Chapter 205: At the side of the sleeping priestess

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“…Right. I didn’t meet the Emperor in Gritonia, but I have already met the King of Limia…so I should have known.”
After returning to the guest room that was given to us, a sigh and a reflection leaked out.
My head was heavy as if something was weighing down on it.
It was a sensation as if I had been studying for a long period of time, and I stopped my concentration for a bit.
We did an audience with the Limia king, and had a talk with nobles(that were probably influential).
The moment we came to this country, I was already prepared to have talks with nobles, but in Gritonia, the only ones I met were the princess and the hero, so at a corner of my mind, I thought that maybe I won’t be meeting the king.
It seems like with the excuse of having saved them at Rotsgard, they began an audience as their thanks.
Personally, I wanted to go visit the priestess-san that had suddenly collapsed, but in that part, they politely refused.
I was bothered by it, but I had no choice but to ask Mio and Lime grasp her state.
Thanks to my experience in the audience with the Demon Lord, I was somehow able to overcome it, but the number of nobles that came to talk later were more than I expected, and it made me abnormally tired.
I spoke a bit with prince Joshua,and after that, I thought that Hibiki-senpai had various things to talk about as well, but to my surprise, she didn’t show up.
And there’s also the Hopelace household.
The feudal lord said that he would be waiting for me in the capital, but I had a bad feeling about actually meeting him.
He was calm and told me about the opinions of other nobles, so in the surface, he had a cooperative atmosphere, but…
At times, he directed unpleasant eyes at me.
That’s what I felt.
I don’t think it was my imagination, and I felt like the nobles that were close to him also directed a good amount of those gazes.
There were several times when I felt like they were keeping each other in check, and it might be just as the rumors say that the Limia nobles are ridden in political strifes.
For now, in the talks of today, there was not a single topic about having the Kuzunoha Company placing a store.
There’s plenty possibility that in the Merchant Guild of this country and the nobles there has already been some sort of talk between them. This is the guess of Lime, but I think that’s correct.
“Good work, Waka-sama.” (Mio)
“Good work, Boss.” (Lime)
Mio and Lime; the two of them were in the room and welcomed me.
“I am back~. Senpai was not there, but the talk with the king and the nobles was incredibly tiring.” (Makoto)
“About the priestess that Waka-sama was worried about, it seems like she saw an hallucination because of overwork.” (Mio)
“Yeah, right now there’s nothing wrong and is calmly sleeping.” (Lime)
“So she was tired to the point of seeing hallucinations…a girl as small as that… Senpai must be worried as well.” (Makoto)
I feel like being in the hero party of the Limia Kingdom is a very successful career, but is it an exhausting job?
It seems like Senpai is standing at the frontlines in the war with the demon race, so maybe it is a given.
In this world, kids are working as if it was natural after all.
“Also, a messenger came and said that prince Joshua is waiting for you. It is not urgent, so after you have made your arrangements, he wanted you to tell the people that are at the corridor.” (Lime)
“…Hey Mio.” (Makoto)
“What is it-desu ka?” (Mio)
“About the priestess-san, I feel like she collapsed when she saw you and I though. You didn’t do anything, right?” (Makoto)
“I haven’t done anything-desu wa. In the first place, from all those people, she was the only one that ended up like that, you know? Even if it is me, I wouldn’t go out of my way to target my spell at a small girl.” (Mio)
“…Right, sorry.” (Makoto)
“It is not something to apologize for. In the first place…” (Mio)
“Hm?” (Makoto)
“Waka-sama, Lime, and I haven’t done anything, so the reason should be on the other side. If that girl was trying to do something to us and ended up in that way, even if she is a girl, it just means she got her just desserts. Whatever the case, it is not something that merits Waka-sama to be troubled over.” (Mio)
Mio was laughing gently.
When she is with Tomoe and I, she normally acts emotionally, so this is unusual.
She seems to have a lot of composure, and how to say it, she looks calm.
I felt that in this journey I would be depending on Lime, but Mio’s beginning to look like a dependable person.
The Arkes show remarkable growth, but maybe Mio is like that as well.
I don’t think there will be that many complicated talks and decisions in Limia, but if that time comes, I am happy that there are two people I can rely on.
“That girl might have done something, huh. She is a priestess-san, so does she have a special sense or something, Lime?” (Makoto)
“Somewhat… Uhm…I think she is proficient at seeing the essence of someone when she sees them.” (Lime)
“Essence… more mysterious sounding stuff. From what I saw in her gaze, she didn’t look like she saw my Magic Armor, so is it the type that sees things that other people don’t?” (Makoto)
“…Yeh.” (Lime)
“Maybe I should try asking her when I visit her. It would be bad to make the Prince-sama wait, so I will be leaving soon. Ah, there’s no need to stay house-sitting. It is fine if you just return by evening.” (Makoto)
“If that’s the case, Waka-sama, I will go meet Hibiki-desu wa. I will be asking about the visit to the priestess in detail.” (Mio)
“Mio alone?” (Makoto)
Senpai and Mio.
Even if we are inside the castle, it makes me slightly uneasy.
“Then I will be taking Lime with me. It seems like there was a period of time when he was with Hibiki’s group in Lorel after all. Is it okay? We haven’t confirmed if it’s okay to go outside, so if possible, it would be better to receive permission for it first, and it would be better to take care of the business that can be done within the castle.” (Mio)
“…Yeah, I am counting on you.” (Makoto)
What with this? She is really reliable.
Did Mio evolve?
There was no notice of it.
It is true that we haven’t confirmed if it’s okay to leave outside.
This is bad.
I was thinking that it would be okay since those two can easily go outside without being discovered by the people of the castle.
It should be better to receive permission for going outside in terms of order huh.
I let it slip by.
“Go do it.” (Makoto)
“Yeah, I will.” (Mio)
I still had a sliver of uneasiness in my head, but I leave the room to head to where prince Joshua is, and tell the guards that were standing there about my intentions.
“Well then, let’s go meet Hibiki, Lime.” (Mio)
“Nee-san.” (Lime)
“…What is it?” (Mio)
“What did you do to Chiya? What did you show her?” (Lime)
Lime made up his mind and asked, and Mio who had a gentle smile, narrowed her eyes slightly.
“I didn’t do anything. Nothing at all.” (Mio)
“I reported Tomoe-neesan about the priestess’ eyes. Boss didn’t seem like he knew, but Nee-san should have known, right?” (Lime)
“Yeah.” (Mio)
“‘Yeah’, you say?! Don’t tell me, you intentionally…” (Lime)
“Waka-sama isn’t that good at expressing himself without words after all. Also…even if they learn of my identity, it will only deepen their understanding of Waka-sama. There’s no problem at all-desu yo.” (Mio)
“I-Identity…is it? Don’t tell me you are like Tomoe-neesan, a Superior Dragon?” (Lime)
Cold sweat ran down the face of Lime.
It wasn’t pleasant sweat.
When he was involved with Root and learned of his direct superior Tomoe’s identity, he was proud that he didn’t lose consciousness at that moment.
It was a situation that wouldn’t be strange if he did after all.
“Fufufu, that’s not it, but it is something similar-desu wa. Also, it is fine to just ask Hibiki about what that girl saw. I don’t know what she saw either after all.” (Mio)
“Just what’s Boss, seriously.” (Lime)
Lime began to get interested in what Chiya saw in Raidou and Mio.
Just how will she express what she saw with those abstract words of hers.
“Waka-sama is a gentleman that’s like a cat basking on the sun. With no evil and hostility. That’s only if he is not touched or woken up because of their own convenience, though.” (Mio)
“The reaction of Chiya didn’t seem like she saw a cute cat though. Definitely.” (Lime)
“Then she must have had a stupid expectation. Ah~, I don’t know what power it is, but it would be convenient if all the hyumans had that kind of power.” (Mio)
The gentleness disappeared, and Mio was now showing a smile that made one feel dreadfulness.
“W-Well then, I will contact Hibiki.” (Lime)
“No need. You know where she is, right?” (Mio)
“Eh…yes. I have the information of Hibiki in this, so I can tell.” (Lime)
Saying this, Lime points at the katana at his waist.
Lime had received a katana exclusive for him from Makoto via Tomoe, that has been customized with a variety of abilities.
That’s one of the reasons why he is able to tell the location of Hibiki without the need of investigating.
Lime explains the location of Hibiki to Mio.
It seems like Hibiki is currently in the middle of nursing Chiya.
“This is convenient. Well then, we are going. Let’s go.” (Mio)
“So suddenly?! We should at least send a thought transmission to—” (Lime)
“Ara. For a person that we have trained, given a weapon, repaired it, and even gave her the credit of several achievements, there’s no need to be reserved-desu wa.” (Mio)
“…That’s…it might be true but…” (Lime)
What Mio had listed was all true.
When lining it up again, Lime felt that they have done quite a lot for her.
“I will have Hibiki learn of Waka-sama in the time of our stay. By force, that is.” (Mio)
“Learn of…Boss.” (Lime)
Lime felt something ominous from those words.
His instincts were telling him that it was dangerous.
“Right, first of all, maybe I should have her accompany him when delivering that.” (Mio)
Mio glances at the bag that is lying down at a corner of the room.
“…I have not heard of the details, but if I remember correctly, it is the egg of a dragon, right?” (Lime)
“Yeah, it seems like it is the Waterfall dragon-desu” (Mio)
“I see, the Waterfall dragon, is it.” (Lime)
Lime definitely didn’t understand the meaning of it.
“It is a peace-fool dragon that was defeated by a mere dragon killer, but I will have it be useful.” (Mio)
“…Water fall, Waterfall…dragon…Dragon killer? Hah? Haaah?!” (Lime)
“Hmph~, so it is here. The room where the priestess is sleeping.” (Mio)
Lime was finally able to digest the words of Mio, but he was in the middle of showing several emotions by voicing them out.
Mio had nonchalantly teleported.
It is not the medical room.
It’s the private rooms.
The cleaning was well done, but it was a room that didn’t seem to be used that often.
At a part of that place, there was some sort of religious tool, and one could guess that it is the room of a priest.
“Who’s there?!”
“Hibiki, it is me. It seems like you weren’t present at the time of the audience. Waka-sama was worried, for a variety of reasons.” (Mio)
“Mio…-san. And Lime too. I didn’t invite you, and you didn’t knock either but, what’s going on?” (Hibiki)
“It hasn’t been long enough to say ‘it’s been a long while’, but well, I am glad to see that you are somewhat well, Hibiki. Sorry for coming so suddenly.” (Lime)
“Sorry, you say. Lime, you…” (Hibiki)
“Just how much do you think you owe us, lady? Wash away something as trivial as this without blaming.” (Mio)
“Fuh~. When you bring that, I can’t say anything.” (Hibiki)
In the room of the priestess, the hero Hibiki was there.
The priestess Chiya was lying on the luxurious bed that has a pavilion.
In that big bed, there was only one small bulge.
“It seems like the priestess still hasn’t woken up. Waka-sama was worried about her as well. He said that he wanted to visit her later, so can you please make the time?” (Mio)
“Misumi-kun? But that’s…” (Hibiki)
“He seemed to be worried that maybe he did something to her. Even though your side was the one that did something though.” (Mio)
“…I see. So you heard it from Lime.” (Hibiki)
Lime takes the gaze of Hibiki directly.
He hasn’t promised to not say it or to keep it a secret, so there’s no room to blame him, and when thinking about their relationship, he is someone that she owes a lot to.
When there’s nothing to be ashamed for, it is natural to show a confident attitude.
“It is my job after all.” (Lime)
“Right. I won’t blame you for that.” (Hibiki)
“Also, didn’t you think that we would be coming with a countermeasure for that?” (Lime)
“…Yes. You know of the eyes of Chiya, so I wasn’t expecting much.” (Hibiki)
Slight regret was shown in the eyes of Hibiki.
“Now then, I wonder what this girl saw~. I am looking forward to hearing it.” (Mio)
“You didn’t make a countermeasure?” (Hibiki)
“There was nothing you can see that could trouble us after all. I only thought of it as getting my fortune told for free-desu wa.” (Mio)
Mio says this nonchalantly.
“How sturdy spirited, as always. It is true that I thought you would act more cautiously.” (Hibiki)
“Fufufufu, Hibiki says quite the amusing things-desu wa ne. Ara…” (Mio)
Seeing the expression of Hibiki clouding slightly, Mio shows a wondering expression.
“You wanted to know about Waka-sama and us, right? Then be happier. Thanks to the priestess, you have obtained valuable information, didn’t you?” (Mio)
“Until now, Chiya-chan has seen a variety of people, but she didn’t lose herself as much as now. It might be valuable information, but because my forecast was naive, I have made her experience something painful. I can’t be happy.” (Hibiki)
“I thought that you had become quite skilled at conducting yourself, but it seems like you are soft-hearted when it comes to your comrades, as always. How lukewarm.” (Mio)
“Just this one part, I feel like it is something that I can’t throw away until the last moment. But Mio-san, you call it lukewarm, but it looked like Misumi-kun was also quite soft-hearted towards Mio-san and the others though?” (Hibiki)
She didn’t say that she won’t be able to throw it away, but she objected to Mio’s words, and brings out the subject of Makoto.
It is true that Makoto treats her as an equal, or more like, family.
Hibiki who thinks that if they are talking about soft-hearted, he is one too.
“The standpoint is different. When it is an action befitting of one’s stature, it can’t be called soft-hearted. For Waka-sama, it is a conduct that he has surplus to do, but for you, you are just pointlessly tiptoeing.” (Mio)
“You are going so far as saying that. Can I hear your basis?” (Hibiki)
“That’s something you yourself should learn.” (Mio)
“…Eh?” (Hibiki)
“Lime and I won’t get in the way. Waka-sama wants to go to some lake in Limia because of a job he has been asked to do. Since you have the chance, how about you go guide him? Right, Waka-sama and you are ‘fellow countrymen’, so go together alone.” (Mio)
“?!!” (Hibiki)
“Nee-san…” (Lime)
“Lime, you keep your mouth shut. How about it, Hibiki? If you say you are going to guide Waka-sama by yourself, I think it will be fine to clear all the debts until now.” (Mio)
“…It will depend on the place that he wants to go, but in my side, I can make the time. In the first place, I was thinking about having a long talk with Misumi-kun.” (Hibiki)
The affirming words of Hibiki made the brows of Lime crease.
(And yet, the reason why they didn’t establish a place to talk immediately…was because they placed the talk with the nobles first, to gather information and manipulate the impressions huh. The chances that a number of the nobles asked something of Hibiki are high, and if Hibiki meets with Boss after he has gone through uncomfortable talks, with the positions of Boss and Hibiki… The nursing might have been by chance, but it turned into a good excuse for us. Mio-neesan, Hibiki is not lukewarm. Something that can’t be thrown away until the last moment, is something that can be considered will be thrown away when that moment comes, after all. If you are going to leave Boss and Hibiki alone…I should at least make it possible to grasp the situation. Tomoe-neesan was also bothered by it after all.) (Lime)
“I have set up the table this much, so Hibiki should do something to make sure Waka-sama is able to go to the place he wants to go. No matter where Waka-sama wants to go, you who are a hero, is accompanying him, so it should be easy to convince the people around, right?” (Mio)
“He is a guest that was invited by the Limia Kingdom, but he is only one merchant. There’s places that can’t be entered so…” (Hibiki)
“…Hibiki, Waka-sama was called here to express their gratitude for saving your king and prince, you know? Something like public stance, I actually don’t care about those. If you are going to bring out conditions after I have prepared this much—” (Mio)
“Hibiki, those are not bad conditions, right? Boss is not someone that would cause troubles, and since you are an acquaintance of his, you should know, right?” (Lime)
Lime cuts in.
Because he could somewhat guess what Mio was about to say after that.
Those words would have been way too careless and should not be said. While feeling slightly agitated, he composedly coped with it.
“…Understood. Today would be impossible, so it will be for tomorrow or the day after. I will match the necessity of Misumi-kun, and guide him. It will be only me and Misumi-kun, okay?” (Hibiki)
She confirms with Mio, or more like, she was pushing her desire.
From Hibiki’s impression, Mio hates when other girls approach Makoto.
Even so, Mio was currently proposing them to be in a situation where they are alone.
It would be strange not to suspect anything behind that.
“Of course-desu wa. Waka-sama has been tired lately, so please have him relax. I am leaving it to you, Hibiki.” (Mio)
“Understood. I will do what I can. The girl here is still resting so…” (Hibiki)
“Of course, we have finished our business. Let’s return, Lime. Ah, Hibiki, this is a request with no debt involved. What the priestess saw, please do tell me as well. I am really interested in it after all.” (Mio)
“Got it, Nee-san.” (Lime)
“I have heard it, but I can’t promise anything.” (Hibiki)
Hibiki looks at the place where those two blended and disappeared in the darkness, with a serious expression.
She is scheming something.
She was able to tell at least this much.
She hasn’t told anyone about Makoto who is calling himself Raidou, but she has gotten one lead, and it is true that Hibiki wants information of them to the point of desperation.
But the table has been prepared way too much.
Also, the reaction of Chiya was irregular.
“…Just what in the world did Chiya see? It bothers me as well. If possible, I want to hear about it before guiding Misumi-kun, but…they did tell me that it is best to wait for her to wake up naturally after all…” (Hibiki)
Looking at Chiya sleeping, Hibiki makes a small sigh.
The bad feeling doesn’t disappear.
The chill that has been wrapping around her neck since the moment Chiya collapsed, worried Hibiki.
Lime who had returned to their guest room, made a tired expression in front of Mio.
His appearance of bending his back was pitiful.
“Please spare me, Nee-san. At that rate, Nee-san, you would have said that you would be turning the capital into ashes to none other than Hibiki, right?” (Lime)
“I was slightly…peeved. It would have been fine to just obediently accept the preparations, but she had to go and try to be all sly. As expected, it would have been bad to say that I would be erasing the capital. You have saved me, Lime. I was about to trouble Waka-sama.” (Mio)
“Also, isn’t it bad to leave Hibiki and Boss alone? I have been asked by Tomoe-neesan to—” (Lime)
“Lime.” (Mio)
“Yes, what is it?” (Lime)
“There’s no problem.” (Mio)
An assertion.
“…There’s none?” (Lime)
“Yeah, none at all.” (Mio)
“Under…stood.” (Lime)
(No…choice. I will have to do it stealthily.) (Lime)
Left with no other choice, Lime began to think of a way to check on the state of those two from the shadows.
“If you do something like keep those two in check… I will do something interesting, Lime. Something incredibly interesting.” (Mio)
Lime lost his words.
From the first day in their stay in Limia Kingdom, he already felt dark clouds enveloping him.

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View Comments

  • Every time he practices with the bow his power gets stronger. When he met the girl outside the town and she took off like a bat out of hell, he isn't thinking about that at all. It's been a while and his coat, the 13 rings to help draw off some of his power; shouldn't be enough.He's been increasing his powers for a while and it was probably a whole army of Demon Lords, she saw. We all know what she saw when she looked at Mio. That alone would scare the hell out of her.

  • HAHAHAHAHA! Thank you very much Reigo-chaaaaaan!
    1- Man, Hopeless reaaaally doesn't learn, huh? lol I hope Makoto convinces Limia's king to punish that household;
    2- BWAHAHAHA! Attack on Chiya right at arrival?! XDDDDD And I thought it would take a while! Lime got trolled by Mio!
    3- Btw, good intervention from Lime during the talk with Hibiki! I expect much from her this arc! Fufufufufu...

  • Dammit senpai, you posted two in one night and I didn't notice? Thanks for the chapter anyway, it gets closer to something interesting. Besides, it's my fault that I didn't notice.

  • A double chapter day is a great day. Thanks Reigokai.
    I'm curious what Mio is expecting by sending Makoto and Hibiki off alone together. Other than having her realise the difference in power that is. Does she just want Hibiki to understand that he's not someone she can afford to poke and prod for her own convenience?
    Plus we have Makoto's prejudice against hyumans too. Is that going to come up if they talk? Before they just spoke about home while Hibiki led him to reveal everything he'd done since arriving in that world. Their intentions towards the people of that world shouldn't have come up yet. Hibiki will be disturbed that he doesn't care what happens to most hyumans save for a select few, while he would be bothered by her placing the hyumans first and tolerating demi-human discrimination until it's more convenient to change the hyuman's opinions of it. Are they going to end up clashing with each other on their trip? That would make things more interesting. Especially if Hibiki's true nature is revealed in the process. I want to see how he'll deal with it.
    I'd like it if his prejudice against hyumans is cured though. Sure, plenty of them aren't worth shit and hyumans like the one who went crazy in Asora deserve to die. But he needs to remember that his own parents are hyuman too. I was a little bothered when he thought about Amelia going to Gritonia and becoming Tomoki's slave without any concern, as though it didn't matter if someone he knew and had taught would be brainwashed into a puppet. The fact that even with the students who respect and admire him, following his teaching loyally, he still seems to feel that what they do is their own business, and even if they die somewhere it's their own problem, is a bit much. They haven't done anything to deserve that. I understand why he turned out that way. Since he wanted to get along with hyumans, only for some of them to lash out and attack his people for no reason with spewing bigoted words to the end, and even with him killing for the first time with his own hands to deal with it. It'd be strange if he hadn't developed issues with hyumans after that. I just hope he at least realises what he's doing.

    • Rather than discrimination I call it indifference. Makoto doesn't hate hyumans, he doesn't give a single fuck about them and that can be cured.Unlike Hibiki (demons) he doesn't hate hyumans but has enough traumatic events with them to be distant but that relationship can be mended and I hope the trap princess helps with that, I love her character.

      • @Surien
        I think it's mutual, hyumans see Makoto as ugly and therefore lack interest in him. Makoto is at least able to keep cordial relationships with quite a number of hyumans, that's impossible for Hibiki.
        Hyumans are showing interest in Kuzunoha because of their power but few people showed interest in Makoto himself even Hibiki, she was thinking ways to use him and kill him during their first contact so his lack of interest in hyumans is mutual and understandable.

      • Not arguing, but discrimination is defined as giving one group better or worse treatment based on a factor such as gender, age, race, etc. So the fact that he ONLY treat hyumans with indifference no matter what they do, good or bad, while treating other races normally, can't be called anything but discrimination.
        If someone is kind and generous with white people, but treats people of any other skin tone as if they don't matter, then what do you call that if not racism? It's the same thing.

    • Your definition is mostly correct but you are forgetting three things:
      --Even if Makoto personally likes demons, he isn't joining them and will only act as a neutral party.
      --The hyumans Makoto like are closer to humans on Earth (Zara family,princess...) than the beauty obsessed normal hyumans.
      --His attitude is perceived as problematic among his subordinates so they are probably going to confront him later on.
      This makes me think Makoto simply hates Bug and her religion rather than hyumans themselves.

      • If it was just those points then you might be right, but you aren't touching on the main thing I mentioned. How he treats his students. They're all hard working individuals that are more like the humans back home rather than the hyumans that can't do anything with their own efforts and just rely on the blessings of the goddess to save them. They're putting in all the effort and doing their best to answer his expectations and while it's true he's teaching them as a job, in normal human relationships there would be some affection developing over time, even if it was just as a teacher warmly looking over his students and watching them grow, having expectations of the, that kind of thing. Yet aside from the Rembrant sisters who are connected to Rembrant, he cuts himself of from any personal attachment to them and keeps himself detached and distant from them, simply doing his job to teach them. He otherwise acts as if what happens to them after he's done teaching them has nothing to do with him, that even if they die or get brainwashed it's someone else problem. Even when Shiki said he could have any of them erased if they become a problem after joining the company, he just casually thought how harsh Shiki is, but didn't say a single word to show it upset him. The fact that he treats Rembrant as someone he cares about and is indebted to and even couldn't send him to the guild during the Festival attack without summoned mist lizards to protect them, yet the students he's spent months teaching, seeing their struggles and earnest efforts to meet his standards, pouring all that time and effort into them, only to maintain indifference and disinterest outside his professional duties, deliberately not even asking about their personal circumstances when Shiki hinted that he knew, not caring whether they join the company or not beyond whether their talent might benefit them, it's a big difference in treatment. For me it's the biggest evidence that while his good will towards the hyumans he befriended before the incident with the adventurers in Asora happened remains, after that incident he is unconsciously rejecting any emotional attachment to any hyuman he's gotten involved with since. He originally was eager to enter hyuman territory and forge relations with the, it was even one of the main reasons he created Kuzunoha, so when hyumans he allowed into Asora turned on them out of petty greed and bigotry, injuring many of his people and killing one of the orcs, he almost certainly felt betrayed. It would be strange if it hasn't coloued his views towards hyumans since. When he got involved with Rembrant and saw what had been done to his family, he was quite disgusted, getting personally involved and even deciding to have the company focus on medicine and researching cures to Curse diseases. Yet after that incident, he acts like whatever suffering hyumans are going through has nothing to do with him. Even helping Ruria in the street was more due to curiousity about her expression, and even once he knew what she and her sister had been through he didn't feel especially sympathetic beyond a little pity. He only saw Ruria regulalry after that since she was working in a restaurant with japanese like food, since he hadn't even intended to go see her after that. Even getting involved with Eva was due to her working in the library and having knowledge he wanted. Finally making a deal with them was mainly for the sake of his own plan, rather than compassion for their circumstances. No matter how much he deals with hyumans like the sisters and students, he never crosses the line and develops any emotional attachment to them. He never lets them get close enough to hurt him.
        It's already been hinted that Makoto is the type who doesn't comment on his own pain and emotional damage, generally convincing himself he doesn't feel anything in the first place. And I'm quite sure he is putting up a wall between him and them, and the only reason that makes sense is because they're hyuman.
        And while he is staying neutral to the demons, he very nearly did decide to join them and we even got to see an alternate future where he did. Until they also betrayed the trust he had in them, when he was convinced they had backed off during the festival as he asked, the attack happened. That was what changed his mind, and while he didn't take any damage from that and therefore it isn't quite as bad as his treatment of hyumans, he's taking a bit of distance from them too.

      • Your lengthy comment doesn't refute my point, Makoto certainly keeps a wall between him and hyumans and will probably need some scolding from his followers but only to a "think about them a bit more" point.
        Makoto should be kinder to his students and that's the exact same thing Shiki and Tomoe discussed and called "discrimination" note the quote marks, it's not outright bigotry but distrust and slight dislike towards hyumans.

  • Oy, oy These two chapters are great !
    Of course seeing MC-chan wrecking dragons and giants is fun, but chapters building psychological material to his followers are awesome !
    Sentences like : "Just how much do you think you owe us, lady? Wash away something as trivial as this without blaming.” or "If you do something like keep those two in check… I will do something interesting, Lime. Something incredibly interesting" That Spider is going up in my ranking !! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
    Though it would be interesting to see what that Spider would do, stay still and shut up, Spy-sama !
    But, what kind of situations would make MC-chan show his might ?
    Also, what will come first, that Chibi awakening or Bitchiki's realization ?
    Whaa ! I'm so impatient !
    Well, watching burning ships with a bottle of sake sure is a good show~ Bye, Snake x MC-chan !
    Thanks for your work !

  • Mio, what on the world did you exposed toward the priestess?
    Anyway, the cliff-hanger is still annoying as always. Looking forward to what the Priestess see in Mio and Raidou/ Makoto, though.
    And thanks fot the double release. But do please not overload your PC like last time.

  • Thanks for the chapter Reigokai.
    Isn't this where chiya will misunderstand and say that raidou/makoto is the true demon lord?

  • i remembered when makoto asked to his followers how they see him, and they said that he look like a bunch of demon lord's soudenly appering, now that the time past, he has been like, recruiting new demon lord's for the image like, i could imagine like, y see a sea of demon lord's all laughting, sooo, it should be soooooooooo scary that faint was the better option, (if i where in the shoes os the priestess i whould have fainted standing)
    Thanks Reigo sensei for the chapter

  • whooooo. when you thought reigo-sama gave you 2 chaps so you can avoid a cliff, then you fell into an abyss lol. savage

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