Chapter 141: Competition grounds, one end

Amelia huh.

Hmph~ she was the one who killed Ilumgand.

Shiki should have told her not to overdo it, and the students were clearly hesitant.

I thought their hesitation came from their attacks that were like measuring his power and there was a vague line in their way of coping with things, but…

Amelia Hopelace.


Did she really have some sort of antagonism towards the Hopelace household in Limia?

She had the same family name so I asked her in an indirect way before, but she didn’t answer, and I didn’t want to force her into saying something she doesn’t want to.

I am like a cram school teacher.

I don’t have any intentions of interfering with the circumstances of this place.

Well, no matter what it is, they have defeated Ilumgand thanks to Amelia, so that’s fine.

No, as a result, it has also turned into something troublesome for me, so maybe I should have asked for her circumstances even if it was hard for her?

But if I did that, I would be making our connection pointlessly deeper.

The dry relationship that a temporary teacher and a student should have is pretty comfortable for me.

Knowing the distance between my students is difficult.

I was getting used to being a temporary teacher, but in times, I feel the difficulties of it in this kind of way.

If I had to evaluate the fight of Jin and the others as a battle teacher, sadly, I would not give them a passing grade.

If they didn’t waste their time hesitating and went for the kill from the very beginning, they wouldn’t exhaust themselves and would have been able to finish the fight for sure.

Mio and Shiki were there for support, so it is obvious that they would be able to.

That they were unable to is because they had the thoughts of saving Ilumgand, and it was probably because they were driven by Jin into that mindset and ended up having a tough fight.

I did tell an excuse to the Limia king, that they were fighting to call out Ilumgand, but honestly, I wasn’t expecting much.

If it were an opponent that magic can show its effect with, there would be a number of methods to make it unable to act, but if it’s only the fire element that works properly, the current group of Jin has practically no choice but to fight upfront.

With those conditions, as long as a miracle doesn’t occur, there would be no way of winning aside from killing.

That’s why, with this in mind, I was thinking about letting Shiki handle it if it seemed impossible for them.

Of course, that talk about passing grade I was thinking about a while ago, I will just keep that thought inside my head.

The fight just now wasn’t a simple battle for them, and if they survived in actual combat, that’s something to be happy about.

There’s no need to point that out and pour cold water on them.

Looking at the gray lump of meat that was once Ilumgand and the students respectively, I thought that way.

“Waka-sama, the treatment to one of the knights somehow made it in time. The other one was already dead and in no state for treatment” (Shiki)

[Got it. Please return to the students’ side]

“As you will” (Shiki)

Finishing his report to me, Shiki greets the Limia King and heads to where the students are.

[We were unable to save one of the knights. I’m truly sorry. Also, no words are enough to apology for the result of Ilumgand-sama]

He was able to save one huh.

I have to thank Shiki for that.

“Raidou, there’s no need for you to mind it. Just remembering those wounds, I am happy that at least one has been saved. Let me thank you once again for saving the life of the knight and the prince. You defeating that monster was also splendid” (King)



I suddenly recall that sensation in my hands.

I feel like that will definitely turn into something troublesome later.

For now, I should be grateful that the topic is not touched yet.

In the first place, the breasts of the prince were nowhere to be found.

But for my hand to accidentally end up in that kind of place after her sarashi or something similar to hide her chest was torn, what kind of accident is that?

[Those words are wasted on me]

“Your students were also great. Even if it was with a group of seven, they were able to defeat an opponent that our imperial knights couldn’t. It is to the point that I want to bring all of them back to my country. Of course, also you who the defeated the same type of monster” (King)

His gaze is going back and forth between me and the short katana.

How to call it, it was like the eyes of an influential person.

Also ‘the same type’ huh.

I wonder about that. Ilumgand felt a few steps stronger and troublesome.

As I thought, maybe he was special?

I don’t know what activities Rona did in this town, so I don’t know the background either.

[Sorry to say this, but the variant I fought was a lot weaker than the one my students were fighting. So please acknowledge them instead of me. I think it was a harsh experience for them, but they fought well. Also, each one of them may have some thoughts about their future, but receiving the praise of the Limia King will definitely encourage them]

“Umu. But, weaker huh. I was unable to tell but, is that true? In that case, there’s the chance that the work towards Ilumgand was more through”

The Limia King looks like he is thinking.

This is Rotsgard, but that assaulter – and victim at the same time – is Ilumgand, the son of a noble in Limia.

Also, the school festival that is occurring in this town gathers people from around the world.

If they want to narrow the suspects, there would be way too many candidates and would have a hard time with it.

The demon race would be the biggest suspect, but there’s quite a lot going on between hyumans as well.

Anyways, Jin and the others have received a godsend.

To receive words that are practically an unofficial offer from the literal top of one of the four major powers.

There’s the fact about national power, but there’s also the climate and geography that’s comparable to the Empire, and can expect much from Limia in the future. If someone asked me in which of the four major powers I would like to live, Limia would be the one I would most likely choose.

If I choose an area where the nobles are better, I think that it would be easier to live.

Those kids would be happy if they heard this.

From an academy scholarship student into a knight corps or a magician corps in Limia Kingdom is a straight path to success.

Maybe everyone except the Rembrandt sisters will go.


The Hopelace Head was on his knees, looking at the lump of meat.

Even if it was his second son, it is still the remains of his son.

He most likely lost his strength.

“Raidou-dono, I have something to talk with you about later. I don’t mind if it’s after this turmoil has calmed down, so please make some time” (Joshua)

[Understood, Prince Joshua]

I don’t plan on telling anyone about that previous shock.

But the problem would be, how am I going to make her understand that?

Well then…

We have already secured this place, so let’s contact Tomoe and bring this people to the safe place where the other guests are.

And then, have the remaining spectators evacuate.

For now there have been no emergency calls from anyone, so I want to confirm the situation once.

I was prepared to receive several problematic reports from the Mist Lizards, but there wasn’t a single one.

As expected of Rembrandt-san.

He must have explained it well.

Well it would have been easier to explain if I called something more hyuman-like for example: Gorgons, Arkes, or the safest choice Forest Onis.

As long as I show it to Rembrandt-san, it would be a matter of time before his daughters also learn about their existence.

It would be troublesome to explain every single thing, so leaving it as if I can only summon the Blue Lizard race is easier for me.

[Even if we stay here, there might be an attack again. Please take refuge in the same safe place as the guests. The matter related to your country has already been resolved]

“But to stay in a safe place like that, do you think I would be able to face the residents of this town?” (King)

[The chief of this town, the Academy Principal, is also there. Of course, he is most likely moving in order to protect this town. Staying in a safe place to make more precise orders should help in calming down this turmoil faster. We will endeavor in evacuating the residents. I am not used to this kind of situations, but I will do my best]

“Evacuate? With power like yours, shouldn’t you be going for suppressing?” (King)

[Of course, if there’s the need to, I will. Just that, since the academy force is concentrating on suppressing like what happened a while ago, I thought that we should take on the job of guiding the evacuation and aiding which is lacking in personnel]

“… Similar… to the just descended…” (King)

In a low voice, the king mutters something.

Damn it, I missed what he said.

I think he said something about resembling.

Was that a monologue? Well, might as well confirm.

[Sorry, can you please repeat?]

“Ah no, there’s no need to mind it. I see. Then if we stay here fretting, it would only cause trouble huh. Umu… Joshua” (King)

He didn’t tell me.

But he didn’t reject my idea of prioritizing evacuation.

“Yes?” (Joshua)

“I don’t know if it will make it in time, but have an available unit head to Rotsgard. Reinforcements are definitely needed. I don’t mind if it’s after taking shelter, so please contact them. I will talk with the Academy Principal regarding the permission of it. You pass a thought transmission to a relay point and have them hurry the report to the Kingdom” (King)

“Understood. Well, the closest unit is the unit of the Hopelace household that has a territory in the Kingdom’s southern tip. When we secure a safe place where I can do thought transmission, I will transmit it immediately” (Joshua)

Joshua glances, but the Hopelace household head doesn’t react.

Is he alright?

He lost his son, so I wonder if he can do any normal decisions currently.

“Well then, Raidou. It might be troublesome, but please teleport us. After that, can you please lend a shoulder to that absentminded one over there?” (King)

[I would be happy to]

I confirm the location with Tomoe, and make mist that connects to the place she is in.

Thick mist that one can’t see through appeared in front of the king.

I glance at Shiki and Mio.

Looks like they are doing the follow-up of the students.

I thought they could be taken as a fighting force in a matter of this degree, but it is probably no good.

They probably still have in mind that those monsters were former hyumans. The weakening in their strength is heavy.

I don’t know how the evacuation of the other students is going, but I feel like it would be better to send these kids to an evacuation point and have them quietly wait there.

There’s no assurance that there will only be one opponent, and there’s also my promise with Rembrandt-san.

It wouldn’t be good to push them.

While feeling disappointed, I look at the unit that has purple clothing and blood mixed.

Is this the level of the corps that are working as a mainline defense against the variants?

I don’t know their real strength and their numbers, but depending on the number of people that can actually fight decently, this matter will probably take several days.

While thinking in my own way about how this situation would develop, I see off the back of the staggering knight.

While at it, I confirm that the Limia King and Prince Joshua disappear into the mist.

Well then.

I take the arm of the Head-dono that is grabbing the rails, motionlessly looking at the lump of meat.

[Hopelace-sama, excuse me. I will see you off, so please depart]

“Don’t touch me!!”


The moment I take his arm and try to make him stand, he brushes off my hand and yells.

It was quite the high volume, and the eyes of the students and my followers turn to where we are.

Waving my hand to convey that it’s nothing, I wait for the Head-dono to stand by himself.

This may be something that can’t be helped. He glares at me hatefully and without the need of lending him a shoulder, he staggers to where the mist is and disappears inside it.

Well, not like I was planning on having everyone feel indebted to me though.


He didn’t even look at Amelia once, and yet, why am I the one getting so much hate?

I don’t understand.

Did he inherit the hate his son had?

I don’t even know the reason of his son’s hate either, so I am still here with a question mark.

I really don’t understand the nobles.

I suddenly remember the words of Prince Joshua.

A rampaging beast that one can’t feel any trace of personality in it, huh.

The last shout of Ilumgand that was mixed with the thunderous sound of the explosion.


‘I just wanted to apologize’


Is what he said.

… This is probably something that will never be realized now.

In the many times that I heard the voice of that variant, I didn’t expect to actually understand something he said, but well, since I ended up hearing it, it can’t be helped.

If there was someone you wanted to apologize to so much that you shouted it at your last moments….

Don’t waste your time pestering me and just do thought transmission or write a letter to tell that person how you felt.

I sympathized with him for a moment, but after seeing off the Head-dono, I see Mio leaving the stage and running towards me, so I change the gears in my emotions.

No matter what he wanted to say or who it was to, I won’t know.

There’s no point in worrying about it now.

“Waka-sama, did anything serious happen to you?!” (Mio)

I nod once and answer Mio.

Right now Tomoe should be guiding the Limia group.

There’s Root there as well, and the distinguished people have their own point of view, so being there is better for their job.

[I’m fine. In your side, it seems like… it has turned into something complicated]

In a sense, it is to be expected.

The atmosphere around the students isn’t only of the victory in that battle, a complicated atmosphere.

Especially Amelia, her exhaustion is terrible.

Looks like she also got injured.

Her shoulder huh.

Even if Shiki treated her, he can’t regenerate the clothes and armor, so the place she was injured is easy to tell.

Anyways, even if she has her own circumstances, as long as she doesn’t tell me about it, it means that I am not qualified to hear it.

Her loving Shiki is with her, so I will just leave it to him.

If Shiki hears about her circumstances and he finds it necessary to tell me, he will.

There doesn’t seem to be anything I can do regarding her.

“That was close. At the end, when he howled and the vanguard was unable to move, I thought that there was no choice but to lend them a hand, but Amelia somehow did it. To endow a completed spell to an arrow, counting Sif, those two really did something reckless-desu wa. It was probably an imitation of Shiki though” (Mio)

[Endowing a spell huh. And that’s what caused the explosion. It was pretty amazing]

An imitation of Shiki huh.

Endowing a completed spell to a weapon, it increases the attack power explosively.

Just that, the effective time is really short.

Shiki said that he can only maintain it for several minutes.

Bluntly speaking, the consumption rate is bad.

As long as you are not that concerned about the attack power of your weapon, there isn’t much point in using it.

Even with Shiki, he said that he mostly used this only when he wanted his opponent to mistake it for endowing magic and create an opening out of it.

It seems the two of them were able to do it, but if it’s them, they would only be able to maintain it for a few seconds.

I see, that’s reckless.

With an opponent like the variant that has high defensive power against magic itself and has a limited amount of elements that are effective against it, this technique barely enters the degree of being useful.

With arrows, there’s the merit that the power won’t decrease even if it distances from you, but if the effective time ends before it reaches the target, it would be completely useless, so the demerits are big.

I approach the vanguard group that is sitting.

“… Sensei”

[Jin, you did well]

“I… I was supposed to not care about what happened to him. Actually, I should have been pissed off. But when I thought that I would be killing him… I just…” (Jin)

It looks like he is confused.

The point is, he thought he would be able to but he couldn’t.

And he is unable to accept it.

‘Even though I defeat mamonos without mercy’, is probably something they all hold in their minds.

[He was a hyuman in the beginning. It’s not something strange. Don’t push yourself and rest for now]

“?!! Are you saying we will only be in the way?!”

[That’s not it. You guys are students. There’s no need for students to fight in the frontlines. Fighting is the job of others]

Honestly, there’s a part of me that actually thought they would get in the way. But there’s no need to say that and hurt them, so I told them my main reason.

Leaving aside if they are dependable or not, the Academy Town has their fighting force as well.

People like the purple clothed guys.

Information will be steadily gathered, so beginning with the Academy Principal, the influential people of the Academy will most likely plan out counter measures for the variants.

At the least, the situation is definitely not to the point that there’s the need for the enrolled students to step into the frontlines.

“But we can also fight plenty enough!!” (Jin)

[For someone that fought only once and is already this tired, quite the big words there. Also, even if she was healed, Amelia received quite the injury you know?]

If the second variant intruded in that fight, there’s the possibility that deaths would appear.

Well, the fact that they haven’t touched the topic of that second variant even once might be because they didn’t even notice it.

If that’s the case, I can say for sure that what they need right now is not battle experience but rest.

They don’t have the freedom to fight several variants at once.

Even if I said it was weaker than Ilumgand, depending on the power of the opponent, there’s the chance they might die.

It doesn’t change the fact that they were former hyumans, so there’s the chance they will waver again.

My uneasiness in counting them as fighting force is big.

“Ugh… that is…” (Jin)

[I wanted to restore him]


[That was your true intention, right?]

“It wasn’t for Sensei? Am I… naïve?” (Jin)

The frail words that Jin said were an affirmation that, till the very end, he didn’t choose to kill him.

[I felt that instead of having you guys die, it would be better to bring down Ilumgand. For me, you guys are more important than him, and Amelia probably felt the same way when she took action. If you lament your naivety, it is okay to just improve yourself in your remaining time at the academy. I think that this trait of yours is a strong point and also an important part of you]

It didn’t work in his favor in this occasion though.

It’s true that it is one of his biggest appeals.

The composed disposition and the coldhearted trait don’t fit him at all.

“It was a naivety that brought everyone into danger. To call it a strong point is just…” (Jin)

Oh? An unusual display of heavy weakness from him.

Even though it is fine to just leave the complicated thinking and concentrate on resting.

[It is fine to just think about that later. Right now you should rest. This is an order as a teacher. I have received information that variants have appeared in this town and in the towns around. This matter will probably take time]

“No way… what in the world is going on?” (Jin)

[Anyways, today you guys should take refuge in the place where the other students are and rest. Even if you want to fight, if your body doesn’t follow, there’s no point. Also…]

[Sif and Yuno]

I call the Rembrandt sisters that are together.



[Your parents are okay. I have placed dependable bodyguards with them, so there’s no need to worry. You will obediently evacuate right?]

“… Understood” (Sif)

“… I will evacuate, for today” (Yuno)

Yuno is also a troublesome lady.

Is she saying that she intends to fight?

Sif also responded as if she was harboring something as well.

I told this to Jin too but, you guys are students so there’s no need to get so eager.

Even though other parts of their body are clearly showing exhaustion, their eyes were strangely vivid.

Is the battle excitement state still continuing?

No matter which, the best choice seems to be rest.

Let’s leave the thankful words of the Limia King for a later time.

There’s also the issue with the Prince as well.

It would be troublesome if she gets rash and does something reckless.

Especially when the person she wants to protect is being targeted.

I was able to experience this just a few moments ago.

[Shiki, Mio. Please guide the students to the evacuation point. If there’s the need to, it is okay to put that place as the guarding priority]

“Eeh?! Uhm, and Waka-sama?” (Mio)

[I will go hear the situation from Tomoe. I leave these kids in your care]

I make mist that connects to the same place as before.

Tomoe, just how long does she intend to watch and wait?

It would be troublesome if the guests were to catch me, so I will just quietly go there, quickly hear what she has to say, and then head to my store to see how it is going.

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View Comments

  • Thanks for the chapter. It feels like the last 30minutes have been stretched over ten this becoming dragonballish? o_O;;

  • no comment on this one i already said to much anger in the previous chapters
    aside that
    i also agree. i wanted that makoto really realize his naivety reflected on jin`s
    also i have a questions for ppl that are ahead of translations. does makoto already think that he can defeat ppl easy? later in the novel ? or still hasn`t been wrote yet? cuz its really depressing that he thinks cannot win againts ppl over lvl 500....

    the most amazing thing its that the most insane ability that practically NEVER been invented in other stories. he developed it in the first month.... for gods sake why use weapons? just use tht one panch ability of his and everything down with no dmg, since he completely explained that one panch completely drains power and vitality of target.

    • Because our Mc is Naive, so naive that he can;t see his own when he saw jins naivety and pointed it out and because "Mc is likes politics" Which really he shouldn't really care about and instead try to get information about his parents even if it means pissing others off (IE demons and hyumans)

  • Thanks for the chapter ヾ(≧▽≦*)o. It's good to know that Amelia is sound and safe (っ´▽`)っ. Also, it'll be interesting to read the interaction between Makoto ans the princess later on.

  • Thanks for the chap!! This chap however left quite a bad taste. Regrets at the very last. That ignorance from Makoto having that thought that his actions are always correct. hmm, made me feel was a villain at one point. He thinks he's Satou.

    • Hopelace variant was most likely apologizing to the Gotetsu girl. And Makoto didn't sound anything like a villain. He just stated the obvious fact. And Makoto too was that naive, but he had to kill the intruders last time and had to face reality of the world. He is just speaking the facts from his experience.

      • I just thought he couldve handled this differently even if it meant killing Illumgando. But y'know.. shouldnt that at least sparked some curiosity in him? When he 'ignored' it, that gave me the impression that there might be a hint of guilt. I mean he knew this guy had some beef with him, he ignored it and left it be. Knew he was trying to approach Ruria several times, ignored the situation and left his guards in place and didnt even tried to findout why. And having heard Illumgandos last 'will', i suppose it should hit him but still ignored it.

        • Well, Ruria was troubled by Illumgand. Harassed even. It was illumgand's stupid pride that he never was honest with himself and never expressed himself right. Such people are subject to misunderstanding. As such he appeared to look like an proud with nobility that is a typical template character of bad ego. He got angry and jealous of Raido being close to the sisters and further set himself as an antagonist rather than be true to himself and talk. His every action reeks of small fry villain. So no, I do not find Raido/Makoto to be a villain. He's been committed to his job and kept an amiable attitude with his acquaintances. Where as Illumgand did what any template small fry bad guy does.

      • Thats the thing, Makoto didnt know that the 2nd Hopelace son had been trying to appraoch Ruria. The only interaction Makoto had with him was the first encounter. Then the issue with the people doing experiments on people happend and the librarian was targeted Makoto put a guard on the sister as well, the sister then asked the guard and the employees that ate at Gotetsu to do something about the 2nd son and no one bothered to tell Makoto.

        Untill the tournament Makato had never encountered the guy after the first time and he didnt even hear the guys name that time.

        • That's got nothing to do with Makoto being villain. The Hopelace kid kept his misunderstanding with his surroundings. The fact that the girls didn't want to be associated with him is nuff. That's how the world works. Makoto is not a saint to be understanding of every dipshit of the society. Y didn't Illumgand come and speak honestly to Makoto who was guarding the sisters? All he did was cause trouble. Makoto has no connections with the Hopelace thus he doesn't need to or have to understand a brat going gung-ho with his name.

    • Also Makoto matured and graduated from the milestone that Jin and the rest were at this time. This gradual maturity growth is what makes this series so wonderful.

      • Nope don't see that only thing I saw was him not seeing his own naivety when he gave advice to jin so he really didn't grow much

    • Don't forget -- in this world, it's Makoto vs the hyumans. Ideally, anyone who isn't your enemy would be your friend. But that just doesn't work for Makoto in the Bug's world. If it's not a friend, then it's a potential enemy for Makoto. If he tried to befriend every hyuman that he came across, then that whole incident with the Merchant Guild representative will just keep happening to him. It's better for Makoto to just assume that everyone's an enemy until he's sure that they're a friend.

    • I think the MC was in the wrong here.

      this is from ch 130:

      Anyways, he wanted to clear the misunderstanding.

      After all, there’s no doubt that he is happy that she was alive.

      But he was unable to fulfill that at all.

      Receiving money from his household, he requested assistance and hired people, but that didn’t work either.

      ‘No matter what regret I have, you will get in the way huh’

      The anger of Ilumgand towards the Kuzunoha Company slowly changed into hatred.

      Actually, in this matter, Shiki and Raidou had no part in it.

      When the employees of Kuzunoha Company went to Gotetsu to have a meal, Ruria indirectly told them that Ilumgand has been following her around and asked them to please check him out.

      Lime Latte was the first one. Then the Forest Onis, Akua and Eris, and also the Elder dwarf.

      They worried about Ruria, and while being ordered by Raidou to protect Ruria from a different matter, they also obstructed Ilumgand and anyone related to him from getting close to Ruria.

      Ilumgand didn’t know of that.

      That’s why the Kuzunoha Company and Raidou became targets of his hatred with no distinction.


      I think llumgand gets too much hate and the MC should understand he was at fault due to his naivety.
      The MC's people utterly block him and anyone related to him from getting close to Runia, which would include anyone who was to deliver a letter or to set up a thought transmission. And I also doubt Runia who accept a thought transmission from him anyway. In additiion the mc non compliance with Runia's 'check him out' as he was satisfied with his assumption that it was just the case of the pride of a noble that didn't want to back down.

      llumgand was ignorant at why his attempts wasn't working. Any would be frustrated to be failing without knowing the reason why. Ever face a boss that is seemly invulnerable to any weapon and nothing seem to work? that how a noble would be when facing the might of the MC company. and adding mental instability to that from Rona is like not trying to face that boss while being drunk.

      I think the MC knows judging from Mio's response but brushes it away.

      All in all i think this is a sad outcome, that sometimes even when we wish well but act without gaining a proper understanding of the problem, we can make it worse.

      • the MC didn't know. His employee take independent action without bothering to tell him because it fell under the umbrella of 'protection of the girl' that he assigned them to. All in all this is a poor communication kills type of story but the blame is equally shared by everyone in this farce blaming only the MC is poor in taste.

        • I would not go so far as to blame only the MC as there are multiple people in the wrong here. I only aimed to should how the MC actions or rather inaction lead to this. Also, as a leader he has to accept responsibility for those under him, especially as he did not really proper orders to them. Rona's blame is obvious, but it was only possible due to the MC weakening llum psyche. Rona plan would have still gone ahead but not with llum. It was shown llum was a model noble before that critical incident. It's true that llum was prideful, but more than that he was driven by the feeling of regret and possibility jealousy.

          There are really only three people that caused this incident, Rona, llum and the MC. The MC was never interested in finding out why llum wanted to meet Runia as the MC was satisfied with the thought that he was doing a good deed. but how was he to know that it would blow up to such a point, especially with him having to consider what was already on his plate. But we are not perfect. and thus is one of the reason why I really like this novel.

          I wanted to believe that he noticed his fault from the way strength at which mio responded when she saw him, which gave the impression that he appeared to have taken a severe blow but I'm unsure now. To me, it would be even sadder if he doesn't...

      • I like your thoughts on the matter here.

        Primarily, this incident, with Ilumgand at least, was not a disaster, an attack, or a devious plot. Primarily, it was a tragedy that happened due to collective foolishness. Foolishness, I might add, that couldn't really be helped because it's mostly how the world works.

        Ilumgand, Makoto, and the Asora subordinates all could have done something different that would have avoided this. But they didn't do anything that wasn't considered a natural course of action in this crappy world of Bug. Makoto was protecting an acquaintance who was in a position that was easily persecuted. His employees were being extra diligent and mindful of Ruria out of loyalty and discipline. Ilumgand was trying to apologize and didn't see any better way of doing it so his animosity was built up and exploited.
        Hell, even Rona was just setting up a tactical strike for the benefit of her oppressed people.

      • I don't see what the MC could have done differently.

        He came across a girl that was being harassed and didn't like it so he stepped in to stop it. This was the only thing he did with relation to Ilumgand, he never hear another word about him from anyone. Runia didn't mention that she was being followed by him, his workers didn't mention that Ilumgand was trying to come in contact with her, nothing at all was mentioned to Makoto. Makoto gave the order to protect her because of the very real danger that the group that was kidnapping and doing experiments on people might target her as a way to get to the librarian that was in hiding. That was the sole reason for the protection order, his followers who had befriended her learned that she was troubled and did the rest on their own without ever mentioning it to Makoto. Runia also never mentioned anything to Makoto.

        Makoto might be responsible for the actions of his followers because they are his followers but he can't be expected to have been able to know what was happening. His inaction was because it was never mentioned to him, he can't be expected to take action on something he has absolutely no knowledge about. He couldn't, reasonablely, be expected to guess that his workers would do when they had free time.

        The events surrounding Ilumgand were unfortunate and the result of a lot of misunderstandings but there isn't really anything the MC could have done about it. With the way things went it's unlikely that Shiki knew about it either, Shiki is aware enough to bring such an issue up with Makoto and he was just as confused when the hostility was shown. If Ilumgand had gone to the store and complained then it might have reached Shiki or Makoto and things probably would have gone differently.

        If I ask someone I trust to buy some milk and they also buy some beers and sideswipe a car on the way back but deliver the milk as I asked am I somehow responsible for the accident? They would not have been out if I hadn't made the request but if they don't tell me about it what would you expect my response to be?

        • Yeah, All your words are true.Part of my logic was faulty upon realizing that it was indeed independent action by part of the companies employees.
          But what really strikes me from your words is this:
          If Ilumgand had gone to the store and complained then it might have reached Shiki or Makoto and things probably would have gone differently.
          That part... I think that was part was really the only path to avoiding all of this. Shiki would have sensed the tampering, Raidou would have understood the situation more. llumgand apologises... Only if they agreed to meet with him.

          But was he so boxed by his only pride that he failed to attack the problem at its source? Yeah and that is his fault.
          It is really funny that no one is really wrong here...

          Rona's plan is so that the demons don't ultimately get exterminated by an unjust goddess...
          MC actions in the beginning was justifiable and his ignorance of his empolyees' actions understandable...
          llumgand being driving in a corner by regret so much so that he becomes what he hates the most...
          it really is grey, this world is...

          As for you question, it depends. If you are asking as only a friend and with no other connection then no. But if you are asking while that friend is representing your company and even has your uniform on while he does it then yes.

      • A few more point to tack on

        About MC ignorance of his employee : He trusted them to let him know if it was something he needed to know. Shiki and the others are competent people and there is also the fact Makoto is a busy person what with being a part time teacher, running a business, his personal research into his parents, managing reports from Asora. So yeah if you are an employee and your boss is busy as hell I don't think you'll want to bother him with what you consider trivial matters.

        Rona... I don't know, but to me this whole incident is a serious breach of ethics and code of war and ground for war crime punishment. But then again this bug goddess world is crappy and everyone with her or against her can be crappy as well and she was facing genocide.

        Raidou would agree to meet ilumgand if he came to him. He has shown the willingness to talk things out and remember he actually forgot the whole incident and didn't have any animositytoward Ilumgand.

        • First point and last point we can agree upon, as for the second I do not. War crimes exist when there are rules agreed between parties. In this world, huymans have shown to view 'ugly' things in contempt. Given the chance, they would have wiped out the demons long ago. Wouldn't that have counted as genocide? Negotiation would have not been in their interest. Why should they when they have the four times enchantment and thus would just zerg the demons. While what demons did is horrible, there no rules to judge them under as far as we know. Taking ethics and morals formed in our world to judge another is sketchy in my book.

  • Thanks for the chapter!
    I was patiently waiting for the chapter. With high anticipation but patiently. It was rewarding. But now I'm writhing in anticipation for the next chapter....
    Thanks again

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