Categories: QualiA

Chapter 210: The counter-plan goes astray

“Kuzunoha company’s peddling permission?”

“Yeah, he has saved my and his Majesty’s life in Rotsgard. We called him here to give our gratitude, so doing nothing won’t do. Raidou made a petition himself, and it isn’t a subject that needs any heavy regulation, so I have given him a response geared towards accepting.” (Joshua)

“I see.”

“Is there some sort of problem? A number of nobles that want him to make a store will probably be unsatisfied with this decision, but it shouldn’t be disadvantageous for us.” (Joshua)

“Yes, I think Joshua-sama’s thinking is correct. If he wished for it, it should be appropriate as an expression of gratitude.”

“It makes me happy that Hibiki says so as well. But well, the fact that this is currently the only request of Raidou makes me feel troubled though. It would actually make me feel more at ease if he were to ask for land or a peerage.” (Joshua)

A conversation with Joshua and Hibiki.

The conversation was about the Kuzunoha Company.

The promise that Joshua made to Raidou about the permission for the peddling the Kuzunoha Company did on the territory.

The two were talking about that matter.

Bredda was also there, but as of now, he hasn’t joined the conversation.

“He probably thinks he has obtained plenty enough compensation.” (Hibiki)

“No way. To say it is plenty enough when he saved the king and prince of a major power, there shouldn’t be a person who thinks in that way.” (Joshua)

“…If it’s him, it is possible. He is that kind of person.” (Hibiki)

“It is certainly true that Raidou has an uhm…a kind way of thinking, that doesn’t fit a merchant. But even he should have some sort of avarice. I would also like to recompense him a bit more. It wouldn’t be good to leave strange lingering discomfort after all.” (Joshua)

“You wanted to say he has a naive way of thinking, right Joshua-sama? That’s actually right, you know.” (Hibiki)

“Even so, that’s not a word that should be directed towards someone that has saved my life, Hibiki.” (Joshua)

Hibiki restates the words of Joshua who chose his words.

Joshua rebukes her, but there was no stormy atmosphere between the two.

Bredda was silently drinking tea.

It was easy to see that this is an usual occurrence.

“What are Joshua-sama’s thoughts about how we should associate with them from now on?” (Hibiki)

The true meaning of Hibiki’s question was not to ask the opinion of Joshua’s personal opinion only, but to include the king’s stance, and the will of the nobles.

Joshua is the advisor of the king, and the number of people that think his opinion is the opinion of the king are not few.

“He himself is someone that doesn’t hold evil intentions. The strength they have as a company and the ability of its employees can become a threat depending on the sides it takes, but in basis, I think I want to build a favorable relationship. It is clear that it is not simple peddling, and in reality, the contribution Mio-dono achieved outside her schedule in the reconstruction was splendid. It seems like they have cooperated with the reconstruction of Rotsgard as well, but from what I see, they probably have done more of their part in the work than a simple cooperator. I was about to overlook that part in the report that I had gotten.” (Joshua)

“Rotsgard has already regained its former form and is advancing to a step further than that. It is saddening, but the speed to stand back up was clearly different from the capital. There’s no doubt the Kuzunoha Company played a big part in it. Just looking at their achievements, it is truly an appealing existence, but…” (Hibiki)

Anguish shows in Hibiki’s face.

“As I thought, there’s problems too huh. In my eyes, they look like partners that can become extremely beneficial though… Then, from Hibiki’s viewpoint, how does he look to you?” (Joshua)

“Right now it is hard to put it in clear words but…there’s a few points.” (Hibiki)

“I don’t mind. Let’s hear it.” (Joshua)

“First of all, he doesn’t have an interest in the war that’s currently occurring in the world. On top of that, even though he is the Head of a power that can be considered a nation, he doesn’t have any intentions to gain more than what he personally views. It is incredibly unstable, and engaging them carelessly is way too dangerous.” (Hibiki)

“Assuming that there are a number of other people that have the same power as Mio-dono in the Kuzunoha Company, and taking Raiou-dono’s power into consideration as well, then not only a mercenary group, they would possess a military force akin to a nation. I consider it is proper to think of them to be in a nation level. But what’s that about not being interested in the war? I don’t understand the part about being unstable either.” (Joshua)

“It means exactly as I have said. He has the notable characteristic that no matter how much the hyumans, demi-humans, and demons do war with each other, he won’t care. Also, he has no discrimination towards the demi-humans, and it is possible that if asked to provide accommodations because of troubles…they would most likely sell goods even to the demon race.” (Hibiki)

“No way! That’s an act of betrayal towards hyumans!”

Bredda speaks out for the first time.

While they are doing business in the hyuman country, they sell goods to the demon race.

Thinking about it from the common sense of Bredda -no, from the common sense of a hyuman, it is an inconceivable act.

“…Even to the demon race? He didn’t look like he had such a lack of integrity though.” (Joshua)

Joshua narrows his brows at the opinion of Hibiki.

Because in Joshua’s eyes, Raidou didn’t look like a person that would sell goods to the demon race for profit.

“…It is not that there’s no integrity in profit. In that sense, I actually think he is loose. The point of beingr troubled is what plays a big part.” (Hibiki)

“For example, no matter the cause, if there’s a demon race village that was unable to secure food supply in winter and there’s a request for help, they would help them out even if it is a situation where even payment is doubtful?” (Joshua)

“Yeah. Of course, even if there’s a request for help similar to that from hyumans or demi-humans, they would most likely reach the same decision. He is…kind, after all.” (Hibiki)

“As a result, the war would grow longer…and a great number of lives would be lost, bringing ruin to the world as a whole, and yet, he would still do it?” (Joshua)

“He is kind after all. If there’s someone in trouble, no matter if hyuman or demon, he would most likely save them. Demi-humans wounded by hyumans, hyumans that were wounded by demi-humans…without discrimination.” (Hibiki)

“…I see. It is certainly true that Raidou-dono gave that kind of feeling. The part that he would choose help over profit. If in his mind, hyumans and demons are equally worthy of saving, they will become an incredibly troublesome existence.” (Joshua)

“Yes. For hyumans and demons alike, they will become an exceedingly dangerous existence.” (Hibiki)

“It is so sudden it is hard to believe, but since it is something Hibiki says, it is worth considering. If they are contributing to the demon race in the same manner as with us, it would not be good. But…even if that’s truly the case, we still have no choice but to continue with our current way of interacting. I see, so this is what’s troubling you, Hibiki.” (Joshua)

Joshua continued his words as he thought about the methods that can be taken with the Kuzunoha Company, and then, he noticed the reason for Hibiki’s heavy expression.

“…Yes. We have no choice but to have a favorable relationship with them. If they are an existence that brings benefits to both sides, we have to get involved with them as well.” (Hibiki)

The expression of Hibiki was still bitter, and it was comprehensible.

If it’s an existence that they can expect benefits in being involved with, even if they bring benefits to the enemy as well, they have no choice but to be involved with them as well.

Even if they are dangerous, as long as they don’t have a clear countermeasure for them, they won’t be able to break the deadlock, so they have to continue with how their relationship currently is.

“Fufufu, right. There’s no reason for us to throw away that benefit ourselves. And in truth, in this time’s visit, we have utilized them plenty after all. And yet, they are being taken as a threat. It is truly a misfortune.” (Joshua)

Joshua laughs in a self-depreciating manner.

The visit of the Kuzunoha Company has several objectives they have not been told about.

Thinking about that, a smile unconsciously came out.

“I will try to convince him at least. If…he were to side with us, it would solve most of the problems without doubt after all.” (Hibiki)

“It is written all over your face that you don’t think it will go well.” (Joshua)

“Honestly speaking, I don’t have the confidence. His sense of worth is already a lot more different than mine. I don’t know if we will be able to reach an understanding.” (Hibiki)

“I pray for your success. I want to continue having a good relationship with him after all.” (Joshua)

“Regarding that, I heartfeltly agree as well. It is someone I definitely wouldn’t want to be in trouble with after all.” (Hibiki)

“Someone you definitely don’t want to be in trouble with huh. Well, fine then. Regarding Raidou, I will leave the decision making to you. Well then Hibiki, you won’t mind if I advance things just as we have discussed, right?” (Joshua)

“Yes. I was meddled a bit by Mio-san, but there won’t be any problems. Let’s continue with it in one go.” (Hibiki)

“Understood.” (Joshua)

The talk finished, and Hibiki stands from her seat.

Joshua also stood up a second later, and sees her off.

Bredda was about to leave the room following Hibiki as if natural, but at that moment, he was called from behind.

“Bredda, there’s something I have to talk with you about.”

“Hah?” (Bredda)

Being in a different pattern from normal, Bredda let out a dumbfounded voice.

There have been times when Bredda has been in presence of the conversation between Hibiki and Joshua, but there’s never been something after that.

He was with the thoughts of only accompanying Hibiki, so it is an expected reaction.

“Ara, then I will be going ahead.” (Hibiki)

Hibiki didn’t show any special surprise and leaves promptly.

“Wai–, Hibiki?!” (Bredda)

The door was ruthlessly closed.

“…Seriously, what do you want, Joshua?” (Bredda)

Because Hibiki was now gone, Bredda returns to his sibling way of speaking and takes seat in a slightly violent manner.

He asks for Joshua’s business.

“Brother, I have established several occasions for this kind of meetings, but you haven’t participated in any of them properly, right?” (Joshua)

“I am present only as a knight and a bodyguard of Hibiki. In the first place, I am not in a position to say my opinion.” (Bredda)

“Because there was the will of the king as well, I have given tacit consent to brother’s attitude until now, but with the capital in this state, I can’t just leave it as always.” (Joshua)

“…Listen here Joshua…” (Bredda)

“Isn’t it time to be thinking about the ruling of the country? Not as a knight, nor a party member of Hibiki’s, but as the successor of father.” (Joshua)

“…You are talking about that? I have decided to be the shield of Hibiki as a knight. If it’s about the throne, you succeed it. If it’s Joshua, there’s no one who would be against it.” (Bredda)

“I don’t have the gift to be a ruler. In this time of war, the role of the king is to encourage the whole country, and the one who is the most fit for that role of being the king of Limia is you, brother. In the first place, I have already abandoned the succession of the throne.” (Joshua)

“It is just fine to say you want it back. In the first place, me being the decoration and you being the counsellor is not that different from you being the one directly doing things. I refuse being a simple decoration hanging.” (Bredda)

“Abandoning the succession of the throne is not something as simple as that you know. Also, if you are able to fulfill the role of a decoration, then in a sense, it can be considered a talent for being king.” (Joshua)

“But I have been telling you haven’t I? I want to be of use to Hibiki—” (Bredda)

“If you think that way, why can’t you understand that being the next king is the best move?!” (Joshua)

Bredda tried to finish the conversation in the same note, but today was different in all senses.

Interrupting his words, Joshua shouted.

At the same time, Joshua hits the table and a loud sound reverberated in the place.

“…What did you say?” (Bredda)

“Looking at the current Hibiki, you should be able to tell. She is already in a territory that a normal person can’t catch up to. That’s right…there’s already no way for brother to become the shield of Hibiki! When in the party, the most you can do is guard the priestess and Wudi, right?!” (Joshua)

Watching the mock battle of Raidou, Joshua was able to understand plenty enough that Hibiki’s strength had already surpassed the line of normal.

She clearly had a strength that went a different path from that of a strong adventurer.

The same could be said for Raidou, but it was evident that it was a different dimension from the trained strength of Bredda.

“Joshua, you…what are you trying to…” (Bredda)

“Brother will definitely become shackles for Hibiki in time, that’s what I am trying to say. Before turning into that, I am advising you to help her out in politics! Let me tell you this, you are only a prodigy by birth. Because of the king’s lineage.” (Joshua)

“Shut up!!” (Bredda)

“For example, the three of Kuzunoha Company, no matter which one of those three brother fights, you wouldn’t be able to defeat any. But if you move as the king of Limia, brother will have plenty enough power to become the strength of Hibiki.” (Joshua)

“I’m telling you to shut up!!” (Bredda)

“This is father’s will!” (Joshua)


“…It’s not that I think this way. If the capital gets attacked again, is there an assurance that the king will be safe? If he were to fall in this state where we still haven’t announced the next successor… We can’t have the current Limia fight over who will be the next successor. Something like that, even brother understands, right? Father is thinking about announcing brother as the next successor. Things like reading the heart of your own father, you should at least be able to do that without having me telling you, brother!” (Joshua)

“I can still do it. I will become stronger and support Hibiki.” (Bredda)

“I know that brother is someone that doesn’t slack in his efforts, but not only Hibiki; the priestess, Wudi, and also Naval; everyone possesses outstanding talent. It isn’t something that one can keep up with just hard work. Fortunately, brother’s defensive sword style can become a help in moments of need. Please take heed of my words.” (Joshua)

“Then what will they do about my substitute?! Yeah, it is certainly true that my strength is lacking, but is there any other person that’s able to support the current Hibiki at her side? Before talking about being me being the king, shouldn’t you first find that person?” (Bredda)

“…There is.” (Joshua)

“What?” (Bredda)

“I said there is one. We will be meeting that person after the Kuzunoha Company leaves though.” (Joshua)

Heartless words came from Joshua.

Bredda was at a loss for words, and was dumbfounded by the unyielding attitude of his little brother he had never seen before.



Finishing my plans of the day, I had returned to my room and was passing a leisure time with Lime.

He was doing maintenance to his katana that had finished recovering, in a good mood while talking about the state of the land near the castle.

“As expected, they are still far from being finished in the reconstruction.” (Makoto)

“Right. There’s also the point that Rotsgard is just way too fast though. Mio-neesan showed several things, so there’s probably going to be a request for help from the prince or maybe someone else.” (Lime)

“If it’s about helping with the reconstruction, I don’t mind helping in a permissible level though. It would definitely be a lot easier for the people that come from Rotsgard if the groundwork has been done after all.” (Makoto)

“It would be great if that much is enough though.” (Lime)

“That’s the most we can do. No matter the case, if the war intensifies once more…” (Makoto)

“The demon race huh. I don’t think they will match the conveniency of hyumans and not attack in winter, but…I wonder what they are planning. If it were me, I would immediately come to crush the weakened Limia though.” (Lime)

For the demon race, winter is a season that’s easy for them to defend in.

For hyumans, it is hard to attack.

But just as Lime says, it doesn’t mean the demons will have a hard time attacking too.

This is something that I can say with confidence after meeting them; the Demon Lord is not the type that would loosen in the offensive.

He is a person that would attack with no hesitation.

In other words, there’s a reason why he is not going for the attack.

In that case, this time where they are waiting for spring and the time they are doing their best in the reconstruction is actually a vital time for the hyumans.

Because it means that the demons are preparing a hand that is bigger than attacking the current Limia after all.

“Right. Well, when the time comes, I will move as well, so it won’t turn into the worst scenario.” (Makoto)

“Boss will move? You didn’t seem to have much interest in the war though.” (Lime)

“Hm? I don’t have any interest in the war, I also have no intentions in participating. Just that, I don’t think the demon race has much intentions of meddling with merchants and adventurers that much, so no matter what happens with the hegemony of society, I don’t think much would change in our everyday life.” (Makoto)

“…Getting along with the demon race is kind of a…complicated feeling. Then what do you mean by moving?” (Lime)

“Meaning that I will try to save Senpai at least. I don’t know about this country though.” (Makoto)

“…That’s just like Boss-ssu. Hm? Someone’s coming. This is…Hibiki-ssu ne. This late in the night, that’s rare. (Lime)

“Senpai? If she has any business, it would be with me huh.” (Makoto)

“Most likely. Well, even if Boss and Hibiki pass a night together, nothing will be happening, so it is most likely not going to end in seduction.” (Lime)

“Oh, sharp words there. Leaving aside me, from what I know, Senpai is quite popular you know?” (Makoto)

“…Well, she pretends as if she knows how to deal with men. She is the same as Boss, so she won’t be able to do those kind of things.” (Lime)

“The same as me?” (Makoto)

“Hehe, just ignore this delirious talk of a man that has travelled along with her.” (Lime)

What is he talking about? 

The points that Senpai and I have in common are pretty few, you know.

After a bit, knocking comes from the door.


“It is Hibiki. Do you have a bit of time?” (Hibiki)

“Come in.” (Makoto)

Just like what Lime said, it was Senpai.

“…So Lime was here too. Can you please…no, Raidou-dono, can you accompany me for a bit? It might take a while though.” (Hibiki)

Is it something that she doesn’t want to talk about in this room?

At the very least, it doesn’t seem to be something related to the priestess-san.

I don’t think we will be visiting her at this late of an hour after all.

“It is okay. Then Lime, I will be leaving for a bit. It is okay to go rest before me.” (Makoto)

“Okay. I will do that.” (Lime)

Lime lowers his head.

His mouth was smiling, but his eyes weren’t smiling much.

Maybe because Tomoe or someone of that line has asked him to be cautious of her?

But even if he is going to eavesdrop, there’s nothing that would trouble me if he heard, so I will just let him do whatever he wants.

“Then, let’s go.”


Senpai is trying to feign it as always, but I could tell from her body that she was tense.

Just like when we talked about the priestess, I don’t think this will be a comfortable talk.

Because of the recall ritual, it has become a pretty good development for me in Limia though.

Waterfall seemed to be the sober type of dragon, but she opened the library and brought us back, so she is quite the open-hearted fellow.

I have also received the peddling permission for the Forest Oni’s unit, and as long as we are able to return without anything happening, it would be great.

But it won’t go so smoothly huh.

Ah, right.

It depends on the talk with Senpai, but maybe I should try talking with her about the recall ritual.

I think that information about returning home is important.

Yeah, that’s not bad.

The back of Senpai made a silence flow through us, and that provided me time to arrange my thoughts.

In time, Senpai’s legs stop and turns towards me.

Senpai and I were in a part of the castle, at a corridor where we could easily see all the land around the castle.

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View Comments

  • Thanks for the fast chapter!

    “… Yeah, I understand that. Because I felt the same way as those Mist Lizards. Lime, it would be nice if the time you can tell your wish to Waka-sama comes near” (Mondo)

    “That depends on Tomoe-neesan. It’s that kind of promise after all. Well, I will just wait patiently. I have received the time to do so. No need to hurry” (Lime)

    This is from chapter 145 which is indirectly saying Lime has feeling for Tomoe. Anyway the cliffhanger people are saying is barely one since we know Hibiki wants to know Makoto a little more and find out what he truly is trying to protect. That part about Lime smiling with his mouth but not with his eyes when Hibiki came in gave a chill down my spine, is Lime aware of Hibiki's schemes and is mad?

    Joshua's way of speaking is confusing.
    “He himself is someone that doesn’t hold evil intentions. The strength they have as a company and the ability of its employees can become a threat depending on the sides it takes, but in basis, I think I want to build a favorable relationship. It is clear that it is not simple peddling, and in reality, the contribution Mio-dono achieved outside her schedule in the reconstruction was splendid. It seems like they have cooperated with the reconstruction of Rotsgard as well, but from what I see, they probably have done more of their part in the work than a simple cooperator. I was about to overlook that part in the report that I had gotten.” (Joshua)

    Is she speaking with common sense-chan in mind which is basically thinking like Limia is a major power or she is genuinely want to keep a good relationship.

    • About the Lime and Mondo talk.

      I didn't feel that way when I read it that time. But, before and after that I had this itchy feeling that something is certainly going on with Tomoe and Lime. It may just be because I read too much NTR genres but, ever since Lime joined Kuzunoha I have been feeling that way. I've been washing it with LimexHibiki but seeing someone with the same speculation as mine just made it worse.


      • Ahem that is errm... certainly one way of looking at things. You do know that Tomoe loves Makoto and I haven't said this before and noone has mentioned it (at least from what I see) , Tomoe is in that kind of "onee-san" love with Makoto. Although she doesn't say it but is seen in other anime (manga ln) Tomoe should be saying things like "leave everything to onee-san" and tries to shoulder everything, like she already does but since she is tomboy-ish don't expect her to do anything but drink sake and mumble things and take the "lead" when the time comes. Btw ntr is... well I don't understand why anyone would go for that and you shouldn't really delve deep in to it either bro.

      • Wait. I think you misunderstand something there. I wasn't implying that someone ntrd who. I meant, I was led to suspect something was up "due to me reading too much ntr stuff". In no way I think there's something that extreme that happened in the background.

        About the relationship between Tomoe and Lime, it just feels those two are a bit closer than the normal lackies. Like, Tomoe mostly rely on Lime and that she firmly believes he won't part from Makoto. There were some instances that urged me to think they have this certain bond that the rest doesn't have. Although I understand he is a direct subordinate of Tomoe, what could possibly prevent Lime from having yearning Tomoe.

        And actualy, it was your quoted lines that made me remember again. If Lime indeed have feelings for her like what you have inferred, then during the talk between Root and Tomoe sometime after the talk about the Time Space Continuum. Tomoe mentioned something like Makoto only sees them as family and would not see them more than that. So she decided on herself that she would then on just oversee him as a guardian and protect his lifestyle. Im not so sure about her exact words so ill have to check on that.

      • @Suzushina,

        well, looking at the lime povs they give, you can pretty much sum up his dream of seeing a new world ruled by an absolute power - this is just my assumption though. It is also different with Tomoe. Have you seen their interaction with anyone other than Makoto? It is extremely indifferent. It is almost like Mio, Tomoe, and Shiki honestly couldn't give a damn about anything, they just want to be with Makoto. Shiki has changed though, albeit only recently.

        Do note, however, this is merely my speculation.

        I also want to ask, what is there to like about ntr, as someone who actually likes it. I mean, i honestly get so nauseated by the idea, similar to rape, harem, etc, that I want to vomit, so what exactly is appealing in it to you - take it as an honest question from someone who has experienced it. Why?

        Also, I doubt that will happen, sure Makoto wants Tomoe and Mio to be happy, Shiki as well, but we have seen in previous chapters that he has started seeing them as women, instead of family members, so, given enough time, he will most likely make a move on them. I do, however, hope the author does that after he attains some form of immortality due to his magic power, etc, or even godhood, so that Mio and Tomoe can have both children and a long time with Makoto.

      • Oh sorry for the misunderstanding and by the way that "guardian" thing is weird when she is trying to offer up her body lol. Can't remember what chapter but I remember that Mio recognised Tomoe as a worthy rival while shiki was exhausted on the floor after a beating.

      • @momon, unfortunately I have no recollection of those words by Mio so I can't comment on that. As for Tomoe, I think that was on the earlier chapters before Shiki existed? I could be wrong.


        @Garred, ill be honest... that was a weird question you threw there and way off-topic. Well, to answer it I don't like ntr. Never did and never said I do. It's just, I don't have to like it for me to read it and in fact on the earlier stages, I couldn't sleep properly. As for why I read it, just think of it no different than why Eve took a bite of the apple. It also stimulates something dark... I guess? Other's go for "best fap material" though. And it's mostly fiction so... I'd probably get jailed if it happened irl.

        But let's see, if I were to say a "good" part of it, if you can even call it that... it would be seeing the Male Protagonist' despair. Being dense, clueless, ignorant, self-righteous, and all that crap when the partner is swallong their shame to advance their relationship while protag is being a saint. Shying away from a kiss or holding hands.


        that's it for that! Back to topic.

        "we have seen in previous chapters that he has started seeing them as women"

        it's true for Mio but doesn't mean the same for Tomoe. I remember his drunk monologue when he asked Mio for what she wants as a prize for winning the competition, saying he could probably see Mio as a woman. Still hasn't been confirmed for Tomoe. We just don't have much screen time for her ever since the Academy arc begun. It's like the 2-man act by Tomoe and Makoto at the beginning never hapened. It was fotgotten material and lost.

        • @Suzushina

          Yeah, I forgot the like part, but that was my assumption, sorry about that. In any case, I know it was both off topic, but also something I was curious about, and what greater place to learn than from someone who actually reads the stuff. I think I read a proverb somewhere once. It goes like this: "If I walk with three wise men, I will try to turn two of the three into teachers to learn from, and one into someone to talk to"

          In any case, I do agree that a lack of Tomoe has been going on, but in that chapter, I do believe there was enough information about that factor, as he wasn't exactly dense. He could see and can still see their attachment to him, and he has just gone to the point where he will reply, at some point. I honestly ship Tomoe and Makoto more than Mio and Makoto - if we work on a monogamy front here. In any case, I don't see anything wrong with him taking them both on, considering their current situation, but for me, I just feel that Tomoe is a better fit for him with regards to personality - this is not based on fact, just hunches. I do agree that Mio is a better candidate with regards to love though, if you look at her dialogue though. You can see her be the wife that supports him through everything, whether he is an evil god, a mass murderer, or a saint, she will always be interested in him. That is attractive in and of itself, but isn't the point of having a partner having someone who will eventually better yourself in the long run? This is just my bias, though, so please, don't shun me in front of the firing squad.

          I have to reread most of it though, but I do remember him opening up more to the thoughts of them as being women, instead of mere family members and pact members. Still, I may be wrong.

      • Well about Tomoe's screen time that is... well she isn't needed in the academy nor at Rotsgard and her job is overseeing asora's day to day things while leaving most of it to ema (about food culture etc) and focusing on military stuff and taking care of kuzonoha's affairs such as taking out pesky people or expanding, so I get why she she doesn't have much screen time. About what @garred said about how the 3 followers interact with other people besides Makoto, that is how they feel well, we know Mio the yandere only sees ants, Shiki potential, Tomoe... well tomoe is kind of weird to understand in a way. Remember when shiki talked about Amelia and how Makoto should treat her better than any other student and when the topic went to her getting in to the kuzunoha bussiness and dying tomoe said said something along the lines of

        “In the first place, Waka has no interest in Amelia, so if that woman wants to work, it would be okay to just have her stay somewhere close to you and the problem would be solved.” (Tomoe)

        “But then it would end up as Amelia dying a pointless death… Waka-sama will probably…not give her a special treatment.” (Shiki)

        “True. But what’s wrong about dying pointlessly? Isn’t it just one woman, who doesn’t know her place, dying?” (Tomoe)

        “Wha…” (Shiki)

        Which shows Tomoe could not give two shits lol. About shiki's view like is said "potential", he evaluates people's skills but as a lich he doesn't care for them unless it's Makoto and in the future maybe Amelia.

        • I agree @momongamymonga, however, what would you say Tomoe's overall objective is?

          We can go out on a limb and say that she honestly just likes him because he is interesting and will have no further interest in him once she sees all his memories about the period dramas and whatnot.
          Then we can say that, like root, she got so bored with eternity she is just using him to pass the time.
          Then we can also say that she truly started loving him, although, I do find that quite doubtful in and of itself. Just look what she did with Asora and the Orcs once she and Makoto returned. I find it that she has some sort of motif, sure it is to possibly make Makoto a better person, but I also somewhat doubt that. She seems too grey to me, but I would like her to stay a love interest, for Makoto's sake.

          • I can't understand why people would have a problem if it started as the first two. There were a lot of people not liking Tomoe early on because of this. Firstly, she's immortal. Sometimes we do stuff just to kill the boredom, so what do people think immortals do? Secondly, so what if it started as mere interest in his memories or a way to kill a century? How else is a relationship supposed to start? Is it supposed to be love at first sight? Take that nonsensical warg shit back to Disney. Honestly.

            Not saying that's how you see it, but I felt it should be said.

          • @coatl45 sorry, there is no direct reply button.

            I don't really give a damn about how it started, I also don't want a Disney love, as some realism would honestly be appreciated in today's novels, but I guess that is where things go when ideals and fantasy are better than reality.

            In any case, all that bothers me in that regard is that Tomoe is too grey. Personally I hate dancing to someone's tune, but I am removing that from the equation when I say she worries me. Makoto... Let's face it. He is an eggshell. If Tomoe ends up screwing things up horribly, something even more horrible than Planetary destruction might happen. Once again, this is only a what-if scenario, but you get what I mean. I fear for Makoto as a character, exactly because he is so full of his "Willful Ignorance".

            It is good to not think, but it is also not good to think too much. However, not thinking much is also not so good - and currently that is where Makoto is on the spectrum.

            I am not entirely sure whether or not my point came across, though?

      • @garred I don't know if you will see this since there is no direct reply button. Anyways interesting points but aren't those saying that Tomoe is like Root? Believe or not Root actually wears the wedding ring as a necklace and the show hasn't said anything about him being a widow. Root just from person to person because of lack of interest and Tomoe really does not seem that way, although I admit at the start making a pact out of nowhere was to stop the fight and see more of his memories and where he will go. And now she would jump in front of a bullet to save Makoto and I hope the author really shows this (not the bullet part).

        • I fear she may become like root, I read a few spoilers about her, but those are only about in when they are in Lorel. Still, I was somewhat disappointed in her as a character. It may just be my bias, but still.

          In any case, I get that too, but once again, she seems too grey to me @momongamymonga. Sure there is love, but what form will it ultimately take, as we all know love can kill if you ignore it for far too long, especially in Tomoe's case. She is trying to act like his older sister, and in some cases, like his mother. Sure, Makoto doesn't really mind that, but that is just because at this point in time he doesn't mind much overall. I mean it is Makoto we are talking about.

          Were Tomoe to take the Makoto route it would end up good, but i guess she might be pushing for immortality for that very reason. Sure Makoto doesn't realize it, Mio might, but that is another story. I just can't see through her, and that worries me a bit. Mio is easy. She can be described by the words Yandere. (Crap, just think what would happen to trashmoki if his charm elevates to the position where he can affect them, that is another thing which I hope doesn't happen, as we do know that lily is pushing to have his charm upgraded.)

          That was slightly off topic, in any case. Yes, Tomoe will make good ground as a lover, as would Mio, I will also stand by my decision that Tomoe will eventually be a better life partner for Makoto than Mio, based on my previously stated reasons, but still. I just feel she is too grey. I don't know if we will have more of her further in, but that is something that bothers me. It is almost as if she has a whole other agenda than she tries to give Makoto. Sure, having his children could be it, but... it doesn't seem correct in this case. I guess I will just have to wait and see.

        • The author already has though. Tomoe from Makoto's dream died for him, and even left behind an illusion to assure him that she had no regrets.

          • @Psychronia

            I agree, but we also know that is on a different timeline, one where he did not meet Shiki I believe. We also see that he finally saw her a women at that point in time, which means all hope is not lost. The problem I think might appear is that that timeline no longer exists. Thus all things are still possible. It might be that Tomoe end up on the loner route in which she "leaves because it is better for everyone" or "destroyes what is held dear covertly so that she can extend their time".

            Do note, however, I find nothing truly wrong with this, I just fear for the characters at this point. I feel like a father - as horrendous as it is. However, isn't this what makes a novel worth it? You can feel things you may not have, you may think things you may not have, but ultimately whether you wish to push your ideals onto someone, you will find that the path has already been laid out for you - as you read- which then prompts you to but accept it. This, however, doesn't stop you from thinking wishful thoughts, does it?

      • I think what Lime has towards Tomoe are not to the extent of love, though I wont deny future development, I think what he has for Tomoe and Makoto alike are admiration, he said it himself that he leaving the A.guild because he finally find something to look up to.
        About his wish, it can be anything you know ? I really don't know if love can be implied to this sentence but that probably has something to do with loyalty pact, maybe he wants to have blood brother pact with Tomoe Co.
        But I don't know to tell you the tryputh I already forgot that conversation.

      • Tomoe had a talk with Root about Makoto's very limited life-span and having a child with him. Root just told her to deal with it etc. Root implied that there is a method in doing that but it just his human/hyuman mind is not built for living that long. Maybe Tomoe was being a bit detached because of this she's scared of investing her emotions on someone who'll be a very small fraction of her entire existence.

        What chapter was it again? :D

    • Aah don't worry the author will give her the spotlight like Mio in this arc and I agree with you about not seeing through her because to me she doesn't have much development and I have questions like did she have lovers in the past? All in all I hope some of my questions get answered in later chapter. About Trashmoki's charm you do know that for someone that couldn't possibly defeat the demon king (or charm) charming the second strongest superior dragon is... and another thing Lily seems like she has a charm repellent and since he was able to charm Sophia (allitle) then the true repellent is her madness lol.

      • I agree @momongamymonga, however, just think of the possibilities of the charm, and of lily. It is quite terrifying, in another sense. I mean, one option is Makoto going batshit crazy killing everything to start over from scratch, I mean he has been able to Create, so his madness might just instill in him the thoughts of "Everyone is better off dead, then I can create new ones! Mwahahaha!" You get it?

        I just entertained the thought a bit. Also, she is given more screen time, Tomoe? Nice. Can't wait for that.

      • @garred wow Tomoe would definitely leave if it becomes too unberable if Makoto were to find a lover and she said he might get two (maybe hinting), anyways killing? Is that what you meant about her killing anyone that could interest him. Wouldn't call her a saint so she is capable, question is how long would she be able to keep it from Makoto until she can't anymore, although she would feel nothing killing whatever woman that tries to get in the way.

        • Somewhat @momongamymonga. It is a possibility, but once again, that is only if she has reached her limit. I just don't think what she is currently doing is all that good for her. Well, she is thousands of years old, but being thousands of years old doesn't mean you are mature. It just means you live longer and have lived longer.

          In any case, it is a small concern of mine.

          She can also get away with it for quite some time, it just depends on how she approaches things. In the end, she could even have a wonderful puppet on her hands - if you know what I mean in that sense

  • Thank you Reigokai.
    Didn't expect this chapter to come out today at all. What a nice surprise.

    Pleasantries aside, the cliff this time is quite steep. I tried imagining what Makoto would say to Hibiki next chapter but I lack imagination. I'll leave it to you guys to give ideas.

    • My favorite theory so far is "Please give me your son(Lime)!"

      More likely, a further exchange of ideas with Hibiki subtly trying to plant a little more favorable images of Limia in Makoto.

      • Your second theory is actually foreshadowed, is it not? the chapter title does indicate that something will fail, and massively, with regards to the heroes.

        The chapter titles have done something similarly in the past as well. So I opt for the second one.

      • The problem is that we have no concrete idea what is going to fail.

        Makoto's pleddling business?
        The 'Recall' spell?

    • Although whether or not the princess was in love with him wasn't really elaborated, just a scene at the end where he comes for her.

    • I agree with momongamymonga, unfortunately I cannot like at this point in time.

      I do have one thought, though. I have friends now! (If you would so like to agree on that concept based on our mutual like of Heroic Age)

      I also agree that the princess was in love with Age. I don't know about you, but would you drop absolutely everything, run into water instead of floating over it, cry and smile, when you see someone you don't love but haven't seen in a while. At most that will amount to is: oh, long time. Not, dear Belcross! I missed you! Never leave me again!

      I just wonder whether they left the planet together to follow the Tribe of Gold and Tribe of Silver.

    • yeah but what I meant was the end scene proved that she was in love but counting that jealous guy on board that was the only hint we got that she was in love with him.

  • Thanks for the Chapter

    Its quite funny both sides(Hyumans and Demons) deny each other.
    Its 'Us vs Them' politics all over again.
    That is why Makoto should just save those worth saving and let them(fools) kill each other.

    I kinda realized that this story is very similar to Undertale
    Genocide,Pacifist, and the Neutral route, which do you prefer?

    Oh and the talks on attaining Peace, What is Peace?(hahaha Sevens all over again)

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