Chapter 198: Gossip – Hibiki and Lime

‘What am I doing?’

Lime Latte was at a slightly further away place from the camp as he said this monologue.

(Seriously, something is wrong with me. Like this, it really is as if I am in a party.) (Lime)

Since the time he saved the priestess Chiya in Lorel Union with hero Hibiki, Lime has been moving together with them.

At first, it was obviously for the sake of gathering information by the order of his superior, Tomoe.

And yet, for some reason, Lime had meshed in with their party, and currently, he has ended up accompanying hero Hibiki because he was asked formally to a mission.

It is an infamous forest, but there were no signs of demonic beasts or beasts coming close to him who was smoking tobacco.

The creatures that live in this forest have recognized that this man that looks defenseless while smoking a tobacco, is actually a strong one.

And so, the natural instincts of the beasts are providing him with safety.

(…Frankly speaking, it is comfortable. As if I am with comrades I have been adventuring together for several decades.) (Lime)

There was a reason why he felt like he is together with comrades he has been along with for a long time.

It isn’t to the point of decades, but in the past, Hibiki’s party had one swordswoman.  

A woman by the name of Naval.

Lime knew this from the information he had.

And the fact that he is in the spot she should be.

It is also the reason why at times it felt like he had a set place for him when in battle.

Not only that, Lime actually knew the woman named Naval in more detail than Hibiki herself.

(To think that that Naval was a companion of the hero. She was in Tsige for a temporal time, but… the Vengeance Oni has become quite a kind one. To die for the sake of her comrades is a way of dying that she definitely wouldn’t have done in the past. Well, I can’t talk about others though.) (Lime)

The Naval that Lime knows was an embodiment of revenge that pointed its fangs of hatred towards the demon race.

It is not only once or twice that he has seen people bleach with the blood of the demons.

Their power and gold is all used for the sake of killing as many demons as possible.

That’s the kind of woman she was.

But the Naval that Hibiki and Chiya tell him about, were all stories of a charming woman with hyuman kindness.

Thinking that Naval was changed by Hibiki, Lime thought that maybe Naval was happier than in the time he knew her.

He felt something similar to gratitude towards Hibiki.

(You didn’t die in loneliness and with a maddened smile. That’s great. Moreover, that dancing blade technique is still living within Hibiki.) (Lime)

He blows out a big smoke.

A thick smoke that looked as if it could take the whole head. And after he felt that he let out enough, he once again inhales heavily.

(Hibiki is truly a heroic existence. To the point that it is easy to see. That is also because she is purposely acting in that way, and it is also because the people wish that from her. Acting to become the vessel of hopes is not something that a person would be able to do with a normal spirit. I can tell why Boss sings praises of her.) (Lime)

In the time that Lime was keeping an eye on Hibiki, he noticed that she was putting on an image of a ‘hero’ as she acted.

At first, he thought that it was an action of deceiving the general public, but…

(She is doing exactly what’s wished for in a hero. What part of that is bad and who would suffer losses from it? She is quite the person.) (Lime)

It is certainly true that Hibiki is highly calculative.

To the point that at times, he rolled his tongue as he watched her.

But Hibiki wasn’t showing contempt or planning something.

Without denying the image that the populace holds of heroes, she instead accepted it and showed them actions that fit their wishes.

As a result, she has much more support, and people that don’t falter in cooperating with the country for the sake of Hibiki, are born.

And Hibiki will have a stronger authority within those people, obtaining the root of support.

No one is losing.

Lime doesn’t think of idealistic thoughts like ‘it is bad because she is deceiving’.

He is being affected by the charisma of Hibiki and it increases that view of his, but just like Makoto, Lime was starting to approve of Hibiki.


(I have been ignoring the calls of Sis Tomoe a few number of times already. I do think that something’s wrong with me, but…is there an option of following Hibiki like this? No, my life was changed by Boss and Sis Tomoe. To change jobs to Hibiki wouldn’t be cool.) (Lime)

Lime’s worries were that.

The tobacco ashes were falling to the ground three time faster than normal.

It was indicating the distress he was having at this moment.

It seems like Hibiki’s way of acting was something that made Lime want to see and continue seeing it from now on as well.

Lately, she has not been asking him to participate permanently in her party.

To take away an employee of Kuzunoha Company without permission is as expected, not something good, is what Hibiki said.

But if in that time Lime has a change of heart, she did say that she would really request it from them.

An invitation that’s not forced.

If it’s solved peacefully, it would be great, is what Lime said.

And so, Lime was wavering.

Because it was awkward, he was unable to make contact with the Kuzunoha Company, and at the same time, it signified that Lime was leaning towards Hibiki’s side.

(Hm? Hibiki huh. How unusual for her to come alone.) (Lime)

The face of Lime that was facing up and down, was now faced towards the side.

Because in that direction, he felt the presence of Hibiki.

“Even though I thought I had properly erased my presence. I can’t win against Lime.” (Hibiki)

“Anything you need?” (Lime)

“You said that you would be eating your meal separately, right? I do have to take care of our helper here after all.” (Hibiki)

With an accustomed smile, Hibiki gives Lime the plate she had.

When Lime’s gaze went to the plate, Hibiki took out the cloth that was on the plate as if she was in a play.

The scent of vegetables and meat spread to the surroundings.

“When the person herself says that she will take care of me… it is just…” (Lime)

“It is because it is Lime that there’s no need to decorate my words so much, so it makes it more comfortable. I told you before, right? If there’s no evil in it, then acting is not something bad.” (Hibiki)

“…I am an outsider though.” (Lime)

“But you are helping us. Even though there’s no need to cooperate with the request of Lorel Union. This is not necessary in the preliminary inspection of the company after all.” (Hibiki)

“…Is that steamed food? How? There’s no kitchen. I don’t know how you made it, but it is well made. I will take it.” (Lime)

“Ara, you are correct. Even if it’s steamed, it isn’t anything complicated. I also have some convenient cooking methods.” (Hibiki)

While giving the food to Lime, Hibiki begins explaining.

While being slightly grateful at Hibiki for understanding that he wanted to change the topic, he took the food.

“Delicious. Even if you stop being a hero, you would be fine. Today was made by Hibiki and Chiya, right?” (Lime)

“Thanks. That’s exactly right.” (Hibiki)

“The affinity between the vegetable and meat was well thought out, and there’s the seasoning as well. Even though you are a hero, you are able to do housework. That’s like undermining the whole women out there.” (Lime)

“It isn’t something that would trouble me for being able to do it. You as well, for someone that smokes tobacco, your sense of taste is pretty good. Isn’t that also undermining?” (Hibiki)

“Ah, you got me there.” (Lime)

After that, Lime gobbles up his food.

Hibiki didn’t hate the silence, and at times, she would make conversation as she stays there.

“Thanks for the food.” (Lime)

“Eating all the food makes me feel good. It was worth making it and bringing it here.” (Hibiki)

“And? You didn’t come here just because you were in the mood, right?” (Lime)

“It is true that I came to conquer your stomach, you know?” (Hibiki)

“Those kind of things, do them for brother Bredda. At my place, there are many people that like cooking, like Sis Mio. Something of this level won’t conquer me.” (Lime)

“Too bad. It is about tomorrow.” (Hibiki)

“The purple cloud huh. It seems like it is withering the forest and approaching at quite the fast pace.” (Lime)

Matching the change of mood from Hibiki, Lime also responds seriously.

“Yeah. It possesses strong toxicity, without doubt. It isn’t on a lukewarm level like acidic rain. The fact that there’s few living beings escaping, it should be safe to say that there’s something even more dangerous.” (Hibiki)

“Something that’s making the animals late to run, huh. This is big.” (Lime)

“The only ones in our group that can deploy wind to our surroundings while fighting are Wudi and I. Thinking about the danger of the cloud, we have no choice but to place Chiya-chan and Bredda as backup.” (Hibiki)

“It was an emergency, so everyone came after all. But I am able to fight while deploying wind, you know?” (Lime)

“…If you weren’t part of it, I wouldn’t be here in the first place.” (Hibiki)

“I see. In other words, you are asking me to join in the attacking role.” (Lime)

“Yeah, please.” (Hibiki)

“How straight.” (Lime)


It was different from how he felt with Makoto. Lime felt a sensation as if wanting to stretch out his hand.

And from that, the answer was already decided.

If it turns bad, they can just retreat; is what Lime delineated as he nods.

“Understood, I will help you. Seriously, just how much I have lend Hibiki already. You are properly remembering it, right?” (Lime)

“You are really a big help.” (Hibiki)

With a wide smile, Hibiki expresses her gratitude to Lime.

She nods once and continued her words.

“If I am to your liking, how about I marry you and return this debt for the rest of my life?” (Hibiki)

“What an ill mannered joke. I don’t want to be the man of a hero, what a pain.” (Lime)

“Instantly rejected?!” (Hibiki)

“I like all women, but I have never wished for marriage even once.” (Lime)

“…You will be stabbed in time, seriously.” (Hibiki)

“I am already tired of hearing that warning.” (Lime)

“Aah, I have been rejected. I am bad at giving up, so I will be tackling it again some other time, okay?” (Hibiki)

“You won’t go down huh, as expected of a hero.” (Lime)

“Well then, I am counting on you tomorrow.” (Hibiki)

“Leave it to me.” (Lime)

Hibiki returns.

With just those words said, Lime stayed in place.


The night was still long.

Lime was troubled once again.



That’s probably the biggest weakness the hero Hibiki holds.

The fighting power of Hibiki increases every day.

But in regards to long-ranged attacks, it always ends up weaker than those of close combat ones.

This time’s opponent is a cloud.

It is high in the sky.

If you want to attack it, it is obvious that there’s the need of a method to have your attack reach it, or a way to reach all the way there.

For Hibiki, her only option was the latter.

And the magician Wudi and Lime who were accompanying her, will approach as much as possible to the cloud, and while avoiding the poison that is being poured down along with a wind akin to a storm, and the colored rain that would definitely produce damage to the body if made contact with.

They were releasing the attacks that they have thought of and trying to disperse the cloud.

The actual attackers are Wudi and Hibiki.

Lime was acting as a support.

As long as their opponent is a giant cloud and they are unable to get close to it, it was natural that it would come to this.

Hibiki was currently in the sky.

“This was my trump card though. So even perforating it isn’t showing any effects huh. What should we do? No other choice but to get…closer?” (Hibiki)

Hibiki’s tone still had leeway in it, but her expression was quite stiff.

“You can’t joke around. We can’t get closer than this. In the first place, to change your sword pressure in such a way and send it flying is already at plenty of a monstrous level. You can be proud of it.” (Lime)

Lime returns a honest opinion to Hibiki.

What Hibiki thought of for a long distance attack, was using the sword pressure as a bullet, an out of norms technique.

But she was able to do that.

She was finally able to do it by borrowing the power of the sacred treasure.

And to release it in full power, there’s also the need for the support of Lime, but she will probably be able to achieve it alone in time.

Her abnormal ideas and her growth that makes it possible.

Lime was looking at Hibiki, and has personally felt the reason why Makoto praised her, but even so, this time’s trump card was a surprise for him.

“If it’s about attack power in one point, you are higher than me, aren’t you? Seriously, to think that I would be slapped in the butt to aim for higher heights at this age. Being a member of a hero party is not gentle sometimes.” (Wudi)

Wudi mixes a sigh as he laughs.

He also hasn’t been able to produce an effective attack against the cloud.

Frankly speaking, they were at a stalemate.

“This looks like…it will be impossible. Let’s return once and make a plan. That’s the best option we can choose right now.” (Lime)

“…If we return, there will be several damages incurred. Definitely.” (Hibiki)

“People can be evacuated. Villages can be made again. Well, in a different place, that is.” (Lime)

“Wudi, is there a way?” (Hibiki)

While Hibiki and Wudi were doing thought transmission with the members on the ground and making a plan to break through this, Lime had one idea.

(If I contact Sis, it will probably work out somehow. This cloud is probably something from the wasteland. Looking at the direction it came from, there’s no doubt. Sis and Boss might know something about it.) (Lime)

But he thinks, that for someone like him that has been attracted by Hibiki and neglected his contacts a number of times, it would be asking for too much.

His pride has already been completely destroyed by Makoto and the others, but he still hesitated.

The reason he wants to be helped is for personal reasons, and there’s also the feeling of wanting to help the hero mixed in it as well.

(No, there’s no time to be hesitating. This is the last. In terms of time, it is already about time I have to return anyways. If this will save a number of people and children from the villages, there’s no need to hesitate. It will result in helping Hibiki. It is just because of that.) (Lime)

Lime hesitated and hesitated, and then, he decided.

He sends a thought transmission to his superior, Tomoe.

Tomoe soon responded.

(Sis, it is Lime.) (Lime)

(…It’s been a while. Is that side comfortable?) (Tomoe)

The words of Tomoe were as if she had seen through him.

(…I am sorry. I…to the hero…) (Lime)

Lime soon gave up the idea of smoothing it over, and told everything to Tomoe.

(No, I don’t mind. I have done something slightly ill-mannered. Sorry for that. Even so, you contacted us. That’s fine. What’s your situation?) (Tomoe)

But Tomoe controls this and urges him for an explanation.

(RIght now there’s a purple cloud that is causing damage to the Lorel Union. From my guess, it is probably something that came from the wasteland.) (Lime)

(It is close to it-ja na. There’s no mistake in that guess.) (Tomoe)

(And so, I was wondering if you have any sort of plan to take care of it.) (Lime)

(…Fuh~, you have really been taken in-ja na.) (Tomoe)

(Sis, the number one essence of Hibiki is coexistence and mutual prosperity. I think that she would be able to get along well with Boss and us.) (Lime)

(That’s only if she doesn’t throw away that number one essence of hers, that is.) (Tomoe)

(Eh? (Lime)

(This is only an assumption, but if Hibiki’s way of thinking reverses, she can also become the existence that would hurt Waka the most. You do know the way to deal with people that hurt Waka…right?) (Tomoe)

(…So caution is necessary no matter what huh.) (Lime)

(Is how I think. I haven’t told this to Waka. You are the only one I have told this-ja zo? The only thing I told Waka was to be careful of the politician after all.) (Tomoe)


Lime was troubled by how to answer.

Hibiki and Makoto can help each other out.

Even though he proposed this, Tomoe was looking at a further future from that.

‘Then what can I say?’, he was at a loss of words.

(Also, Lime, you still don’t understand that our master is Waka.) (Tomoe)


(I will show you a performance with that cloud. Don’t move from there. And don’t let anyone else move.) (Tomoe)

Tomoe cuts off the thought transmission.

“Hibiki, Wudi.” (Lime)

Lime simply felt that something was going to happen, and calls for the two that were with him.

“What?” (Hibiki)

“Is something the matter?” (Wudi)

“Don’t move from here. Also, tell the two below the same thing, please.” (Lime)

While saying this, he uses his perception at his surroundings with all his power.

There was something that…caught his attention.

(A gate has opened! The ones that came out are…winged-kin? Two of them.) (Lime)

Lime felt that an Asora gate opened at the very edge of his perception range.

It wasn’t a coincidence.

It was certain that Tomoe did this on purpose so that he would be able to feel it.

People that have white wings and black wings went high up into the sky.


Residents of Asora.

They are at a position that’s a lot higher than Hibiki and Lime.

They are higher than the purple cloud.

The winged-kin were going up.

(What? What’s going to happen?) (Lime)

“Lime, did you think of a way? Can you tell us, please?” (Hibiki)

“I have…played the card already.” (Lime)

“Eh?” (Hibiki)

“That’s why, don’t move. Don’t do anything and just watch, please. If you wish for the best, that is.” (Lime)

Lime himself doesn’t know what’s going to happen.

That’s why, there was practically nothing he could say.

This time, the winged-kin stopped close to the end of where Lime was able to perceive.

(If I remember correctly…the black winged-kin are able to link information with another person, but…with who?) (Lime)

The altitude that the black winged-kin can fly is lower than that of white winged ones.

That’s why they are holding each other in that way, is what Lime could tell.

In other words, the one that’s necessary is the black winged one.

Noticing the special trait of them, Lime tried to infer what was happening, but…the answer soon came out.

“!!! What?!”

“No good, we won’t make it in time for defense!!”

It was a bit faster than the words of Hibiki and Wudi, but well, there was no meaning in the difference in speed though.

From far in the distance, a thick heavy thread of light was aimed at the purple cloud, and Hibiki’s group.

(Does that mean I am already not needed? Sis?) (Lime)

With a feeling emptiness, Lime thought this.

But that was only because Lime still didn’t understand him, his master.

The words of Tomoe were correct in a variety of meanings.

(Boss…Well, if I am to be killed by Boss… in the first place, this life was picked up by him. He is a person that would make a person like me believe that he will be able to pull it off even if I am not around anymore.) (Lime)

Lime uprightly accepted his death, and then, he closes his eyes.

He can’t tell where that attack was shot from.

But Lime was able to understand that the one that the winged-kin was linked with was Makoto.

In other words, this is an attack from Makoto.

The light drew near until it was at the very eyes of Hibiki’s group.

In an instant, it spread into several threads and skilfully passed by them, and the fine threads of light pierced the purple cloud.


There were no words.

Not from Hibiki, Wudi, or Lime.

And from that group, Lime’s silence held a different meaning.

(Ah…seriously.) (Lime)

The cloud that was forcefully cut into a thousand pieces, began to scatter.

If he had to compare Hibiki and Makoto, Hibiki would be higher, only if he were to take out one point.

And that hasn’t changed at all, even now.

But the meaning of that one point, he probably underestimated it, is what he thought.

No, he noticed that he had forgotten about it.

(This power, this power that is able to hold down anything no questions asked; I was shown this. Right, I…want to see the destination of Boss that is even able to own the land of Asora.) (Lime)

Lime still holds good will towards Hibiki.

But he vividly remembered the memories he had in Tsige.

(…To drop in the middle of it would be a waste. I am a member of Kuzunoha Company, Lime Latte.) (Lime)

“Now then, let’s return. We are done now, after all.” (Lime)

Looking at the blue sky that didn’t have a single sign of the purple cloud, Lime spoke to Hibiki and Wudi who are still in silence.

The surroundings still had the remnants of Makoto’s magic power.

Making a spell of that level, Makoto was able to accomplish a stunt like leaving the three unscathed when they were in the area.

Lime was proud of it, shocked, and had a strange smile.

“…Is this Lime’s trump card?” (Hibiki)

With a slightly trembling voice, Hibiki finally opened her mouth.

“…Yeah. Of course, there’s no problem in taking the all the credit like the time in the temple.” (Lime)

“You won’t tell us what you did?” (Hibiki)

“I don’t know.” (Lime)

“Eh?” (Hibiki)

“I don’t know. I just consulted. To a person that might have known of that cloud, and if that person had some sort of plan.” (Lime)

With a refreshed face as if an evil spirit had left his shoulders, Lime answers Hibiki.

“What in the world…” (Wudi)

“Seriously. It is shocking right? I can only laugh at it.” (Lime)

Those were words that were said as if affirming the Wudi.

“Kuzunoha Company…” (Hibiki)

Hibiki probably already inferred a certain amount of truth.

But right now, she limited herself to only muttering these words.

To avoid saying anything imprudent and have Lime hear it.

She could also tell the change of heart in Lime instinctively.

“I have to return soon. I have a mountain of work over there.” (Lime)

“I see… It was fun, but too bad. When Raidou-dono comes to Limia, I would like you to come as well. It would be sad if this were the end after all.” (Hibiki)

“If Boss asks me to, I will. I also had fun, Hibiki.” (Lime)

After that, they returned to the ground, and regrouped with Chiya and Bredda.

The hero that was requested by Lorel Union, was able to splendidly defeat the purple cloud and save the people of Lorel.

The reputation of Hibiki has increased once again.

It’s a result that can be considered a success.

But a bit before regrouping, Hibiki bit her lips.


(Lime… I…) (Hibiki)

The first person that Hibiki wished for the most, had slipped from her hands.

She understood this.

And Hibiki was trying not to show her emotions in her face, but this time she was unable to.

She was mortified, and those feelings welled up to her throat.

That she didn’t say anything was maybe because of her obstinacy.

Whatever the case may be, the assistance of Lime and the competition with Makoto, had ended in the victory of Makoto without his knowledge.

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View Comments

  • Hibiki x Lime?? I approve it.. Honestly, i think Hibiki is better paired with the Demon King, but Lime is honest too and he can be a good pair with Hibiki..

  • Gyahahah...I can only think of makoto as a devil cupid...he pierces through their fuwa fuwa relationship...ah, at least their story has a beginning :v good job

  • Well... Makoto-chan, looks like you just won some contest of love... one you don't want to know about it.

    • It would fit. She did choose the heroes based solely on physical appearance. A similar attitude towards a pretty bias led to the Trojan War.

    • Probably we already made hundreds of comments regarding who she is but none have a solid answer. I forgot which chapter that was though a bunch of smart novel readers who kmows myths well argued about it. LoL but its possible since she is hunged up on being beutiful and all.

      • well she did made a world ware ever human's are beautiful that a homeless baggier look's are simuler to a model's in are world soo....ya..... beauty = number one priority no mater what.

    • many theory, tho my opinion would Hera, I see more similarity with her than aphrodite, tho I don't much in myths, I think the reason why athena came was a hint that the godess is from grec pantheon (susano is japanese, and shiva used his japanese name and not "shiva", but athena is grec).

      common point I know of:
      hera wanted to make a child by herself, ended up ugly (hephaistos), so she reject him and trew him from the top of olympus.
      the godess wanted to make a hero, he ended up ugly, she rejected him and trew him from the sky in the wastelands.

      with the apple of discord, athena, aphrodite and hera fought for the title of most beautiful. when Paris had to choose:
      -athena promised to give him victory in war
      -aphrodite promised to give him love (of helene)
      -hera promised to give him controle over men(people)

        • after a quick search depending of the source. I find most thing like she offer "kingship", "sovereignty", a big territory, "power and wealth". look like it would be "authority" rather than "controle"? now, I don't wich source is good and what was the exact gift... maybe defferents version of the same legende?

          • Hence why I could never be certain. If I could get the chance to interview these gods without worrying about asking the wrong question, I might not know where to begin.

    • Oh~ A fellow ? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH !
      If you're interested that was a bit discussed in chapter 144 comments section.

  • Hibiki should just get together with Makoto already. That'll solve everything. But sadly her spot is already taken by the tomoe-mio combi

    • nah, manipulative bitches should stay away from waka-sama. and i'm sure that she'll be the most problematic character soon enough

    • I believe that maybe she will end up in love with Makoto. I mean, different from Tomoki, her power is aways on. Basically, she has no real rellationships, if she stays long enough close to anyone that person would become a "Yes man" to her, more like a minnion than a friend. And Makoto is immune to that, basically he is the only person that could become something like a love interest to her..

      • What do you mean, "immune"? He's uselessly trusting, extremely dense, AND a fucking idiot; the easiest target of them all for her...

        • He is immune to her blessing. If her likes her, admires her, trust her or not. It's not because of the blessing. Being a good one or a bad one it's the only real relationship that she could have in this world.

        • She already had natural charisma. And the goddess put another power on top of that that's like a tonned down version of Tomoki's.
          But hers is always on.

  • Awesome Chapter but annoying! Thanks a lot dude.! i wonder what will it be in the next chapter, hope lime does not betrayed kuzunoha.

    on another note tho where's the love that everyone said?i see no love with hibikixlime at all
    what i see is hibiki with her calculative thinking and weighing loses and gain obviously choose to have lime in her party, she is like a politician, acting in a way that can create a spark of good image, weak image, no so perfect hyuman image, to make people like her.
    in what i see hibiki use 'acting as a hero' as a pretense to open up to lime.

    and that last paragraph. i just remember that in the old world hibiki is a perfect woman, she can get anything she wants, so she losing lime is a huge blows to her (twisted) pride.

    • i feel too like there's no love, and she just wants Lime cause he can be the perfect substitute for Naval. and of course, her charming was clouding Lime's judgemento.

      • Its not Charm more like opposite of Charm and that is Charisma which was bestowed to Hibiki by BugDess but being use in a wrong way sadly Hibiki is a fucking the same as Tomoki or much worst taking advantage their help and poisoning them slowly you fucking whore!!! to get Information on Lime if Makoto knows this a much worst beating will be the prize for Hibiki and his country.

    • She also has a hole to fill. In more than one way. She is missing a party member that he replaces perfectly. And she seems to want the long-dicking. But yeah, she's spoiled. she's manipulative, and she's proud of herself to a fault. In this world, it's going to get her curb-stomped.

      • This is weird. On one hand you have a character constantly putting forth effort to battle a neverending parade of uphill confrontations that's are often beyond her abilities, and on the other hand you have a guy who was basically just given the powers of a god for next to no reason and is threatened by absolutely nothing who spends all his time entertaining his own personal whims for his own self-satisfaction.

        But you say SHE'S the spoiled one?

        • Funnily enough, yes.

          Makoto is being spoiled by his followers too, but a jeydifference between Makoto and her is their outlook.

          Hibiki was so successful in her old life that she chose to go to another world for life out of sheer boredom and a desire to have those uphill battles. She, arguably justifiably, believes that victory is a given for her. So much that the idea of not winning interests her. It's also why losing Lime to Makoto is such a mortifying experience for her. This is all a very spoiled mentality.

          Makoto was handed a lot of power, but due to his experiences on Earth, plus his own apparent bad luck, he doesn't take anything but his own power for granted and constantly underestimates himself(to be fair, the bar keeps rising). There's a passiveness many people hate (I personally like it) but with it comes a humility.

      • That makes sense until you realize that Makoto's only trouble on Earth was that he is dense as fuck, as he was trained by a master martial artist and excelled with a talent he constantly undervalues, and "normal school life" involved two girls being in love with him while he refused to admit such a thing could be true.

        Everything goes Makoto's way, always. This is always true for every part of his life save the moments the goddess summons him and pisses him off, but he's so blindingly dense he rarely ever realizes what's actually going on, which incidentally is why Zara and Rona constantly call him easy to lead around. He even flies into a tirade when before the goddess during the 3rd summoning and doesn't even realize how close he was to being killed had Shiki not interceded. But everything goes Makoto's way, his followers love him, Tsukuyomi made him a Demi-god and now the other gods love him, and he can basically just do whatever the fuck he wants which largely boils down to trying to live a normal life and deny that he's a walking deity because if he ever admitted to himself what was obvious he'd probably end up like in his dreams.

      • But that's not right LegoTechnic. His problem on earth was growing up with two extremely dominating and over talented sisters which cut deep into his self-esteem. This is why throughout the series he has trouble conversing with women and why he can't believe those two girls actually like him. He sees himself as an unremarkable guy in comparison to others because of his terrible self-esteem, and then all of a sudden a god appears and gives him two choices: send himself to another world or one of his sisters. He chooses former and coincidentally is given god-like powers because the world's goddess is a stuck up bitch. At this point in the story he has no ambitions, no goals, no anything except to survive in a completely new world. Slowly he gains followers because of his power but more importantly it is because the people who choose to follow him want to see what he will do. See the issue? Makoto never wanted to be some demi-god leading multiple species of another world but as fate (the author) would have it everything just led up to it. Additionally, we see him slowly adopt personality traits from commanding people he meets and this directly influences his growth as a character. So, he is not being spoiled like you think, his followers simply respect his decisions and wait for them to be made. Sure many times his followers do things they believe are in his best interest or not worthy of his attention, but overall he is leading them while slowly growing himself.

        Hibiki on the other hand starts off as a character with a lot of entitlement. Sure she faces hardships on the battlefield, but she strongly believes her actions and beliefs are the correct way. Spoiled might not be the best way to describe her, but arrogant definitely fits. Not arrogance regarding physical ability but being arrogant about ideologies, lifestyles, and other social issues. She has had some character growth throughout the novel (mainly realizing how weak she is) but nothing in comparison to Makoto. Still, her entitlement is more subconscious and not really harmful in her role as a hero. In fact, her strong sense of "justice" is part of her charisma, but like Tomoe warned about in this chapter it is also a poison in politics. Although not as powerful as Tomoki's charm, Hibiki plans to use her charisma and role as hero to reshape the kingdom after the war to what she believes is correct, and that is dangerous. She is a fool who thinks to much of her own opinion rather than seeking the opinion of others. That is why so many people see her as spoiled. The exact opposite is true of Makoto. He recognizes his weakness in thinking ahead and ideologies so he asks more skillful people to take up that role or to give him advice. Both of them are seeking self-satisfaction, rather I do not think you can claim no one in this series is, but I believe it is important how you go about it. I view Hibiki as a person claiming they have some sort of higher moral ground which allows her to justify her thought process and plans. Makoto however knows that he has been both blessed and cursed with his power and followers which in turn gives him to tools to properly mature and explore how to make life better for everyone (demi-human and human).

      • @LegoTechnic

        Nice of you to ignore that Makoto chose to answer the summon, giving up the normal life he wanted, to spare his sister that fate. After which he was essentially tossed to the far end of the earth where the goddess wanted him to die. Or you know that Hibiki is the Hero to a race of racist pricks who got handed power by their Goddess for being pretty and suppressed every other race on their planet. I forget did Hibiki ever question whether she was on the right side of the conflict? Or did being summoned by a god to save Hyumans just stroke her eager even she went along unquestioning (I honestly don't remember, so let me know.)?

        Also given the Goddess breaks deals, keeps fucking with Makoto's life whenever it's convenient for her all while simultaneously treating him like shit, and doesn't seem to give a rats ass about the well being of the people she's summoned to help her fix a mess she got into by being lazy, and that Tomoki is a human piece of horse excrement, is there any reason presented in the story to have any hope that Hibiki isn't a similarly shitty human being? This chapter made it very clear that she acts like a hero, but acting is acting, and if I recall correctly her insistence on acting like a hero has gotten one or two people close to her killed. Another way to put that is her pride has gotten people killed. Then there is the fact that she seems unwilling to let Makoto go unchecked despite the fact he has done basically nothing remotely hostile except be more powerful than she cares to let someone be and not have some counter measure against. Nope, nothing worrisome, prideful or manipulative about her.

      • Well Makoto got his insane magical power was because of himself training in the art of Archery before that there was always the chance of him dying at any time.. The Blessing of the Goddess to his parents only worked for his elder sister..

        And on the note on Hibiki is that, out of the three summoned at the other world She is the one doing the works a Hero and at the same not doing it. She thinks her victory on the demon race is already set in stone cause she was chosen and she was successful at everything on the original world. And at the note of her powers she herself may or may not aware of it (the charisma aura) and may fueled the thinking she is justice itself or empowered it., cause of her early successes in that world (Note: winning against the Knight Captain, Having more mana than most mages, having the favor the King etc.). And also on the case of her being manipulative is a case to case bases but her using Makoto and his company to be a destroyer of the devil and demon race is the thing that most people including me thinks she is defective as a hero or a heroine for that matter, noting that Makoto respects her and she plans to use Makoto and his company to destroy the "DEVIL" and empire. Though she has her ups and down, its worth noting that she is more on the Dark grey zone as per her attitude as of now.

      • "shigh" look it like this.
        she came from a world ware she 'to put it bluntly" had every thing and was bored as hell.
        Then a goddess came to her and basically told her "do you want to be a hero Y/N?" and she pick yes so that she will not be bored any more.
        now after she became a hero in a kingdom she some what can get anything is she ask for it do to her being a hero.
        now here is ware it gets hard to explan after some set back's IE loseing to the spider of clamaty "aka hungry mio" and was told to retreat after one of her party members comacazy in a war she set of to get stronger and get more stronger party members.
        she meat's with mio, trand a bit and then ask mio to join her party and was instantly rejected.
        i don't want to go on and on but the fact of the type of power she had pick shows how she thinks of others even if it was subconsciously
        now if you look at are OP MC Makoto
        he a just below average guy whom was born in a super hot looking family and the only thing he stand out was that he good with a bow.
        one day a god came to him and sead "do you want to be a hero if not your sister will be given this chose Y/N" and he did want his sister do deal with a hard ships or worst get killed so a pike yes.
        as he meat with the godded she told him your no good i wanted your sister's but i cant send you back so just dye in the corner of my world you discussing thing and drops him.
        after 3 days he meats the orc's and desided he want to help them out of thanks even tho he had the choice of walking away.
        after he help them they want to follow him witch he was trubeld by it but excepted it.
        after some time and he help a lot of demi-humans and human's he lured just how humans think of them and just how greedy they can be.

        bacillary what im getting at Hibiki was on top and started her life in a new world close to the top and is some what still use to have ever thing go her way wile Makoto was hmm... in the middel in his old world and started on the lower end of the new world and word his way up the top and help there along the way wile still keeping his humble heart with him.

        Hibiki might have good way of doing things but is still greedy wile Makoto being humble and is just trying to bild a good home for thos he living with.

        but that is what i think it can be right or wrong in any way.

      • @LegoTechnic @Psychronia and @tasltsrif
        I really like you guys discussion so much, though I think you guys forgot something. Though this is a novel, it don't mean that there must be only one good guy. I wholeheartedly agree that Makoto is certainly spoiled by his OPness, he is capable to do almost anything including fight with a goddess. His character, on other hand, not so spoiled but still show both good and bad side. As showed in recent chapter, he said he would crush all whom he deem as enemies, that show his determination but also prone to misjudge, as he admitted. He is growing and we watch him closely.
        At first, I also feel disgusted with Hibiki's charisma in this chapter, but after see so much haters I rethink it. Hibiki might shown as quite manipulating and opportunistic, but I think that is the best she can do for what she think is a right thing to do, to win this war. Someone claimed that that is an arrogant, but what would you do without a goal in your mind. Don't forget that she was thrown into war by a country and she don't like it (at first, at least). Now that she made up her mind to fight for her new friends and ally and you called that wrong!? And for those who called her racist and power-hunger, go back to chapter 174-175 and you would find that she want power for liberate demi-hyuman in first place. That cause her to worry about Kazunoha company because they might cause all of this to fail, by provoke the then-trashmoki empire. She also stopped investigation when warned and gave up Lime when she was rejected, at least she know her line. She was cursed with lack of her political ally who can help improve this plan cause her team are politically inactive or blindly follow her cause her charisma (if it have this disadvantage like charm), her only ally in politic is .... , you know the answer.
        In short, she is a relatively-powerless hero who have a big idealistic goal and she pursue it realistically by consider all factor that she know (stupid for not recognize true identity of the devil though). She is like demon lord so much with their plan for they people and cautious towards Makoto, just different side lead to different circumstances and their countermeasures.

        Also Thank for this chapter and all previous chapters. I sign up just for this novel and its discussion, you know.

      • @Hardtobow
        No, you're making really good points. Truthfully, I don't think there is any strictly "good" side in this story. Every side has some good and bad actions of varying ratios. But I think the point here is that most readers' perception of Hibiki's "ratio" swung heavily towards the darker end with this chapter.

        I mentioned it in a comment a bit back, but watching how all these characters turn out-yes, even Tomoki-is one of the most compelling investments in this novel for me.

  • I wonder if Hibiki also got some charismatic charm in her like trashmoki demon eyes. And if when Lime came back, Makoto will detect some faint Hibiki's charm in lime. Or maybe Hibiki is just that charismatic naturally that it even manages to sway Lime's decision making.

    Makoto is a simple guy, he just want to help people and destroys that purple cloud just for that... little did he know, he helped Lime make a very crucial choice of his life while Makoto was doing that.

    Thanks Reigokai.

    • There's nothing magic about it, Hibiki is literally just a charismatic person; she's a winner at life. Straight-forward, hard-working, intelligent, and pretty in appearance. Additionally she has taken the role of an idol for humanity, so she exudes a heroic celebrity charisma.

      She is a charismatic person in a very prominent role, and she quickly earns people's respect with her honest and forthright actions. No magic is involved beyond possibly good feminine hygiene.

      The opposite Tomoki and his magic stink-eye.

      • nope the goddes give her charisma to attract people and conffered her as sacred treasure LOL
        just try reading chapter 30

      • I do remember the novel mentioned it several times that Hibiki has "charisma" stat elevated like crazy, but it's not under spell / skill effect, meaning it cannot instantly bind people heart, but over time her power is more dangerous than evil eye Tomoki has, since it cannot be dispelled. - along that line I guess

    • chap 30
      " The Goddess enhanced her physical strength and gave her strong magic power, on top of that she gave her the charisma to attract other people and conferred her a sacred treasure. "
      i think this answer your question

      • You must understand this power is not same as power of tomoki. I understand that power is work like improving first opinion and I don't see anything bad here, for example we improve our appearance for create better impression in first meeting, and probably most of people choose speak with beautiful person than ugly. About charisma of her personality was mentioned by Makoto that she was same on earth, she was council president and people followed by her.

    • She does. Tomoki has his charm eyes. Hibiki has her charm charisma. If you think about it. It makes sense, the two heroes summoned by the goddess were each given the ability charm the other of the opposite sex. The question is whether Makoto is under the natural charm of his sempai or the goddess-enhanced charm and whether he realizes she's using people and needs to be "reigned" in. I really want Makoto to curb stomp her a bit, she's going down the wrong path and just doing the bidding of the goddess. My issue with her point of view is that the hyumans are the naturally dominant species in that world and the whole demi-humans should just be obedient and become slaves and work their way up from there. This will never work, the goddess doesn't give her blessings to demi-humans and hyumans don't give a shit about demi-humans. I do hope Tomoe gets around to telling Lime and Makoto the truth that she is literally using her charm to use him, which makes her an enemy.

      • For me she is actually doing good but the problem is that she prioritizes the after war planning than the actual war itself and also she also he has no qualms using other people (even the said person will lose everything and did nothing)

      • It not some kind of magic which use for brainwash people, it passive skill for improve her first impression on pepole, for example during siege of capital she mention that there is a lot of aristocratic people who goes against her idea and if she can brainwash people why didn't do it to them? And in this chapter Lime try choose between his debt to Makoto and his love to Hibiki

    • hmm... maybe she subconsciously useing the "wight crow hypnosis's" on others. and before you ask its a type of hypnosis ware you keep puting one thought in to some one mind over and over untill it become there truth and the best case of this is making some one think the color crows is wight.

      so she puting a "she the gratis follow her" thoughts in others even tho she not aware she doing it

      • Tomoki power work this way. About her it probably not because I write she just charismatic person who can stay her opinion and it increase her charisma or it will just not will working on Makoto

      • I know about that! I used that concept in one of my stories. Constantly having a voice whispering into your subconscious will eventually bend the conscious mind and your underlying personality to their will.

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