Translator: Hey guys, a translator talk here šŸ™‚

The moment I translated the ā€˜Raidou breaksā€™ chapter, I was sure it would explode. I was actually looking forward to what would happen and you guys definitely didnā€™t let me down.

All your comments were awesome. The majority were actually constructive opinions and views in different angles. Of course there will be bashing towards Makoto, and they were all interesting as well. Makoto was struck with the truth after all. We all knew he was messing up as a merchant, but for the repercussion to come in such aā€¦ realistic manner. It was pretty surprising.

I honestly loved that chapter, and the reactions towards it make me love this community even more.

Keep it up guys. You are my motivation!

In the time when Princess Lily was troubled in stepping to action regarding Jin and the othersā€¦

At a section of the audience, two girls wearing clothes that remarkably stand out were sighing.

Raidou- Makotoā€™s followers, Tomoe and Mio.

The other follower, Shiki, was babysitting the students, so he was doing separate actions.

ā€œHow boring~. When thereā€™s this much difference in power, it isnā€™t a fight but a show-ja naā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œThatā€™s why I was saying so since yesterday, wasnā€™t I? If they were not Waka-samaā€™s students, I wouldnā€™t even be here watching-desu waā€ (Mio)

ā€œIf they were our students like with Shiki, we would be able to enjoy it in a different way butā€¦ Mio, what is that bizarre inflated bag-ja?ā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œWhat you ask, it is the specialty products of booths here and there-desu waā€ (Mio)

ā€œIt is an answer, and yet it isnā€™t. No, what I am asking is about the amount-ja yoā€ (Tomoe)

At the side of Tomoe thereā€™s Mio and further after, thereā€™s several big light brown paper bags. Seeing that, she asks with enmity.

Mioā€™s answer was nonchalant, and she tells her that it is all food.

But what Tomoe wanted to know, is just as she said, the amount of it.

In the seats that are supposed to be fully occupied, one of them is being totally occupied.

To protect her honor, Mio explains that this is originally the seat of Makoto and because he canā€™t come, she is just utilizing it in an effective way.

In no way did she put all that food because she doesnā€™t want anyone else to come sit there.

ā€œI will eat it all by the time we return, so donā€™t mind it. If you want me to share some with you, just say it honestly okay?ā€ (Mio)

ā€œI donā€™t need any. I feel like it might give me a heartburnā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œHmph, if this were alcohol, you would take it without doubtā€ (Mio)

The two of them leisurely watch the team battles unfolding in the stage while doing trivial talk.

There were no matches that were worth watching, and even in the matches with Jin and the others, the opponent was so weak it wasnā€™t fun.

Moreover, their master Makoto was not there.

Watching those matches earnestly might be something hard to do for these two girls.

ā€œAt this rate, I canā€™t expect much from tomorrowā€™s semifinal and finals. Well, we will be able to sit along with Waka, so thatā€™s fineā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œSame-desu wa. If I am together with Waka-sama, the place doesnā€™t matterā€ (Mio)

ā€œFumu, it seems it is done already-ja na. Muā€ (Tomoe)


Tomoe and Mio notice something at the same time.

ā€œMio, Waka is calling-ja. We are going backā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œI know already-desu wa. It seems he is slightly dispirited, so letā€™s hurryā€ (Mio)

Receiving a thought transmission from their master, Tomoe and Mio both nod and get up from their sits.

A short and straightforward thought transmission.

ā€˜I have something I want to consult about, so I want you to return to the companyā€™, is what he said.

A tone with no vigor.

While holding worry in their chest, they meet up with Shiki and return to the company.


ā€œFor the time being, it is fine to kill that representative-desu wa ne?ā€ (Mio)

ā€œMio, the talk has not finished yet. Calm down firstā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œWhat stupid thing are you saying? I am completely calm-desu wa. Canā€™t you see that I clearly understand what I should do?ā€ (Mio)

ā€œThatā€™s why I am telling you to wait for now. The talk has not finished yet-ja. Wait for a bitā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œSuch abusive language towards Waka-samaā€¦ abusive languageā€¦ it wasnā€™t such a lukewarm level-desu wa ne? How should I kill him?ā€ (Mio)

ā€œMio. I am telling you to hear what that very Waka has to say until the end-jaā€ (Tomoe)

After I finished telling the outline of what happened, Mio stood up and tried to leave the room.

I didnā€™t have the vitality to stop her immediately, so Tomoe took my place and inhibited Mio.

Even I could tell that Tomoe was looking at me with fainthearted eyes.


Inhibited was it?

I feel like she didnā€™t stop herā€¦

ā€œAs I thought, one of us should have gone as wellā€

Itā€™s Shiki.

In terms of result, it is just as he said.

It might have been better if I had one of them accompany me.

If I had one of my followers with me, I felt like they would resolve it with strength. I thought that if that happened, then it would be pointless.

The first time Rembrandt-san met Tomoe, he was left completely speechless and was pretty withered.

I wanted to know the extent of the ill will the other merchants held towards me.

In the past, when I met Rembrandt-san the first time to give him the Ruby-eyeā€™s eyes, it went well, so I thought maybe I would be able to hold my conversation if the other party was a merchant.

The context matched when I associated with Rembrandt-san, so even with the matter of Tomoeā€™s level, I think I would have been able to manage it properly. But this time, the representative was someone I had no connection with.

I didnā€™t want to prepare something like intimidation in our first meeting.

That naĆÆve way of thinking led to this.

I was pushed into an unreasonable situation, made a fool of, and returned like a loser.

ā€œSorry for saying something like wanting to go aloneā€ (Makoto)

ā€œIf one of us were with you, thereā€™s the chance that place would have turned into a sea of blood, so not everything is bad. Donā€™t mind it that muchā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œWaka-sama is not in the wrong!ā€ (Mio)

Tomoe tries to comfort me and Mio interposes with a rebuttal.

No, no matter how you think about it, the way I dealt with it was bad.

ā€œNow that I think about it, not a single one of us has knowledge in business. We all began as novices. There might have been more ways to deal with it if we were introduced by Rembrandt-shi and taught the basicsā€ (Shiki)

Not might. Thatā€™s what we should have done.

Before that, thereā€™s the problem that even when I myself began a company just recently, I still went and did things here and there, neglecting the business.

And in truth, the company still did well.

No, thatā€™s how it looked.

Thatā€™s why it brought upon more negligence.

It may be this late of a time to do so, but I have to reflect on it.

ā€œShiki, even you! Why does Waka-sama have to feel down?! In the first place, Waka-sama was displeased by the shortage of medicines that canā€™t reach the hands of the people and were easily losing their life, so he aspired to spread medicines, right?! Why does he have to learn how to act around those merchants to not be resented?! He is doing something thatā€™s good for everyone, and yet, why?! Isnā€™t this ridiculous?!ā€ (Mio)

The words of Mio that were trying to cover for me no matter what, were grinding at my heart.

Thatā€™s right.

I wanted to sell medicine in order for everyone to have an easy way of reaching out to it.

For that reason, I wanted to do business widely without minding which country it was.

Because of circumstances, we also handle various miscellaneous goods as well, but those are just extras.

Doing something good.

Because I had that thinking in a part of me, maybe thatā€™s why I only looked at the people I was selling to.

NotĀ doing anything excessive with the price because of people of the same trade, the counter-plans I did for the copies and resale; those were the only things I thought of.

And in truth, even the price might be questionable. We collected everything ourselves, had the people needed for the compounding, and left it to a point where we would barely escape deficit.

That isā€¦ within the range?

Thatā€™s probably not it.

Since the time the people made a rude comment of my demi-human employees, I havenā€™t gone to the meetings of the merchants in the area.

Lately, Akua, Eris and the eldwa craftsmen have grown more accustomed to socializing with hyumans. But, even so, it was most likely an error to not relate with the merchants around.

Ignoring association must have made the impression of Kuzunoha Company even more ominous.

Even if I have good intentions, a business is a business.

There will obviously be competition.

There will be people who would want to eliminate the ones who have the same target of customers, and if you do something that stands out, the big companies will place an eye on you.

I didnā€™t make a method to cope with it when something like that happened, and have continued until this day.

As expected, I canā€™t order to eliminate them just because they have kept an eye on us after all.

In Tsige it was different, but in Rotsgard I donā€™t have any backing.

In other words, I was defenseless.

ā€œMio, thatā€™s just idealistic talk. It isnā€™t just distributing. As long as we are doing a business, these kind of things happen. I wonā€™t say Waka has done nothing wrong, but I have to admit we were somewhat defenselessā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œā€¦ I hold the same opinion. Of course, it is true that I should have acted in a better way. I have no excuseā€ (Shiki)

ā€œ!!! Thereā€™s something wrong with you guys! Even though Waka-sama is the absolute rule! The stupid ones are the merchants that are only looking at the near future!ā€ (Mio)

Mio would most likely stand by my side no matter what happens.

Even if I were to turn into a fiend, even if I were to become the enemy of the whole world, she would still be willing to fall to the same place as I am.

Thatā€™s why I have to put myself together.

If she falls so far, thatā€™s all my responsibility.

As if persuading myself, I try to kill the unfair anger thatā€™s inside me.

At the very least, I donā€™t think this is something that is fine to solve with just violence.

The existence of Mio who is willing to give her everything for me, prevented my current unstable emotions from rampaging.

ā€œā€¦ Waka. That representative said things that are difficult to forgive, but he also said good things. How about it? I think that since we have the chance, thereā€™s also the option of giving up on hyumans and opening a store in the villages of demi-humansā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œServing only demi-humans?ā€ (Makoto)

ā€œYes. If you wish to, we can also serve demonic beasts and mamonos. Also, Waka told me, that you wanted the four seasons. I donā€™t think Waka likes conflict, so you probably intent to have a relationship with the demon race in order to secure that place right? Then, I think it should be fine to do business with them. Continuing business in the hyuman society and having our hearts crushed, it would only create more weight in Waka, and I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good ideaā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œThe demon race publicly hates hyumans, but they are generous towards other races. I think the proposal of Tomoe-dono is worth consideringā€ (Shiki)

ā€œIā€¦ donā€™t understand complicated stuff. But I donā€™t think thereā€™s a need for Waka-sama to be under people that just want to take advantage of Waka-samaā€™s kindnessā€ (Mio)


Kindness huh.

Maybe I was looking at it that way in some part of me.

And, maybe the people around saw it that way as well.

ā€œIā€¦ā€ (Makoto)

ā€œWaka, please tell us what you are currently thinking. If Waka so wishes, we will fight with whoever. Alsoā€¦ we will lower our heads to whoever you wish us toā€ (Tomoe)

Mio and Shiki nod at Tomoeā€™s words.

Right. Thereā€™s no need to hide anything from them.

They are my family in this world after all.

ā€œā€¦ Just like I promised to Tomoe, I plan on having a connection with the demon race. After a conversation with one of the demon generals, I promised a meeting with the Demon Lord. It will be after the school festival is over, but I intent to meet with the Demon Lord and ask it to let me take over or borrow one location where Tomoe says the four seasons are inā€ (Makoto)

I resolve myself and tell the three what I was thinking.

Tomoe nods with a joyful look and glittering eyes.

Shiki looks like he consents. He silently nods with his eyes closed.

Mio simply accepted my words and was smiling.

ā€œIf that happens, it will create a big debt towards the demon race. Talking to the demon lord. I canā€™t say anything definite, but I donā€™t think it will end in a simple manner. Will the hegemony of this world continue in the hands of the Goddess and hyumans, or will it be plundered by the demon race? We might even have to participate in that conflict. If I had to speak my ideal scenario, it may be naĆÆve, but it would be to hold a connection with the demon race while continuing business with the hyumans. But depending on the situation, I donā€™t know what would happenā€ (Makoto)

I bring a world map from the shelf and spread it on the desk. And then, I place a hand on the location Tomoe pointed out before.

ā€œThis was the place right, Tomoe?ā€ (Makoto)

ā€œYes. Thatā€™s the placeā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œThe previously associated country of Elysion, Kaleneon. The place is around Yamagata prefecture and Tsukiyama huhā€ (Makoto)

The place that will provide Asora with the four seasons.

And also the place that is deeply connected with the two hyumans I met.

ā€œYamagata?ā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œNothing. Just pointless rambling. Whatā€™s important is what I said before that. Itā€™s a country named Kaleneon. That placeā€¦ seems to be the native country of my parentsā€ (Makoto)


ā€œMy parents met there, and after that, they became adventurers, traveled, and transferred to my world. In other words, to me, it is also my home in a sense. Of course, that has nothing to do with the four seasons, so it is fine to ignore that point for nowā€ (Makoto)

I have no emotional attachment at all anyways.

If possible, I would be happy to obtain even a little bit of information of my parents, but it is a country that has fallen to ruin.

The demon race probably knows more information of Kaleneon.

If they didnā€™t turn everything into ash when they invaded that is.

ā€œBut Waka-sama, if I remember correctly, Kaleneon is the place the librarian Eva and Gotetsuā€™s Ruriaā€¦ā€ (Shiki)

As if remembering something, Shiki says the name of the Ansland sisters.

ā€œThatā€™s right. The birthplace of those girls. Thatā€™s why I had each of them decide something. If both of them accept, Iā€¦ā€ (Makoto)

I tell the three of them what I was thinking.

Thatā€™s my last resort.

It may be a foolish thought that canā€™t even be called resort though.


ā€œFuā€¦ fufufu. Isnā€™t that interesting, Waka?ā€ (Tomoe)

ā€œRight. Depending on how it is done, it might even become a card to solve our current problemā€ (Shiki)

ā€œIf itā€™s something Waka-sama has decided, I donā€™t have any objections. Also, I think it is stupid to not use the strength we have and just worryā€ (Mio)

My family accepted it.

In that case, as Kuzunoha Companyā€™s Raidou, and also, as the third one to descend to this worldā€¦

Well, the two heroes are in the hyuman side, so it should be fine for one to be behind-the-scenes on the demon race side right, bug Goddess?

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A translator that needs lots of love~.

View Comments

  • I am really quite touched on how much makoto view his families through the chaps. Look at how much he care for mio, how he is responsible for her and her future. It is due to this that he was able to stomach his anger and bitterness to look for a way to solve the situation. It comes full circle, with his followers willing to throw everything yet be there for him, and how makoto care about the future and wellbeing of his followers.

  • I just don't get the fact he was afraid of being accused of working with demo, yet he willingly accept the propositio to meet demon lord. The best way is to screw every single person dare to take advantage of him, make his way to create new country that accept everyone without discrimination, and having control of power so that bug goddess didn't even dare.

    He got a magic power bigger than even the goddess yet afraid of puny humans.
    Better be ready when Raidou strikes back

  • Kill all those rotten hyumans..
    Hyumans are shit
    Hyumans are idiots
    Hyumans are dumb

  • I think Makoto could conquer the world without attacking either of the two sides.

    He just needs to create his own nation that accepts anyone, be they hyuman, demi-hyuman, or demon. Then while the two sides wage war on each other, those that are tired of the war would just migrate to Makoto's nation.

    He has the strength to win any battle, so he can afford to remain on the defensive at all times. Both sides would learn that lesson quickly and would leave him alone, because they would have no other choice.

    Eventually, too few people would remain on both sides and they'd collapse.

      • He's not willing to bring everyone into Asora. He puts everyone through a vetting process to make sure they'll fit in.

        This would be a nation that anyone could come to, and would be known to all.

        Asora will likely remain a secret for a long time, or at least until after he deals with the bug.

      • "Heā€™s not willing to bring everyone into Asora."

        if so;
        "those that are tired of the war would just migrate to Makotoā€™s world, Asora."

        "He puts everyone through a vetting process to make sure theyā€™ll fit in."

        else if;
        "Asora, would be a nation that anyone could come to, and would be known to all."

        forgive my laziness but my phone is acting up tonight, so I just quoted you, since you addressed the process yourself already. You mentioned filtering, so either method is put ibto action, he's already not going to accept everyone.

        • I don't know if it's me misunderstanding you, or the other way around. Anyway...

          The nation I mentioned would be a separate entity to Asora. It would be land in the same world that the hyuman and demon nations already exist, except it would be under Makoto's rule, instead of those other parties.

          Asora would still be there, but where he would continue to be very discriminating in whom he accepts into Asora, that nation would be open to anyone.

  • Oh~~ Makoto declare war to the bug....
    Now I am getting impatient. What the hell is he want them to decide.

  • The hyumans are stupid. Antagonize someone who provide better advanced pharmaceutical products... they don't think of what could happen when he or she turn yo your enemies making them stronger? It's a case of having eyes and not seeing mount Tai. About the neutral zone, I don't think it's feasible becquse of the level of stupidity of the hyumans who would attack anyway because they would be prompted by the church to do so or some other country who realize that a dangerous company side with the demons.
    Hahaha, I qant to see what happens when the limia and princess Lily get told what happened with the merchant guild.

  • MWAHAHAHAHAH! That's right, Makoto, go for it!

    It's good to see Makoto reflecting on his actions until now, and on what the merc. rep. said. I hope for some improvement on that front!

    I like how Tomoe always prioritizes Makoto's heart's well being.

    Even so, his ressentment towards the Bug is spreading towards hyumans in general... good, good, the dark side is Strong in this one! XDDDDDDD Well, a race influenced by that bitch will certainly look down on him by default. Whether by WN general tendencies or by simple logic, joining the demon side was unavoidable from the very start! That stupid Bug dug her own grave...

    • Oh, no! I was so happy I forgot something ESSENCIAL!

      THANK YOU VERY MUCH, REIGOKAI! I thought I would be fretting another day over this! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

    • You know, I kind of wonder.

      Between the demon race and hyuman race, which is closer to humans?
      Hyumans aside, the Bug goddess seems to have inadvertently created the sort of environment humans evolved in for demons.
      Complete lack of a god's blessings, a barren homeland that's difficult to grow and cultivate in, a need to polish one's wisdom just to survive...

      • Hmmm... in terms of biology, hyumans. In terms of culture and not being dumb, demons for sure LOL

        • No, biologically too, I find it questionable.

          Outwardly, I suppose so(though hyuman beauty is also kind of unnatural). But we need to set humans's strength to scale in this world-that is, heroes like Trashmoki(Hibiki is too excellent and Makoto is kind of frail normally). Humans in this world would, as a standard, be several times stronger and have better physical specs overall. When you compare to hyumans...

  • ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..Ī³ļæ£ćƒ½ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦Thanks!ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦
    ā€¦ā€¦.rā€™-ā€˜|怀O |ā€¦ļ½žā€¦ā€¦..Nepu!!ā€¦ā€¦..
    ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦| ,|ā€¦ā€¦ļ½žā€¦ā€¦.(Ā“ļ½„Ļ‰ļ½„ļ½€)ā€¦ā€¦..

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