Chapter 221: The small details don’t matter

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The gate opened.

A richly colored marbled pattern that was not kind to the eyes and a strange space was in sight.

And so what?

Without caring about it, I held up my left hand.

I create arrows with magic power in a manner that it surrounds the gate, and shoot them.

The target is big, so there’s no need to aim.

Obviously, the arrows hit both the strange space and the gate.

“Not only are you big, you can’t move either? For someone that was talking all high-and-mighty, you are—Otto.” (Makoto)

My arrows were returned.

The ones that hit the marble pattern huh.

Hmph~, so it has that kind of power.

A number of the arrows that hit that strange space had their trajectory deviated.

It is a gate, so it has specialties that even I expected.

It is probably not an individual that can fight much himself.

While brushing away the arrows that were deflected towards me, I observe its form.

I don’t need to worry about Tomoe and Shiki.

The two shouldn’t have problems in their self-defence.

And at this moment, those kind of things are of no matter.

“You are quite the sturdy gate.” (Makoto)

“This makes me question your sanity, Misumi Makoto. You, do you really intend to fight me?” (Samal)

The gate didn’t have a single wound.

“Fight? No way.” (Makoto)

“Then what was that preemptive strike just now.” (Samal)

“Ah, that wasn’t what I meant. It will probably not even be counted as a fight. That’s how I thought.” (Makoto)

My thoughts sinking into deeper cold was pleasant.

The confusion I felt in the past fight with Io was not present here and was all disappearing in this occasion.

I look at my enemy, do my next action, and then defeat it.

“Insolence, arrogance; you are the very representation of that. Truly foolish.” (Samal)


Something came out from Samal.

A mamono?

“You can’t even fight yourself? Who’s the foolish one here?” (Makoto)

Strange-looking things came out in succession from the gate.

But…every single one was weak.

It is on the level of the weakest top in the wasteland.

If it’s a number of them, Toa’s party would be able to deal with them without any problems.

Well, there’s already tens of them coming out from the gate, so a normal town would be destroyed.

But this is Asora, and the ones here are not adventurers but us.

We are not in a normal town at all, so this supposition is totally pointless.

I will shoot them all to death.

For some mysterious reason, I knew where to shoot them in order to kill them.

When I thought this was easy game…

“…Shiki huh.” (Makoto)

“I do think I have stepped in unnecessarily.” (Shiki)

“…No.” (Makoto)

I was planning on headshotting every one of them, but those guys suddenly began falling on their own.

I soon understood the reason why.

Shiki’s ring.

The activation of Niflheim that can be used in a wide scale.

If used while holding back, it can be restrained to only weakening, but if there’s no holding back, it can dry up life itself.

There’s differences between individuals, but the mamonos that were trying to attack us were being wiped out without exception.

“So you at least possess the power to summon me huh.” (Samal)

There was still composure in the words of Samal.

Well, they are coming out without any signs of stopping, so he is probably trying to push through with numbers.

From within the group, there were humanoid shaped ones, Elf and Dwarf-looking people, and armed human-like ones too.

Humans are a pretty rare race to begin with, so I think it is something resembling them, but that doesn’t matter either way.

If they are coming at us, they can just die within Shiki’s mist -Niflheim.

If they pass the boundaries of Niflheim, I can just shoot them with arrows.

It is truly a simple method with no need to worry about anything.

That’s nice.

Well then, let’s aim well this time.

“Bow? What an unfitting thing to use from the many choices you had for a weapon.” (Samal)

“…You are really good at irritating me. Almost like the Goddess.” (Makoto)

Taking my stance with Azusa, I heard the words of Samal.

Seriously, I feel like I am doing a rehearsal for the time when I actually fight the Goddess.

Thinking about silencing him a bit, I aim at the masked part and concentrate.

And just like that, I shot.


My arrows, that have become progressively faster since coming to this world, hit his mask and pierced through it.

It is not as if the strength was proportional to the speed, but it is not a problem even if it is fast.

It is actually welcoming.

A big hole was made right in the center of the mask and broke.

“Like I said, be a bit more quiet.” (Makoto)

I speak to the mask that was regenerating at high speed as if trying to cover up the damage.

While at it, I shoot several shots at the frames.

Every single one was able to gouge out Samal, but all were healed.

Does he have better stats in other points to compensate for not being able to move?

Then I have to find the vital points.

I lower Azusa for now and activate [Sakai], at the same time, I concentrate and observe Samal.

“…Oh. You have one interesting hidden card.” (Makoto)

“Perish.” (Samal)

While I was doing that, I felt honest surprise at what came out from the opened gate.

This is kind of…interesting.

“Well, you move from world to world, so it is a given that you will pick up a lot of things from various places huh. You seem to be specialized in that after all.” (Makoto)

The mamonos and the other random things that are coming out don’t seem to have uniformity.

I strangely don’t feel scared.

That’s because I could tell it wasn’t a threat for me.

I think it is a missile.

I don’t know the specific warhead though.

For some reason, I was sure of it: this isn’t something that can kill me.

At the same time as Samal spoke, a gigantic and blue something that can only be called a weapon came out at a close range of several tens of metres and was directed at me.

Of course, I already had a number of methods to stop it.

“…This time it is Tomoe huh.” (Makoto)

“It may be of no concern, but this isn’t something that I can just spectate. Sorry for intruding.” (Tomoe)

“It is fine.” (Makoto)

Noticing the tactic of Tomoe and confirming it, she readily admitted about intruding.

The several missiles, that were heading directly at us, passed through us, and after advancing for a while, they disappeared like mist.

I was thinking about stopping it with an arm of the Magic Armor though.

“You rascals…Could you be divinities?” (Samal)

Samal was spitting out mamonos continuously, but he has finally noticed the stupidly big mountain of corpses.

Even when they tried to climb over it, they died, and even if they were able to get pass it, they fell and died.

Well, it has become a pseudo-mountain now.

“Divinity? I don’t know about that.” (Makoto)

Shiki’s Niflheim and Tomoe’s Pure Illusory Reality.


So this is all it takes?

I don’t know about this divinity he is talking about, but honestly, I don’t have any interest aside from crushing him.

“Fuh…there’s no way. They are all interesting techniques, but if it is just one talent, there’s plenty of people that have gained a technique that has reached the level of divinity.” (Samal)

“…Waka, there’s an interference in the surrounding space.” (Tomoe)

Before the notification of Tomoe, I had already noticed it.

It wasn’t only from the gate; it seems like he is able to put some tricks in his summonings as well.

So he does have a main method of attack huh.

It wouldn’t do much if the opponent were to notice before the activation though.

“Well done noticing. It is normally hard to even see it; the notorious frenzied dance of weapons. But it is too late even if you notice it now.” (Samal)

“I see. The missiles were a lot better than this. So this time it is just an imitation of Sofia?” (Makoto)

With one of them appearing behind me as the onset, western and orient weapons of ancient and modern times were appearing in succession at the surroundings.

This spectacle was pretty similar to what the Dragon Slayer Sofia, who had a contract with the Blade Dragon Lancer, showed me once.

The power behind it might be different.

Actually, it might be a different spell altogether.

But there’s no way for me to know the details of it.

“Even if you rascals can erase missiles, you won’t be able to deal with these swords that have the understanding of experts—?!” (Samal)

“A weapon that doesn’t have a user; no matter how many there are, there’s no point in it. I don’t know about this ‘understanding’ you talk about, but an expert that exists is a lot more scary than this. No matter how much performance, no matter what legend these masterpieces come from…their real worth doesn’t come out unless it comes in a set with their masters.” (Makoto)

And if it’s a rehash, that’s more the case.

There’s 108 -no, 112 huh.

So it wasn’t the same number as the worldly desires huh.

So close.

The numbers are not many. I locked them all in my sniping image.

I lift Azusa and take a stance.

The swarm of weapons that are moving simultaneously…

“Disappear.” (Makoto)


I could tell that Tomoe and Shiki gulped their breath. This is something that happened after I destroyed the hundred or so weapons.

I shot only once.

With my aim on the targets, the light streaks that branched from my hand had pierced them all.

The end.

“…I am a God, you know.” (Samal)

“That’s a bluff, right? I know a number of others that are not Gods and are still stronger than you.” (Makoto)

“I wouldn’t tell lies.” (Samal)

“Then, there are also weak Gods huh.” (Makoto)

I found several candidates for vital spots.

I tried shooting through one of them, located at the lower part.


Haha, the regeneration is clearly slower.

So it really is one huh.

Then, the next one.

“I have lived for long, obtained volition, and obtained the status of God. Just a bit more, and I would have been able to reach further beyond…” (Samal)

Outside frame, from my location, at the left shoulder, 7 centimeters and 2 millimeters in the inner part.

“Too bad then.” (Makoto)

I could feel that Samal was in pain.

There’s definitely damage.

The regeneration is clearly slower than in all the other parts.

The appearance rate of the mamonos and other things has grown slower too.

We have been intercepting them with Shiki’s Niflheim and my sniping, so even if it hadn’t grown slower, there wouldn’t have been any problems at all.

From my point of view, I can’t see the full picture of Samal with all the wreckage and corpses, but there’s no meaning in it.

As long as I know he is there, that’s fine.

“…Something’s strange—?!!” (Samal)

The protuberance at the upper part’s right side of the mask.

That place as well huh.

Maybe all the candidates I found are all correct?

So they are not the type that bring instant death huh. It is a pain that he seems to still be fine.

I shot when he was in the middle of talking, so his words were cut off.

‘Something’s strange?’

Nothing’s strange.

Just what is this guy saying?

“Not really. There’s nothing strange. You are simply unsightly. I wondered about what you would do -being huge and all- but the only thing you did was bring stuff out like the gate you are. Moreover, they were all weak.” (Makoto)

Left gate door, top metal fixtures of the handle.

Right gate door, two points at the frame.

I continued piercing them.

“?!!!! Then!! Why are you smiling faintly?! In the middle of a fight!!” (Samal)

“So you were still misunderstanding something? Didn’t I say it in the beginning? This is not a fight; this is just trampling.” (Makoto)

So I was smiling huh.

There wasn’t anything amusing though.

“…Tomoe, Shiki. Was I smiling?” (Makoto)

“Yeah. This is the first time I saw you like this though.” (Tomoe)

“This is also…the first time I see Waka-sama have a faint smile while preparing your bow.” (Shiki)

“I see. I wasn’t amused but angry though. I will be careful.” (Makoto)

Being conscious of my mouth and my eyes, I bear in mind to keep it emotionless.

If it was unconsciously, it was probably a habit of mine, but it is a strange habit.

Let’s be careful.

This might have been the reason that made Tomoe and Shiki draw back.

“You are saying I am unsightly and weak? I was born as an excelling magic tool! After several hundreds of years, I gained will! Collected souls as an existence that connects worlds! And I was finally able to obtain the status of God! And you are calling someone like me unsightly and weak?!” (Samal)

The status of God.



So that’s what he meant by ‘divinities’ huh.

I don’t know what’s the difference between that and a God, but well, that’s fine.

In that case, this guy is in short…

“…Heh. Even if you say you are a God, you are just an object that gained will?” (Makoto)

“What was that laugh for? You rascal are a simple mortal yourself.” (Samal)

“And you are about to lose to that mortal. Sorry but, in my perspective, you are not a God, but more of a *Youkai*. If I had to choose, I would classify you as a mamono.” (Makoto)

“What insolence.” (Samal)

Because you know, when you talk about an object that gained a will, wouldn’t that be a Youkai?

In my perspective, he doesn’t feel that much of a God.

However, I like the basic idea of a tool obtaining a will after being treasured for a long time or being treated roughly.

That’s why I treat my tools with care.

This guy called Samal might have been born from the result of one of those.

I wouldn’t think about treasuring this guy at all though.

I would rather break it.

“You are demanding a thousand lives, so classifying you as a monster is plenty enough. You know, after being called a monster a lot of times, you actually get used to it. It isn’t as suffocating as being called a God, and in the first place, it suits you.” (Makoto)

“Unforgivable. I definitely won’t forgive you.” (Samal)

“Hahaha, what a coincidence. I feel the same way.” (Makoto)

From below the mask, 3 millimeters at the contours of the chin region.

“…Fool.” (Samal)

Even though he has been shot to the point of being unable to properly speak, he is still energetic enough to continue his impudent talk.

He is already broken here and there, and he still has the nerves.

“…Could it be…there’s no way.” (Tomoe)

“What’s wrong, Tomoe?” (Makoto)

I heard words of surprise from an unexpected direction.

“This is the space of Waka and I. Even though neither of us has given the permission…there’s no way he would be able to retreat. Is that a special characteristic of this guy?” (Tomoe)

“So you intend to run away. So that wasn’t impudent talk but retreating words.” (Makoto)

To have him stay here, Tomoe and I had prohibited the exit and entrance of anything.

And yet, from what Tomoe said, it seems like this guy intends to run away.

“There’s no way I will let myself be defeated by a rascal like you. The day I obtain a position worthy for me, I will celebrate it by slaughtering this world along with you all.” (Samal)

“Waka, this guy will escape. I can’t stop his interference with the space!” (Tomoe)

Is it because he is a God-like existence that’s specialized in space manipulation?

Is there a position higher than that of a God?

It seems like Samal thinks that that position is what’s truly worthy for him, so there’s probably one.

If that’s the case, then maybe there’s some sort of difference between obtaining a spot as a God and actually becoming one?

Just like how he said himself: ‘if it’s only in one talent, there’s already people that can imitate God-class’, so it is not strange for Samal himself to be able to achieve this kind of feats in terms of teleportation.

It would be hard to keep him inside Asora by force or block him from entering.

But hearing Tomoe’s agitated and nervous voice is kind of rare.

She cooled me down a bit.

Unnecessary noise has mixed in my mind.

Emotions are an hindrance for my objective of crushing Samal.


“I have stored this place in my memories. You, your slaves, your world, and your family that lives in the Origin world; one day, I will definitely—” (Samal)

“I definitely won’t let you escape. That’s what I have decided.” (Makoto)


The red colored coat is truly fast and useful as expected.

I was able to cross over the mountain of corpses and arrive at a distance that’s close enough to touch Samal.

There’s no need to hide it, so I activate the Magic Armor in a visible state and give him a punch as a greeting.

There was a normal response from it.

It wasn’t a vital point, so the recovery is fast, but it is not like there’s no damage at all.

“That power…you are calling me a monster, but you are the monster.” (Samal)

“You called yourself a God, you shouldn’t run away from a mere mortal.” (Makoto)

“Don’t speak any further with that unpleasant expression of yours, monster.” (Samal)

“Was I smiling again? It seems like it is indeed a habit. Sorry about that. Hm?” (Makoto)

The feeling of holding Samal was fading quickly.

So he really plans on escaping.

I thought he would be using that weird space to escape, but when I think about it, that would be strange.

He is a gate that’s opened to other places, and for Samal himself to enter those doors would be contrary to its function.

Because Samal himself is the gate after all.

The whole gate was slowly turning transparent.

At the same time, Samal’s presence grows thinner.

“Not only me, you are even planning on putting your hands on my family and comrades; do you think I will let someone like that escape?” (Makoto)

If that’s so, he is an incredible idiot.

I have already taken away the lives of many.

I am prepared for the retribution this might bring to me and my surroundings.

But I definitely am not going to shut my eyes and wait for it to happen.

Of course, this moment enters that category.

“Even if you won’t allow me to leave, there’s nothing you can do. In the space I live where distance and time don’t exist, you think you would be able to catch me? You would need at least deep knowledge in space manipulation. You don’t have what’s required to call me to begin with. Farewell.” (Samal)

Samal, who was practically transparent already, said his parting words.

The Magic Armor can’t hold Samal’s body anymore.

Then I will use Sakai.

Attacks won’t come from Samal anymore.

Or more like, he is practically gone already.

I search for the traces of Samal’s being… and find it.

“I told you…I won’t let you escape.” (Makoto)

I found a space opening in the place where Samal was.

I could see that it was closing in an unshapely manner like when one stitches a wound.

It was returning to its former state, and the space was already mending itself.     

I call the arms that I was thinking about utilizing to transporting the magma.

Just like I imagined, the two arms appeared at both of my sides.

I didn’t really ask anyone to give them maintenance, but they are giving off a dazzling shine with no blemish.

“Waka, he is already…” (Tomoe)

“I don’t think it is too late. That’s why, just stay there and watch.” (Makoto)

Tomoe brings out words notifying that Samal has left Asora already.

But I didn’t think like that at all.

‘It is still fine’, me and my power were thinking that.

I thrust the silver arms into the wound in the space.

The arms that had thrusted into the rift were fighting against the space that was trying to return to its former self, and they tremble as they forcefully try to tear it apart.

“Could it be, you found the traces of where he escaped…” (Tomoe)  

“And you are going to chase after him?” (Shiki)

Tomoe and Shiki predict my next move from the spectacle they are viewing.


I don’t have the intention of chasing him no matter where he goes.

I am simply going to drag him back here -to Asora.

The space opening is slowly tearing up.

“…Now then, you can do it, right? Crush any kind of attacks; that’s what I envisioned in you when I created you. If you are truly my Creation, you should be able to rip up this closed space.” (Makoto)

As if being influenced by my will, the arms grow much stronger and the space is cracked in an unnatural manner.

The silver arms’ power to open up the wound of the space was stronger than the space’s healing power.

“It opened.” (Shiki)

Shiki dumbfoundedly voices out the reality.

The silver arms steadily increase in power and have overwhelmed the resistance of a different space.

In the place that has been teared up, there was a marble space similar to the one inside of Samal’s gate.

Is the space between worlds something like this?

If the words of Samal are true, the humans that fall in here would be transported to a world somewhere, or die just like that.

I haven’t seen a place like this even when I use the mist as an intermediary to go back and forth between Asora and the Goddess’ world.

“…Waka, will you chase after that fellow, and…return to your homeland? If you make that fellow abide to your will, it is possible.” (Tomoe)

“…Have Samal abide to my will? Hell no. I don’t want to breath the same air as him. Also, if I were to make him abide to my will, that would mean I would have to do a pact like the time with Tomoe and the others, right? Even if I were to put a difference in treatment… Something like that, I refuse.” (Makoto)

“But…you have lingering feelings for your homeland, right?” (Tomoe)

“What’s wrong, Tomoe? It is true that I want to return to Japan. However…I currently have you guys with me. Even if I were able to return to Japan, if I am unable to return to this place, there’s no point in choosing that. It would be irritating to get meddled by Bug, and there’s a mountain of things I want to tell her.” (Makoto)

“Waka…” (Tomoe)

“After I finish all of my business with the Goddess, and all those requirements are fulfilled, I will return to Japan. However, I will be together with you guys, forever. At least as long as you guys wish for my company, I will forever be there. That’s why, even if it’s possible at this moment, I still won’t return.” (Makoto)


Even though I feel like I said something pretty cool there, the two didn’t give me any reactions and that makes me feel a bit embarrassed.

This Tomoe is throwing cold water in my adrenaline; a while ago she did it and now she does it again.

Even though Samal pissed me off, I am unable to return to that pleasant sensation from before.

I am simply pissed off right now.

What a waste.

I will crush, destroy, kill Samal.

Because of these clear objectives, I was able to brush away all the things inside my head. A simple and pleasant state of mind has gone far away now.

This exhilarating mood inside my body that allowed me to move for those objectives, for some reason, is no longer there.

How to say it, I am closer to my normal self.


Or more like, why did I want to crush Samal?


He insulted my mom and dad.

That’s why I was angry.

To think I forgot the reason. What’s wrong with me?

“…Well then, what are you going to do now?” (Shiki)


The first one to recover from this frozen atmosphere was Shiki.

“Simple. I will drag Samal here.” (Makoto)

What I am about to do doesn’t change much from before.

“H-How?!” (Shiki)

I thrust my arm into the marble space that was opened widely.

“W-Waka! What are you doing?!” (Tomoe)

“Putting your arm into the space rift?!” (Shiki)

Is that something to be so surprised about?

It was an opponent that I shot a lot a few moments ago, and I thought that this is the way I should do it though.


“There he is. As I thought, I can really do it, see?” (Makoto)

“‘There’, you say?” (Shiki)

“Waka, what you are plunging your arm into…is totally the domain of your opponent, and an unknown domain to top it off.” (Tomoe)

“When he said he wouldn’t let Samal escape, did he mean…” (Shiki)

Found a response.

A fission.

I only thrusted my right arm, but I thrust my left arm as well and grab the handle of the door with both of them.

And then, since I am going to drag him here, I pulled with all my power.

“Didn’t I tell you?!!!” (Makoto)

A tattered gate was coming out from the marble space, and maybe because I did it with brute force, the moment I let go my hands, he flew into the sky.

“Eh!! A hand suddenly…what is going on? You…Misumi Makoto!!” (Samal)

“Welcome back, Samal.” (Makoto)

The space opening that was no longer needed, closed up in an instant.

In other words, the silver arms are free for use again.

Arms that I can move at will.

Samal is doing a trip in the sky, so me and my Magic Armor can’t reach that far.

But if it’s these arms…it is possible.

“You rascal!!!” (Samal)

The gate of Samal opened completely.

From there, several thick lights that reminded me of the blaze of Root were shot.

Even in his suffering state, he still comes out with an imitation, moreover, even in the end, it is still another inferior version.

I receive all those lights with my Magic Armor.

Not only did I not receive any injuries, there wasn’t even the need to reform my Magic Armor.

“The power was in its perfect state and it was practically with no aria!! All of these attacks should have been a first for you; they were all techniques and spells from a world that’s no more!!” (Samal)

“I am already used to spells with no arias, and I have already experienced practically all of this before. Not only are you a Youkai, you are even a copycat.” (Makoto)

“Dragging back someone that has already transferred into its space. That’s just…impossible!! Impossible!!” (Samal)

“Now then, just punching you would be pitiful, so… A rush attack with the silver arms -no, I name it: [Silver Rush].” (Makoto)

“Waka’s naming sense is just…” (Tomoe)

“Waka-sama, I think it would be less pitiful if you were to just punch him.” (Shiki)

“Then Silver Rush is the best choice. Go! Punch him! And while at it, gouge him out!” (Makoto)

Even when I try to lift up my spirits, I am still unable to enter the pleasant mood I had before the cooling down of Tomoe.

The arms flew into the air and chased after Samal.

And then, the moment they caught their target, they immediately began to punch.

Without caring much about the vitals, I simply punch him single-mindedly.

With how he is regenerating, the end will probably be very far.

Well, I will make the process a bit faster.

“While at it…here” (Makoto)

“…What is it this time?” (Shiki)

Shiki, who for some reason really drawn back, asked me.

Tomoe looked at the sky with a stiffened expression.

“Eh, it would be lukewarm if I just beat him to death, so I thought about shooting him to death too.” (Makoto)

“…What you have in your hand is a Draupnir, right? The one that was going to be disposed and was given to you by Ema and the Elder.” (Shiki)

“Yeah. You know, a Brid with a ring mixed in it, I actually haven’t seen its power with my own eyes. Isn’t this a good chance?” (Makoto)

“That’s true. He seems to be a sturdy opponent after all.” (Shiki)

“Right. Shiki, go to Ema and bring back more rings that are planned to be disposed.” (Makoto)

“Y-Yes.” (Shiki)

For now, I place the ten rings that I had in my possession, on top of my palm.

I deploy the same number of Brids in my surroundings, which have been improved to have their power and precision as their highest priority.

This is a pitiful spell that everyone said is no longer a Brid, but I like it.

At first, they appear in a spherical shape, and as if being pulled from behind, they slowly take the form of arrows.

And when the Brids get sharp enough, they become spiral shaped.


Confirming that they are now in standby state, I correct the aim to Samal as I place one ring inside all of them.

“First, let’s go with the one’s that only have one inside. Ready…Shoot!(lol)” (Makoto)

All Brids were fired.

They impacted on Samal, who was still being punched, and exploded.


The power increases by quite a lot.

Ah, by the way, even when that happened, the arms were still punching him without sparing a single moment.

He still maintains his form, so his sturdiness and recovery power is quite the thing.

“Waka-sama, I have brought them.” (Shiki)

What Shiki carried in his arms was a big and stylish jewel box.

It was completely filled with bright red rings.

“The projectiles are all in place.” (Makoto)

While pouring Samal with a gatling of Brids without any interval to spare him…

“Now then, let’s try mixing two this time.” (Makoto)

I deliberately avoided the vital points, and let him use his regenerative powers to his full extent… as I continue to trample him.


“I have begun thinking from the bottom of my heart that I should keep my teasing of Waka in moderation. Honestly, what happened just now has cooled down my spirits.” (Tomoe)

“It is impressive that you still think about moderately teasing him, Tomoe-dono.” (Shiki)

“Punching him nonstop from above, and shooting him nonstop from below. Well, he said that Azusa would be dirtied, so he didn’t use his bow anymore though.” (Tomoe)

“In the end, Samal wasn’t even allowed to fall at all.” (Shiki)

“There were several moments when he tried to summon something. I don’t know if he was successful or not, but it is certain that it didn’t change the situation one bit-ja. Regarding the altitude, not only was he not falling, I think it was actually increasing.” (Tomoe)

“Leaving aside this trivial talk, I certainly did feel that Samal possessed an enormous power that surpassed the High Spirits and Root-dono, but was that my misunderstanding?” (Shiki)

“I also felt that way. If you and I were to fight him, we definitely wouldn’t have been able to win.” (Tomoe)

“If he can return even when in Asora and in the presence of Tomoe-dono, there’s no way to chase him down. If what he brought out were only at that level, we wouldn’t have lost, is how I thought though.” (Shiki)

Shiki looks back at Makoto’s fight -no, at his trampling.

The attacking method of Samal by summoning, in the eyes of Shiki, that was something that had plenty of ways to deal with.

Shiki has begun to master the 13th steps, so he felt like there was plenty room to win.

“The missiles did give me a fright though. If we didn’t erase them and received them directly… Waka estimated that he would be able to take them on, but for you and me, it would be a bit rough.” (Tomoe)

“Missiles. The ones that Tomoe-dono changed to illusions? I could see that Waka-sama was feeling slightly happy when that happened.” (Shiki)

“Because they were similar to the weapons that are in Waka’s world after all. He probably felt familiarity in that shape.” (Tomoe)

“They have enough power to make Tomoe-dono wary?” (Shiki)

“It is a troublesome warhead. Samal didn’t have to hold back against us, so that much is a given though.” (Tomoe)

Tomoe glances at a part of the floor.

At that place, there was a normal house door lying down.

What was once Samal.

“There’s already no former shadow of him.” (Shiki)

“An object that has gained a will. A tool that has been utilized for a long time, gained a will, and transformed huh. It is second-hand knowledge from the legends in Waka’s world though. What a mysterious existence-ja no. I didn’t know about this either.” (Tomoe)

“It is most likely something that doesn’t exist in this world. I have never heard of it either.” (Shiki)

After Makoto’s trampling was over, Samal returned to the ground by the hands of the Silver Arm.

Being escorted to the ground by a pound, Samal had already lost his form as a door.

Tomoe and Shiki who thought that it would be destroyed at that rate, thought it strange that Makoto stopped his attacks and approached Samal.

And then, they saw a part of Makoto that they haven’t seen before.

Makoto told Samal: ‘Killing you would be the end of it, and that would only bring you peace’.

That’s why he stopped.

“‘You have worked hard and gotten this far, isn’t that fine already?’, is what he said huh.” (Shiki)

“Yeah. Obtaining souls by using contracts, he strengthened his own self; to be able to gouge out that power by the root, Waka was skilfull beyond expectations.” (Tomoe)

“In the end, he returned to being a magic tool -no, since he already has a will, the time he regains his consciousness will probably be shorter.” (Shiki)

“Probably, or probably not. Whichever it is, he is a pitiful one-ja. Not being able to bring out your will is practically torture. My condolences.” (Tomoe)

Tomoe faces the door and presses her hands together in prayer.

Maybe she felt the need to give her condolences. Shiki follows her lead.

A short silence fell unto the meadows.

“I will bring it to my research room tomorrow. We will have to clean up the corpses as well.” (Shiki)

The magic tool, Samal, was still capable of thinking, but was unable to voice out, moreover, it has been decided that he will be staying here for a night.

On top of that, from tomorrow on, his days as a guinea pig will start.

He is probably the very definition of: being too pitiful to watch.

“There might be something here that could be useful. There’s an extensive amount of races in this place, so let’s call for assistance.” (Tomoe)

“Yes.” (Shiki)

There’s corpses of people, mamonos, and weapons.

Within the darkness of the night, the eyes of the two that were directed at those corpses lying down, were cold.

“Well then, let’s return as well. The savory egg custard of Mio will cool down.” (Tomoe)

“Right… Tomoe-dono.” (Shiki)

After a span of time, Shiki calls Tomoe from the back.

“What-ja?” (Tomoe)

“Isn’t that great? Waka-sama wants to stay in Asora together with us, till the bitter end.” (Shiki)

“…Umu.” (Tomoe)

“Honestly speaking, depending on the moves of Samal, I thought that Waka-sama might decide to go back to his world, and…” (Shiki)

“‘Never return’?” (Tomoe)

“…Yeah.” (Shiki)

“Idiot.” (Tomoe)

“Sorry.” (Shiki)

Shiki lowers his head slightly.

“Ah~, truly an idiot-ja. Let’s return.” (Tomoe)

Tomoe opens a mist gate.

“But, I am also one-ja…” (Tomoe)

The faint voice of Tomoe reached the ears of Shiki.

By the time he raised his head, his Senpai follower was not there anymore.

Shiki didn’t think of confirming those words of hers.

He simply had a gentle smile on his face as he chases after her.

Tomoe and Shiki return to their residence in relief.

Makoto doesn’t plan on going back to Japan right now.

His smile when angered is dangerous.

The two, who learned something more important than the recall spell formation, felt like this day had big worth.

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0 thoughts on “Chapter 221: The small details don’t matter

    1. How the hell are you that fast. I could have sworn i even saw you on another one and still be first. Did you even sleep? 😂 teach me your ways sensei.
      Also a few words too describe this chapter.
      So He can’t even sense who is more powerful than him huh, his confidence came from the fact that he was bestowed the title God. Pathetic LoL we would remember you as someone who made us read and imagine makoto being a bad-ass even when he is an idiot.

      1. Now I can’t help but imagine it was just a bunch of trickster gods trolling an aspiring magic item.

        “Congratulations! You’re a god like one of us now!”

        Just to see how long it would take for him to get smug and piss the wrong guy off.

          1. I’m going to be honest here…I so would do the same thing.

            If I were a bored god, I would definitely pick out some douches that want to become gods and give them a false sense of achievement, just to see how their arrogance ends up biting them in the hinges.

        1. Hahaha I could imagine Loki doing that but since that gate looks like it came from jap mythology though. Like a Youkai gate withthe mask on top of it. Probably Susanoo LoL.

    2. — “Ah, that wasn’t what I meant. It will probably not even be counted as a fight. That’s how I thought.” (Makoto) —

      — -no, I name it: [Silver Rush].” (Makoto)
      “Waka’s naming sense is just…” (Tomoe)
      “Waka-sama, I think it would be less pitiful if you were to just punch him.” (Shiki) —
      My condolences Samal…

      — Ready…Shoot!(lol)” (Makoto) —

    3. damn son…. its like you got wile e cayote’s blood in you… i wonder why road runner never thought of “how did get there faster than me?”. If it isnt because of the traps, id believe cayote’s are faster than birds lolz

    1. At first, I thought this whole encounter has no real point in term of plot progression. I mean it’s cool to see how savagery Makoto is, but we already saw it before so… But then latter half comes, and holy moly, I love this chapter. The question got finally answered. I love this series XDDD

    1. My liege that remebered me at the time you crushed that adventure fool and nabel crushed the necromancer. They feeled proably the same disspair so much work for nothing.

      1. Really, I think Albedo would beat Seinvolf although she fools around too much, she is the best Guardian when it comes to management skills so I doubt she would mess up this task, but my heart just isn’t ready to take away her sleeping hours even though she is a devil that can partake in lust, greed (food) and can go without sleep.

  1. Man. Reigokai sent me on a roller-coaster of emotion from “YAY NEW CHAPTER” to “Aww, not new chapter” to “Grr, dickhead thief!” to “…people suck…” to “OH YAY NEW CHAPTER!”

    Thanks for the chapter.

    1. I feel you bro, it´s like your faith in humanity was restored, but if you press the back button it vanish again

    1. *knock**knock*
      “Who’s there”
      “Misumi Makoto”
      *the door trembles as if shivering*
      *the door opens by itself hurriedly as if gettin out of the visitor way*


  2. Umm…Guys, should we be worried that Makoto described entering his “Ruthless Killing Mode” as pleasant?

    It doesn’t feel like anything happened to change the image that Chiya saw, but this feels like he’s very comfortably “hatching” himself.

    At least he seems to be becoming more aware of the level of power he possesses. He’s already treating this as a Bug Fight rehearsal.

    1. well, he only enter that mode when he REALLY REALLY PISSED so… unless there’s some kind of entity that have the level of harrasment like this door or bugdess, i dont think it will resurface

      1. Putting aside my enjoyment of Samal’s beatdown, consider what it was that made Makoto this angry.

        Samal insulted his parents and him.

        That’s it.

        And Makoto goes “Ruthless Killing Mode.”

        I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. People may hate Hibiki, but the author clearly intended her to be one of the smartest, most perceptive characters in the story. When she says Makoto treats lives lightly, she’s right. He may not kill for NO reason, but all he needs is ONE.

        Who would have thought that the godly equivalent of a “Yo Mama” joke deserves the death penalty?

      2. As far as I can tell, the threat to Asora didn’t bother Makoto that much. In the previous chapter (219), when they’re negotiating about the price, Samal points out how he was very clear about the price, and Makoto, while he doesn’t like it or agree with it, is also uncomfortable because Makoto realizes he was technically in the wrong.

        Then Samal starts badmouthing his parents.

        And Makoto goes apeshit. He starts thinking about killing Samal and all that.

      3. If anything I don’t want to accept socio/physco route…
        But let’s layout the fact that he has a second talent.
        It’s possible that his second talent can turn his emotion to on/off state so he can grasp the situation better, but I guess it wil be outruled by him saying he is so pissed even when he already going full Mako-two mode.
        Or the anger are just a fragment of the trigger, Makoto seems to be calm enough to analyse his own condition and make corrections on his action, a little different from what I call “consumed by rage” state.

        Anyway I will bet this chapter will get 600 comments again from it epicness and discussion material this chapter has.

    2. I think he’s pretty much awakening his [~WARNING, SPOILERS DETECTED~].

      Ah crap, my spoiler app reacted.

      This information I got was from reading the Extra edition for this novel, so if you are curious, just head over to this site:

      It’s in spanish though so better have google translate it for you. I think it was Extra 11.

      Anyway, it’s good info, especially when [~WARNING, SPOILERS DETECTED~]

      So, yeah. just go to the site if you are interested.

      1. I don’t think I’ll read it since it’ll be plenty to go through the English translated chapters we’ve got right now.

        I do appreciate cutting out the spoilers for anyone that doesn’t want them though, so thanks for that.

    3. I’m not feeling pleasant…
      Actually I was pretty creeped out when he enter that mode, and that smile ! All I can imagine is a doppel face with thin smile, no wonder Tomoe and Shiki is shocked.
      What I imagined of Makoto angry face
      Expressionless eyes
      Relaxed pose
      A thin yandere smile (not a wide one)
      Cold ice tone

    1. i don’t think the author will ever give Makoto a “real fight” until he comes up against Bug, after all he was able to injure Athena to the point of her arm being numb and it’s heavily implied that Gods like her (i.e. Gods who we are familiar with in earthly mythologies) are a much higher tier than Bug herself, and as was said in the previous chapter it was pretty much a given that Samal would not be more powerful than Bug because it did not require her permission, through power scaling it’s pretty easy to see that at most Samal would be an annoying opponent for Makoto (which he was since he was able to escape temporarily despite being in a space created by Makoto and Tomoe) and nothing more. to be honest i thought that he would end up being the 4th contract but i didn’t grasp how pissed off Makoto was from the previous chapter, after reading a bit even before he said anything in this chapter it was beginning to be clear he just wanted to destroy Samal and that’s it.

      1. I assume that when he reach the bug, it wouldn’t be a fight either as he’s constantly powering up. Heck, what he did this chapter is OP as heck, totally on the level of high rank god already. Imagine a fight with bug in dozens of chapters time? Yeah, not even a fight anymore XD

      2. Bug still beat him on such power level i believe that bug too is a old god out of earth patheon just a not combat related god. Even if she not deserving of that title she could be aprohdite by the sound of it.

      1. I’m not being arrested, but I plead that you misspelled ‘plead’. Oh, and while I’m at it, why are you only just now trying to arrest Truck-kun? Kinda late, y’know?

      2. *calls lawyer*

        Oh, wait. I forgot that I sent that lawyer to another world last year.
        Darn. What should I do now?

        *bribes the judge*

  3. Ooh, so he became a house door xD How the mighty have fallen XD

    Ok, I have to say that was completely badass and a little OTT Makoto but hahahahahahahahaa

    Thankee for the chapter~ !! ~ xD

  4. Well… I was prepping for next week’s live stream when you posted this, Reigo-senpai. I’m just glad that I wasn’t streaming again when you did post it, I would had stopped the stream to read it… again. Still, thanks for the chapter. I wasn’t sure about Samal’s fate until you translated it. And to be honest… I actually forgot about Samal until the last chapter.

    On a side note, Spoiler-san isn’t dead. I got a picture in the mail, he somehow managed to make it back from that world to the 5th dimension. Right now he’s living at home as both a hikkomori and a NEET, too scared even to possess me. I don’t know what happened to him in that other world, nor do I want to know.

    1. Tell spoiler-san do not fear truck-san anymore, because i think truck-san being good truck after he using break properly and not hit certain blue haired girl on street,
      I think…..

    2. I swear I didn’t do anything to Spoiler-san. Whatever happened to him in that place is out of my knowledge. Send my regards to him OK?

      I’m using the break properly, but just now I have flat tyre.
      The front wheels …
      Argh …

      1. Well we could cure it… Hey… Truck-kun do you want to… Send him on a trip to the 9th dimension… I heard they needed a hero…

  5. Thanks

    Oh deary me. I suspect one of the god trio will come say hello.

    I still think that the first god he met is still hiding inside the sekai power and has been feeding off Makoto and leveling up trying to become a surpreme god. and thats why the other gods keep saying he’s sick, or busy, or still hibernating. Also why they didn’t allow bug goddess to interefere toooo much more with him.

    That’s the portion in him that leaks out. but the god in him probably is being effected by the strange emotional state of makoto.

    1. Tsukiyomi is a chill dude, he is at his mother’s resting up according to the extra chapters. This crack of Makoto is natural, as seen in alternate timelines where he goes dark, if there is anything unnatural about it, it would be from having contact with his alternate selves through his dreams.

      And as we see here a true God doesn’t need to grow or level up as you say. Samal was never a true God, he is a youkai, a tsukumogami if I remember properly, a long lived object that obtained a will after hundreds of years, It was self proclaimed. As few people have guessed, he was gathering souls to boost his own power, hence the real reason why he didn’t take magic power as payment also why when he was summoned, he quickly tried to take souls and leave. Without fulfilling his part of the contract (summoning him was his excuse for taking souls. When his contract is to open a gateway to the origin world for 1000 souls.) He clearly doesn’t need souls to open a gate, it’s his ability as a magic object. It’s a way of doping up. In other words, he is a scam artist, or at least a sleazy salesman. He tried to take your money (souls) without giving out his goods/wares (transport)

      If we make a comparison, Samal was making himself stronger by gathering many tiny souls, while Makoto with his one soul through death and rebirth has grown a gigantic single soul.

      1. I am curious now. What exactly was Samal’s original function as a magic item?

        Presumably, he could distort space, but can there be an item that can do that to the level of world traveling?

        1. Well first guess I’d a teleportation gate of some kind or something similar to the warp gates you commonly get in rpgs once he gained sentience and could start teleporting he can start taking souls and power up to the point of world travelling.

      2. Let’s see… ” I’m a Dok*demo Door, but when I go to another world I gain a will, got worshiped and (maybe) became a god then got crushed by a mortal with a bow and silver arms”

    2. Read the Extra stories and Side stories on Zenith novels and Light Novel Bastion, they explain where Tsukuyomi is. Besides, it would be stupid for him to cripple himself granting somebody a bunch of power with the intention to then try to strengthen himself with said power. That’s putting the cart before the horse.

      1. I’ll have to read them sometime. Though as far as the weaken to strengthen. Thats actually in a lot of Japanese mythos. you shed part of your power out to your supporters and you take it back when once they’ refine it and you end up with more than you started with. Its a popular mythos for various Yokai stories.

  6. So, did anyone else imagine Makoto doing a bloodstained yandere smile? That was….scary.

    I’m also a little worried that he took the sadist route over the pragmatist’s. Leaving Samal alive after he declared an intent to come back and harm Asora…it seems like needless risk, however small. Well, it is small though, since he’s pretty much stuck here as a guinea pig.

    1. the dude pretty much said, i’ll kill you and your family, and based off of what Tomoe and Shiki said, unless Makoto is around to stop him he’s completely capable of doing so, all the while having an superior attitude about it, personally i’d feel the same way Makoto does, fucker thinks he can threaten me, and then when he tries to run away like a bitch all the while saying that he’s still gonna kill my family he’d better believe he’s paying a high price for it.

      1. It’s the smart thing to do, although probably unintentional. Makoto is pretty cruel and sadistic, as we see in his alternate timelines. That crack in his shell is there for a reason, and there is a reason it is a hollow crack and not a external blemish. It is a part of him a deep dark part of him.
        It is smart to keep him and trap him inside his own body, because he can return and take his revenge after killing him. At his core he is an object with a will after many years of existence, as Tomoe said, he would just regain his will after many years, although not as much as the first time though.

    2. Not really a risk considering he basically beat all the power out of him.
      Samael right now is just a simple magic tool door with a will. Completely harmless.

      1. Yeah, I know. Realistically, there’s no problems with this.

        I’m just concerned with the principle of it. 0.00000001% chance of a survivor coming back and causing problems is still a value of infinitely higher proportions than zero. Something like that.

    3. “Am I Smiling?”

      can be used as a title for a horror movie now hahaha.

      but makoto sure is cruel, imagine that you can’t move, can’t speak but can still feel pain..that’s what samal will about to experience now on shiki-san laboratory…ahh i want to see samal POV

  7. i never comment but…when i end the chapter and seeing that only one people commented i literally screamed “HOLY CRAP” thinking i could be second…but…but…fml..

      1. i remembered the scene too, but i didn’t remember the name of the anime/manga thou. it’s been YEARS since i saw that anime.

    1. yup, I’m the same here.
      To become like the dark flame mas….ehem Makoto you only need three ingredients:
      1.-Ancient frame with graviton manipulation technology integrated(your gonna need it to be sturdy)
      2.-Computational unit of the second most powerful ship model in the galaxy(What is biger than a teraflop? cus this has MANY, and comes with a cute AI)
      3.-Core(Energy source) of the most powerful ship model in the galaxy(forget energizer, this baby´s lifetime is measured in millenniums)
      And you are good to go, as a bonus, said core can create an Asora so if you already have one, now you have a spare.

      1. ….Hmm.

        To any science nerds out there, how small would you need to crush something that size before it collapses on itself and actually becomes a black hole?

  8. These last few chapters have really cooled my enjoyment of this story.
    Can’t point a out a specific reason, just an all around feeling of ‘meh.’
    Guess I’ll take a break and start reading again in a few weeks.

  9. That was more satisfying than I thought it would be…. Thanks for the chapter…. now let’s wait for 1 week to past before reading this again from chapter 1

    1. Your comment reminds me of my theory in death march. Where Satou is so powerful because he is the amalgamation of all Satous in the multiverse. Because there are multiple Japans in that series, the dream where the childhood friend with rainbow hair talks about different Satous in different times and places, and because the Satou in the hero’s world disappeared when he was in high school while the Satou in the beginning is a working Adult

      1. IMO Death March is different in that satou would reincarnate to different worlds everytime the gods found him accumulating power or something. So far there’s a lot of phishy parts in the web novel regarding those gods and satou. Maybe the light novel resolves them. But in truth with makoto, because of the gods gift he was troubled by seeing parallel timelines in his dreams, plus his method of training involves his soul the way it does and wouldn’t surprise me if the little priestess saw his parallel selves peeking out of his soul.

  10. Thx for chappy , i though the battle will be BIG , but so dissapointed , no thrill at all like the battle with sofia or because the enemy is a gate that only know summon thing from other world ??

    R.i.p samal……

  11. Thanks reigo sama!
    Honestly I think this chapter is disappointing like he became so op so fast… Its like he is not really human anymore and the power to defeat a god just like that? Really? It bacame a mainstream op novel instantly

    1. Samal is not a god. He is a tsukumogami, a youkai, a long lived object that gained a will. His personal magic that reached divine level was opening gates to different worlds. And the soul payment was his way of making himself stronger, just think of it as a darker, easier version of how Makoto who strengthens his single soul, where instead of strengthening his own soul, he just gathers many inferior souls

  12. What I thought is really truth in early chap, Makoto really just one sidely beating those gate. And again not like others Japan novel, we didn’t show how he train or his training cause not really important like seigensou. And his motive make clear in this chap he won’t came back to Japan without his vassal like Arifureta
    Thanks for chap

    I bet, crack on the self-Makoto becomes slightly larger.

  14. ‘Theres something on your face!”

    That is ALL I can think about with this fight- wait sorry- this curbstomp. That was just BEAUTIFUL. I do feel a smidgen of pity for that door, but that is kind of overshadowed by the feeling of that overgrown door getting what he deserved. Try to take away Makoto’s followers? Insult his family? Threatening to kill ALL of them? There is only so much of a limit to stupidity. Especially when the person you are saying all this to did not even flinch to the piles of mamodos and MISSLES being tossed at them. True, he didn’t know Makoto could drag him back, but at the same time? He shouldn’t have thought of himself as invincible either, and with how much arrogance and ‘God Am I’ he/ was spouting, it was pretty clear he did.

    Either way, surprised to see some sadist tendencies come out from our boy, I approve

  15. So the door is basically an overgrown shikigami? Anyway… farewell you stupid door, even when you are clearly outmatched your arrogance still know no bounds. Enjoy your life as a guinea pig from now on.

      1. Actually there was “Tsukumogami” in jap text and what we was just a overtranslation of Reigokai.
        p.s. imho it’s like whan someone is starting to translate oni or kappa to English.

  16. he fought and torture someone with will that he summoned knowing that a price of 1000 souls should be paid as sacrifice bc he bad mouthed his parents.
    there was no reason for this couple of chapters, this make me feel like makoto is too cocky he created this problem on his own, in a fight between deities like beings a couple of people of asora should have died to show consequences of his actions.
    the door was a dick but he ended up giving samal something like the three punishment that he hated been alive without been able to move and been used in experiments.
    I didn’t like this couple is chapters

    1. He summoned Samal, thinking that it might be reasonable and he can negotiate with it. It turns out Samal is only interested in souls. If you meet someone hostile that you can’t negotiate with, you take them down fast and hard. Makoto should have destroyed Samal before it even mention his parents.

    2. the whole situation was triggered by samal:
      he let a world transfer spell in many world, and hide the real functioning of it behind false explanation and process, it was bound to happen the a researcher would summon him in the case of his researches, and when it happened, makoto was couteous and tried to negotiate the price and learn more about the spell, caused by the lack of intel let bu samal, it was like customer service in that point.
      but samal looked down on everyone, lost his shit because a ‘mere mortal’ tried to negotiate on equal ground with him, refused to answer anything and all negotiations, trash talked people, and tried to forcefully take the price without accomplishing his part (the transfert. as long as there is no transfert, makoto has no obligation to pay)

      what triggered everything was Samal arrogance, price and lack of courtesy and flexibility.

  17. “At the same time as Samal spoke, a gigantic and blue something that can only be called a weapon came out at a close range of several tens of metres and was directed at me.”
    I see… so “several tens of meters” is perceived as “close range” from Makoto’s perspective. LOL (But it does make 100% sense considering his movement speed. I now think that it’s a shame that this isn’t taken into account in most series.)

  18. It makes me think that maybe Makoto has something like Demon God power or something. Since his mother was in a relationship with a Demon (maybe that demon some sort of divine power, polar opposite of the Goddess) in that Extra chapter. In the series Yu Yu Hakusho became a demon because his ancestor was demon maybe in a way that the power came to him when he was born. When the Goddess saw that he could not communicate with the hyuman’s she realize something was up and when he gave him the power to talk which he started to bleed from it. Since it was strange that he could not talk to them but other demons (like the Generals) could talk in hyuman tongue. Might because of his strange power. Since there is a Goddess in that world there has to be something of a Devil that exist there. But this just a theory.

    1. … How can he born from a demon if he has a elder sister.

      In fact, the whole demon affair ended few years before his parents went to earth.

      So, the theory doesn’t work.

      In fact, how will there be a demon god when the only god in that world is the bug goddess

      1. That is why said the Yu Yu Hakusho thing that he might have demonic marking that the demon left on the mother. Demon god I was something I thought up of because it might be interesting if the MC has a blood connection with a Demon God since I do not know any series that have that kind of setting. Of course usually in series the Demon God is sealed somewhere and we do not know until the end. Of course the Demon might be descendant to the first demon born and gave her the marking into that world and that is what cause the war. I think that maybe the reason the parents went to Earth (or the father) was trying to escape because of the death of demon. But this is just a guess.

          1. That is right. I forgot I am reading that series right now. Thanks for telling me.

          2. I don´t remember any title now but I am sure that in Novel updates you can find a good bunch of them, there is one where the MC isn’t that Demon Lord but he is a Demon and was actually stronger that the Demon Lord just that he didn’t wanted the responsabilirty. I think the name was something like I fell in love with one of the members of the Hero Party!!!!!!!

        1. If I remeber well in Yu Yu Hakusho he had a recesive Demon gene because the Demon had descedents with his ancestor, and only in him it was strong enough. That didn’t happen with Makoto parents, unless one of his parents ancestors was a Demon Hybrid by the Demon God.

          1. I starting think about that last night. Maybe the mother did have the so called demon mark left by the other demon and that both him and his sister have the powers of a demon. By when they went over to Earth there was one thing that was missing. It was magic. Since Earth has no magic but that world does did the so called demon mark (or whatever) could be used. That is probably a reason why the parents fled to Earth so that none of their children would have the powers of a demon. I kind of got that idea from “The Devil is a Part-timer”. Since he went to Earth his magic is drain and became close to that as a human. But when magic or fear is around him he reverts back to demon form. I sure we will know the answer if contacts his parents or learns who the demon is to the reason why his parents left that world.

      1. That is true but if Makoto has demon gene in him (maybe) then he would be more of hybrid or half-demon. They are usually different in series. But, you might be right the author might go at different approach.

  19. Wow, so this samal maybe his his previous life was used by certain boy with glasses and a blue tanuki i mean cat robot yes it dokodemo door, lol

    Thx for the chpt…

        1. Same reference as above.

          The famous story about a time traveling earless robot cat from the future with the voice of Monokuma(technically the other way around, but putting it this way is funnier.)

  20. Makoto’s little reassurance to Tomoe and Shiki made me “aww”.

    It’s a shame Tomoe and Shiki didn’t properly respond to it, because what Makoto said totally was cool and nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s pretty much exactly what his followers needed to hear too, since it sounds like they’ve both been really worrying about that matter.

    If only Mio was there to be her honest self… She’ll probably be more upset about not getting to hear this little speech than missing out on the fight with Samal.

  21. Wow. So Makoto just smashed our speculation of Samal becoming his follower. Rather explicitly too, with “I don’t even want to breathe the same air as him.”.

    I love how Samal’s trashtalk quickly devolved into “I’m a god!”, then into a sore loser’s running away words, before finally ending up in a common sense break.

    You know, with all the comments this chapter about items being given sentience after receiving a lot of affection(or neglect), I think it’s pretty significant to mention that Makoto apparently treats his tools with care, and even talked to his Creation Gauntlets like they were his child or something.

    It seems like a legitimate possibility that Makoto’s gauntlets or Azusa will eventually become his follower. A Dragon, a Spider, an Undead, and…a Tool?

    1. Honestly, I personally think that if Serwhale and Makoto had met earlier(not long after Shiki become a follower), Serwhale would have been able to become one of Makoto’s followers as well.

      In short, I do think of Serwhale as being as powerful as a normal Supreme Dragon(though not on the level of Tomoe(Shen), Mio(Calamity Spider) and Root.

    2. Also, I personally know that Makoto’s 4th follower won’t be a tool, but I can 100% see his possible 5th follower being a tool that has gained sentience. After all, if the tool is already one of VERY great power, then I think it would be able to handle Makoto’s magic power better than a living being when it comes to making a soul pact.

      I’m saying this because at this point, with the (still increasing)amount of magic power that Makoto has, it doesn’t seem possible anymore for anyone below Low-God level to make a soul pact with Makoto. (which is why Serwhale can’t become a follower.)

      1. He liked the idea of it and has treated his tools with care, I don’t think he ever expected it to actually happen though.

    3. Yes… the 4th follower, please let it be Azusa.
      Please let it be Azusa.
      Please let it be Azusa.
      Please let it be Azusa.
      Azusa should be a woman , right?

      The Gauntlet though, seems to respond to Makoto’s will. Maybe it will be the 5th follower??
      *like a chibi with monstrous strength*
      *not Firo*

  22. Woot!
    Thanks for the chapter, maybe he was a door from Monsters Inc. He obtained a will and wanted to take life rather then emotions from beings. Monster Inc 3: Doormageddon.

  23. Quote #1: “The gate opened.
    A richly colored marbled pattern that was not kind to the eyes and a strange space was in sight.”

    Quote #2: “Obviously, the arrows hit both the strange space and the gate.
    “Not only are you big, you can’t move either? For someone that was talking all high-and-mighty, you are—Otto.” (Makoto)
    My arrows were returned.
    The ones that hit the marble pattern huh.
    Hmph~, so it has that kind of power.
    A number of the arrows that hit that strange space had their trajectory deviated.”

    Quote #3: “In the place that has been teared up, there was a marble space similar to the one inside of Samal’s gate.
    Is the space between worlds something like this?”

    After reading the first two quotes(#1 and 2) above, I thought that the “marble space” was just a weird translation to mean the floor and sides of the door being in marble the other side of the doors(when opened). Though I suppose I shouldn’t have thought like that(I usually do that since a lot of translators aren’t experts with the English language), but the next quote(quote #3) made me so confused that I looked up “marble space” on google.
    And look and behold, I was reminded that Rekogai isn’t like most web novel translators(as in Rekogai is actually quite good at English and I should have thus expected that “marble space” in quotes #1 and #2 wasn’t a weird translation, instead being an actual thing that I didn’t know of(leaving only the option of looking it up and learning a new term).

    Here’s a link as to what I found for “marble space.” It now makes a lot more sense for the space between worlds being like that in the story(instead of being made of marble):

    Very interesting.

    1. Remember Asora is not actually a different world, it is a second space that overlaps the bug goddess’s world (not her God space, the world she rules over). It makes sense that Makoto has never seen the space between worlds since, he was brought directly from Earth to Bug goddess space

  24. i was thinking that a good way to punish that door, is making it a bathroom door for mamonos that take huge dumps lol

    1. The very first magic spell he learned since coming to this world.

      Pretty much the basic of all basic magic spells.

      Which Makoto turned into a spell of nuclear proportions.

        1. To quote Chapter 4:

          “What I would be using now was the fire bullet magic, brid. It didn’t have to be fire, it seems that the same kind of magic of other elements is also called brid. A basic attack magic or so she told me.”

    2. It’s a basic fireball spell, which Makoto with his understand all language cheat, thanks to the bug goddess, has been able to change the shape to a bow and arrow and into every individual element. Interesting thing to note, Makoto likely has a high affinity to fire magic, cause he gained affinity to all the other elements with his contracts with Tomoe( water and air) and Mio (darkness) and Shiki (earth and healing) and how this is also reflected in changes to Asora. (Mountains, dark forests, and other terrain appeared with new followers)

  25. “You called yourself a God, you shouldn’t run away from a mere mortal.” MAKOTO 2017. best phrase ever.
    i really would like to see this chapter as a manga. a pity that the manga is really o far behind the novel.

    1. This is usually what happens to novel converted to manga, as they are monthly or bimonthly releases with better art, and used to advertise for the novel

      1. Well it sure worked.
        The manga was what brought me to this translation, all the way back when there were only…what? 30 chapters? 20?

        I’m not sure whether it’s funny or sad to say it was probably the best decision I made that year.

  26. Hmmm… maybe Azusa gains cognition and soul, and will be the next partner of Makoto…

    Thanks for the chapter…

    1. It is an interesting idea and there is a high affinity where Makoto’s power can be transferred to his own tools. The problem is I don’t see any real benefit. The three original contracts were two way with benefits to both sides. Looking back to the beginning, specifically Makoto’s Brid spell. Makoto has high affinity to fire magic, and with language could change the element of Brid to each element. Something important to note was that Makoto had elements he was weak in just like his students had strengths and weakness to certain elements as well. Another thing to note is that each of his subordinates have a different affinity to elements and after the contract, Makoto gained a better affinity to that element and Asora’s terrain changed to reflect his subordinate’s element. I don’t remember all the elements but I think it went something like Makoto(fire), Tomoe(water and light), Mio(darkness), Shiki(earth)

          1. Maybe, but i don’t remember well… the only thing that i know is that Makoto is have a good affinity with water magic and the worst affinity with wind magic…

  27. In very few words; wooooow……all our expectations were met plus much much more. We learn sooooo much this chapter and and yeah, that gate won’t be the 4th servant it seems…..I look forward to reading the comments a little later.😁😁

  28. Thanks for the chapter Reigo-sensei

    This was awesome, i could imagine everything, it was like a old game of cowboys shoting a can and not letting go down…
    finally, the door keep his Job… Be a Door… forever… a door…


    1. RIP dokodemodoa….
      Wait that’s not right, he is not dead, he is being used and tortured in shiki room from now and forever.
      But with this we can confirm several thing :
      1. His second talent is definitely killing talent or something close to that
      2. Never insult Makoto family he willing to destroy the world for that, that said I’m really worried about Hibiki now, she is have tendency to never give up, I wonder if she will poke around Makoto follower and did unnecessary things.
      3. Makoto has no really any attachment left to origin world, which is a good and bad things….. for goddess. If it going well for her, he will forever roaming free in her world doing whatever he wishes until his lifespans end. If it not doing well….. well………. he will probably got that godhood in his lifetime and can personally locate her.

  29. Grinning whole chapter
    And when “Right. Shiki, go to Ema and bring back more rings that are planned to be disposed.” (Makoto)
    I burst to laugh
    Hahaha maan thats good trampling

    1. I’m really surprised that door survived that barrage, then again Makoto deliberately holding back, so he can torture him for more…. Makoto is cruel….

    1. I think I read in jigoku sensei Nube about a youkai that pretending to be a god and demand a sacrifice to be offered to him, I cannot helped but to relate sammal to that youkai now.

  30. I’m pretty sure we all expected this. Bringing out Nukes, though, was unexpected. Not much to say becides that this chapter was quite enjoyable.

  31. Hmm….. too bad it didnt have a human form…. bashing a doorframe to death does not sound appealing enough…..

    I am just seeing we did not see enough suffering….

  32. Anyone found Samal’s comment about techniques from worlds that no longer exist interesting? They were all skills Makoto experienced, Sophia and Root, although weak copies. And then there is alternate timelines where Makoto goes rogue.

  33. Thanks for the new chapter, Reigo-san, waiting for the next one with anticipation. I only know that soon enough… The Fourth One Is Coming, thanks to T-sama in that regard.

  34. Thanks for the chapter! I had remembered scene from the movie “Avengers” – where Hulk beat up Loki… Loki was: “I’m a God!”, Hulk just: “Raaaawwww! BAM! BAM! Powh!” Puny God…””

  35. Thanks for the chapter. What a refreshing chapter. Now they should not anger makoto, I think there is a time when he will be sparring witb the god of war and smiling while doing it. The door is not a worthy slave, it should be a house or while at it if should be a castle, no better a planet. =)

      1. Right? That’s Mio’s job, and she’s gonna be furious. Here’s hoping Shiki can protect the pathetic portal off of her menu.
        I doubt he can, but that’s what hope is for after all.

    1. i dont think it was a Battle Frenzy smile. but more the, Narcissistic Pissed off smile.
      Example: Oh you think your gonna Escape? Think agian,(smiles)

  36. Crushed~

    So, Samal was a sentient cursed tool? (C3 ref)~

    Thanks for the chappie~

    PS. Aww, Makoto wants to be with everyone, forever and ever~

    1. It’s a Tsukomogami~
      A “living” item youkai~
      A very low class one at that. It’s the reason Makoto said it’s more like a youkai than a god.


  37. Sunday is like ,one of my favorite​ days now… The other one is when reigo-sama posts the other weekly chapter~
    These longass chapters really fill the spot, it’s like, a sense of completeness that you don’t get in a lot of other serialized works which tend towards cliffhangers all the time.
    Anyway, thanks for granting us another dose of TgM goodness~

  38. ….OP alert… OP alert……!!!
    …. did the “Shell” broken? damn that Savage as fuvk…. and when he tear the space itself is really Badass!!!
    and “Word of God” of Makoto really awesome….. like a certain God of War….. Word of God is not only words….. if the God speak…. you are powerful…. then you are powerful…. if you weak… then you are weak….
    i’m sure Makoto’s Magic Arms is like that too…. their creator say that they are Powerful…. then they become more powerful….
    and little by little….. Makoto walk in the path of Destruction ~ path of Asura ~

    1. Its not god speak, its existential attacks. The true irony is that a fight between gods is like a make believe fight between children.

      Boy 1. My attack kills you.
      Boy 2. Nuh uh, my shield reflects the attack back at you.
      Boy 1. Well my next attack can’t be reflected or dodged.
      Boy 2. Well the thing you attacked was my clone so I’m still fine, but my clone blew up killing you.

      ect ect.

      1. remember me of the ending of shield hero, going for nonsensical conceptual bullshit techniques between god existences during a battle

        “my attack is imbued with all those powers: can’t be stopped, sure hit, sure kill, all times, all dimensions, all clones, all memories of you, everything reduced to nothing”
        “lol, i edit the target to yourself, you can’t stop it, it surely hit, you surely die, and all the “you”s in all timeline, all dimensions, all your clones as well as all the memories of your existence, erased, you lose”

  39. Makoto has done something incredible again. As it was learned, the original world is the most complicated to come and go, but Samal could do it to freedom, which the goddess can not but to ask for help in the first place. Makoto was able to break into the space of a divinity and bring it back. It seems that those arms could become conscious beings. Makoto spoke to them as if they were a part of him and he did not use his bow. It is confirmed again that the bow and his followers are the limiters of that hollow. Tomoe is the only one who can bring back Makoto, because I doubt Mio or Shiki could stop Makoto in killer mode. Or even that hollow loves Tomoe. Holllow controls Makoto subconsciously and uses it in all the major fights he had. Hollow has reasoning.

  40. Thank you for the chapter~

    That wasn’t even close to an even fight, a complete stomp~
    I’m glad that even with his seeming sadist qualities revealed to Tomoe she has resolved herself only to mild teasing lol~

  41. New toilet door?

    Also, Makoto’s punching through dimension and remote weapon/rocket fist attacks. Shounen as fuck.

  42. Use samal as an out house door. Thats the ultimate punishment. Godly divine poop door. My god reading horror and tragedy stories mess with ur head.

  43. I am intrigued by the fact that there are so many Spanish-speaking people following reigokai! Of course I am one of them, and obviously your work is greatly appreciated!

    1. He didn’t even need yo oraoraoraora,

      Samal is too unwortgy for even a ‘hmph’ let alone an oraoraora…

      Makoto didnt even fully use his stand… only the hands

  44. Ahahahahahahah! I feel sorry for Samal! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I really, really do! Oooohhh my sides are in agony! Really now, Makoto showed no restraint, huh.

    Thanks for the chapter

    1. now who the next follower will be ? Azusa Bow(Azusa Yumi) or the big hands that he created ?.
      and this chapter made me smile all day just thinking about it LoL.

  45. Makoto seemed more like Ainz in this chapter. I liked that, but with moderation. Makoto is Makoto after all.

  46. Makoto is a unique, strange (and awesome) kind of OP. And P.S.: fear the smile…
    Makoto when angered is not exactly meaning to be cruel, but definitely is merciless.
    Makoto really is the sort to care deeply for his friends and family… It’s practically certain if anything happens to anyone he cares about, he will snap. I think that’s part of what Waterfall was worried about, not that Makoto is malicious, just really dedicated towards his family, potentially volatile and very, very powerful.

  47. I just realized…

    Makoto [God of War]’d him out of his dimension…

    Then he [Asura’s Wrath] Samal from above while he was [Devil May Cry]ing him from bellow.


  48. thanks for the chapter reigokai-sensei…
    what a trully magnificent play you did makoto, i really like your badass beating that samal… lol
    stay calm follower makoto will not leave you because makoto love you all
    for raigokai sensei Good Luck, Have fun n have a nice day…

  49. Shiro to Gilgamessh FateS/N:UBW route refference(lol I knew it Author is really a Nasuverse fan too haha):

    “A weapon that doesn’t have a user; no matter how many there are, there’s no point in it. I don’t know about this ‘understanding’ you talk about, but an expert that exists is a lot more scary than this. No matter how much performance, no matter what legend these masterpieces come from…their real worth doesn’t come out unless it comes in a set with their masters.” (Makoto)

    Well, he said that Azusa would be dirtied, so he didn’t use his bow anymore though.” (Tomoe)
    Makoto X Azusa is going strong.
    Omaru I mean Samal is tsukumogami, that means they do,can, and will exist in this novel.
    Wait I have commented about tsukumogamis here many chapters ago so I will stop.

    Azusa is best girl..I mean best bow.

    1. Wait… He still has a fourth contract incoming, and they just conveniently introduced a tsukumogami, and Makoto treats all his tools like they are beings, plus the bow is strong enough to appear as a brilliant thing in his soul form…

      Azusa is going to be the fourth.

  50. When makoto finally meet goddess (bug)
    Goddess(bug) : you know why your parents leave my world?
    Makoto : I dont know, why?
    Goddess(bug) : because your mother NTR’d your father
    Makoto : You!!!!
    Goddess(bug) : …..

    Just imagine what happen to that bug 3:D

  51. im a sooo late, but thanks for the ‘get rekt!” chapt!!

    oohh!! i just finished a wonderful meal and then having this glorious chapt, it made my day with a satisfying “YEAH!!!” day.

  52. in this chapt, it shows that makoto still has his psychopathic ways on someone, just that his otherworldly self are more on the “killing” while makoto is on the torture side

      1. I am going to blame Mio for that. She rubbed off on / goaded that side, depending on who she was dealing with (read, everyone not on Makoto’s side / Makoto). She made him a bloody S when triggered.

        Well the war gods may have not helped either, and all of the above do the smiling thing. Product of the environment he is.

  53. soon there will be:

    1. a get rekt ticket from the devil

    2. the shattering of the pure white hyuman shape.

    3. the expression of makoto enjoying torture.

    4. thousand scream parade from the devil.

  54. That was… Enjoyable!!!
    Those beatings are merciless as hell and makoto didn’t even stopped at that!

    It was at that moment samal knew, he f***** up…

    Thanks for the great stuff reigo-san 😀

    1. when your enemy ORA you and you want to respond by MUDA him, but you have no arms to MUDA

  55. Thanks for the chapter, whoao this one had me with a big smile all the way, if that isn’t trampling I don’t know what to call it. So Shiki and Tomoe considered the door to be stronger that even Root and Makoto totally waste it, heck his arms are as absurds as he is. That appeal didn’t fall far from the tree. And if Tomoe and Shiki power can be considered divine, then what scale is Makoto in???? Hah… this was a truly fun OP chapter!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. Now that I’ve reread it…
    Did the missiles Samal summoned have nuclear warheads by any chance? Or was it other WMDs like biological or chemical?

  57. thanks for the chapter!

    did a gate just used ‘gate of babylon’?

    Makoto looked more like his alter-egos in dreams, even if the insults on his parents triggered his wrath, he forget it quickly and just took pleasure in beating him.
    look like without limiters, he will only seek destruction.

    tho people who wanted him to act more cruel and violent are now served.

  58. i imagined something….

    if this Samal is the one who brought Makoto’s parents to the original world…

    Cant this guy, sent makoto to the bug directly to its realm? Its kinda possible, yknow… but oh well, i love this get rekt chapt anyway

  59. Samal calls him the goddess’ dog, Makoto gets angry

    Samal insults his family, Makoto wants to kill him

    Samal insults the bow, Makoto goes full S not even letting him die

    There are three triggers that that wannabe god triggered

  60. just thinking if makoto lvl is like this now and its still increasing every day. then the 4th folower have to be a (Bug-class lvl + makoto rings) to be able to make a servant contract.

    1. and now that makoto know the enjoyment of been a S then this kind of event will happen more often. and it will start with trashmoki when he chase after tomoe. and then got to the BUG. lol cant w8 to see that.

      PS: i wonder what MIO will do when tomoe show here what happend there. she will not be able to keep her cool.

    2. are you implying that makoto as exceeded by far the power of a high ranking god?
      I don’t think so…
      aren’t you over-estimating makoto too much?

      1. Well he does have the power of Creation, an unique ability rare to even gods, and we are still unsure as to what that black, malevolent, eldritch fracture on Makoto’s inner being means or what it really symbolizes. If it turns out that the blemish represents Makoto’s potential as a God of Destruction like Susanoo or Daikokuten, then he will literal hold the powers of Creation and Destruction in his hands. That definitely sounds like a high-ranking god to me.

        1. that’s unrelated tho.
          you are talking about the ‘quality’ of his magic.
          we were talking about the ‘quantity’ of it right now.

          what aionoid implied is that makoto’s current power exceed the goddess (who is presumatly high rank) so far that the difference is of the same order that when shiki made a contract with makoto.
          and I think it’s wrong.

          1. Oh. That’s another interesting thought.

            Is it possible that the quality of magic power(divine vs mortal, I guess?) also affects the power balance of contracts?

            And incidentally, what is the quality of Makoto’s magical power anyway? It should be far better than average if he can perform Creation with it(and Mio also seems to love it more than any other food out there).

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