Categories: Weakest Mage

WM – Chapter 208: Takatsuki Makoto heads to the remnants

“Hey, Makoto, is there a need to listen to the request for assistance from the Pope?” (Lucy)

“That’s right! It is the guy that tried to do something terrible to Fu-chan! Like in ero doujins!” (Aya)

“…What are ero doujins?” (Furiae)

“Ah! I know! It is the ones that go ‘Kuh! Kill me!’.” (Lucy)

“Lu-chan…where did you get that knowledge? By the way, the one who would fit the ‘Kuh! Kill me!’ bill would be Saki-chan, I guess.” (Aya)

“I don’t understand what you two are talking about at all.” (Furiae)

Lucy, Sa-san, and Furiae-san were talking noisily. 

Right now we are at a place a little further away from the capital of Highland, at the ghost town.

It is apparently a town that fell from a monster stampede several decades ago. 

It was uninhabited for some time, but there’s rumours that it is being used as a hideout for the Snake Church.

We came here in order to confirm the authenticity of those rumors.

The objective is to investigate the remnants of the Snake Church by the request of the Pope.

“It can’t be helped. Princess Sofia was troubled.” (Makoto)

I answered the question of Lucy.

Rozes doesn’t have many templars.

In this world, templars serve as policemen. 

An existence that one can’t be without in order to maintain public order.

Templars are affiliated with the Goddess Church, and Rozes is compensating for its lack of personnel with the knights that the Sun Country dispatches.

In other words, if the Pope were to say ‘we will be withdrawing the templars from Rozes in order to prepare for the battle against the Great Demon Lord’, it would be incredibly problematic.

Of course, it normally wouldn’t end up that way, but they might use our refusal as an excuse to demand Furiae-san.

We decided to listen to them.

“So, is the Snake Church here?” (Furiae)

Furiae-san was looking around restlessly while grabbing the sleeve of Sa-san.

That’s normally my role as her Guardian Knight, but I decided to have her be close to Sa-san who is the safest to be with.

“[Detection].” (Makoto)

I walk around the ghost town and search for the presence of enemies.

But there’s no reaction at all.

My Detection has a radius of around 100 meters…

But I have a party member that is better than me in searching for enemies.

“Lucy, how’s it?” (Makoto)

“Hmm, nothing. Don’t hear anything.” (Lucy)

The senses of Lucy have a wider range and higher accuracy than my Detection.

That even she doesn’t hear anything must mean that…

“Fake information?” (Makoto)

“What do we do, Takatsuki-kun? Go back?” (Aya)

“Hmmm…” (Makoto)

If there’s no one, we have nothing to do.

Or maybe they have just left temporarily. 

Let’s try persisting for a bit more. 

“Let’s wait for a bit, and if they still don’t show up, we leave.” (Makoto)

“Okay~.” (Aya)

“Hmph, even though we went through the trouble of coming all the way here.” (Furiae)

“There’s nothing bad in it being safe, Furi.” (Lucy)

The tension lessened slightly, and we decided to stay on standby in the shadows.

There’s no reaction from Detection.

Lucy is on alert. 

Don’t think we will be caught by a surprise attack with this.


Around 30 minutes after arriving at the ghost town…

A voice resonated in my head.

(This…bad…Mako…! That…is…)


Hm? Her voice sounds far away.

Noah-sama, what’s the matter? 


No response.

What was that?

At that moment…


Someone landed on the ground making a light sound.

They must have come using flying magic.

I didn’t notice their approach at all.

They approached us with fearsome silence and speed. 

My hair stood on end.

The one standing in front of us is a man with white armor and the crest of the Goddess.

A templar. 

And yet…why didn’t Detection react?

The one there is the Sun Hero Alexander that we met not that long ago. 

“Hey there, what a coincidence.” (Alex)

The man said shamelessly. 

His face was showing a slight grin.


Who is going to believe that when we meet at a ghost town?


I silently take stance with my dagger.

Lucy held her staff up, and Sa-san stood in front of Furiae-san.

Furiae-san was glaring at the Sun Hero with suspicion.

The man in front of us said this with a wide grin on his face.

“I will have you hand over the Moon Oracle there.” (Alex)

“I refuse.” (Makoto)

I responded without hesitation.

That answer must have been what he expected, he didn’t show much surprise.

“No no, you have no right to refuse.” (Alex)

The Sun Hero Alexander shrugged his shoulders. 

“Pope’s orders?” (Makoto)

“No, I am doing this on my own volition. It will be taken as the Pope not being involved in this.” (Alex)

The Sun Hero speaks out even what he doesn’t need to say with a carefree smile.

Looks like it was the trap of the Pope. 

…It was a mistake to have come.

“Sa-san.” (Makoto)

“Yeah, I will protect Fu-chan!” (Aya)

I decided to leave Furiae-san to Sa-san.

I call the Spirits and have Lucy prepare her mana in order to be able to use magic at any moment. 

But the Sun Hero in front of us was just grinning and didn’t do anything.

“Oi oi, there’s no point in resisting. It is for your sake to give her up before you get hurt.” (Alex)

Looks like for him, Furiae-san getting kidnapped is already a settled thing.

He plans on proceeding even if it is by using forceful means.

“Haah…I don’t really take pride in bullying the weak though… Hm?” (Alex)

The Sun Hero was about to say something, but he cut off his words in the middle, and looked up.

I do the same, and there was something falling at astounding speed.


“Takatsuki-kun! Aya-chan!” 

The ones who showed up were Yokoyama-san and Sakurai-kun on a pegasus.

Sakurai-kun jumped off the pegasus and stood in front of us.

That’s a relief. 

With Sakurai-kun here, there’s nothing to worry about.

“Princess Noel told me that the Pope was making plans to kidnap Furiae.” (Sakurai)

“Aah, even the Light Hero-kun is here, huh… I was told that you shouldn’t be hurt.” (Alex)

Even when Sakurai-kun arrived, the Sun Hero wasn’t erasing his carefree smile.

I glance at the sky, and I see that even though it is slightly cloudy, the sky is clear. 

It is different from the time against the Demon Lord.

It is the Light Hero Sakurai-kun in perfect form.

And yet, why is he looking so carefree…?

“Move aside, Light Hero-kun.” (Alex)

The Sun Hero demands arrogantly. 

“I refuse.” (Sakurai)

Sakurai-kun unsheathes his sword and takes a stance.

Lucy, Yokoyama-san, and I prepare ourselves to assist him.

Compared to us, the Sun Hero was showing no signs of being worked up.

“Haah…what a pain.” (Alex)

The Sun Hero sighed heavily.

The next instant…


A squall blew.

A massive aura rages around the Sun Hero.

A warm light covers the area as if protecting us from that violent aura. 

Sakurai-kun had his magic sword in hand and his body and blade were shining lightly. 

It is a gentle light, but it is a massive aura that doesn’t fall short to the Sun Hero’s one.

“Sun Hero Alex, this is not the time for us to be fighting each other. Withdraw.” (Sakurai)

“Of course, I also have no intentions of fighting you.” (Alex)

“Then…” (Sakurai)

“As long as I get that Moon Oracle there.” (Alex)

“I can’t allow that.” (Sakurai)

“Negotiation failed then.” (Alex)

That was no negotiation! 

After his one-sided demand, the Sun Hero slowly walks over here. 

“Don’t get any closer.” (Sakurai)

Sakurai-kun’s voice was firm.

“Ryosuke…” (Furiae)

Furiae-san mutters uneasy. 

The Light Hero should be the strongest. 

It should be okay…right?

The Sun Hero isn’t stopping his steps and isn’t erasing his smile.

With a grin still on his face, he continues approaching us.

“I will hold back. Nothing personal.” (Sakurai)

Sakurai-kun says this and hits the Sun Hero with the back of the sword.

The blunt side.

The Sun Hero grabbed the magic sword of Sakurai-kun with his hand.

“No way!” (Saki)

Yokoyama-san let out her voice in shock.

“Oi oi, what were you trying to achieve with such a soft swing?” (Alex)

He makes a fist with the hand that’s not holding the sword.

A punch that was like a flash brushed close to the face of Sakurai-kun.

“Kuh!” (Sakurai)

Sakurai-kun takes distance.

“Ooh, you managed to avoid that. Looks like the great me held back too much as well. Just give up the pointless struggle and hand over the Moon Oracle.” (Alex)

The Sun Hero still had a bold smile.

“Got it, I will be serious on the next one.” (Sakurai)

Sakurai-kun’s body and magic sword were showing the same light as the time when he defeated the Beast King.

Sakurai-kun blurred out. 

“Light Sword: [Flash].” (Sakurai)

I heard that voice.

A small explosion and flash.

After that, a violent wind raged, and dust flew. 

I saw something flying away.

It seemed like a person.


I heard someone mutter that in blank disbelief.

The one who was sent flying away was Sakurai-kun who was now knocked out. 

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View Comments

  • Is it Ira again? Maybe he's some kind of angels brought by Ira for backup plan for fighting Demon King if Light Hero died and because she can't descend again the pope taking control of him.

  • I wouldn't doubt Alexanders divinity came from Ira when she was in her long Descent. Remember how even Eir and the other Goddesses didn't know Ira was descended and then Eir couldn't figure out how Ira hid her Divinity while descended

  • This was the day when the ideas of first ero-doujins came in this world. Why does Lucy knows about the bondage/r*pe/ntr tagline?
    Hmmmmmm...... Interesting. Could it be that due to Alex's divinity of he had some skill or magic tool which works like total reflection/reversal? I still think that Issac is either in league with Alex and the goddesses never knew because of his divinity of that he received that divinity from Naia.
    Anyways, thanks for the chapter!

  • Wait, Makoto seriously didn't know it was a trap? C'mon how stupid can you be? It was painfully obvious it was a trap. I thought he went because of a Gamer Brain moment where Makoto would be all like, "OK this is a trap but we gotta go so the main questline will move forward." But no, he seriously didn't think it was a trap and waited there for half an hour.

    Also they seriously could have easily ignored the pope's request. So what if he threatens to order the templars to pull out of Rozes. Who are the templars going to listen too? An old man or the Saint and next queen of Highland? Obviously the Saint Noel. Even if they did follow the pope's orders, others can be sent to patrol Rozes. Janet has already worked out a deal with Sofia to send part of her Pegasus Knights to patrol Rozes and I'm sure the rest of the Valentine family would also send their forces too. Plus Great Keith already sends some of their forces their too and they would be more than happy to send more since that's where their savior Makoto lives along with their Country Designated Hero Sa-san too.

    Once this is over they damn well better decapitate that shitty old geezer and go display his head to the public like the Snake Church members. See how he likes it.

    • Well you see he has to go because-
      Because the author decided this is happening.
      I can pray they at least try to explain it a little with "losing his emotions has reduced his fear so much hes stupid" but I really don't feel like the author even remembers that anymore.
      Now we can only hope this doesn't end up taking too long.

    • Well I expected it was a trap since its a request from the Pope, but I did not expect it to be this blatant. I was kind of expecting the Pope to use some cardinal to issue the request and feign ignorance, but even so in broad daylight and near the Sun Country's capital? I was expecting assassins that were more discreet and the incident being at night or afternoon.

      Oh well, this is one of the flaws with Makoto being dense and airheaded. He lacks a sense of danger unlike everyone else. These guys underestimated the Pope by a long shot. Alex should be a demigod too.

      Ether way, this incident is not excusable at all with the Light Hero and other heroes here. This could impact relations seriously with everyone from Wood Country, Fire Country, Water Country, and Noel's faction, and Eir as well as Ira.

      • Not only was the trap blatant but it was poorly executed. Alex wasn't even there from the beginning. I had expected that they'd be surrounded or ambushed the minute they arrived. Instead Makoto had to wait around for 30 minutes before Alex even showed up. The trap would've gone to shit if Makoto just left after seeing there was nobody. All he needed to do was scan for people with his and Sa-san's abilities for like 5 minutes, go all, "Welp there's nobody here. Guess it was a false alarm. Let's go home." and then just leave. What would Alex do then? He wouldn't show up until later and by then Makoto would be back in Symphonia -since the ghost town they went to was literally just on the capital's outskirts- giving a report that he found nobody.

  • hmm, will Makoto Go Berserk Again this time. that most best solution to beat Alex as far i can know..
    Mix Water Pressure and kissing Lucy to make it Super Hot too. (mix of Water and Fire Spirit)

    i think what ppl say about might be right. he has Divinity from Ira.
    if Makoto Kill Alex By mistake i wonder what will happen as he is currently a divine, will he become God Slayer?

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