Chapter 211: Invitation and Response

“How’s Limia?”

“It is a big country. Isn’t it a major power that is fighting over the first and second place?” (Makoto)

A vague question from Senpai.

Leaving aside that I might have answered differently If she had made a more concrete question, I gave my impressions of Limia.

I have a few bad impressions of the rampant nobles, but…if I had to give a good part of it, it would be that, honestly, I don’t have much of an impression.

“Fufufu, a major power huh. That’s true. But you see, in truth, the major power that you and I imagine are quite different. It is also a half-hearted country.” (Hibiki)

“Half-hearted?” (Makoto)

I don’t think a major power can be half-hearted.

It is a major power because many people live there, right?

In that case, it wouldn’t be able to function as a country without a superior system supporting it.

“For example, the population, Makoto-kun, how much do you think is the population of Limia?” (Hibiki)


This is a topic I have not cared at all for since coming to this world.

“…The territory of Limia is wide, so maybe around the ten millions or hundred millions?” (Makoto)

Looking at its territory only, I don’t think it would be strange for them to have at least this much.

“The correct answer is: I don’t know.” (Hibiki)


What’s with that?

Isn’t that cheating?

“In this world, there’s practically no country –including Limia– that has a clear grasp of their population. From what I know, the only one that has a grasp on it is Tsige. Moreover, the ones in possession of the information were not government officials of the country, but a single company.” (Hibiki)


One company?

…I feel like there’s only one who fits the bill.

I wonder if he has a grasp on the population even in the current sudden increases it is having, Rembrandt-san.

“It is most likely difficult…probably.” (Makoto)

A grasp on the number of people…inhabitant’s ballot, no, a census huh.

Wait, it should have existed in Japan since quite a long time ago though…

In other words, it shouldn’t be difficult?

Unless it is quite the chaotic era.

This world is currently in war, but thinking about the time in which it began in my previous world, it wouldn’t be strange for them to be able to do it.

If we are talking about a chaos that made the document burn in fire and had the minds of people agitated to the point of being unable to keep things like that in mind, it would be…the revolution at the Ounin era, maybe?

In the past, even when I investigated in my free time about that era, I couldn’t understand it well.

The enemies became allies, and even when the Heads of both powers were affiliated to the same camp, the battle continued, and by the time I noticed, it was already the Sengoku period.

I don’t think this world is in the same state.

“They don’t have the will to do so, they don’t find any reason to do it; it is just because of that. They just report about an approximate of the harvest, and from that report, they decide the tax. With a system like that, there’s little point in keeping the population number in check.” (Hibiki)

“I-I see.” (Makoto)

They decide the tax by the land huh.

It is certainly true that by doing that, they are able to leave the rest to the nobles.

I feel like they are just pushing all the responsibility away though, but if the income is properly coming in, it doesn’t seem to be a problem.

“But if a country is thinking about obtaining power, it is a topic that can’t be ignored. And in truth, I would say that Limia’s population is around 50 million to 70 million, but the tax yields are only around half of that number. So it is like they can avoid tax as much as they want.” (Hibiki)

“Half… The remaining would be embezzlement huh.” (Makoto)

Limia is practically a despotism of nobles after all.

“Yeah. I am sorry about asking for a consent after the fact, but we are currently utilizing your help in order to improve this part.” (Hibiki)

“Me?” (Makoto)

Did I do something?

“It was a real help. Thanks.” (Hibiki)

“No well, I don’t have much awareness of this, but if I was of help…that’s great. Or more like, Senpai, you are even doing things like improvements?” (Makoto)

I feel like this has to do with the very foundations of the country.

“Improvement is a special skill from Japan after all. There’s no way I wouldn’t use it just because I am in a parallel world, right? I brought out the topic of population as an example, but there’s a lot of things that can be changed in this world for the better.” (Hibiki)

Isn’t that saying too much?

Improvement isn’t something only Japan does, it is done in the whole planet Earth.

“Well it is not like it shouldn’t be used but…it seems like you are putting a lot of zeal into this country.” (Makoto)

“…This is the country I have been summoned in.” (Hibiki)

“I know that.” (Makoto)

“It is the country where I know the most people, and the country where the most people know of me. It is the country that has placed their expectations on me. Isn’t it a matter of course that I think deeply of it?” (Hibiki)

“Sorry.” (Makoto)

I felt like I was being criticized, so I ended up apologizing.

Well, I also think deeply of Asora, so it should be about the same.

If it’s that, I feel like I can understand.

Different from Asora, Limia is connected by land with other countries and if there’s enemies, they can get attacked though.

“…I want you to like this country as well. Is it…difficult to desire that?” (Hibiki)

The eyes of Senpai were dyed in seriousness.

“Makoto-kun, this world and the Goddess, it is certainly true that it is very different from the common sense of our original world. There’s definitely things that you can’t just accept and things that are unreasonable.” (Hibiki)


“I know that you don’t hold positive feelings towards the Goddess. At this occasion, I won’t tell you to throw those away. Just that, for the sake of finishing this long war… can’t you please lend us your strength? Of course, I won’t be telling you to learn of war either. It is fine to supply us with goods at a suitable price.” (Hibiki)


So she is telling me to supply the goods of Limia huh.

If it’s to lend strength to Senpai only, it would be a different case, but if I were to cooperate in supplying the goods in order to finish the war, it would mean that I have taken the side of hyumans.

Meaning that, even if it’s indirectly, I am participating in the war.

Yeah, can’t do.

There’s no choice but to refuse.

“…How about it?” (Hibiki)

“Sorry, I can’t. If it’s just selling things to Senpai personally, I wouldn’t mind though.” (Makoto)

“I see. So you won’t be cooperating ‘for the sake of putting an end to the war’ huh.” (Hibiki)


Even I could tell that Senpai emphasized the words at the latter half.

So they are already suspecting that I have a connection with the demon race huh.

They don’t have any positive proof of it, so they can’t ask about this crime though.

“I’m thinking on opening the doors of Kuzunoha Company to all that need it. Please let me cooperate in the sense of neutrality.” (Makoto)

“You see, Makoto-kun…I don’t think that all the actions of the Goddess are correct.” (Hibiki)



No wait, isn’t that something a hero shouldn’t say?!

“She is not the ‘God’ that we think of. She has a personality, and individuality. I have not heard of the existence of other Gods in this world aside from her, so it shouldn’t be wrong to say that she is the only God though.” (Hibiki)


That’s right. There’s no way I would accept something like that as a God.

The God that Senpai is talking about is probably the almighty one.

That kind of God, I have not met one either.

But…I do think that there’s no way it is okay to leave that Goddess do as she pleases.

“The existence that manages and watches over this world. The Gods that exist are probably people that do these kind of jobs. Honestly, even now, I still think that she is a woman with problems in her personality.” (Hibiki)

“Senpai…” (Makoto)

“But Makoto-kun, no matter the existence she is, she lives in a different place from us, in other words, an existence that has nothing to do with us, you know? Even for us, the day we met that night was the last. Until then, I didn’t believe in the existence of God. In other words, isn’t she only an existence that we met in a mere instant of our short lives?” (Hibiki)


“What will you do by maintaining that feeling of defeat inside of you? It is like having complains about the laws and phenomenons that naturally exist in the world. Isn’t it pointless?” (Hibiki)

“Why did Senpai…?” (Makoto)

“Eh?” (Hibiki)

“Why did Senpai come to this world? Even though you had a life of success secured over there.” (Makoto)

I don’t understand at all.

“You want to know the reason why I came to this world?” (Hibiki)

“Yeah.” (Makoto)

“You are interested in the reason of why someone like me, who shouldn’t have any relation to this world to begin with, would come to this world?” (Hibiki)


Does Senpai know?

The fact that the two being summoned was the fault of me and my parents.

“…Because I thought it was interesting.” (Hibiki)

“That’s the main reason?” (Makoto)

“Well, it is not like I don’t hold any feelings of wanting to return to my life in Japan. However, at that time, at that instant, I certainly did feel that being in a parallel world was appealing. That’s why I am here. In the end, the whole reason I am here is because of the feelings of that instant. From then, I created connections in this world more and more, and I can no longer separate from it so easily.” (Hibiki)

“Feelings of that instant.” (Makoto)

So Senpai currently doesn’t have intentions of going back then.

I can sense that from her.

Even though she said she wanted to return a bit, I couldn’t feel a single trace of homesickness from Senpai’s words.

“The Empire’s Tomoki must be the same. Well, if the Goddess had asked him the previous day or the day after, his answer might have differed. There’s plenty possibility that different heroes would be summoned, and he and I would currently be living a peaceful life in Japan.” (Hibiki)



At that day, in just that instant, the two decided to become heroes.

A decision is a decision.

But if we were to call it a thoroughly thought decision, as expected, that wouldn’t be the case.

“It is not like I am blaming Makoto-kun. Don’t make that face. Let me advance the topic. In this world, the interference of God is not something definite or anything like that. This world will most likely change more and more. If we can finish the war soon and calm down the quarrel between hyumans and demons, we would be able to use that much time in changing the world.” (Hibiki)

“Change…the world?” (Makoto)

“That’s right. It can’t be done easily, but I think it is possible to create a society where hyumans and demi-humans don’t discriminate each other.” (Hibiki)

Reforming the very thinking of hyumans then?

But as long as the foundation of that thinking lies in the teachings of the goddess, I think it is impossible.

Even in the teachings of the Spirits, they are told that demi-humans are existences below hyumans, you know?

“Even if you are a hero, isn’t that way too idealistic? This is a world where a big number of hyumans follow a religion that goes against that very ideal of yours.” (Makoto)

“Isn’t Makoto-kun showing that possibility yourself? In Rotsgard and Tsige. It is possible to wake up the hyuman society as a whole with those actions, right? I don’t think the Goddess would be able to forcefully amend the people that want to change themselves. I have investigated decades of activities from her, but she herself is docile and simply has a deep affection for beautiful hyumans, and she doesn’t punish hyumans that hold a different way of thinking from what she wills. At least in public it is known in that way.” (Hibiki)

So Senpai is trying to change the Goddess’ world from the inside?

But if that’s the case, her thinking should be close to mine, and yet, why is it that I feel like Senpai is so far away?

“In that case, Senpai, even if the Goddess doesn’t exist anymore in this world, for example; even if a different God were to take her place, you wouldn’t mind, right?” (Makoto)

Well, even if I say a different God, I don’t have a specific God in mind though.

I am just saying and see how she reacts.

But if Senpai does think that way, I thought that maybe it would be possible to form a cooperative relationship with her.

If she thinks that a society where demi-humans don’t face discrimination is better, it would be possible to speak with the demons as well.

“…Even if the Goddess is gone?” (Hibiki)

“F-Figuratively speaking.” (Makoto)

In the case that I actually fight her, win, and punish her, I don’t know if the Goddess will continue managing this world as always.

In that case, I thought that since a God is gone, there would be a different God coming to fill her place.

“If it doesn’t have any effect on the world at all, I wouldn’t mind. Just that…” (Hibiki)

“Just that…?” (Makoto)

“If the Goddess is gone, the Spirits that work as her servants will be gone, and then she -the manager of this world- would be gone. Who knows what kind of effect would bring to the magic power that serves as the nucleus of this world. On top of that, the blessings and divine protection will disappear and the status of the Church will fall. There’s also the fear that the very teachings of the Goddess will be thrown away as well.” (Hibiki)


I didn’t think that far ahead.

Because I didn’t care at all about what would happen to this world after the Goddess lost her power or at worst, died.

It is fine to just bring the people that want refuge into Asora first, and in the first place, it is a world that existed even when the Goddess wasn’t there.

It seems like people like Root where there at that time, so I think that it won’t go to the point of being impossible to live in.

That’s why I didn’t think further than that.

But it seems like Senpai had thought about the things that would happen if the Goddess were to fall.

“Even if, for argument’s sake, it turns peaceful at that time, the world will instantly fall into great chaos, and there’s an incredibly high chance that hell will break loose. Especially the hyumans that had received the affection of the Goddess, there’s the chance that the other races will view them as enemies.” (Hibiki)

“It is certainly true that there’s the chance.” (Makoto)

Or more like, it will definitely turn out that way.

The blessing will be gone, so leaving aside the people that have true strength, most of the hyumans will be facing a hard time.

Also, if the common language disappears, it might turn into a mess, like the Tower of Babel.

They wouldn’t be able to create a big country like now, so the hegemony of the world will probably be changed to another race.

“If you are saying you have a method that will not show a single effect like that to the world, I don’t mind.” (Hibiki)

“Then if there’s an effect like what Senpai has stated?” (Makoto)

“Even if it costs me my life, I will go against it.” (Hibiki)

“…Even if it costs you your life?” (Makoto)

“If there’s someone planning something like that, it would be the same as the demon race; a world-class terrorist. Ruthlessly cornering the people that are living in peace and taking away their lives. It is enough to call it pure evil. The ones facing the most damage would be the hyumans, but the demi-humans will also be involved with no exception.” (Hibiki)

“Terrorist. The demons are a different race, they possess a country, and are opponents that you are fighting in war. Even though you are doing war with them, you call them in that way. Aren’t you a bit too prejudiced?” (Makoto)

Terrorist is a word I didn’t expect.

To call the war with the demons terrorism…

“Yeah. It is like a war brought by the minority that knew that no matter what they tried, they wouldn’t be able to reign supreme against the majority. That’s probably why the Goddess got impatient and called the heroes.” (Hibiki)

“The demon race is the minority?” (Makoto)

I imagine the conflicts and invasions of places like Russia and China.

I remember the words of Zef.

If I remember correctly, he said that the demon race population is at most 1 million or 1.5 million.

If Limia has several millions just like Senpai said, the hyuman population is most likely more than 4 times that.

They are called the four major powers, so I was expecting that though.

So if it’s 50 million, then 200 million?

Two hundred million against a few millions.

If the other demi-humans are added to the equation, would it turn into the ten millions?

The demon race units are originally composed by mixed races.

No, even with that, it would still be an incredibly low number compared to hyumans.

Whichever the case, this is not on the level of war.

Just like Senpai said, this is on the level of a small insurrection.

Even if we take into account that this world counts more the quality than the quantity, it is honestly incredible that the demon race is putting up a good fight.

“If the demon race request of it, it would bring the denial of the Goddess and her retribution…Well, it wouldn’t go so far, but they should at least be able to seek a better treatment. What they are doing is denying the very social system of this world they have been living in.” (Hibiki)

“They could have gone into extinction if they hadn’t done that.” (Makoto)

“You really take the side of demons here.” (Hibiki)

“I have seen something that made me realize just how severe the Goddess’ discrimination was, after all. Then, the actions of the demon race were brought by the need of surviving.” (Makoto)

“Yeah, their raising of an army in this occasion was probably something unavoidable.” (Hibiki)

“Then—!” (Makoto)

“That means it is already too late. They had to do something before it turned out that way. To better that scorned environment they had even if for a bit, they should have tried to make the hyumans accept them. With a method aside from taking arms, that is.” (Hibiki)

No way, that’s asking for too much.

Regarding the demon race, it was practically as if the Goddess made the first move telling them to go away and cornered them.  

“Isn’t that just asking for too much?” (Makoto)

“I have taken a look at the history of demons and hyumans. Of course, this was from the historical records of hyumans, so there’s most likely bias there though. Just that, there haven’t been much events where the demons have acted in a positive way towards hyumans. And within those small number of people, there’s not a single one that has continued for long.” (Hibiki)

“History. The history between hyumans and demons.” (Makoto)

I only know rough details of it.

“For the demons, hyumans are an overwhelming majority, moreover, it is collected in a single religion, it is also an opponent that has better individual battle power, you know? From the beginning, the choice of fighting was not something sane.” (Hibiki)

“…Right.” (Makoto)

Because of the blessing of the Goddess, the demon race was also being overpowered by hyumans in the magic power side as well, so there was no good part in it.

The more I think about it, the more impressed I am by the demons being able to put up a good fight against the hyumans.

Well, it is not like they have been doing war forever. They were mostly enduring the discrimination and oppression.

“But the demons fought with the hyumans several times, lost, and still, they haven’t changed their way of dealing with things.” (Hibiki)


“They should have had several opportunities to. The chance to enter within hyumans just like the demi-humans.” (Hibiki)

“Eh?” (Makoto)

“If it were me, that’s what I would do. If it’s a big opponent and I am unable to do anything about it with our power, I would join them and change them from the inside. I would create an opportunity to enter, and then, manage something from there. Isn’t that one of the few choices that the minority has in order to survive?” (Hibiki)

“Are you saying that they should live amidst hyumans as slaves?” (Makoto)

“…Even if it’s a starting line from a slave position, it is possible to crawl their way up. But they took arms to the very end. I don’t have the intention of wiping them all out, but if we don’t corner them to that very limit to show an example, no one would be able to accept it. At the very least, we would have to eliminate the people that are managing their country, their army, and the ones cooperating with them; every one of them.” (Hibiki)

“Accept it, you say. Isn’t that also because of the warped teachings of the Goddess?” (Makoto)

If only she hadn’t tainted this world with her stupid teachings, this wouldn’t have turned out this way.

The existence of that Goddess is the main reason for this problem, so they probably have to confront her at some point in time.

In that case, even if it will somewhat trouble the people that are currently living, isn’t it a lot better to just eliminate that Goddess that has spread this strange way of thinking?

“The warped teachings of the Goddess huh. But that is the religion that all the world follows, you know. Isn’t that the same as having an overwhelming minority taking arms?” (Hibiki)

“Then you are saying that they should resign to their fate? That the teachings of the Goddess can’t be helped, and it also can’t be helped that the demon race is rendered impossible to stand back up? That because they didn’t conform with those conditions quickly and become slaves for the sake of surviving, it can’t be helped that they are receiving a worse treatment than that? Is that what you think, Senpai?” (Makoto)

I am kind of pissed here.

No matter who, if they are being oppressed, they would want to make a complain or two.

To expect those kind of people to calmly look at the situation, think of the future, and find a good way for the race to survive, something like that…who would be able to blame them for being unable to do that?

To be able to act composedly no matter when, that’s not something that anyone could do.

Thinking that way, I unconsciously spoke to Senpai in a harsh tone.

“That’s right.” (Hibiki)


It is not like I thought Senpai would make a troubled expression…but I thought she would at least show hesitation.

The instant answer of Senpai blocked my words.

“I said this just a few moments ago but, the demon race and the hyumans are already in a situation where it is already too late. Without a closure for this war, neither of the races will be able to advance. That’s how much hatred is gathered between both sides. Of course, I who has been fighting alongside Limia, am no exception. The Goddess’ teachings, their dependence to her, the discrimination towards demi-humans; all these problems are problems that can only be dealt with after this war is over. This one point is impossible to move or change anymore. No one is able to.” (Hibiki)

“No one…” (Makoto)

Is that true?

If it is the Kuzunoha Company that has a connection with both, wouldn’t it be able to work out somehow?


Before that, wouldn’t things change a lot if I just had that Bug reflect?

“No one. Even for Makoto, that’s impossible. The hyumans that had their family taken away by demons had their hatred grow inside of themselves, and that hatred becomes the fangs that point towards them. It is the same for the demons that had their family taken away by hyumans. This chain of losses….can’t be erased.” (Hibiki)

Senpai made a pained expression for an instant.

The current Senpai is as cold as ice, and she is speaking with an indifferent expression, so that one instant remained in my mind.

Memories can’t be erased huh.

Rotsgard has become a lot easier to live in, but it is certainly true that it would be hard to erase that memory.

The more there are, the higher the amount of deaths there will be after all.

“Hatred and sadness. It is not something that easily disappears. I…can understand that.” (Makoto)

As I thought, I should do something quick about that Goddess.

Senpai seems to be worried about the later, but in the end, if the Goddess remains, the current state of things won’t change.

I will have to revise my attitude towards Bug.

“The demons who are the minority, are going against the overwhelming majority which are the hyumans, and the Goddess. This revolution that terrorists have raised which the majority of the people in this world didn’t wish for, this madness of a war, I will end it as soon as possible. Makoto-kun, I will say it again. Lend us your power, please.” (Hibiki)

Senpai lowers her head deeply.

But my thoughts won’t change.

Actually, I think that Senpai is over-thinking this in a way too realistic of a manner.

In this world that the Goddess does whatever she wants, I don’t feel like they would be able to change their sense of worth even if they took their time trying.

“…Senpai, I will say it again as well. I refuse.” (Makoto)

“Let me say this frankly, the stance that you Kuzunoha Company are taking can bring advantage to the demon race. The act of providing goods to both sides in a war, is an act of a merchant asking for a death sentence, you know? Is the Kuzunoha Company wishing for war and looking to gain profit from it?” (Hibiki)

“No. I also think that it would be better if the war didn’t exist. Just that, I think that the whole reason for this is that Goddess, and if only we could make her change her way of thinking, there would be as many methods born from it.” (Makoto)

“What do you mean? Even if the Goddess is the cause, what does Makoto-kun plan on doing?” (Hibiki)

“It is not wrong that the policy of the Kuzunoha Company is to welcome anyone that needs it, but…I personally think it would be better to drag down that Goddess once.” (Makoto)

“Drag down the Goddess…” (Hibiki)

Senpai makes a short mutter and turned speechless.

“It is certainly true that the world will fall into a temporal chaos, and it might put a limit to the magic that magicians can use. It might turn into an End of the Century situation between hyumans and demi-humans, but even with that, I think that the best plan is to kick that woman out from the God position she has been lying on.” (Makoto)

“…How?” (Hibiki)

“Well, by force.” (Makoto)

“By force, you say. The opponent is a God you know? Even if, for argument’s sake, you were to overpower her, would you be able to substitute for her?!” (Hibiki)

“Overpower? I don’t know about that, but I don’t intend to become the replacement of her.” (Makoto)

“Then you will simply eliminate a God?” (Hibiki)

Senpai held her head and shook it aimlessly.

No no no, I don’t plan on eliminating her.

I was thinking that it would be fine to just leave her a bit further from half-dead.

I am still alive after all, and the reason why I met with Tomoe and the others was in part because of that Bug.

“No well, she is not the only God out there, so as we do our stuff, a substitute will come, probably.” (Makoto)

“…You speak as if you have met other Gods. Well, I have been brought to a strange place with a shady individual though.” (Hibiki)

“How to say it, I have met with a God-sama that seems to be an acquaintance of that Goddess.” (Makoto)

“…That’s why you are saying that you will be changing that Goddess’ way of thinking by force? Without thinking at all about the repercussions that it can cause.” (Hibiki)

“If something happens, we can just take refuge until things settle down.” (Makoto)

“You are really indifferent at the crisis of hyumans. You don’t discriminate demi-humans, but you discriminate hyumans huh.” (Hibiki)


No no!

I am not discriminating hyumans.

“I am not discriminating demi-humans or hyumans.” (Makoto)

“…You are seriously saying that. Then this is serious.” (Hibiki)

“What do you mean?” (Makoto)

“From Makoto-kun’s speech and conduct, you are flickering your thoughts that it can’t be helped since the hyumans have done whatever they wanted along with the Goddess.” (Hibiki)

“Well, it is true that the hyumans have done whatever they wanted for so long, right?” (Makoto)

That’s not discrimination, it is the truth.

“Yeah, but to give a cold reception because of that, isn’t that considered discrimination?” (Hibiki)

“Hyumans are the strong ones that overwhelm this world with their numbers. Why would the word discrimination apply for them?” (Makoto)

Isn’t discrimination something done by society’s strong ones over the weak ones?

“And so what?” (Hibiki)


“Are you saying that even if someone were to discriminate rulers, it wouldn’t be considered discrimination? The gazes that the hyumans direct towards demi-humans is peculiar, but have you noticed? Makoto-kun, at times, you have directed those kind of gazes towards hyumans. Even here, and at Rotsgard as well.” (Hibiki)

“Ugh…” (Makoto)

If she brings out gazes, I can’t say I am conscious of it.

But if I am asked if it is okay to show discriminating actions towards the strong, I would say it is not.

“Hey Makoto-kun, in the structure of this world, you and I are considered outsiders, right? In that case, not taking into account the past history and coming in contact with the hyumans and demi-humans in equal grounds, isn’t that how a person that doesn’t discriminate would act? If there’s a person that’s troubled in front of you, shouldn’t you be stretching out your hand no matter the way that person has been living until now and their social standing? For hyumans, they have done whatever they have wanted, so they should suck it up; for demi-humans, they are pitiful, so help them. Isn’t that what you would call discrimination towards hyumans?” (Hibiki)

“But the hyumans have been utilizing the demi-humans as their servants, and they have been living shouldering this. In the first place, there’s no way I would be able to look at them with eyes like those of a Saint.” (Makoto)

“That’s why. You end up thinking that way because you are thinking with our common sense. This is not Japan, this is a parallel world. In the common sense of this world, hyumans and demi-humans are this way. In the first place, the demon race has picked a fight against that common sense and have brought about a war, you know?” (Hibiki)

“…That’s a mistaken common sense.” (Makoto)

“As a Japanese, that is. Your basis for your cold reception towards hyumans is something that’s natural common sense, and most people would not understand being criticized for it. Even in hyumans, when in situations between other hyumans, where you take out the attitude towards demi-humans and their attachment to beauty, they are people that properly hate discrimination.” (Hibiki)

“Even if you take out things that shouldn’t be taken out, it won’t make me accept it.” (Makoto)

“To change their root cognition, there’s the need for time, which would have to be after the war is over. But if there’s Makoto-kun who wants to do that by force against the Goddess, it would all end up crumbling.” (Hibiki)

“Not really. I might lose, and it is okay for Senpai to just continue doing war. I will be moving with my own thoughts. Even if it’s Senpai, I won’t be affirming everything you say and obeying it.” (Makoto)

“If you were to lose, that would be…” (Hibiki)

Senpai places both arms on the handrail and bends her body.

“…There’s plenty chance for it to happen. Even if she is like that, she is still a God after all.” (Makoto)

Words leaked out from Senpai who had her face hidden, a mutter of expectation for me to lose.

From the conversation until now, I could tell that it would be a pleasant development for her.

I am slightly shocked, but it can’t be helped.

Senpai seems to be entirely against the idea of me fighting the Goddess after all.

Even so, I am practically not thinking about the effects that will bring forth to the world like Senpai said.

I refuse managing a world like this, and I don’t want to become a God either.

Instead of arranging such pointless things, it is much more important to find a method to return to my original world with Tomoe and the others while being able to go back and forth to Asora.

“I can’t imagine you losing.” (Hibiki)

As if resenting me, Senpai turned a sulking face towards me.

“W-Well, thanks.” (Makoto)

“Things like being too far away, the scale being too much, or the numbers being way too many; I know that I can’t do anything about those, but this is the first time I have felt that no matter what I do, I won’t be able to surpass an individual. Even if I went at full power in my current self.” (Hibiki)

The full power of the current Senpai huh.

As I thought, maybe she has obtained some power like that of Sakai.

Even if that’s not the case, there’s definitely something.

“No well, Senpai was also strong, you know. It was like ‘as expected of a hero’.” (Makoto)

“Even though you were not serious at all. Heh~, then, between me and the Demon Lord, who is stronger?” (Hibiki)

“…If I were to fight the Demon Lord, I would be able to answer you.” (Makoto)

“Then, what about Io, White One?” (Hibiki)

“…With that strong attack power, maybe you can win against Io?” (Makoto)

To fight with that person, it would depend on how well you can surpass that regeneration power of his after all.

But if you were to try and go until he is unable to regenerate, it would turn into an incredible endurance battle.

I think there would be the need to finish the fight in one go.

Senpai has faced painful experiences with him, right?

If I remember correctly, she has close to a terrible affinity against him.

But if it’s the current Senpai, she might be able to defeat him.

Thinking about it that way, she is a dangerous one.

Because that means she is stronger than that scary-looking giant.

“Receiving the input of the White One, I feel my confidence strengthening. That guy…is someone I have to win against no matter what, after all.” (Hibiki)

“I see.” (Makoto)

After meeting several times in the battlefield, something like destiny is born, maybe.

I don’t have much of those.

Aside from that Goddess.


Senpai releases the handrail, and stretches her body upright.

Maybe because of her experience in kendo, Senpai’s posture is good.

“So that means Kuzunoha Company and Raidou are the allies of everyone in trouble, right? Okay, I got it.” (Hibiki)

“Hah?” (Makoto)

I-Is that okay?

That helps me out though.

No matter how much she asks me to cooperate with Limia, I won’t be nodding after all.

“On top of that, I have learned that you are a troublesome person that is fully antagonistic towards the Goddess. Well, about that, I will keep it a secret for you though.” (Hibiki)

“…Thanks.” (Makoto)

“The Goddess probably hasn’t heard of it either after all. With the capital having been raided, leaving aside the blessing and divine protection, there has been practically no reaction from her. What she is thinking is a mystery.” (Hibiki)

No reaction?

In other words, she hasn’t answered the calls of the Church or the heroes?

The attack to the capital…I see, it is around the time when that Goddess met with those Gods.

Did they make some sort of agreement that’s making her unable to move?

I have not been told the details of it, so…

“We have done a strange talk as well, but yeah. Tentatively speaking, I would like to eliminate the influence and distortion of the Goddess, and having you know that is plenty enough for today.” (Hibiki)

“It sounds like you feel it will be in a pretty far future though.” (Makoto)

A long time after we die, that is.

Maybe that’s why I felt Senpai so distant.

The objectives that Senpai shoulders are not things that she always tries to resolve herself.

She resolves them bit by bit, and if it isn’t possible with her, she places that job to the future generation.

“We are a race that can transfer their feelings, you know. By doing that, we are able to turn time into our allies as well. Trying to do everything by yourself in your own era can bring about pointless pain and can distort your objective.” (Hibiki)

“What you have decided to do yourself should be accomplished by oneself. I think that’s something splendid. Time can fade memories, and there’s no assurance that the next generation will hold the same feelings as you after all.” (Makoto)

“So you won’t think about moving as a whole…you won’t believe in this world’s society as you act huh.” (Hibiki)

“Just like how Senpai taught me, in my foundation, there’s most likely some discriminating feelings towards hyumans. I think that’s what it means to understand the words, but being unable to accept it. Even if Senpai tells me to believe in their change, I just can’t. Sorry.” (Makoto)

“…It isn’t something that can be immediately eliminated right after understanding it. It isn’t something you need to apologize for either. From now on, I will be counting on you as a customer of yours, Makoto-kun.” (Hibiki)

“Yes…here as well.” (Makoto)

We look close, but Senpai and I are distant.

I didn’t want to know of it, but I ended up knowing it.

This is different from the disgust I felt towards Tomoki, like a disparity of not wanting something like this to happen.

Senpai accepts the current world of that Goddess.

On top of that, she is trying to tell the world about this sense of discomfort and trying to change it slowly.

She is aware that it will take an enormous amount of time.

Without caring about those kind of things, I am thinking that it is natural for me to want to have the Goddess reflect as soon as possible and have the hyumans and demi-humans enter an equal relationship.

Without caring about how much or how many consequences it might bring.

From this world and this Goddess’ perspective…I probably do look like a fiendish terrorist…

Even so, if I can simply find a method to return to my world in a desirable way, I think I would act.

For the sake of fighting once with the Goddess.

I wonder, if that time comes, will I end up fighting Senpai?

I don’t think a fight against that person and me will come to a conclusion, but if possible, I would want to avoid having Senpai point a sword at me.

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  • So first of all thanks for the translation.
    And next an Idea came to my mind after reading this chapter and I would like to hear what you think about it.
    Since Makoto wants to give the Bug a good beating and in the older chapters one of the gods mentioned that Makoto will make another contract with a person. How about that 4th person being the Bug?
    Im not quite sure if i remember wrong but i believe somebody said that with the 4th contract and that it will get interesting and also that the Goddess is misunderstood/a Tsundere.

    • There is a side story on Light Novel Bastion that shows the moment Makoto's parents left for earth, and the goddess in it is very interesting, largely because it's the only character development she has ever gotten beyond the main story's brief confrontations.

      The 4th contract will not be the goddess because his contracts are ruling ones, meaning he has to be 80% more powerful than them, and the goddess can't ever conceivably be on the level of Tomoe or Mio because that would put her below Root in strength. While it would interesting to see an equal contract, Makoto doesn't want to share in the duties of being a God and anything else would wind up subordinating either him to her or her as at best a child/parent relationship.

      The 4th contract is interesting, and isn't someone you would ever expect at this point in the story.

      • But since he gets stronger with his bowtraining dont you think he has already way more power then when he did the contract with Mio or Tomoe? And since the Gods said he should train daily he has gotten way stronger and if he continues this for some mor eitme i think it should be possible or did i get omething wrong?

    • A contract has two willing sides, the goddess will never agree to become Makoto's subordinate. She has no reason to and being the bit** she is won't want to. Although Makoto is growing stronger, and there are rarely anything strong enough to join, the world is wide, especially when there is a multiverse with gods going inbetween them all the time. Mio is a great example. Despite not being a great dragon that existed before the goddess became administrator of this world, she is a match to Tomoe, a great dragon that has been around for a looong time, possibly since before the beginning.

      Also the goddess is not misunderstood/ or a tsundere. She is a Bit**, as proof, she kidnapped 2 bystanders. This is more significant than most people give credit for. At the beginning of the novel, the significance is told through Tsukiyomi, another God, a even more powerful God. She broke some serious rules here , it's the reason why she is at God detention and can't do anything in the world or to Makoto for a while. The tsudere comment was made by Makoto's parents, hyumans, the species that she FAVORS. There is a significant amount of bias and circumstances to these words. She is a tsundere to Hyumans, HYUMANS. She is not going to act cold while being loving to demons or any other species she created. ONLY to HYUMANS. (Makoto excluded because he is ugly.) (probably has something. To do with being sickly on earth due to having no divine protection or not adapting to the environment in time)

        • does?

          I don't remember blood being part of the equation. Sari's contract needed DNA, but it was done to bind the dominant to the slave, not the other way around.

      • Hum...Wasn't that Spider already around before that Bug came ? (and maybe before the Samurai Snake) Like that Pervert Snake.

        Nope, to bind the slave to the dominant. MC-chan could have ignored her but she, is forced to obey him.

        • Not sure if it was clear, but my point was that there's no way to make Bug an unwilling slave, because the slave was the one that did the binding. Consent is needed from the slave side no matter what.

        • No, well Sari too. The point I was making was that whether it's the one Sari made or the one Makoto made with his followers, the weaker side(hypothetically Bug) needs to consent to it.

          Makoto probably couldn't take Sari's hair and force her into a slave contract(big assumption here, but if that was possible, I'd assume Sari would've made Makoto the slave instead).

  • Found a mistake: Probably should alter it to temporary chaos, not temporal.

    It's not like time itself will fall to chaos after the buggess dies, most likely.

    now for normal comments:

    “The Goddess probably hasn’t heard of it either after all. With the capital having been raided, leaving aside the blessing and divine protection, there has been practically no reaction from her. What she is thinking is a mystery.” (Hibiki)

    No reaction?

    What about summoning the devil and it's servant to protect you in your time of greatest need?

    that said, this whole chapter makes for a kick ass Hero-Villain speech:

    Hero: "Won't you believe in hymanity! it has neverending potential for change and at it's heart, hymanity is good."

    The Devil: "I refuse. Hymanity has had it's chance, and no true change can come as long as the goddess rules over these lands, making slaves of free men. I shall tear down the source of oppression of the world, and only those that are downtrodden and are suffering shall be protected. And after i have cast goddess from her throne in heaven, a new order shall rise from the ashes of the old, a new world, where everyone can be truly equal"

    Hero "A new order!? And who will rule this world, you!"

    The Devil " I seek not to rule, merely to move as my conscience tells me. Nothing more, and nothing less. I shall leave ruling this world to the other gods to decide.

      • you may ad to that that he earlier essentially stated

        The devil: "I shall crush all who oppose me without mercy. the moment they chose to take up arms and stand on the battlefield was the moment they chose to kill or be killed. I am merely honoring their choice"

        sure, i paraphrase their words slightly, but you can't argue against that i have kept their original meanings and intents.

    • You forget the part where revealing that there are other governing gods available as replacement is some sort of huge revelation to the 'hero'.

  • so my conclusion after reading several times...
    Hibiki's reformist arguments are only valid and possible if the Goddess is out of the picture. Makoto concluded so.
    Hibiki's argument of makoto's discrimination against hyumans doesn't really fit here. Prejudice probably due to how they were welcomed in that world, and it's unavoidable. If you are are treated well, you respond favorably. It's just the natural order of things.

    The most important thing that Hibiki gave Makoto is it somehow calmed his rage against the goddess and reduced it to "just a bit over half dead". It made him consider reforming the goddess. The goddess who is the root of all problems. So instead of reform the hyumans and demons, the first step is to reform the goddess, one way or another

    • eh, Makoto is discriminating against hymans though. soo it fits, since they are talking about world order and racial relations.

      And yes, reform is only possible as long as no living god acting openly upon the earth is present to actively oppose it.

      • Makoto's behavior is more of a logical response instead of discrimination. If you know the people you are facing are indoctrinated people that have values different from yours, wouldn't you normally take precautions? He treats his hyuman connections fine.

      • Makoto isn't discriminating against hyumans... he is being perfectly neutral, not helping either side and just aiming for the root of the problem while hoping that after it's removed it'll eventually sort itself afterwards

        So what if doing so would cause chaos for a while? So what if loads of hyumans and demihumans die? You can't change the world without sacrifices, if not take a look at history, civil wars, rebellions, all of that lead to this somewhat decent world, you can still find idiots every now and then but what if? so long the idiots are the minority and aren't the ones in power, is there any issue? Also discrimination could be reduced if the tale of a foolish goddess who promoted it was destroyed for doing so is told, no?

    • Now that you mention it, is this considered discrimination? Treating a given race with assumption based on past experiences isn't discrimination so much as learned behavior, isn't it?

      I guess it is since Makoto is letting it affect his judgement of the entire race.

      • no, that's not justified.
        it's as if saying treating blacks differently than whites because with only 13% of black they commit 50% of murder(US statistics), and thus the all blacks worth less

        • That wasn't exactly what I meant-or at least I don't think so based on what you said. Statistics are too big-picture.

          A closer comparison would be if 90% of the blacks someone(who has no prior knowlege or experience interacting with them) ran into happened to be murderers. Because that was the past experience, they act based on a learned response when they encounter blacks in the future, which ends up becoming a bias towards the race.

          My point is that Makoto's attitude isn't a product of bigotry, but of a drawback of pattern recognition. It's still discrimination since Makoto is pre-judging the worth of people before he even knows them, but there was really no other way things could have gone given his past experiences.

      • I don't think it's discrimination.
        Makoto is helping one side out more than the othwr because that side needs more help, it's like saying that you are discriminating against rich people when you give homeless people money instead of rich people.

        Also if you look at the definition of discrimination....

        "The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex."

        Prejudicial treatment?

        "Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience"

        Now you have to ask yourself if makoto's treatment of others is based on reason and actual experience.

  • This Hibiki. normally I'm not care about her self righteous.
    She is a kind of people that I don't want to get involved.
    But after read this chapter I have an urge to kiss her, with a chair that is.

    She should just got some curse diseases, ripped of her power and turn in to demi human.
    after that got sold as sex slave for those hyuman noble.

  • I would be with him if he had the resolve too stay, you cant just shake up the whole world and then peace out like you have nothing to do with it. And Hibikis plan is dumb what slave race peacefully climbed out of slavery no one no where.

    • Shaking things up and leaving without assuming responsibility is how most people roll, so there's nothing strange in Makoto doing so as well.

      Though I'd argue that in his case it's the right decision. If he beat down the Bug and took over, it could easily be seen as him simply doing what he did out of personal ambition.

      Instead, beating up a no good "leader", than letting the rest of the group deal with the aftermath themselves feels more genuine. That he only did it because he was against that leaders decisions, and not because he wanted the power and used the bad leadership as an excuse to validate his actions.

      Besides, Bug is just as guilty of not taking responsibility after making a mess of things. So he's not doing anything that she hasn't done herself. I mean, first she makes Hyumans completely dependent on her, makes them antagonize everyone else, then she just leaves to sulk, making Hyumans suffer for her decisions, and not following through in the responsibility department.

  • A plus for Hibiki, a rare plus point.
    I must admit I probably read too much modern Japanese fantasy where demon is poor guys I subconsciously root for them.
    The another world is where there is another common sense.
    There probably nonsense to try to uphold "all intelligent beings are equal" there.

    All Hibiki need(probably) is to end the mess called war as fast as possible then start working on better common sense.
    She logically admit that defeating god is impossible and decide to choose this path is very ok to me.

    It's like playing a SIM game the developer design two different race to be at hostile.
    The conflict will hinder you to create your peaceful dream town so you decide to eliminate one of them. Hibiki is like this.

    Makoto who somehow got the programming skill ,while he suppose to be regular consumer, decide to not just recoding the game but will flying to SIM HQ to tell developers to change the setting is totally insane.

    P.S. Trashmoki just want to create harem after eliminate the demon while Lily is planing to build her tombstone collection.

    • You kind of miss the point that Hibiki is just another 'war' veteren that will cease to be relevant without that role. All she does is enforce the discriminatory mandate set by the 'Bug' backed not by Hyumanities own capabilities but from what is basically a power hand-out i.e. promoting divine dependence leading to stagnation as a species.

      As much as Hibiki thinks shes playing the game to win (which she certainly would have alreay lost had not Hacker Makoto intervened) the game essentially plays her by presenting limited choices (save hyumans, screw everyone else). I don't see this as being a plus.

    • i cant agree with you. she is lack of knowledge about other parties and decide on behalf of them, regarding their 'FATE'.
      next, she is in the side of the winner, and all of those facilities she is given what makes her an ignorant human being. she doesnt want to lose all of it that she think the world should go the way it is. furthermore, she doesnt even realizes that the demons are a very small numbers compared to hyumans. meaning, that once they are defeated, their number would be so low as (probably) non-existence in the future.

      to conclude i may say that she is ignorant, egoist, and unknowledgeable shit.

  • The idea that demons should accept their fate, live like slaves and work their way up society is an extremely naive one. In our world it would be the equivalent of having an entire minority ethnic tribe eliminated, which has happened in the past of our humans when the "world" was smaller

    The teachings of the goddess practically call for the eradication of the demon race. Why take them in as slaves? Hyumans already have demi-humans and are more of a match to the slave catergory. This is where I feel Hibiki is overlooking this point that how ruthless hyumans can be in their "position of power." It's not like our world where multiple belief/religions clash. Trying to change their society over time is is very easily derailed, corruptible and easily suppressed against a unified race such as the hyumans. Hence the only way to make this possible is for a "second god" to come into play with an decent number of followers one that offers equal or similar benefits to the Goddess's blessing, creating a situation wherethey cannot be suppressed or eradicated but at the same time not large enough to eradicate the hyumans. In this way you force two parties to compromise. If Makoto becomes the god of demi-humans and demons, offer them his "divine protection" to sufficiently compete against the hyumans, only then will such a optimistic view such as assimilation be practical and feasible.

  • Why do you guys think Hibiki's plan for demon race and demihuman would work?

    There's no basis for that kind of confidence at all.

    Even in the middle of war, with the desperate demands of survival, she can not even get them to change Limia capital to a more advantageous place. What would enable her to change their mind once her usefulness run out (after the war end)? What?

    She would be lucky to live out her days in peace. More than likely she would just get assassinated.

    But her charm? It's not all powerful. It can not even make those nobles to do that one single project. What make you think it will attract enough protection for her life?

    • i don't believe that her charm nor her plan will work. nor do i believe that her charm is enough to keep her alive.

      that said, her charm in addition to her fairly extreme political savines should be more than enough to keep her alive and in a position of power.

      The plan is domed to fail due to the goddess actually being a god that intervenes in battle, and gives blessings to the people every single day. Meaning, you can't rationalize with her book or scriptures. she verifiably exist, those books are her words, verified by her, and explained in detail by her. not room for liberal interpretation exists. She also has the ability to make any kingdom that strays to far from it lose by simply blessing the other side in a war, meaning that religious conservatism will always be the ruling option. (she doesn't have to state that that was the reason, just that the other side was more "shiny"). Not becouse she will die at the end of the war. That is Trashmokis fate

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