Tsuki – Chapter 362: The Lightning of the Apostle

Something happened.

That’s the only thing I can tell.

Something that’s bad for Tomoe -in other words, bad for me, too. 

I went to the top of the outer wall with one jump, and then I created footholds in the sky as I went further up.

With a distance like that of when you are doing a crouching start, I created footholds on my feet, and accurately confirmed the location and state of Tomoe and Ema.

The two of them are injured, and they both don’t seem to be moving a large distance.

The one other close to them is the enemy… Alone?

They managed to injure those two all alone?

I could tell that a part of my heart was cooling down at a high pace despite being agitated just a few moments ago.

It is not a feeling I like, but when I get wary of the opponent, it naturally pops out. It may not be to my liking, but it is also true that I am making use of it in a variety of ways.

Suddenly, I remember that time when I ran off in a hurry…that time at the explosion in Asora where casualties happened.


I already know. I won’t let that happen again.


I carefully hide my magic power and presence.

I create the next foothold and jump off it, closing about half the distance between the place where I feel the presence of those 3.

“For Ema, rather than saying it is an injury, it is more like she is seriously injured. I have to let her go back as soon as possible. Tomoe seems to be pretty beaten up herself which is rare, but the current her has a high recovery speed…” (Makoto)

While I was moving, I was speaking out the information that was coming in from [Sakai].

That’s right, the amount of experience I have is different from that time.

I look at the creepy red lightning that was spreading as if it were trying to cover the whole sky. 

I am pretty sure the enemy is the Apostle of the Goddess.

Someone that Rembrandt-san has already asked me to deal with.

An opponent we were planning on facing sometime in this battle.

Depending on the affinity and situation of the encounter, I could understand how Tomoe and Ema were caught off-guard.

“…I see. So the trump card of that Damn Bug’s Apostle is lightning. Leaving aside the meaning of being red for now, we finally know its identity, huh. And so, my first move from now on should be…” (Makoto)

Now that I think about it, I was pondering a lot about that Bug’s identity at first. 

The shape of the whole continent and its atmosphere resembles that of Japan, so I was thinking about stuff like Ame-no-Uzume, Benzaiten, Seioubo; oriental legends, anecdotes written down in books, and myths. 

After seeing Daikokuten-sama, Susanoo-sama, and Athena-sama, I have narrowed it down to western and greek mythology, but lately I have two candidates. 

No matter if Athena-sama is a God of War, I felt like it was strange that she showed up.

That’s why I think it is either Aphrodite or Artemis.

I thought that Damn Bug was one of those two.

I don’t know much about mythology, so I couldn’t narrow it down well, but I finally am beginning to feel confident about it.

“Well, that Apostle-like person is holding a big scythe. Are you the Apostle of Hades or something? Or a farmer? Geez, how misleading. That Damn Bug, you are increasing the reasons why I must not lose.” (Makoto)

Just imagining losing against her in the bow…is unbearable. 

While thinking that, I take out my beloved Azusa Bow, and aim at the head of the Apostle… No, at the hand that’s holding the scythe. 

Doing that would be tough. 

The best first move I should be making with the opportunity that Tomoe has given me should be a decisive one that brings about our victory. 

I do the new step of concentration that I practiced before with Hibiki-senpai.

An archery stance that looks defenseless at a glance and is silent and long which feels completely out of place in the battlefield.

If I manage to secure a decent altitude in the sky where there’s no interruptions, I can reduce the demerits by quite a bit. 

I slowly connect the space between the Apostle and I, and take in the surroundings.

Properly taking in the factors like the wind and its dryness, the trees standing together, the elements, and the Spirits…and then erase them.

The act of turning every factor into nothing aside from me and the target…the Apostle.

I closed my eyes and I couldn’t see anything with my eyes anymore.

This is a different technique from the one bound in the logic of archery. 

It is like erasing everything else and making the result of hitting the target a certainty. 

Like erasing the process of it.

“…Alright.” (Makoto)

I open my eyes.

My senses are telling me that it is done.

The movements of Ema are quite dull.

Tomoe is still more energetic than she looks. 

With my concentration maintained, the moment the arrow left my hand, it disappeared.


There’s times when, even when I did all this, it wouldn’t lead to this result.

I don’t know if it is because my concentration wasn’t enough, or because it is not something that I should be thinking in archery logic to begin with.

It is a mystery. 

Then, let’s go.

I take a stance with my bow again, and cover myself in mist. 


The Aion army is being trampled down by the wasteland mamonos.

That’s fine.

The problem is that an Asora Bear is mixed in those. 

Ema and I got flustered by this.

Moreover, the big and wild Moon Grizzly seemed to be angered. It was mowing down and tearing apart mamonos and people without discrimination. 

An adventurer that came to the Mist Town must have coincidentally managed to capture it, but…Ema and I went to suppress the bear quickly without hesitation. We threw that big body into Asora, and we were about to return to where we were, to the broadcast point of today. 

However, a thunderous roar resonated, and I ended up looking above for an instant. 

A red lightning was covering the sky, and a powerful impact attacked us. 

We somehow managed to return to the broadcast point, but it is true that we were caught off-guard.

So frustrating.

When I look at Ema, I could see that she had been injured slightly, but it doesn’t look like there’s a problem-ja. 

I judged that it was a bit of a bad situation-ja, but at the time when I thought about moving away…

“Is that skill…teleportation? I have found you. Where did you hide Alpine?” 

A woman.

If she is talking about Alpine, does that mean she is someone with a grudge on Toa? 

But that’s not my business.

Kaah, I have finally been infected by Waka’s habit. 

“Don’t know.” (Tomoe)

“Is that so.” 

Lightning pierced Ema and me at the same time from the sky and the sides.




And strong! 

She must have finished some sort of preparation, or is that the boon of a special equipment? 

“Tomoe-sama, barriers are not working at all against this attack. I will keep her in place here, so please return once to prepare a countermeasure!!” (Ema)

“Ema!” (Tomoe)

The red lightning swallowed Ema like a tornado and was tearing her up as if it were wringing her out. 

…This is displeasing.

It is not an illusion or something that was formed from the mix of several elements. She is using lightning as an elemental magic.

That’s light itself.

Its speed isn’t something that can be followed with the eye.

The power differs on the situation, but the current us should be able to endure it. 

“My, you are doing well, Pig. You have lasted for around 2 seconds.” 

The woman laughed.

Ema has lost consciousness.

She isn’t dead, but she got hit really hard. 

Good grief. It is true that it is fearsome magic and I am impressed by it, but getting overconfident ain’t good.


“It is truly a trick worth seeing-ja, but sorry, I am in a hurry.” (Tomoe)

I covered the surroundings in mist, and then made around 10 illusions of Ema and me that have our presences. 

First of all, I gotta get Ema back before it gets bad.

If barriers don’t work, there’s the chance that we might get showered with attacks one-sidedly. 

If that happens, it won’t even be a battle.

“Where’s Alpine?” 

Even so, this woman…

Her eyes are strangely emotionless, or like, slightly similar to the times when Mio is in the zone.

Just what kind of disgrace did she taste under Toa and her group?

I am in a sense one of their teachers, so if it was a mistake from my disciples, it is not like it doesn’t concern me at all.

“I told you I don’t know.” (Tomoe)

“I don’t think there’s a special skill like this just anywhere. I will definitely have you tell me.” 

“Fumu, that’s how much you don’t want this magic of yours to be known?” (Tomoe)

“Even if that weakling pig were to die, it is plenty enough if you remain.” 

“Impatience distances you from success, you know, Lightning Woman.” (Tomoe)

Ema, I will bring you back to Asora as soon as possible. 

It would sadden Waka if something were to happen to you.

I prepare the mist gate in this situation where there’s zero visibility, and carry Ema.

“Bloom, [Manzhushahua].” <Originally means the flower of the sky, the big red flower, one of the four good fortunes in the sky; Source.>

“What-ja to?!” (Tomoe)

The woman chanted what sounded like the name of a spell for the first time. 

An equinox flower.

While I was thinking that, all the mist had been dispersed. 

It can even erase the gate. 

Not only that, the red lightning is piercing everything resembling us regardless if it is an illusion or not one after the other.

This is bad! 

As if spreading with her at the center, the red lightning equinox flower bloomed, and each time it did, the lightning was accurately piercing.

With one strike it dispersed the mist, with one strike it erased the illusions, and with one strike it pierced us as if there wasn’t a barrier at all.

This must be what they call bad natured-ja.


By the time the continuous lightning stopped, I didn’t have enough strength to speak anymore.

I was healing Ema and myself in the middle of that. 

I don’t know what logic it is running with, but at the very least, every element and barrier we use is like paper to it, and we can’t avoid it. 

It is like the magic edition of Waka-ja na.

What’s happening-ja?

Thought transmission is being jammed, so it will take a bit of time, but I have to report this.

I use my katana as a cane, and with my head hanging down, I maintain silence as I somehow manage to tell Waka the situation with thought transmission.

Ema is…not dead, but if things come to worst, we might need Shiki.

Now then, what’s left is…to buy time-ja na. 

From what I can tell, this woman has an absolute advantage against magic.

She is more cautious against Skills after all.

She also has variations that forcefully go through those Skills to ignore them to a certain extent. 

I see.

With something like her on their side, even if they were to be cornered to a certain extent, it is still possible to turn the tides around-ja na.

If she is also acting as a tactician, she might have a good head on her as well.

But the fact that she is here must mean that, for good or for bad, Aion is on their limit. 

Their helper is making plans, and even has to come out to the frontlines.

You could say it is already the setting sun for them as a major power.

Their helper; the Goddess’s Apostle. 

The lightning element being like this was a slight miscalculation-ja na.

Disrupting and exploiting weak points is the tactic I specialize in.

If possible, I would like to fight with the sword, but if I were asked whether I can beat Waka, Mio, Shiki, or Tamaki with only that, I would say no.

It is like having both of my hands tied-ja.

I occasionally use it because it is convenient.

Aah, I am truly glad that I contacted Waka.

If by some strange twist of fate I had to rely on Mio, who knows how much she would tease me about it in the future.

No matter how I think about it, Mio would just munch on everything without caring about anything.

She probably wouldn’t have a hard time.

Even though it is a matter of affinity, I reaaaally don’t like it. 

“I know that you haven’t died. Surprise attacks won’t work on me.” 

“The very person that did a surprise attack is telling me that. Can’t see anything but an idiot here-ja no.” (Tomoe)

I am not playing dead or anything.

I did compare you to a magic edition Waka, but you are the inferior version of the inferior version of that inferior version-ja.

The fact that, even with all those attacks, my healing is easily keeping up makes it clear who is the superior one.

“The lightning of god is something that must be kept a secret. There’s a need to have everyone who has seen it die. The ones who are hit by the lightning of god are people that must die, and are people that the Goddess has judged as unnecessary to the world. If even an inkling of faith is left in you, you should lower your head down this instant and receive your divine punishment. This is truly deplorable.” 

“It is sparking flashily in the sky though. Are you going to be slaughtering the Aion people as well? Are you going to drop that on everyone’s heads as well?” (Tomoe)

“Just seeing it is not a problem. If this will harden Aion’s faith in the Goddess, I would even allow them to pass it down as a miracle. But to the people who tie me and that as the lightning element, I will have them die.” 

“…By the way, my name’s Tomoe and I am part of a company that has a store in Tsige and Rotsgard, but I really have no knowledge of you and Alpine. The Apostle of the Goddess is quite the unreasonable being, ain’t it?” (Tomoe)

“There’s no way a dragon wearing the skin of a person and bringing along a queer orc is a pure citizen. I allow the inhyuman to hold religious faith in the Goddess, but they are not equal to hyumans. You can’t even comprehend such basic principles…you mere Superior Dragon that pointlessly stays in the world.” 


She has quite the impressive eye to be able to see through the fact that, not only am I a dragon, but a Superior Dragon on our first meeting.

She is saying quite the things there. 

I was at a loss for words.

The Goddess and that thing feel for certain that the hyumans who receive their affection are the supreme residents of this world.

The church talks about faith at times to gain benefits, but this one is a special cookie-ja.

Her faith for the Goddess is etched deep in her.

That’s why she doesn’t like the Superior Dragons who were in this world from the very beginning, huh.

It goes both ways-ja no.

I don’t like the Goddess and the Spirits.

“Root, that strange knight, and also Alpine. I was wondering why there wasn’t any contact from Aion for a while, so I checked things out, and this time, it is you and Tsige! You people really are going wild as you please.” 

“Root… I see. So you have fought  Root already, huh. That damn pervert; how about doing your work properly every now and then, and eliminate a mere Apostle of the Goddess. He is useless, seriously useless.” (Tomoe)

“‘Mere’, you say. That’s quite the word you have used there. With me being in my full armament, even that disrespectful and filthy Superior Dragon wouldn’t be an enemy of mine.” 

Her outburst of anger, that is the red lightning, was raging once again in the surroundings, and they pierced and tormented us. 

“This may be weird coming from me who got caught off-guard, but you are quite the pitiful one-ja no.” (Tomoe)

“…Alte Barrette; at least remember the name of the person that will be vanguishing you.” (Alte)

“Alte, huh. I will remember it.” (Tomoe)

I return the katana I was using as a cane back to my waist, and sit cross-legged on the ground.

The recovery is able to keep up, but what hurts still hurts. 

It is already turning into a pain.

“? That’s quite admirable of you.” (Alte)

“Making it in nick of time. That’s sometimed a trait of heroes in tragedies-ja yo.” (Tomoe)

Alte, huh.

If she hadn’t come here, she could have lived for a while more.

“? Have you gone crazy from the fear?” (Alte)

“Has the surprise attack gone well?” (Tomoe)

The arrow of Waka pierced the arm of Alte holding her flashy scythe. 

It is not like it flew and pierced her, it simply suddenly pierced her. 

And then, as if it had been shot powerfully from the horizon, it tore off her arm from elbow and below, and pinned it into the ground. 

Of course, the scythe she had in her hand as well. 

“Eh?” (Alte)

I understand that feeling, I understand it. 

I also didn’t get it at first -tasting the serious fear of death for the first time. 


Mist appeared for an instant only, and Waka descended from there.

He is already in stance with his bow.

Alte still couldn’t react to the arrow that had been shot. 

She probably hasn’t digested the shock of having her arm taken. 

She is certainly blessed with strong magic power and magic, but it looks like her experience in actual battle is shallow. 


I thought for sure that arrow would pierce her head, but it deviated a bit and grazed the fancy tiara Alte had equipped there, destroying it. 

“The Apostle of the Goddess, right?” (Makoto)

“Seems so.” (Tomoe)

“Sorry for being late, Tomoe. You two can return to Asora now and rest.” (Makoto)

“? But…” (Tomoe)

“It is okay. No matter what this person sees and asks, it won’t be a problem.” (Makoto)

“…As you will.” (Tomoe)

He already has that intention, huh.

Then I have no choice but to nod. 

I want to watch if possible, but when he says that to me so clearly… Is it the weakness of love? 

“Don’t worry, I will make her pay. She did quite the number on my important person.” (Makoto)

“…Be careful of the lightning. I will be awaiting your return.” (Tomoe)

It is rare to see Waka speak with a strong tone.

‘Don’t speak, just leave it to me’, is what I felt he tacitly expressed there.

He is now able to say hateful things like this at moments like this. 

Good grief, I can’t make fun of Mio anymore.

I am also in that same vein. 

That’s hot. 

Thanks to Waka, I could return safely to Asora without any problems with Ema in my arms. 

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View Comments

    • Por fin... La batalla más esperada?? O será una masacre?? Será como con Sofía?? O como la mamá de la loli? Una batalla reñida o una paliza?? Makoto ha visto como ella ha herido a tomoe y a ema así que irá full power aunque no tanto como a la puerta en un inicio pero talves escuchándola se vuelva modo berseker, además makoto sabe las características del elemento rayo y podría contrarestarlo, se nota que el capítulo o los capítulos que vienen serán los más interesantes en muuuuuucho tiempo ya que makoto no pelea tan a menudo.

    • --- I understand that feeling, I understand it.
      This attack REALLY bad for heart...

      --- That’s hot.
      That’s hot.

    • Soo, either the arrow teleported but can still manage to gain the peak of velocity required to totally crush the apostle hand. or it's simply become transparent to the point of erasing the presence of that arrow itself and then reappear right before hitting the apostle hand.

      btw. Tomoe when seeing serious Makoto be like: Ahaha that's hot (will smith reference)

      • It’s not teleportation, but instant hit. It doesn’t matter the distance or if there are any obstacles in what would normally be in the line of flight. Think of it in terms of video games where rather than having a projectile trajectory, it is hit location RNG except Makoto’s is dialed up to 110%. Basically he aims for your head and shoots, a full powered arrow immediately hits that location.

      • Arrow don't gain speed after be shot, the arrow lost speed. And he focos só hard, the space between the arrow and the target is null. So when he catch some thing in his ain, is like the arrow already hit his mark.

      • I think it just bends space, he let's it loose and for a moment it has left the bow and the next it has reappeared in her hand with the force it had leaving the bow, that force apparently being enough to rip a forearm off a hyuman body. I can't think of any weapons in sci-fi which do that off the top of my head but there are sure to be at least a few.

      • remind me of the end of Shield Hero, where Raphtalia became able to do "0 second hit", it's not that the attack is infinitely fast or that it teleport, it's just instant, the concept of distance doesn't even enter in the equation, the moment the hit is initiated is the same as the moment when it lands, 0 second attack

      • Something like the DPAS (Discontiguous Particle Acceleration System) in schlock mercenary. If you think of it as an extension of his ability to teleport through Asora to anywhere in BUGworld instantly it makes sense.

      • In one of the extra chapters Susanoo described Makoto's archery skills being able to eventually evolve into a conceptual attack. This is basically what Makoto is doing here. He imagines hitting a target and it just happens with no in-between actions. Uh I guess you could compare it to Gae Bolg from the Fate series that always hits the heart regardless of anything and achieves it through causality manipulation.

      • It would be easier to think of it as an attack in a primitive video game where the programmer forget to calculate the range and accuracy.

      • Me thinks it’s a Casualty Alteration attack, judging from the explanation about how he eliminated everything and leave only him and his target.

        It’s a kind of attack that apply effect before process as in the moment the attack begins, the arrow already hit its target while disregard the process altogether

        If you know Fate series, it’s similar to Lancer’s Noble Phantasm where he changes cause and effect of his attack, making it a sure-hit strike as long as he manage to activate it

      • I can take a gander and guess that what Makoto did is the physical equivalent to Hitscan in videogames, where it just immediately appears to it's target location as soon as it fires.e

    • Why is no one talking about our unlucky bro, Lancer? Isn't his Game Bolg attack with almost the same concept?

  • I was also thinking that the Bug was likely to be Aphrodite. But then why would the other three say that her identity is a secret? I feel that it is not that simple of an answer...

    Thanks for the chapter.

    • He seems to be leaning toward Artemis, i would say, since he mentions not losing with a bow, and Aphrodite's son is the archer in that branch....

      • Maybe, problem is none of them work with lightning, only greek goddesses I can think do that are Astrape and Bronte and really they are minor deities, not likely that their names be hidden by other deities... or that a whole world be given to any of them.
        A better guess might be Frigg, because she sometimes borrowed Odin authorities hence lightning, but then again it’s completely out of character for Frigg goddess of wisdom to fuck up so massively.
        Maybe a Celtic deity? Or a Sumerian one Innana fits the bill quiet well, but then again lightning is not part of the package.

        • But Inanna is the type that would take it, if it was useful. Still, Makoto admits he doesn't know much about mythology.

          • I cant think of a Goddess that hits all the boxes, that’s the problem, and the ones that could don’t play with lightning. No idea really.

      • wait.. they're deities ?? but Astrape is Zeus's lightning weapon and Bronte is one of the 3 Cyclops brothers that forge the Olympians weapon in Titanomachy

        • We're talking about the Bug, since it's assumed from Alte's attitude, that the Lightning is a sacred power of the Goddess being lent to the apostles.

        • And I can understand the confusion, Bronte is a goddess, Brontes is the cyclops. Pretty close, same meaning but different gender

      • I was more leaning towards Aphrodite because of the Bug's weird stubbornness regarding beauty but that's still open to interpretation...
        When I was saying that her identity might be more complex, I was more thinking of something more convoluted like a "hidden child of Zeus" or a "global personification of beauty".
        Time will tell I guess, but it's nice to see Makoto (as well as us readers) actually wondering about that.

        • Doubt it would be a hidden god, since Athena seemed to think Makoto would know her, if given any clues. Nice to know that the mc is also thinking about this mystery.

      • Or it could be Gaia or Rhea, who was not satisfied with the current world and decided to create another one where they would have greater control. Since both are considered "progenitor goddesses" in the Greek pantheon, for me it makes sense that their identity cannot be easily revealed...

      • Artemis and Aphrodite may not have much to do with lightning, but they are still both daughters of Zeus, the author might use that connection to give some explanation of why the goddess gave a lightning power to the apostle, but more than anything i don't think the lightning is connected to the goddess as a trait of hers, but as a symbol of divinity, in many stories the lightning is seen as gods way of punishing people, and even the apostle in this chapter kept talking about dvine punishment, that's why i believe the lightning is not a trait of the goddess but just a symbol of divine punishment.

      • I'm thinking Hera is a likely Candidate. As Zeus Wife she would be in a position to use his lightning weapons (him beeing the wipped husband we all know he is). She is also a bit obsessed with Beauty, beeing one of the 3 Godesses that wanted the titel of "Most beautiful Godess" when the Godess Eris threw in an Golden Apple at a Party with the the words "To the most beautiful" on it (Troyan War Myth for those interested). And she has a Big Trackreccord as someone who loves her own Children but tends to mess with others (granted in most cases it's the love children between Zeus and his Lovers). So her loving her own "children (creations) but hating or ignoring at best all other Races(things that she did not "give birth to") would work out too.

        Sure, there are some pieces that don't fit perfectly, but guys can't forget that the Story is writen by a Japanese, and they tend to be either missinformed or blantantly bend myths to their favor (basically most of the Fate/Series)

      • Wasn't it mentioned by that mysterious person that gave the heroes abilities, that the apostles have an element that even the goddess doesn't possess? Which means that the goddess doesn't use lightning.

        She is a goddess of war, creation, can use light magic and prefer beauty.

        It might be Artemis or Diana (Roman Equivelant) or even Selene, since she has some connection with the moon and wolves (Tomoki's moon invincibility and Hibiki's wolf belt).

        • The apostle is saying that it is related to the goddess, and that she can't let anyone live after seeing her use it. People seeing her lightning at a distance should drum up faith in the believers.

      • And the Bug is a goddess of the moon (Tsukuyomi mentions this early in the series - internal thoughts, not to Makoto - it's why he was the one dealing with her; as fellow moon deities). Which is what Artemis is.

      • Artemis is a goddess that uses a bow and she is the daughter of Zeus so it's not that weird that she has lightning powers. She is also the greek Moon Goddess and that could be related to why Tsukuyomi, the japanese Moon God, was the one to interact with her.
        This series is titled "Moon-led Journey" after all.

        • Lot of people saying that, but no, Tsuki-bro was just the one on guard duty at the time. He's also the most organized God out there.

    • I thought so too~ definitely not Artemis though, she ain't depicted as haughty and not Hera since she may have "that" personality, but came before Athena. After Makoto mentioned maybe Aphrodite, I think its a different goddess though Aphrodite does prioritize beauty over most things.

      • Hera is indeed a haughty bitch obsessed with beauty in a lot of stories... but she would NEVER allow polygamy, so she’s completely out.

    • They said they couldn't reveal her identity due to god circumstances. Otherwise they would be no better than 'that' goddess.

      Another thought is demeter. Goddess of harvest (sythe), sister and consort to Zeus (lighting), represents motherhood (favors her 'children'/Hyumans), & the beauty aspect could be a red herring.

    • It's definitely a Greek Goddess because when some temples suddenly appeared in Asora, Makoto was surprised by one being a Greek Parthenon since he noted that Bug's temple all look like that so he briefly wondered if Bug had somehow infiltrated Asora but then he remembered Athena was one of the gods who had visited Asora before and had promised him a present and he realized that Greek Parthenon must be Athena's present to him while also guessing that Bug must be some Greek Goddess and that that would explain why her temples also look Greek.

      Anyways I also think it's Aphrodite. Bug has an obsession with beauty and Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of Beauty. Also that isn't some sort of essential or particularly important domain so Aphrodite wouldn't really have anything she's really managing and that would fit in with what the gods that visited Makoto said about how they specifically gave Bug the duty of managing this world almost as if they were pitying her for not having anything important to do like other gods. The lightning and creation powers that she has are probably also powers given to her to go with managing a world.

      As for why the gods don't want to say her real identity to Makoto, I don't think it's for any major reason and it's just because it's god business and Makoto as a mortal shouldn't really be told about the gods' circumstances. The gods may change their minds later and tell him Bug's real identity since he's practically a god now since all of Asora worships him and he has the power of creation like a god.

      • It's 100% more likely to be Artemis than Aphrodite just for one simple fact everyone seems to be overlooking: the Bug is a Moon Goddess.

        This was remarked upon by Tsukuyomi himself early on in the series. It's why he was the one dealing with her, they're fellow moon deities (he said that). And Artemis is the Greek goddess of the Moon.

        Plus the powers she gave the two Heroes are associated with Artemis - Trashmoki got invincibility that works at night and while the moon is out, and Senpai was given a hunting wolf familiar.

        In addition, there's been other anectodal evidence pointing to Artemis, like that people who fight unarmed are less blessed by the goddess than those who use weapons (Artemis is the goddess of the hunt), and that women are generally more blessed by the Bug than men (Artemis is the goddess of young women, and it would be weird for Aphrodite to be biased this way).

        • I looked back and as far as I can tell not once does Tsukiyomi say Bug is a Moon Goddess. I think you are misremembering things.

          • I also have the same issue Taco1. Can't remember once the author said, or even Tsukiyomi said that Bug is a moon goddess. So I can also confirm that this info is false. All I can say for sure is that Athena's temple is similar to Bug's => Bug is likely a greek goddess and she ain't Aphrodite, according to the extras.

          • Can you specify which extra chapter said that it ain't Aphrodite? I remember there were some chapters about the gods but I only remember them talking about Makoto and the other gods being surprised how important Tsukiyomi actually is. Oh also that Athena found somebody she can look through to gather information: Eris. And that she's teaching her about magical girls...

        • Tsukuyomi deals with her, because he's the most on his game God there is, as evidenced by all the supernatural world mobilizing to get him back on his feet, after he sent Makoto off and collapsed.

      • I was wrong, the answer wasn't in the extras. But I clearly remembered that I did make a former assumption that she ain't Aphrodite. So I searched the prologues a little. And I came up to chapter 3 Goddess = Bug. And we have the following mention:
        "“What are you doing? For you to not even be able to do a conversation. In this world I am the only deity and a maiden deity you know? For someone like you to be in the same room is already a sin. If I get pregnant how will you compensate?” (Bug)

        Th-This bastard is a goddess. A unique deity.

        In galges, a girl with a 100% tsun ratio would be more loveable than this, many many times more loveable!"

        I think the author knows his mythology. And Aphrodite was never a tsun kinda goddess, if she was in a way, she was in a thot kinda way goddess, she was the wife of Hephaistos and cheated on him with Ares often and never had a tsundere way of being in all the myths that I know. Besides Aphrodite, isn't a virgin goddess! So she's out the window instantly! If we follow the virgin goddess route, we have only 3 goddesses present in the greek pantheon, and those are Artemis, Hestia and Athena. Athena is out of the question, because she came to see Makoto with the other 2 gods. So who remains? And I won't put my money on Artemis yet, even if she seems the most likely choice, and pretty much seems this way(I don't want my hopes to be ruined after I make a choice and author ruins them).

        • I see, so it's the line where Bug calls herself a maiden deity that makes you think she isn't Aphrodite. It's true that 'maiden' can mean 'virginal' but it can also mean other things like 'feminine' or 'girly' and given her personality I think Bug is full enough of herself to think she is the epitome of feminine and girly and thus call herself a 'maiden' unironically.

          But yeah I guess I could see it possibly being that Bug isn't Aphrodite.

      • If we are talking about a connection with beauty and red (the color of the lighting), then Aphrodite.

        If we are talking about a connection with the bow, lighting and the Moon, then Artemis.

  • Why is the cliff trend going everywhere?
    Thanks a lot for the chapter, but damn I’m thirsty for more.

  • The Apostle is too arrogant. She is so confident to the point it is just disgusting. Aznoval would probably be able to kill her easily.
    Aphrodite ? It would explain why she is so obsessed on beauty.

  • Lightning pierced Ema and I at the same time from the sky and the sides.

    I covered the surroundings in mist, and then made around 10 illusions of Ema and I that have our presences.

    Mistake should be "Lightning pierced Ema and me" and "then made around 10 illusions of Ema and me"
    Once again simple rule how to decide "I" or "me" - just try it with only I/me
    "Lightning pierced me" and "Lightning pierced I" and see which is right/wrong here, then change it for "X and right_option"

    • I don't think the language works that way, you usually wouldn't use me, in proper speech. So there aren't really rules for it.

      • It does. It is simple if you just remember that "you and I" equals to "we" while "you and me" equals to "us".

        Lightning pierces "we"
        Lightning pierces "us"

        Easy, no?

      • There are rules though. It's called grammar.

        It should be 'me' since it's being used as an object pronoun. The subject itself is 'lightning'.

        Having said that, I don't really see this as an issue. Most native speakers prolly wouldn't care either way. Native speakers are the worst offenders of their own language anyway.

        • That's the thing though, I used it enough that a teacher actually told me, that "me" is never good grammar.

      • no, i think it's more of an "I" and "me" are not good in formal speech in the first place?
        because as an object, you always use "me" if you were to use "I" or "me"

        • If you're talking to yourself, which is as informal as you can get, you use 'me' but when talking to others you're supposed to use 'I' instead.

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