that these girls were dispatched to Lorel after that.

How pitiful.

Let’s pray for them.

Pray that they don’t get involved with me and Tomoki in their next life.

“You have seen them before?” (Akashi)

Maybe Akashi-san still hasn’t gone out from fighting mode yet, her tone was rough as she asked me who had my hands joined together.

“Nope. Death is something that accompanies battles, but isn’t it fine to pray after it is over?” (Makoto)

It is a bit of a lie.

It is because I somewhat know them that I am now praying for them.

That’s the truth.

“Well, that’s your freedom. Uhm, sorry. I just can’t like merchants. But I have now understood that you are not a simple merchant. That’s why, it might be for a short time but, I-I look forward to working with you.” (Akashi)

“Same here. Look forward to working with you.” (Makoto)

“…Without a single change in temperament, and without a single change in the color of your face, you finished the assassins with polished movements. Whatever your job may be, you have shown me something incredibly terrifying. From now on, I will be careful with my behavior.” (Yuduki)

“It is not that much. I am simply a merchant that is used to a certain extent of trouble.” (Makoto)

It seems like Akashi-san and Yuduki-san have a better evaluation of me.


Leaving aside Akashi-san, Yuduki-san has a pale face. I wonder if that can be considered a better evaluation.

She did say that she will be careful with her behavior, so there’s no need to care about the details. Yeah.

I simply eliminated the enemies that we had no point in conversing with.

Seriously, how exaggerated.

Shougetsu-san has his eyes wide open.

The servant-san had fainted at some point in time.

Well, with this, it seems like the matter with Shougetsu-san and Iroha-chan will be wrapped up.

Then, let’s go for the exchange of information.

If I remember correctly, Beren-san said that he will be visiting his former homes, and after that, headed to the mountains. The rare composition of Arkes and Forest Onis have gone to investigate the valley of Yaso-Katsui and the vicinities of Kannaoi, but…I wonder how they are doing.

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View Comments

  • Many Thanks for the chapter! Worry not! Take all the time you need, you deserve this and more! I'm already glad to just being able to read the series and it's all thanks to you!

    ...I fucking despise Tomoki. Sure, it is quite easy to fall into corruption, but I just can't help but hate mind-controlling power. Tch. Truly distateful. I truly hope one day his eyes get poked out or burned somehow, dispelling the charm. And, Oh God, if you could imagine my grin while thinking about a "School Days" Ending... fufufufu.

    ...oh. OH. HOLY MAKOTO. I'm really surprised. Pleasantly so. Really ruthless, I just love his "apathy" or "machine-like" mode.

    > The servant-san had fainted at some point in time.

    That's me. From seeing too much greatness, that is.

    • "...but I just can’t help but hate mind-controlling power. "
      What about Lelouche from Code Geass? Cuz I believe the series was brilliant and the way he used his power was incredible. And he didn't fall to corruption, he only made it seem like it.

      • I do hate that kind of power, but it is only a tool in the end, thus the objective is most important. I think. I love Code Geass, but hate Tomoki, mainly because Lelouch did what he did for a greater sake I suppose. But looking at it right now, I think I do not dislike the power itself, I just find it really scary, what I despise is its use for... not exactly moral things.

        But again, I'm not sure how my brain work myself. Sometimes I love it, other times I hate it. I usually dislike it though. So Lelouch is an expection I would say.

        • The problem with mind control as a power is that at its very nature, it attacks the concept of free will.

          Every person has a set personality cultivated by set experiences and thus will choose to act in a certain way depending on their environment. By changing their natural behavior, you're invading their very personality and character. In a sense, mind control is a power that directly damages what could be considered the opponent's "soul" and that's a very uncomfortable thing.

          The immoral things done through mind control isn't even that scary. At least to me, if someone had the power to create homunculi puppets and ordered them to do the exact same thing a mind controller did.
          It seems less scary because every action rests strictly on the master while a mind controller would do additional damage to their tools as a byproduct of how their powers worked.

          • You explained in a perfect way what I feel. Thanks for expressing what my poor vocabulary (and brain, as I wasn't even sure why I hated it) wasn't able to.

            Attacking the very "soul" huh. What a beautiful way to put it. Yeah, I can now fully understand why I find it so... displeasing.

      • Mind control is a really iffy power by it's very nature, but it's not especially worse than the standard MC solution of 'stick a knife in it'.
        Basic rule of thumb - if you're dealing with a situation that is improved by murder, mind control is a slightly better option. You're being attacked by bandits? Convince them to start a roadside stall for horse feed and wagon repairs. You've got droids you need to get past some guards? These aren't the droids they're looking for. Some dude doesn't want to give you a ride to the next town? Walk.

    • oooh finally a top comment that actually discussed the actual story of the chapter, instead of those senseless race !

      I'm with you about this Tomoki. He's really a spoiled brat thats lacking an education, especially about morals. I wish the mc could do something to him, preferably like how he (or tomoe or mio, cant exactly remember) treated Lime. Although that might be a wishful thinking... seeing as how low Tomoki has turned into

      • What do you mean by top comment? This isn't YouTube. There's no "top comment system" here.

      • Yeah, Tomoki, at least this one, is seriously too annoying for me. But from what we saw, he can actually be a better person... in another universe where Makoto destroyed Gritonia and became a... uh, avenger? My vocabulary is quite limited, so I hope you get the idea.

        By the way, this is a rare case in which I actually had time to write something that aren't only thanks (I'll always be thankful to Reigokai-sama and translators in general).

      • Tomoki was never a good person even in the alternate worlds, he brainwashed thousands of innocent woman and even less than 13 year old little girls and raped each and every one of them only reason he fought makoto is because makoto started to rebel because the princes was sacrificed by Tomoki. And in that world he loved lily. He could have saved the girls though. None of that would have happend if he had killed him at that time.
        He abetting the act of enslaving the girls of free will and sending dead after being raped.

    • "but i can't help but just hate mind-controlling power"
      I agree, because it's the most distasteful power you can get. The people that you control are just puppets and not even human anymore

  • thanks for the chapter

    some in the comments seem obsessed with tomoki's dick
    *cough* faggot *cough*

  • This is my first time to comment in here, beside the story, I sure like read all your comments...


  • thanks for the chapter!

    also why do i get the feeling that the families are going to try to force makoto to marry iroha...

    • also why is it that makoto didnt even try to dispel tomokis charm? he can do it and he could gain an advantage by making them resistent and using them as spies!

      • Too much exposure to Trashmoki's charm power has made them love him to the point of obsession. Removing the charm power will not remove those obsessive feelings since they will mistakenly believe that they really do love him.

        Kinda like how cults run by a charismatic leader on our world work. Brainwash the people for an ungodly amount of time and any sentence that is directed at them that's not 'He is our Master and we should worship him for all eternity' will either be rejected or met with hostility.

        Also why it's a bad idea to use them as spies against Trashmoki. They'll just feed Makoto with false information due to those obsessive feelings of love they have for Trashmoki.

      • First Point: Can he? Assuming it is even possible, is Makoto able?
        Second Point: Does he care? They are his enemies and while they are beautiful girls, they aren't part of his "family" and therefore he doesn't care about their lives. Remember, Makoto doesn't value "life".
        Third Point: What is the point of a spy when Makoto is already stronger than some minor gods. Any information a mind slave could collect, he could probably get by just teleportation to the Empire and wire taping for 5 seconds.
        Fourth Point: They might be strong and well trained relative to other humans, but they are very weak in comparison to the forces he has at his disposal. Forces that are willing to lay down their lives for his arbitrary decision. Forces with enough power to easily become a third faction in a world war between the two major species.

      • Is it because Makoto has no interest in it and can destroy the empire with his little finger?

      • All schemes and machinations lose their power in front of the truly strong.
        He just doesn´t care enough to make such a second in the splitsecond while he is beeing attacked, so he gave them a fast and painless death.
        think about it: In a game, when you have the most epic weapon and taming skills and suddenly a random mob jumps out of the bushes. What do you do? One-hit the useless mob and move along and put an hour of effort into taming a low level vassal, with no use whatsoever?
        Well, i think most people will blow it´s head off and keep doing their quests.

      • makoto can dispell it. he said it to sofia out of pity. i thought that since he was learning from rembrant that he would have come to an understanding of such things. and yeah though he would not need to do it he would have found it necessary for him to learn to do it. he is slowly learning to do things "normally" for that world.

      • As @abrafax once brainwashed for a long time it becomes kind of permanent and they are unable to recover from it easily plus Makoto is not the type to try a bothersome thing like that anyway.

        His policy on enemies is very simple for a reson he doesn't like overly complex or bothersome situations plus it works as a deterrent for any reasonable enemy attempting to go against him although as we saw it doesn't work against the emotional ones.

      • i suppose that brainwash people when get that state out of it, get to remember all what they did, all the incoherences in their actions compared to their selves, just like the first comment in the thread said, mind controling/brainwashing them affects their very core, to the point where their mind is lost when it is conflicted with all they do, which is why i hate tomoki power, and even more hibiki charisma, because in tomoki case, he creates a puppe and over time, destorys people mind leaving empty husks, while tomoki charisma bit by bit changes people, pretty subtly, but in a worse manner, like how suggestions work, creating people that by the pure action of differing on their idea would act against those people and without any input from their revered person, unlike the more broken puppets of tomoki that if its not by any order, they wont do shit in fear

      • It's pretty disingenuous to say "it can't be helped" when it hasn't even been tried. What makes it worse is that Makoto has been shown to have the capacity to dispel brainwashing and high level curses and so forth. Remember, Makoto tried really hard to dispel the 'tree curse' not because it posed any threat to him but because it freaked him out. That means Tomoki ripping someone's will out and turning them into suicidal assassins and fuck-puppets just doesn't bother Makoto all that much. His impression of Tomoki seems to be more like the mild scorn one might have for someone who wanders around carrying an inflatable doll or body-pillow. Essentially, he doesn't see Tomoki's victims as human. Makoto is fucked in the head.

      • lol, you really try hard to see the worst in makoto .
        He freaked out BECAUSE it could harm him and his followers? it´s was just the devastation difference of strength that saved him from beeing a tree. So he wanted an insirance against it.
        AAnd i think you misunderstood tomokis skill. it´s not brainwash or mindcontrol, where the people true will is still inside shocked and terryfied by what is happening to them(tomoki is too dumb for those) It´s simple charm.
        It makes the people around him love him. It´s not ripping out their wills, but changing the feelings towards him. it´s different, because all their actions will still be their own will, albeit influenced by manipulated emotions.
        So even if he takes the power away, the people won´t go back to "who is tomoki" or "omg, that fucker raped me".
        The mind is a little more complicated than that.
        once your mind is broken, it´s broken. No going back, without decades of psychiatric.
        it only worked on the Dragonslayer girl, because the influence was short and weak.

      • @ (Barabarossa)

        No, sorry. You lose the ability to use "The mind is a little more complicated than that" as an argument when magic is modifying peoples behaviors to this extent in the first place. Artificially altering the way people perceive or value something in order to control their behavior is the definition of brainwashing. What you're describing is puppet-master bodily control, not mind control. Tomoki's magic is not fundamentally different from the gorgon's curse that turns people to stone or the Tree Curse, it's magic pollution that alters a target's attributes.

        " Those eyes of theirs were muddy with thick magic power.
        There’s no need to check thoroughly. Their whole bodies are being invaded by it. "

        If you draw off that magic power you won't fix people immediately, but they'll stop getting magically juiced happy thoughts about obeying their magic slave master, and that goes a long ways. Of course we can't know if it can be reversed because no effort was made.

        " once your mind is broken, it´s broken. No going back, without decades of psychiatric. "
        Yes because once Tomoki's magic dick is inside people they lose all sense of themselves forever, but being a goddamn tree is a simple thing to get over! Please tell me you aren't serious.

        As far as " He freaked out BECAUSE it could harm him and his followers? " No, he killed these people before he saw their faces. They could easily have been the Rembrandt sisters. Think that's far fetched? Tomoki's power is shown to make people act against their race, country, family and self. If Makoto spared any consideration for his followers he would have killed Tomoki instead of smacking around a walking nuke with mind control powers until his revenge boner was good and turgid.

      • @A Stop Sign while I certainly agree that Makoto should of eliminated the piece of trashmoki, he was still keeping in mind that that the asshole still has the goddess favor and he wants to remain neutral in the war. Removing said trash while would be pleasurable and help in the long run for him in eliminating a potential problem but it also brings unwanted attention from the goddess and possibly the empire for killing the idiot especially considering in the empire's case there are possibly hundreds of people in there under his influence. You kill him and if they find out Makoto wiped his ass across the floor with him and in no time flat you get Makoto VS Empire with the empire turning into the great desert sea several moments later and a very pissed goddess with Makoto going down the insane badass godlike slaughterer route.

      • @ ShadArkos -
        That's actually a very solid point. Tomoki has hook pretty deep into the country, but that's also a pretty good argument for why Makoto should invest time or resources into finding a way to reverse the charm effect. Moral quandary aside, he threw away some useful research subjects here.

      • @A Stop Sign Yea that is probably one of things that annoys me about Makoto is that he is sometimes too passive or too disinterested in solving certain problems or looking into things and just lumps them off as bothersome. To a degree it is his followers(Mio and Tomoe I'm looking at you 2 jokers) fault but largely he constantly avoids a problem like the plague and once confronted he just brute forces it rather than going a bit further and finding other methods to it. The only times he shows greater thinking on a problem concerning other people is how to avoid it mostly rather other methods to solve it if confronted. However in this situation there is a question of whether Makoto truly cares about the empire's people far enough to intervene and remove the brainwashing but doing so will put him out of neutral state regarding the war probably and put him into instant war mode with the Trashmoki. Either way Trashmoki is about to meet the incinerator.

      • I don't think it even occurred to Makoto to dispel it. Had this happened earlier in the story I think he would have. But several characters have pointed out how he's begun to take life lightly. If he's attacked then "It can't be helped" were his words if I remember correctly. That and he's been shown to have a dislike for hyumans. Had they been demi's, he might have hesitated for a second. It wasn't like he was in a kill or be killed situation. They posed zero danger to him. He's just losing his humanity, and taking life is just not a big deal to him anymore. He knew they were being controlled, that it wasn't something they chose themselves and they were under the influence of magic. Crushed ones head to the point she couldn't even be recognized. Murdering the victim isn't what normal person would do, especially with an "oh well" kind of attitude. Makoto is becoming a bigger POS as time goes on. How long till he stops caring about those close to him?

        But what's REALLY stupid to me though is that he can slaughter these girls without issue, obliterate fortresses, and fight with dragons and gods. Yet seeing some titties in the bath is an end of the world scenario to be avoided at all costs.

        • Is it true that he has been growing ruthless while killing, but there hasn't been any hint of him showing antisocial or whithdraw personality with people that he is close to. So I don't think he will ever stop caring about those that are close to him, he won't go expanding that circle but he wont just simple not care.

      • @jamblin The reason was stated as he will return good will with good will and fang for fang but other than that he is extremely and at times annoyingly neutral in most cases. While yes the girls were just puppets, the question is really why SHOULD he try to dispel the mind control? Sure he can empathize that it is sad for them to be mere puppets but the case here is that they attacked him and posed a threat either to him or others of his organization. Should the dispel not work or even after the charm effects still infected their minds too badly that they are still to a degree puppets it would be a wasted effort and more so why should Makoto go the extra mile for strangers he does not know? Granted it was an extremely messy and (arguably)unmoral approach to insta kill these poor sods when in my opinion he should of taken them in for testing on how to undo the charm effects to get back at Trashmoki by chipping away at this entire power base but at the end of the day it is a question of whether Makoto wants devote more effort to saving people he doesn't know and more so the fact he isn't a hero of the Hyumans and to a degree Makoto is a little biased against them.

        • I agree with you, just gonna add that, IMO, the way Makoto killed these girls is actually less immoral than usual way people kill others. Yes it looked brutal TO SPECTATORS, but the girls died instantly, no pain no suffering, just *snap* and they are dead.

          IMO if Makoto, for example, would have torn off their limbs and left them to bleed out, or something like that, it would have been significantly more immoral.

    • Why do you want Tomoki to get laid? Are you vicariously expressing your unbridled love for him by wanting to get him laid?

      • Tomoki should taste the pain he brought upon the poor girls by being raped by a earth spirit cow or male root.

  • Thanks for the chapter reigokai-sensei...
    Wow makoto become more scary... Lol
    But dont mind it couse this is makoto determind that he will not forgive if that other party trying something funny he will make them pay what they do... Lol

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