Categories: Announcements

[Not a Chapter]: Survival of Me

I…I’m dying.

As you may have already noticed, the chapters are beginning to turn out incredibly long. Accurately speaking, twice as long. Like literally twice the length of a normal chapter. To give an idea of it, a normal chapter would be around 4k count which is around 14 pages long; chapter 191 is 8k, which was 29 pages.

At this rate, my body will not be able to hold out. Seriously, it can’t. To keep up, I actually sacrifice way too much of my time.

So here I am, for a serious talk with you guys. I have thought out a method that might help keep me alive:

– Limit the word count. As previously stated, 4k is the usual word count of a chapter which is close to that of chapter 190 for reference. 8k would be this chapter 191 and chapter 189.
When faced with an 8k chapter or higher, we can separate it in 2 parts, no more than that. As you know, chapters in this web novel are normally divided already, so the cuts shouldn’t feel as unnatural as other novels.
This will only apply for chapters more than double the length. If the chapter is 5k or 6k, I won’t mind it. But since the chapters that have been coming (and next chapter is actually four times the length, no kidding) are way out of normal word count, I can easily tell that my body will drop dead if I continue at this pace.

This will bring consistency which is what I have been looking for when I placed a schedule. I really want to maintain the schedule, so if there’s other suggestions that can help do that, I would like to listen to them.

Support my translations or commission me to translate a chapter of any series on Patreon!

A translator that needs lots of love~.

View Comments

    • I personally really like read 1 chapter at a time and not on part, but I really know translating need time and effort...
      So from me, personally, prefer u post 1 whole chapter out at a time at ur pace...
      If that chapter need twice or thrice time needed than usual then why not? 5-7 day waiting for 1 super long chapter like before and today is super no problem...

      • Agreed, I never read parted chapters until they are completed, so I'd rather wait a day or two to have the entire chapter translated.

      • Same with me. I'd rather you take your time and finish the full chapter rather than release it in part. There are lots of stories and media available that anyone who complains that you're taking too long is nothing more than an asshole.

    • Just kidding :P
      Hey, while you were gone, we endured 1 chapter a week, I wouldn't have a problem with you taking 4 days to do a chapter, or a week for this (x4 length) chapter. The problem with splitting chapters in 2, is linking to both parts, or editing the 2 together, and finding a good stopping point in the chapter. I much rather you just do a length check for the next chapter and put an ETA for the next chapter as a note or 1st comment in the recent release. something like, (next chapter is XXXX long, so I'm going to take 4-5 days to translate this one)

      Anyway, greatful for your dedication, effort and work on this series. It is one of my favorites.

      • Or he can seek help and divide the work. Then piece them together with some light editing. That is if he can find someone willing to do the really long chapters with him.

      • An ETA is best. If there isn't activity for a week, a post saying hi would be nice so we don't worry about your health (or worse the translation =P).

        I suggest not feeling bad about taking longer with longer chapters. We all appreciate your efforts. ETA + status of the current translations is a great way to let the masses know what is going on.

        Stay well!

  • Please do whatever is easier for yourself. I'll accept whatever solution works best for you. Thanks for your hard work.

  • Absolutely, you can divide them up if you need too. There's no need to overdo things. 😓

    Once again, thanks for all the hard work you do! 😄

  • I say what's good for you is good for me. Thank you for translating it at all. A live Regokai translator is much better than a dead on. The pace you have mentioned sounds fine. It's always a cliff hanger, so some more won't hurt.

  • Do whatever you need to keep yourself health and sane! We just enjoy the chapters. It's you who does the work :D.

  • Go for it! We have no reason (or any right for that matter) to complain haha! Please take care of yourself we can wait a while for these chapters instead of having nothing at all. 😂

    Thank you very much for your hard work!

  • As long as you're healthy anything's fine. After all you're doing it for free (aside from donation not like everybody is donating anyway).

  • As someone who reads a multitude of these translated chapters I would like to thank you so much for all of the work you have done and really hope you keep yourself healthy and sane. Some people may whine about anything you are doing but know that there are an equal number of people who wholeheartedly appreciate it no matter how long it may take.

    • I agree with angelicrazen, and she/he is right please take your health as priority, I have start a part time job so I can start donating.. but with the change in dlls, it will not be much, sorry reigakai

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