Chapter 118: The wise and the Lorel Union


Three demons huh. I don’t know what bigshot of which country she is from, but if she has demons infiltrated in her own escorts, that’s dangerous.
The woman that suddenly talked to me, looking at her heavily armed escorts she was bringing along, that’s how I thought. In the past, I met the demon general Rona-san who was disguised. It is probably magic, but there are three demons that are most likely using the same spell and infiltrating the hyumans. Is it affecting the vision or is it affecting the perception, I wasn’t told which it was, but whichever it is, it doesn’t work on me. This time as well, I see them perfectly.
Their looks are completely different, so it is obvious. Just the skin color makes the difference clear.

“In this place it seems there’s no need to mind about the public gaze and we can proceed smoothly”


Looks like this woman hasn’t noticed that there’s demons mixed in. If she really is using them while knowing full well about their identity, she would at least not bring them here in a place filled with international figures. It would be like bathing in gasoline and participating in a campfire.
In this world it is difficult to gauge the age by appearance, so this woman that has brought me outside of the party’s main hall, I can’t tell just how old she is or in what position she is in. I can tell she is an important person by the atmosphere of the surroundings.
The music that was played in the hall can be slightly heard in this salon-like place we are in. In the space with no people around, there’s only me, the woman, and also the escorts.

“You guys, leave for a bit. Let’s see, if there are people trying to enter here, tell them to please not. Something like that”

Saying so, she points at the entrance. A pure white skin that even looks unhealthy, slender arms and legs that make you hesitate to grab them. If someone asked me what kind of person she is, I would without doubt answer: ‘a weak-looking person’. Also, it strangely makes me feel nostalgic. This should be my first time meeting her though…

[I am sorry. Since I a while I have been thinking but, no matter what, I can’t seem to remember you. Have we met somewhere before?]

It would be a problem if rumors run around that a teacher made a disturbance in an event, so I wanted to get this over with in a quiet manner and followed her all the way here. It looks like the other side knows about me, but I don’t remember her. That doesn’t feel right. Could it be she just one-sidedly knows about the company’s Raidou? Or did she learn about me from someone else? Well, it does seem she has some business with me to the point that she cleared out the people to speak with me.

“Written communication… Ah, no, this is our first meeting Raidou-sama. I was interested in you, that’s why I invited you in this way. When having escorts it just gets exaggerated, I am truly sorry. Please do forgive me for that, as it is something I can’t help because of my position”

A single word. With just that, she was able to accept written communication huh.
Information about me must be leaking around more than I thought huh. Well, it is better to have people know than to explain every time though.

[Now then, before enquiring about the reason of that interest, can you please tell me first the position you are in and your name? Not knowing the name of the other party when already facing face to face like this just doesn’t feel right]

“… You are right. I am from the Lorel Union and one of the people taking care of the priestess-sama and kamuro, name is Sairitz. About our Lorel Union, how much does Raidou-sama know?”

Priestess and kamu… ro?
If my memory serves right, in Lorel, they are existences that are extremely important. The priestess is the fulcrum of the nation’s spirit and the kamuro is one of the prospects. When hearing kamuro, my head writes it as ‘baldness’ which means a prostitute’s apprentice though. But it seems the meaning here is a lot different. It is not about prostitutes and courtesans but about aiming to be a priestess. The impression is different. And, when talking about Lorel…

[Actually, I have never been there and I don’t know much about it, but I know that it is the union of three regions to become a nation, and the person called priestess is a woman that possesses strong power and a person that is able to interact with several high spirits. I have heard that the words of the priestess have power even in political fronts, so in Lorel it is quite the status. Also, because the relationship is closer to spirits, the religion is stronger towards spirits than to the Goddess. What I know of it is that… they have a peculiar culture and excel in the crafts department]

It is famously known that Lorel possesses several unique techniques. Even if I say they esteem the spirits, that still ends up in being affiliated to the Goddess, so I haven’t learned too deeply about it.
Their techniques are highly skilled, and there’s a symbol called priestess. My impression is on that level.

“… I am surprised. You really know well. You must have studied well. Have you thought about opening a business at our country as well?” (Sairitz)

[Of course, if it’s allowed, I will in time. I have just begun my business, but I have big dreams]

“I see. At that time, please do give me a word. I will assist you” (Sairitz)

[Thank you very much]

The conversation stops. With a smile, the woman promises me her cooperation. While maintaining a gentle smile, she looks at me with narrow eyes as if gauging me. It feels like I am being appraised here. Looks like she doesn’t mind my outward appearance, so maybe she is searching for anything she can find out. It feels like she is surveying every inch of my body.

Lorel Union.
It is one of the four major powers and a country I have never gone to. Different from the other three countries, the Union is a collection of several powers into one country. It seems the three small countries gathered under the name of the priestess. In terms of map location, it is at the south side of the golden highway we crossed, it is at the other side of the high mountain range where the Inland Sea should be. No problem in thinking of it as Shikoku.
Other aspects would be that they seem to possess a peculiar culture, but maybe because their national character is a closed one, there doesn’t seem to be much information around. That’s why their characteristic techniques and the existence of the priestess stands out even more.
Culture, priestess, highly skilled techniques. When hearing just its characteristics, I feel like it is similar to Japan. If the priestess is replaced for something like his Majesty the Emperor, then it would fit perfectly.
Maybe because there’s three countries gathered, it’s a nation that its race is not uniform. Their skin and hair color have quite the variations, and it seems there are few that mind it. It does hurt that there’s not much information around, but it is a country I would like to visit at least once.

Oops. The issue right now is not that. It is about why she got interested in me. Is it me, or my store? That’s the first thing that is in my mind.

“But there truly are curious things huh” (Sairitz)

The woman was the one who broke the silence. Being all smiles, I can’t read what she is actually thinking. The power of readings memories, if it were to activate at this kind of moments, it would be very helpful!

[What is it you are trying to say?]

“You, who said that you have never visited Lorel Union, for some reason, are using something that only a few selected are taught” (Sairitz)

Something? Using? Lorel possesses highly skilled techniques, so maybe it is related to the eldwas?

“At the Kuzunoha Company’s sign, there are two characters written in it right?” (Sairitz)

Ah, well… I did write kanji in the wooden sign though.

“That’s the writing of the wise. From the four major powers, no, in this whole world, there’s only a few in Lorel that know of it. Why is it used in the name of your store I wonder?” (Sairitz)

Writing of the wise you say? That’s kanji and it’s used by us Japanese.

[That is one of the writings I have been using since small. It is indeed mysterious. I came from the border’s wasteland, but maybe someone from your country came to the border’s wasteland and taught the writing? It’s not like I know all the characters in detail you know. It’s also my first time hearing the name ‘writing of the wise’]

It was probably an otherworldler that came to this world and taught them kanji in a strange way. But I have the all-powerful and convenient word, wasteland. From my experience here, most of everything can be resolved by saying this. In a sense, I am being saved by the wasteland.

“An interesting opinion. But that’s impossible. In the case the people who know the writing of the wise, head outside the country, the information regarding it will be all recorded. From the people that have done so in the past, there’s not a single one who has travelled to the wasteland” (Sairitz)

What?! This is the first time she retorted. Also, records she says? In this world where most of everything is done sloppily? I am surprised she can be so confident about its certainty.
Then, next hand.

[But I do know how to write it and am using it. Then it must have been someone you didn’t know of that put his feet on the wasteland. In everything, you must prioritize the facts. As long as this fact exists, someone must have taught this writing]

“True. I have to accept the truth properly. Just as you said, there might be the chance the writing of the wise was taught at the wasteland. But I have a slightly different thought in mind”

[Let’s hear it]

“The writing of the wise, as the name implies, is the writing that the wise possess. In other words, if it’s a clever and wise one, it wouldn’t be strange for that person to know it from the very beginning” (Sairitz)

Wise she says. Could it be, as in sage?

[You are overestimating me. I am not so clever to be called a wise man. I am just a mere person that opened a store]

“… Raidou-sama. The wise differs a bit from the word sage. The wise possess impossible knowledge that’s respected. We just call it that way” (Sairitz)

Eh? The turn of affairs is strange?

[I don’t understand your meaning well]

“The wise is a general term used for people that are not even from this world and have come from a faraway place. What I think is that you are also a wise-sama. Am I right?” (Sairitz)

Wise stands for otherworldlers huh. What a troublesome name they have placed. It is an enclosed country that’s why the details of it can’t be fully understood just throughw documents, so well, can’t be helped.
Kanji is the writing of the wise huh. That store name, I was thinking about using it as a conversation starter for the time the heroes hear of it by word-of-mouth, so I didn’t think too deeply of it. Who would have thought that the kanji already existed, moreover, it is pretty classified information. I do think kanji is a peculiar writing, but I don’t really think it is such an important thing to be made classified information. Because you know, it is just writing. In a world where most places use the common language and numbers, I really don’t think it should have that much value.
Anyways, it seems right now I am being suspected of being a wise huh. No need for doubts, that’s actually true though.
What should I do? Admit it or feign ignorance. As long as I don’t know the objective of this woman, I feel like feigning ignorance is the better choice.

“Ara, is there no answer? Also, there’s another reason why I think you are a wise-sama. That is, your name. My name is Sairitz and the accurate writing is written like this” (Sairitz)

I maintain my silence (I was actually just thinking about how to handle it though) and without hurrying me, the woman named Sairitz stood up, walked to my side and placed a finger on the table.
The slender finger shines and the kanji for color and ritz are written. She didn’t actually use ink, it just followed the trace of her finger. Oh, it is written correctly. More than Japan, it’s a name that might fit China better.

“And my family name is like this. It may be an unnecessary explanation, but it is read as Kahara. Kahara Sairitz, that’s my full name. In Lorel, the wise-sama are greatly adored and most of the people have similar names. The name giving is done in the spirit temple, we call it Yashiro. There, many parents that have given birth to a child will go there to ask for names. They give out several options that fit the child, and the parents will decide on which, is how the custom goes” (Sairitz)

Hana and then hara, making it Kahara huh. So even the way it is read starts from the family name. Practically the same as Japan. To the point that I think the name Aya Tadashi doesn’t sound female-like. The kanji is not spread widely, so when placing names, they leave it to the people related to the temple. She said it is called Yashiro, so it is probably someone like a Shinto Priest that uses the knowledge to place some options. Even though they serve under the spirits and the Goddess, are the priests in Lorel allowed to study kanji? She did say only a few selected, so that may not be the case, but it must be troublesome.

“There are also times when the names of the wise are used exactly the same. That’s proof of how much those personage are respected and adored by the people, but the name Raidou-sama also resembles the names of our country, is what I think” (Sairitz)

“Also, your face features as well. It is thought that the wise-sama are people that are born from different seeds than us hyumans. The wise-sama, more than their appearance, what’s inside proves of more importance. There are records saying most wise-sama didn’t have a beautiful outward appearance” (Sairitz)

Oioi, is that true? There’s a country that has truly made contact with otherworldlers. Is that the reason why it is enclosed? Being all secretive about it, that’s not fair Lorel. Are the techniques also the result of the concepts of our world? The part where they are aware the hyumans and humans come from different seeds makes it sound pretty convincing. Leaving aside all that about the inside being more important than their appearance.

[Is it okay to tell such an important thing to someone like me? I am, you know, not a wise though]

“Are you misunderstanding us Raidou-sama? We think of sheltering the misfortunate wise-sama that receive unjust discrimination in this world” (Sairitz)

Misfortunate huh. From what I heard of Root, the people that came here from our world are mostly because of accidents. It seems they know quite a bit.

“It may be fine right now, but in time, you will face problems. If it’s Lorel, we will welcome you with open arms. We intend to do what we can for you” (Sairitz)

[This is a problem. It seems there really is no reason for me to be sheltered by you. If I find a wise-sama, I will suggest them to go to your country]

“… Looks like you won’t trust us huh. Understood. I will leave it at that for now. It isn’t something that can be rushed after all” (Sairitz)

Maybe she could tell that my attitude went stiffer, or maybe she thought the matter would not progress. She pulled back pretty easily.

“Right, Raidou-sama, there’s something I would like your opinion about. Is it okay?” (Sairitz)

[If you are fine with someone like me]

“The two heroes that the Goddess-sama uses. We think those two are also wise. Raidou-sama, what do you think of the heroes?” (Sairitz)

[A question I have no way of responding. I am sorry but, it seems my opinion will not be useful. I have never met them before, so there’s nothing I think of them]

Without bringing any dissatisfaction in my answer, Sairitz-san silently stood from her sit. Bowing once, she turns back and walks to the salon’s entrance.

“I see. Ah, right, right” (Sairitz)

After breathing out a big sigh of relief after being released from the tension, Sairitz-san talked to me. Without waiting for my response, she continued.

“Raidou-sama’s store sign, it’s lovely. The Kuzu referring to medicine and the Ha for the plants. Is your current strong point medicine?” (Sairitz)

[It’s the name of a plant, not the character for medicine. Well, it is not wrong to say that I want to spread medicine though]

“… As I thought, you know the writing of the wise well. Before returning to my country, I would like to meet you again. Well then, excuse me” (Sairitz)


Why is it? I feel like I have lost in some way.

There’s no reason to stay in the salon that has only me now. Let’s return to the hall.

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View Comments

  • Makoto is an easy target...
    It's like forsaking defense and focusing solely on fire power, type of mecha build.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  • I'll never understand why can't this OP MCs just say... "F*ck off with your annoying questions... I have things to do" and leave?
    Somehow they always end up answering meddlesome questions when they don't "really" need to do so...

    • If someone asking you, you need to answer it.
      but if they asking you to nude, you can ignore :)

    • Again, this is not a xianxia.
      The MC only want to get home and not diaturbed by the bug.

      • Where did you get this?

        I'm pretty sure he took the world transfer by himself, willingly, in place of his sisters despite being informed by Tsuki-sama that he would no longer be able to go back.

        Ofc, there's a talk of a magic for going back but since the risks are much more higher, he wasn't keen on it for the time being. I don't recall Makoto telling them to research for it.

    • actually there are several reasons why Raidou couldnt do what you said.

      1. she is clearly one of the higher-ups for her country. telling her to F*ck off would antagonize her which would ruin his chances of having a store there. plus there are demon body guards there so unless he fights he cant escape her. he wont fight cause he doesn't want the Bug to notice him.

      2. he doesn't want any attention brought upon himself since if it comes out he is a wise he could be forced to fight. and if he refuses he could have the trash demon eye holder and the Yuusha attack him.

      3. as his fight with the water dragon and dragon slayer showed he might be OP but doesn't know how to fight very well. he could bring harm upon his people if he becomes an enemy of a country or the world

      4. it'd embarrass the merchant dude thats been helping him and Raidou doesn't want that to happen

      5. if he told her to f*ck off after she asked her questions that'd answer her questions AND make her his enemy. people with power dont like to be told to f*ck off

      • also to reigokai the TL-san there was a mistake on a line.

        you put "face features" it should be "facial features"

      • few little details to correct (numbers will be the same)
        1. She doesn't seem to realize there are demons there so they likely wouldn't expose themselves
        2. I might be wrong about this, but she said nothing about Wise being inherently strong and only that her country protects Wise people
        3. he does know how to fight (his parents were expecting this so they had them all study martial arts) it's just that the dragon and dragon slayer(dunno if she really qualifies as the dragon she killed is still alive) were just better due to experience
        4&5. I agree with these : )

      • this is for jaclea. had to reply to my own comment since i cant comment to jaclea's.

        1. the bodyguards would still try to stop him if he tried to leave if she ordered them to.

        2. true she didn't say that but we know he is beyond OP right now and if she became mad she might expose him as a wise which would make other countries try to either lock him up or force him to fight for them

        3. im not saying he doesn't know how to fight but that he doesn't know how to use his magic power efficiently. also ealy on it was stated that the only martial art he really trained in was archery since he wasn't as good in other MA. his older sister is the one that was strong and trained in the other MA

      • ty for the reply just figured i would respond and see what you thought of it and elaborate on what i had said

        1. That is true, I was only referring to how the demons in her group of bodyguards wouldn't fight to the point that they would be revealed the others would of course at least try to stop him (thou we know how that would likely end)

        2. I might be wrong, but wise almost seem like a national secret as there writing is only known by a select few in the country and doesn't seem widespread, so even if she is a higher up she most likely wouldn't expose such a big secret over something so comparatively trivial

        3. His focus is in archery and that is definitely what he is best at, however a part of his training was in close combat with a bow (he mentions the training during the fight) and it might not be his specialty, however he isn't helpless in close quarters combat. though I completely agree on his lack of experience with magic though you can't really blame him as most things don't survive the first hit and he is unlikely to use his followers (stay back mio) as target practice.

        feel free to tell me if you have any points to make regarding this as it is an interesting subject

      • 1. hmm thats a good point but when i made this point originally i meant it more of Raidou couldn't walk away because he'd end up fighting the demon body guards which he wont do. he had 3 choices really.
        A) listen to her
        B) try to leave and fight the body guards
        C) silence them with magic.

        i dont see him doing B or C due to him not being a killer or wanting to draw attention to himself. which left A which is what he did.

        2. she could spread a rumor that he is an other worlder which would be more convincing then the whole curse thing he is going with. plus she could get the only good Yuusha to verify that Raidou is an otherworlder by having her look at him. this would convince those pesky kings into believing he is could be a summoned hero. combine that with the fact that many people saw him when he was summoned to the battlefield by the goddess.

        3. the main issue in regards to knowing if he is good at fighting with other weapons other then archery is that we havent really seen Raidou fight with anything other then magic or a bow currently. he did fight with a sword (i think) against the dragon slayer(?) but since she is a master swordswoman so that wasn't a very good example in regards to if he is good with a sword or not. if the author throws Raidou into a few more fights we might see if he is any good at CQC or MRC or not. it does looks like he will fight the Yuusha and scum later on in the series if u look at the cover to this(?) volume.

      • Hello again ty for responding quickly
        1. We can finally come to an agreement on this one I was mostly just saying that we could ignore that three of the bodyguards were demons as they wouldn't reveal themselves as demons

        2. It's possible and from the few times we have seen her I can't be sure if she would be likely to do this, but as for the battlefield part. He was seen by very few people as there had been a battle (not sure but i think this is correct) between the humans and the demons so the humans might have glanced at him in their retreat, but there is no way they would get a good look at him (there are also all the people he accidentally killed with his "small" attack

        3. agreed I am simply saying that he is capable on the fact that he manages to survive in CQC with an expert who is also being supported by a dragon to make it impossible for him to use archery and much more difficult to use magic leaving him to rely heavily on what CQC training he does have.

        • 2. when he was summoned he gathered the attention of everyone on the battlefield. it really depends on how many people survived his "small" attack since it was revealed that all but 2 people on the demon's side were wiped out but never specified how many humans survived. plus i get the feeling the bug will get mad she can no longer summon Raidou and send some sort of half-assed message to all the hyumans showing what he looks like which is my personal theory on why the Yuusha and trash end up fighting Raidou. im personally hoping the author will show what Tsukiyomi's sisters are going to do to the bug since Onee-san Tsukiyomi said the bug wouldn't get away with what it did to Raidou.

          3. while raidou did survive against her it was just barely. can he really be called good at SRC if he was being played with by the dragon slayer (lol)? plus the most he could do against the dragon was cancel the attacks. he would have been screwed if the attribute of the dragon was differnt (lets say ice or plant attribute. doubly screwed if it was root he was against). currently he'd do better against them since it was revealed that he has been learning magic from books so more then likely he know more then just novice class magic.

      • you make some good points and thanks again for responding.
        2. When tomoe went to check the aftermath of the battle the way people saw him was a bit different to how we know him to be. For one they thought he was beautiful (which by there standards he isn't) and those that survived are unlikely to remember what happened clearly as he was only really close to the (not)dragon slayer and dragon plus the shock of the attack would most likely mess with their memories. Also while they might remember that he wore a mask it isn't like no one could put on a mask. I also remembered at the end of this that she would have no idea that he was even there and nothing to say he might have been so even if someone could identify him she wouldn't know it.

        3. again I agree that he isn't proficient with CQC and as for magic you can't really expect him to already have a lot of strong magic (I mean besides the basic ones that can still create a lake) as that was what he was trying to get when he was forced to fight by the (bug)goddess. Also he wasn't really being played with as they seemed to be going all out which is why they used the item to get rid of the goddesses blessing, which they wouldn't have bothered with if they could win without it and were just playing with him. plus the only damage he really took was when they attacked right after he was teleported and still trying to get his bearings. Also while yes it would have been a problem if the dragon was a different attribute there are three points to be made here. 1 it wasn't a different attribute so we can't really tell how he would have done, 2 he is so powerful he might have been able to just overwhelm the typing difference plus while he is focused on water he is still able to use the other types (except wind), 3 it is actually better that it is the same attribute as you wouldn't compare the attack power of fire with water as they are focused on completely different things (fire=damage water=healing/defense) so if anything this is a better way of judging his power

        Hope you are able to respond soon : )

        • 2. hmm good points. i am wondering though that since it is a magic world if there might be someone that can use memory magic (like tomoe) to see what he looks like. plus if the mask is unique enough it could actually make him stand out even more.

          3. in regards to the item they used that was more of something so he (the supposed Yuusha) would get weak enough for the dragon to be able to fight him since the DS has the bug's blessing for being a hyuman. plus the DS is the strongest one of the hyumans so she only tossed it to weaken him. any advantage she can get is very helpful. the ring thing wasn't actually a spell. since it contained a huge amount of MP and his main attribute is water it caused the lake to appear. in regards to points 1-3 there are a few things.
          A) i agree that we wouldn't know how it'd go since the dragon wasn't a diff attribute
          B) do we know how strong his other elements are compared to his water? his other attributes might not have had enough power to overwhelm the water dragon. plus a earth based could use plants to crush him or stop him from doing chants by gaging him. of course its all a moot point since we dont actually know all the info to give such hypothesis
          C) did they ever specify if those attributes do those specific things?

          also if she was really going all out she could have teleported directly behind him and stabbed him or teleported her blade into his very being. when i read it it felt like she was playing cat and mouse with Raidou. it'd be good if we were to get other perspectives from characters but i doubt we will.

      • 2. In regards to memory magic, the description provided by each person is the same as what they have in their memory (sort of like how hypnosis in the real world doesn't actually bring back memories you just end up inventing some) and his description matched what they had in their memories as well. I also forgot to mention last time (not that it is very important as it was sort of implied), but I doubt the dragon and dragon slayer would help provide humans with an accurate description of him

        3. for the difference in elements I believe you can get a rough estimate from early on when they just moved to the world he created, also as an example of him overpowering a dragon with an off attribute, during his fight with tomoe he used a fire spell (pretty sure that she was strong against that) which while it wasn't a telling blow it was still some damage done against the way resistances typically work and with a type that isn't his strongest attribute, not to mention that he ended up getting stronger after that when he was still doing his standard bow training and doubling his power

        4. I am starting this number because the topic seems to have split, while it may be possible that they could have teleported behind him and killed him, I feel like that is not how their ability works. for one they mentioned swords which are what they teleport between and while it may have been possible to teleport behind him and kill him they were likely startled that someone was just suddenly there and tried to kill him quickly. As for teleporting her blade into him that the dragon and it seems to be a part of the dragons magic rather than a physical object so the dragon would first have to get his magic into him and at that point why bother with a sword

        I might be wrong on the swords being how they teleport the (fake) dragon slayer, but I feel like that is the most likely case as the dragon complained about makoto destroying them.

        • Teleport ability allows her to switch with the position of the blade I think.

    • because people telling to "f*ck off" other only because he feel a little annoyed and have more power are despicable asshole, and so clearly not good material for a main character. do you think it's impossible to be polite when you have power?

      • In fact, it sounds like a rather boring Mary Sue type fanfic. Conflict and problems that require some skill or help to get out of are more interesting than watching some immature person just yell and kill everything in their way. There are stories like that I'm sure, but it'd get repetitive really fast.

  • Wow, that was great! I am more and more hooked on this arc! Thanks for the chapter!

    P.S. Now for some dancing?! XDDDD

  • Stay away from this country, they have demons infiltrated in high places, right next the big shots, and don't even know about it...

  • the Lorel people read it "Kuzuha" ?
    why don't he tell that the name read is "Kuzunoha"?
    thank you!

    • because that Sairitz person baited him. And he magnificently fell for it. As usual.

      • They also read it wrong. In the previous chapter a person says "kuzuha?, What is the writing of my lorel doing here?" Suggesting that they read it differently or wrongly. Though I have to wonder why he wrote in kanji or why he fell for that so easily.

      • No. This was in a "higher" standing than the previous person. As have been mentioned by her, there are only a few who has knowledge of it. Unless you are telling me, they all have the same proficiency regardless of their standing in Lorel. I still have no idea what role that guy assumes but, Sairitz is one of the people assisting(?) the Priestess.

        At least that's how I take it.

    • The sign probably reads "葛葉 Kuzunoha" with the "kuzunoha" written in the local language. The 2 kanji, if read seperately, read "kuzu" and "ha". Most locals would assume that the kanji are just a picture of some sort, sort of like a makers mark. If he had taken the time (and thought of it) it's possible that he had slapped the kanji on the packaging for all of the products his store sells.

      • Yep, the reading and structure of the kanji used was explained by someone a few chapters back. And also cleared by Makoto in this one.

  • I got an extremely bad feeling about Sairitz, like if Lorel took otherworlders and forced them into slavery or something.

  • He should've just dropped the "your retainers are demons" bomb at the end, but in the most innocuous way: "What a progressive country you are, you even employ demons in such high positions!"

    Makoto is right to be as cautious as he is, but considering the priestess was pretty much in control of the whole conversation, it might've been appropriate to shake her up a bit.

    • He is neither supporting the hyumans nor the demons, he prefers to let them play their war games and espionage without getting involved as long as it doesn't affect his business

    • He was trying to bluff being a nobody. Telling them of the demons would be stupid. If he didn't care about hiding his identity so much, then he could've. I also would've enjoyed seeing him point it out, but he must play his cards realistically in such a situation. I suspect he might ask the demons in secret later though.

    • It would have made him look even more of a fool if he mentions her retainers are demon and turns out, "so what?", she was well aware. Without knowing Lorels standing between Demon and Hyuman race.

      Makoto even properly considered such options even though he didn't care.

      • Which is why I said he should do it in an innocuous fashion, and keep playing the fool. The priestess already seems to know quite a bit about him, knowing that her retainers are demons is something that could sway her quite easily: even if she knows and is alright with it, the other countries won't be happy. It would let Makoto steer the conversation away from himself and give him a bargaining chip in the future. (Just like he did with Rona.)

      • I guess he could sway her by doing that but, I for one doubt it. I mean, based on her shown personality she doesn't seem to be the type to lose track easily. She strikes me as a more of a "in control"-type character, although I could be wrong for people who read ahead, like Koyomi Hiiragi.

        Makoto needs to be the type who isn't, well, Makoto himself for him to catch her off guard in a conversation, much less information warfare. As it stands, the only thing I think can penetrate her facade is his jawdropping Godlike-ness raw powers. Holding fair grounds in conversations seems beyond him.

    • I seriously doubt that that will work. You also have to consider the possibility of them having information concerning otherworlders. If Makoto pulls that kind of stunt, then it'll be further proof that Makoto is 'more than he seems' and'll just draw more attention from her and her country. 'Playing the fool' isn't going to help much when Makoto has proven himself to be somewhat capable (especially if they was researching him and what he has done); and what you've stated can be turned around and used by her in the same fashion.

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