Tsuki – Chapter 302: Interlude – Chaotic Lorel

‘My head hurts’.

This is simply a metaphor, it is not like she actually had a headache. She simply had those words surface in her mind after the report.

She couldn’t help but feel as if her head was throbbing.

She even felt as if she had a fever.

“I will prepare the elites to perfom the assassination at once. Of course, I will also—” 


“! I will definitely make it succe—” 


The rejection was thrown with a strong tone.

Her, Kahara Sairitz, raising her voice to such an extent was an incredibly rare occurrence even for the man that had his head lowered and knees bent and had given the report.


“I have no intention of having you kill your own child. Why did you try to put your hands on Izumo, Marito?” (Sairitz)

“…As I have reported, Izumo betrayed us.” (Marito)

The man, Marito Ikusabe, father of Izumo speaks out his reason bluntly.

“Didn’t I order you not to do anything to him no matter what happened?” (Sairitz)

“I took it as the people of the Kuzunoha Company and those involved in it.” (Marito)

That’s a lie.

Marito had completely understood the point of caution Sairitz had ordered to him in his mission.

That this also referred to his own son, Izumo.

But the moment Izumo told his friends that he would be leaving his family, witnessing the feat that he pulled off at that instant in the execution, and to finish it off, secretly calling him to tell him upfront about his intention of leaving the family and showing his desire to be independent… 

It turned into a situation where father and son clashed blades.

The result was as Sairitz technically pointed out. Izumo pushed back Marito.

Thin, sharp, silent, and secretly. 

The clearness of that technique he showed in the execution wasn’t a special case or a coincidence.

The fight reached a conclusion with a clear winner, and Marito basically ran back to his master in Naoi.

“What a bad lie. Anger, and…envy?” (Sairitz)


“Your honesty in reporting even the part that was close to a defeat is something worth of praise, but…it is about your family, moreover, with envy in the equation…this is complicated.” (Sairitz)

The man in front of Sairitz is incredibly competent, and a man that possesses a rare sense of duty and honor. 

He reigns in stealth and information gathering. There are times when he has to dirty his hands in truly inhuman acts, and yet, he doesn’t rot or crumble.

It is because he holds definite pride in serving their liege family and the country.

And yet, his own son didn’t follow the policy of the country, and the fact that someone showing their back to their employer’s house has appeared must have been a clear disgrace to him. Sairitz understands that anger of his.

More so, Marito has never been bested by a warrior or mage of the same attributes. 

He who is said to be a genius in stealth had his own pride.

He has of course never lost and be let off.

Marito might not have noticed, his eyes, that are in a sense specialized in looking at people, had clear jealousy towards Izumo. 

This is already a matter that cannot be ignored.

The root must be pulled before unsavory eyes bloom.

Sairitz didn’t want to witness the loss of a long time friend and subordinate that has passed happy and painful times together with her. 

“I understand the scolding in regards to my family’s blunder, but me envying him? I was surprised by his unexpected growth, and ended up having a hard fight. But with preparation, there should be no problem.” (Marito)

The objection of Marito served to prove the thought of Sairitz.

She let out a short sigh.

Sairitz begins to treat his wounds with a loose tone, showing mostly the face of a friend.

“This is a heavy wound. Marito, your vision has narrowed quite a lot. This is dangerous.” (Sairitz)


“In the first place, why is it that you fought Izumo, lost, and yet managed to return?” (Sairitz)


“Why is it that in your thought process, the name of the Kuzunoha Company didn’t come out.” (Sairitz)

“Could it be…” (Marito)

“There’s no way they would just watch. You, who has seen a part of their fight, must understand that, right?” (Sairitz)

“…Yes.” (Marito)

Marito understands this clearly too. 

The fact that the people employed in the organization called the Kuzunoha Company are all -at the very least- stronger than him.

If it is the higher ups, their power could even tip the scales of a war, and their representative Raidou is already…


Pushing his thoughts to that point, Marito tilts his head.

Then, why is it that he was able to put a hand on someone related to their company, even if that person is his son.

“You were allowed to watch them as a person affiliated to me.” (Sairitz)

“Yes.” (Marito)

“You know that in the past, a Wise-sama once said that: ‘If thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee’, right?” (Sairitz)

In the world of politics, magic, and stealth of Lorel, that is one of the sayings that are passed down like a golden commandment.

There’s many meanings taken from it, but if Makoto were to hear it, he would go ‘is this a SAN value measurement?’ and writhe. <Stands for Sanity Value from the Call of Cthulhu TRPG.>

“Are you saying my movements were completely on the know?” (Marito)

“Obviously. Raidou-sama is the type of person that can have a grasp of the many plans set in the whole city, and crush them all with brute strength. With that in consideration, you were able to call Izumo and fight him.” (Sairitz)

“They knew that I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to kill Izumo…?” (Marito)

Meaning that the feelings between father and child were taken into consideration?

‘In that case, the man called Raidou has a soft side to him’, is what Marito thought.

But well, if he were asked if he could do anything with that information, there would be the need to put way too many things on the scale before that, and he couldn’t think that it would be worth it.

“Yeah, and…this is just my guess, but Raidou-sama didn’t do anything, not because you wouldn’t be able to bring yourself to kill that boy, but because you wouldn’t be able to kill him in terms of ability.” (Sairitz)


“That person is not the type to put emotions in these kinds of situations. Anyways, Marito, good work on your mission in Kannaoi.” (Sairitz)

“Huh?” (Marito)

It was such abrupt gratitude that Marito ended up accidentally letting out a dumbfounded voice.

Sairitz didn’t really find fault in this and had a smile on her face.

“I will give you a break of a few days, no, 7 days. After that, I order you to investigate the movements of the demi-humans in the northern forest, hills, and mountain range. Regarding the personnel, you can freely use the people in the division. I have also ordered the dragon knight division in the national border defense front to cooperate as well, so keep in mind to have a favorable cooperative relationship as you face this mission.” (Sairitz)

“…Yes! Sairitz-sama, thank you very much.” (Marito)

Marito understood the intention of Sairitz.

Investigate the north; in other words, polish your ability.

‘I will give you a break for a while, so no matter what you do from now on, go get more power’.

“Well, you are right about that, but it is also true that I am bothered by the movements of the demi-humans a little bit, okay? Don’t slack on that. It goes without saying but, fighting them is strictly prohibited.” (Sairitz)

“I have certainly heard it loud and clear. I will be taking my leave!” (Marito)

The presence of Marito disappears.

Just in case, she uses a magic tool to check the presences in the surroundings, and after checking that there is no one, not only the inside of the room, but also around the area that she is alone, Sairitz lets out a big sigh.

The contents of the report documents were unbelievable.

The rise of Princess Iroha wouldn’t prove any trouble if it were that alone, and it would simply be a matter of what the name for the next decoration for the top of Kannaoi will be.

But her traits as a governor she has seen recently, coupled with the documents that show in detail the people of talent in the surroundings, and the special discord between Naoi and Kannaoi, she will become a dicey problematic existence.

Sum that to her favorable relationship with the Kuzunoha Company, and Princess Iroha’s existence becomes the number one bomb in Kannaoi. 

Even so, thanks to the godsend fact that Izumo is her fiance, she was still able to see the information in a positive light, but…Izumo Ikusabe withdrew from the Ikusabe household.

Their chess piece has turned sides, and on top of that, has grown into a powerful combatant. 

It would be impossible in shogi, but this is reality. 

There’s the need to keep in mind that your own pieces can turn to the enemy side on their own.

If she were the one doing it, it would have felt good.

“But there’s no assurance that what Izumo is thinking is to integrate or absorb the Ikusabe into the Osakabe. Also, I don’t think Princess Iroha and him will have the thought of kicking down Naoi and having Kannaoi become the capital of Lorel.” (Sairitz)

In the first place, why did Izumo betray them?

It is also a mystery why he was in Kannaoi that night, but that’s 100% the Kuzunoha Company’s deed, is what Sairitz concluded.

She couldn’t find any other reason after all.

But she couldn’t understand the reason for the betrayal.

It is true that Izumo and Princess Iroha are fiance and fiancee.

Obviously, they are promised to marry.

She knows that they are more important than just plain strangers.

But…Princess Iroha is simply one of the many fiancees of Izumo, and they don’t even know each other’s faces.

What they know comes from each other’s letters, and it wouldn’t be strange if they were to know the current appearance of the person if they were to include a portrait or something like that, but…

Izumo and Princess Iroha are children of a military household.

It should be their supreme duty to treasure their family, and live for their household and for their country.

Arranged marriages should be just one of the many functions of a military household.

Also, she can’t think it possible that Izumo and Princess Iroha would suddenly awaken the desire to bring down Naoi.

“Speaking of sudden changes in thoughts, maybe the perfume that holds the power of the hero is influencing somehow? But the relationship between Raidou and the heroes is by no means good. Especially with the Empire’s Hero… Then, I don’t think he would just leave the effects of the hero there.” (Sairitz)

Then what’s going on?

That night, Izumo learned about how his fiancee was in danger, and ran to Kannaoi, luckily met with Princess Iroha, fell in love at first sight there, and as if in a play, Izumo resolved himself to live by the side of Princess Iroha even if he has to betray his family. 

After that, with the training of Raidou he got, plus the power of love, he managed to obtain some kind of awakening, and managed to beat back Marito…

“Pfft!” (Sairitz)

Feeling how ridiculous her own imagination was getting, Sairitz ended up laughing.

Things like love at first sight and plays, there’s no way fairytale stuff like that could happen in real life.

And in reality, the mother of Princess Iroha, Haruka, married someone she didn’t even wish to, and smoldered in Kannaoi.

Even with that, she did what she had to do as a mother and as a member of the Osakabe household.

Truly reality. That’s just how it is.

“…Ah, but Chiya-sama liked that kind of stuff, didn’t she.” (Sairitz)

Beautiful and kind fairytale worlds. 

Overcoming the walls of their societal standings, continuously chanting your ideals to an unreasonable world, and finally causing change.

It is the ideal world that many dream of.

That’s why it exists only in paper, and all the people that understand this are able to divide reality and fiction when thinking.

Saying: ‘It would be nice if that happened’.

Sairitz’s life changed completely when she met one of the Priestess candidates, Chiya.

Chiya said she was going to use her whole life for the sake of the world she wishes for.

When Chiya eventually became a Priestess and Sairitz served her, she herself climbed to the highest position that is the Empress.

If the Empress wanted, she would be able to put the Priestess as just a decoration, and do what she wants with most of the political matters, and yet, Sairitz had absolutely no intention of doing that.

Everything is for the sake of Chiya.

So that it gets closer to that ideal world that’s in her eyes.

That’s why, she would use any and all means possible to twist everything that doesn’t reach that girl’s eyes into that world.

Lorel is flourishing as a byproduct of that.

Sairitz is loved by many of her subordinates.

For this woman that is trying to beautify the world for the eyes of one person, the love of riff-raff is unimportant though.

Actually, if Sairitz were to open her heart up and were to do a banquet or something, she would be able to sympathize pretty well with a certain woman that loves the food of the Kuzunoha Company.

Reality has unreasonableness running rampant just like Sairitz thinks, and ideals are normally just a stage to be trampled down, but life-changing encounters certainly do exist though.

“That’s why Chiya-sama must have been attracted by that woman who is like the peak of the idealistic and doesn’t flinch even when rushing to the frontlines. How annoying. From what I have seen, even she sees reality, and she is the kind of person that would be fine with using dirty means if the situation requires it… Well, let’s stop thinking about fiction. I will have someone investigate Izumo and Kannaoi in detail. Right, Apple. Their movements have gotten strangely active lately. Seriously, one thing after the other.” (Sairitz)

She was the one who put the *potent medicine* into the country. <Referring to the Kuzunoha Company. There’s a japanese saying that powerful medicine can sometimes be poison.>

The Kuzunoha Company bit into the Grand Labyrinth just as planned. 

They even dug it up.

It has been confirmed that the strangely docile Superior Dragon Doma has stopped acting up, and the other one that she was told might be there as well, the illusory Superior Dragon, Futsu, they have been able to confirm that it actually doesn’t exist.

They also pulled out the mercenary group that was difficult to deal with.

When looking at it in this way, she wouldn’t hesitate to lower her head to the Kuzunoha Company, and she even thought of granting them almost anything Lorel can do as a show of their gratitude.

There haven’t actually been any bad doings from them, and they plan on notifying them about the rewards they are still considering. 

But what follows isn’t good.

When she dug the information about them, there was a lot of harvest from it, and if it were only that alone, it would have been something to be happy about.

But the fact that the legendary existences, Apple, grew active was something that Sairitz didn’t expect at all.

The loyal and talented intelligence agent apprentice, Izumo, surpassed his father, and for some reason, not only did he announce his withdrawal from his family, he plans on tying the strings with Princess Iroha.

“He clashed blades with Marito and told him straight on. It means that he plans on leaving my side and cutting off connections. Rather than calling him passionate, he was more like a loyal machine. That’s how I saw him, and yet…” (Sairitz)

The betrayal of Izumo.

This was also completely outside her expectations, moreover, it is detrimental to her.

However, for some reason, the tone of Sairitz currently didn’t have the anger of a few moments ago.

It is probably in part because the surprise is winning over her anger.

But this is as rare for her as raising her voice.

For good or for bad, she is by no means the kind of woman that would forgive a betrayal.

“Maybe because he is involved with Raidou. I was at fault in this matter too. It is true that, even when I could clearly see the signs of change, I was looking too much at the growth of Izumo’s power. There’s no doubt my true feelings are that I would prefer not to make Marito kill his own child, but…the number one reason is no doubt the fact that I fear worsening my relationship with the Kuzunoha Company.” (Sairitz)

Even a large scale coup d’etat that might have changed the fate of Lorel, they ended it in one night. 

For them, writing or erasing events that could even tip history is something they can freely do. 

Honestly speaking, it is on a whole different plane from the diplomacy of a major power. 

How do the other countries see them?, Sairitz would really like to hear their opinions at least once.

“Also, now that it has turned out this way, I would like the cooperation of Raidou and the Kuzunoha Company in having Chiya-sama return safely. At worst, there’s the possibility that, after defeating the demon race, Limia and Gritonia will become enemies after all.” (Sairitz)

Sairitz thinks that Aion is already doomed.

If it were only Tsige, it would be another story, but the Kuzunoha Company is lending them their strength.

Even though there’s no other choice but to accept their independence, they still don’t break their tough act. Maybe Aion got some kind of reinforcement. 

Sairitz had one thought.

‘I honestly don’t understand’.

That’s all.

However, there was the chance that there would have been a revolution and a change in politics in Lorel too.

Thinking about that, she felt a chill run down her spine.

The revolutionary army that made Kannaoi their main base was going to move towards Naoi. Naoi was going to face them with their whole force.

Their commander was famous as a brave warrior, moreover, even held a trump card like having Water Spirits in her body; that Haruka.

When Water Spirits are involved, in this current situation where their Priestess isn’t present, there’s no doubt it would have heavily affected morale.

As expected, the Kuzunoha Company was no poison. Their intervention may not have had the best of results, but she had to admit that it was a good move. 

“Limia still hasn’t completely recovered, and us at the back are within a chaotic state that’s close to a civil war. Just what’s happening to the world…” (Sairitz)

Sairitz was worrying about the future of the wide world.

For her, her meeting with Chiya was like that of Izumo and Princess Iroha that night.

In a future day, Sairitz would hear a report that would leave her mouth wide open and be at a loss for words, showing a face that she has never shown before, and the one doing the report would now have something that they would have to bring to their grave.


“Oh, Bia-san. About to depart?” 

The legendary knight of Lorel that rampaged greatly the other day, Aznoval, spoke to one of his comrades, Ginebia.

The female priest that had fully finished preparing for the travel pushed out her fist into the abdomen of the knight.

Put.clothes.on.” (Bia)

“Oph! Don’t I have clothes on already?! This is intense pain that can’t be wrapped up with a simple ‘it hurts’!” (Aznoval)

“You only have pants on. In normal society, that’s called being half-naked!” (Bia)

“…Haku-san goes around in pretty skimpy clothes most of the time though.” (Aznoval)

“That girl is a dancer. Showing her beautiful body is part of her job. It has a different worth compared to the nakedness of a musclehead.” (Bia)

“Guh. This time around, there was a reason why I had to do it. I apologize for showing you an unsightly sight.” (Aznoval)

Aznoval lowers his head meekly.

“…What reason?” (Bia)

“It got pretty heated up while I was having an argument with Takane-kun, and I had no choice but to take it off.” (Aznoval)

“…Aah, I see. What did you talk about with Takane-kun?” (Bia)

Ginebia looks at Aznoval with a gaze that could freeze one’s body. 

Rather than saying she accepted what he said, it was more like those eyes were saying ‘I don’t understand’.

Well, the fact that she asked another question means that she gave up on pursuing that matter though.

There would be something wrong with you if you were to accept an explanation like ‘I undressed because the argument heated up’.

Rather than having a musclehead response for it, the decision of Ginebia to change the topic was for the better.

“About the matter of Doma who is running away from me, and about the members remaining in the labyrinth. If possible, I would like you, Bia-san, to stay, and treat and nurse Pione though.” (Aznoval)

“…Master, no, Azu-san, I have already done what I can in regards to that girl’s treatment. The remaining necessary treatment will be dealt with by herself, her comrades, and time. You understand that, right?” (Bia)

“Yeah, but…there’s still the need for emotional support, like a sense of relief. Isn’t that sort of stuff needed too?” (Aznoval)

“The chances that that will lengthen the recovery time needed instead is higher. In the cases of emotional wounds, there’s the need for a delicate amount of pampering. That goes the same for humans as well as hyumans.” (Bia)

“You are saying that, rather than eliminating it, it is better to measure the correct amount?” (Aznoval)

“Yeah, at least in this case.” (Bia)

Words with no hesitation.

Ginebia is also a summoned japanese person, and at first, the job of priest was simply a game job she got.  

Simply someone in charge of healing.

Even so, after healing an uncountable amount of people, continuously saving them, and continuous understanding, she began to obtain plenty enough experience and technique to be called a specialist. 

“Understood. This time around, the only one that can stay from our group is me, which is completely opposite to the usual, so I might have gotten a bit nervous.” (Aznoval)

“As long as you understand. And so, Doma is still scared of you? There should be a limit to how scared you can get, good grief.” (Bia)

“Well, I can communicate with him through Takane-kun though. He desperately refused to meet with the Kuzunoha Company face to face though.” (Aznoval)

“…Ahahaha. Well, do your best, Master-sama.” (Bia)

Ginebia had already thrown away all her enthusiasm and truly looked like she didn’t care about it anymore as she gave her regards to Aznoval in monotone.

There was no emotion at all.


“‘I don’t want to meet that monster. If you are to make me meet and speak to him no matter what, I will kill myself. I will turn myself into an egg’, he said.” (Aznoval)

“Then, I will be going.” (Bia)

“Wa?!” (Aznoval)

Aznoval grabs Ginebia’s arm when she turns around.

“Let me go! Isn’t it okay? If he wants to die, let him do it! Doma would break through its shell and come out 1 month after anyways! We could even leave the egg to the Kuzunoha Company! Like I care!” (Bia)

“You have that incredible skill, Bia-san. There should be no problem even if you were to depart a tad later! That…Aura Road, was it?” (Aznoval)

“I can’t cross from sea to land with it!” (Bia)

“Or was it called Soul Respite…? Eh? I haven’t heard about it for a hundred years. What was the name of that skill?” (Aznoval)

“Spirit Road, SPIRIT ROAD! I think this name is super simple, but it is already on the level of being cursed. No one remembers it! Why?!” (Bia)

It seems like something snapped in Ginebia, she begins to speak passionately about the pains of her skill’s name. 

‘Ah, shit’, is what Aznoval thought, but it was already too late.

The skill of Ginebia, Spirit Road, is actually not a unique skill.

The Apple members originally didn’t have a method for party teleportation.

If it is individual abilities, Hitsuna and Ginebia can.

Considering the difficulty of teleportation magic in this world, that’s actually natural, and magic that safely teleports a party freely was just delusional, stuff of fairytales.

In the cases where it was really needed, Hitsuna would deal with it forcefully by overlapping several talisman magic spells. The burden in Hitsuna is heavy when using this method, so if possible, it was better not to use it.

And so, Ginebia made overlapping contracts with Spirits of many elements, healing herself while adjusting her magic power amount to the limit with minute control, and activating her job skill all at the same time, she created a movement method where you walk through a special space that allows you to move several times the distance which rivals teleportation.

It was the birth of an absurd skill.

For convenience’s sake, it would be better to put a name to it, and that name was Spirit Road.

But not only every member of Apple and Picnic Rose Garden, even the many people they meet like the Kuzunoha Company which they met recently don’t remember the name properly.

It is certainly on the level of it being cursed. 

Spirit Forest, Spirit Corridor, Goddess Corridor, Goddess Path, and the Aura Road of just now. 

Even though it is no doubt an incredible skill.

When Ginebia explains it, she says things like ‘It is like a road of Spirits’. 

She would jokingly say: ‘It is not a name that should be spoken carelessly’, and that might have spread the misunderstanding.

It is a mystery.

“The people of PRG mistake it quite often too.” (Aznoval)

“PRG, you say. Shortening it in that way just because it is long is a bit questionable. They are a historical mercenary group.” (Bia)

“Then, Pringl—” (Aznoval)

“Stop!” (Bia)

“Fumu, because of our meeting with Makoto-kun, my memories of my time in Japan have been rising up lately. I am getting into a bit of a childish mood.” (Aznoval)

“Haah. Well then, we will be going our way now. Doma may be like that, but he has a surprisingly otaku side to him, so maybe he will mix unexpectedly well with Makoto-kun, but if the person himself says he doesn’t want to meet him so much that he would commit suicide, well, isn’t that fine too? They have Tomoe-san who was Shen in the past, so I think she already knows about Doma’s darkness, or more like, his uselessness.” (Bia)

“Even so, we cannot ignore his attitude towards the hyumans and demi-humans, so if Makoto-kun and I properly lecture him, it might serve as the trigger for him to change.” (Aznoval)

Ginebia holds her head.

The man in front of her sometimes is way too forceful.

She already knew this, but she was once again reminded of this who knows how many times now.

“Doma will crumble emotionally first. It is pointless. Pointless.” (Bia)

She understands the reason why. Aznoval has left Doma half-dead in the past. 

A serious fight happened between the two, and the knight won against the dragon.

Moreover, it was a complete beatdown.

It has already been a hundred years or two hundred years, but every time Doma feels the presence of Aznoval, he would end up hiding. 

Even now.

He by far fears Aznoval more than Sofia who killed him and absorbed him. 

And he fears the Makoto that he saw when inside Sofia as much as Aznoval, or even more than that.

Even if Takane, who Doma is fond of, were to stand at the front, having Doma in the same space as Aznoval and Makoto at the same time is nothing but impossible.

(How to say it, Doma is servile, an otaku that can’t read the mood, and stays in the shadows. He is really attached to Takane-kun who was able to replicate the games that he loves and plays 24/7, but honestly he is annoyi—I mean, he is the very definition of a cringy child that doesn’t know how to gauge the distance between friends.
Right now when he is managing the labyrinth properly as a master of it, even if he were to be rehabilitated, no one is benefiting from that, and it is not like something would be changing.) (Bia)

If she had to put out a possibility, it would be that Doma would begin to have a sense of responsibility for the management of the dungeon and remodel it, which would make the work of Takane a bit easier.

In other words, there’s no merit in having Doma have a societal rehabilitation. There’s no need to spend effort in making him be able to adapt to society.

He is the kind of guy that has perfected the ability to be shut-in for more than 2 years without anyone around. 

There’s few who would want to get close to him, whether they be people or dragons.

According to Takane, he currently likes romance games and RPGs that deal with modern japan. 

“Bia~! Everyone has finished their preparations and are waiting here~!” 


The voice of my partner, Haku Mokuren, made Ginebia direct a face of ‘and that’s how it is’ to Aznoval.

“…I don’t know what’s making you this hurried, but for now, begin by doing what you can first, Master.” (Bia)

“Yeah, you are right.” (Aznoval)

“Well, at the time when Doma messes up something in regards to Pione, I will be obligated to cooperate. See ya then!” (Bia)

‘Obligated is quite the powerful word there’, is what Aznoval thought as he saw off Ginebia who ran off to her partner.

It seems like Ginebia was also worried about Pione, who is a member of PRG and was wounded deeply emotionally.

(Watch over Pione, and save in moderation the adventurers that get reckless in the dungeon. That’s what I can do right now. The other thing would be to check the villages around Kannaoi. It is true that I can’t nurse Pione. She herself, her comrades, and time, huh.) (Aznoval)

Aznoval remembers the words that Ginebia used to admonish him in regards to Pione.

It is kind of like counseling, and it is quite the realistic thing.

Aznoval understands that there are times when one needs really painful treatments, but Pione herself probably didn’t have much time for respite.

That: ‘Wasn’t it my fault in the first place, for not being by the side of my friends when they were charmed?’.

‘Wasn’t it my mistake for not noticing at all the Empire’s Hero and the abnormalities in the surroundings?’.

There were definitely methods to free them from the charm, but they got fatigued within the long periods of treatment time, and the girls escaped from Pione. 

It was no doubt due to the weak heart of those three girls.

Even if in the end Raidou exerted excessive self-defense and killed them, pushing all the blame to Raidou was a kind of escapism.

Pione now understands the true meaning of the people charmed being able to remember everything they did in the time they were charmed.

Why do you think the charmed people that Raidou captured by putting them in a state of apparent death are slowly considering suicide?

It was all content that, if dealt wrongly, even Pione would have wanted to kill herself.

This must be what they mean by ‘a hard pill to swallow’, Aznoval thought.

Hatred, revenge, and the unfulfilled promises with her friends, can result in searching for someone to push all that responsibility to.

That’s why, there’s no doubt that it is important to have Pione find some other reason to live fast, but…

(At times, putting your all into revenge can serve as a fuel to continue living on though…) (Aznoval)

‘No, that’s not it’, Aznoval shook his head.

It would be one thing if you are about to fall over from the pressure in your heart and are all alone. 

But Pione has many comrades that want to save her, want her to live, and smile together with.

Then, instead of burning yourself in a life of vengeance, he wants her to find a new objective and heal their hearts together.

So that, one day, they can once again move forward.

Ginebia speaking about the increases in suicides in Kannaoi must have been because she was aware of this.

The current objective for now is to wait for that time when Pione is able to extend her hand towards the other victims of the charm just like her friends were.

There’s no doubt what she needs is what Ginebia said before.

Aznoval sighs.

The current situation of Kannaoi, and the people that are suffering from the memories of the time they were charmed.

“In other words, if we can’t put a brake to the suicides in Kannaoi, she is telling me to follow it up lightly, huh. Looks like it will be quite the big job.” (Aznoval)

‘But well…’, Aznoval smiles.

It feels like there’s more worth in doing this than killing someone to protect someone.

“Ah, Azu-san, got some time?” 

“Takane-kun? Something happened?” (Aznoval)

“Doma has run into the shelter room.” (Takane)

“…Haah.” (Aznoval)

Looks like there’s the need for a bit of time.

The dungeon of Yaso-katsui is returning to its usual. 

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View Comments

  • Why the hell isn't Sairitz more concerned about the perfume the empire sent in to brainwash people? I understand Kuzunoha and Izumo's betrayal is a major concern but the perfume is an active thread that was sent in by the empire vs Kuzunoha is a (major) potential threat.

    • tomoki ingin tomoe dan menyebarkan pesona di loreal tapi di loreal ada futsu dan doma,mari kita lihat kemungkinan selamatnya gritonia adalah ?

    • i wonder... honestly i expected it to at least be discussed in 1 or 2 paragraph, but to think its was just mentioned by her, lol

    • Problaly because she already knows how and when it is entering into Loren and as such has some control on the distribution, pretty much what this arc proved is that some part of the goverment of Loren allowed Haruka debacable to happen so they could weaken one faction, it just that grew faster and bigger that they expected.

  • It's been too long so I have my memories regarding Tsuki jumbled up. Did they revived Pione and the two others? Because I'm sure Raidou killed the 3 girls

    • Raidou did killed the 3 girls who try to assassinate him, Pione is a friend of one of the girl he killed and she is still alive just got a mind break by Raidou and co. in their battle in the labyrinth.
      Remember that Pione is given an illusion of their Picnic Rose Garden killed over and over in her mind by Raidou?

      • Warning: This reply was loaded psych 300 sublimation. I editted down the amount of psycho babble but any fewer loops & the point would be lost. And blame throwers give me a headache so didn't wanna spend more time on subject
        Pione was holding her friend & the other 2 prisoner while trying to treat the Charm. But they escaped her and were killed trying to assassinate Makoto. Or maybe it was Iroha when she was with him.
        So like many guilt ridden humans do, she sublimated the self hatred & blamed someone related to her pain. Admittedly Makoto crushed them, pretty much literally, like annoying bugs. Lack of an intact body is very upsetting.
        People can say why didn't she direct her anger towards Trashmoki who charmed them. That would be more logical then blaming someone defending themselves. Unfortunately, when NOT dealing with guilt, self blame & self hatred, thinking clearly about who you really blame, it's yourself. So clear thinking is an enemy to be despritely avoided.

    • Pione is the mercenary friend of the charmed girls that Makoto killed when he just got into Loren. The girl he had mentally live defeat after defeat of the mercenarys group until she gave up on her revange agains Raidou. He pretty much concieve a strategy that broke her resolution completely.

  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you very much for the chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Seriously, Sairitz is very detestable and disgusting. We can see how the hyumans are living errors from the father of izumo to Sairitz herself. He doesn't care about empire or why the spirit of water helped cause chaos. Chiya only cares to lick her butt. The only good thing the skirted hitler has done is constantly infuriate Sairitz. I was a little disappointed that the Aznoval group didn't say give Thashmoki their due, as you can see they are missing kintamas. Lorel deserves to fall in flames and from the ashes iroha and izumo they create a new country worthy of worshiping the new god makoto.

    I already want to see the reactions of the empire, before the destruction of its plans and that new aspect will have trashmoki. Many want to see Thashmoki already punished, but personally I want to see how Trashmoki destroys and devours chiya and hitlerbiki and once both heroes are hated by everyone in that world, Makoto cleans up the trash.

  • goddamn doma are f###in hikkineet otaku gamer with social anxiety disorder, though i think if he try, he definitely can enjoy his time with a weeb edo dragon and super sentai spider

  • Thanks for the chapter.
    Politics. I despise it. This is why I like it when Makoto goes "fuck it" and just starts swinging at his problems

  • I honestly have no sympathy for Sairitz right now. It's like she grabbed the Idiot Ball like her life depended on it and ran away with it. She originally wanted to crush the Osakabe because she knows they are treacherous and she had the perfect excuse to do it by stopping the execution of Haruka and exposing their crimes. Afterwards she was going to have Izumo and Iroha create a new family. The Osakabe are shit anyways from all we've learned. They placed such high taxes on the surrounding villages that all the villages lie about how much they harvest so that they end up paying I think it was 30% of the total taxes that they would if they reported the correct amount, then when Iroha tried to bring up the issue to her father he just basically told her to shut up and don't go sticking her nose into their business. The guy himself is also a bastard in general: when assassins got sent after him while he was wooing Haruka he instead cowered in a corner begging for his life and forcing his fiancee to take up a sword for the first time and kill the assassins herself even though she had zero fighting experience at the time, then when they finally did get married she got assigned somewhere where she couldn't show her skills and thus get any more famous which is clearly something her husband ordered out of pettiness and finally once this rebellion was stopped he's acting all wounded and heartbroken while knowing that Haruka is innocent and he doesn't make a move to save her. Then during all this you got Kougetsu spreading the charm perfume to everybody to create a rebellion against Sairitz and also let him install a puppet leader in the Osakabe that he can control and when that plan failed, he and the justice committee he's a member of that is also controlled by the Osakabe put the blame for everything on Haruka while so far they walk away unpunished. If Sairitz went through with her original plan and crushed the Osakabe by exposing their crimes to the public and pardoning Haruka, not only would it have gotten rid of a treacherous family but she'd have more control over Izumo and Iroha by having them set up a new house where they would both feel indebted to her while also preventing this current issue of Izumo betraying his family and having his father try to kill him because instead Izumo would have been leaving his family through official channels and his father wouldn't resent him for it. Meanwhile Iroha would feel indebted to Sairitz for saving her mother and Sairitz would get to keep a powerful war asset that can also help in developing a way to break Tomoki's charm. She can just come up with an excuse so Haruka doesn't try to commit suicide as atonement which shouldn't be too hard for Sairitz. Also it would have given Makoto a more favorable impression of Lorel and he'd be more willing to lend them a hand but seeing how horribly they handled this entire thing where an innocent woman got executed, her own 12 year old daughter being forced to carry out the execution and the real culprits getting away with it and not being punished seems to have left Makoto VERY disenchanted with the country and not want anything to do with them apart from maybe the bare minimum needed to learn their crafts.

    Well then onto lighter topics. I have to agree with Bia that it makes no sense why Aznoval would take off his clothes because of getting heated up in an argument with Takane. Also we now have a shorter name for Picnic Rose Garden: PRG. But calling them Pringles like Aznoval was going to is funnier so Imma call them that from now on. It's funny that nobody can remember the name of Bia's technique. I hope it becomes a running gag where they keep calling it by more ridiculous names every time. Meanwhile I see Doma is just a useless hikki-NEET dragon.

    • thank you for summarizing all the lorel chaos, i kinda lost it after all this time, damn they messed up, and with limia also messed up, gritonia that pretty much ruined, and aion that can't do anything, that pretty much set up makoto to be against their side

      normally, isekai novel would put the MC as savior to accept the world, but with this, both demon side and hyuman side estranged the MC by situation really confused me, where the author plan to take the mc to??

      • I wouldn't say Makoto has been estranged by the demon side. He fully understands why the demons will continue waging war even when presented with the option to move to Asora and won't fault them for that since he's always placed himself in the underdog position so he can sympathize with them. He's also gotten good trade agreements with them in Kaleneon and he's accepted the demon king's proposal to take in some of the demons that don't want to fight into Asora. The hyuman side though? Definitely estranged.

    • @nerozeroes : bisa dibilang dunia masih terus bermimpi belum bisa menerima kebenaran (makoto)

    • I think there is a couple of things that haven't been clear, first the one Haruka had to defend wish forced her awakening as a warrior wasn't her husband, the one she defended was her sweetheart, the one she ended up marrying was just a political union there was no initial love there. What this chapter showed was that Loren is divided into two factions and one faction was gaining momentum over the other, so a plot was created to weaken the faction thats growing stronger (wich in this case is Haruka faction) Sairitz as the Empress of the country allowed it to happen so she can still hold political control over the country, if not she run the risk of one faction growing to much in power and making her work more difficult, and making her a political puppet. So for her(Sairitz) Haruka execution was a good blow to that faction not to mention that positioning Iroha as the head of her family would weaken them even more. The problem with this strategy is that Izumo jumped ships and is now working in backing his fiancee, who just made an ally of a monster(The Kuzonoha Company) thats much more dangerous that the factions. Altough so far her political rule is not been contested Iroha has now the means to become a potential big threat to her, and Sairitz can't do anything to her so far because she runs the risk of making an enemy of Raidou wish would be foolish in her eyes. thats the beuty of this scenario pretty much Siritz authorized a conspiracy that would cement her power by dealing with a forming threat but by her own action (of including Raidou in the mix) she just gave the enemy a bigger potential for growth, making it almost a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      • SAIRITZ used SCHEME!
        It's not very effective...
        She hurt herself in her confusion!

        • She understimated the impact that Makoto company would have in the whole debacle, she though she could risk using them as a controlable tool, but Makoto is a really wild card to use, even if he did what she wanted him to do the way it went was outside of her expectation, besides she didn't have all the info to predict Iroha involvement, nor had she any idea of consequences that the training that Izumo is undergoing would have on his growth.

      • Well from how it was mentioned previously it makes it sound like Haruka and her husband were betrothed from a young age and he would go meet her in secret in order to woo her because he thought of himself as a playboy or whatever while Haruka genuinely thought his feelings for her were genuine and thus did think of him as her sweetheart. It can't have been that Haruka was meeting some other man in secret while being betrothed to another because that would have have major political consequences once found out and we know that what happened got found out since it is a famous tale that the public knows. Anyways the facade of their meetings then broke when those assassins attacked them and the guy cowered in a corner instead of trying to protect Haruka like how it should have been expected.

        As for the Osakabe faction, Haruka had only recently been brought in with the charm perfume. Sairitz had known for a while that Kougetsu was planning a rebellion and she was allowing it to continue because initially it was supposed to have taken much longer and Sairitz wanted more of the Osakabe to gather so she could crush them all at once. The problem was that Kougetsu then used the charm perfume on Haruka because he wanted a strong ally for his rebellion but he didn't realize that Tomoki had set up his charm so that anybody under the effects would flip out if they saw Makoto or heard he was nearby and try to kill him so Kougetsu unknowingly mentioned Makoto's name around Haruka and that triggered her to go on a rampage earlier than planned. Sairitz knows that Haruka and others were being charmed so her main target should not have been Haruka but rather the true masterminds which she already knew the identity of. Haruka could be considered a symbol of the Osakabe faction but she is nowhere near crucial to the faction which is why the Osakabe used her as a scapegoat and so easily threw her under the bus. Politically Haruka's death serves no purpose for advancing Sairitz' final goal. Meanwhile Sairitz was also going to use Kougetsu's rebellion after it got put down and the Osakabe crushed as an excuse to create a new household with Izumo and Iroha in the lead. She even briefly went off on a tangent about what to name it when she was being given information of how Kougetsu's rebellion was doing. Sairitz had always been portrayed as very clever and quick to adapt to the situation so she could have still accomplished her goals more or less if she had stopped Haruka's execution and presented the evidence that this was all the work of Kougetsu and the Osakabe to the public which would have given her the excuse she needed to crush the Osakabe and make a new household with Izumo and Iroha and they'd be loyal to her because Iroha's mother was spared while the Ikusabe wouldn't be trying to kill Izumo since he'd have left the house under the Empress' blessing instead of him betraying them. Also Sairitz could have used the incident to appeal to Makoto by showing how magnanimous she is. Instead she did nothing that would work towards her goals so now Kougetsu and the Osakabe are still free to continue plotting, no new family loyal to Sairitz was created, a strong warrior is dead that could instead have been kept alive and manipulated to work for Sairitz and the country if she framed it as a duty to atone in order to keep Haruka from committing suicide, Izumo has switched his loyalty to Iroha and Makoto is either apathetic or disenchanted with the country and less likely to help them after seeing how badly they handled the aftermath of the rebellion which also defeats the purpose of giving Makoto that special token that would treat him like a VIP in order to draw him in like Sairitz originally intended.

        • Kogetsu and his brother tend to funtion in the shadows, reveling him as a culprit wouldn't affect the faction standing as much as getting read of their favored weapon that was Haruka. They are powerfull individaul but they are not as strong as Haruka was, taking her out was a way to crippled the other faction power. Not to mention that she knew things wer happening but were was the prove of it?? How could she present it without in way irrevocable way to prove his guilt, Haruka was seeing by everyone leading the rebellion while Kogatsu (or his brother) I can't remeber the name was seen defending the people (thats the image at least) and heroically dying from his efforts, who do you think the populace paint as the villain in this incident??? She migth be able to present the argument of his involvement and demote him not to have so much free reign but rigth now I doub she could present enough convincing evidance to have him killed, unless she authorizes a hit on his person.

    • I don't know whether this would leave Makoto disenchanted, like you said, or just disappointed in the Wise that couldn't do a better job setting the foundations of their country. Given Makoto's love of Japanese history and historical dramas, this kind of convoluted back-and-forth plotting is already gonna be familiar to him since that's what real history is like too. I feel like he might've been glad to see a place that resembled his home somewhat, but would be disappointed once he found out how much and which parts of it resembled his home.

  • The chapter thanks lot for a
    Want I Empress news are know Lorel what to giving they the

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