Chapter 179: Negotiation Breakdown

“Of course, it won’t be for free.” (Tomoki)


Give him Tomoe?

This guy certainly did say that.

It seems he is using his charm power and living a smooth life, but he is like a kid asking for a toy.

He really wants Tomoe who he was unable to obtain with his demonic eyes, and is now telling me to give her to him.

Is that what this is all about?

“The girls here are the daughters of nobles from the Empire. But they had some talent in battle, so I trained them.” (Tomoki)


I did lose my speech after that stupid utterance, but right now I am probably composed.

With the signal of that guy, Tomoki, the three girls that were at his back moved to both of my sides and my back.

“The level of those three are over 400. Their face and style, well, it is as you see. They are quite popular, you know? Well, compared to Japan, anyone in this world is good looking though. Hahaha!” (Tomoki)


The two at my sides are around my age.

A beautiful type and the other is a cute type. The last one that is at my back slightly bend and placing her hand towards my chin, seems to be older.

Did Princess Lily tell him my preferences, or is it just that this is simply his own hobby? I really don’t know.

The cute one is taking my hand and carrying it towards her breasts.

What a straight seduction.

Well, something like this… doesn’t matter at all.

“Lily has told me about Tomoe’s level. Even if we add numbers here, it wouldn’t be enough. If you want to, I can bring more. Later, I will guide you to where my harem is, so you can choose a number of them and take them with you.” (Tomoki)


Just how much of a joke is this guy.

No matter the details, they are supposed to be girls that yearn for him.

And also, Tomoe is practically family. An important existence.

I don’t have a single shred of intention to give her to someone who is trying to get her as if trading objects.

“Staying silent? Ah, you must be nervous.I can understand. You, don’t have experience right? Don’t worry. These girls will properly instruct you. At first, it is okay to just leave it in their hands. If I order it, they will go to whoever’s place, and they will obey anyone. I said this before, but these girls can fight at a level higher than standards. I promise you that I will properly tell them to devote themselves to you when I give them over.” (Tomoki)


Control them with charm, finish their training, and use them for battle.

When Root mentioned the Valkyries, he was referring to these girls huh. Or maybe, everyone in Tomoki’s harem are referred as Valkyries?

Whichever it is, his attitude feels like he is quite familiar with this type of situations.

Being Japanese, using people as object, and a high schooler before coming to this world; a person like that, how dare he act this naturally.

Are you telling me that he has already completely forgotten about Japan?

Is it really weird for me to cling onto it all this time?

“Hey, say something. What you wish! How many women do you want? Gold, land, rights for business; those things are fine too. What are you being all silent for?” (Tomoki)

I breathe in deeply.

Now then.

“…I refuse” (Makoto)

“Ah?” (Tomoki)

He asks me again.

In no way did I say this in a low voice.

He heard me, yet he still asked.

He is trying to coerce me.

Compared to Zara-san, this is a flimsy attempt.

“I said I refuse. For me and also for the company, Tomoe is not someone that can be replaced. Give it up.” (Makoto)

“… Are you seriously saying this?” (Tomoki)

“Give up. I won’t give you Tomoe. That is my wish.” (Makoto)

I clearly tell him this.

He was blatantly trying to coerce me and trying to shut me up with his presence.

“… You, you haven’t received any significant power from the Goddess, right? You are not that strong either. Tomoe and that other guy are quite strong, but they are not here right now. Lily has gone to deal with them after all.” (Tomoki)

“And?” (Makoto)

“I have a relative understanding of your abilities. You can’t beat me. Can’t you nod until being beaten by force? Are you stupid? This place is also perfectly sound-proof, you know.” (Tomoki)

“…If you don’t even intend to call me properly, there wasn’t much point in giving you my name. How can you properly gauge my power when this our first time meeting? Are heroes specialized in bluffs? Are you the type that is all bark and no bite?” (Makoto)

Can’t get a hint huh.

Even senpai was unable to notice much of my power, so I don’t think this thing can notice it.

Even if he is really the one that created that crater, that level of threat is no danger at all.

I already know that Tomoki is using some sort of tool to gauge my power.

In a sense, he is acting big out of a basis.

“You… it seems like you don’t properly understand the situation you are in right now.” (Tomoki)

Instantly after those words of Tomoki, blades were placed at my neck, heart, and wrists.

No need to say, this is the work of those girls.

Just that, they are not directly hitting me.

Even if it’s thin, these girls don’t have enough power to cut through my magic power armor after all. That’s why, it is natural that I don’t need to be on guard.

But a smile appears in Tomoki’s face.

“With this, are you still able to keep using that contempting mouth of yours, Raidou-dono?” (Tomoki)


A man that completely gets on my nerves.

He is more annoying than most hyumans.

“I can somewhat tell the power of others. The method is business secret though. You don’t have the power to defeat a single one of those girls. And, the reason why you are able to have Tomoe obey you despite that…” (Tomoki)


“Must be because you have a strong taming power. You must be able to control strong mamonos and dragons with that power of yours.” (Tomoki)

… Totally wrong.

I don’t know how he reached that conclusion, but there’s a lot of questionable points.

Most of all, I am grateful that he has brought out blades to coerce me.

He is the one that began.

That will clear my conscience slightly.

I will just have Tomoe search for Grount’s location and quickly finish my task.

I don’t want to stay long in this country.

No, if possible, I don’t want to come here anymore.

“Well well, I didn’t expect to be seen through. It seems heroes are existences I can’t underestimate.” (Makoto)

While saying things I don’t really mean, I strengthen the sound-proof barrier that was already present.

Harden the walls, and place a lock on the door as well.


“That’s why, if you turn over Tomoe to me, she will have to obey me. Right?” (Tomoki)

“I see, I see.” (Makoto)

Ignoring the three girls that have blades on my body, I place strength in my legs.

“Hey, you—?!” (Tomoki)

A high-pitched sound and a short scream of a girl, cut off the words of Tomoki.

One of the blades falls onto the table in between me and Tomoki and makes a sound. The women that were trying to restrain me lift their voices at me who is standing without caring about it.

I look down on Tomoki who is still sitting.

“To try obtaining Tomoe when you have only piled up this level of women, it seems that you have really looked down on my follower.” (Makoto)

“This is the center of the Empire. Do you understand just how disadvantageous it would be for you to get in trouble with me?” (Tomoki)

Without caring about my gaze, Tomoki actually rested his back and looks back at me.

And then…

“Yeah, I understand.” (Makoto)

“What?” (Tomoki)

“I will have to do my best to hush it up.” (Makoto)

“Fuh, stop the bluffing. A single merchant like you can get the patronage of a large country like Gritonia, moreover, the number of talents you own will increase, you know? Think about this properly, merchant. You might be the owner of a slightly big company, but don’t go getting heated up over a negotiation.” (Tomoki)

“Sorry to say but, even if I am called the representative, I am more of a decoration. To the point that the title is too much for me. If you were looking for such composure from me, your calculations were wrong. My place is a bit special you see. If I don’t punch you right now, I will probably make Tomoe angry later. Well, even without that, I would still do it though.” (Makoto)

It seems Tomoki has noticed my change in presence.

“Girls, that guy—!!” (Tomoki)

He tries to gives orders to the three girls that had taken a bit of distance from me…

But it’s too late.

“Sleep.” (Makoto)

Sealing the movements of the girls around by stretching the hands of the magic power armor, I used a direct sleeping spell.

As if acting in concert to my words, their bodies fall onto the rug.

While at it, I also made the maid sleep as well.

“!! ga”

Kicking the table, I create a path.

Advancing just as is, I grab his temples.

The resistance of the sitted Tomoki was weak, to the point that it makes me doubt the power of a hero.

Is he the type that gets stronger depending on prerequisites?

Even so, I won’t change what I will be doing.

It is his fault for being unable to show his true strength unless those moments occur.

I smash his face onto the floor.

I lift my leg to the back, and just like that, I kick his head.

The hero flies with quite the momentum and hits the walls. But, there wasn’t much change in the situation outside.

It seems like the effect of the soundproof and the hardening is showing good results.

I unhurriedly close the distance.


I stop my feet.

Something comes flying from Tomoki.

It’s not a spell. A tool, weapon.

A kind of throwing knife; three of them.

It doesn’t seem like normal knifes, but I don’t mind them.

I once again walk, and receive the thrown blades with the magic power armor. The moment the knives make contact, they shine brightly, and explode.

And what of it.

Without minding about it, I close the distance, and this time, the glaring Tomoki shoots a spell at me.

When I thought something shone, it hit the magic power armor.

It is fast, but powerless.

If you want to make me flinch, you will have to show firepower on the level of Sofia.

Receiving all the attacks that don’t even need to be evaded, I lift Tomoki’s body with the magic power armor.

His hate-filled eyes had not changed even now.


You treated Tomoe as an object.

You must be properly prepared for the result of your actions, right?

At Tomoki who had his face and body equally pressed onto the wall, I mindlessly punched him to a point that I had stopped counting the number of times in the middle of it.

I ignored anything he said. No matter what he did, I blocked it. Because I thought that this way would be more effective.

When I aimed for his face every time he opened his mouth, in time, he shut it.

I thought that I would be refreshed while punching him, but it didn’t happen.

Aside from the first punch, the ones that followed didn’t serve as a refresher.

I have to make it so he doesn’t think about putting his hands on Tomoe ever again. With that reason alone, I continued inflicting pain.

In time, I let off Tomoki who has lost his ability to speak coherent words.

“It’s great that I am weak, right? Because you are let off with only this much.” (Makoto)

That image of him curling his body and holding his head with both hands… made me imagine something.

“… So this time you are the one staying silent huh, Tomoki. Hey, aren’t you a hero? How about being a little bit more dignified even when being beaten? That look of yours, it is comical how you look like a bullied person.” (Makoto)

It looked like Tomoki reacted to the word bullied, but… there’s no point in digging deeper into it.

I grab Tomoki with my own hands.

I shrink down the magic power armor, and in exchange, I use [Sakai] to heal the wounds of Tomoki.

The healing proceeds quite quickly.

Because the concealing ability of the magic power armor was released, the light of magic power leaks out to my surroundings.

If Tomoki were to gauge me when I’m in this state, he might actually not have gone for a forceful method.

He doesn’t look like the type that picks a fight with the strong after all.

Whether it is senpai or Tomoki, their power is not that big of a deal.

No, frankly speaking, the war itself is not a threat for Kuzunoha Company or Asora. That’s why, whether it is Tomoe or Shiki, they probably won’t say much to me about this.

Because no matter what happens, the difference would be like using my left leg instead of my right to kick a small pebble.

It is ‘troublesome’, so it is a war I don’t want to get involved with though.

The external wounds finish erasing. The healing is done huh.

I drag Tomoki, who is taller than me, towards the sofa he was in, and throw him there.

I return [Sakai] to concealment, and return the kicked table to its original place.

I slap the cheeks of the spaced-out Tomoki to return him to his senses.

Tomoki looks at me with conscious eyes.

Just that, those eyes weren’t filled with strong will or haughtiness, and there was clear weakness and fear mixed in it.

“I properly healed you, so there should be no impediments in your war with the demon race.” (Makoto)

I look at his eyes and tell him with a smile that he has been healed.

“Well then, I will be leaving now. I have another business here in the Empire you see. I am kind of…busy. Of course, it is not as important as being a hero though.” (Makoto)

While speaking, I line up the three girls and maid that I forgot about, and have them sit on the sofa I was in.

I pass at his side and head to the door.

“Ah, also…” (Makoto)

I release the lock from the door and the hardening of the walls.

And then, I place my hand on the knob and tell him something important with my back still facing him.

“Don’t wish for Tomoe… no, for anything and anyone of Kuzunoha, ever again. Next time, whether it is intentional or an accident, I will not forgive it. I don’t care about you using your charm power in whichever way you want, but that’s only if it doesn’t involve us. Don’t forget that.” (Makoto)


If he tries something, I won’t be merciful.

To the princess, and the other countries; it is because I didn’t clearly say this that something as stupid as this has occurred.

As expected, maybe the main problem is that I look like I am easy to deal with. That’s making Kuzunoha Company like a tasty chance.

That’s why every place wants to try and put their hands on it.

I should properly tell the other party that I don’t plan on yielding.

The friction that this will create, I will just consider it as a necessary price.


If in the future there’s a weird haggle demanded from me, I wouldn’t be able to take it.

The presents of Susanoo-sama and the others has not been made clear either, and I also have the errand of Root. There’s also the audience with Limia and the Demon Lord.

Now that I think about it… teaching Tomoki here about this might have been a plus in a sense.

There was a slight good in coming to the Empire.

Leaving onto the hall, I tell the knight-looking people that the talk is over, and tell them that I want to return to where Tomoe and Shiki are.

I thought that they would bring someone to guide me, but it was the knight-san himself that took the guiding role.

It would be nice if Tomoe and Shiki didn’t go on a rampage as well.

…If it’s those two, there’s no need to worry huh.


Looking at my opening and closing hands while facing the sky, I make a sigh that’s definitely not from regret.

It’s because I have flung crude violence.

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View Comments

  • Thanks for the chapter! ^^

    “Lily has told me about Tomoe’s level. Even if we add numbers here, it wouldn’t be enough. If you want to, I can bring more. Later, I will guide you to where my harem is, so you can choose a number of them and take them with you.” (Tomoki)

    Err....since when did lily know about Tomoe's level?

    • Remember when she spoke with Root back in the Academy arc? My guess is Root told her to make things more interesting.

      • Did all of you forget that the levels of the adventurers are posted on a bulletin board in the adventurers guild? It sead so in the first chapters.

    • i would assume that one of the 3 superpowers easily should be able to find out a well known public record, even if it was in a fairly remote city. After all, she was the talk of the town in the city that is one of the 2 towns where they have stores...

      It's more like if they couldn't find out Mios and Tomoes signup levels within the first day of contacting their people in tsige then their information department isn't doing their job. and they should have people in tsige, it's a major hub for the strongest of all adventurers.

    • She was 1 of the princess and Investigated about Kuzunoha Company, is easy to think of send someone to Tsige for that

    • For what i undestand the lvl of Tomoe and Mio if well are known for the guys in Tsige they keep it quiet about it and the lvl of Toa and his party are the only one in the list of top, so most likely someone spoke after get paid for it.

  • "No, frankly speaking, the war itself is not a threat for Kuzunoha Company or Asora. That’s why, whether it is Tomoe or Shiki, they probably won’t say much to me about this."

    Sweet! He finally noticed this!

    Still... Kinda sad he didn't poke his eyes out and curse him so they don't grow back.

    • eh, healing him means that there is no evidence of torture, and is putting the ball in the empires corner. They decide if they can afford to0 make him into an enemy now, he has given them an excuse to look the other way. And the princess (and trashmoki would to if he had half a brain) knows that they really can't afford to.

      And Root knows that they really, really can't afford to, and is making popcorns

  • You know, if I'm on Makoto's shoes, I'll probably hit Tomoki up to heaven, down to hell, then back to earth, after that I'll just torture him with Goumon Licking Torture, but this time I'll call some lizardmen (I think this is what you call them?) then ordered them to rub their scales on Tomoki's soles, after the feet are bleeding I'll pour some salt water... THIS is if I'm Makoto, not that I'm gonna do it in real life... maybe... I don't know?

    • Still, the best torture is the one in tate no yuusha. Imagine cutting people up and fcking the holes made from the cuts. I mean wew that was seriously graphic. But she is "bitch"

      • You do realise that torture (behaviour) was not originally from Tate no yuusha, but from the series Necroscope by Brian Lumley... or that is the first time I remember reading about it.. can anyone think of am older reference???

      • I like the Rimuru torture more... Torture the fuck out him slice his limbs, heal him, cook the limbs and make him eat it , rinse and repeat and fuse him with his followers then let him go

  • Thanks for the chapter Reigokai.
    And what a pleasant chapter it was. This has been long overdue. Unfortunately Makoto couldn't go as far as to leave any permanent damage, even though the Trash has surely earned it. But it can't be helped. Since he has the position of hero, if he attacked him without hiding it Gritonia would pretty much be obligated to declare war on Kuzunoha. Which as he said, isn't a serious threat. Just troublesome. It'd make doing business almost impossible. Plus crippling or killing the hero so he can't fight the mazoku would also count as an attack on the hyumanity at large and break his deal with the Bug. He's not quite ready to defeat her yet. At least not until he can get past her ability to hide from his senses.
    Still, the arrogant little snot finally got taught a lesson and that's what really matter here.

    • Makoto too have a goal
      and you will see many alternative ways for that, in near future you will read that
      The actual lies with Asora

    • Makoto Cannot kill the Hero because of contract with a goddesses didn't you remember? anyway this is basically the contract between Goddesses and Makoto

      Goddesses Has agree to do the following:
      1.Goddesses cannot without any circumstances harm anything that kuzunoha have claims
      2.Every form of harm towards the Kuzunoha Company shall be declared as declaration of war
      3.Goddesses cannot without any circumstances forces anyone in the Kuzunoha Company to do her biddings

      That is what Goddesses agree ,and Makoto has agree to do the following:

      1.Kuzunoha Company have rights to continue it's bussiness in these world
      2.Makoto without ANY circumstances kill the heroes
      3.Without Reason that treated with "valid" harming Hyumans meaning that Kuzunoha company is doing a declaration of war
      4.Kuzunoha has also agreed to be declared as "Non-hostile forces"

      That's basically it
      Pringle Out

      • With all due respect, did you read everything I wrote? Particularly the line:

        "Plus crippling or killing the hero so he can’t fight the mazoku would also count as an attack on the hyumanity at large and break his deal with the Bug. "

        Which may not have gone into detail, but pretty much covered the deal he made with Bug right?
        I was just discussing how it was a shame he had to worry about Gritonia and the Goddess and couldn't do worse to Trashmoki, that's all.

      • So the most ideal outcome is Makoto gets even stronger just in time for Bug to break the agreement first, right?

      • well if Makoto crippled the Heroes and then they die in a war the Goddesses 100% will blame it on Makoto for the reason "Crippling" them Making the heroes die but Makoto Realize this of course the most Ideal situation for Makoto is to train himself till he is atleast can defeat a god class person Athena has said that Makoto is impressive and is around lower god class but remember that Goddesses has a connection and killing the goddesses may anger someone Athena has also hinted this with these Line

        " Makoto-kun IS impressive but i fear with his current power defeating the goddesses is hard especially if she is helped by that god"

        and then Shiva said

        "That guy huh? that guy is pretty troublesome even for me but well we just need to wait and see"

        Pringle Ou

        • Wait, what? I don't remember reading about Bug having friends on Shiva's caliber. Could you give me the chapter?

      • kek That's only a verbal agreement what they truly agreed upon is under the following

        1. During the crisis that have fall upon the capital city of Limia , Makoto should help the hero of Limia and remove her from harm. on under any circumstances.

        2. Help the Hyuman race fight against Demon race through removing Stella fort blocking their path of Crusade

        Other than this is nothing but verbal agreement and can be easily betrayed. Makoto doesn't really care what the other Heroes do provided that they won't laid hand nor do any harm on his company and citizens.

        Should anyone violate his principle he won't show any mercy to anyone even if it's his senpai (as shown in OVEN makoto nor even if it's a god)

      • no Athena and Makoto have sparring match you can find the chap in lightnovelbastion and no "that god" is not shiva caliber it's just hinted because Athena have said that goddesses have a connection with a certain god that should be pretty powerful because her/him can make the god of destruction troubled

        Shiva also said these lines

        "Fighting goddesses is not a problem anymore for Makoto-kun but i fear that Asora may incur a war between God that doesn't support goddesses and god that support goddesses as that place is truly unique"

        Also in the manga there is this line

        "Goddesses sama he has arrived"

        Note:i don't know the god yet as i only read up up chapter 185

      • Well they did make it an offical contract to avoid the heroes dying :P basically what happen is these

        Goddesses find out these accidents --> Mad at Makoto (again) ---> Makoto said "come at me bruh ---> Makoto and Goddesses signed an offical treaty to avoid this accidents

      • The good thing is, this agreement means nothing if the goddess is no longer a goddess/dead. We can already predict that Makoto will DEFINITELY screw that bug and after that, Trashmoki will be a valid target to kill. Hurray!!

      • Pringle, I don't think it is ever so simple. Those promises. But:

        - Tomoki is immortal by night.
        - The goddess hates Makoto.
        - The goddess has apparent friends with reasonable powers.
        - Makoto's followers in civilians are not strong enough to oppose the wrath of the goddess despite Makoto being (or close to). So Idon't think he will that easily break his promises.

        I suspect Makoto has some kind of power regarding the night. So maybe, despite not removing the goddess's blessings, he might discover a method to kill him despite. BUT he won't - not because of the goddess but because he promised Tsukuyomi (or Tuskiyomi - I don't remember the reading used).

        There was a novel that I forgot the name that had 3 heroes plus the hero of the shield. One of the other heroes was Motoyasu and he was a pervert and stupid to the level of Tomoki. I suspect Tomoki will end up like him - but instead of 'birds', males (I think Shiki is in 'danger' :P).

  • i see that Root has many suspicious actions and schemes, Makoto should be better get rid of Root fast or else it could turn ugly

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