Chapter 268: An impossible reunion

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TLN: I sincerely apologize for ending the chapter yesterday in such a sour manner. I was  thinking about putting out today’s chapter yesterday, but I had business to attend to and couldn’t manage to bring out 2 chapters.
Again, really sorry!

White as always.
After the night passed, I had come to a place I wouldn’t even imagine I would be a few hours ago.
The outside is pure white.
That place is, to my surprise…
“I am truly sorry, Waka-sama! I am aware that you are in the middle of clearing the labyrinth of Lorel, but…”
The one who is lowering his head is Shiki.
Actually, tomorrow is lecture day in the Academy.
At evening, I was planning on going to Rotsgard in order to have a preparatory meeting, so meeting with Shiki today was within schedule.
I simply didn’t expect it to turn into meeting in the morning.
Because of the sudden call of Shiki, I am currently at Kaleneon, a place I haven’t been to for a while.
“And so, how’s Jin?” (Makoto)
“He has regained consciousness, but he is still in a state of extreme agitation. I didn’t expect Jin to lose control in such a manner. It was my blunder.” (Shiki)
“…He is still alive. You don’t have to be bothered so much by it, Shiki. You must have estimated the amount he could handle when you had him train after all.” (Makoto)
That’s right.
Apparently, Shiki was training Jin, who was burning with desire to be employed by us, in a separate curriculum from that of the classes and had him take some work to see.
Of course, he wasn’t alone. The company staff was also with him.
The training itself was just as I said, not something that was too dangerous.
Regarding Jin, Amelia, and the students, I have given a relative amount of material for Shiki and have left it to him, and from what I have heard, there’s no problems.
By nature, it was a situation where there’s no need to call for me.
‘I am truly sorry, Jin has been seriously wounded. Please come to Kaleneon posthaste’, is the report I received in my sleep, and so, that’s why I am currently in Kaleneon.
From what Shiki has said, the treatment has been safely done and has shown the best results where no scars are left.
However, because Jin was about to die -not in a class, but in actual combat- he fell into a state of agitation.
…Well, at the classes, no matter how much they are conscious of death, lately, they have seriously understood somewhere in their minds that they won’t die.
Even if we corner them right at the borders of death, we wouldn’t go as far as actually killing them after all.
But actual combat is different.
For the sake of stealing, protecting, eating; they will fight the enemy and kill it.
Of course, only one side will survive and the other will die.
In other words, Jin has experienced the fear of actual borderline death that he has not experienced in a while, and his state of mind is currently unstable.
In terms of strength, he has plenty enough to work as an adventurer, but -fufufu- looks like he has finally stepped into the starting line of becoming a warrior in the real sense of the word.
He probably remembered the time with the lesser dragon and that has made him even more mortified and agitated.
That was also actual combat, but he was in a party, moreover, they had countermeasures before fighting, and they also had tenacity that surpassed their fear.
Now then…why was Jin on the verge of dying this time?
“…Actually, I am expecting Jin to act in Kaleneon’s matters. And so, I was thinking about having him experience fighting in a snow country and the way to fight there, so I brought him here with the intentions of having him learn in actual practice.” (Shiki)
“And  there was an unexpected factor that even Shiki was unable to predict. Is that how it is?” (Makoto)
“…Yes.” (Shiki)
Shiki’s bitter smile was heavy.
Maybe he thinks he has planted a trauma in his student.
Being honest here, I don’t feel like Shiki needs to feel so responsible about it.
I also have no intentions of blaming him at all for the injury of Jin.
After this, I plan on saying this to Jin when he gets somewhat better: ‘Don’t make Shiki worry’, ‘are you a weakling?’, ‘are your limbs decorations?’, which is just some light abuse.
I don’t know for what sake he did it, but he came to our place seeking strength, and said he desired to be employed in the Kuzunoha Company.
He should have known of its danger.
He himself has taken the lessons and has been watching us, so he should have known that there’s no way he would obtain power and money by sipping tea while watching the sunset.
If that wasn’t the case, he would have dropped out of class.
On top of that, he was suggested training by Shiki and he accepted it, and splendidly failed in it.
That’s right, he failed expectations.
At the very least, that how I have to think as the representative of the company.
Everyone from Asora is also going outside and doing their best as part of the company with pride, so the responsibility is heavier.
If it were simply about the class, it would be another story, but when it is about Jin and Amelia, I must make sure to act the part.
“Shiki, in this time’s matter, Jin betrayed your expectations and you were disappointed. That’s all there’s to it.” (Makoto)
“But I—! Am in part their teacher as well.” (Shiki)
“At the same time -for now, at least- you are the company superior of those two. Right?” (Makoto)
“That’s…yes, it is exactly as you say, but…” (Shiki)
“Then, let’s go with expecting the same as everyone at Asora in terms of work. Without the partiality that they are students. You are focusing too much on it.” (Makoto)
“Am I…really focusing too much on it? I admit that because he is under my tutelage and inexperienced, I have been soft.” (Shiki)
“That’s how I see it. No matter if he is a student under your tutelage, as long as he wants to work in the Kuzunoha Company, inexperience doesn’t matter. If we are going to hire them, it would be troublesome if they don’t properly show the strength we seek from them.” (Makoto)
“…Right. It is just as you say. If we are soft with only them, it wouldn’t be a good example for the people of Asora that have crossed the gate and working hard at the outside for the company. You are completely right.” (Shiki)
“I am leagues away from preaching Shiki though. Hahaha.” (Makoto)
“No, that’s not true. This is not good, I just end up treating them as students rather than acting as a superior. If they are going to be involved with the company, I have to properly do things.” (Shiki)
“That’s right, that’s the way to go. Now then, Jin should have calmed down by now. Maybe I should go with the: ‘hey, wimp’. And so, why did Jin end up that way?” (Makoto)
The mysterious factor that overturned the expectation of Shiki.
It interests me.
“That’s probably me~!”
From the other side of the room’s door, a response suddenly came in place of a knock.
No, this voice…
I have heard it before?!
“Is it okay to enter?!”
An energetic voice resonates in the room.
Obviously, I look at Shiki.
“There’s probably no mistake. Because of that person’s influence, Jin chased the mamonos too far and received an injury.” (Shiki)
I see.
It is a voice I have heard before, but…at the same time, there’s a sense of discomfort for remembering.
It is as if something is out of place. A strange sensation.
Who is it?
Well, for now, it seems like the other side doesn’t hold any hostility, so let’s have it enter.
“Please, go ahead.” (Makoto)
“Excuse my intrusion!!”
At any rate, it seems to be an energetic person.
I could tell before that person came in but, she is a girl.
She is in her teens and…

Around the same age as Jin and the others…
“Nice to meet you! It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Raidou-sama! At the orders of my father, Falz, I am on duty at the Adventurer Guild of Kaleneon, my name’s Sofia!!”
Short blue hair, both eyes not showing a single irregularity, and her energy is the same as before entering the room.
The dragon slayer that Root supposedly dealt the finishing blow to…has, for some reason, rejuvenated, and is standing in front of me.
Father, you say?!
“And that’s how it is. Because of me, it seems I made the apprentice-san there get injured. I am sorry.” (Sofia)
The young Sofia explained the situation for me, and lowered her head deeply —at me.
With no stiffness and no uneasiness showing.
No, that’s not on that level. This is…yeah, she clearly doesn’t know me.
It looks like she really doesn’t know.
For some reason, she seems to be incredibly interested in me and that part is eerie, but there’s not a single trace of her faking.
I don’t know everything that happened in her past.
But…if -and only IF-she didn’t have the objective of devouring Superior Dragons to be on the same level as Root, and didn’t have any sort of factor that distorted her into darkness as she grew up, she might have ended up being a woman like this.
Of course, that’s only an if.
But the young Sofia in front of me isn’t some sort of residual spirit of her or an undead, she has clear presence. Moreover, she is calling that Root as father.
…No, it wasn’t Root.
That’s how she called him.
“Raidou-sama?” (Sofia)
“Ah, right. I understand. It is nothing you should apologize for. It just means that our Jin is inexperienced.” (Makoto)
“Inexperienced?! It is true that he is a bit of a weird guy, but his skills were quite high. Ah! Could it be that in the Kuzunoha Company, even that is considered inexperienced?!” (Sofia)
The young Sofia talks to me with glittering eyes.
A bit of a weird guy. It is not like Jin is a weird guy.
But from what I hear of young Sofia, he is indeed weird.
I have also confirmed with Shiki, and it seems like what she says is true.
Sister Miranda, huh.
It seems like that’s what Jin shouted when he coincidentally met Sofia in the middle of his training and ran to her.
It wasn’t on the level of resembling an acquaintance, he was completely sure that this young Sofia was this person called Miranda.
Doesn’t sound like he went crazy from the cold.
In the first place, the current Sofia is clearly strange.
She is younger, doesn’t remember me, and her impression of the Kuzunoha Company is overwhelmingly good.
And that girl looks similar to someone else?
No good, I don’t understand.
“Can’t say he is skilled when he ended up injured just because his strength was not fitting for the place. It is true that if I am asked whether Jin is weak or strong in the Kuzunoha Company, I would say that he is an apprentice. He is still weak.” (Makoto)
“Uwaa~~! As expected of the world’s strongest war potential, the Kuzunoha Company! You are exactly how father said!!” (Sofia)

As I thought, even here she mentions Root.
This Sofia being here, or more like, everything about this is a scheme of his.
Going through the trouble of leaving this girl in Kaleneon, must mean that he was looking forward to me finding her and be taken aback by it.
And also, he expects me to go flying to his place asking for the circumstances of this.
…That’s exactly what I will be doing though.
That irritates me.
In the first place, what’s that about being the world’s strongest war potential.
That’s not an evaluation you give to a company.
“War potential, is it. Seriously, how ill-natured of Falz-dono.” (Makoto)
“No! My father always says this frequently. That being able to cooperate with the Kuzunoha Company is a big benefit for the Adventurer Guild. He said that Raidou-sama is an important and irreplaceable existence.” (Sofia)
“T-That’s why he said that you are his ‘most trusted person’ and send me to Kaleneon. I was looking forward to the day I meet you like this. That’s the truth.” (Sofia)
She looks happy.
Yeah, there’s no doubt about that.
There’s no doubt in her words.
Let’s start over. I will give her the chance.
It is certainly great.
But…that innocence, that pure way of her bringing the conversation to me, looking at her who is happy about this moving meeting of hers…for some reason, it was painful for me.
I still don’t understand the reason why.
The figure of Sofia enjoying life…looked pitiful.
I don’t know how, but Root has given her a life opposite of hatred, a life of happiness.
That’s how it is, and yet…
I can’t read the emotions of Shiki who is standing at my side.
He is simply showing a gentle expression as a superior of the company and at times, gesturing comprehension to the words of Sofia.
“Ah, he told me to keep this a secret, but I can’t lie to father and Raidou-sama, so I am telling you this, okay?” (Sofia)
The young Sofia made a troubled expression and then soon returned to the smile she showed until now as she said this.
Shiki’s eyebrow moves slightly.
…New information huh.
That ‘he’ she mentioned just now, is she referring to the person that rescued Jin at the base of the snow mountain?
That’s what Sofia said.
That there was a man who wiped out the mamonos that cornered Jin.
It is questionable for a person that’s challenging the snow mountain, but apparently, it was a knight-looking person that sported a full plate armor. Moreover, he was riding a strong horse.
There’s so many things to retort to that I don’t even know where to begin.
Being told this is some new sort of illusion magic would be more believable.
“He introduced himself as Aznoval. It seems like he saved the apprentice there, and when I arrived at the place, he said: ‘I am Aznoval…is the alias I go by as a knight -no I mean, an adventurer of ori– no, not that either, I am just passing by. By the way, where’s Tsige?’” (Sofia)
I know that name though.
“From the looks of it, I don’t think it was an alias but his real name. He was wandering Kaleneon, and was asking the directions for Tsige. That’s clearly weird.” (Sofia)
…That’s true. It is way too far.
It is like being in China, and asking the way to Finland.
If it’s from Silk Road to Middle East, that’s barely realistic.
Even if this world has teleport formations, the standard way of transportation in this world is at the level of the Middle Ages.
Anyways, Tsige huh.
If he is from the Adventurers of Origin, I can’t ignore that the name Tsige came out from his mouth.
First of all, let’s look at the state of Jin, and then, return to Tsige.
…I will leave the labyrinth exploration for the afternoon, and in that time, I will have everyone investigate about the things related to Iroha-chan.
Now that I think about it, Mio wanted to inspect the miso production.
It is dull but, as a small reward, let’s make it free time this morning with the pretext of investigation.
“At any rate, what should we do about that boy? I am not Miranda-san, and am not that boy’s sister though. Today is our first time meeting. If this were a new type of flirting, I would have been able to reject it…” (Sofia)
“I will be asking him that after this, so it may take a bit of time, but if you are okay with it…” (Makoto)
“If Raidou-sama says so. Also, please don’t use formal speech with someone like me. It seems like you are busy today, but it would make me happy if you were to lend me your time in the near future! Well then, I would feel bad taking so much of your time, so I will be leaving now!” (Sofia)
She doesn’t intend to meet Jin, huh.
But that’s true.
It would make me feel more at ease if this were simply Jin fallin’ in love at first sight with Sofia and him trying some nonsensical flirting.
Now then, let’s hurry.
I have to finish the business here and in Tsige while it is morning, and return to Kannaoi by the afternoon.
Tsige huh. It would be nice if there’s someone who knows about the objective of this Aznoval person though.

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View Comments

  • Was wondering what root was gona do with sofias body. Somethings definitely off here. Root had no interest or attatchment to sofia but now we see him revive her and apparently is actually playing the part of a parent this time around. Theres a setup here for something and I hope we dont have to wait another 100 chps to see what it is.

  • so sofia inheriting rebirth skill like superior dragon or it just Root make the previous Sofia dying, erasing her memories and brainwashing a re-new human to teasing makoto (yes root knew that our protag have a trouma with sofia) and the worst presenting the re-new Sofia as makoto harem, lol. but wait why i am imagining sofia with fierce aura and red hair no, blue hair
    so shiki regaining his Hyumanity gradually... the first his concern toward Amelia and now his responsibility feeling when the hyuman subordinate took big damage
    thx for the chapt,

    • I think it was mentioned previously that she had the reincarnation ability like the superior dragons. I believe it was the chapter where Root killed her.

  • Thanks for the chapter :)
    Don't worry about the cliffhanger, it just gives everyone a good excuse to debate and theorize on the story and on how Trashmoki will be "punished".
    Other than that, Sofia's new personality came as a little of a surprise. Would this be an example of gap moe? She went from psycho bitch straight to naive and innocent girl-next-door.
    Of course, this could be an example of how she would have turned out if she had never found out that her father's race and powers.

    • I'm actually kinda liking this new Sophia. The original one was kind of annoying, but had some attractive parts in her personality here and there.
      So far, this new one is just funny, if unsettling.

      • It's possible that's a hidden card of Root to have a "child with Makoto"....
        Since his/her approach didn't give fruits he/she send off his/her springs to "copulate" with Makoto....Sofia eyes were glittering in seing Makoto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • You sure that's Sophia?
      Really sure?
      Really, really sure?
      Surprise! It's clone Sophia 3 of 250! lol
      Won't put it past Root to have a huge stock of cloned descendants all with differing personalities, including 'Broken Sophia' who discovered she's just one of a line of mass production. It would fit with her obsessive love for her Hero, the 'only Brave allowed to exist', won't be surprised if s/he thinks their offspring is the be all and end all of hyumanity too.

    • wonder if that chapt of trashmoki eating dirt will come cause theres only a few chapts left

  • seriously just how many chapters left to reach raws? i have a feeling to drop this novel for at least a year. a lot of chapters already are just bla bla bla new plot with bla bla bla and in 3 minutes namek will explode and bla bla bla for 10 more chapters and in 2m.59s namek will explode << its going like that no real advance cmon already whats next? going to tsige to learn NOTHING HAPPENED and that actuallyFOR SOME STUPID REASON the drug reached there and merchant wife its brain washed or something -_- or even the adventurers. just who cares for adventurers of origin its better to just learn from them once fight start instead of o need to go a city and learn someone strong came here and go ad for some unknown reason i know its from those guys buuu must learn of him. well ignore all i said i am just pissed off since already reaching raws and il probably wont be able to know what happens for a lot more of time.. also this chapter made me mad as hell.. a %"·$"·$ new sofia when i was happy she died already. and another reason aside tomoki to add another 30 chapters without reaching to duel -_-

    • it really worry me that this novel its changing so much in bad ways. its becoming like slave harem in labyrinth with to many useless info.

      • It is? I honestly don't mind a lot of what's going on right now.
        Maybe my standards are just different but I've been seeing a lot of complaints about this novel recently that I just don't get.
        Makoto's exploring the world. This time he's at Lorel with whatever reason and we get to see how everyone reacts to him. He's being his silly self, his followers are being their silly selves, and Tomoki is being his dickhead self.
        There are some slow chapters, but I'm quite entertained the whole way through.

      • No, I think it's been getting way slower lately. For instance, this chapter feels like another distraction from this arc's climax. It's like the author is sticking in filler until he composes the finale.

    • lol, this is as far one of the most unique story I have ever read. It's separated from other typical plots. And you put it in the same category as DB, the most typical plot out there? Just how many chapters did you just scan but not read? you are like a kid reading a typical OP MC story just to look for a 1 side massacre between that MC and other character. Without planning, analyzing, tatics,... just pure raw power to win + all char have IQ 1.

    • I kind of agree, there has been an awful lot of talking as of late, and most of it has just been "tomoki is a shitbird", and "well makoto killed three people who came at him with the intent to kill" with all the bitching of people complaining afterwards for and against him doing it, though I have to admit sofia popping up again might be a nice thing, provided it isn't some reach around spying bs or she was just pretending and the author is just setting up a cheap feel moment.

  • Thanks for the chapter! It's fine even if u don't double release the chapters. Cuz not all translators r as fast (release-timewise, some took a month to translate) as you due to rl commitments.
    And in actuality , most of the readers r also anticipating releases from other novels so unless that person is a NEET, they won't bother much I think.

  • Thanks as always Reigo-san ! its ok about that it just like Psychronia said, it gives us quite a lot to disquss and where to aim our hatred to :3
    take your time dude and also your health so you dont get too exhausted with the things you have to do

  • Daaamn. Makoto is such a brutal teacher.
    "'ve finally stepped into the realm of warriors after being traumatized by a near-death experience."
    followed by,
    "Almost dying to something of this level? wimp ."
    At this point, I wonder if he obtained his "Life is worthless" mentality from his training with his own teacher?

  • Surprise Sophia! I'm actually kinda happy to see her again.
    ...I have to agree with Makoto on her changes though, even if his problem has more to do with his personal past with her.
    Something about seeing Sophia like this is...immensely uncomfortable. Whether it's wiping her memories after reincarnating her, recreating her mind and body using whatever was left of her as base, or something else...What Root basically did was change the very core of her personality as he saw fit after giving her a dog's death.
    One might argue that this change was for the better since Sophia seems much more happy and upbeat now, to put's so hollow. Whatever she thinks she's experienced is false, her true hate-driven motivations were all for nothing, and whoever she originally was had been utterly erased as if it never existed.
    She's now living this carefree life only because Root decided to make it this way on what was probably a whim-a literal joke.
    That's some pretty callous treatment for his own flesh and blood, honestly. Especially when you consider that Root originally selfishly erased some people from history and killed her equal out of familial love.

    • I reread the part where sophia died, root said he saw when she became a women, and when she was heartbroken, sophia said she suffered from the power she received.
      that make me interested in sophia's back-story and why she wanted so much to kill root.
      what if her power to absorb other power when out of controle and ended up stealing the life of her husband or child?
      that would explain the hate she had for root

    • What's done is done. I just hope Makoto will not try to keep his distance from her. Since Root is her "dad", Makoto needs to get involved in her life to make sure Root doesn't mess with her any more.
      You know, it's starting to feel like Makoto is just going around cleaning up the messes that everyone makes. The Bug, Root, the Heroes, Root again... and again, and the Heroes again (not just Tomoki, because Hibiki certainly isn't just idling her time away).

      • ....Oh wow. Makoto really has just been the janitor of this world hasn't he?
        He was dropped in the wasteland and cleaned up the many terrible circumstances of the demihumans there, as well as the demon's plots, and the corruption in Zetsuya.
        He gets dragged off into the war and ends up "settling" the conflict there, to the point where demons and hyumans actually just give up and somehow coexist together.
        After that is Academy Town Rotsgard, where he crushes overbearing businesses, wipes out a conspiracy organization, and made his name by fixing the horribly ineffectual battle systems the students seemed to be living by.
        He's dragged into the war again to explicitly clean up Hibiki's mess (Tomoki's leftovers just sorta came to find him).
        When he visits the demon country, he's involved in clearing up the coup d'état(not to mention Root's "mess"). When he visits Gritonia he beats some values out of Tomoki(arguably not a good thing though). When he visits Limia he's used as bait for the Hoplace family.
        And now in Lorel...well, we can see where this is going.
        Forget archery. Makoto is clearly going to become a god of cleaning.

        • When you list it out like that it's just depressing.
          On the other hand, that just makes Makoto an actual Hero.
          After all, true heroes don't act the way they do because they're trying to be a hero and think that it is how one would act. They simply do what is necessary, even when everyone else runs away.

          • Is it? I'm not sure, actually.
            I feel like a person who dutifully reflects on what he or she should be doing to "act like a hero" can be just as admirable as someone that's just a helpful person on instinct.
            Thinking about things like that opens up the more philosophical aspects of the role, like in Maoyuu.
            Wouldn't it be kinda interesting to see how much more philanthropy Makoto would be doing if he was accepted as a Hero by Bug? Actually, the whole idea of him being summoned as the only Hero sounds pretty interesting. Would he be like Hibiki and just try to wipe the demons out? Would he be like Tomoki and fall prey to vices? Or would he still just be himself and prefer to live relatively simply?

          • Well if had been sumoned as the sole Hero I am sure he would have avoided moe duty that to figth in the war, he wouldn't guet involved in the politics or factions. He migth have just marchd to battlefields and eliminate the enemy to end the war sooner.

  • I figured Sophia wouldn't stay dead
    I did NOT expect her to come back like this though

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