Happy Lunar Year everyone!

Sari was looking at the stars while feeling deep unpleasantness for being unable to arrange her mixed thoughts.

Her eyes were distant as she kept looking at the stars.

“The scale is one, two, three, or maybe four…no, that’s not it.”

She mutters lowly.

Without being heard by anyone, those words fade and vanish.

“Even though what I have to do hasn’t changed, I can’t move.”

For her, this was something unusual.

Think and act.

She has never hesitated in acting.

Abandoning her own position till now, she easily did something like engraving the slavery stigma onto her body, and the actions following that.

And this here is the result of it.

In the next move, she has to enter deep into Raidou’s domain. And yet, in this place that he has brought her into himself -In Asora-, Sari has been unable to make contact with Raidou properly.

The actual state of affairs is that the time she has been staring at the starry sky has increased.

“Could it be that Raidou is the king of a different world?”  

Sari looked at the starry sky and thought this.

It is heavily different from how Raidou himself sees it, but the understanding of Sari wasn’t that far from reality.

He has a space called Asora.

That space has been expanding in size, and currently, it has a vast land, sky, and sea. It is already in a state where it is fitting to call it a ‘world’.

And one can only enter Asora with them as intermediaries, and they themselves can enter and exit as they want.

From the standpoint of Sari who doesn’t know the circumstances, Raidou is the king of a parallel world, and she is a guest of his world. Without any decorated words, she can even be considered an ‘intruder’.

His attitude of antagonising the Goddess could now be understandable in her view.

But if that’s the case, the fact that ‘Raidou is a hyuman’, would be a contradiction in itself, is how Sari thought.

Or could it be that there’s hyumans in parallel worlds as well, and this world is under the protection of an existence like that of a Goddess?

If that’s the case, why is there no other hyuman in this world called Asora?

What about an existence that is related to that Goddess?

For a while since she is been here, Sari has been flooded by this thoughts that had no answers, and was unable to act.

“Anyways, becoming a friend of Raidou is the first priority. If I become a close friend of his…Raidou probably wouldn’t do ‘something as meager’ as turning his fangs towards the demon race…”

Raidou ‘always’ moves by his emotions.

That’s what Sari guesses.

That’s why, she will be by his side, and if she is able to change those emotions of his, she will be able to obtain safety.

She has been calmly looking at Raidou when she was outside, and that’s why, she reached this conclusion and acted in this way. It could be said that she got a good grasp on him.

…It can’t be considered a perfect analysis though.

In Sari’s view, it was a scary result.

If imprudently dealt, Raidou might not even care about the whole picture, and destroy a country and race just because of a reason like being asked by someone close to him.

If someone with a deep hatred towards the demon race becomes a close friend of his, or a lover, there’s a possibility of Raidou turning hostile towards the demon race.

Things like diplomacy, period, or economics; those kind of things would hold no weight.

If even Raidou turns into an enemy, added with the heroes and the Goddess, the demon race will be exterminated.

Sari was sure of this.

Looking at Asora, she thought exactly like this.

“Totally self-sufficient. Even though powerful races are mixed here, they have an army that works together splendidly well. They clearly possess crafts that surpass ours by several steps. A teleportation ability that not only makes it possible for them to attack any place without the need for a march, it can also be used for retreats. Added to that, there’s the abnormally high individual battle power of the close aides of Raidou.” (Sari)

If she had to put out a weakness of them, it would be their numbers.

Asora doesn’t have that much population.

For a fertile land, it has a low population to the point that it was strange.

Sari still didn’t know of the reason why.

But even the hyumans that are the strongest force in her world, would they really fight against them just because they are winning in numbers, when all of these disadvantages are lined up?

If her father the Demon Lord had accurate information of Raidou and Asora, what would he have done? She tried to imagine it.

“Even if it’s slightly disadvantageous, he would probably make an alliance. Fufufu, it doesn’t sound like it would be a talk to a company, but a talk between countries.” (Sari)

By the way, if Sari were the Lord, she would have wished to migrate into this Asora.

But that’s because she still hasn’t been in a position of responsibility within the race, and he is a rare type of hyuman that the demon race doesn’t hate.

As long as Raidou acknowledges it, it would be a great proposal that would lead to the least sacrifices, and would bring a peaceful future.

In a sense, it would be a proposal that would be ideal for the future of the race.


“Without doubt, there will objections from the majority, moreover, there’s the danger of me being assassinated for it. The hatred for hyumans…and the will of the demon race. If this is the will of the demon race, his Majesty would oppose this proposition even if it is the path to destruction.” (Sari)

Sari had a sad expression in her face.

Thinking about her father, this is something that comes into her mind at times; just what kind of existence is an excelling Lord?

There’s probably several different types, but the Demon Lord Zef is the type of Lord that would make reality the demon race’s will.      

For that sake, he would easily shelve his own will.

In that sense, the actions of Zef are incredibly simple.

Pass judgement to the hyumans, and prosperity to the demon race.

That’s all.

And those two come in a set.

It can’t be toppled.

Sari does think that having the demon race prosper and triumphing over the hyumans is one way of revenge, but most of the demons don’t think that way.

They want the blood of hyumans.

“If Raidou were to approve of the demon race’s objective of passing judgement to the hyumans, there would be a different path. Just that, the chances of it are way too low.” (Sari)

In the end, she couldn’t put anything in order.

It was at that moment…

“Sari, are you available now?”

“!! Yes, go ahead, Waka-sama.” (Sari)

Sari heard a voice there’s no way she would hear wrong.

By the way, the one who opened the door was the owner of the voice.

The lifelong master of Sari; the person who she bounded her own stigma with.

No one was accompanying him today.

Without knowing about her worries at all, Raidou naturally entered her room.

“You don’t look well. Are you okay?” (Raidou)

“I’m okay. I am just slightly in disorder because I am still not used to my surroundings. I am sorry for making you worry. Is there something you needed?” (Sari)

“I wanted to have Sari work a bit in something, you see.” (Makoto)

“Just say the word. Giving this much hospitality to a slave like me, there’s no need to be reserved.” (Sari)

These were the true feelings of Sari.

As a slave, Sari has received a better treatment than what she was prepared for.

They are not forcing her into any work, so right now, the treatment they are giving her is like that of a guest.

It was temporary, but she was still in an unbelievable situation.

“I see. Tomorrow morning, there’s a race I want you to meet. Meet them, and well, I want you to hear their requests and what they have to say.” (Makoto)

“I don’t mind but, is that a job that’s okay for me to be doing?” (Sari)

Even with this light explanation, it was clear that this had an atmosphere different from that of a miscellaneous job.

Because of that, Sari asks to confirm.

“Yeah. We are low in people, and Shiki did say that you seem to have past knowledge.” (Makoto)

“…Meaning that I can be useful, right? Understood. I am happy that you believe in me enough to give me work.” (Sari)

“Because you can’t betray us, right? With the ritual and all that.” (Makoto)

“Yes. I don’t have the intentions to betray you either, and I can’t betray you. Even so, you don’t have any suspicions that there may be some sort of loophole. I am truly lucky that the person I have decided as my master is an open-minded person.” (Sari)

“…Loophole huh. I didn’t even think about it. Because there’s no need to think about it, right?” (Makoto)   

“Is that so?” (Sari)

“Yeah. Because if you do something like that, Sari would be my enemy, right? You must have some reason to work under me with the resolve to die, so something as careless as that, the intelligent Sari wouldn’t do that.” (Makoto)


“I am not good at thinking that much. Betrayers are enemies, contributors are allies. That’s how I think, and that’s all. I want to go simple.” (Makoto)

What a scary thing to say, is what Sari thought.

“For example; in the case that it looks like a betrayal when it was actually for the good of Waka-sama?” (Sari)

“If I notice that it is good, then an ally; if I don’t notice it, enemy. Simple, right?” (Makoto)


Raidou nonchalantly said this.

On the other hand, Sari was speechless.

She added into her data that he is someone with a thought pattern that’s scarier than she originally thought.

“Hm? What’s wrong?” (Makoto)

“Nothing. I will keep those words in mind.” (Sari)

“…I see. And so, about the race I want you to meet.” (Makoto)

“Yes?” (Sari)

“There’s a race that wants to migrate to this place you see, a race called Lorelei. It seems like they were originally from the demon race, but as they were living in the sea, it seems like they have become a different race and things changed. Have you heard about it?” (Makoto)

“…Lorelei?!” (Sari)

“Good, it looks like you know them.” (Makoto)

“I have heard that in a long past, there was a household of the demon race that was called Lorelei that had escaped into the sea and disappeared.” (Sari)

“Then it is probably them. Their outward appearance is similar to the demon race after all. It seems like they were in quite the cold sea, but because of a slight connection, there was talk about having them migrate here, you see.” (Makoto)

“Migrate?!” (Sari)

“And so, there’s going to be an interview. But there’s the need to arrange the information of the race and the requests the other side has beforehand, right? I am counting on you for that.” (Makoto)

“…This place accepts the migration of a race?” (Sari)

“Yeah, well, depends on the situation though. This time it is applications for people that live in the sea, it seems.” (Makoto)

“It seems? Wasn’t Waka-sama the one who ordered it?” (Sari)

“Ah, would that be the case? Asora is big after all. Even if everything moves as I order, there’s just no time. The people that want to live here can participate in an interview by all means, is how I feel. But in reality, there’s a lot going on, and it can’t go smoothly like that.” (Makoto)

“…Is that so.” (Sari)

“Sari, you can have a house made somewhere eventually. If you want to, after the migration of the Lorelei is decided, it should be fine to live with them. It seems like you were the same race in the past after all.” (Makoto)

Raidou continued making carefree statements.

But he is the king of this Asora.

“I-I see… Uhm! About the investigation, I will properly do it. Is it okay to begin starting tomorrow?” (Sari)

“Yeah, I am counting on you. I will place a Gorgon and an Orc to assist you, so go at it without pressure.” (Makoto)

(…Is it for surveillance? Or is it really out of goodwill? This plan is probably from someone else, so there’s that chance, and it makes it hard to tell.) (Sari)

“Sari?” (Makoto)

“Ah, sorry! Thank you for your kindness, Waka-sama.” (Sari)

“Well then, good night.” (Makoto)

“Good night.” (Sari)

Sari still doesn’t know Raidou’s real name.

She hasn’t been told.

Leaving aside Raidou himself, she is in a situation where her surroundings don’t trust her.

She doesn’t know that reality, but she does feel like she is being tested.

Even if she is ready or not, Sari thought that from now on, it was a critical moment for her.


“Ah, Shiki. About the preliminary investigation, I have requested it from Sari just like you told me.” (Makoto)

“Thanks, Waka-sama. If we don’t make those kind of people work, it would be a bad example. You have been a big help.” (Shiki)

“I was being reserved because she was a girl after all. Because you told me, it served as a chance. The one that should be giving his thanks is me.” (Makoto)

“I am grateful to hear that.” (Shiki)

“By the way, what’s that?” (Makoto)

After returning from asking Sari to investigate the Lorelei, I met with Shiki and follow his gaze, and there, I saw Ema and the Al-Elemera.

Just that, the Al-Elemeras that are always flying around, are now on the floor.

What a rare sight.

Reflexively, I ask Shiki for an explanation of the situation.

“Ah, just like you see. The Al-Elemera are, how to say it, partly similar to Waka-sama.” (Shiki)

“Ehm…” (Makoto)

I couldn’t understand the meaning of Shiki’s words.

“Looking for a place to live in, they were strolling the forest, and in the very first day, they broke onto the den the wolves live in.” (Shiki)

“…Uwaaa” (Makoto)

All of a sudden they were at that place huh.

What an unlucky bunch.

Ah, they are indeed similar to me in that part.

“They were splendidly scattered and are now like this. Not everyone can cut through their bad luck like Waka-sama does after all. Well, it can be said that they are normal.” (Shiki)

“Now that I look properly, they are doing dogeza. Ah, Ema did say something like that. I see…the king and the important people are doing dogeza huh.” (Makoto)

“No, all the race is.” (Shiki)

“…Quite a big part was caught by the wolves huh.” (Makoto)

Their numbers are a lot less than when I saw them last time.

The wolves against them wouldn’t even amount to a fight.

“They have been scared witless and have run back here.” (Shiki)

The wolves of Asora are crazy strong.

No, it seems like the living beings of Asora in general are quite strong. The carnivorous beasts are especially strong within that group.

Currently, the wolves are in the strongest class.

If it turns into a serious fight with them, even Orcs and Lizardmen might be in danger.  

They are like experts in forest and group fights.

…The first time I encountered them, I was truly relieved that I was sturdy.

Also, I was deeply moved when I was able to speak with the wolves.

Because of reasons, I am the only one that’s able to though.

Well, wolves are intelligent, so even without speaking, they are able to communicate with their actions.

They properly give warnings.

The problem is if the other side complies with those warnings.

And it seems like the Al-Elemera weren’t able to do that.

“…I wonder if Ema will forgive them.” (Makoto)

“Even if she does, the Al-Elemera will probably not be able to lift their heads to Ema anymore.” (Shiki)

“Now that you mention it Shiki, it wasn’t Al-Efemera.” (Makoto)

“My apologies. Remembering the names of something like flying insects, is pretty difficult huh.” (Shiki)

He easily admitted it.

He didn’t even try to smooth it over.

“Even though they are feisty, their impression is weak after all.” (Makoto)

“Seriously.” (Shiki)

“Ah, by the way, did you hear the talk about what they said of their forest?” (Makoto)

“If I remember correctly, it was done in by a purple cloud.” (Shiki)

“Do you know the details?” (Makoto)

“Yes. It is a big disaster, but it is a phenomenon that happens pretty often in the wastelands. Thick accumulated dark purple clouds bring about strong rain and it fills the land in poison.” (Shiki)

A cloud that rains down poison huh.

Sounds dangerous.

I am glad I didn’t encounter that when I was in the wasteland.

When he says thick and accumulated, does he refer to a form like that of a cumulonimbus cloud?

If that’s in purple color…it would have quite the intensity.

“That’s troublesome.” (Makoto)

“It is only possible to take refuge, so things like bases that have a set location would be completely wiped out. Just that…” (Shiki)

Shiki who was explaining, slightly hesitates in saying the next.

“Just that?” (Makoto)

I urge him to continue.

“I heard this from Tomoe-dono, but that purple cloud isn’t actually from the weather; it is actually a living being.” (Shiki)

“Living being? A cloud is?” (Makoto)

That’s hard to believe.

“She said they were a group of small gas living beings. Normally, they are not much of a threat, but when it surpasses a set number of them, they grow bigger in a breath and bring about disaster. As expected of someone that has lived a long time, she has quite the vast knowledge.” (Shiki)

“A gas living being. As I thought, it just doesn’t ring well.” (Makoto)

“But being a living being means it has life force, so in other words, I thought that it might be possible to kill them or scatter them.” (Shiki)

“I see. It is certainly true that if we kill the living, they will stop.” (Makoto)

“But well, they are special beings that move in group, so if they are a gas type where each one is as small as a grain, trying to kill them might not be realistic. It doesn’t have much relation to Asora in the first place, so I don’t think there’s much need to research it.” (Shiki)

“I want to see it at least once. How about you, Shiki?” (Makoto)

“To tell the truth…I am also interested. There’s a mountain of work to do, so right now I can’t move though.” (Shiki)

“Hm…in that case, how about asking Tomoe and Mio to bring a sample?” (Makoto)

“It seems like the two of them are busy as well, so…how about asking the Winged-kin? It seems like they haven’t heard of it, but maybe they will be able to bring new information of it.” (Shiki)

“As expected of Shiki. Yeah, let’s try that!” (Makoto)

If it has an interesting special characteristic, I might be able to use it in the lectures of the Academy.

In the case that it is hard to utilize, it would be biohazardous, so I will refrain from using it.

Even if there’s still a brief time before going to Limia, I still have to do the things I can do at Asora and the Academy.

“But I think that it will be impossible to utilize it in the lectures of the students.” (Shiki)

“…As expected of Shiki. Wait, since when did you learn to read minds?!” (Makoto)

“Guessing what my master thinks, is a basic skill of a butler; is what Morris-dono said, so I tried learning it.” (Shiki)

It is not ‘I tried learning it’.

That’s normally not possible.

“You are a diligent one, Shiki.” (Makoto)

“I am honored.” (Shiki)

‘Maybe I should just throw all the classes in the Academy to Shiki’, is what I slightly thought.

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View Comments

  • Soon Sari will learn the true horror of the entity known as 'Raidou', Muhahahahhahaha. Once she realizes how much power he has, and yet is a no-balls good for nothing, she'll moan in despair while in an 'orz' position. Hahahahaha! Glorious!

    Thanks for the chapter.

    • "no-balls good for nothing" ???

      > Crushed Sofia with pretty much no effort
      > Slapped around Tomoki for being a little shit
      >Made a superior dragon experience a living nightmare

      The old Makoto has been gone for quite a while bub, the grown up on one hasn't been taking any crap from anyone for a while now, he just knows that aside from his god like powers, he has a lot to learn in other aspects and doesn't let the power blind him (like some other idiots).

      • Yes he dont have the balls to make a mover on a girl in the current or past world ... Some day he will lose Tomoe for that narrow and simple mine... Also thank you for the chapther

        • I really don't get why this is such a big problem for so many people.

          He didn't want to date his kohai or captain back on Earth. He didn't think of him that way. That's it. Do you really have to take any interested girl when you're single? Is it fair to call hime ball-less, spineless, a wimp or whatever just because he doesn't try to get laid when he's given the opportunity?

          He already stated that he doesn't see his followers that way and hasn't noticed anyone else outside that due to inexperience and a busy lifestyle. He doesn't need to constantly reaffirm this when nothing has changed.

          His third dream might've stimulated the idea of being with Tomoe and Mio, true. But it also could've discouraged it because in that timeline...well, the girls fucking died and broke his heart. Just give it time to run its natural course. Short of death to the quickly shortening list of absurdly strong individuals, the main follower girls would never leave his side.

      • >Makes gods notice him(includes bug in an annoying way) and watch him.

        >Make everyone realize that "perfect hit" is awesome? Or made them know the real meaning of "a devil in hyuman skin"?

      • Didn't say he didn't have courage to fight, or ability to confront villains, or even that he doesn't understand some of the aspects of his power. In earlier chapters he acknowledged (to himself at least) that he was getting on the edge due to his hormones acting up, even to the point he tried going to a brothel. Since then he still hasn't had any relief in that way, but his stress still builds, yet he hasn't taken ANY action on that front. Nevermind the yandere spider or the weeaboo dragon girls who blocked him before. Dude has a free pass to a brothel, and the head pro has indicated she'd give him extra service. If that wasn't enough, he has a whole community of women (Gorgons), that he introduced to said brothel, that are willing and feel grateful to him that aren't as close to him as sisters. Yet still he goes around like a monk. Not sayin he should be like Tomoki (I'd rather he cut his own throat first), just not existing at the other extreme either.

    • Please dont attach Makoto to some loli type in which he evades the most. I like Makoto who prefer onee-san type "go raise those flags!"

  • See Makoto simple-minded. You mind your business, he minds his. You help him, he'll help you. You try to kill him, you get obliterated or at least are forced to repent for your actions.

  • Makoto's "simplicity" attitude probably sounded way more horrifying than he intended it, but I guess he doesn't understand how scary it sounds coming from someone with his power capacity. All he wanted to say was probably "no funny business and we are k".

    Thanks for the chapter. Was waiting for Sari's confusion and it turns out Asora's wildlife is an army of its own.

    • A force that has friendly relations with Raidou alone. So what happens if he releases his wolves in a war, maybe when the pack grows to a level where they want to branch into more packs?

    • I mean, what he said was basically "If you harm me, you'll be an enemy (to be obliterated). If you help me, you'll be an ally (given unfairly powerful support). If you help me but seem like you hurt me, you'll be considered an enemy because I'm bad at making those judgements."
      Quite an unnerving thought.

      • yep, bad wording creates misunderstanding, being simple doesn't mean being clear. Makoto still have a lot to learn on how to properly convey his thoughts.

  • Well there you go people. The Sari POV everyone's wanted so badly. Like I said before, it's pretty much what you'd expect, so I'm personally more interested in new additions to Makoto's class. Still, it's a refreshing calm with new perspectives.

    So the demon race actually hardcore hate the hyumans(except Raidou, "one of the good ones" XD). I know that's common sense, but I didn't think they'd choose being wiped out over reconciling with them, which is the impression Sari gives me.

    Am I the only one that sorta went "d'aww" at Makoto simplistic "you're smart and I'm simple, so I can trust you won't betray me" announcement? I mean, he then followed up with words that become scarier under the context than dealing with a yandere, but it was a kind statement.

    Ooo...Lorelei? Those are siren-like existence right? Nice! Maybe we'll start developing Asora's musical culture now too!

    • There are a lot of sayings about hatred can destroy a person and I just realized how true that could be in this series. If the demon lord follows the will of the demon race and the will of the demon race is to destroy hyumans(as a whole). They'll eventually end up making an enemy out of makoto. He has some hyumans he's fond of (not in a romantic way of course) and I doubt he'll let them die. I know he could bring them to asora, but would they abandon their friends, family, and home?

    • The thing about Zef, sometimes a ruler needs to take actions that are against the people's will, especially if they're the best interest for the people. Revenge is possible, but that path can only be paid in blood. How much will the demons need to bleed to accomplish their goals? 1/3? 1/2? 2/3? Even 1/3 of their population is a lot, and I doubt that it's going to be that few when it's all said and done.

      • Yeah, that's why I'm surprised the pragmatic demons are going that route.

        To be fair, they've been through a lot, but still.

      • You may be right but sometimes knowing you're in the wrong isn't a reason to stop.

        They went through so much hardship, they can't be satisfied as easily as just finding a comfortable place to live in.

        No matter what they claim, their first goal is to take revenge on that Bug and her so loved hyumans. Should that bring their own destruction, they would still do it !

        And about that Demon Lord, he's well aware of that and he'll follow the will of his race, with no concern for himself or his relatives (as seen with Sari).
        That's what makes him such a pitifully huge Baka ! But at the same time, a respectable Lord.

        • I'm not sure how much I agree with this.

          Choosing a wrong path despite knowing it is one thing. Knowingly choosing a path that could most likely lead to the death of your people is probably as against the job description as you can get.

          It comes down to the will of the people vs the well being of the people at this point. Which one should a leader prioritize? ....Man, poor Zef. He's really got it hard.

    • from the conversation on the chapter, the cloud is something like: each drop of water that make the cloud is one being, and the cloud as a whole is a city, when the city is full they exile(rain) the criminals(poison).

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