(This is unbelievable)

The person that manages the rituals of Lorel and possesses strong political weight as well, in other words, the person Makoto considers a ‘big-shot’, Sairitz.

Learning about the light that illuminated the night sky for an instant, she could feel cold sweat flowing on her cheek.

The calamity that swallowed even the neighboring towns. Because of one of the incidents in it, the thought transmission jamming, Sairitz was 90% sure that all of this was caused by the demon race.

The demon race that has advanced their knowledge in magic a lot more than the hyumans. If it’s something they set, it would be quite difficult to resolve the issue at an early stage.

No, she thought that way.

(So this is the result of his ‘I will try’. I will abide to my promise of keeping it secret. Just because of a mere verbal promise, the situation was solved so easily. With an existence so out of norm like Raidou, as expected, he is without a doubt a Wise. And on top of that, one that has quite a lot of power compared to his antecessors. It would be troublesome to have Limia and Gritonia know, but there’s finally the need to take him in) (Sairitz)

Conciliate with the person, take that person in, and enclose it; Sairitz possesses several methods to achieve that.

There’s appealing methods, fear and pain inducing methods; truly varied.

But Sairitz decided to not use the negative methods for now.

Because she learned about the dangers of doing so.

(If possible, I would want to use his emotions to bind him. Because if we try to force him to do as we want, our country might get crushed into pieces. Inviting him, tempt him into interest, and bringing him to Lorel is the number one priority. Have him learn of the Wises’ deeds of the past and make him feel deep affection is second. It would be ideal if it reached the point where he thought of our country as his second hometown, but well, I want to make it feel natural. For now, it would be better to make my invitations light. No, the thing I should focus on is reducing the contact between him and other countries) (Sairitz)

She doesn’t know what kind of easy and scary method the demon race uses to jam the thought transmission.

Could it be a level of understanding the hyumans are far from reaching, or maybe a plan that they took a lot of time to prepare in order to make it work?

And yet, there’s people that carefreely thwart those plans, with small numbers.

Kuzunoha Company, and their master, Raidou.

Honestly speaking, they surpassed by leaps and bounds the power and scale that Sairitz initially anticipated.

Battle power that can heedlessly take care of variants, and knowledge that can easily destroy the plans of the demon race.

On top of that, the sword one of his followers named Tomoe showed a few days ago; the teleporting sword.

Counting all those factors in, in the worst case scenario, it can even reach the level where they are able to destroy countries.

Imprudently provoking them would be extremely stupid, and to hand them over to another country would be practically the same as giving them her own country, is what she thought.

And so, revising her evaluation of Raidou and looking at him again, Sairitz felt like her consciousness would fly away after learning about how dangerous of an existence he is.

At first glance, he looks like a docile person.

Thinking about his real strength, it is to an impossible level even if taking into account that the evaluation of Raidou was low at first glance.

That’s why, thinking about the people that have a bit of power, nobles, wealthy merchants, or people that easily get arrogant, that might try acting in a pressuring manner towards him, and if by chance his mood is harmed by that attitude; simply thinking about it makes Sairitz have cold sweat.

Also, Raidou has a liking towards demi-humans and employs them.

If certain demi-humans that have been unreasonably treated by the hyumans enter their ranks and the Kuzunoha Company begins to move for their sake, what would happen?

Not only cold sweat, Sairitz wouldn’t be able to sleep for several days.

Without doubt, they would be able to make a demi-human country on the level of the four major powers. To have five major powers; not a joke that can be laughed at.

(There’s Wise that don’t hold discrimination towards demi-humans, so it is scary that I can’t even joke about it. That situation would still have salvation, but in the worst case, if he were to support the demon race…) (Sairitz)

Sairitz stopped thinking in the middle.

Because she thought that having demi-humans as their allies and creating a country on the level of the four major powers is still in the level of cute. In her mind,something even scarier popped up.

The unification of the world.

The demon race that challenges the Goddess.

It would turn into a situation that can be considered the end of the world.

Kuzunoha Company is a double-edged sword.

A sword of calamity that has the power to cut countries apart.

(This is the worst. I feel like I am participating in a roulette with destruction written in it for eternity) (Sairitz)

While feeling discomfort similar to anemia, Sairitz touches her forehead with her right hand.

The sticky sweat felt cold, and it was denoting her current mental state.

“Sairitz-sama, so you were here!”

“… What happened?” (Sairitz)

She wasn’t feeling well, but when her subordinate called her, she reacted and lifted her head.

“Yes, it is an emergency. Please return to the shelter at once!”

“Emergency? Tonight there’s nothing aside from the meeting Falz-dono proposed though, did something-” (Sairitz)

“At any rate, just hurry please!”

Sairitz felt it was slightly rude of the subordinate to cut her words, but she judged that something must have happened, so she followed her subordinate and entered the courtyard’s shelter.

A tense atmosphere she didn’t feel when she left, and the noisiness as if she returned to the first day of the incident, surprised Sairitz.

The back of the subordinate that was short of words was already far away. Sairitz regretted that she didn’t calm down a bit more and had him explain the situation.

(This doesn’t look like a trivial matter. The most I know is that our dragon units are supposed to arrive by early morning, but I haven’t received any report of it yet. Maybe they have obtained new information after the thought transmission was recovered) (Sairitz)

‘And it is not good information’, is what Sairitz added internally.

Walking towards the place where the hurriedness is the highest, Sairitz saw the representative of a major power with a complexion she normally doesn’t see that person with.

The Limia King is personally giving orders violently. The prince and the convalescent knight are also moving busily.

The Gritonia Princess is giving out orders to her several subordinates, however, she shows an unconcealable irritated expression from time to time. Well, Sairitz is skilled at looking at people, so she is able to detect the slight changes in the expressions of others.

Even if she stays in place, she won’t understand anything in detail.

The action Sairitz took, was to enter that place.

“Limia, Gritonia; just what in the world is happening to make the representatives of major powers like this?” (Sairitz)

The response for the calm words of Sairitz, were a pair of harsh expressions.

Limia King, Princess Lily.

What both of them had in common was their impatience.

“… Sairitz-dono huh. I have something I want to ask quickly. Where’s Raidou?” (King)

“Same here. I want to know where Raidou is” (Lily)

“Just a moment ago I met with him. Just like how you two said, I requested him to somehow restore the thought transmission” (Sairitz)

And then, without even 10 minutes after, it was restored.

If she accepts the reality of that, she can’t help but feel shivers all over her body.

She doesn’t understand the reason why they didn’t move until after several days, but this means that, if the situation requires it, they can act in a heartless manner.

The more faces she sees of their company, the more terrifying it looks.

“… As expected, if it’s them, they are able to do it huh. Or maybe, they were able to, but didn’t do it? No, this is something we decided, right now it is not the time for that. The time it would take to look for him is precious. In that case, the moment we are able to make contact with him, it would be best if we wait for him at the entrance of the shelter” (King)

“I will accompany” (Lily)

Limia King and the one accompanying him, the prince, and also Princess Lily, lined up and began to walk towards the exit.

Sairitz, who hasn’t heard about the situation yet, was anxious.

Trying to somehow understand the situation, she catches up with the back of the two and requests an explanation.

Because they seem to be the ones that know the most. No, her intuition was telling her that they were a related party.

“Both of you, please explain me the situation” (Sairitz)

“… It’s a raid”

“Raid?” (Sairitz)

Limia King fires words with a loathsome expression. And Sairitz returns it with a question.

“The demon race, Sairitz-dono” (King)

“Yeah, I do think this incident with the variants was caused by the demons but…” (Sairitz)

“That’s not it. In the homegrounds” (King)

“The imperial capital” (Lily)


A scream that can’t be turned into words filled the throat of Sairitz.

Because the words the representatives said were a scary truth.

The advance of the demon race.

News that shake the world.

“I know that it is an inane plan to provoke Raidou, but in this kind of situation, we have no choice but to ask for the unreasonable of him” (King)

“Totally agree your Majesty. One step wrong and their teleportation might turn into a threat. If it were to damage the sword, I would be secretly happy about it though” (Lily)

“Oya, how dangerous. Is Lily-sama stating that they are a threat?” (Sairitz)

“Sairitz-dono, let me state this frankly, this is not the time to be chit-chatting. The moment we secretly agreed on how to deal with them, it made us practically into accomplices. Please don’t forget that” (Lily)


“I hold the same opinion as the Empire’s princess. Sairitz-dono, you still don’t fully understand the situation yet. Listen well, the ones attacking are an army that is being led by a demon general. The ones being attacked are the capital of my country and the empire’s municipal. In other words, Lorel’s important Priestess-dono is also fighting” (King)

“Chiya-sama too?! Your Majesty, what do you mean by that?! For the capital to be attacked and have both the hero-sama and priestess-sama in the middle of battle is just… isn’t that strange?! What is the army of the kingdom doing?! To let the enemies infiltrate so far and haven’t let the hero-sama and its party escape is just… that’s abandoning their responsibility towards the world and-” (Sairitz)

“Shut up!” (Lily)

Seeing that Sairitz suddenly began blaming Limia King, Lily shouted.

Being cut off in the middle of her words, Sairitz looked like she still had more to say as she glared at Lily.

For her, no, for Lorel, the Priestess is that much of an important existence.

Just by having the Priestess that the residents in the country hold deep affection for, in another country, they hold no good affection towards Limia, and yet, on top of that, if she hears that danger is approaching them, it can’t be helped that she would lose her calm for a moment there.

The reason why she acts more friendlier with Princess Lily than to the Limia King, is also because of this.

“Listen well, Sairitz-dono. My country’s imperial capital is facing several enemy units already. And it seems they all appeared at the same time. We are currently trying to handle the situation, investigating from what direction they came attacking from. Limia is also the same” (Lily)

“At our country, it seems they detected a black mass appearing at the coast and advancing. It is already close to approaching the capital. I don’t understand what’s going on anymore. Those guys hold several trump cards?” (King)

“We need to revise the current battle progress as well. The aim of the demon race that holds the iron wall Stella Fort and is able to fight against both the Kingdom and the Empire. One wrong step and it might prove fatal. That’s how it is, so if you think that we are doing something excessive in our negotiations with Raidou, enter in the middle of it and make a good follow-up. It is not a bad deal right? His impression of us will lower, and his impression of you will increase after all” (Lily)

“I don’t care if I am the carrot or the stick, I just want to dispatch him to my country” (King)

“I also have to give commands in the imperial capital. I have to at least avoid the hero-sama of ending up in a hopeless situation” (Lily)

Impatience also begins welling up from Sairitz.

The Priestess might die.

The Priestess of the next era has not been born yet.

If Chiya dies, Lorel will lose the fulcrum for their spirit. Moreover, if something happens to Limia and Gritonia, Lorel will also turn into a country standing in the frontlines.

If those two catastrophes were to overlap, just what would happen to the country, it isn’t something she can predict at all.

“Could it be that… using the variants here was a decoy in itself?!” (Sairitz)

“I don’t think it is a complete coincidence” (King)

“I want to believe that it is a coincidence there are more VIP gathered this year than normal, but if information about Academy Town being attacked appears, it is obvious that the other countries will send troops and supplies. As a decoy it has a lot of inconsistency, but it will surely show some sort of effectiveness” (Lily)

“We were on the misconception that the demon race would stay in Stella Fort maintaining defense like a turtle, so even if we were to send troops, we would only need to delay our attack to the Fort. And because we had that way of thinking, we lowered our guard. They splendidly got the better of us. How irritating” (King)

“Well, it isn’t all bad news. At the very least, restoring thought transmission with this timing, it should be safe to assume that Kuzunoha Company and Raidou are not spies of the demon race” (Lily)

“Even if we endure this, it wouldn’t be a laughing matter if they used that teleport technique to attack us while we are in an audience after all. If Raidou were someone that is in cahoots with the demon race, he wouldn’t have restored the thought transmission. In that part, I am also slightly relieved” (King)

The three representatives of the major powers were talking while walking in quick pace. Without waiting for their escorts to catch up, they arrived at the entrance of the shelter.

They felt every second as long. Painful tens of minutes pass.

A major power King, a major power royalty, and a person with high position in a major power.

The player that is making this many major power leading personages wait, Raidou, received a call from the Academy and appears in front of the shelter.

Tomoe and Shiki; two followers of his and Falz-dono, the Adventurer Guild’s master, were accompanying him.

“Raidou, we have to talk” (King)

“It is something incredibly important” (Lily)

“I am sorry that this has to come as soon as I made a request before” (Sairitz)

Three restless voices were shot at Raidou simultaneously.

He showed surprise for a second, but not long after, without showing any hesitation in his expression, he bowed in front of the three.

His followers also follow his lead.

While they hear the talk of the three, Raidou’s face gradually turns severe.

The King thought that this reaction was brought by his hate towards the demon race.

But the truth was different.

Raidou (Makoto) felt insecure, thinking that his days would pass without ever meeting the two Japanese that came to this world, and the anger towards the truth about this attack of Rona being a decoy; those two emotions were warping his expression.

The long night slowly advances.

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View Comments

  • Thanks for the chapter

    So now this is quite the magnificent eye of a storm that the author threw us in thats for sure

  • thanks for the chapter! so we finally close to makoto meeting the two heroes now that will be fun also i was wondering how would and why makoto would join in the war turns out the demons planted a diversion and with that the representatives will ask makoto to help them (bad move rona) and also mio wasnt with them when they appeared in the gate so im sure shes up to something. Now how will makoto stir up the war? throw nukes? nah itll be over in an instant . maybe get kaleneon participate? cause really the whole name of this arc is kaleneon participation in war or somthing the like and now were about to enter a new arc and kaleneon didnt even shown that it has revived or something neverthless now will see makoto in action yeah!! cant wait

  • I like the general writing style of Author-sensei -- delving into the inner monologues of the characters -- but I do wish he would stop using it as padding so that he can skimp out on the technical concepts and the plot events. He didn't even try to explain how he unjammed the thought transmission. It is what it is, he says. Sigh.

    • I thought the explanation was pretty clear. The demon race planted a bunch of passive devices around the town. Makoto fired a one-shot homing gatling gun and blasted them all.

      • The devices were all passive charging low energy things, since the shot that Makoto fired off didn't affect Root or Tomoe at all he probably just gave them a jumpstart with a large mass of energy and shorted out or fused their ability to gather energy, thus causing them to stop operating.

        Makoto stated that he didn't need to destroy them, just make them stop working. Think of what he did as something similar to an EMP burst, but targeted. Doesn't destroy or hurt other devices and causes what it hits to not work anymore.

      • But it was also implied that Makoto didn't miss and that his power even zigzagged to get to the "devices". If that was the case, then why did they also hit Root and Tomoe? I doubt that they would have any of those "devices" in their possession.

      • The beams didn't hit Root and Tomoe, they went through them to targets on the otherside of them. I seem to remember they were not on the ground but up on a roof or something so the ball of light that Makoto fired reached about their hight or a little higher before scattering. If the energy beams he fired were not able to go through things without harming them then there would have been holes drilled through buildings and the ground all over the city, he also would have had to be more careful about SoL between him and the targets, can't have the burning holes through random citizens.

        Making the beams high enough power that they short-out the target without hurting anything else on the path is one of the reasons that the attack left Tomoe and Root stunned (especially Root). Sure Makoto could have made the beams powerful enough to slice through anything in the way and the fact he could probably do so is one of the things that Root was probably thinking of. If Makoto is able to fire off hundreds of beams to hit targets scattered across a large town with only enough power to disable his targets what would have happened if he launched a similar ball but with higher power and targeted all of the people in a town or battlefield. That one attack, which didn't seem hard for him could wipe out armies in seconds.

    • It is sound like PEM just that he used magic instead of Electromagnetic energy his followers told him before about the device and a normal people should not be afeccted just for a few traces of energy

      "Turning into absurd amounts of strings, it didn’t limit itself to the town, it rained on the whole zone.

      Some made acute angles, bending several times, and there are some that just go straight.

      Without a chance to defend against it, it pierces through the body of Root and Tomoe."

  • All 3 the king, Lily and Sairits are bastards.

    Well lily was a bitch since the beginning.

    The king was kind of a nice guy cuz he aproved secretly of Hibikis ideals of equality and justice, but with this chapter he proves to be a bastard he wants to use MC too.

    But at least Sairitz was not a bad person but with the use scary methods and etc to make MC obey Lorel i hateed her, i though lorel was kind of Jap as a country cuz the wise, but when she metions that methods, i think the wise from her country migh have been slaved or bringed by force so the count goes +1 to the bitch females of Bugs world.

    And lastly i hope MC get a little revenge(payback) to scary rona a little, what would be the best way to achive this payback according me, well i would like MC to f***k up (total anihilation of demons in the fort- erase from the map the whole structure)stella fort and, leave Io and rona really hurt, like months to recover, and let Limia and Grittonia to fend for themselfs, the perfect thing the MC could if he is asked to fight would be to teleport Bitch No1(Lily), Bitch No2(Sairitz) and King to their respective capitals and just watch, till lily, Sairitz and the king request Kuzunoha services ;) , for a price haha, the MC then would include in the price as a deal a free commerce treaty with out taxes and without the mediaton of the merchant guild, basically MC throws away merchant guild saying the representative Zara and the guild are corrupts and jealous of people bussines succes etc etc. The mc get his little payback from every one LOL.

    • Can't really blame the King ot Lily, while they were out of communication the countries they have been working to protect were attacked by armies that came out of nowhere and they didn't learn about it until the battle was already underway. At this point the are mostly panicing. There isn't time for them to move other forces to reinforce their capitals, if they were going to do that they would have needed to start it several days ago as it takes time to move large numbers of troops. The troops they would have wanted to move are also more out of place since they responded to Academy City being attacked and moved to help and then communication was cut off. As a result they need to do something to help NOW and the only force they know of that is strong enough and mobile enough to be able to give any meaningful aid is Kuzunoha Company.

      They know its risky and they don't really want to do it but they have no other options. They even asked Sairitz to act as good cop to try and make sure that they don't pressure Makoto too much and piss him off. Sairitzs' plan to bring Makoto to her contry is also an act of self preservation, as she said in her thoughts, if she lets him just wander around she doesn't know what might set him off, she can't let him join the side of any other country as that would be the equivalent of just handing her country to that one, if the country that Makoto joined decided to attack Lorel they would have to surrender for fear of what Makoto might do.

      The major powers are fairly balanced in ability, as was mentioned much earlier in the story the Hyumans have a long history of attacking each other, not just the Demons and Demihumans. Lorel has managed to survive and stay a major power by finding and collecting all of the Wise to their contry and using their knowledge for their advancement. They can't afford to let one of the other major powers gain some Wise as that place would be able to upset the balance of power. Lorel does want the Wise to join them willingly and will do what they need to to make them happy as its easier to get information from someone that wants to cooperate with you then someone you have forced to join you. Having methods such as fear and force available does not mean that they are the first choice. Since Lorel has been collecting and using Wise to advance their country it probably has a lot of traits similar to Japan and would make most of the Wise more comfortable then the rest of that world. They would also be treated well and be welcomed, which is not something that would happen in the rest of that world with the standard of beauty and discrimination that the Hyumans imploy.

      • BTW, I'm sure that Lorel is not happy and a bit nervous that the Heros were summoned and are in other countries. We have already seen one of the effects in the fact that Lily is trying to make guns and gunpowder, things that Lorel already knows about and possesses (at least for gunpowder, Lily was asking her about it at that social test for the daughters).

      • Speaking of the Wise, author-sensei needs to learn that people outside Japan also exist. XDDD

  • Thanks for the chapter. Before anything else why didnt the flag with the prince raised anything............ anyway Wasnt what spoiler san hiding mention by someone in the previous chapter? Also i wish he depoly his spy those fairies are just sitting around doing nothing. He at least would have know of the plots of corn coming to threaten him. I kinda remember tomoe say she wishes to avoid things that would affect waka too much..... if they threaten him wouldnt that change alot ....... and wth happen to the 2 fallen princess.

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