Chapter 217: A clandestine meeting with just the two

Below the starry sky that had the strong presence of the moon and the stars, Zef and I had met alone.

‘Let’s meet with just the two of us’, was the proposition of Zef.

Thinking about the contents of what I wanted to ask this time, I felt like there was no problem, so I accepted the proposal.

“How many years has it been since this one has been alone with an outsider -no, how many decades has it been? It feels like this one has returned to my long past self, how nostalgic, and also fresh. What a mysterious feeling.” (Zef)

“I would have been fine with going to the capital though.” (Makoto)

“Sorry about that. When inviting someone to our place, there’s a lot of matters involved. Raidou-dono is an important guest of ours, and you are also a benefactor of ours. There’s no way we wouldn’t meet you. It took us to our limit just rearranging so this one could meet you as soon as possible.” (Zef)

Zef laughs with his usual smile that I can’t see through.

But his atmosphere is slightly different from when I met him because of the matters of the demon race.

We are outside after all.

“…And so, you had something to ask of this one, right? What do you want to hear? The secret weapon of the demon race? Or maybe, the time of our next invasion? Is it an objective like that?” (Zef)

“I have no interest in things like that. Please don’t make fun of me.” (Makoto)


In the first place, there’s no way there’s a person who would ask the Demon Lord himself about that.

Saying such a joke with a face as obvious as that, seriously, what a troublesome person.

“Hahaha! No interest huh. If you were to obtain a bit of information, you would be able to use it for trades you know, being a merchant and all. There should be a good amount of people that would believe it if it were to come out from the mouth of Raidou-dono, right? It is not like the hyumans are filled with only idiots after all.” (Zef)

“Please spare me already. I am not going to undertake complicated business like selling information.” (Makoto)

“So you won’t ride on it huh. What a shame. This one was going to mix truth and lies to throw them off though.” (Zef)

Zef laughs with a ‘Kukuku’.

Please don’t use me to sell your poisonous apples…

“If I were to do that, I would totally turn into the enemy of hyumans. It is not like I am in the side of the hyumans, but I am not in the side of the demon race either. Neither me nor the Kuzunoha Company.” (Makoto)

“This one knows. This one was just trying to see if you would yield a bit to our side, that’s all. Forgive me. By the way Raidou-dono, how’s Sari?” (Zef)

“Fuh~, Sari huh. Well, it seems like she is getting somewhat used to it now.” (Makoto)

“Hoh, so you are already in a relationship where you call her without honorifics. This one’s relieved… Have you done it?” (Zef)

“What do you mean by ‘done’?” (Makoto)

“Umu, is she pregnant already?” (Zef)

“Buh!” (Makoto)

“What’s wrong?” (Zef)

“What are you saying? You are the father of Sari, right?!” (Makoto)

“Yeah, and Raidou-dono is the master of Sari. This one thinks it is a natural question.” (Zef)

The face of Zef was frankly saying ‘what are you getting all flustered about?’.

Why is it that when it comes to slaves, there’s so many people that think in that way?

There’s also slaves that simply work.

“She is not pregnant. There’s no reason for her to be in the first place.” (Makoto)

“This one didn’t think she was a girl that would be against it just because it is her first time though.” (Zef)

“I’m saying this just in case but, I haven’t sought for her.” (Makoto)

“What? Raidou-dono, as a young man, holding back your sexual desires won’t bring anything good, you know?” (Zef)

“That’s truly not your business.” (Makoto)

Why does the Demon Lord have to worry about that?

Moreover, the person he is telling me to put my hands on is his very daughter.

What a troublesome king.

“Even though this one was secretly expecting a grandchild around summer. Wouldn’t it just end up as this one jumping to conclusions?” (Zef)

“That’s the case.” (Makoto)

Zef looks as if he is really disappointed about it.

If he is just acting, then that sad sigh is in an incredible level.

“Anyways, Sari is doing fine.” (Makoto)

“Understood. Then…” (Zef)

“I have not placed a single hand on her, and I haven’t kissed her either!” (Makoto)

“No, I was just going to ask you what business you had today. Also, if she presses you, at least grant her a kiss.” (Zef)

“…Ah, geez.” (Makoto)

Why is it that I feel his face on the latter half had become even more serious.

“You went through the trouble of making an appointment with a Lord, so a part of me is looking forward to what kind of conversation you had in mind.” (Zef)

“Well then, there’s two things I want to ask you. The first is related to Kaleneon, and the other, how to say it…let’s just say it is related to the demon race.” (Makoto)

“It seems like it would be best to begin with the talk about Kaleneon.” (Zef)

“Right now, the town creation is progressing in the aforementioned land.” (Makoto)

“Umu.” (Zef)

“But the current state is that the people are not used to the climate and it is not progressing as expected. And so, I have come to ask of a demon that has survived through the harsh cold about the management of the land, development of it, and about the maintenance.” (Makoto)

“I see. But, Kaleneon huh. It is a land that has half-baked cold and snow if I remember correctly. I don’t think it would serve as much of a reference you know.” (Zef)

“But even in an ice field like this, the demon race was able to build a metropolis like that. Won’t you guys have some sort of knowledge about it? I am fine with only a bit, can you tell me about a solution?” (Makoto)

“Fufufu. Raidou-dono, even if we were to tell you the method itself and learn of the result it has brought, it doesn’t mean that you would be able to apply it in a sufficient manner. If you don’t know of its roots as well, you will end up in a dead end.” (Zef)

“I see…” (Makoto)

I want to do something about the strong blizzards that will be coming in the near future, so even if we can’t put it to practical use, it is fine for now.

“From what I know, Kaleneon is in a region we don’t have much experience in managing either. If it were in a harsher environment, we would cover it with a dome-shaped barrier, and would live in a lifestyle centered on hunting. But just as I said, that place is half-baked. The difference between summer and winter is so extreme that it actually makes it hard for us to live in.” (Zef)

It is certainly true that in Kaleneon, in the place where the town is located, the snow is gone by the time it is summer.

It is true that it is half-baked, but even so, as long as there’s land where cultivation is possible, I feel like there would be significance for the demon race in having people live in it.

If it were Limia, there would be a lot of land to talk about; why is it that they are expressly staying in a harsh land?


“In Kaleneon there was a fortress of the demon race and an army. Then wouldn’t you also know about the way they lived?” (Makoto)

“If it’s only on the level of gathering and hunting, yeah. If you are in need of that information, I will present it to you. But if you have taken a look around, I think you should already know; in Kaleneon, aside from the fortress, there were no proper towns, right? Also, in terms of inhabitants and common people, the numbers should have been quite low.” (Zef)

“Yeah. I heard that there were mostly people related to the army. Also, there was nothing resembling a town, and what was given maintenance was mostly the main road.” (Makoto)

“That’s right. This one felt like the Kaleneon fortress would one day be necessary as a relay location, so this one had people stationed there, but this one didn’t have any intentions of having a settlement in the impending future. It was mostly goods and troops using it as a teleportation spot to mobilize. It is sad that it can’t be used again though.” (Zef)


I am the one who seized the place, so I know that I am not in a standing where I can complain.

I feel like he had gotten me there.

…Just like how Zef said, the only place that seemed to be useable as a town in Kaleneon was the fortress.

There were a number of remains from villages and towns, but they were all from hyumans. They were destroyed pretty thoroughly, and it didn’t feel like it could be used in that state.

And the remains of the fortress are being used as the capital city of Kaleneon because of our own circumstances regarding the climate of Asora, so it is in the middle of being remade as a town.

The reason why the demon race was not treating Kaleneon as a country was probably because of what Zef said.

“…I see. So that place didn’t have enough appeal to go through the trouble of creating a dome barrier.” (Makoto)

I have seen it in the demon race towns. Those things require quite the amount of magic power.

It is not realistic to do it in Kaleneon as well.

If I don’t find some sort of closing countermeasure for the people living in that town, there’s no point.

“Sadly to say, that’s exactly right. With its location and climate, we didn’t find the worth of fighting again to reclaim it. The snow is a troublesome thing you see. If ignored, it will bury the paths, and crush the houses. Even so, just going by the simple method of melting it with heat will instead freeze it and become a new hindrance. If we are to go through the trouble of doing such maintenance, there’s the need of a merit that’s equally worth its demerits.” (Zef)

“Understood.” (Makoto)

“The decision this one arrived to was to leave a few facilities there and leave it is it is.” (Zef)

“I see. Just in case, can I receive the information about the gathering and hunting?” (Makoto)

“Okay. It is already unneeded for us after all. Right, it would make this one happy if you were to put some flavor and hasten the time you commence the peddling in our towns.” (Zef)

“I will arrange for that.” (Makoto)

I don’t think there will be a problem in hastening the process.

To begin with, I have already hastened the preparations, so there’s no need for me to arrange anything anyways.

No, that’s not it.

They are already in a haste, so I simply don’t need to worry about it.

“Then let’s hear the other thing you had to talk about. It seems like that’s your real motive after all.” (Zef)


“You had the time for it. You should already have the contents of your topic arranged, right?” (Zef)

“…Let me ask your Majesty. If the reason for the demon race to fight the hyumans disappears, will the demon race stop doing war?” (Makoto)


“Can I have an answer?” (Makoto)

“…Of course, we would stop it. But Raidou-dono, that question is boundlessly pointless.” (Zef)

Zef who had broken the silence, let out a voice that was low and heavy.  

He affirmed my question, but he also said it was pointless.

“What do you mean?” (Makoto)

“It is certainly true that if the reason the demon race does war against the hyumans disappears, the war will be stopped. But for that reason to disappear, it would also mean that the battle between hyumans and demons has reached some sort of conclusion. That’s why this one said it is pointless.” (Zef)

The reason disappearing…is equal to reaching a conclusion?

The demon race is oppressed by the Goddess and is being oppressed by the hyumans too, and because of that, they were driven to the poor lands of the north.

The rebellion that came from that should be because the demon race wanted to topple over the situation the Goddess had driven them into.

In that case, if the demon race obtains a wealthy land, the reason of the war should disappear.

Isn’t that right?

For example; a place in Kaleneon that has been improved, the demon race territory that is progressing with the domestic affairs, and also…maybe Asora.

It is not because I want to do this for the sake of the Goddess, but if those kind of things can stop the war, cooperating would be okay.

Honestly speaking, the current Hibiki is dangerous.

If the war continues, I think Senpai will probably lose her life at some point in time.

Then, I thought that it would be fine to give a part of Asora to the demon race.

Also, the moment the demon race enters Asora, they would have to agree and be involved with us no matter what.

Putting it badly, we can isolate them.

“I heard that the demon race began the war because they sought for a wealthy land. A rebellion because of the position they were in. Then, couldn’t it be said that the demon race has obtained a land with plenty enough wealth? In the current state, I think you can have a truce with the hyumans. The demon race has been able to proceed the war in an advantageous position after all.” (Makoto)

If needed, I can help in encouraging them to accept it.

The negotiation will be hard with the heroes of Limia and Gritonia fighting in the frontlines, but if it’s with the good-for-nothing country Aion that only has spies and Lorel Union which is an eccentric country that accepts Wise, I feel like the negotiations might be possible.

If there’s a country that nods even if a bit, I think there can be ways to tackle the situation.

“Regarding the land, it is just as Raidou-dono says. We were able to obtain a wealthy land. But…the Goddess and the hyumans still have power left. If we were to enter negotiations in the current state, it would be like asking them to gather up their strength and counterattack.” (Zef)

“Even so, the demon race has plenty enough power, right?” (Makoto)

“If you are saying that by looking at the current progress of the war, that’s a big mistake, Raidou-dono. Listen well, even if you stand in an advantageous position in tactics and technique at the beginning, even if not all, a part of it will flow into the opponent as the battle progresses. Right now when they are obtaining proper divine protection from the Goddess, the hyumans who surpass us in numbers will absorb the advantage. Our positions would take a reversal.” (Zef)

“No way.” (Makoto)

“The power of a God and the overwhelming difference in numbers; those two are not components that are as light as Raidou-dono thinks. Our current situation can be said to be its summit. Restraining the power of the Goddess and seeing through them to a certain limit, we do war with the hyumans. Doing this in the same way as we have until now is just…” (Zef)

The latter half of his words were as if he were squeezing them out. Zef’s eyes were giving off a sad light.

“You are saying that’s why you won’t stop the war?”(Makoto)

“We thought about killing our hateful sibling while the parent wasn’t present, but in the end, we didn’t make it in time, and the parent came out.” (Zef)


“That’s why we have no choice but to be cautious about the eyes of the parent as we have a moderated sibling fight. Now then, Raidou-dono, what do you think we should do in order to somehow kill that sibling?” (Zef)

“Ehm…In the first place, should you kill each other in a sibling fight? I just can’t imagine it.” (Makoto)

“That’s right. It is a sibling fight where the siblings hate each other to the point of killing. By the way, the parent is the ally of the other side.” (Zef)

“Sorry, I can’t bring myself to imagine it.” (Makoto)

“I see. Even if we were to kill the other side in an ingenious manner, that’s a death that the parent didn’t wish for; and even if we both were to shake hands with fake smiles plastered on our faces, the hatred between those two siblings won’t disappear. Well, in the end, no matter how many reasons we look for to do war, the main point would be that, is what this one thinks. And in reality, it has become a big reason of why us demon race continue to do war. The reason regarding the environment was simply the last push, but the thoughts in the depths of our hearts probably hasn’t changed at all since the beginning.” (Zef)

The Goddess is the parent, and the hyumans and demons are the siblings.

“Hate huh. As I thought, the Goddess is the root of it all.” (Makoto)

“That’s true, but no matter what the Goddess does this late in the game, the gap that has formed between the hyumans and the demons won’t disappear. For the demons, and for the hyumans as well; and of course, this one who told Raidou-dono about the disadvantages of the truce, is the same as well. Because this one thinks that that gap can only be filled with the blood of our opponents.” (Zef)

“…Are you saying you haven’t killed enough?” (Makoto)

“That’s right. Of course, there’s also the transition of the war’s state just like this one explained, but stating it in an extreme manner, that’s simply a front. We have already pushed aside the restraints of our parent the Goddess and swung our fists, so until we have spat out all our hate and flooded the ground with the blood of the hyumans, the demon race won’t stop.” (Zef)

“As a ruler, the thought of Raidou-dono can be considered as one choice. There’s probably rulers who would choose it. If it’s a kind ruler, they would definitely. But there’s also rulers that won’t choose that…rulers who can’t choose to do that. Just like this one…this one’s current self…if many of my people wish for it, this one won’t stop the war.” (Zef)

“…What do you think…I was thinking?” (Makoto)

Even though it was calm, the light inside the eyes of Zef felt like they could see through me.

There’s no way he would be able to know.

Because no one knows about the existence of Asora.

“Raidou-dono can prepare a new land for us demons, right? Maybe in the extremities of the wasteland, or it might be a place we don’t know of that is located somewhere at the other side of the north or west sea. This one doesn’t know that far, but you plan on having the demon race migrate from this continent, and you were wondering if it can end the war in this way, isn’t that what you were thinking?” (Zef)


You gotta be kidding, right?

Even to the point of readying a land, how?

I did think he would be able to guess till the point of helping out in the negotiations of the truce, but…

“Bull’s-eye huh. How scary. The Raidou-dono that said he didn’t have any interest in the war, seemed to have investigated about the reason of the war in detail after all, so this one just intended to probe a bit. Good grief, the eyes of Sari are impressive. A self-sufficient company huh. I see. If it’s only that, it can’t be called a country just yet, but…it can be said that it is already an organization that has surpassed the boundary of a company.” (Zef)

A self-sufficient company?

No, right now the important point is why he can’t accept the migration.

“…Why…wouldn’t you choose that?” (Makoto)

“Just as you said before, hate. Even if we were to receive that proposal, only a few would accept. Ah, there’s no doubt that the bunch who were involved in that incident will be mixed in the group. If Raidou-dono wants to propose it no matter what, this one can notify the people. Having our people chipped off will result in a pretty big disadvantage in the war, but when this one thinks of turning Kuzunoha Company into our enemy, this is for the best.” (Zef)

That incident…the one where Root did a mess?

In that case, he must be talking about the people that wholeheartedly believe in the Goddess even in that environment and situation.

That’s honestly rough.

Frankly speaking, I feel like their train of thoughts is different in a fundamental level.

“The believers of the Goddess, is it. How to say it, they are people with quite the assertion for peace huh. The type of people that think the opponent won’t attack as long as they hold their hands up high in surrender. It was also strange that they were so zealously trying to make the demon race -they are a part of- into the bad guys.” (Makoto)

“If the hyumans were like that, it would be easier to win though. Even this one doesn’t understand how their brain works. Do they even know what would happen if we were to declare ourselves as slaves to the hyumans that have been treating the demi-humans as a lower class for thousands of years and consider it common sense?” (Zef)

Ah, in that part, I am completely of the same opinion.

“Right. Well, regarding the land, it is not all advantages, so if it handicaps the demon race because of it, please just forget about it. I didn’t have those intentions.” (Makoto)

“Hahaha, that scare about them being mixed in there was just a joke. Of course, there are people within the demon race that are purely against the war. It is true that they are low in numbers, but it is people that have been tired out by this air of war that has lasted for decades. People that have grown tired of fighting, people that have grown tired of losing any more, people that have grown tired of taking away lives…many types of people.” (Zef)

“I see.” (Makoto)

Well, there’s obviously people like that.

It is certainly true that being within a group where the majority agree to the war, it would just be suffocating for people like that.

“Not believers of the Goddess, simply tired of the war and wishing for peace. This one doesn’t want to just cast them away. If it won’t be a source of evil in the system of the demon race, this one doesn’t mind having them saved at this one’s discretion. Currently, there are around 10 or so people that have a decent amount of authority, how about it?” (Zef)

“Even if you ask me that…what do you mean by having authority?” (Makoto)

“Giving the demon race land. In other words, Sari has been of decent help, so this time, you want to directly take in people to the company; that’s the real motive of Raidou-dono, right? Something like that, even this one is able to guess it. There’s no need to hide it. This one is genuinely happy about having the abilities of my race approved. The part about authority, it refers to the people that this one has to deal with in a near future. Well, it simply means that if you are thinking about saving them, it is best to hurry.” (Zef)

A few moments ago I thought he was incredibly keen, but now he has gone and done a wild pitch.

I am not really looking for the demon race’s techniques and knowledge, you know?

I did understand the point about authority though.

‘Their voices are big and conspicuous, so they have to be dealt with’, is probably what he meant. People that in the surface are obedient, but hold opposing feelings. If it is people that don’t have the ability to oppose the methods of the Demon Lord, there’s no need to hurry and deal with them, is what I think he means.

“No. I wouldn’t mind having more hands to work with, but…I simply thought that if this was enough to end the war, it wouldn’t be so bad.” (Makoto)

“…Half of it was just a front, right?” (Zef)

“Uhm, those were my whole real intentions.” (Makoto)


“Your Majesty?” (Makoto)

Zef turned silent.

“…You got me there. It seems like Raidou-dono has a thought pattern that this one can’t grasp. This one is ashamed. Placing everything under the basis of advantages and disadvantages as well as calculations, might be considered the influence of these times.” (Zef)

It felt like he was having a monologue. He muttered in a weak and grazed voice.

“Ahahaha, I am often told that I do things in ways that lack common sense. Especially lately.” (Makoto)

“There’s no need to be ashamed of lacking common sense. We are basically fighting the hyumans because of that. But this one understands now. Then, if that’s the case…won’t you please take those guys in?” (Zef)

“The 10 or so demons?” (Makoto)

If it’s only around that much, I don’t really mind. Moreover, if they are not believers of the Goddess and are simply tired of war, I feel like it is okay.

“Umu. From this one’s point of view, it is like this one is having you take care of the trouble for me, so it hurts a bit to ask you of this though. If the precedent of Raidou-dono and Sari didn’t exist, it wouldn’t have been a choice to begin with after all. If there’s work over there, you can have them work as colleagues of Sari, or if you want, you can have them in house arrest or confine them, this one doesn’t mind. If you wish to, this one can also limit it to only women.” (Zef)

“Please stop taking all subjects to that tangent.” (Makoto)

“So as long as they can work, the gender doesn’t matter huh. This was a verbal slip then.” (Zef)

“Regarding that matter, I will go back and discuss about it. Just that…even if I am to accept them all, I will have them go through the same contract as Sari.” (Makoto)

I obviously don’t think that because they are demons I can trust them.

“They are technically being exiled, so this one doesn’t mind. If they stay within the demons, their future would be even worse after all. But to go through that contract, we will require a part of Raidou-dono’s body. Is it okay if we are to receive cooperation in that?” (Zef)

“…The master won’t be me. If it is demons, I will have Sari take care of them, so it is fine if she is the master. Of course, it still hasn’t been decided yet.” (Makoto)

“…Raidou-dono, you are truly someone this one can’t grasp the depth of.” (Zef)

“Reading too deeply into things, reading my mind, and while at it, using the Kuzunoha Company to deal with troublesome people; I think that the depth of your Majesty is the one that is hard to grasp. Seriously.” (Makoto)

“…In the first place, Raidou-dono and this one can’t be compared. My depth is limited after all.” (Zef)


“No, nothing. This one is expecting a good response. But to act as a Lord with someone that is leagues higher and whimsical, my nerves can’t take it, seriously.” (Zef)

“Your Majesty?” (Makoto)

The only thing I could hear was ‘No, nothing’, but it seems like Zef found something funny and was laughing.

“Then Raidou-dono, this one will be waiting for your call in a near future. It is okay to call whenever you feel like it.” (Zef)

“Ah, yes. Thanks for going through the trouble of coming all the way here.” (Makoto)

“Please give my regards to Sari.” (Zef)

Zef was enveloped in a sphere he created with magic, and just like that, he floated up and flew away.

When I checked the surroundings, I could see that there’s a large mamono in standby not too far from here, so he will probably be flying until that point.

From there, he will mount the mamono and move to where the teleport formation is, and in that way, he will return.

Even so, Asora wasn’t exposed, but the offer of land was exposed huh.

Are rulers the kind of people that can tell those kind of things?

I didn’t feel that way in Limia, so maybe it doesn’t apply to all.

I don’t know what it is, but I feel like Zef is different.

“A war where they kill and are killed is not going to end that easily. Senpai said this as well, but Zef thinks in the same manner huh. If one were to endure or forget about it without killing, the chain of hatred would end. Migrating and ending the war in that way; a part of me probably wanted that to happen. Saying it with my own mouth right now makes it feel unrealistic. I am glad I didn’t tell Zef. I was about to amaze him by doing that.” (Makoto)

In the time when I heard the talk of the Neptunes, even I thought that if we were to kill all the Neptunes that were on the brother’s side, the hatred wouldn’t remain, and Serwhale-san wouldn’t have to worry about it in Asora. That’s how I thought.

To have an outsider telling him about a different way of calming down the hatred aside from killing, moreover, asking their very Lord to persuade them, that would be stupid.

‘Here, take this new land, now let’s stop war’, there’s no way it would go so smoothly.

As expected, it is not good to try thinking about stopping the war with such light thoughts.

For now, I will do our activities as the Kuzunoha Company, and drag down the Goddess at a point in time. It is fine to only think about that for now.

Even in my life as a merchant, I have now become able to safely participate in the meetings of the Guild in Tsige and Rotsgard.

Not only between customers, I have begun to understand the importance of having connections between merchants as well. Not by pushing them away when offered money, or when offered something and making implicit promises.

Lately, I have been learning how to deal with the nobles with this foreign country visits.

I am far away from being competent enough, but if I just continue working steadily, I can gather experience no matter the case.

My essentials are bad, and the wider I open my arms, the amount of choices I have to decide will increase in proportion, so I just can’t move forward the way I want.

That’s why it can’t be helped that I go by it slowly.

I will simply go forward in my own pace.

It may be this late in the game, but that’s how I thought.

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View Comments

  • Oh man. OH MAN.

    This chapter was relatively uneventful, but very significant. Between the eerie instincts that tell them more about Makoto than was said, the various new understandings of the other party by all sides, and broadening of options, Zef and Hibiki really are becoming fantastic foils for each other.

    Makoto definitely took a lot away from this simple conversation, and that last part seems to be the author assuring us that Makoto is growing, so I'm glad for this chapter despite the general lack of excitement.

    • well... i think in this chapter we got the sight of how a King give their wisdom and knowledge to his peers or above about what kind of things a ruler should know , even though technically Makoto is King or above, he still lack the insight of seeing things and beyond of it for the wealthy of his people
      well that just my own opinion though

        • You can't deny that they both came to the conclusion that Kuzunoha has a stronghold away from everything and everyone. We might not like Hibiki, but looking down on her intelligence because of that would be a mistake.

          • hmm while I see Zef as a "realist" I cannot help but look at Hibiki as just a dreamer, a pseudo-liberal from a first world country of the kind that says "hey socialism rocks!!" ...'til they experience it it by themselves.

            But you're right on that, I seriously looked down on her, to the point that I overlooked her guessing the existence of Azora . waaaa

      • The int stat maybe similar, but the way they did things are way too different.
        Hibiki is............. spoiled, I guess I can use that word ? When she have a plan she will not allow that plan to go astray, that's the big difference she had with Zef. Which is natural, she is boosted human with so little experience about politics and wars, while Zef is battle hardened person in every aspect, their heart maturity are simply too different.

      • yes while the int may similar but i think zef have wisdom far better than hibiki, while makoto have saved hibiki, she still perceive makoto as an enemy because difference on opinion...while on the other hand there is zef that got his strongest fort nuked and his territory stolen can calmly deal with makoto.

        well age matter i guess

        • Intelligence is how well and how quickly you can process information. Wisdom is how well you can use that information.

  • oh no! makotos getting corrupted by the demon race! lol! Why and how did makoto get infected by a loli servant?

    • good... let the Lolies flow into you... let the curse of YES, Lolita ! NO, Touch! compele you :D

    • Calm down, we have Mio brand women repellent right here, any woman that dares to set her sight to Makoto pants are bound to be swallowed into the tender everlasting darkness of Mio-sama.

      • I think Mio sama has clearly stated as long as she get his first time, Tomoe is free to make a move after that. So in a sense Tomoe is special case since Mio sama feels gratitude to madam Tomoe, if not for her Mio sama won't even have the form she have today.
        But let's say madam Tomoe is violating those treaties, I believe Mio sama wont have any hesitation to erase madam Tomoe along with Asora, she will go full yandere mode.... actually.... scratch the dere part she won't bother to be deredere after that, and I assure you my friend.... we don't want that.

  • Makoto: "Hey, the reason you guys are going to war is mainly because you don't have good land, right? If I solved that, do you think the war would stop?"
    Zef: "No."
    Makoto: "Aww... by the way, do you know what I was planning on doing if you said yes?"
    Zef: "... Uh... give us good land?"
    Makotor: "No way! How did you guess?!"
    Zef: "...."

    “So as long as they can work, the gender doesn’t matter huh. This was a verbal slip then.” (Zef)
    Was this line suggesting that Zef thinks Raidou swings both ways?

    • Well, it might not be impossible. Zef probably views Makoto as some god playing at being mortal (which would explain some of his lack of common sense) and most immortals probably swing both ways when they get old enough. (I probably would try it at least after the second century if I got curious enough.)

        • Different times man. Although, I'm not sure about turning myself into a mare. Or carrying the foal to term. I just think that the Jötunn Lord was being a pervert on that one, even if he was embarrassed as hell when he brought Sleipnir into Asgard.

          • Being immortal is very different from being a shapeshifter though.

            If I was immortal, then yeah. I'd probably be willing to try new things eventually. It could be a century later, it could be a millennium, but trying everything is kind of the job description of being unbound by time.

            ....If I'm an immortal shapeshifter though....Well, we'd have options in that case, y'know? ¬w¬

      • Well, boredom is the greatest enemy of immortals. If immortals really exist, all of them would probably die or go insane before the end of the universe, because, well, boredom.

        • Actually, it's occurred to me that the age of the universe, while great, is actually well within acceptable ranges when we're putting things on the max scale.

          If I were given literally all the time in the universe to live and had the power implicitly held by immortal creatures, chance are I'd be able to find a way to keep myself occupied on some level. It'll probably be something like grinding out all of a character's skills and stats though.

          • That is a good question, which is why I very much like the Phoenix Cycle from the Demons of Astlan series. A form of rejuvenation through reincarnation sort of deal.

          • Well that depends on how much I empathize with the lesser lifefor-I mean, mortals.

            In terms of metal well-being, attachment to things that'll pass me by is the first bullet to dodge for an immortal and boredom comes after that.

            At that point, it depends how much power I have to kill time with. Maybe my perspective is too small, but the various entertainment of the world feels like it could be plenty to keep me occupied. I imagine that all the entertainment-stories, films, games-will be able to last several times the lifetime of mankind if I indulge in going back to reread/watch/play things.

            In fact, on the topic of mankind, it would probably be super important to have living beings to interact with. For the first few millenia, life is uncivilized and so I get to live like a king over followers due to being unstoppable(immortal) in battle. I could probably go the god route, but that sounds like more trouble than it's worth.
            After the race accidentally discovers logical thinking, I get to indulge in debates with philosophers-and have a practically cheating edge if it's not my first lifeform civilization. As they evolve further, they start becoming prosperous enough for some real entertainment like theaters, so that'll be fun.
            I'm not sure if they'll all have renaissance periods, but races that have those are bound to be fun to hang around in that time...You get the idea.

            Learning all the professions alone would be great time wasters, but then there's the people's entertainment and arts to dig into. I'll probably spend most of my time searching for sentient life, then milking them for all the enjoyment they're worth.

            Would I stay sane? ...No idea. But I could probably make it work in terms of boredom, assuming I'm properly equipped in my immortality(if it's a curse type without any secondary powers, then that's a whole other can of worms).

          • Are they? I don't think it's fair to declare them insane just because they're immortal.

            Although, I guess they all definitely have some values that heavily deviate from normal people. The question is, "what is insane defined as and at what point is that line considered crossed?".

          • remind me of the last chapter of sengoku youko, when the guy purposely become dumber because it's easier to support 'time' like that

            "the trick of being happy is to forget about all the unimportant stuff.
            turning into an idiot is something I do on purpose. on purpose."

      • If i was immortal and power, i would still shut myself in a single room watch anime ,read manga and play need to worry about anymore shit.

      • I dunno. If I were immortal, I'd just insult every sentient life form in the universe, in alphabetical order.

        Oh, wait, that's been done before.

        • Actually, if I were immortal, it might be fun to troll the historians. For example, hire people to create stuff like the Nazca Lines or Stonehenge, then see what explanations people come up with in the future.

          • Right, so you'd be one of those gods. The kind that mortals like me would curse because of shit like that. Ah, who am I kidding, I'd be doing the same thing.

          • Hey, I think I'm being very reasonable not pretending to be a god that demands sacrifices for my own amusement. It's only on the level of trolly pranks. Not even Loki-level of screwing with people.

            Oh man. Being able to shapeshift would be an awesome accompanying ability though. I could enact the entire Greek Mythos with only myself and the random mortal smucks that I deem suitable as heroes though.

            As an oracle/angel: "You must go slay the the wicked hydra that's terrorizing the town! Take this sword, which is the only thing that can kill it!"
            Run run run run....ahead of the hero...
            As the evil hydra: "Gwahahaha! I shall eat this fair maide-OH NOES I AM SLAIN! WHAT IS THE HERO OF LEGEND DOING HERE!? BLEH!"
            As descending god: "Congratulations chosen hero! As a reward, have these great riches(10 years' savings)! Fareweeeeeeell!!!"

            ....Yeah. that'd be fun. Before this discussion, I didn't realize how important having sentient lifeforms was to killing time as an immortal.

  • This is why Zef as a character in this Novel is a highly respected person in my book. He represents the demon's problem so well and acknowledges all the problems and decisions he has made and what needs to be done. A true ruler in a sense that is needed for the demons. Zef you my hero man compared to the fakes the goddess summoned.

    • well, heroes are the people champions, even though he's the DEMON LORD, in the demon race he is their HERO, while the heroes in hyuman faction can be considered as DEMON LORD in the eyes of demon race
      basically HERO are based on the perspective of the faction that call the individu the HERO

      • Yeah. I don't remember where(I think it was Maoyuu), but I remember a comment that declared the Maoh the demon race's Hero.

      • One culture's 'god' is another culture's 'demon'. Not sure if I read that somewhere, or that's just the conclusion I came to on my own.

      • ah maoyuu... btw anyone know where to read the full translation ? LN or WN maybe ? since the manga update kinda like death, damnit :'( really want to know the ending

      • @dicky satria : I do believe they has laid out the ending in manga ? The Hero survived the war with demon lord and white knight, they leave their political seat and going to travel the world in search "another view beyond the hill" in short they did survive and live happily ever after (the 3 of them)

      • the manga skip a lot of chapter, i mean i want to know the full story of the war end, i know there's post about last chapter in which they seem like finally getting married and on journey to see the world beyond

    • The impression I have of Zef is that he's a person that's already completed his character arc.

      Hibiki, Makoto, and even Tomoki are all people that aren't really certain of themselves yet. They don't know who they are, or who they want to be, or aren't ready to make the sacrifices needed to do so. They have many trials to go through, and a lot of room to grow. Heck, even Tomoe needed to come to terms with Makoto's mortality(as far as we know) and Mio had to learn a number of life lessons after getting a new body.

      Zef, on the other hand, seems like someone that's already been through all the bullshit and is resolute as a character to do what he feels he needs to. It's not pleasant in the least, but he's mature and willing to do it.

    • but since when is he the demon's hero?
      I think it from before the start of the war, so at least 25 years, he is far more mature and experimented than the hyumans hero, and since he is from the 'poor victim' side, it is easier to empathize with him than for the hyumans' heroes.

      hibiki is still immature and search what she have to do by doing what limia's people want, and is still biased by her inability to understands the ones bellows.
      you can condemn hibiki all you want for her wanting the war to keep going because hyumans want demon's blood, but that's exactly what zef did. Makoto proposed an opportunity that zef refused because demons want hyuman's blood, and even suppressed all opposition that could make the mass swing on a more pacific end for the war in this chapter.

      And tomoki, well, he never though very deep about it, he just think that if he conquer the world there will be no more war and everyone would be happy...

      PS: daily reminder that Zef is the current secret leader of the rebellion against himself. he is on a whole new level of manipulation, a crazy chess master!

  • Thanks reigo-sama
    This is getting better now. No more very simple blockhead of an mc, he is starting to grow at his own pace. So i think that we will now get less annoyed at his simplistic ideals which are not so good sometimes because they are so illogical.

    • ''I am far away from being competent enough, but if I just continue working steadily...''

      After reading this part until the end of the chap, i started to think Makoto is not illogical at all in that sense. Since the beggining he knew that he lacked common sence, and thus when he spoke with Hibiki, he just talked about his ideal, what he think about the world.

      What that means? He said nothing about a real plan. He said he wanted to bring down the goddess, but never said he's actively trying to do it nor he's planning to do it in short term. He knows that his ideal is simplistic, so he won't do anything yet since he still don't know the consequences of doing that, and that's the very reason of why he's speaking with Zef, to know what they think about the war and what would happen if certain elements of the war are removed (He came to know that even if the goddess of the land issue were resolved, the war would still continue).

  • God this pansy makes me want to throw up. Hes no man, he's just a mentally challenged fucking Retard that has no self asteem and won't even take a woman because he's a nice little virgin what a fucking load of crap. He is 8/8 my least favorite MC.

      • I too find it puzzling people still read this if they believe the MC in this novel is all this random crap they throw out. They comment on chapter 217 complaining about random shit yet still continue to read and complain. Would be understandable early on in chapters before 100 but come on people -_-.
        Also what does having to sleep with another woman have anything to do with being a man? Just to say there is no real love interests so to speak for him(Mio threw her chance for him under a truck) and he has been focused on other shit lately rather than thinking who to fking bang in the afternoon. We are at the point where the MC is trying to determine their course in the world and how to fix the problem goddess and how to deal with the aftermath after said problem is removed. I can agree with giving the MC crap for not thinking all this shit through before when he has said he wanted to remove the goddess problem but I disagree that the MC is a mentally challenged retard. At best you can call him a passive naïve fellow but lets be honest he has been thrown into a position of power and territory when has no experience or training whatsoever in the middle of a war as a third power and has been preoccupied with a lot of shit.

      • Easy bro. Mio didn't throw anything under me. 😆 I didn't kill off her chances, she did.

        And don't blame her for it cause she was a hungry spider before meeting Makoto, not some slut. She look up to him and adore him. It's also her first time loving someone. Of course she wants some vanilla.

        Yeah, I also agree that Makoto is no coward when it comes to sex (or whatever it is called in your country). He's just not interested in it, currently. Maybe later too, who knows. My stance is that he no pussy or a cowardly male. He's practicing abstinence, in preparation for his ascension to Godhood. You know, like Siddharta Makoto or something.

        • You know, that's a good point. Mio's as inexperienced in love as Makoto(arguably less so considering he at least has experience being in a love triangle for...two days?). Tomoe too, probably.

          I did always imagine the girls turning meek(for a short time) if Makoto ever went on the offensive.

    • ....remember.... like what Trash Hibiki said.... he's the man who hold his "Japanese" thinking dearly.... that he will take the women if Makoto and the Women have same interest.... love... if not.... Makoto would never touch that women..... no matter how madly or wants to fuvk makoto... as long makoto doesn't have the same interest... he would never do that.... thats makoto... his "Japanese way".... and if you forget.... Makoto would do the "Thing" with Mio if Mio says it... and Makoto will accept too... it just Mio blunders way of thinking make that event didn't happen.....

      • That one unforgettable moment for me !
        Where Mio stumble and chicken out at the last second.
        Tomoe laughed ever so hard at Mio.
        Truly a golden moment.

    • I can't understand why some people hate virgins. I've seen some guys commenting of wanting the heroine getting raped and mind broken because they can't stand the MC not screwing her. That's just sick.

    • wrong novel mate:) i think you search for some women raping slime novel don't ya? humu~ humu~ it's okay, it's just fictional works after all

    • >not sexually abusing a 10 years old slave
      >"he’s just a mentally challenged fucking Retard that has no self esteem "

      I swear you better not be part of people calling tomoki "trashmoki".
      you're very thirsty, I advise you to go back to

        • I... I don't know... I never gone there! I swear!
          I only heard legends about it.
          some say it's a place full of dream and happiness
          other say it's the land of wicked and sinners.
          All in all, it's a mysterious place.

      • ah, another brethen..... too bad that battlefield has become quite lost cause for us without treasure.... i suggest to try other battlefield like hitomi, nhentai, etc.
        come my brethren... let us wander on a journey to the distant land

      • its the wonder of multiverse that have their own special kind of story telling, since you usually ran over people, sometimes they end in that world where they wandering on a journey to defeat evil Ma-ou with special kind of 'technique' , cultural exchange with monster girls, etc . (the technique are secret and cant be told here *wink wink*)

  • ...even though the Root get rid off... the hatred still remains.... and even if Makoto take over the God Seat and tell the Hyumans to stop War against demons race.... still the majority of them will not accept that... and start the rebellion... just like the Demons Race.... the extreme way is.... Kill all Goddess Believers.... and who support the wars.... LOL.... i think thats what "Dream Makoto" do..... he became enemy of the world.... destroying anything that block his path to true peace.... become "New Demon Lord"........
    or.... just use "Zero Requiem" plan ~ hohohoho ~

      • Makoto can you know... he has anything to become Lelouch... not about the Geass or Cunning Mind.... but the Power and Authority.....
        remember the dream... he became Demon Lord with Zef become his General....

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