Categories: World Reformation

Chapter 00: Prologue

After 1,600 years, the God of Darkness had been released.

“…Hey there.”

“Long time no see.”

The one who first met him was the Light Goddess.

She is none other than one of the five Gods who defeated him in the battle 1,600 years ago and sealed him.

“So you were the one who released the seal huh. Moreover, you alone. That must mean quite a long time has passed already.”

“Yeah. The seal we -five Gods- placed on you, in normal circumstances, there would be the need of all five of us in order to undo it, just like in the time of the sealing. But it has already deteriorated. It had loosened enough for me to undo it on my own……I will say it once again…”

The Light Goddess continues,

“It has been 1,600 years long, Dark God Entropy. My loved one.”

“…1,600 years. One thousand six hundred years?!” (Entropy)

Digesting those words, the Dark God trembled.

“With that much time passed, the humans must have changed quite a lot. How are they doing? Have they evolved properly? You Gods have not interfered unnecessarily, right?” (Entropy)

“Good grief, you haven’t changed at all even after 1,600 years. Always going about humans, humans. You don’t care about me at all.”

The Light Goddess gave out a displeased atmosphere, but the Dark God didn’t loosen his words.

“In the battle at the world’s creation, you guys won. You wouldn’t understand just how anxious I got. Because you only saw humans as trash after all.” (Entropy)

“You were the weird one for being excessively attached to humans. That’s why, in the fight 1,600 years ago, there were no allies on your side.”

“And because of it, I lost. I have no grudge on that part. However, if in the time I was sealed, you guys have treated them inappropriately, and have hindered their natural evolution…” (Entropy)

“You will begin it again? The battle…of Gods.”

Light and Darkness; the gaze of the two Gods clash.

“…Also, after a glance at the current world -maybe because of it being 1,600 years already- my heart is dancing to see how it has changed.” (Entropy)

“Fine. Then let’s look at it from above right now—”

“No…” (Entropy)

He stops the Light Goddess that was about to open the window to look below.

“Even if I were to look down at it from such a high place, I will only be able to understand the surface of it. In order to understand humans more, it would be nice to do it alongside them, standing on the same viewpoint.” (Entropy)

“What are you going to do?”

At the question of the Light Goddess, the Dark God answers with a smile on his face.

“I am going to reincarnate as a human.”

*   *   *

On that day, a new life was born at a certain house.

An unusually energetic boy. This married couple that was blessed with a child for the first time, named him ‘Haine’ and raised him with care.

And this child is the very person that had the soul of the God of Darkness who had fought with the five Gods at the world’s creation 1,600 years ago.

The story begins by the time Haine has turned 18 years old.

Next Chapter

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View Comments

  • Thanks for the new series! Though I'm still hoping that the author of Moonled journey would churn out a chapter or two or 108 sometime soon...

  • Lol that Light Goddess X Dark God pairing... I can't remember well but I have heard if this before..

    • Maybe from Slavic religion? I seem to remember there also being another mid-eastern religion that has something like that as well.
      And on the matter of the gods of light and dark to be really close yet still in disagreement, that duality in union is the cycle of day and night. That,s a very common theme in many ancient religions. In Ancient Egyptian religion too to some extent.

      • yep, something that explains the cycle of day and night (I actually read it in the story that I can't remember... but I didn't bother to look up at that time that it was inspired by our myths

      • That reminds me, isn't our own beloved Moon-bro Tsukuyomi's backstory something like that?

        Something about him doing something to upset Amateratsu, his sister and wife, so she's eternally avoiding him with him pursuing her as the sun and moon respectively.

  • ty for the chap
    seems promissing
    bu it has a touch of holy bible like
    "the devil only wanted the humans to think for themself"
    just my thought

  • True, I forgot about that, but you're right. And Lucifer was cast out of Heaven by god(and other seraphs) due to Lucifer's views, he fell to hell and his name changed as he become a different being in hell, the demon Satan, the devil. It is indeed quite similar.

  • Thank you for the feed- I mean the chaptah :v
    yeah, like what you said, this is too short compared with tsuki :3

  • Thank you for the chapter!!! However the part about evolution in 1600 years really annoys me, lol

  • So, the Goddess of Light and God of Darkness are lovers (ex?). How does that even be possible?
    Entrophy seems like he didn't care much or love the goddess at all. Then, is this unrequited love?? Or maybe they're divorced?? Stop seeing each other??

    So many questions.

    *crowds shouting*
    "This is just a prologue. Shut up Truck-kun."

    • This strikes me as awfully one-sided, with Inflation(totally going to call her that from now on) being miffed at Entropy "always" paying attention to those loser humans.

      That said, Entropy doesn't seem particularly hostile to her either-especially despite the whole sealing thing, so they might've had a relationship that was half-hearted on his part until the war.

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