<“To think that Raidou-dono was someone that had come from another world, I wouldn’t have expected it. A hero would be one thing, but for a merchant to be summoned is something I wouldn’t have been able to imagine.”
A talk with prince Joshua.
In this place where no other noble is present, I was here alone with her.
What was reflected in my eyes when I was given permission to enter the room, was the figure of prince Joshua in a simple dress.
After finishing our remembrance talk about Rotsgard, prince Joshua suddenly brought out such a conversation.
“I heard it from Hibiki. You are a resident from the same world of Hibiki, and also an acquaintance of hers. Of course, this is only known by me and his Majesty. We haven’t even told the Hopelace household that was together with us in Rotsgard.” (Joshua)
Information from Hibiki-senpai huh.
Then it wouldn’t be strange for Joshua to know.
But for her to talk about such information as well, it seems like there’s proper trust between her and the Limia royal family.
Because the nobles go to the frontlines frequently, and there’s also the background that the power of the nobles is strong, I had some strange thoughts of it, but it seems like it ended with just being thoughts.
It was the type that would be better if it ended in needless anxiety, so I am relieved.
“From Senpai, I see. Ah it is certainly true that Senpai and I were from the same world. I don’t know how to explain it, so it is a personal history that I haven’t spoke of much though.” (Makoto)
“…Must be. Special cases like Hibiki and the personage in the Empire have their background assured by our God, but Raidou-dono was a sudden happening huh. When I heard the story from Hibiki, I was surprised, and at the same time, I felt respect towards you who became a merchant even after that.” (Joshua)
“It is not as much as you say.” (Makoto)
It was just that my misfortune turned into fortune.
The truth is that there’s not much I have achieved myself.
After saying a relative amount of details that Senpai told her of me, I could tell that prince Joshua doesn’t know much.
If I were to speak with Hibiki in detail, it would be necessary to explain that the root reason of coming here was because of me and the Misumi household.
Be it Senpai or Tomoki, they originally shouldn’t have had a trigger to be related to this world.
And yet, because of me, they were forcefully selected by the Goddess.
Even if it’s the result from a selection, those two are totally victims.
In the first place, a decision like abandoning your world isn’t something that can be decided in a short amount of time.
I decided to do so because of my own circumstances, and yet, I am regretting it even now.
That’s why it is not a certainty if those two would have changed their answers now.
I do think that one day I have to properly apologize to Senpai and Tomoki, but how am I going to break it? The time where I am just brooding over it continues.
Because of the matter of Tomoe, it is even harder to talk with Tomoki about it after all.
It is still easier to tell Senpai, but…hah…
There’s that matter and I know it is difficult, but if possible, I don’t want to oppose them.
It is something that Tsukuyomi-sama asked of me, even if it was only moderately.
How vexing.
“At the same time, it allowed me to comprehend that power of yours. When Hibiki came to this world, she had the ability to fight with the leader of the knight division. She said she studied in Nakatsuhara and had learned about a variety of subjects; her knowledge and wisdom was quite the thing as well. In that case, you who have studied in the same place as her, beginning a business when coming to this world isn’t such a strange thing.” (Joshua)
I feel like she is having an incredible misunderstanding.
It is beginning to sound as if high school is an incredible place.
Also, it would be very troublesome to talk with Senpai as the standard.
I am one year younger than her, and if asked if I can become like Senpai, I would have to say I can’t.
Even if I were to try for my whole life, I think it would be impossible.
In the first place, for a high schooler to begin a business is something obvious? Just what’s Senpai?
“Hibiki-senpai was a special and exemplary person even within the people in our world. I am way inferior compared to her. And when talking about the business, it would be one thing to finish the test of the guild, but in practice, I am being hindered by my own inexperience, and there are a lot of things that don’t go well for me, that’s why, I don’t have the ability that Joshua-sama thinks I have.” (Makoto)
“Hibiki evaluated you pretty high, you know? She even said that there’s no one as reliable to have at one’s side than you, and that surprised his Majesty. I have heard that there’s the need to study a long time before being able to do the Merchant Guild test. And yet, you were able to call the test ‘one thing’, that must mean that even if Raidou-dono himself doesn’t notice, you are an exemplary person.” (Joshua)
…I think that the gaze of Hibiki was directed at Mio and Beren when she said that.
I don’t think she has noticed that it was us in Limia, and she doesn’t know that I was the one who defeated the purple cloud either, so I can’t think of a reason as to why she would evaluate me so highly.
Even if it’s Senpai, she shouldn’t have the foundations to evaluate me that high.
I am aware that I am incredibly blessed in talented people after all.
“Ahaha, when you say it like that it scares me. Right, speaking of surprise, your Joshua-sama’s attire has surprised me. As expected, when you are indoors, you dress normally huh.” (Makoto)
“…No, even when I am indoors, I normally don’t dress this way. It’s been awhile since I have released myself from crossdressing.” (Joshua)
“Ah, is that so.” (Makoto)
“Right now this room is being paid attention to in a lot of ways, so there’s the point that there’s no worries of the inside being peeked, and the guest that I was receiving is you, which serves as a big reason.” (Joshua)
“Is it because I already know of the circumstances?” (Makoto)
“Yeah. It would have been fine if that was only a hobby of mine, but…” (Joshua)
“As I thought, that’s not the case.” (Makoto)
“Me crossdressing is not something that I do because I like to. For me, it is nothing but a mean. It is something that if necessary, I won’t hesitate in doing, but if there’s no need to, I would prefer not doing it.” (Joshua)
“A mean… It sounds complicated.” (Makoto)
Even so, I don’t want to stick my nose in that, so I decided to just leave a vague response.
Whether the crossdressing is a hobby or a mean, I don’t have much interest in it.
If this will only steer unnecessary trouble, I would prefer to change the topic.
Well, I was trying to avert from the topic of Japan, and in the end, I ended up in a conversation that doesn’t have a good air, so my thinking was the shallow one.
Let’s be careful…at least.
“In terms of feeling at home, this way feels more comfortable. And that’s why a part of me has used you in order to be dressed in this way. Please forgive me.” (Joshua)
“No no, if it is only for this much, you can freely use me. Ehm, the normal gallant prince Joshua is lovely, but I think that the relaxed Joshua-sama is also beautiful.” (Makoto)
I go for a compliment.
In Limia, there’s a lot of moments when compliments are necessary, so I have been taught a few of what they said I should remember, and I have now used some.
In the talk with the nobles, it was a barrage of questions, so I didn’t have much chances to use it.
Prince Joshua in his female appearance won’t be that noisy about it, so it is the perfect person to use them.
“Use those kind of compliments when you are at parties, or nobles that boast their wife. It is necessary for you to first learn how to say it in a more natural manner though. Ehm, in other words, it is out of the question.” (Joshua)
So she has said ‘ehm’ huh.
That’s bad.
“Ah, sorry. I am just not used to say that. Because you are an acquaintance, I ended up trying it.” (Makoto)
“…I am still this country’s prince, you know?” (Joshua)
A slight silence is created with prince Joshua making a complicated expression.
“You are in that appearance, so I thought that maybe it is fine to not mind about social status at this moment.” (Makoto)
Since she is not meeting me as a prince, that means this matter is not about the country after all.
“It doesn’t seem to be enough, but you do have a relative amount of ability to make plans, so what’s needed is to pay attention to the other party’s feelings as well.” (Joshua)
“Ugh, that’s a harsh evaluation.” (Makoto)
It was kinda soft, but I feel like she was basically telling me I was showing my uselessness.
“And it seems like Raidou-dono doesn’t understand completely the reason why I am dressed this way. Hibiki is good at reading this kind of things, so I was unconsciously expecting that of you.” (Joshua)
The reason she is dressed this way?
The security of this room is reliable, and since I already know her circumstances, I thought she just wanted to relax.
Prince Joshua herself said so.
Prince Joshua waited for my words for a while, and after letting out a short troubled sigh, she looked at my eyes.
“Raidou-dono, you have learned of my secret.” (Joshua)
“Y-Yes.” (Makoto)
“And then, I asked you to keep it a secret and returned to my country.” (Joshua)
“Yeah.” (Makoto)
What’s happening?
Confirming the obvious, we once again fell into silence.
It is certainly true that I learned of prince Joshua being a woman, and after being asked to keep it a secret, we have met again like this in Limia, but…
What about it?
“…Hibiki told me that Raidou-dono is not someone that would plan a conspiracy, but I see, she referred to this huh. I now understand why when she was talking about Kuzunoha Company, she corrected herself and spoke of Raidou-dono himself.” (Joshua)
“E-Ehm…” (Makoto)
“At that time, I was unable to give any clear collateral to Raidou-dono, and didn’t even give anything like a deposit; the only thing I did was say some vague things. Then, how do you think I thought of Raidou-dono?” (Joshua)
“That you wanted to quickly present a collateral and be done with it, maybe?” (Makoto)
“No.” (Joshua)
“The capital was made a mess and it was no time for this, maybe?” (Makoto)
“No. That’s something that deviates from the preamble of ‘what I thought of Raidou-dono’.” (Joshua)
That’s true.
But, something that prince Joshua thought of me.
It isn’t a collateral.
Even so, there hasn’t been so many thought transmissions lately.
I thought that maybe it was because the reconstruction was hard work.
When I met with Hibiki-senpai before, she didn’t say anything about it though.
Hm…then what would she think?
If it were me, regarding a faraway person that has learned of something that’s bad to be known and have only done some simple secret keeping….
…I would definitely be uneasy.
Depending on the situation, I probably would want to eliminate that person as fast as possible.
But there wasn’t a single assassin from Limia.
Then, investigate?
To learn if that person has told anyone else about it.
There weren’t reports of that either though.
If it’s not this, I am out of ideas.
“Then, you were uneasy, so you wanted to know of the person’s movements?” (Makoto)
“That’s right. And from what I could tell, you haven’t disclosed my secret. You haven’t used it as a figurative talk either.” (Joshua)
So she was really checking us huh.
What method did she use?
I didn’t hear anything from my guys though.
“Yeah, and in truth, I haven’t told anyone.” (Makoto)
She did tell me not to tell anyone, and something like the secret of the second prince of Limia has no way of use for me.
“That’s why I will trust you from now on. With that meaning in mind, I showed myself in this appearance.” (Joshua)
“Could it be, I was being suspected quite a lot?” (Makoto)
That’s kind of…shocking.
The royal family that has been living a sheltered life even within the hyumans, that’s something…
In the case of this person, it feels like it would be possible, but even so.
“Let me ask you back, why would I be able to trust you? A merchant that I suddenly met in Rotsgard and know nothing of his personal history.” (Joshua)
That’s certainly suspicious.
Even if I don’t have the intentions to, it is natural from the viewpoint of the other party.
“At that time, I even estimated that my ruin would be coming. To the point that I even thought about how to dispose of my body so that it won’t cause problems for his Majesty. But you didn’t seem to have disclosed it, and there were no actions towards me with the knowledge you had.” (Joshua)
Disposing of her body, she means suicide?
That’s scary.
“Like I said, I haven’t told anyone.” (Makoto)
Saying it in a slightly hard manner, I return the same response.
I didn’t even tell the people of Asora, or more like, I forgot about it.
“It is the secret of a second prince. Depending on how it is used, it is a suitable ingredient to increase your position as a merchant to one or two steps higher. To utilize it in some way is natural and logical for a merchant.” (Joshua)
Ah, so that’s why.
They did ask me things like: ‘Do you have any plans in having a business in Limia?’ or ‘Don’t you have anything you wish as an accommodation for what happened before?’.
I remember those thought transmissions I got before coming here.
‘I currently don’t have any plans of opening a store in Limia, so please don’t mind it and concentrate in the reconstruction’, is what I always answered every time it happened.
“Not only did you not utilize this secret, you didn’t even speak to the nobles, and you don’t have plans on opening a store in Limia; this, I have confirmed. Honestly, it is a hard to believe answer.” (Joshua)
“It is also because of the lack of personnel, but there’s a lot of circumstances going on in Kuzunoha Company, so we can’t increase the amount of stores that readily.” (Makoto)
To tell the truth, I have a fe~w of my people doing peddling in Limia, but it is not to the point of making a store.
I was thinking about telling them this in our stay in Limia, but in terms of a store… Ah, right.
In that case, there’s the method of revealing it to prince Joshua and have her convince the nobles so they don’t go clamouring.
“I went further into thinking that you were different from a merchant, for example; a military personnel or a person that has ties with a noble, and that increased my caution even more. But after hearing Hibiki’s story and your own talk, it seems like everything was just my own imagination going wild.” (Joshua)
“About that, there’s something that I was planning on saying in time, so I was thinking about telling Joshua-sama first.” (Makoto)
“…It feels like you just thought of it though, but well, tell me.” (Joshua)
This is something that I have been thinking on who I should tell in the time I am in Limia.
It is just that I didn’t think I would be telling this to prince Joshua at this moment.
The topic itself is not something that I thought of just now.
“In the Kuzunoha Company, there’s something like an out-of-store sales, or more like a peddling unit. There’s the fact that the unit has been doing business in a small part of the settlements in Limia, and in a small scale.” (Makoto)
“Hm… I didn’t get reports of it, but I see.” (Joshua)
“It is probably not in the direct jurisdiction of the royal family, but I have received reports that we have done several transactions specially close to the borders in the territory of nobles.” (Makoto)
“And?” (Joshua)
“I was thinking about obtaining the consent of the royal family and the nobles.” (Makoto)
“Are you asking me to help you convince them?” (Joshua)
“If needed, I will also give you the reports of the sales and pay for the taxes as well, so please.” (Makoto)
The transactions don’t deal with big amounts of gold, so even if we talk about taxes, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Probably.
If necessary, I should investigate about the tax of Limia.
Prince Joshua makes a thinking expression for a while.
The time she was thinking was a lot shorter than the times she showed me a complex expression, and then, she returned her gaze to me.
“…If it’s that much, there’s no problem. It also depends on the amount of money, but I will manage the part of the tax. I promise.” (Joshua)
“That will help a lot.” (Makoto)
“At the reception, no, in the conversations a few moments ago, there were a lot of people wishing for Kuzunoha Company to open a store, right? There were people that didn’t say anything, but there were few who were opposed.” (Joshua)
“Ah, now that you mention it, yeah.” (Makoto)
“Even if there are people that wish for you to increase the scope of your business, there’s most likely none who would actively ostracizes you. Just in case, can you tell me the settlements that you know of have been in those business of yours?” (Joshua)
Saying that, prince Joshua stands up from his seat and takes out a map of Limia kingdom from the shelf.
Just that it was quite a rough map.
I can tell the territories, but I can’t tell the insides that well. It was close to being a blank map.
Only a few major points were drawn, and the paths were sparse.
Are the normal maps like this?
It is quite different from the one we normally use.
For now I just say ok, and point out the position of the settlements I have received reports of.
There’s around 20 places.
If we include the villages they have gone to only once or have only seen, the numbers would increase by a lot, so I have only mentioned the villages that we have done trades with and the name of Kuzunoha Company has resonated.
Depending on the medicine selling of the Kuzunoha Company, I mean, the peddling, some people have begun calling the Forest Onis with a sad nickname like ‘Kuzu-san’. <Kuzu means trash>
They are probably being called ‘Kuzu-san’ by the innocent kids and the elders that are enjoying their retired life. Honestly, that’s quite the psychological attack.
And in truth, when they learned of it, they were quite down.
I have heard a few times that the village heads wants to meet me, but I didn’t want to be called the boss of Kuzu-san, or the representative of Kuzu, so I haven’t gone to any of those places.
“That’s quite the number. But it looks like the number is higher in the west side.” (Joshua)
Prince Joshua writes down the places that I point out.
As a result, from the west side of Limia’s national border to the south of it had been marked here and there.
“It seems like at the west side there’s a lot of poor villages, so our people bring them goods often.” (Makoto)
“…Why? In poor villages, they won’t be able to provide you the money, right?” (Joshua)
Prince Joshua tilts her head.
Did I say something strange?
It is not like our place is selling high-class items though.
“But in poor villages, the people will need goods, right?” (Makoto)
We are only selling everyday goods and household medicine in places that are in need of those.
I don’t think that’s strange.
“What is it?” (Makoto)
It seems like prince Joshua frequently shows this kind of expression and stiffens up in silence.
It feels like she is bewildered because of meeting a mysterious being, or like she is surprised by it.
As I am not a rare animal, I am a bit sad about it.
“…No, it is true that if you are going through this kind of villages as your focus, it is understandable that the reports of the feudal lords are coming late. This is still something that hasn’t been confirmed, but I will think of a method so that Kuzunoha Company can move more freely in the Limia territory. It is something that can be done since it is only on the scale of peddling after all.” (Joshua)
“Easier to move…Like giving us a transition pass, or something like that?” (Makoto)
Like the time in the demon race territory.
“A transition pass huh. A passage permission for the highway, permission for peddling inside the country; I still don’t know what kind of form it will take. Just that, I will lend you my strength as thanks for protecting my secret.” (Joshua)
“Thanks.” (Makoto)
“By the way, what other plans do you have here, Raidou-dono?” (Joshua)
“Ah, an acquaintance of mine requested me of something, so I was thinking about going out for around half a day.” (Makoto)
Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow there’s a lot of blank time.
To the point that if I were to move the plans of tomorrow to the day after, I would have one whole free day.
“To where?” (Joshua)
“The lake.” (Makoto)
“Ah, Seiko? At that place there’s a lot of people going for sightseeing, and it is close to the capital.” (Joshua)
Yeah, I did hear about that.
A big lake at the vicinities of Limia that was created by the Devil, or so to say, me.
It is receiving a relatively good amount of sightseers, and in terms of practical use, they have been receiving resources from the lake or something like that.
If I were asked if I wanted to go there, as expected, I would have to shake my head sideways.
No way I would want to go there.
“No, it is the Meiris lake. I heard that it is a famous place in the Limia kingdom.” (Makoto)
The place that Root told me is that.
I am grateful that it isn’t that far away.
Moreover, it seems like it isn’t as heavily managed like the desert of Gritonia.
“Meiris… It is certainly true that it is famous, but didn’t your acquaintance make a mistake in the place or something?” (Joshua)
“No, I am sure that person said Meiris. He said that the entrance isn’t prohibited though. Is that not the case?” (Makoto)
“That’s true. This lake is famous, and as long as we confirm the need to enter, there’s no prohibition in entering.” (Joshua)
“That’s great.” (Makoto)
A part of me was internally nervous that maybe Root was trying to create more trouble again.
I remember the face of that guy that said: ‘My joints still hurt’, as he gave me the egg.
It was an aloof smile that as always, I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“Just that it is dangerous. It is a lake where a superior dragon and the kingdom had an agreement. It would be one thing if it’s people that are going there to test their strength or take the trials, but Raidou-dono is someone that our country has invited, and our side would prefer if you didn’t go to such a dangerous place.” (Joshua)
“…I see.” (Makoto)
Now that I think about it, the Gritonia desert was supposed to be a dangerous place as well.
It was a beautiful place, and since I was easily able to pass, I forgot about it.
Is this place also considered relatively dangerous as well?
‘It is opened to the public and there’s a beautiful lake shore, so go and have a walk around the lake when you return’, is what Root told me though.
In that case, I will have to think of a way to stealthily leave this place again huh.
“I will tell his Majesty, but please don’t expect much. If it can’t be granted, I still have a few places I want to guide you to.” (Joshua)
“I am counting on you.” (Makoto)
It is an answer that feels like it won’t work.
If I say I will be bringing Mio, will it work?
It is fine if it is Lime.
Senpai knows of his skills, so maybe I can have her give her word as well.
After that, we did casual talk and talked about the state of the business, and with nothing special happening, the talk ended.
I could tell her about the Forest Onis selling medicine, and have heard a positive answer for this.
For me, it was a beneficial meeting.
Joshua thought that he was a troublesome person.
It was a truly frank evaluation.
This was practically the first time Joshua had talked with Raidou properly, but she felt like he was completely different from what she imagined him to be.
(Even though it was a verbal promise, he acted as if he had formed some sort of contract. That’s something for me to be happy about, but turning it around, it would also mean that for him, verbal promises are as strong as official contracts.) (Joshua)
A deceptive promise might become an unexpected restrain.
For Raidou, there’s the need of a different standard in negotiations. Thinking this, a sigh unconsciously came out from Joshua.
(Also, his way of thinking when doing business. Even when compared to Hibiki, he is way too incomprehensible. His speech, tone, and expressions, it made me feel as if he was doing charity work or something. I do think that there’s something wrong in me for thinking that way, but it throws me off.) (Joshua)
Raidou didn’t use her secret to threaten her.
He didn’t ask for advantages in his business either.
The only thing he asked for was to give consent for the small scale peddling he did.
Even that, Joshua was doubting if he actually thought of it in advance before asking her.
(…No good. The information is way too limited, it would be better to just leave it like that. He is from the same world as Hibiki, moreover, someone that was studying at the same learning facility. I don’t think he is just an ordinary person. It is also a mystery as to why he wants to go to Meiris instead of Seiko. If possible, I would want to observe him with a subordinate of my own, but I wonder…) (Joshua)
He is not someone that can be left alone.
At that point, Hibiki, the Limia king, and prince Joshua are of the same opinion.
There was confusion after actually meeting him and talking with him, but Joshua’s root way of thinking had not changed.
The highly efficient personnel of Raidou, and the rare ability of his Company.
And also the ability of the students he taught that can overturn common sense.
All of those points are things that they are unwilling to ‘give to other countries’.
Especially Gritonia, if it were to go there, the balance in countries would crumble.
That’s why, for Joshua, no matter where she looked, Raidou was….
“What a troublesome person Raidou-dono is.” (Joshua)
Being in the middle of its reconstruction and still calling him in a hurry, does mean that Limia has ulterior motives.
From the royal family, Joshua and the King.
The hero Hibiki.
A number of quick witted nobles.
Right now they are still being docile, but Joshua expects that the merchants will be moving as well.
Tomorrow she will be dealing with those people, and moreover, she is thinking about showing him the current capital.
She filled her free time with things that had somewhat of an objective.
But if Raidou has a different request from that, even if the chances are low, she has no choice but to take it into consideration.
That request of his was also something that troubled her, and made her want to groan.
At the welcoming banquet, I was made to drink quite a lot, but my waking was pretty pleasant.
I conversed a bit with Senpai and her group, and the nobles asked me to try doing business in their areas no matter the scale.
His Majesty told me that he was anxious about the reconstruction of the city.
Once the support unit that went to Rotsgard returns, the reconstruction speed should increase, and there’s good materials as well, but as expected, since it is winter, there’s probably going to be more damage coming which made his Majesty feel depressed.
It won’t be like Asora that has summer tomorrow.
In this one point, the demon race got them good huh.
And in truth, if you just do one step to the big street, you can see that the situation is like that of ruins, and at the outside of the reconstructed outer walls, there’s still a lot of camps.
For me, it looked like the reconstruction of the capital was only beginning.
I am not unsensitive enough to say something like that to the people that are happy that it has advanced quite a lot, so I zipped my mouth though.
“Then I will guide Raidou-dono. Even if it costs me my life, I will assure you a safe journey. Please don’t worry.”
The journey to Meiris that I requested of prince Joshua yesterday has been granted in a strange form.
With the minimum amount of luggage, I was carrying the bag with the dragon egg, and in my front, there’s Senpai who is completely armed.
Those words just now were something that she directed to the Limia people, Mio, and Lime.
It seems like my going to the Meiris Lake has been approved, if I have the hero Hibiki go with me.
The talk was made confidentially within a limited few and approved, so there are people that have puzzled faces seeing us two going to the lake.
Or more like, I am also bewildered.
Not even in Japan I had a chance to be alone with Senpai, but this is the second time already, counting the time when we were at the room of the company.
I was incredibly bothered by Mio, but she had shockingly accepted it and stepped back easily.
She is definitely plotting something.
She even made a Root-like laugh.
Root laugh.
Actually, the one protesting was someone from the hero’s party.
It is a warrior-looking person.
If I remember correctly, it is Prince-sama.
If I am going to be resented(well, I can just separate from them in the middle), I don’t have any problems in having him accompany us though. But in the end, because of the shout of the King-sama, he gave up.
Even so, the priestess is not here.
She hasn’t opened her eyes yet?
Or could it be that she is feeling unwell and can’t come?
It is worrying since Mio is going to be staying.
When I return, I will ask about her state again.
Mio is persistent in saying that she didn’t do anything, and it didn’t feel like she was lying.
But if Mio really didn’t do anything, I don’t think the priestess would turn that way after looking at her and I.
It is true that I am ugly by this world’s standards, but even the first villager that I met in the wasteland only screamed and did a rocket dash.
…Only, huh.
No, let’s not think about that.
That’s why, even if the concealment of Sakai didn’t work and she was able to see the Magic Armor, I don’t think the priestess of the hero party that has experienced many things would faint because of it.
Just remembering it hurts.
At first, the Priestess-san looked dumbfounded, with an expression different from all the other expressions that were shown towards me.
When I looked back at her thinking it was a unique reaction, after a bit, she looked as if she had noticed something and opened her eyes really wide, her whole body trembling, and then, she went ‘kyaaa’ and falls.
Ah, it was shocking.
Even if it’s as Mio says and the Priestess-san actually did something, I want to know the circumstances.
“Have a safe trip, Waka-sama. If the Hero-sama is with you, I don’t have anything to worry about-desu wa.” (Mio)
“Be careful. Uhm, please leave the matters here to us.” (Lime)
Lime seems like he wants to say something.
Even if he says to leave the matters to them, I know that it will be hard for him to hold back Mio.
Well, they will be guided by Joshua-sama and a number of retainers to the areas close to the castle.
If they just take care in that aspect, it will probably be okay.
“I will be going. Make sure not to trouble Joshua-sama and the people of Limia, okay? If anything happens, I will leave the decision to you two, just that, try not to obstruct the reconstruction work.” (Makoto)
“Understood.” (Mio)
“Even if it costs me my life.” (Lime)
Lime is imitating Hibiki-senpai. Even if you do that now, it isn’t funny.
He even has a strangely serious expression too.
When I finish today’s delivery, even if I pass the time being washed around by the other party, there won’t be any problems in Limia.
I was unexpectedly able to speak with Senpai today so, how to say it, Limia is working well.
It feels like it will be more comfortable than the other tours in the foreign countries.
On our journey and at our arrival, there still hasn’t been any unreasonable happening since coming here.
Gritonia is a major power as well, and since I had a preconceived notion that the nobles were oppressive, I probably misunderstood Limia.
“Well then, let’s go Raidou-dono.” (Hibiki)
“I am counting on you today, Hibiki-sama.” (Makoto)
I thought that it would be bad to call Hibiki with -senpai, so I tried using -sama instead.
Senpai didn’t seem to mind me changing my way of addressing her, she just nodded lightly and rode her horse first and began moving towards the Meiris Lake.
I turn around once to Mio who was waving at me, and then, I quickly follow after Senpai.
If it’s Senpai, she will probably let me go alone if I just tell her the circumstances.
Now that I think about it, things like: ‘Give me that person’ and ‘Show me your power’, happened at Gritonia, and reminds me that I had gone to a problematic country.
It is one of the few tasks I have to do in Limia, so let’s quickly deliver this egg.

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  • That reminds me that Makoto was supposed to be the hero, but because his appearance is below the standard of the Bug, he was thrown into that world just like that, huh?
    And ummm~ there is no unsensitive, it's insensitive...

    • That extra chapter got me rethinking the first encounter, and it could be that tsundere Goddess tossed him out of the way for his safety. After all, she did give him the ability to communicate with "anything" he might possibly run into there. Middle of monster country also means that there aren't any hyumans to stab you in the back.

      • Am having a hard time seeing her care that much for Makoto. Considering how childish she is, she could have could have dropped him in the waste land because she was still mad at his parents.

      • Cesar C reasoning is valid, I cannot imagine that bug have any concern for hyuman after what she have done.
        Big mistake though, Makoto has been unconsciously training/fighting for his life from the time he still infant, and Tsukuyomi also choose him based on how much suitable he is for hero role(power) it means among three sibling he is the strongest one.

      • now that you mention it, when makoto's parent goes away from goddess world, she seems to be sulking pretty hard that she neglects her duty. if we take a possitive way of thinking, does that mean that the goddess just doesn't want the kid of the reason she sulk to tidy up the mess like she accept her defeat?
        that doesn't explain why she threw makoto against the dragonslayer

        • She threw him at Sophia because he's disposable, and while it'd have been great if he won, she was only looking for (and expecting) him to be a simple and short distraction.

      • I absolutely disagree with any notion that the goddess has good intentions towards Makoto.
        The extra chapter established that she isn't really malicious, so much as just incompetent as a deity. Let's see...what series of words would suit her best...
        She's childish, shallow, callous, narcissistic, and above all, self-centered to the point of being incapable of empathy(though this last trait is common among gods).

          • Thanks, i just read the chapter... I tend to skip extra though... Anyway Makoto was half demon? Was it because of this that he has such enormous power? Or perhaps something to do with the Bug when she threw Makoto in the wasteland?

          • He's the second born, and it's been twenty years, he was born five years or so later, so I don't think he could be half demon. Besides, we don't know how long it took his parents to get good, as the saying goes, before they completed the Goddess' trials.
            Most likely it's like Tsukuyomi pointed out, Makoto was just the best at adapting to Earth.

          • Ahh~ i really forgot about this... But really? The power to adapt? Nothing else? It's not convincing at all, i mean there must be something else mixed with the adaptation thing...

          • It may be both his adaptability and his parents. Elder sister was born while they were still blessed by the Goddess, and she inherited a blessing. The younger sister was born long after they grew used to the environment on Earth. So Makoto was born completely unprotected, right after losing their protection before building up an immunity, and has been surviving and adapting since birth.

          • Yea, but still, the later chapter says something is lurking inside him, as if it wants to break free... Perhaps that is the source or one of the source of his power? But still adaptability alone doesn't sound convincing, there must be another factor...

    • For the matter of Makoto being the actual Hero from the earliest chapter, WAS NOT HIBIKI AND TOMOKI ALREADY IN THE GODDESS WORLD? when Makoto being summoned, and when she saw him, she brand him with "you are ugly" and throw him desert/wasteland.
      I remember that the each three of them have slight month with the transfer time, and Makoto is last. So, from the extra chapter, is not Makoto just an extra, she just demand him to come to her world because his parent deal with her and from the start there's no role for Makoto to be hero.
      *I think Tsukoyomi even said that he's the actual hero, that;s why sometime this thing make me slightly confused when i remembered it.

      • It was surfaced in my mind as the possibilities.
        Makoto being thrown to wasteland from his actual Hero position, just because he has a "normal" face for human is unpleasing to think about, but with how thing turned out, im kind of glad which made myself feel bad, Xd.

      • They were taken out of Earth about at the same time as Makoto, since the goddess didn't really want him. The reason they appeared in the other world before Makoto is due to the flow of time not being followed equally between worlds. What I mean is that they left Earth at the same but appeared in different time periods in the other world. Like what Root explained when it comes to travelling between worlds. Except that in this case it was more in control(time period wise) since it was done by gods.

      • It took a while for the goddess to pick Makoto up after Tsukuyomi established the tunnel, as mentioned by Tsukuyomi. This was because she was grabbing Hibiki and Tomoki while Tsukuyomi had his back turned. It all happened in the same night.

      • ^okay, i get what you're saying. I really miss this possibility because we deal with the gods, so my common sense didn't reach this conclusion. I'm not fond time travel or time on movie of novel, because it;s make me really tired when think about it(it's weird, i watch all x-men movie, w/o really understand the mechanical about what happen, im just go with flow)
        And this is also one of Makoto "make the misfortune to be fortune" things, i think.

        • Yeah. I hear ya. I hate time travel. It just gives me a massive headache. Which is odd considering I enjoy Doctor Who.

      • I think i need to read it again... i vaguely remember the talk about Makoto being a hero and talk about the other heroes... But i forgot who was first to be summoned...

  • "…Only, huh." Yeah, that's it!don't be so dense my little lamb... XD
    Thanks for the nice chapter... (even if i like Makoto blakmail the prince... Muahahahahaha... :P)

    • ..... that's very nice blackmail.
      It almost like how I ask my friend to lend me his homework when I forgot mine, and don't worry I will treat you later.
      If anything Makoto just raising the flag even higher with Joshua.

  • Thanks~
    (Even though it was a verbal promise, he acted as if he had formed some sort of contract. That’s something for me to be happy about, but turning it around, it would also mean that for him, verbal promises are as strong as official contracts.) (Joshua)
    Sorry princess you are just overthinking it. He just thinks your secret is so mundane that he forgot about it... wait that's even worse! Then again I kind of forgot about it too.

    • Although she's not wrong about how he views verbal promises. She needs to keep that in mind and inform the nobles of her country if she doesn't want them all erased because of some small miscommunication and misconception.

  • Oh yeah...it's indirectly because of Makoto that the other two heroes are here at all, huh? I completely didn't realize that.
    Well, something tells me that neither of them resent coming to this world as much as he does though.
    And the other matter...High School, huh? Truly a terrifying place that wears on the souls of all who go there, polishing their various abilities and expanding their knowledge all the while.

    • No it's not his fault. The goddess would've done what she did regardless. There's absolutely no reason for Makoto to feel guilty. That thought actually made me want to punch him for it, it was so stupid.

      • well.... its so Makoto-like though. In a way, because he needs to go to that world, the goddess have the chance to take both of them so he kinda feel bad about it.

        • That's between those three, Makoto has nothing to do with it. Do you also want to blame Tsukuyomi for opening the tunnel between the worlds while your at it? I guarantee that bitch would've forced the tunnel open through some back door if he'd said no. She intended to nab humans along with the child of the Misumi family from the beginning. And yes, I did read the extra chapter about her and that deal with Makoto's parents. And no, it didn't change my opinion of her at all. She's a failure as a goddess, and deserves to have her rank and power stripped from her. If we were talking about the leader of a country, we'd be agreeing to switch them with someone else, so I don't see how knowing her feelings on the matter changes anything. If anything, it makes it worse because she allowed her personal feelings to interfere with her work. Two people didn't want to live in her world anymore? So she slept and sulked for almost twenty years because of the bad mood their decision put her in? Two people were able to do that to her?! How the fuck does that make what she did to Makoto alright? And that's even assuming that she only did that because she was still upset about the whole incident, which I doubt.

      • Though I'm still on the side of the bug-goddess-hating committee, I interpreted that slumber of hers was caused by using too much of her powers. She did give Makoto's parents blessing in order to survive on Earth.

      • Still I like him for still honor his promise to Tsukuyomi sama, even when he hates Tomoki to the bone, he states that he will lend him hand even if that's just as measly as he can, if it were me I will secretly destroy his harem just for revenge for Tomoe.

      • Oh yeah. The responsibility for their kidnappings are entirely on Bug. But I'm just saying that Makoto is the cause for that opening she had.
        It's sort of like being the Taxi driver who turns out to have driven a mad bomber to his target location. Not at all his fault, but there's a relation and I don't think it's unreasonable to feel a little guilty since that's human nature.

      • @coatl45.
        Yes, all you said is corrent. I the real world there's no "Tsundere" but there's emotion that could shaping our decision which it anger, shame/humiliation, disappointment, etc and there's also a simple feeling of "denial to our mistake"(before the feeling of you are actually make the mistake yourself, the feeling of denial reach you first, and it's make that "you are not wrong/you didn't make any mistake/it's even mistake in the first place, it's FACT for you. And this is what Goddess always be, just read chapter when the Goddess kidnap Makoto the second time, and they make a deal for an example.
        How high the position doesn't matter, a position is a position and you have responsibility for any error that happpen under the "rulling" of you. And the goddess is fail to every aspect of being a leader, and she make decision based almost from her mood/feeling alone.
        Makoto treatment to the "verbal promise" as important as official contract, on every essence is good thing, but he has tendenct to screw up the big one, like Rona.

    • I kinda want the heroes to confront him and talk about how their the chosen ones because they were picked as heroes by the goddess of this world. Then he'll tell them how he was the intentional summon(intentional hero) and they are actually victims(kidnapped, enticed, and deceived).

    • If you remember Root's conversation then heroes are summon in that world when they needed and right now bug's world needed hero because of demon invasion so even if there was not makoto she still would have summon them, makoto is just finding any excuse to blame himself for many things.

  • I had a inkling but it seem it wasn't Mio but Makoto who scared her to death. And by the way after having read the chapter about the parents and after rereading all the previous chapter I can say that there actually are a vew tsundere line from here especially in the second encounter.

    • She saw normal Raidou, with a bit of haze around him, then turned on her truesight to see it resolve into an armor, and then the armor turned into a monster chewing a dragon while looking back at her...or she saw a cloud around him, but looking above him noticed it was just the tip of a tornado following in his wake...could have been anything, really. A bunny or duck type optical illusion, but with world scouring storms or nuclear explosions hidden in the image.

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