Chapter 209: The two in the next morning

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“You are already fine right, Hibiki?”

“Yeah. I only had an arrow pierced in my shoulder, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Thanks for visiting me.” (Hibiki)


Mio’s words were paused there, and a silence appeared between Hibiki and Mio who were alone in the room.

“Yeah… Was his wound okay?” (Hibiki)

“Something like that, it can be healed at the instant-desu wa. More importantly, Hibiki, it seems like you are doing a lot of moving in the shadows, but after actually acting together with Waka-sama and even having a bout with him last night, you finally understood, right?” (Mio)

“I am not really moving around in the shadows you know, Mio-san. But it is true that I have understood his strength, and that he has strength that even you would follow.” (Hibiki)

Hibiki says these words as if biting them.

Last night, Hibiki had a bout with Makoto.

Of course, it was only a bout for Hibiki, and it was clear that Makoto didn’t have the intention at all.

In the end, it finished with Hibiki being unable to pass a single proper attack and was only able to cause a wound on the level of a scrape, and Makoto hit her in the shoulder with an arrow.

Makoto’s surrender was made a draw by Hibiki, but for Hibiki, it wasn’t a draw nor a win, it was a losing fight.

“That’s no good, Hibiki. Leaving aside the fact that you have understood the power of Waka-sama, you are trying to hide things from me? Even though you were the one that had us stay at the Hopelace territory when we were on our way to the capital.” (Mio)

“No way. A part of the nobles made a strong interference in the invitation we did to your Kuzunoha Company, and the visit to the Hopelace territory is a result of that. In the point that I was unable to stop it, I do hold a part of the responsibility.” (Hibiki)

“…Then, are you saying you don’t know anything about what happened there? That’s what you are trying to say, right?” (Mio)

“…Yes. At least me and the royal family don’t. Did something happen?” (Hibiki)

“Hibiki.” (Mio)

“What is it, Mio-san?” (Hibiki)

“In our eyes, you, the royal family, the local nobles; all of them are the same Limia Kingdom. That’s not going to work as an escape route.” (Mio)


Hibiki’s throat moved delicately.

It was a small movement of gulping.

“Investigate it. Something of that level is of no problem, but this will be a new debt for you.” (Mio)

“…Understood.” (Hibiki)

“And? From what I heard of Waka-sama, you are intelligent, right? I heard you are a genius that can do anything.” (Mio)

“Wait, what is Makoto-kun putting in Mio-san’s head?” (Hibiki)

Hearing the words of Mio, Hibiki was taken by surprise for a second, and the tension fell from her face. At the same time, she muttered a complaint to Makoto.

“Haven’t you understood Waka-sama and the Kuzunoha Company already? Let me hear your point of view.” (Mio)


“Go on. Lately, I have been scattering a lot of hints, you know? If you don’t understand after all this, I can make it even easier to understand. Maybe there’s the need to do something that no matter how much you want to turn away from it, it will be engraved in those eyes of yours.” (Mio)


“Hibiki… What is Waka-sama? With the information you have gotten, what was the answer you arrived at with that nice head of yours. Tell me.” (Mio)

Mio’s words reverberated coldly in the room as if signaling a last warning.

Hibiki was hesitating about something, but as if resigning, she looked straight at Mio.

“Raidou –Misumi Makoto-kun– is…” (Hibiki)


“The Devil. He is the Devil himself. And also the white guy that saved me in Limia.” (Hibiki)

Hibiki’s low but confident words made Mio break a smile.

In her mouth and eyes.

Mio was laughing satisfied.

“Nicely done. That’s right, Waka-sama is the existence called Devil by you guys. And the master of the Kuzunoha Company.” (Mio)

“I had an idea since before. In the time at Meiris Lake it became even deeper, and at the mock battle, I was confident of it.” (Hibiki)

“It was worth having you accompany Waka-sama. And it was also worth giving that suit to the Rembrandt girl.” (Mio)

“The new equipment that the Kuzunoha Company created, right? The SFX hero suit that the girl called Yuno Rembrandt was using. As I thought, it was a deliberate leak of information huh.” (Hibiki)

“Of course. I wanted you to arrive at the thought that Waka-sama is the Devil, and also the person that had saved you after all.” (Mio)

“I was saved by him twice, huh.” (Hibiki)

“That’s right. The first time, he even received grave injuries in his sacred body; the second time was a deal with the Goddess though. But as a result, in both of them, Waka-sama saved you.” (Mio)

“Yeah, that’s true.” (Hibiki)

“Then show an attitude appropriate of your benefactor. Looking at Waka-sama, you should have understood well, right? He doesn’t wish for war. The reason he saved you two was only because you are people from the same world.” (Mio)


“Listen well, I won’t tell you to cooperate. I am only telling you to stop any sort of action that interferes with the Kuzunoha Company. Also, if something happens within the range you can detect, stop it. Waka-sama is simply trying to bring good to the people after all.” (Mio)

What Mio said at the end made Hibiki’s brows narrow.

“I wonder about that.” (Hibiki)

“What did you say?” (Mio)

“As a company, he is really providing good things at a cheap price. But is that all he is trying to achieve in his actions?” (Hibiki)

Hibiki objected.

That’s also something she thought about after seeing a part of Makoto, and if the Kuzunoha Company really only has those intentions, then there’s parts that contradict this from the way the company acts, that’s how she felt.

“If it’s as Mio-san says, why does he increase his fighting power to that degree? If he wants to go on as a simple merchant, isn’t it plenty enough with just Tomoe-san and Mio-san? I don’t think he was so strong from the very beginning. The Empire hero and I were reasonably strong, but thinking about his ability when he was in the previous world, he should have been about the same as us or less. And yet, he clearly has obtained an abnormal power different from ours.” (Hibiki)

“Waka-sama was thrown into the border of the world. It was a result brought by necessity.” (Mio)

“Are you saying that that necessity won’t lead to war?! It is certainly true that I didn’t feel ambition from him, but he does bring doubts that maybe he has some sort of scheme.” (Hibiki)

“You, even when you have spoken with Waka-sama, you are still thinking such stupid things?” (Mio)

“…I did talk with him. However, my anxiety towards him won’t disappear. That strength and way of thinking is just way too different from that of a person that was supposed to have been raised in modern Japan, in a normal family. I want to ask you this Mio-san, is it really okay for Makoto-kun to change like that?” (Hibiki)

“There’s no need for you to mind about something like that. Waka-sama can change as he sees fit, and if he wants to change, he can just do so. I will simply follow him. If I am asked, my answer will obviously be ‘everything is okay’.” (Mio)

“…I still can’t answer you about how I will interact with the Kuzunoha Company and him.” (Hibiki)

“…Hibiki.” (Mio)

“There’s! There’s still time. There’s also still time to learn more of him.” (Hibiki)

“…I see. Right. I will wait for a bit more. If you want to speak with Waka-sama for a bit more, I will accept it. But it will only be talking.” (Mio)

“I understand.” (Hibiki)

“Fuh~. What a pain. By the way, Hibiki, you already know that I am a spider, right? That priestess has woken up, right?” (Mio)

“That’s—!! Yes, I know. I heard that you are the Black Calamity Spider. So it was true.” (Hibiki)

Mio suddenly reveals her identity to Hibiki.

Hibiki who didn’t expect her to announce it in this timing, was slightly agitated, but she admitted it.

“Fufufu, I am interested in what that priestess saw in Waka-sama, but I will leave that enjoyment for later. Well then, taking that premise into consideration, I will give you one piece of info.” (Mio)

“Info?” (Hibiki)

“You said the power of Waka-sama was abnormal, but that personage had encountered me as a spider when he was merely two weeks into this world.” (Mio)


“There will be gaps in power appearing between you and the Empire’s hero. Those gaps may be 10 days worth or maybe one month, but from what I know, Waka-sama came later than you two.” (Mio)

“Then, you are telling me that, with practically no experience, he fought with Mio-san, no, with the Black Calamity Spider?” (Hibiki)

Hibiki thought it was impossible.

After coming to this world, she got used to battle and obtained trusty companions, but even if she fought with the spider that had been in so many battles, the result would be obvious.

“Yeah.” (Mio)

“Ah…I see. Tomoe-san was also there, right?” (Hibiki)

Within the agitation, Hibiki remembers the order in which Makoto met his followers.

In the past, Mio had told Hibiki that she met Makoto after Tomoe.

“Waka-sama fought alone against me.” (Mio)

“No way.” (Hibiki)

“He did receive some injuries, but he defeated me. At that time, the Black Calamity Spider ceased to exist in this world.” (Mio)

“Then, he had that crazy power since the beginning? Without any relation to the Goddess?” (Hibiki)

“Who knows. Just that, Hibiki, I have practically no memories of when I was a spider, but when I investigated a bit to see…” (Mio)


It seems like my encounter with Waka-sama happened a few days after fighting you guys. Since that time on, the gap between Waka-sama and you has simply increased more and more. Think very very thoroughly about this truth.” (Mio)


Hibiki was shoved the difference in power between her past self and Makoto.

“Of course, by the time we are in this country, that is.” (Mio)

Just like how she came in, Mio melts into the darkness and disappears.

Hibiki who was left there, still didn’t move.

‘The gap continued increasing’, those words of Mio were echoing in her head.



“…Is something the matter, Boss?” (Lime)

“You know, Lime.” (Makoto)

“Yes?” (Lime)

“Can you attack me for a bit? It is fine to not hold back.” (Makoto)

“…Yes?” (Lime)

Opening and closing the hand that Mio healed, I was pondering something.

Since Lime had returned to the room just at the right time, I asked him to do something, but well, he did a predictable reaction.

“No you see, last night I did a friendly match with Hibiki-senpai, or more like, a bout or well…anyways, we did that, right?” (Makoto)

“Yeah…” (Lime)

“Honestly, I had already seen what Senpai could do at Meiris Lake, and it was mostly what I had expected, but…” (Makoto)

“But, what?” (Lime)

“How to say it, from time to time, she was unexpectedly strong. In terms of defense, I didn’t do much, so I think Senpai was the one who was probably doing something. Just that, in truth, I don’t have an accurate idea of the current state of my defense.” (Makoto)

“A-Are you saying that you didn’t put much into that defense?” (Lime)

“And well, returning to what I said in the beginning, I was wondering what would happen if it was an attack of Lime. Please, give it one attack.” (Makoto)

“W-We are doing it here?!” (Lime)

“Yeah.” (Makoto)

Even if we get slightly injured, we can just wait for Mio to come.

If it’s a light wound, I can just have Lime heal it.

There’s no need to go through the trouble of going outside and gathering attention.

Maybe Lime saw my behaviour and noticed that my will won’t be changing, he was worried for a bit, and then took his katana in hand.

“…I really am going to do it without holding back, okay? Even so, I don’t think it will reach the level of Hibiki though.” (Lime)

“You don’t have to mind that. Also, the weapon you have in hand is better, right? Even if something happens, I will have Mio do something about it, so just concentrate in giving your best attack.” (Makoto)

“You will do a follow-up for Mio-neesan, right?” (Lime)

“Of course. After asking you to do it, I won’t go asking her to save me.” (Makoto)

“Then, excuse me.” (Lime)

Lime unsheathes his katana.

Bending his legs, he lowers his posture, and grasps the katana in his right hand, with the blade facing up.

It is the stance for a thrust.

I was the one who asked for it, but I am grateful for Lime who is listening to it and doing it with his all.

It is because, in my memory, his preparation motions are the same as the stance of the attack with the highest power he has.

Just like that time with Senpai, I activate the Magic Armor.

Lime who didn’t move from his place, was accumulating power steadily.

As a charging technique, the longer it accumulates, the stronger it gets, since he doesn’t have to worry about the charging, it is the best kind of attack.

“Whenever you want.” (Makoto)

Lime didn’t answer.

Instead, magic power leaked from his body, and it looked like it shone lightly.

And then, Lime silently kicked the ground and pushes the power from his legs, waist, and shoulders, into his katana.

The amplified power converged into the katana and tried to pierce through the Magic Armor.



Without any high pitched sound of contact, the katana of Lime stopped at a space slightly apart from me.

As I thought, even Lime’s full power was unable to cut through it.

Is what I was thinking, but at that moment, Lime made an action further than that.

He released his right hand from the handle in an instant, and this time, he uses his left hand’s palm to push the end of the handle.

From his left hand, a massive amount of magic power flowed, and at the same time, it was pushing through.

A second stance to a charging attack!

That’s probably incredibly cool.

But the Magic Armor didn’t break.



Mine and Lime’s voice came out at almost the same time.

The reason is probably the same.

The katana of Lime trembled slightly, and…the blade broke into pieces.


So it was unable to withstand being in between the attack power of Lime and my Magic Armor huh.

“S-Sorry, Lime.” (Makoto)

“…Don’t mind it. Well, fortunately, I don’t think there will be any event where I will have to use this in our time in Limia, so don’t let it bother you.” (Lime)

“In how much time does it restore?” (Makoto)

“If it goes well, around half a day. This time there’s no need to hurry, so I think about a day. If there’s something necessary today, I will just use a spare sword-ssu.” (Lime)

Saying that, Lime shows one of the rings that he is wearing in his hand.

Ah, if I remember correctly, he did say that he has a lot of preparations done.

That ring can turn into a sword, right.

There’s a reason why Lime and I are not in such a grim mood.

As long as the handle remains, the regeneration ability is pretty fast.

It seems like even if it’s done slowly, it can take one day to return to normal.

I didn’t know about how much time exactly, but it is pretty fast.

“More importantly, Senpai was able go through my defense pretty easily with a weaker sword. Lime, do you have an idea why?” (Makoto)

“I don’t. The current training Hibiki has is with the sword waves she utilizes for long-ranged attack, but…when it comes to its power, I can only think of it as being common. Compared to when I was accompanying her, she didn’t seem to be doing anything different either.” (Lime)

“I see… In that case, maybe it is the divine protection she received from the Goddess.” (Makoto)

“It seems like that decorative belt was something that was given by the Goddess-ssu. She said the method of utilization is an original of hers though.” (Lime)

“Utilization? Are you talking about that radical exposure method?” (Makoto)

I have gotten slightly used to it, but…that’s…incredible.

Senpai is incredible for being able to utilize it because her battle power increases, and it is also incredible that it is an ability that actually increases her power.

But as expected, the most incredible part is the looks.


“Against that increased speed, I honestly feel it is hard to find a way to deal with it-ssu. ‘If she doesn’t take a single attack, there’s no need for armor’, is what a part of the adventurers discuss stupidly regarding it, but if they are at that level, they can spew all they want but they wouldn’t be able to actually make it true.” (Lime)

“Hm? In that case, the exposed mode Senpai doesn’t have much defensive power?” (Makoto)

“No. Even when Hibiki has obtained that much speed, she hasn’t forgotten the importance of defense. In that appearance, she has more defense than normal, but it seems like its defense loses against the people that are specialized in attack power, so she currently condenses the defensive field that envelops her whole body and enhances it.” (Lime)

“So instead of receiving the strong attacks, she stops them in a specific point huh. It is totally opposite of me who has abandoned stopping it and has chosen to receive them directly.” (Makoto)

I feel like as a skill, the one of Senpai has a higher difficulty.

She increases the defensive power of one point, but it will be a manual defense.

In other points, her defensive ability is on a godlike level though.

…How picky.

“What are you…doing…Lime?” (Mio)

“Hiiih!!” (Lime)

“Ah, Mio. Welcome back.” (Makoto)

“I am sorry for not being by your side because of some business. And Lime, what were you doing?” (Mio)

“This is…” (Lime)

“I don’t mind if you give me an explanation later. I will be calming down first so…come.” (Mio)

“Y-You are going to calm down, right? In that case, I don’t think I am needed.” (Lime)

“What are you saying? In order to calm down, your presence is necessary or I won’t be able to, right?.” (Mio)

You are the one that’s saying weird stuff, Mio.

Lime is giving out an aura of defeat and is in a state of horror.

Can’t be helped.

“Boss!” (Lime)

“It is okay, Lime. I will properly heal you back to normal.” (Mio)

“Heal?!” (Lime)

Mio who had gotten close to Lime, grabs him with her slender hand.

It looks as if he would be able to break free from it, but in truth, it has quite the strength behind it.

No wait.

I did say I would do a proper follow-up, so I have to keep my promise.

Also, I would prefer if Mio were to attack me with those current rampant feelings of hers.

“Mio, stop. Lime listened to a request of mine, so we were just doing a little testing here. That’s why, it is fine.” (Makoto)

“…A test?” (Mio)

Mio stops moving.

But her hand was still grabbing Lime.

Of course, the face of Lime didn’t show any sign that he felt he had escaped from danger.

Actually, he has a face that says he is in incredible danger.

“Yeah. Mio, help out as well. Just for a bit, I would like you to…right, can you attack me with your prided slicing fan?” (Makoto)

With that folding fan, she shoots an attack.

She really came out with another absurd thing, so I retorted by calling it slicing fan, and it seems she liked it, she decided to call that technique of hers in that way.

“Use Slicing Fan on Waka-sama?” (Mio)

“Something bothered me about the fight with Hibiki-senpai you see. Please.” (Makoto)

“With Hibiki… I understand. If it’s that, I will accept-desu wa.” (Mio)

Lime was finally released.

I thought I would need more convincing, but lately, when Hibiki-senpai’s name comes out, she becomes pretty obedient.

“Well then, here I go.” (Mio)

Just like Lime, without caring that we are indoors, Mio points the closed folding fan at me and swings it.

“Thanks Mio.” (Makoto)

I receive the wave of attacks from Mio that had different degrees of power with my Magic Armor, and after continuing until it was broken, I give my thanks to Mio and finish the test.

“Is it okay already?” (Mio)

“Yeah. I have understood that the sword of Hibiki-senpai is around this level of power after all.” (Makoto)

“…Are you referring to the attack that injured Waka-sama’s hand that time?” (Mio)

“It also has to do with that attack, but in general, Senpai’s attack were strangely strong. And in truth, the last attack Mio did was a pretty serious one, right?” (Makoto)

I ask Mio who I thought did an attack with about the same power.

“I didn’t even use 80%-desu wa. I wasn’t serious at all!” (Mio)

An over 70% of Mio is plenty strong, most likely.  

Even if I think that way, I won’t say it though.

Because it seems like Mio is also bothered by it.

My Magic Armor was cleanly chopped off, and I ended the test.

Since it would turn out the same as the mock battle, I considered it was plenty enough for the test.

“As I thought, the speed was obviously good, but…there’s something behind the strength of those attacks. I feel like I will have to go a bit stronger when doing a bout with Senpai or I will end up wounded.” (Makoto)

“…When Hibiki was struggling in the wasteland, she didn’t have a unique attack power like that. She was a girl with good instincts and a wide field of vision though. If I remember correctly, Shiki said that in the time that he was with Waka-sama in Limia, she was suddenly able to release a strong attack. How about confirming with Shiki when we return?” (Mio)

“Ah…maybe he is talking about the time when his the barrier he was keeping them in was destroyed? I see…” (Makoto)

Could it be that a new power she received from the Goddess awakened?

That really sounds like a hero-like development.

It didn’t seem like she was using any special spell to buff herself, and there’s also the chance she activated a stealth type skill like my Sakai.  

In that case, I can’t underestimate her too much.

“But that girl, did she really obtain that much attack power? Even with that, she asked for a new weapon…” (Mio)

“Mio? What’s wrong?” (Makoto)

“N-No, nothing! It is nothing-desu wa!!” (Mio)

“Now that I think about it, that business you were talking about…if I remember correctly, the only plans we had were to meet with a number of nobles and merchants and that was all, right? Could it be, you were meeting with Senpai?” (Makoto)

Mio with Hibiki-senpai…

Well, thinking about what happened in Rotsgard, I am indeed uneasy, but in Tsige, they were in a master-disciple relationship temporarily, so I shouldn’t worry about it too much.

“I was only doing some small talk about the time when they were in Tsige. Ah right! Hibiki said that soon we will be able to speak with the priestess.” (Mio)

“With the priestess-san. That’s…great. I did think about paying her a visit at least once before leaving.” (Makoto)

“Yeah, I think it will be possible.” (Mio)

Also, that priestess-san saw something in Mio and I.

It would be a lie to say I am not interested in it.

Leaving aside if she will actually tell us, I want to at least try asking.

Well, she is a girl that’s not so far apart in age from Rinon, so I obviously don’t intend to force her.

Now then, it is almost time for an official to come.

It will be the time when I say that I want to leave with the company for now and give a reply at a later date.

I will not be giving a different answer anyways, so it would be good if they just take the hint and give up though.

Hah…I haven’t even checked the town around the castle properly.

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View Comments

  • I've been thinking to for a few chapters now, is Makoto as "idiotic" as we thought he was? Before I thought brain power wasn't a strong point for his, but after the discussion of him possessing dark side unknown to him, the theory that he may be a closet psychopath, and his forsaken talent. I've began to view his "simple thinking" as some kind of self-medication.
    In the side story about his original talent, the goddesses of fate said that he was somehow aware of his talent, but decided to cast it away when he became aware of it. Then there have been times when he thought to himself and every time things got deeper or darker he pulls away from those thoughts. So I've been thinking that he's keeping his thinking simple because he's somehow aware of his dark side and doesn't want to fuel his demons.
    If anyone has any thoughts on this please share them, this has been on may mind and I want to see others perspective on this.

    • Had an extra chapter, in which he played an online game on the computer with his friends, which had a part of pvp, in which the friends of Makoto killed the person responsible for starting pvp, the Makoto felt a certain discomfort, in my opinion has With your nature.

      • For me, he is stupid or dense, because he does not want to bother, in several small situations and details he shows that he is smart, but he is more for someone who does not want to go deeper.

      • I've thought the same thing before, but now am not as sure. After seeing he's possess a decent amount of intellect, the way he approaches things ( in regards to thinking) seem odd.

        Also what extra chapter is this? ( If possible, can you post a link)

      • Is a chapter in his timeline on earth in which he plays with his colleagues an online rpg, I saw in a Spanish site where I had 12 extras, I'll search the website and chapter specific but I can not guarantee if I will find , Being more specific he felt a certain discomfort or shiver in relation to his colleagues when acting in pvp, with the subject that in the end is hilarious his identity, for me this discomfort even though it is not explicit in relation to its nature, has a certain Connection, it's just a line on which he says that after all, well it's more of a personal opinion too.

    • Willful ignorance. He purposely blinds himself because, on some instinctual level, he feels the danger that he himself poses. I've been thinking along similar lines myself.

      • Willful ignorance is a good way to put it. At a young age he was able to become aware of his talent, so I imagine he was aware of how dangerous he is at a young age. That could be the reason why he tried so hard to change his fate.

      • I think it have to do with more of his teacher. He was able to learn combat archery but is not allow to use it for anything else. His teacher is partly the reason he acts a certain way.

      • Wilfull ignorance i agree with, sensing danger not so much.
        I just think he is intellectually lazy, he's atleast of average intelligence, and has great ability to concentrate when he chooses to.
        But he does not like spending time thinking or learning about things he is not personally interested in.

        Earlier in the story (pre tournament arc) he was making an effort, making plans, learning things, trying to improve himself, but ever since he met with Zara the first time, he seems to have given up in some ways, and now just goes with the flow, allowing his followers do all the planning.

    • At the Rotsgard arc Eva made a comment toward Raidou-sensei : Raidou-sensei really read a lot of book from any categories.
      This is fact, Makoto himself even mantioned that he read a lot of book before transferred to this world, and still has this habit. By means, he himself have a lot of knowledge.

      Back to earliest chapter of this series, when the orcs and lizardmens try to cultivating the land of Asora, Makoto make suggestion and teach them a technique for the plants can grow faster and have a better result, this make the orcs and lizardmens gaping their mouth, even Tomoe is. For them this is basiccally a "Time Magic" and groundbreaking revelation. But Makoto of course oblivious with this, because this is just mere/normal knowledge from his book that he read.

      More, how Asora residence like Ema try to managing Asora is from "Makoto Intructions", he made a book/just paper , but with kanji, so only the follower could understand. And almost all of it is a "New Knowledge" from them.

      If you read this series carefully, you actually wont find any improve of environment from hyuman city. Hero just being there "to fought" the demons, even Hibiki who is genius fo excell in everything in her school, didnt seems to try make a better agricultural prospect from them, we just know that she want to make better goverment, but still didnt touch agricultural aspect.

      By any means, Makoto has idiotic-tendency, or maybe from now one we can call it "Willingfuly Ignorance", by no means he is stupid(for this aspect, stupid for didn'y have any remarkable knowledge).


      Makoto when a child has his original "talent" and he aware of it, but when he becamce aware of it, he abandon it and try the archery. With how Makoto is, i think is good ti make assumption that it WAS a "Dark Talent". But for a talent dissapear when you just tost it away is taboo, it still in your side, waiting for the right time, to used.

      For his teacher in the archery(private and not school), i think she's shaping Makoto way of life, than his actual parent. His actual parent just "insist" for their kid to have/learn material art to make them stronger(when the time they got summoned and sended to another, they have the basic).

      And for Makoto when he try online game, and witnesses his friend and the environment, it's just make him "uncomfortable" and hi abandon it, and when his friend ask him again to play, he's just politely decline.
      P.S : Tomoki save him in the game from being PK'ed. Of cource they don;t know ech other.

    • Cesar C, read the previous chapter again, the one in which Chiya and Hibiki spoke about makoto. Regokai did an amazing job with his translation, as such, you get a larger picture. However, I agree with you, as I made a similar comment two chapters back - look for a massive wall of text.

      In any case, I agree with you. Makoto is not stupid, or at least not as stupid as we believe him to be. You can see it in the way he acts in battle - similar to Natsu. Natsu just doesn't want to think. Have you seen how accurate his instinct is? I highly doubt that is actually instinct, though, so I somehow equate the two together, just that Makoto is many times stronger than Natsu.

  • Well, atleast Hibiki has one thing right about Makoto. He isn't one of those normal japanese kids you see everyday. There is no doubt that he is normal back in Earth, but after his transfer something undoubtedly started sprouting from within him as well. I'm not talking about something magical or unknown phenomena or some evil demon lord shit. No, no, no. It's more like a new feeling you experience when traveling to a foreign country for the first time, the feeling of liberation. Each of them three are doing what they like, and what they think "is" right without the restraint called being japanese. And this is something that is Makoto is unconciously doing all the while thinking he still possess the same japanese mentality. He does, make no mistake. But that is already tainted by a different colour. Like how a japanese migrates to the States. They don't notice it until they look at a mirror. Though, Makoto will probably deny it and treat it as bull.

    Anyway. This Makoto here did something surprising. For me it is.

    I never thought he'd notice about the sudden power up of Hibiki. Seriously well done you chap. What's more, he actually, for the VERY first time! tried to test it out! I was like "OH.MY.GAD are you alright? You are not dying are you?" and then I realize, "Oh, you got hit by a woman". well, kidding aside.

    that was a good intuition he showed in this chapter, although he got it wrong, it's kinda unreasonable to figure that it actualy came from a third party. I know I would have arrived at the same conclusion as him. Even if I knew that the Goddess was extremely busy being pinned down by the Gods meeting. In any case, that was a plus for Makoto. I thought he would, as usual, find it troublesome to give it some thought.

    Cheers for the hardwork~

    • The conversation between Hibiki and the waterfall spoke about the nature of Makoto in which it was unearthed upon reaching this world, but to me it is as if the nature of it was darker in the sense of life of values that came to light in this new world.

    • Hyumans are designed to have an expanded magic capacity, when compared to humans, Makoto was half starved his whole life back on Earth, since there's very little magic there.

      • This reminds me, root said that humans have no way to become immortal, but if it were hyuman has a certain chance right? Shiki was a hyuman after all, and now with the contract with makoto I think he could be considered immortal

      • I thought Earth didn't have any magic? at all. So the Misumi siblings should be nothing but an empty container. Even if the Hyumans capacity can be expanded, normaly it shouldn't be able to handle a Gods power.

        And unlike Goku's 1000G training capsule, Earth is uninhabitable. I don't know how the couple did it, or had some help from another Earth God but somehow they did.

        • The couple had the Goddess' blessing for a couple years, but Earth is on rationed magic, not no magic. Otherwise the Gods wouldn't be able to get anything done, their power is severely limited on Earth.

          Anyway, Hyumans need magic to live, so it's like they've gotten used to living in a thin atmosphere, and now Makoto is Superman.

        • It's the same thing that happens when someone who spent their entire life living in the thinner air of the Himalayas were to come down to sea level. Their body processes oxygen a lot more efficiently than others, that's what Makoto does with magic.

      • I'll have to reread that chapter again about the blessing. All this time I thought the Goddess only protected them for a few months.

      • I think it said that Makoto's parents and his older sister had remnants of the goddess's blessing while his younger sister was born when their parents had become accustomed to Earth so she was healthy without the blessing.
        This left Makoto in the middle without blessings but with the suffering a hyuman would expect to have on Earth. In a pov, his sister commented that Makoto was constantly sick in his childhood and pitifully weak physically.

        I guess his younger sister would be like Hibiki and Trashmoki in strength and his older sister would be closer to maybe Sophia? Beyond the peak of hyumans but still within the realm of what the bug's world can produce. That in between state with no support, i guess, is why Makoto is so strong.

        And lastly, to avoid faces his talent (that Athena, Diakokouten, and Susanoo all agreed was a reasonable decision by Makoto) he learned archery. We must know what it is!

  • Is it just me, or is the central plot of this story pretty fucking dark? I mean, the MC has the power to rival gods, and his sanity is about as strong as egg shells, not to mention his emotional state is about as stable as a badly spun top. The goddess is a hopeless idiot with a penchant for attracting attention. The race currently revolting is more interested in getting revenge than actually securing a better position in the world. One of the heroes is a prideful fool who'd knowingly charge into certain death for the mere chance of settling what he thinks of a debt. And the other hero knows that she can't afford to cross the MC, even more, she understands that she can't let anyone else provoke him, but she seems to be the type that needlessly pokes at a land mine that wouldn't explode if she didn't do anything with it. All of this is like one of those balancing platform puzzles, where the flat plate is balanced upon a single small point dead center of it. If the weight of any of the things on top of the plate shift in the slightest way, everything collapses. The question isn't 'if' Makoto is pushed to far and snaps. It's 'when' and 'how'.

    • I can't help but feel that the author wanted the story's direction go in
      author)The MC was summon to this world but was too ugly to become a hero. The goddess is a bitch, the two other people summon as heroes are assholes, but the MC is stronger then them. Also there's a bunch of assholes that want to mess with him for some odd reason.
      readers) That's cool, so if the MC isn't a hero, what is he?
      author) Well on the surface he's a merchant that sells quality items at a low price, but...
      readers) But what?
      author) But he's actually the secret final boss, nicknamed "Doomsday Merchant".

    • You're not wrong.

      It's far from a horror story, with just little enough drama, gorn, and psychological suspense to qualify as any of those sorts of novels.

      Yet, at the same time...something feels a little too "off" if you look at it as a typical Isekai or comedy/adventure. If I had to compare, it's kind of like the feeling you get when you somewhat realize the fundamental difference in values a god-type character has after liking them in a story for a long time.

    • Well, looking at the spoilers I read, you aren't wrong. You definitely aren't wrong. The plot is way more deep and dark than we can imagine at this point in time, all wrapped up in a nice light novel setting. This story can actually be classified as an allegory, if you look at it properly.
      It is similar to the way Shrek 2 can be classified as "Cancer, Mental Patients, Sexual Abuse, and horrendous war weapons. Nothing is off the table in this movie"

      It is in these cases that I honestly respect the author. Just take a good look at H.P. Lovecraft's works, and all the other works that stem off of them. They all have a deeper meaning. Just have a look at Hiyore Nyarko (I think that is it). It delves in the deepest psyche of the human mind and what the think, but also where we can end up if we step wrongly on the path we paved with Chaos Theory.

      Well, enough ranting. I just wanted to agree with you.

      • Nyarko? That harem anime where eldritch beings were represented by girls? I hadn't gotten around to watching that actually, can you give the full name? Or were you talking about that horror manga where the MC got in an accident, and came out with a brain injury that caused him to see everyone as some monstrous abomination, everyone except the actual monster disguising herself as a human? I can't remember it's name, which is too bad cause I wanted to read it but I couldn't find it.

      • coatl45, Sorry, I couldn't comment on your comment. It is Haiyore Nyaruko-san. just have a little deeper look into the story, sure it is mainly about love, but just look deeper, look at the emotion, look at the corruption, look at the stunts. you'll see even the most comedic of anime has a much deeper image to it. if you want a sub site i frequent here:

        hmm. I just saw there is a new season out. Gotta watch that some time... just gotta finish my pre-job training... damn...

        • Thanks. If you can also remember the name of that manga as well, I'd appreciate it. Pretty sure it's buried somewhere in Circus Translation's ToC page for Tensei Slime, but I'm not confident about finding it now. That conversation happened at least a year and a half ago.

    • Go go Mio !
      All Mio FC members let's cheering for Mio ~
      I love you Mio
      Marry me.... no... marry waka already, you're ta' best girl !

      Damn, Mio is certainly "thinking" seriously. She even did a proper follow up. I'm impressed.

      Never mind Hibiki who still skeptical
      Nevermind Makoto that still being Makoto
      We have EX SSR Maou shoujo Mio card this time!
      I am satisfied.....

      Note: that's not typo, I really did write maou instead mahou

      • Go Mio Go!

        Or rather, embrace her already, Makoto! I don't care if that's all you do, it would be nice if you did something.

      • yeah, give both of Mio and Tomoe your chibified version so Komoe-chan can have her cute little brothers/sisters to play with

        • I wonder. Would Tomoe's child treat Komoe more like a(n extension of) mother or a big sister?

          For that matter, how would the relationship between Tomoe and Mio's children be like?

      • The relationship will be constant battle of all time, of all small thing, I justt hope they did not give too much firepower on that version, in fact it will be cute and heartwarming

        • When I think about it like that, it might be a good thing Mio and Tomoe aren't having his children yet.

          Even without children that compete for papa's love, there's already hardly enough Makoto to go around.

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