Chapter 162: The conclusion outside the castle

Translator Note:

Noo! Re:zero is gone! Best anime of the year has now concluded T^T, now I know what I will be binge reading in my boring flight.

On another note, anyone that wants to volunteer, please send the email to And please put something that can proof your translating skills. Can’t go randomly letting my important child in anyone’s care, right?


Shiki made a heartfelt click of tongue because, even if this was within anticipation, it was still heading at a considerably bad direction.

The true swords that Lancer was creating improvised, were already calculated by Shiki.

It depended on the situation of the surroundings, but he has already inputted the fact that Lancer’s fighting potential increases at random.

But that performance was quite high.

The real body itself has skills that Shiki had to revise his own evaluation quite a bit.

The reason was easy to understand.

Because in this capital, there’s the elite army that Io led, and the adventurers that came from Tsige.

As if each sword held a will of its own, Shiki was unable to differentiate between which sword was attacking him.

But still, among those, there are times when a sword made from a hero as material was mixed in the group, and its power surpassed that of the rest. Shiki was suffering.

From an outside perspective, it looked like Shiki was at an overwhelming advantage.

Even Lancer who was holding his ground, has fallen in shock at this situation and has already lost his composure.

Just as Shiki planned.


But the truth is different.

Shiki had already controlled the flow of the battle and taken the initiative, not showing a single restraint and charging forward.

To the point that the saying: ‘No need to think of later’, was quite fitting.

That’s why it looked like the fight was overwhelming.

(Even so, I won’t let it even smell like a hard fight and kill him. This Mitsurugi alone, as long as I have named myself as the servant of Waka-sama, I can’t show an unsightly performance) (Shiki)

The difference in ability between Shiki and Lancer wasn’t that much.

If Lancer was a simple superior dragon, that is.

He offsetted the darkness that Shiki emitted, spouted out quite the powerful flames, weakened the effect of the poisons that he was afflicted with, and at times even completely neutralizing them, Lancer was, frankly speaking, too much of an opponent for Shiki.

In terms of instantaneous fighting power, Shiki would be able to rival him.

But even with this, it wasn’t an advantage that can win him the fight.

Because he would only be lining up by doing his maximum in an instant after all.


Truly an all out.


Lancer’s sword and spells, his special tactics; Shiki was shutting them out with the countermeasures he had thought out in advance.

At times increasing his power to the very limits at the last moment, he dealt with it without showing any agitation.

Attacks with crazy might that would certainly turn the flow of the battle, were being deflected in the midst of this sword dance with a nonchalant face.

The blaze that came out from Lancer’s mouth was a high density flame that Shiki didn’t expect as a threat, but even so, he immediately coped with it.

An attack that even if it hit, it would still be possible to continue battle, but he didn’t even let those kind of attacks go through.


Shiki did all that and had overwhelmed Lancer in all senses.

This wasn’t a feat that could be done unless you habitually fight with opponents stronger than yourself.

Shiki has evaluated his master Makoto as stronger than Lancer.

It is true that Lancer has grown slightly stronger since the time he battled with Makoto.

Because with the varied fighting methods and judgment Shiki has, he would be able to fight in quite the advantage against opponents with the same ability.

However, with the current Lancer that has the power of other superior dragons like Sofia, the story is different.

As a result, the words of Makoto were off, but because of Shiki’s fine play, in terms of result, this situation is the most favorable.

In other words…

It would be one thing if it were within expectations, but Shiki has to finish this before something out of expectations happens, or he won’t have any chance of winning.

The poison of Ascalon is slowly eating into the body of Lancer.

It must have surpassed his healing and curing powers.

A part of his right hand has turned into stone, and there were spots in his body that were visibly dark red.

He was certainly cornering Lancer.

(Please don’t notice. Just like this, die!!) (Shiki)

It is simple luck that Lancer has still not noticed yet. Shiki understood this.

“It would be one thing if it were the Devil itself, but for his mere servant!!” (Lancer)

Lancer was also desperate.

The number of swords was innumerable, and aside from swinging, there were also others who were used simply as piercing projectile weapons.

His ability to control all of those at once is also plenty monstrous.

Shiki’s sword clashes with Lancer’s.

Shiki’s spells clashes with Lancer’s spells.

They respectively clashed.

Sword and spell.

In a few, Shiki had an edge.

That’s why the equilibrium broke, and the one who ended up wounded was Lancer.

Even in swordsmanship, Lancer was also the one being crushed.

The battle was slowly drawing to a conclusion.



A horizontal slash. What Ascalon caught was not the abdomen, but the leg.

It cut off the leg of Lancer that was jumping.

Shiki was going to decide the battle here, but because of the voice that came from the back, he stopped his charge.

He must have read wrong, is what Shiki thought for a moment.

Slowly turning…

“No well, it seems that wasn’t the case. Looks like luck is still on my side” (Shiki)

It was a matter of chance.

‘If Lancer were to notice it’, that kind of probability.

Shiki won the gamble.

A male stretched his arm and moved his mouth to tell something to Shiki.

The adventurer of Tsige.

He probably was an acquaintance of Tomoe and Mio at some point, but for Shiki, it was the first time meeting him.

However, there was too much distance.

The words that were his testament were unable to reach Shiki.

His body was pierced by the light swords.

The barrier was destroyed.

And maybe she was pushed away, the Lorel Priestess Chiya was on the ground.

(He covered for her huh. I appreciate it, adventurer. If that girl or the hero were to turn into swords, I would have lost) (Shiki)

The new barrier that Chiya created, Shiki disguised it so it looked as if he himself had created that barrier.

He made it look like the barrier that has been repelling all the light swords of Lancer.

In truth, the barrier that Chiya spread didn’t have the defensive power to continuously block the light swords.

If the attacks were to concentrate, it wouldn’t even last for one minute before being destroyed.

If it is from a physical sword, it might even break in one attack.

But if it’s something Shiki has spread, it would be a different story.

And in truth, it has been able to block the attack of 3 physical swords at the same time.

After showing this to Lancer, Shiki dissolved the barrier he made.

Against Lancer, he had no leeway to create a firm barrier that is not for his use.

He cut one of his cards to grab the attention of Lancer and made it seem as if the barrier Chiya created was the same as the ones he has been creating until now.

It was a trivial thing similar to an amulet, but it seems like Hibiki and the others understood its meaning, they didn’t make any mention of it and were somehow able to properly convey the plan of Shiki.

After that, Lancer’s physical swords were practically all gathered towards Shiki, and a situation where Hibiki and the others were attacked and become the power of Lancer, was avoided.

The hero and the priestess.

For Shiki, these two turning into swords would be the worst scenario.

He doesn’t know how much power that would give Lancer.

Moreover, one of them was left in his hands by Makoto, so it is a scenario that must be avoided at any cost.

From what Shiki has seen of Hibiki, she is not a girl that would be so easily defeated, but when he actually heard her scream, he felt insecure of this.

Luck is at my side, is what Shiki confirms as the safety of the hero and the priestess were reflected in his eyes.

At the same time, he once again felt the strong need to decide the battle this moment.

“Tch!! I missed! But with this guy I will!!” (Lancer)

Lancer didn’t show even a single shred of remorse at the fact that he tried to assassinate a young girl.

It seems like he lost his ability to regenerate his leg, he was using a sword as substitute for a cane.

The adventurer was wrapped in light and was taken in by the swords. As he himself turned into a new sword, it turned and flies at high speed towards Shiki.

From Lancer’s back, several tens of swords float and turn towards Shiki.

Moreover, as if surrounding Shiki, physical swords and light swords appeared.

“… Hoh~ so even you can tell huh? That this is the decisive moment” (Shiki)

“I have never been this cornered since the time with Sofia. Turn into a good sword and serve under me!!” (Lancer)

“Who would serve under someone like you. I have already found someone to serve!!!” (Shiki)

Shiki who had Ascalon thrusted out, fired off several spells as he charged against Lancer.

Lancer and the many swords meet that attack.

Two shadows overlap.

A shockwave and a sword rain blew violently, destroying the surroundings.

“A mutual defeat?”

“No, Larva-dono’s lost… eh?”

After the instantaneous-like destruction, Bredda muttered mutual defeat, but Hibiki denied it.

But soon after, words of doubt leaked out.

From the scene she and the others see… there’s a man that is missing one leg, and a Lich standing just in front of him.

The Lich has an innumerable amount of swords piercing his body and remained standing with an abnormal appearance.

That’s right. Just like Hibiki stated, it looked like Larva lost.

The reason it doesn’t look like a mutual defeat is because Ascalon is not piercing Lancer.

But that Ascalon is also the reason Hibiki was in doubt.

There nothing held at the Lich’s hands.

“Kukukuku! Did you see that, servant of the Devil?! This is the reason the dragons rule, this is why they rule the world of the stron—” (Lancer)

It seems like Lancer was unable to see Ascalon.

Looking at the Lich that had lost the light in his eyes, he must have felt certain of his victory. He voiced out triumphantly…

And became the last words of Lancer.




From Hibiki’s eyes, the giant sword was reflected.


The falling body of Lancer indicated that the sword had fulfilled its task.

What that girl saw at the back of Lancer, there, the shadow of a person with long red hair was there.

Not even knowing about his existence until now, Hibiki saw a young slender man holding a black great sword.

“Who… are you?”

“… Pathetic. But right now this is my all huh. ‘Sword Emperor Possession’ cancel” (Shiki)

While looking down at the body of Lancer that was dispersing like dust, Shiki mutters.

It was at a volume that couldn’t be heard.

While exposing this body, Shiki walks towards the location of Hibiki and the others.

The black great sword Ascalon had returned to being a black staff with few decoration.

This exterior appearance that was disguised with the form of a Lich.

Using the short distance teleportation that he never showed Lancer not even once, he made a direct hit with Ascalon.

For Shiki, it was a paper-thin victory.

Instantly blaming his own lack of power, Shiki returned to where Hibiki and the others are.

“Are you… Larva-dono?” (Hibiki)


“Eh, are you kidding?”

The doubtful words that Hibiki said, made Bredda and Chiya react.

For this mysterious person to be the same as the Lich, in the common sense of this world, it was hard to believe.

The line of the living and the undead is not something that can be crossed at will after all.

Even if he is holding the same weapon, for the common sense of hyumans, it would be impossible to imagine.

It is because Hibiki basically still had the way of thinking of her previous world that she was able to notice.

(An otherworlder huh. A hero is troublesome) (Shiki)

While thinking this way at Hibiki who easily connected his identity, Shiki returns to where Hibiki and the others are.

‘So you can return to your previous form’ is what his master said in the past, so he is the same as her. Shiki was surprised that this people have quite the extraordinary conception.

For Shiki, this is like putting on a substitute for armor, so if he were asked if he is actually back to the living, in essence, it is different.

But this also can’t be considered at the level of clothes.

And there’s no problem in having his master think that he can return.

Shiki thought that there’s no need to unnecessarily explain those details.

“Normally, it isn’t something that can be so easily noticed though. Honestly, counting the disgrace from just now and this, my head is even hurting” (Shiki)

Shiki regrets the fact that he had to expose this appearance.

“You were a hyuman huh” (Hibiki)

“Fuh~ in a distant past that is. Priestess, move aside. I will keep my promise” (Shiki)

“Eh? Ah, okay” (Chiya)

“Fifth step ‘Keto’ release. At worst, if at the very least his soul is still floating around here, something can still be managed. ‘Silver Arm, Agat Arm’, Supplement my healing” (Shiki)

A new ring is fit onto Shiki’s finger.

A yellow colored light overflowed from the ground and envelops Wudi.

Hibiki and the others reflexively gulp their breath.

With Chiya’s healing, the hole had closed, but the color of his skin that showed no signs of recovering, turned from ashen to a normal color.

Shortly after, his chest clearly went up and down and returned into calm breathing.

“It should be fine with this. After this, just make sure he reposes” (Shiki)

Chiya nods at Shiki’s words.

“You saved us, Larva-dono. I will give my thanks at a future date” (Bredda)

“I will consider it” (Shiki)

“… Servant of the Devil, those words… should I take those words in literal meaning?” (Hibiki)

“So you heard what Lancer said. Forget those words” (Shiki)

“Don’t ask for the impossible” (Hibiki)

“In this terrible scene, even if few in numbers, there are voices asking for help. Residents that evacuated, that are holding uneasiness. Instead of being concerned about me, you should have many other things to do, right?” (Shiki)

(Kugh, as expected, I have used the rings a bit too much huh. That damn Lancer, he really did give me a hard time. With this, even if I return to Waka-sama, I would only serve as an hindrance. I have to rest for a bit) (Shiki)

“This time you won’t stop us?” (Hibiki)

“I won’t help you either though” (Shiki)

In this situation, the only thing that could be a threat for Hibiki would be Sofia, is how Shiki thinks.

And his master Misumi Makoto is there.

At this terrible scene of the capital that has made both armies unable to continue battle because of the rain of light swords, and on top of that, Lancer and Shiki fought; no matter if it’s to find any survivors or to escape, there would be no one who would blame Hibiki, is what Shiki has concluded.

“This is something Bredda said as well but, I will definitely give my gratitude in the future” (Hibiki)

“Fumu. Then, I will be keeping that in mind” (Shiki)

“Hibiki, first let’s find a place for Wudi to rest. At the outside of the town, there’s already several camps being set. That place should work” (Bredda)

Bredda shoulders Wudi.

Hibiki glanced at Shiki once, but without turning back a second time, she left running.

(The last words of the man that was turned into a sword. And the previous words of him when he said ‘that person resembles those people’. It feels like it associates with Tsige. Also, the swordsmanship of the devil’s servant named Larva, the sword was different, but his style was similar to my sensei. To a level that I can’t think of it as a coincidence. Also, the devil, that white person wearing a special effect hero suit. There’s a high chance that Larva and the Devil have some sort of connection with an otherworlder. Tsige, otherworlder, and that abnormal strength. Maybe… Kuzunoha Company is related to this? Then is that white guy, Raidou? But Mio-san was not there. The other close aide called Tomoe-san was not there either. A name like Kuzunoha only exists in Lorel so, it slightly bothers me… I don’t think that it is completely unrelated though) (Hibiki)

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View Comments

  • "the shadow of a person with long red hair was there." No.

    A "Reason You Suck" speech at the end of the Shiki/Lancer fight would be been a good way to bring closure to the fight.

    I guess the next chapter is to show us Makoto's POV.

    • Wait, what's the difference between Shiki verbally breaking down Lancer and Makoto talking down the generals and Sofia a few chapters ago?

      This was a dangerously close fight for Shiki and it's completely unpractical to say anything frivolous here. Makoto, on the other hand, actually wanted to avoid killing Io, had something of a grudge against Sofia/Rona, a big payoff after ages of being looked down on, and he had plenty of leeway in terms of their power gap to stop and try to talk them down with no risk to himself.

      Why is this fight the one you want the MC side to talk about stuff in?

      • seems that Shiki was struggling due to the power and level of the hyumans\heroes becoming 'swords'... or is it? thats one nice cheat though

      • "Why is this fight the one you want the MC side to talk about stuff in?" Because it lets the reader know the fight is clearly over and sets the stage for what comes next. Kinda like how every essay has a Conclusion. For that reason, it's extremely common in shonen fighting manga.

      • "Use exposition to share information and facts. Use it to fill in gaps. Use it slow or stop the forward motion of a scene."

        "Use it sparingly because it does actually stop that forward motion. And use only a little at a time. Readers come to story for the events involving the characters, not a recitation of facts that sounds like a bad Wikipedia article."

        Most action scene start and end with dialogue for exactly this reason, it's the calm before the storm, the deep breath before jumping out of the plane. It's also why excessive and plain dialogue is to be avoided in action scenes.

  • just realized my rankings were pretty spot on lol.
    4)Demon King?
    10)Makoto’s Mamoo’s
    13)Demon Generals
    14)Makoto’s Students
    15/16)Hibiki’s & Tomoki’s Harems
    18)Normal Soldiers"

    I guessed right! Shiki was weaker than Lancer :D.
    Though, based off these new chapters I need to move Demon Generals up to 11. and I guess also 1 more and everyone else 9 and below now that lancer is dead,

    • Is Tomoki below Hibiki though? My impression was that he's stronger than her at the moment. Also, Asora's Mamonos are probably still weaker than the generals, right?

      • Well, with the Nuke magic hes probably stronger now. I made that list before that chapter. but I always felt she took the job more seriously and trained harder. He relied on his immortality and eyes. An Asora's forces were trained by Tomoe! Though... with how strong the Goro-wannabe was portrayed... yeah they might be stronger. The way they were portrayed when they battled the heroes the first time, I felt like they were just a bit stronger than the average demon. Seems not to be the case now. Thou I'm sure if Tomoe or Mio fights a general they will give us a chapter long speech comparing the generals power to their personal trained minions power...

      • Tomoki initially had higher levels than Hibiki, but now it's likely Hibiki is more powerful than Tomoki after her powerup. But then again, it's insinuated that Tomoki also had a powerup from the same entity, so who knows?

        • I'm pretty sure the implication was that Tomoki got "Nuke" from that entity.

          If so, then Tomoki has a very destructive trump card, but Hibiki is the one that got greater growth.

      • We don't really know that yet. They just got their toys; after they play with them for a bit, we'll have a better idea.

    • on the first chaps of the novel that the demonlord stated that he is much weaker than the heroes in term od magical power, so rank him lower

      • also, makoto's troops... i dont think they're much stronger.. well, if they banned together to kill the generals they might win or equals.

      • Residents of Asora have Plot Armour, enemy mooks have no chance, even elite officers. Sure, a few token nobodies might die, but the outcome is hardly in doubt. If the folks of Asora actually suffered a crushing defeat that forced them to re-evaluate their tactics and objectives, I'd be pleasantly surprised.

    • Tomoe and Mio are stronger than the Demon Lord. It's just that they don't give a shit about the world. (Tomoe sleeping; Mio having a food fest)

      • I don't know... THis story is lacking in potential true rivals for Matoko, I think the demon lord needs to have some decent power, or that means there are no other potential threats left. (or the demon lord is actual a chick and gets roped into our MC's harem)

        • Well there's still Root who is scheming behind the shadows, the Bug Goddess, Tsukuyomi-sama, Other Goddesses maybe, Asspull power-ups from the Heroes.

      • Root and Goddess use the world as a playground and value it as such. Brogami is the only power that actually feels a sense of duty and cares about keeping the spirit as well as the letter of his promises.

        PS: Having a third party flat-out telling us that the outworlders are going to be more powerful than anyone else and just handing out "Asspull power-ups" was a bad idea on the part of the author.

    • Why is Shiki lower than Lancer? By specs and ability, Shiki is higher. Shiki on the other is having trouble was because Lancer is using his ability to turn other people in the battle field into swords and also Shiki is worried that Hibiki and Chiya might turn into swords. But in a pure 1v1 fight with no people around, Shiki would definately overwhelm Lancer.

      As for the Maou, I bet its a loli or a shota. Why else do you think Io and Rona would go through such lengths?

      • Well if you get rid of the weapons made from all the bodies, you would have to get rid of Shiki's Prep time and knowledge he got from Root. extra swords(bodies) = Preptime and Root info, in my opinion... Also not including the Rings that Shiki are using are made from Waka/Raidou's filled Mana rings... Shiki is using tons of outside resources to fight evenly with Lancer while faking composure. Then using a 1 time use Trump card (teleporting) and a NOW DEAD adventurer that distracted Lancer and sealed the deal for Shiki...... So Shiki is like Batman, with prep he can defeat people more powerful than him. 1v1 no prep or specialized equipment and Shiki would lose

      • yeah, that list is in terms of raw power. Shiki is using tools and pre-thought-out counter measures. It even says how Shiki was worried about lancer figuring out he is stronger and pressing the attack. Shiki only won because of tactics. Lancer (was) the stronger fighter, Shiki is the smarter fighter.

      • Shiki is a main character, Lancer is a scumbag. Plot Armor vs. Death Flag. Also, the entire Academy arc was to demonstrate that power alone isn't sufficient to win. This fight is the same thing, only on a higher power level.

    • Well Hibiki and Tomoki teams are nt that weak check how the knight girl in tomoki team could react to sofia atack

    • My new updated rankings
      4/5/6? Demon King? "Not Enough Information" I believe weaker than root, but stronger than Sofia.
      4/5/6)Mio - Higher level than Tomoe (no update since that last check)
      4/5/6)Tomoe - Trains harder than Mio because of first test, maybe stronger?
      9)Demon Generals
      10)Tsige's Warriors
      13)Makoto’s Students
      14)Hibiki’s & Tomoki’s Harems
      17)Normal Soldiers

      • Brush the goddess ain't over makoto in power, she only managed to successfully abduct him based on 1 priests helping her power up and 2 he couldn't show his true colours in the city

      • yes the goddess is still more powerful than makoto (for now) it was mentioned the last time he did a power up that his power is only 2nd to her.

    • This is also a world where "exp" and "level" exists. We all know what you get when you defeat an equally strong boss level enemy - a huge level up! God knows where shiki is ranked now.

  • Shiki does so much work!
    He deserved this opportunity. Anyone wanna bet Mio's gonna be mad that she lost the 'best trophy' game? No way a Demon General could compare with a 'Guy who hurt Waka'
    And I'll bet Sofia will notice that loss soon too.

  • Is it really true that lancer is dead? After his hardwork being eating the other superior dragon and dead like that?

    I don't feels right about that situation, something is wrong like faking dead and doing ambush after battle.

  • so how many volumes are left to be translated now..i hope we are not nearing towards the end cause this novel is awesome

  • Thanks 4 the chapter!

    Shiki has been trained... er... training with those stronger than him.
    Well, Lancer was lucky he was not facing Tomoe or Mio. Those two won't have let him die so easily.

1 11 12 13 14 15 20

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