Without using the waiting room, I continue on to the room that has written ‘representative room’.

I have been called by the Merchant Guild’s branch representative.

When a company is established, the people doing the application probably use the representatives here.

Or maybe it is the opposite?

I don’t care about denominations though, especially right now.

The reception boy that guided me didn’t enter the room. He just does a bow and leaves.

What’s inside is an extravagant desk and one man that looks like the representative placing an elbow on it, and what seems to be two of his guards.

Maybe he is the vice-representative.
Because of his atmosphere which resembles that of a bodyguard, I subconsciously thought this way.

It has been a while since I came to this town, but until now, I have never met anyone in the upper stratum of the Merchant Guild.

Even when I have business here, it is normally completed just by going to the reception.

In the cases when there’s the need for a detailed interview, it is done by someone in the management and it is normally the same people.

This is the first time I have entered the deep parts of the guild.

Thinking that the problem has turned to the point where I am send here, my mood turns heavy.

“It’s nice to see you here, Raidou-dono. Please sit”

The representative that was sitting, stands from his sit and urges me to take my own.

We enter a space for reception and I wait for him to take his sit first before sitting myself.

There are two sofas facing each other and a desk in between. No matter which one you look at, it was obviously expensive.

The general glass used in this world is manufactured from a rare metal that looks like crystal. If I were to use the manufacture process of my world, it might turn into a trade.
In the wasteland there was quite a lot of glass, so I haven’t thought about it much until now though.

At any rate.

It may also be because I don’t have much connection to this kind of things, but this room is, as expected, extremely different from my own work room.

In my reception room, there’s a simple desk and minimum space. I haven’t done anything like putting out expensive articles and spreading a rug.

Thinking about the visitors, I might have to consider this point a bit. But doing so now would not be appropriate.

My thoughts strayed into a peaceful direction for a bit.

[It seems I have been called here but, what business do you have with me?]

“… Ah, you can’t speak, right. Nice to meet you, I am the representative of the Merchant Guild in the Rotsgard branch”

[My name’s Raidou. I am honored to meet you]

“Normally, it is customary to first increase your services in the guild a bit more before meeting face to face like this, but this time, I have met with a certain bad matter. Truly regrettable”

The representative knits his brows and looks at me.

There may be slight disgust towards my outward appearance, but I can tell that there’s more displeasure towards the problem which is me.

Growing the company in a smooth manner and reach a standing where I meet the representative; even I would have preferred that development.

Instead of urging for his business again, it would be better to just wait for his words.

“The guild has received several doubts towards you”


“That’s right. Normally, this kind of enquiries decrease in the period of the school festival, but the number of enquiries about contact information increase”

[Meaning there are less complains]

“… Yeah. But in Kuzunoha Company’s case, from the 4 major powers, Limia and Lorel; aside from those two, the other countries have brought out several cases. All of them have been from the representatives of the companies that are connected to countries requesting investigation regarding your goods and its circulation. There are even dangerous opinions in some”

[Dangerous opinions?]

That’s not peaceful.

The face of the representative that was already severe had his brow wrinkle even more.

Interrupting his words might not have been good, but I had to ask.

“That the Kuzunoha Company is… having the cooperation of the demon race to obtain your goods and for the circulation of it. In other words, it implies that you are from the demon race camp, and while betraying all the hyumans, you are wringing profits. Those are the opinions”

That’s stupid.

In what kind of way did they think in order to reach that conclusion?

When I heard the words of Rembrandt-san regarding the demon race matter, I didn’t think the distrust would be that deep.

They are infiltrated in Academy Town as well, but there’s no hyuman that has noticed. At least, for all I know. Counting Rona-san, I have made contact with 3 demons already. But I made sure of my surroundings and there was no change. In other words, that talk about my relationship with the demon race is complete fabrication.

For harassment, the degree is way too high.

[Unthinkable. We are using respectable methods to do business, and I promise that I am not receiving assistance of the demon race in my company activities]

“That’s probably how it really is”


I react to the words the representative whispers lowly. What does that mean?

“Regarding the goods, we received confirmation of the Church that the material quality and its manufacturing process are safe. When we told the companies that brought their views on this, they retracted their comments”

Ignoring my questioning words, he continued.


What happened a while ago huh.

In that case, the bishop with a sexy voice properly maintained her promise.

I don’t trust the hyumans that are connected to the Goddess, but I am slightly relieved knowing that the promise was abided.

“The problem is the circulation. We investigated this part as well, but the wagons that are thought to be from the Kuzunoha Company or anything resembling a carriage, we were unable to confirm any of those”

[We mostly get our supply of raw materials from the Guild’s market]

“That’s clearly a lie. With the raw materials that have been sold and what has been sold in Kuzunoha Company for around two months, even by making a rough calculation, the numbers clearly don’t match. It is obvious that there’s some other method aside from buying”

Two months?

They were investigating since so long ago?

I didn’t receive any reports regarding that.

[This is my first time hearing of such an investigation though]

“As long as there are opinions we can’t ignore, the Guild must move. And if it’s about a company that’s connected to the Guild, it is a matter of course. The complains towards your company increased just recently, but there have been complains of people that have even brought detailed documents since a while ago”

[If you said something, I would have cooperated]

“Cooperation? You? If you are telling me to believe that, that’s a pretty naïve way of thinking. Like this, it seems you are minding the investigation, but there are many ways of investigating that won’t alert the target. Moving people around secretly is not the only way of investigation”

[Is it naïve to proof your innocence if there’s suspicions?]

“… I see, buying antipathy huh. Your way of thinking is childish. You don’t know how to conduct. I am surprised that you are able to be in a position of ordering others. Truly surprised. The end result of thoughtlessly managing a company is not good”

Why does he have to say so much?

Did I say something wrong?

It makes me angry that he is clearly looking down on me.

[What is it you want me to do?]

“Did I touch a sensitive point? Well, fine. Let’s enter the main issue. I want to hear your circulation method. And I want you to promise us that if it’s any sort of magic or technique, you will share the knowledge of it”

Don’t screw around.

If you are talking about childish, isn’t your side more childish?

You want to hear my circulation method, and give it to you?

[Is there no way to solve this with money?]

I will at least try asking.

“With gold huh, of course, it is possible. There’s nothing that can’t be solved with gold between merchants. But even if the sharing of the circulation method is sealed, you will still need to at least tell me. And, I don’t think you have enough gold to pay for it”

[Sadly, it is not a method I can share, so I want to pay]

“… You said your name was Raidou, right? You really are not fit to be a merchant”


Hearing the amazed tone of the representative, I reflexively gulp.

His usage of words gave a complete turn and I could tell that he is scoffing at me.

“Just now, you easily told me the existence of another circulation method which you were trying to hide at first. In other words, the trust in the first method you gave out has been damaged. No benefit in it, just loss. You asked if this could be solved with gold right? That was also an incredibly bad move. Listen well, you don’t know the extent of the companies that have come to bring complains about you right? I did say this: ‘they were from people connected to countries’. Meaning, they have considerable scale. Compared to the Kuzunoha Company, the magnitude is different. And against those people, you will resolve it with money? A company that has not been operating for even 1 year? It is like announcing that you have money that’s doesn’t fit the scale of your company. Your ability to decide and understand are also lacking. You, are you the representation of incompetence? You are just a brat that’s lucky”

I was speechless.

Being told all that, I was simply surprised.

The atmosphere has also made a complete turn. The representative that has turned violent and offensive had an unpleasing smile in his face.

“What are you spacing out for? Even I can at least act to that extent. Do you think I would be able to survive in the business world if I were unable to? Seriously, I was wondering what kind of person it was because Rembrandt himself came to protect him, but here it is. How boorish. There’s a limit to letdowns. About the circulation, it is okay to just tell me here, so explain it quickly. After that, it is okay to just go”

Explain… and leave?

This man, just how irritating can he become?

I can tell that my anger is leaking out.

“You can’t even contain your anger and bloodthirst? You are more childish than your appearance tells huh. Regarding faces, I can’t say much about others. Even so, I know how to act before others and I do so. You look incredibly unsightly so I will warn you. You have a face worse than me, so it is better for you to put more into your inside”

Even the exotic-looking representative talks about my outward appearance.

Just what part of you looks bad? You look plenty cool.

That slightly darkish skin looks appealing.

Now that I think about it, I feel like I have seen a similar person before.

Where was it?

No, right now that’s not the point.

Explain and leave. Moreover, I can just say it here?

His trust in me is low, so that’s just strange.

[What do you mean by leave?]

“Exactly as it means. You and the Kuzunoha Company are already done. So there’s no need to address you anymore”


“Its fine already, so just explain. With that, this ends”

[Can I hear the reason?]

“… Because you know, you are going to pay money right? Then I will just withdraw the comments of the other parties, that’s what I mean”

[Excuse me but, how much should I be paying?]

“There’s no need to prepare it right now”

[No need]

“Yeah. If you pay 90% of your sales, no one will complain. Kuzunoha Company will not become a threat in the future. The more it gains, the more they will benefit, so there’s no need to care about the circulation method. Even if it involves the demon race. If the people that had questions of your circulation method get money every month, they won’t criticize you much. The only one that would fall would be you. See? There’s nothing to lose”

[90% of our sales?!]

Moreover, every month?!

For how long would that continue anyways?

“You will pay right? Gold to the people that want to know about your circulation method. To multiple companies that gain several ten times more than you, maybe even the hundreds. There’s no way those guys would say they want a specific amount of gold. As long as they don’t know how much you have”

[How long would that last?]

“Until the Kuzunoha Company disappears”

[This is clearly an unreasonable demand. Is the Guild just going to consent that?]

“Unreasonable you say. You were the one that proposed to pay in gold right? Let me tell you this first, what I am saying right now is just a guess from me and it may not turn exactly as I say. Well, I don’t think it will be too far from what will happen though. Also, about the Guild consenting? That’s right. In the first place, not only consent, this is just a negotiation between merchants. When the weak ones get in the eyes of the strong ones, they get crushed. The Guild is not babysitting. We will help in the business, but the way to act is something you should learn”

[In that case, the people that want to make a new business would not succeed]

“Thoroughly naïve. Ah right, your place is hiring a bunch of demi-humans right? In that case, how about just making your customers only them and stop doing your business in hyuman towns? Looking at your arguments, I feel like you are fit for that”

The representative admonishes me with eyes of pity.

It wasn’t sarcasm, he was really telling me to do that.

[You are not answering my question]

“As I said, the people that aim to be merchants should butter up to existing companies, learn the basics, create connections, be approved by the representative there, and then get a store eventually. I have money. I will do business. But if that’s how it worked, even the adventurers that earn small money can become merchants if they study a little. Those kind of people, they normally get crushed instantly. The power of adventurers can only be used in brawls. Just like you said, the guild punishes unjust deeds. Because I entered into a quarrel with another merchant, I used power to eliminate him and leave him half-dead. Killing would be, without a doubt, injustice. In the world of merchants, that is”


“I have heard from Rembrandt, but it seems you have strong followers, and you yourself are reasonably strong right? You understand why you should not use that power in your business right? If you were to use that in this situation… it would make the Kuzunoha Company into allies of the demon race”

[This is stupid]

“No, you are just naïve. Return to Tsige, Raidou. It is too fast for you to be in this town. Redo your studies at your boss’ place. About the gold, I will stealthily put a part of Rotsgard as well, so be relieved”

[For someone that has been ridiculing me, you are being pretty cooperative]

“… Ri—diculing? The guy that’s taken a liking to you, for me, he is a tough enemy I have trouble dealing with. It would be advantageous for me if he were to misunderstand, and I get him to owe me one”


“I heard that he had become docile, but to think that he has even made such a weakness. What a joke. But for you, it may be a lucky happening. Now then, it is most likely teleportation or something of the sort, so just talk about your circulation method”


Is he saying that by making Rembrandt-san disadvantaged, I earn safety?

I tell the representative that I have been using teleportation to come and go with goods. I hide the part about Asora and explain that I have a follower that has enough magic power to use long-distance teleportation.

And after that, I was released.

I have grown even more dejected after hearing the comments of the other companies from the representative of the guild.

Troubling Rembrandt-san.

I have made another lie in order to hide Asora.


Just what is it that I should do?

I… have to consult with everyone.

While being self-aware that I am cornered, I slowly walk my way back.

Right now, I have no leeway to think about the team battles of my students.

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View Comments

  • Actually, it easier to bankrupt all the other merchants by various methods of sabotage, and bring the merchant guild branch to its knees. After that Raidou could simply buy his way to their "trust", seriously.

    • its easier to find out where all the merchants live and teleport their houses (and everything inside) to his dimension. Crush their spirits by making them shit themselves trying to figure out how it happened and to cope with the loss of all their personal possessions. (and their Safe/vaults too, which would most likely be there)

      • I don't think kidnapping and theft isn't the best or most appropriate way to respond to a man telling you to get your shit together...

      • who said anything about kidnapping? Im just talking about screwing with the other merchants heads. OR better idea, he "moves" their house to the exact same spot, but rotated 180 degrees!! :D

  • Hahaha finally someone fuck his naive thoughts and he still not understanding how naive he is. Makoto is the one destroying balance of merchants, not only 4-5 merchant but entire merchants. Charging good with garbage price than market price ofcourse people will refuse to go other shop even if you limit supplies. Whats more new merchant dont even have chance to start business because of him. He come from modern world but act like country boy no even country boy have atleast knowledge to do homework before start something.

    • He's being what's called a disruptor, somebody who enters a market with a completely different (and superior) product or way of doing things. Why should he kiss up to inferior businesses? This is how the free market is supposed to work. What he's doing reminds me of what CMOS did. At the time, they developed a new, much more cost effective way of making microprocessors, leaving all the competitors thinking that were BSing the price because they were only thinking in terms of conventional methods.

    • Naivete, yes. Novice business, yes. Price disruptor, yes. However, nothing else you are saying is valid in the least. If you have no need to fear the power of wealth that nobility and companies can bring to the table (as Raidou has proven multiple times and is actively demonstrating now against Hopelace) then there's really no need to bow down before the pre-existing market and business practices. It would certainly be the WISEST course of action and the one that would result in the least amount of friction with others, but you make it sound as though doing so is an absolute requirement when that's total BS.

      Makoto has enough power at his disposal this moment to conquer the world (especially so when excluding the Goddess & her angels and taking into account the unreasonable teleportation ability afforded by Asora). His choice to try to blend in without creating a ruckus is partially due to his misconceptions about existing powers, but it's mostly due to his own reserved nature.
      So given all this, why exactly should he be beholden to the malice & unreasonable targeting of a few merchants and the mid to large-sized companies they control? It's like trying to say that the Ouroboros is weak and incompetent for allowing others to step atop its body whilst conversing with them... when in reality the only thing grounding them, their rules, & their common sense can be accidentally overturned/crushed by the Ouroboros shifting atop it's bed (planet).
      That exact sentiment and realization of the depth of Kuzunoha's possible impact on the world is precisely why Rembrandt is willing to do anything in his power to stay on their side. And Zara seeing all this and somehow not coming to the same conclusion seems contrived by the author. The fact that you can't seem to recognize all this is worrying...

      • And Zara seeing all this and somehow not coming to the same conclusion seems contrived by the author.

        Zara doesn't have the same information as Rembrandt. Rembrandt knows that Makoto isn't motivated by greed and that his company can make right through might. All Zara sees is that Makoto is torpedoing the established status quo, has little respect for merchant customs & courtesies, is incredibly naive about his enemies and has poor negotiation skills.

        Zara learns the truth soon after this and changes his behavior accordingly.

  • Seriously makoto is everybody's bitch, it's turning into a stupidly overpowered dog that everybody can bitch around.

  • Thanks for the chapter~!

    Sadly, the rep was right in some sense. Information and connections are key in commerce. However, there is nothing to stop Makoto from making a monopoly ;) Subvert and/or buy out all merchants in the Academy Town, then threaten the heads of state. Doesn't even have to be an actual threat, when only one is left, and no other can take their place, who can complain? Of course, if they can gather such information, then so can Makoto.

    A merchant is nothing without suppliers, even if they are other merchants. He can start from there.

    • It'll be too difficult. Do you know how many merchants there are to buy off? They also might try to bargain a lot from him. Overthrowing the current heads are too much. Too much money.

      Also, who says that the merchants will be trustworthy? The best chance they get, they might turn the tables on Makoto and total ruin his plans. Too much distrust.

  • makoto is a lil bit rash trying to solve the problem through money right from the start

    its like he straightforwardly insult the merchant guild right in their face... of course the merchant guild leader will be pissed off

    i believe in such negotiation... its better to stay calm and ask the merchant guild the consequences of each choices he proposed... and then discuss it with rembrandt about the best course of action

  • Finally he relized how stupid and naive he is. Yeah makoto should consult to rembrandt-san not his fellow like shiki mio and especially don't consult to tomoe

  • Sheesh, that left a bad aftertaste.

    First off, Makoto didn't think things through. He should have brought Shiki, or if that wasn't possible, get some pointers from him on what to think and say.

    Rembrandt gave him the point to prepare money, but he used it in an inappropriate time, and he was being magnificently led on by a merchant that had lots of experience in the field.

    Now then, on the other side of the coin:

    That merchant was used to dealing with new blood coming in, this might have been a special case, but he still treated it as if it was the norm.

    He knew that Raidou has two powerful individuals, and might have come to the conclusion that Raidou is powerful as well, but he mistakenly thought that he can restrain him with the mentality that power like that is useless in their way of fighting. His magic power is close to godd-- bug class after all, he can just wipe them out if he wants to, but he doesn't.

    Next, he's accusing him of using demon resources(I'm talking manpower and backing here) to get his merchandise. Even though Raidou said he wasn't, but the way that merchant said it, sooner or later Raidou WILL be on the side of the demons soon enough. He's basically making a self-fulfilled prophecy.

    Same with the selling only to the demons and mamono's, and excluding the hyumans. Pretty soon he's gonna issue a ban towards selling to the hyumans. It might be fine at first, but for those that already experienced the items they sold, not to mention the price, they are gonna be surprised as to why they can't buy them anymore. They'll then investigate into it, and it won't be pretty.

    Lastly, 90% of all sales? That's basically telling him to stop. Guess that means Raidou is gonna stop interacting with the hyumans and go full mamono kingdom on their ass.

    • When that representative said that about the demons, he was basically making a very thinly veiled threat to tell everyone who'll listen that Makoto is supporting the demons.

    • The merchant does not believe that Makoto is sided with demon. He just warned that resolving this with force will only make it seems like he sides with demon. (Because he cannot clear the accusation without resorting to force.)

      And they trying to crush him is obvious. His business is damn big threat to other businesses. His resources are more than enough to monopolize the whole market. Even if the representative did not want to crush Makoto personally, it is obvious that the only way to please those who complains about Makoto is to crush him.

      The only way out is to proof his innocence and clear the damn accusation. Find a way to 'declare' his sources and transportation method. Because in the eyes of all other merchant, his materials and products just somehow appear out of thin air, skipping the whole damn market.

      Makoto cheated the market too much.

    • Yeah, honestly? A lot of people are making good points about Makoto having poor skills as a merchant and they're all correct. Makoto only aurvoved for so long because of his cheat support.

      But that's a moot point because of those same skills. Whether the other companies play dirty or not, and whether the Merchant's Guild succeeds in snuffing out his business or not, there will be consequences to antagonizing him, enforced or natural. Many very powerful factions desperately want his allegiance and his products have been vastly popular to the public. Even if he's the most incompetent business head I've ever seen, if I were a leader of any of the interested factions, I would be furious at any organization that openly tries to drive away someone so valuable.

      • However, the four major empires don't want him to work for a foreign faction because that'll give them more power.

        Just because his business is gone, doesn't mean that they'll cry their eyes out. They don't know the significance of having him on their side. To them, it's just a normal business with decent products.

        As much as he was a potential benefit, he was also a potential danger to other factions by joining another faction.

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