Chapter 211: Invitation and Response

“How’s Limia?”

“It is a big country. Isn’t it a major power that is fighting over the first and second place?” (Makoto)

A vague question from Senpai.

Leaving aside that I might have answered differently If she had made a more concrete question, I gave my impressions of Limia.

I have a few bad impressions of the rampant nobles, but…if I had to give a good part of it, it would be that, honestly, I don’t have much of an impression.

“Fufufu, a major power huh. That’s true. But you see, in truth, the major power that you and I imagine are quite different. It is also a half-hearted country.” (Hibiki)

“Half-hearted?” (Makoto)

I don’t think a major power can be half-hearted.

It is a major power because many people live there, right?

In that case, it wouldn’t be able to function as a country without a superior system supporting it.

“For example, the population, Makoto-kun, how much do you think is the population of Limia?” (Hibiki)


This is a topic I have not cared at all for since coming to this world.

“…The territory of Limia is wide, so maybe around the ten millions or hundred millions?” (Makoto)

Looking at its territory only, I don’t think it would be strange for them to have at least this much.

“The correct answer is: I don’t know.” (Hibiki)


What’s with that?

Isn’t that cheating?

“In this world, there’s practically no country –including Limia– that has a clear grasp of their population. From what I know, the only one that has a grasp on it is Tsige. Moreover, the ones in possession of the information were not government officials of the country, but a single company.” (Hibiki)


One company?

…I feel like there’s only one who fits the bill.

I wonder if he has a grasp on the population even in the current sudden increases it is having, Rembrandt-san.

“It is most likely difficult…probably.” (Makoto)

A grasp on the number of people…inhabitant’s ballot, no, a census huh.

Wait, it should have existed in Japan since quite a long time ago though…

In other words, it shouldn’t be difficult?

Unless it is quite the chaotic era.

This world is currently in war, but thinking about the time in which it began in my previous world, it wouldn’t be strange for them to be able to do it.

If we are talking about a chaos that made the document burn in fire and had the minds of people agitated to the point of being unable to keep things like that in mind, it would be…the revolution at the Ounin era, maybe?

In the past, even when I investigated in my free time about that era, I couldn’t understand it well.

The enemies became allies, and even when the Heads of both powers were affiliated to the same camp, the battle continued, and by the time I noticed, it was already the Sengoku period.

I don’t think this world is in the same state.

“They don’t have the will to do so, they don’t find any reason to do it; it is just because of that. They just report about an approximate of the harvest, and from that report, they decide the tax. With a system like that, there’s little point in keeping the population number in check.” (Hibiki)

“I-I see.” (Makoto)

They decide the tax by the land huh.

It is certainly true that by doing that, they are able to leave the rest to the nobles.

I feel like they are just pushing all the responsibility away though, but if the income is properly coming in, it doesn’t seem to be a problem.

“But if a country is thinking about obtaining power, it is a topic that can’t be ignored. And in truth, I would say that Limia’s population is around 50 million to 70 million, but the tax yields are only around half of that number. So it is like they can avoid tax as much as they want.” (Hibiki)

“Half… The remaining would be embezzlement huh.” (Makoto)

Limia is practically a despotism of nobles after all.

“Yeah. I am sorry about asking for a consent after the fact, but we are currently utilizing your help in order to improve this part.” (Hibiki)

“Me?” (Makoto)

Did I do something?

“It was a real help. Thanks.” (Hibiki)

“No well, I don’t have much awareness of this, but if I was of help…that’s great. Or more like, Senpai, you are even doing things like improvements?” (Makoto)

I feel like this has to do with the very foundations of the country.

“Improvement is a special skill from Japan after all. There’s no way I wouldn’t use it just because I am in a parallel world, right? I brought out the topic of population as an example, but there’s a lot of things that can be changed in this world for the better.” (Hibiki)

Isn’t that saying too much?

Improvement isn’t something only Japan does, it is done in the whole planet Earth.

“Well it is not like it shouldn’t be used but…it seems like you are putting a lot of zeal into this country.” (Makoto)

“…This is the country I have been summoned in.” (Hibiki)

“I know that.” (Makoto)

“It is the country where I know the most people, and the country where the most people know of me. It is the country that has placed their expectations on me. Isn’t it a matter of course that I think deeply of it?” (Hibiki)

“Sorry.” (Makoto)

I felt like I was being criticized, so I ended up apologizing.

Well, I also think deeply of Asora, so it should be about the same.

If it’s that, I feel like I can understand.

Different from Asora, Limia is connected by land with other countries and if there’s enemies, they can get attacked though.

“…I want you to like this country as well. Is it…difficult to desire that?” (Hibiki)

The eyes of Senpai were dyed in seriousness.

“Makoto-kun, this world and the Goddess, it is certainly true that it is very different from the common sense of our original world. There’s definitely things that you can’t just accept and things that are unreasonable.” (Hibiki)


“I know that you don’t hold positive feelings towards the Goddess. At this occasion, I won’t tell you to throw those away. Just that, for the sake of finishing this long war… can’t you please lend us your strength? Of course, I won’t be telling you to learn of war either. It is fine to supply us with goods at a suitable price.” (Hibiki)


So she is telling me to supply the goods of Limia huh.

If it’s to lend strength to Senpai only, it would be a different case, but if I were to cooperate in supplying the goods in order to finish the war, it would mean that I have taken the side of hyumans.

Meaning that, even if it’s indirectly, I am participating in the war.

Yeah, can’t do.

There’s no choice but to refuse.

“…How about it?” (Hibiki)

“Sorry, I can’t. If it’s just selling things to Senpai personally, I wouldn’t mind though.” (Makoto)

“I see. So you won’t be cooperating ‘for the sake of putting an end to the war’ huh.” (Hibiki)


Even I could tell that Senpai emphasized the words at the latter half.

So they are already suspecting that I have a connection with the demon race huh.

They don’t have any positive proof of it, so they can’t ask about this crime though.

“I’m thinking on opening the doors of Kuzunoha Company to all that need it. Please let me cooperate in the sense of neutrality.” (Makoto)

“You see, Makoto-kun…I don’t think that all the actions of the Goddess are correct.” (Hibiki)



No wait, isn’t that something a hero shouldn’t say?!

“She is not the ‘God’ that we think of. She has a personality, and individuality. I have not heard of the existence of other Gods in this world aside from her, so it shouldn’t be wrong to say that she is the only God though.” (Hibiki)


That’s right. There’s no way I would accept something like that as a God.

The God that Senpai is talking about is probably the almighty one.

That kind of God, I have not met one either.

But…I do think that there’s no way it is okay to leave that Goddess do as she pleases.

“The existence that manages and watches over this world. The Gods that exist are probably people that do these kind of jobs. Honestly, even now, I still think that she is a woman with problems in her personality.” (Hibiki)

“Senpai…” (Makoto)

“But Makoto-kun, no matter the existence she is, she lives in a different place from us, in other words, an existence that has nothing to do with us, you know? Even for us, the day we met that night was the last. Until then, I didn’t believe in the existence of God. In other words, isn’t she only an existence that we met in a mere instant of our short lives?” (Hibiki)


“What will you do by maintaining that feeling of defeat inside of you? It is like having complains about the laws and phenomenons that naturally exist in the world. Isn’t it pointless?” (Hibiki)

“Why did Senpai…?” (Makoto)

“Eh?” (Hibiki)

“Why did Senpai come to this world? Even though you had a life of success secured over there.” (Makoto)

I don’t understand at all.

“You want to know the reason why I came to this world?” (Hibiki)

“Yeah.” (Makoto)

“You are interested in the reason of why someone like me, who shouldn’t have any relation to this world to begin with, would come to this world?” (Hibiki)


Does Senpai know?

The fact that the two being summoned was the fault of me and my parents.

“…Because I thought it was interesting.” (Hibiki)

“That’s the main reason?” (Makoto)

“Well, it is not like I don’t hold any feelings of wanting to return to my life in Japan. However, at that time, at that instant, I certainly did feel that being in a parallel world was appealing. That’s why I am here. In the end, the whole reason I am here is because of the feelings of that instant. From then, I created connections in this world more and more, and I can no longer separate from it so easily.” (Hibiki)

“Feelings of that instant.” (Makoto)

So Senpai currently doesn’t have intentions of going back then.

I can sense that from her.

Even though she said she wanted to return a bit, I couldn’t feel a single trace of homesickness from Senpai’s words.

“The Empire’s Tomoki must be the same. Well, if the Goddess had asked him the previous day or the day after, his answer might have differed. There’s plenty possibility that different heroes would be summoned, and he and I would currently be living a peaceful life in Japan.” (Hibiki)



At that day, in just that instant, the two decided to become heroes.

A decision is a decision.

But if we were to call it a thoroughly thought decision, as expected, that wouldn’t be the case.

“It is not like I am blaming Makoto-kun. Don’t make that face. Let me advance the topic. In this world, the interference of God is not something definite or anything like that. This world will most likely change more and more. If we can finish the war soon and calm down the quarrel between hyumans and demons, we would be able to use that much time in changing the world.” (Hibiki)

“Change…the world?” (Makoto)

“That’s right. It can’t be done easily, but I think it is possible to create a society where hyumans and demi-humans don’t discriminate each other.” (Hibiki)

Reforming the very thinking of hyumans then?

But as long as the foundation of that thinking lies in the teachings of the goddess, I think it is impossible.

Even in the teachings of the Spirits, they are told that demi-humans are existences below hyumans, you know?

“Even if you are a hero, isn’t that way too idealistic? This is a world where a big number of hyumans follow a religion that goes against that very ideal of yours.” (Makoto)

“Isn’t Makoto-kun showing that possibility yourself? In Rotsgard and Tsige. It is possible to wake up the hyuman society as a whole with those actions, right? I don’t think the Goddess would be able to forcefully amend the people that want to change themselves. I have investigated decades of activities from her, but she herself is docile and simply has a deep affection for beautiful hyumans, and she doesn’t punish hyumans that hold a different way of thinking from what she wills. At least in public it is known in that way.” (Hibiki)

So Senpai is trying to change the Goddess’ world from the inside?

But if that’s the case, her thinking should be close to mine, and yet, why is it that I feel like Senpai is so far away?

“In that case, Senpai, even if the Goddess doesn’t exist anymore in this world, for example; even if a different God were to take her place, you wouldn’t mind, right?” (Makoto)

Well, even if I say a different God, I don’t have a specific God in mind though.

I am just saying and see how she reacts.

But if Senpai does think that way, I thought that maybe it would be possible to form a cooperative relationship with her.

If she thinks that a society where demi-humans don’t face discrimination is better, it would be possible to speak with the demons as well.

“…Even if the Goddess is gone?” (Hibiki)

“F-Figuratively speaking.” (Makoto)

In the case that I actually fight her, win, and punish her, I don’t know if the Goddess will continue managing this world as always.

In that case, I thought that since a God is gone, there would be a different God coming to fill her place.

“If it doesn’t have any effect on the world at all, I wouldn’t mind. Just that…” (Hibiki)

“Just that…?” (Makoto)

“If the Goddess is gone, the Spirits that work as her servants will be gone, and then she -the manager of this world- would be gone. Who knows what kind of effect would bring to the magic power that serves as the nucleus of this world. On top of that, the blessings and divine protection will disappear and the status of the Church will fall. There’s also the fear that the very teachings of the Goddess will be thrown away as well.” (Hibiki)


I didn’t think that far ahead.

Because I didn’t care at all about what would happen to this world after the Goddess lost her power or at worst, died.

It is fine to just bring the people that want refuge into Asora first, and in the first place, it is a world that existed even when the Goddess wasn’t there.

It seems like people like Root where there at that time, so I think that it won’t go to the point of being impossible to live in.

That’s why I didn’t think further than that.

But it seems like Senpai had thought about the things that would happen if the Goddess were to fall.

“Even if, for argument’s sake, it turns peaceful at that time, the world will instantly fall into great chaos, and there’s an incredibly high chance that hell will break loose. Especially the hyumans that had received the affection of the Goddess, there’s the chance that the other races will view them as enemies.” (Hibiki)

“It is certainly true that there’s the chance.” (Makoto)

Or more like, it will definitely turn out that way.

The blessing will be gone, so leaving aside the people that have true strength, most of the hyumans will be facing a hard time.

Also, if the common language disappears, it might turn into a mess, like the Tower of Babel.

They wouldn’t be able to create a big country like now, so the hegemony of the world will probably be changed to another race.

“If you are saying you have a method that will not show a single effect like that to the world, I don’t mind.” (Hibiki)

“Then if there’s an effect like what Senpai has stated?” (Makoto)

“Even if it costs me my life, I will go against it.” (Hibiki)

“…Even if it costs you your life?” (Makoto)

“If there’s someone planning something like that, it would be the same as the demon race; a world-class terrorist. Ruthlessly cornering the people that are living in peace and taking away their lives. It is enough to call it pure evil. The ones facing the most damage would be the hyumans, but the demi-humans will also be involved with no exception.” (Hibiki)

“Terrorist. The demons are a different race, they possess a country, and are opponents that you are fighting in war. Even though you are doing war with them, you call them in that way. Aren’t you a bit too prejudiced?” (Makoto)

Terrorist is a word I didn’t expect.

To call the war with the demons terrorism…

“Yeah. It is like a war brought by the minority that knew that no matter what they tried, they wouldn’t be able to reign supreme against the majority. That’s probably why the Goddess got impatient and called the heroes.” (Hibiki)

“The demon race is the minority?” (Makoto)

I imagine the conflicts and invasions of places like Russia and China.

I remember the words of Zef.

If I remember correctly, he said that the demon race population is at most 1 million or 1.5 million.

If Limia has several millions just like Senpai said, the hyuman population is most likely more than 4 times that.

They are called the four major powers, so I was expecting that though.

So if it’s 50 million, then 200 million?

Two hundred million against a few millions.

If the other demi-humans are added to the equation, would it turn into the ten millions?

The demon race units are originally composed by mixed races.

No, even with that, it would still be an incredibly low number compared to hyumans.

Whichever the case, this is not on the level of war.

Just like Senpai said, this is on the level of a small insurrection.

Even if we take into account that this world counts more the quality than the quantity, it is honestly incredible that the demon race is putting up a good fight.

“If the demon race request of it, it would bring the denial of the Goddess and her retribution…Well, it wouldn’t go so far, but they should at least be able to seek a better treatment. What they are doing is denying the very social system of this world they have been living in.” (Hibiki)

“They could have gone into extinction if they hadn’t done that.” (Makoto)

“You really take the side of demons here.” (Hibiki)

“I have seen something that made me realize just how severe the Goddess’ discrimination was, after all. Then, the actions of the demon race were brought by the need of surviving.” (Makoto)

“Yeah, their raising of an army in this occasion was probably something unavoidable.” (Hibiki)

“Then—!” (Makoto)

“That means it is already too late. They had to do something before it turned out that way. To better that scorned environment they had even if for a bit, they should have tried to make the hyumans accept them. With a method aside from taking arms, that is.” (Hibiki)

No way, that’s asking for too much.

Regarding the demon race, it was practically as if the Goddess made the first move telling them to go away and cornered them.  

“Isn’t that just asking for too much?” (Makoto)

“I have taken a look at the history of demons and hyumans. Of course, this was from the historical records of hyumans, so there’s most likely bias there though. Just that, there haven’t been much events where the demons have acted in a positive way towards hyumans. And within those small number of people, there’s not a single one that has continued for long.” (Hibiki)

“History. The history between hyumans and demons.” (Makoto)

I only know rough details of it.

“For the demons, hyumans are an overwhelming majority, moreover, it is collected in a single religion, it is also an opponent that has better individual battle power, you know? From the beginning, the choice of fighting was not something sane.” (Hibiki)

“…Right.” (Makoto)

Because of the blessing of the Goddess, the demon race was also being overpowered by hyumans in the magic power side as well, so there was no good part in it.

The more I think about it, the more impressed I am by the demons being able to put up a good fight against the hyumans.

Well, it is not like they have been doing war forever. They were mostly enduring the discrimination and oppression.

“But the demons fought with the hyumans several times, lost, and still, they haven’t changed their way of dealing with things.” (Hibiki)


“They should have had several opportunities to. The chance to enter within hyumans just like the demi-humans.” (Hibiki)

“Eh?” (Makoto)

“If it were me, that’s what I would do. If it’s a big opponent and I am unable to do anything about it with our power, I would join them and change them from the inside. I would create an opportunity to enter, and then, manage something from there. Isn’t that one of the few choices that the minority has in order to survive?” (Hibiki)

“Are you saying that they should live amidst hyumans as slaves?” (Makoto)

“…Even if it’s a starting line from a slave position, it is possible to crawl their way up. But they took arms to the very end. I don’t have the intention of wiping them all out, but if we don’t corner them to that very limit to show an example, no one would be able to accept it. At the very least, we would have to eliminate the people that are managing their country, their army, and the ones cooperating with them; every one of them.” (Hibiki)

“Accept it, you say. Isn’t that also because of the warped teachings of the Goddess?” (Makoto)

If only she hadn’t tainted this world with her stupid teachings, this wouldn’t have turned out this way.

The existence of that Goddess is the main reason for this problem, so they probably have to confront her at some point in time.

In that case, even if it will somewhat trouble the people that are currently living, isn’t it a lot better to just eliminate that Goddess that has spread this strange way of thinking?

“The warped teachings of the Goddess huh. But that is the religion that all the world follows, you know. Isn’t that the same as having an overwhelming minority taking arms?” (Hibiki)

“Then you are saying that they should resign to their fate? That the teachings of the Goddess can’t be helped, and it also can’t be helped that the demon race is rendered impossible to stand back up? That because they didn’t conform with those conditions quickly and become slaves for the sake of surviving, it can’t be helped that they are receiving a worse treatment than that? Is that what you think, Senpai?” (Makoto)

I am kind of pissed here.

No matter who, if they are being oppressed, they would want to make a complain or two.

To expect those kind of people to calmly look at the situation, think of the future, and find a good way for the race to survive, something like that…who would be able to blame them for being unable to do that?

To be able to act composedly no matter when, that’s not something that anyone could do.

Thinking that way, I unconsciously spoke to Senpai in a harsh tone.

“That’s right.” (Hibiki)


It is not like I thought Senpai would make a troubled expression…but I thought she would at least show hesitation.

The instant answer of Senpai blocked my words.

“I said this just a few moments ago but, the demon race and the hyumans are already in a situation where it is already too late. Without a closure for this war, neither of the races will be able to advance. That’s how much hatred is gathered between both sides. Of course, I who has been fighting alongside Limia, am no exception. The Goddess’ teachings, their dependence to her, the discrimination towards demi-humans; all these problems are problems that can only be dealt with after this war is over. This one point is impossible to move or change anymore. No one is able to.” (Hibiki)

“No one…” (Makoto)

Is that true?

If it is the Kuzunoha Company that has a connection with both, wouldn’t it be able to work out somehow?


Before that, wouldn’t things change a lot if I just had that Bug reflect?

“No one. Even for Makoto, that’s impossible. The hyumans that had their family taken away by demons had their hatred grow inside of themselves, and that hatred becomes the fangs that point towards them. It is the same for the demons that had their family taken away by hyumans. This chain of losses….can’t be erased.” (Hibiki)

Senpai made a pained expression for an instant.

The current Senpai is as cold as ice, and she is speaking with an indifferent expression, so that one instant remained in my mind.

Memories can’t be erased huh.

Rotsgard has become a lot easier to live in, but it is certainly true that it would be hard to erase that memory.

The more there are, the higher the amount of deaths there will be after all.

“Hatred and sadness. It is not something that easily disappears. I…can understand that.” (Makoto)

As I thought, I should do something quick about that Goddess.

Senpai seems to be worried about the later, but in the end, if the Goddess remains, the current state of things won’t change.

I will have to revise my attitude towards Bug.

“The demons who are the minority, are going against the overwhelming majority which are the hyumans, and the Goddess. This revolution that terrorists have raised which the majority of the people in this world didn’t wish for, this madness of a war, I will end it as soon as possible. Makoto-kun, I will say it again. Lend us your power, please.” (Hibiki)

Senpai lowers her head deeply.

But my thoughts won’t change.

Actually, I think that Senpai is over-thinking this in a way too realistic of a manner.

In this world that the Goddess does whatever she wants, I don’t feel like they would be able to change their sense of worth even if they took their time trying.

“…Senpai, I will say it again as well. I refuse.” (Makoto)

“Let me say this frankly, the stance that you Kuzunoha Company are taking can bring advantage to the demon race. The act of providing goods to both sides in a war, is an act of a merchant asking for a death sentence, you know? Is the Kuzunoha Company wishing for war and looking to gain profit from it?” (Hibiki)

“No. I also think that it would be better if the war didn’t exist. Just that, I think that the whole reason for this is that Goddess, and if only we could make her change her way of thinking, there would be as many methods born from it.” (Makoto)

“What do you mean? Even if the Goddess is the cause, what does Makoto-kun plan on doing?” (Hibiki)

“It is not wrong that the policy of the Kuzunoha Company is to welcome anyone that needs it, but…I personally think it would be better to drag down that Goddess once.” (Makoto)

“Drag down the Goddess…” (Hibiki)

Senpai makes a short mutter and turned speechless.

“It is certainly true that the world will fall into a temporal chaos, and it might put a limit to the magic that magicians can use. It might turn into an End of the Century situation between hyumans and demi-humans, but even with that, I think that the best plan is to kick that woman out from the God position she has been lying on.” (Makoto)

“…How?” (Hibiki)

“Well, by force.” (Makoto)

“By force, you say. The opponent is a God you know? Even if, for argument’s sake, you were to overpower her, would you be able to substitute for her?!” (Hibiki)

“Overpower? I don’t know about that, but I don’t intend to become the replacement of her.” (Makoto)

“Then you will simply eliminate a God?” (Hibiki)

Senpai held her head and shook it aimlessly.

No no no, I don’t plan on eliminating her.

I was thinking that it would be fine to just leave her a bit further from half-dead.

I am still alive after all, and the reason why I met with Tomoe and the others was in part because of that Bug.

“No well, she is not the only God out there, so as we do our stuff, a substitute will come, probably.” (Makoto)

“…You speak as if you have met other Gods. Well, I have been brought to a strange place with a shady individual though.” (Hibiki)

“How to say it, I have met with a God-sama that seems to be an acquaintance of that Goddess.” (Makoto)

“…That’s why you are saying that you will be changing that Goddess’ way of thinking by force? Without thinking at all about the repercussions that it can cause.” (Hibiki)

“If something happens, we can just take refuge until things settle down.” (Makoto)

“You are really indifferent at the crisis of hyumans. You don’t discriminate demi-humans, but you discriminate hyumans huh.” (Hibiki)


No no!

I am not discriminating hyumans.

“I am not discriminating demi-humans or hyumans.” (Makoto)

“…You are seriously saying that. Then this is serious.” (Hibiki)

“What do you mean?” (Makoto)

“From Makoto-kun’s speech and conduct, you are flickering your thoughts that it can’t be helped since the hyumans have done whatever they wanted along with the Goddess.” (Hibiki)

“Well, it is true that the hyumans have done whatever they wanted for so long, right?” (Makoto)

That’s not discrimination, it is the truth.

“Yeah, but to give a cold reception because of that, isn’t that considered discrimination?” (Hibiki)

“Hyumans are the strong ones that overwhelm this world with their numbers. Why would the word discrimination apply for them?” (Makoto)

Isn’t discrimination something done by society’s strong ones over the weak ones?

“And so what?” (Hibiki)


“Are you saying that even if someone were to discriminate rulers, it wouldn’t be considered discrimination? The gazes that the hyumans direct towards demi-humans is peculiar, but have you noticed? Makoto-kun, at times, you have directed those kind of gazes towards hyumans. Even here, and at Rotsgard as well.” (Hibiki)

“Ugh…” (Makoto)

If she brings out gazes, I can’t say I am conscious of it.

But if I am asked if it is okay to show discriminating actions towards the strong, I would say it is not.

“Hey Makoto-kun, in the structure of this world, you and I are considered outsiders, right? In that case, not taking into account the past history and coming in contact with the hyumans and demi-humans in equal grounds, isn’t that how a person that doesn’t discriminate would act? If there’s a person that’s troubled in front of you, shouldn’t you be stretching out your hand no matter the way that person has been living until now and their social standing? For hyumans, they have done whatever they have wanted, so they should suck it up; for demi-humans, they are pitiful, so help them. Isn’t that what you would call discrimination towards hyumans?” (Hibiki)

“But the hyumans have been utilizing the demi-humans as their servants, and they have been living shouldering this. In the first place, there’s no way I would be able to look at them with eyes like those of a Saint.” (Makoto)

“That’s why. You end up thinking that way because you are thinking with our common sense. This is not Japan, this is a parallel world. In the common sense of this world, hyumans and demi-humans are this way. In the first place, the demon race has picked a fight against that common sense and have brought about a war, you know?” (Hibiki)

“…That’s a mistaken common sense.” (Makoto)

“As a Japanese, that is. Your basis for your cold reception towards hyumans is something that’s natural common sense, and most people would not understand being criticized for it. Even in hyumans, when in situations between other hyumans, where you take out the attitude towards demi-humans and their attachment to beauty, they are people that properly hate discrimination.” (Hibiki)

“Even if you take out things that shouldn’t be taken out, it won’t make me accept it.” (Makoto)

“To change their root cognition, there’s the need for time, which would have to be after the war is over. But if there’s Makoto-kun who wants to do that by force against the Goddess, it would all end up crumbling.” (Hibiki)

“Not really. I might lose, and it is okay for Senpai to just continue doing war. I will be moving with my own thoughts. Even if it’s Senpai, I won’t be affirming everything you say and obeying it.” (Makoto)

“If you were to lose, that would be…” (Hibiki)

Senpai places both arms on the handrail and bends her body.

“…There’s plenty chance for it to happen. Even if she is like that, she is still a God after all.” (Makoto)

Words leaked out from Senpai who had her face hidden, a mutter of expectation for me to lose.

From the conversation until now, I could tell that it would be a pleasant development for her.

I am slightly shocked, but it can’t be helped.

Senpai seems to be entirely against the idea of me fighting the Goddess after all.

Even so, I am practically not thinking about the effects that will bring forth to the world like Senpai said.

I refuse managing a world like this, and I don’t want to become a God either.

Instead of arranging such pointless things, it is much more important to find a method to return to my original world with Tomoe and the others while being able to go back and forth to Asora.

“I can’t imagine you losing.” (Hibiki)

As if resenting me, Senpai turned a sulking face towards me.

“W-Well, thanks.” (Makoto)

“Things like being too far away, the scale being too much, or the numbers being way too many; I know that I can’t do anything about those, but this is the first time I have felt that no matter what I do, I won’t be able to surpass an individual. Even if I went at full power in my current self.” (Hibiki)

The full power of the current Senpai huh.

As I thought, maybe she has obtained some power like that of Sakai.

Even if that’s not the case, there’s definitely something.

“No well, Senpai was also strong, you know. It was like ‘as expected of a hero’.” (Makoto)

“Even though you were not serious at all. Heh~, then, between me and the Demon Lord, who is stronger?” (Hibiki)

“…If I were to fight the Demon Lord, I would be able to answer you.” (Makoto)

“Then, what about Io, White One?” (Hibiki)

“…With that strong attack power, maybe you can win against Io?” (Makoto)

To fight with that person, it would depend on how well you can surpass that regeneration power of his after all.

But if you were to try and go until he is unable to regenerate, it would turn into an incredible endurance battle.

I think there would be the need to finish the fight in one go.

Senpai has faced painful experiences with him, right?

If I remember correctly, she has close to a terrible affinity against him.

But if it’s the current Senpai, she might be able to defeat him.

Thinking about it that way, she is a dangerous one.

Because that means she is stronger than that scary-looking giant.

“Receiving the input of the White One, I feel my confidence strengthening. That guy…is someone I have to win against no matter what, after all.” (Hibiki)

“I see.” (Makoto)

After meeting several times in the battlefield, something like destiny is born, maybe.

I don’t have much of those.

Aside from that Goddess.


Senpai releases the handrail, and stretches her body upright.

Maybe because of her experience in kendo, Senpai’s posture is good.

“So that means Kuzunoha Company and Raidou are the allies of everyone in trouble, right? Okay, I got it.” (Hibiki)

“Hah?” (Makoto)

I-Is that okay?

That helps me out though.

No matter how much she asks me to cooperate with Limia, I won’t be nodding after all.

“On top of that, I have learned that you are a troublesome person that is fully antagonistic towards the Goddess. Well, about that, I will keep it a secret for you though.” (Hibiki)

“…Thanks.” (Makoto)

“The Goddess probably hasn’t heard of it either after all. With the capital having been raided, leaving aside the blessing and divine protection, there has been practically no reaction from her. What she is thinking is a mystery.” (Hibiki)

No reaction?

In other words, she hasn’t answered the calls of the Church or the heroes?

The attack to the capital…I see, it is around the time when that Goddess met with those Gods.

Did they make some sort of agreement that’s making her unable to move?

I have not been told the details of it, so…

“We have done a strange talk as well, but yeah. Tentatively speaking, I would like to eliminate the influence and distortion of the Goddess, and having you know that is plenty enough for today.” (Hibiki)

“It sounds like you feel it will be in a pretty far future though.” (Makoto)

A long time after we die, that is.

Maybe that’s why I felt Senpai so distant.

The objectives that Senpai shoulders are not things that she always tries to resolve herself.

She resolves them bit by bit, and if it isn’t possible with her, she places that job to the future generation.

“We are a race that can transfer their feelings, you know. By doing that, we are able to turn time into our allies as well. Trying to do everything by yourself in your own era can bring about pointless pain and can distort your objective.” (Hibiki)

“What you have decided to do yourself should be accomplished by oneself. I think that’s something splendid. Time can fade memories, and there’s no assurance that the next generation will hold the same feelings as you after all.” (Makoto)

“So you won’t think about moving as a whole…you won’t believe in this world’s society as you act huh.” (Hibiki)

“Just like how Senpai taught me, in my foundation, there’s most likely some discriminating feelings towards hyumans. I think that’s what it means to understand the words, but being unable to accept it. Even if Senpai tells me to believe in their change, I just can’t. Sorry.” (Makoto)

“…It isn’t something that can be immediately eliminated right after understanding it. It isn’t something you need to apologize for either. From now on, I will be counting on you as a customer of yours, Makoto-kun.” (Hibiki)

“Yes…here as well.” (Makoto)

We look close, but Senpai and I are distant.

I didn’t want to know of it, but I ended up knowing it.

This is different from the disgust I felt towards Tomoki, like a disparity of not wanting something like this to happen.

Senpai accepts the current world of that Goddess.

On top of that, she is trying to tell the world about this sense of discomfort and trying to change it slowly.

She is aware that it will take an enormous amount of time.

Without caring about those kind of things, I am thinking that it is natural for me to want to have the Goddess reflect as soon as possible and have the hyumans and demi-humans enter an equal relationship.

Without caring about how much or how many consequences it might bring.

From this world and this Goddess’ perspective…I probably do look like a fiendish terrorist…

Even so, if I can simply find a method to return to my world in a desirable way, I think I would act.

For the sake of fighting once with the Goddess.

I wonder, if that time comes, will I end up fighting Senpai?

I don’t think a fight against that person and me will come to a conclusion, but if possible, I would want to avoid having Senpai point a sword at me.

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View Comments

  • Thanks for the chapter Reigokai! I think thoss two will end up as enemies the way things are going... IF Hibiki can be considered an enemy or threat, that's it.

    • She can't hurt him physically, but emotionally is a different story. His defense against attacks is crazy, but he's basically defenseless against words. So i can imagine her going Zara on him.

      • True, Makoto is as weak as tofu mentally speaking. But doesn't that make her more of a threat instead of an enemy? I mean, ANYONE with enough insight to see his faults (that aren't exactly few) and a sharp enough tongue can cause that kind of damage to Makoto. Sara, Sef, Hibiki and many others. The problems is that if they overdo it, Makoto may go full genocide like in others time lines, and the one who provoked him would be eliminated on the spot.

      • After re-reading this chapter i realise hibiki is good at twisting words , her real colour shows up when she lose the argument against makoto

    • I think Makoto won't be the one ending her if she opposed him in the end.
      It would be Mio and she would be delighted to take his master order.

  • Correct me if I am wrong...

    The whole argument made by Hibiki ticking my nerves...
    It is like, most of her stand are from the or for the

    >“I have taken a look at the history of demons and hyumans. Of course, this was from the historical records of hyumans, so there’s most likely bias there though. Just that, there haven’t been much events where the demons have acted in a positive way towards hyumans. And within those small number of people, there’s not a single one that has continued for long.”

    Filled with b*llsh*t!!...
    If "it is likely to be bias", is there a point to use it as an piece of evidence to support the aggression towards the demon race?
    I mean, had she look into the "history" from the demon's POV.
    Why don't she read them up from their POV. Based on the demon's stand, which one had more tragic

    If one month in the modern world is equivalent to 1 year in the goddess world.
    18 years of goddess sleeping in the modern world (age of Makoto's elder sister) is equivalent to 200 + years in the goddess world.
    Is it physically possible to investigate such an information in a "half-hearted" world?
    Just how much "history" had she investigated into.
    >“…Even if it’s a starting line from a slave position, it is possible to crawl their way up. But they took arms to the very end. I don’t have the intention of wiping them all out, but if we don’t corner them to that very limit to show an example, no one would be able to accept it. At the very least, we would have to eliminate the people that are managing their country, their army, and the ones cooperating with them; every one of them.”

    Did she seriously trying to lie through her teeth or being idiotic
    The hyumans have every intentions to eliminate ALL DEMONS and she is freaking helping them to win THAT massacres.

    "corner them to that very limit to show an example"? that is what the hyuman did, oppressed them and didn't treat them as an equal being till they had no choice but to take up "arms" to the very end to incur retribution and for their future generations.

    Did she bother to consider what kind of place the demon are staying?
    How harsh and how torturing it is to not receive any aids/blessing from anyone, even from the "only" goddess?
    >“Hey Makoto-kun, in the structure of this world, you and I are considered outsiders, right? In that case, not taking into account the past history and coming in contact with the hyumans and demi-humans in equal grounds, isn’t that how a person that doesn’t discriminate would act? If there’s a person that’s troubled in front of you, shouldn’t you be stretching out your hand no matter the way that person has been living until now and their social standing? For hyumans, they have done whatever they have wanted, so they should suck it up; for demi-humans, they are pitiful, so help them. Isn’t that what you would call discrimination towards hyumans?”

    She dare to preach makoto for being discriminating when she had not practice any act of non-discriminating.
    If she is so righteous, shouldn't she try to find out ways to establish contacts to persuade the demon to stop war?
    If it cannot be done within this generation, she can "pass" it to the future generation as she belongs to that "race" right?

    I am not saying Makoto is being correct...
    His POV is also biased thanks to his experience.

    However, not asking what kind of experience that makes each other thinks in that way, is not what I call as requesting for assistance or asking for explanation?

    If the conversation is not going well, it is the fault of both parties.
    Makoto is being too naive (and irresponsible), while Hibiki is being too sly (where she neither admit her wrongdoings nor accept any of Makoto POV).

    Anyway, thanks for reading this comment.
    The quotes are from the above text. Thank you Reigokai for the wonderful translation

    • The main disconnect in their conversation is the goddess. Makoto sees the bug as a person, a terrible, irritating, arrogant person. His plan is to confront her, because her attitude needs correcting. One or both of them may die, but it's basically just a high stakes game of beat the bully to him.
      Hibiki on the other hand, sees the Goddess as something like an element of nature. That's why she can lay down such high level victim blaming, to her mind the Demons are basically fighting gravity or sunshine. She thinks they should have just adapted, and this war is a minority throwing a fit instead of a species on the brink of annihilation.

    • It's hard to criticize Hibiki for using biased history when we as readers know absolutely nothing about said history ourselves. Piecemeal tidbits in passing preceding a mess of current actions. At least Hibiki was tried to do research to the best of what is available. Makoto, though? He could probably just ask Shiki about it for a direct and possibly objective viewpoint but he doesn't really care about understanding the situation, only on passing his judgement.

      • Researching doesnt mean much if she bases how the future is based solely on it. Its akin to saying the poor should stay poor and the rich should stay rich because that is how the past was.

        That is worse imo...

      • She practically stated that in a situation of bullying and extortion the victim should just obediently allow himself to get hurt and extorted. Even if the victim cries for help and receives no rescue he has absolutely no right to fight back.
        In short words, Hibiki is a pampered princess who doesn't understand the feelings of the weak and cornered.

      • Actually it is not that hard... Hibiki only read from one side, but history will always has two sides, the winner and the loser, two antagonizing sides will have two differents perspective. So when she just read one side and thinking that she knows everything, that the point that must be critized..

      • People are probably getting tired of me saying this already, but this could kinda be averted if Makoto arranged a meeting with Zef for her.

        I doubt anything will ultimately change at this point, but I don't think it would be an event without merit. Hibiki is smart, if biased and arrogant, so she should be able to digest information from the new perspective okay. It would also do a little more to humanize the demons for her, because she's currently not really considering them people on an emotional level.

      • I am responding to this message as I was unable to respond to the reply you left me. I am doing this to further clarify my position. I would like a response as I am interested in your opinions, but I expect this to remain unseen and lost to the internet. I am also making this post before reading Chapter 212, as this may influence my, or your, position.

        The first point I want to address is your statement of my views of hyumans as "ignorant fictional caricatures." I do not view them that way, as evidenced by the fact that I am arguing about this at all. The first major assumption I am making in my argument is that hyumans are faithful replications of humans, down to their very nature. Otherwise, I would not be making an argument at all because it is pointless to apply human morals and laws to non-human beings. I.e. applying human morals and laws to Vulcans from the Star Trek series or an amoeba. I believe this and the disrespectful tone you take towards me are the only things that are truly wrong about your argument.

        The second point is I do not think saying "the hyumans will never give their consensus to elevating the demi-humans" is necessarily wrong. While it is a logical fallacy to apply the word "never," history has not disproved me. The reason I say this is due to the fact that, while slavery is mostly abolished in the world, human exploitation has not. I would argue that slavery could still be present in China, Africa, North Korea, and Central/South America. However, human exploitation (human exploitation as used here is when workers are given wages that are so low, they cannot improve their situation in life, even when working more than 40 hours a week) is still rampant in most places around the world. For example, the documentary "Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price" shows how depressing the conditions for Chinese workers are. Even in more "developed" and "cultured" countries, the rich and upper-class exploit the poor and lower-class. Based on my awareness of human history and applying that knowledge to the hyumans, they will "never" give up their exploitation of demi-humans.

        Third, I do not think that Makoto is as active in influencing his environment as you assume. I believe that he is actually rather passive, choosing to intervene in small situations in his immediate vicinity rather than affecting an entire country, people, or the world. An argument could be made against this as he recently "established" his country to the demon lord. I believe that was also a rather passive move since he did it to protect the home of his parents more than wanted to rule it as a king.

        The second to last point I disagree with is your interpretations of Hibiki's intentions. I firmly believe that she actually holds a bias against the demi-humans (demons) and this is affecting her actions. She wants the betterment of hyumans, but not necessarily the betterment of all sentient life in the new world. This can be seen in the fact that she wants to establish unity under the guidance and ruling of the Goddess. Since the Goddess borderline hates the demi-humans, she is passively agreeing with the discrimination and repression of the demi-humans.

        The last point is the Goddess has, in my opinion, been extremely active in her participation in the war and even her world. I am assuming that gods and goddesses are not allowed to directly intervene in the world they govern. Beyond this, she tries her very best to help hyumans as best as she can. She provides divine blessings and protection to the hyumans. She provided 2 human heroes to the hyumans. She made a pact with Makoto so that he would intervene on the hyumans' behalf. She provided spirits that generally favor hyumans, and spread her message of exalting hyumans. In short, she has done everything in her power to help the hyumans, besides personally wiping the demi-humans (demons) out.

        While I do not agree with most of your statements, I believe that they were made in good faith. I may have been overly negative or harsh in my assessment of the situation, I believe that yours was overly positive.

    • both of them are correct.
      Hibiki wants to change the system bit by bit.
      Makoto wants to make a new one.
      the only way to judge them is with their own ideals.
      It is not fine for makoto to discriminate but it is ok for hibiki.
      Makoto = equality
      hibiki = better system of "slavery?"

    • Here is my view of the argument: (TL;DR) Makoto is not discriminating at all; Hibiki is not technically not biased; she is wrong about the demi-human slavery issue; her naive optimism on that issue more-or-less proves the fact that she may be biased.

      I believe this is the case because he is trying to rebalance a scale and zero out both sides. Since the hyuman's side is heavier, (received more rights, etc.) you have to lighten that side and since the demi-human's side is lighter, you have to burden it.

      I believe that he still would have done this had the positions of the hyumans and demi-humans were switched.

      I also believe that Hibiki is not technically biased because she is following the "house rules" of the world. However, I believe she would be if the situation of had been reversed.

      In terms of the slavery issue she spoke of, she is completely incorrect. In all of human history, slaves have never been able to elevate their standing in a society without their slavers' cooperation. (With the exception of migrating and establishing themselves elsewhere.) The hyumans will never give their consensus to elevating the demi-humans, as the sole god of the sole world religion openly refuses to accept the demi-humans.

      Her naively optimistic view of the demi-humans being able to reverse their societal status may be a result of her bias. Contrary to the hyumans' historical mistreatment of the demi-humans (excluding the demons) she still believes that slavery is a better route for the demi-humans (demons). This shows her incorrectly assessing the situation, which would not happen unless she was already favoring the hyumans over all the other races.

      • "Hyumans will never", huh? That's an awful discriminatory thing to say. Hibiki believes that hyumans can change their way of thinking, and has faith in them. You do not, because you don't see hyumans as human, but rather ignorant fictional caricatures. The fact is in human history slavery has been slowly, and messily overcome, and if we as a species can get this far then why do you balk at the idea of hyumans being able to as well? The goddess is legitimately an issue, especially from our perspective, but not from Hibiki's. She is a problem, as she admits, but she is also passive, has not made any move during this war beyond throwing Makoto around, and she's been completely absent for 23 years. Hibiki is justified in her beliefs as to the possibility of a changing culture war, and unfortunately far too weak to even be able to consider dealing with the goddess should she intervene, but she can at least do what she can.

        Hibiki does not support slavery, but the world was already established to support it when she arrived. If you as an outsider try to suddenly and divisively change a people's way of life then you will be met with violent resistance equal to your own attack, as seen with many civil wars, including particularly the US civil war given slavery's role in that. So as to avoid violent upheaval Hibiki seeks to slowly change perceptions for a civil rights resolution rather than a civil war confrontation, and this thinking by itself is not wrong. In the end it may prove to be too idealistic, but hind sight and is 20/20.

      • @legotechnick...

        I can see some of what you are saying, however.

        Your argument has a couple holes in it.

        Hibiki has already started trying to modify the "monarchy" to be less centralized, and using her ideals. She is refusing to let the MC here do the same his own way.

        IMO, it'd be better for him to throw support behind his new country, let it be known all are welcome and provide a just rule with his power and strength.

        "We the people of Kalenoen, hold these truths to be self evident. Whether it be hyuman, Demi-hyuman or demon each are equal.... etc etc..."

      • For me she dont undertand the world , that world or our world . Because its horrible the sistem of slave (I dont like capitalism but have chance in the other way nop ) . For me she is a bitch , no naive , because she going to kill people only for defence . Only problem have is to bad its she a girl , because If was a boy ji ji I put a collar in his neck and become my slave . Them if he bother I say its like that the sistem he can to obey or rebel ^^ But if rebel she is the same to demon XD I think that bitch need need some spank to back to reality.

    • The disparity of their way of thinking is caused from their experience from earth.

      As we know of Hibiki has been a "winner" since birth. Good parents, rich, full of talents, beautiful, smart or even genius. She would know how the oppressed feel. She know it's wrong to oppress others but she just look at it from the perspective of the one from the top.

      Then we have Makoto, weak since birth, ugly, not blessed with richness, only have 1 talent. He know the feeling of the one being oppressed or the "loser" one. Heck he even got thrown out to the end of the world by the Goddess.

      So can't blame them for not symphatyzing or symphatying the demon race.

    • Just reminding and please correct me, Makoto is NOT AN OUTSIDER. I guess his parents were the citizen of this world. The bug was saying it when she summon Makoto.

      • No, you're right. As far as we know, Makoto is genetically 100% hyuman. That makes his appearance slightly suspicious, but all we have are speculation and theories about it for now.

        The thing is, Makoto has no attachment to this world. He was raised human, and as such has the mentality of one (except his bizzare ability to turn his emotions off), so he feels no obligation to protect this world that's already rejected him many times over.

      • Makoto is 99% hyuman.
        Reason that he ain't handsome is because the moment his second sister was born and he's next, the Goddess blessing on his parents which also to his siblings vanished before he was born.
        The blessing from that bug acts like protection and necessity to the moments Makoto's parents where transfer to Earth, Origin and adapt the world environment including gravity. They should be fine to the moment it wears off as their body adapted in the new world including their children but it was unexpected that it happen when Makoto was in the womb of his mother.
        Because of that created a series of ailment and weakness to the little boy's body with also his face ain't taken the bug's design of her Hyumans as being beautiful to her likeness. He was nearing his death till a mysterious healer healed him and overcome his fated end.

    • This is really late, but finally came back to read this novel. Stopped earlier because of Hibiki. The problem I have is her solution to the problem. A majority, oppressed a minority, under religious guidance, until that minority stood up in rebellion, for a better future for their race. Thus the war she gets thrown into. She knows it is wrong, but her solution is, genocide them all. Or, enslave them all. Because it can't be helped that the world is this way. After we kill them all or enslave them all we can take our time fixing the system. Wow. Just, wow.

    • You aren't wrong at all. It was grating to read all of that, Hibiki spouting fallacious reasoning and sophistry while Makoto just mumbles a response, doesn't challenge her on anything.

      She has the balls to make the argument that the (literal definition of oppressed) demons don't even have the right to defend themselves from extinction and should have chosen enslavement instead, on the flimsy grounds that "they are the minority". Then she hypocritically demands that he not ruin the 'good thing' the hyumans have going, even though by her own logic he now has the power to oppress all of humanity, perhaps not by majority in numbers but definitely by majority in strength, so should hyumanity therefore capitulate to his desires and enslave themselves? She's preaching literal 'might is right' philosophy and then getting upset with him for not caring enough about the weaklings who might get hurt in his crusade.

      She brings up nonsensical moral relativism ("by japanese standards its wrong but this world has its own rules").

      She considers it "discrimination" against the hyumans if he treats them the same as everyone else (ie fights the goddess and doesn't really care about the fallout), because his equally destructive actions would not safeguard the supremacy of hyumans currently.

      Pretty much everything she said is not only wrong but disgusting, her way of combatting the supremacy/oppression of hyumans/demons is to genocide the demons off and then slowly try to change the hyumans' opinions later, and failing to go along with her evil plan is "discrimination".

      Nothing angers me more than when a character in a story is spouting pure garbage nonsense and while i'm shouting at my monitor the other characters / world / plot pretend like it was legitimate.

    • I completely agree. Hibiki completely infuriates me. She is someone who has never experienced discrimination and yet thinks she has the right to preach.

      She is like a corrupt politician. The type who doesn’t take the time to get to know people’s actual problems and just takes the loudest message from the majority and uses it to justify a system that keep herself in a position of power.

      Peace means that her position as hero wouldn’t be that important. As someone who has always been in a position of privilege she can’t conceive of a logic that might mean she doesn’t deserve her privilege.

      Hibiki doesn’t really want peace or an end to discrimination. Maybe she wants the discrimination to be less harsh, but not to a degree that she would ever see an end to discrimination in her lifetime. In fact all of her plans are on the level of, “actually making progressive change is not my responsibility”.

      She wants to massacre the demons to secure adoration and rule Limia as president, and she will make up any bullsh*t logic she needs to justify it. (The fact that she needs to justify it makes me think even she knows it’s wrong.)

    • After reading through many chapters, I finally knew why Hibiki's argument seems to be really annoying IMO. It's not the fact that she thinks she's right, or the fact that she's condemning the MC's argument without any basis (though that did help). It is the fact that she's pushing what she thinks is right not just to other people, but to the future ones as well, without even considering if they agree with them. Tha facts is that what you may think is right now doesn't mean it will be in the future. Thus, forcing your will to the future people, like what the senpai is planning to, feels worse than what is currently happening.

  • These situations almost like how to remove disease that caused by tumor near vital organ. The first said it need to be operated despite the risk on how it affect the patient body while the other one propose to just gave treatment with medications therapy without removing the tumor since the risk it affect the organ would be fatal and even if not it would need extra miracle for recovery.

  • Lets break this down
    Hibiki's plan's advantages
    i) Don't need to fight a god(dess) because she knows she will lose.
    ii) Fewer hyumans killed
    iii) Very easy to execute at the start (exterminating the minority dissenters -> demons and whoever)

    Hibiki's plan's disadvantages
    i) Killing off one minority species (possibly more if demihumans are purged) for the dominant one.
    ii) Very difficult to execute after the first step of exterminating the minorities
    ii) No contingency, presumes being able to change mindsets in one generation, so if she cannot change anything by the time she gets old, she gets to shrug and die

    Makoto's plan's advantages
    i) Prevents annihilation of one (or more) species
    ii) Simple plan with definite first step
    iii) Contingency of using Asora for safe harbor or forcing all leaders from all factions to meet on neutral ground (assuming the leaders know who defeated the goddess)

    Makoto's plan's disadvantages
    i) No 100% sure win for the first step
    ii) Follow up steps is complex
    iii) Chaos rampant for a period

    Hibiki's has a very unlikely to happen outcome (changing the minsets of millions of people) especially since the pressure of the external force (demons) have been removed and the main reason for the mindset (goddess) is still around.

    Makoto will likely be forced to apply pressure on every leader to sign a peace treaty. However for administrative concerns he is already building up many resources, especially Ema and the demon girl (and allies like rembrandt) so his personal attention is not required. He just needs to show up and sit there.

    To make it more interesting, consider the same situation with real life humanity in the role of demons and aliens in the role of hyumans. You spend the rest of your lives mining rock 16 hours a day with 2 meals. You may not have children unless allowed and if an alien decides you or your family should be hurt or die, you have no lawful redress. Humanity decides to rebel and go to war with the aliens

    Consider if Hibiki's plan is good in that scenerio.

    • You forgot to add the biggest con in Hibiki's plan, let's say her is already halfway executed and Bug talks to the church "Demi-hyumans and demons are slaves, exterminate them".Her plan fails.

    • You say Makoto's will save other races, but how exactly does it do that when there is no after care? Magic and the spirits are directly tied to the goddess, and the world itself depends on them. What happens when the resources of the world shrivel and deplete? Will he step in with Asora and help on a world-scale? He has no intention of doing so beyond a case by case basis and is content to just assume that another god will step in and take over after he is done, therefore just letting people die to his results. Obviously that means a colossally large number of hyumans due to the population discrepancy, but it also means demihumans and demons as well.

      Let's say you don't like the political establishment of a country. Do you choose to work within the system to change it, or do you try to grab a gun and kill the government? If you were to disagree with president Trump on a fundamental level, do you attempt to live with his influence and hope for change among people's thoughts over the next four years, or do you plan for violent revolution? Hibiki is in a position of influence, so she is more or less in the position of a senator empowered by the very system she seeks to change. Makoto however is in the position of China. While there are strong ties between the two powers, it has the influence and resources to possibly tear everything down, and while the outcome and aftermath would be entirely uncertain they have the option of pursuing it regardless of the massive cost in lives that it would pertain an option that someone in the position of Hibiki is still far away from being able to consider alone.

      • As i already noted, it prevents the annihilation (aka genocide) of one species. That alone is "saving species"

        Save the species does not mean saving everyone.

        That brings up a peeve. When did solutions ever become "save everyone, everyone happy". All solutions have pros and cons, a price and gains.

        Existance of spirits and magic is hardly necessary. Is Asora in the same fantasy system style as the world? Does Asora have spirits? Are they farming fine?

        Does it mean life will suck as they have to do things manually? Of course. Can they adapt? They will, unless they want to die. Will it get better? Of course, once they get used to living without magic and inventing more efficient and effective practises.

        As for your entire spiel about american politics, well, i guess the early americans really should not have fought the british and did as they were told, joined parliment and tried to chage from the inside. After all, they were in a far better position than the demons in the story.

      • First of all that view on the modern states politics is different from what is happening in this world. The proper situation would be the native Americans or if you want to stretch it a little the African Americans. The native Americans are basically the demons in this situation except in the end they are literally brought to close to extinction and now they barely exist they are the minority's of minority's in the states. There is only about 5.2 million base on 2010 census.

        That is literally what Hibiki is trying to do just because they are the minority which does not sit well in the natural sense of modern earth. This near the level of trumps action. As much as I disagree with trump and his policies, he have not done anything so outright wrong as to massacre an entire ethnicity. If he did there will be a violent revolution, especially if he was backed by the republicans in doing so.

        Hibiki plans basically condones slavery and hopes that possibly like earth history will erase that problem. That is wrong. The problem lies with the teaching of the goddess. The bug teaches things on the superficial level. Having looks, money, power (emphasis on looks) equates to being the top. The bug is the constant propaganda enabling everyone to continue as they are.

        If you remember the past chapters she is only suppose to look after this world not change it or play favorite. Makoto plan is not perfect either rather he sees it as one with high population while the other is not. They are going to survive even if they are damage but the other one will absolutely not if nothing is done to the bug.

      • Is magic really tied to the goddess? I was under the impression that magic existed in that world before the goddess arrived since the magic wield superior dragons existed before her arrival.

      • The U.S have about 320,090,857 million according to 2015 census native American only rose by 2 million.

      • @Cesar C It does not or so I think I remember. She only enables people to have more magic power base on blessing.

      • "Magic and the spirits are directly tied to the goddess, and the world itself depends on them. What happens when the resources of the world shrivel and deplete? "
        This can't be more wrong... the spirits are but magic isn't, and even in the spirits case, we have seen that there are spirits that don't follow the bug's will, also they would probably have to do for themselves, with luck a better god will take over the charge of that world.

        "Will he step in with Asora and help on a world-scale? He has no intention of doing so beyond a case by case basis and is content to just assume that another god will step in and take over after he is done"
        Would you gladly accept murderers and rapists in a world you own, a world pure and without trash like that? from his point of view a load of hyumans fit in that description and he won't take them in

        "Let’s say you don’t like the political establishment of a country. Do you choose to work within the system to change it, or do you try to grab a gun and kill the government?"
        If I was at a superman level or something while also having my own world and I am facing a dictatorship that is oppressing a minority, I would destroy the country's inner core with raw power, hiding my identity of course... then claim it's an act of god because the system was wrong and that if such an inequality was to appear again death would come to those in power, and then somewhat establish democracy, and leave some artifacts to ensure there's no way to cheat in the vote...

      • The magic will be just fine. Races, like the dragons, lived there just fine before the goddess came by and fu(ked everything up.

        Your comparison to real life is erroneous. It’s not one bad politician or even one bad political system, it’s a world war where both sides have taken the genocidal nazi approach.

        Makoto is offering a third option. It might be just as bloody, but it will have an infinitely better conclusion.

  • Calling someone that he is discriminating when she herself is much more discriminating. Such Logic. Much Wow.

    Also, I've always wondered. Why are these heroes and summoned individuals Japanese? Out of all the races of Earth they all had to be Japanese?

    • It's not that every summoned person is a Japanese in a logical sense but as an appeal to the main audience of the novel.

      The text is originally in Japanese so it would feel extremely uncomfortable if there was say a Greek person speaking fluent Japanese.
      (Not to offend any Greeks here :( )

    • It's a Japanese story, what did you expect?
      A Connecticut Yankee in King's Arthur's Court has an American. The Landover series has an American buying an otherworld kingdom. The Narnia series has British kids.

    • because the author is a Japanese, right? most LN and WN is that way, but some are different.

      for example, Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari have 4 heroes from 4 alternative Japans, and I think some summoned otherworlder in Tensei Shittara Slime no Datta Ken are not japanese.

    • I can't blame the authors. Most of these stories are written by Japanese, and it would be really difficult to write from the perspective of another nationality.

      People have always complained about Makoto being passive, but if he were some other race without such a culture, chances are it would bother us even more.

      My personal headcanon is that there actually are a lot of Isekai MCs from all over the world, and we're only seeing the Japanese ones.

      Somewhere, in some world, Stanley from Paris is casting Siege Magic on a dragon and in the world next to his, the Demon Lord is negotiating a peace treaty with Jack from Philadelphia.

      • I have a similar headcanon, when someone is summon over, there location corresponds to there location on Earth. So if two people are summon but live in different continents, then they'll be on different continents on the other side or at least different nations.

    • In a comic like Capitan Planet when chose race 5 races of five country diferents in this moment say discriminating too . I was happy when chose sudamerica people (not from my country ) and the power was sucks but at lest rember ous XD
      Form why chinese or japanese only chose form his country because driscriminating

    • The author explained it away as the goddess being Japanese so whatever whole is between the worlds for people to fall into is in Japan.

    • A hypocrite all along... though if I have to choose between a hypocrite and a naive person, I would rather choose the naive one...

  • neither is wrong yet none of them is completely right, these kind of stories is usually replete with tragedy and can be painful to read.

    Between Makoto and Hibiki, I think I'll side with Makoto because he is completely right in one point: The goddess is the root of the problem and as long as she is the 'ruler' of the world any change will either be ineffectual at best or completely fail at worst. That said I agree with Hibiki that he needs to think about the consequences of his action more.

    Now I realized what made me annoyed with Hibiki, she reminds me too much of Goddamned Suzaku 'spin-kick' Kururugi. I mean I can understand wanting to fight in your own way but to condemn other way of fighting for themselves from your won twisted sense of morals and daring to be angry at others killing people when you yourself has killed for the sake of your so called 'Ideal' is seriously arrogant and hypocritical.

    And them mentioning god almighty from Christianity make me think and compared this whole situation to the bible old testament or as my friend put it : 'the era god try his hands on micromanaging the world' only kind of more grayish and twisted. This make wonders if the world would be better off if Makoto can convince the Goddess to take a more hands off approach rather than dethrone her completely.

    • Same... like compared to the MC who accepted that his senpai would have her own plan, and decided not to condemn her, the senpai who inexplicably decided that the MC's plan is wrong and stuff is far more annoying.

  • Battle of ideology, reading this reminds me of the Banquet of Kings in Fate/Zero. Best chapter ive ever read so far. Thanks reigokai!

  • Thx for the chapter o/
    man, this is easily one of the best chapters ever, great chapter and discussions~~
    i though came to me while reading the comments, this whole thing could be summarized in a "classroom" situation: The Bug is the teacher who endorses the majority to bully the minority diversed, in especial that one "demon" kid who tried to fight back the discrimination, while the heroes are basically their class presidents who she asked to deal with the problems that occurred when the bullied kids tried to fight back. And Makoto is basically that son of a Yakuza boss who brings a gun to class and no one can realy mess with...

    • That Yakuza son thing is a bit wrong since he borrows daddies power and is a bigger bully than any other in the classroom. Makoto is more like the undercover child soldier i.e. Sagara Kyousuke (Full Metal Panic) complete with social awkwardness/cluelessness, well-trained combat proficiency that he hillariously tries to hide, and is part of a powerful Shadow organisation.

      • or another example :
        Let just assume that Makoto is equivalent to Shiba Tatsuya from Mahouka, and his follower and Asora as Miyuki, he can take the harrasment but once the thing he held most as family (his follower and Asoran) getting hurt, he will blast you to smitherin (but in this case, Makoto doesnt have the high intelligent of Tatsuya only the destructive power and his calm demeanor, i think. Since he only mostly retaliate if its a must situation)

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