Chapter 153: Participation of the Devil ②

Translator Note:

I see everyone has lost their minds after seeing the raw website removing the webnovel. Fret not, the author has just moved to alphapolis. Don’t know the details about it, but someone out there probably knows.

Also, some may know already, but the translator for the Side Story has decided to drop it. I am truly grateful to Options for taking part in translating two chapters and am currently looking for a kind soul who will replace him/her.

“Fufu, it’s that huh. How valliant is the Empire’s hero-sama” (Sofia)

“Those are flashy attacks, but the firepower is also plenty good. It seems the information was correct that he gets quite stronger when night comes. Sofia, don’t underestimate him” (Lancer)

“There’s no way I would underestimate him right? I will think of this as practice for the time I kill the Devil. I am going to be doing this without holding back. That’s only if he is worthy of me doing so, that is” (Sofia)

“The Devil huh. That’s true. With this atmosphere, it wouldn’t be strange for that guy to appear. The current you might not get caught off guard, but no doubt he is still a formidable enemy” (Lancer)

“That’s how it is. Then, let’s do this!” (Sofia)

Sofia unsheathes the sword at her waist.

This is a different sword from the one she used to fight Makoto with.

The tinge and material properties of the sword blade share the same traits, but the great sword has been changed for a one handed sword, and a thin one at that.

Of course, Sofia was holding the sword with both hands.

Those eyes already seized the figure of the hero and his party that were flying around the battlefield faraway on their dragon.

“Good grief” (Lancer)

The superior dragon in the appearance of a boy, Lancer, cracks his fingers.

As if acting in concert to his nonchalant gesture, several shining swords appear in the sky.

It also appeared at the hero’s surroundings, and the movements of the flying dragon grow duller.

Even if it was far away, for Sofia, this is practically the same as saying there’s no distance at all.

A ferocious smile appears on Sofia’s face.

Lifting Lancer with her free hand, the two of them disappear.

“Ara, that kid noticed me” (Sofia)

“… He probably has a tool to search for enemies. I have heard that there’s ancient tools with outstanding perception power. More importantly, this one is still your partner even if provisionally, you know? Stop carrying me as if you were pinching a cat” (Lancer)

Slightly at the front of the flying dragon, the Dragon Slayer combi that appeared above ground were surprised that the Empire’s hero noticed their presence.

It may be sparse, but it is still a place where battle is unfolding.

To notice someone that has suddenly appeared in an instant, isn’t something ordinary.

The two that were able to perceive the hero’s state were also abnormal, but those girls didn’t seem to mind it.

The number of swords surrounding the flying dragon increased in a second.

It goes without saying, it is to confine them.

The confusion of the Empire’s hero, Iwahashi Tomoki, and his party; Sofia didn’t let it slip by.

With a spell that they couldn’t tell just how strong it was or who placed it, their mobility was killed temporarily.


“Good evening, Empire’s hero-sama” (Sofia)

“?! Who are you?!”

Sofia drops onto the back of the flying dragon.

Her movement was done by changing her position with a light sword, but for Tomoki who doesn’t know that power of hers, he could only see her as someone suddenly falling from the sky.

Tomoki is equipped throughout his whole body and, leaving aside his own moving ability, his appearance was one that left no doubts for his high defensive power.

“Sofia. Dragon Slayer Sofia. Have you not heard of me?” (Sofia)

“Dragon Slayer… Dragon Slayer you say?! That Sofia?!” (Tomoki)

“I am happy. For the hero-sama to know my name. You are the Empire’s hero, Iwahashi Tomoki, right?” (Sofia)

“Y-Yeah. What do you need so suddenly? Did you hear about the danger the Empire is facing and came to help me?” (Tomoki)

“This degree cannot be called danger for the Empire, right?” (Sofia)

After Sofia laughed away the words of Tomoki, she returns with a question herself.

“Well, even if Lily is not here, I am. This degree of attack from the demon race won’t defeat us” (Tomoki)

“How valliant. It seems I can expect something from this, maybe” (Sofia)

“But then, just why did you come to the Empire? I have heard that you wander here and there, and even if someone thinks about meeting you, they can’t find you” (Tomoki)

The name of Dragon Slayer Sofia is well known, but since she doesn’t show her face in the guild much, there were many times where people that want to meet Sofia, just can’t.

Not only that, she doesn’t cooperate much with the Guild’s calls, and there’s rumors saying that maybe her relationship with the Guild isn’t that good.

That’s why even the hero Tomoki hasn’t met her before.

A woman, and strong.

She fulfills these two requisites, so for Tomoki, it is a person he would like to meet once and ask for her cooperation.

Of course, that cooperation will be by using his charm powers, but since he possesses a method that makes them unable to betray him, there’s no reason to not use it.

“I was interested in you” (Sofia)

“In me? That… makes me happy. Then I invite you to the castle. Let’s talk plenty” (Tomoki)

“Fufu, I don’t care about your charm or anything like that. What I am interested in is…” (Sofia)

“Tomoki-sama!! Look out!!”

“Wa?!” (Tomoki)

The royal guard Ginebia, who was at the proximity of Tomoki, was paying attention to every action of Sofia, and places herself to the front of Tomoki.

A high-pitched sound of metal clashing reverberated on the back of the flying dragon.

“Quite the reaction there. Tomoki is a minus, but you knight lady, I give you a plus evaluation. That’s right, this scent. You have obtained the power of the dragon, right? The “Sand Wave Sazanami” huh” (Sofia)

“What are you playing here, Sofia? Pointing your sword at the hero Tomoki-sama. I don’t think you are a person that doesn’t understand the meaning of this action” (Ginebia)

Tomoki has his eyes wide open in surprise.

Aside from the two clashing their swords, Ginebia and Sofia, there’s also the dragon summoner, Mora; and the alchemist user Yukinatsu. Both of them had their body stiffened.

Because they have understood that the person that has appeared so close to them is an enemy.

“Of course I understand. Right, I forgot to mention this. Currently, I also have another title. Demon race vice-general Sofia Blue. Nice to meet you, hero-sama party” (Sofia)



“A demon race!”


“I heard about hero-sama’s reputation of being strong at night, so I thought I would like you to dance one song with us. How about it? The moon is beautiful this night, you know?” (Sofia)

Sofia jokingly does one bow.

Even though she is in a situation where she is technically surrounded by enemies, she doesn’t show any signs of tension.

“… No matter who you are!!”

Tomoki increases the strength of his charm power.

There’s only few people that this power hasn’t worked on.

On top of that, maybe because he has gotten used to utilizing it, its power has steadily increased.

Not only that.

He has been secretly training it himself for the sake of it working against the Kingdom’s hero and the Priestess. Right now, he would be able to even bring down an unprepared demon race with a glance.


“That’s not good, hero-sama. That doesn’t work on me. If you want to charm me, you have to be able to charm a Superior Dragon in an instant. But you know, hero-sama~, there’s a much simpler way” (Sofia)

“You… you know about the charm eyes?” (Tomoki)

“Such an outside tactic is useless. Hey, try winning against me. If you are able to do that, I will become yours. Even without those eyes, I will offer you my mind and body” (Sofia)

Turning the tables on Tomoki’s charm, Sofia emphasizes her breasts and thighs with a pose, and provokes him.

“Your level is still higher than mine, but I will teach you that a fight isn’t decided only by that!” (Tomoki)

“I am totally of the same opinion. Then first of all, this lizard is in the way” (Sofia)

At the same time as Sofia says this, her sword shines once again.

A scream leaks out from the flying dragon, Nagi, that was staying still in the sky.

“Nagi?! Y-Your wing! You, what have you done?!!” (Mora)

Mora’s words came fast. Nagi’s posture crumbles.

At that instance, the wing at the other side touched the light sword. A burning smell, and also another scream occurred.

The feet of Tomoki’s group was unstable, and yet, Sofia was firmly standing at the back of the dragon that was shaking violently as it drops.

“Well then, I will be waiting at the bottom. It is fine to come with your companions, and it is also fine to come alone. Just that, the moment you point a sword at me, no matter if you are a child, I won’t care. Come with the proper resolve” (Sofia)

Sofia jumps down from the back of Nagi which could only be seen as a suicidal action.

Confirming Lancer’s position with the light sword’s navigation line, she returns to her companion’s side.

“How was it? Was it a man worthy of being serious for?” (Lancer)

“There’s not even the need to use ‘that’. No matter how many come, no, it would be an opponent that would be easier if coming in groups. At that rate, I feel like he would be stronger alone” (Sofia)

“Hoh~ but I heard that he rarely fights alone though” (Lancer)

“That’s just my intuition. Also, that flying dragon, it was a bit good. If possible, I would want to make it mine” (Sofia)

“… It is better to have as much spoils as possible huh. Do as you wish. For a flying dragon, I think the “Crimson Light Akari” would be plenty enough though” (Lancer)

Lancer shows amazement at Sofia’s evaluation of the flying dragon.

At the same time, he mentions the name ‘Crimson Light’ which is a Superior Dragon just like himself, but because of his vagueness, the true meaning of those words were not understandable.

“That has other uses. Ara, they are here. The flying dragon is down huh. It would be troublesome to look for them later then” (Sofia)

While Sofia and Lancer were leisurely talking in the battlefield, Tomoki’s party showed themselves.

Nagi was nowhere to be seen.

‘It is probably resting at the landing point’ is the conclusion Sofia arrived at.

The place spoken of is in no way a safe place. It is in the middle of the battlefield after all.

Of course, the demon race won’t come attacking them.

But in the battlefield, there’s plenty of moments where your own allies make mistakes.

Hyumans and demons are desperate in defeating each other.

Sofia and Lancer were only talking together, but it wasn’t as if they weren’t receiving attacks from any side.

The attacks that were raining down and the attacks that were done by soldiers that have lost their mind, were all dealt with by freely controlling the several abundant light swords of Lancer.

In the midst of that spray of blood, those two were talking worry-free.

“No cares if it’s hyumans or demons? You guys are crazy”

“Ara, they are attacking us after all. That’s why I am just properly responding them. Well then, let’s begin. If you lose, the Kingdom and the Empire will be in a big pinch. Do your best, okay?” (Sofia)

“I am a hero that holds the divine protection of the Goddess. Don’t underestimate me just because you are a Dragon Slayer!” (Tomoki)

“Yeah, I won’t be sealing it. Let me test it, my current power!!” (Sofia)

Sofia approaches with sword in hand at the place Tomoki and Ginebia are preparing themselves in.

That assasin’s blade seizes the hero and the royal guard.


“You fell for it! Earth Doll’s restrain, Mad Rail!”

With a puzzled face, Sofia looks at the two that were cut down the moment they readied their stance.

As if answering her questions, a voice resounds from afar.

It was the voice of Yukinatsu who is adept in the use of Golems.

The figures of Tomoki, Ginebia, and also the other two that remain, crumbled, and then it coiled around Sofia as if they were tentacles.

“… Heh~ I couldn’t tell the difference. What an impressive spell” (Sofia)

“The consciousness is being sent directly from the person itself. Quite elaborate, right? Let me tell you something, it won’t be good to try getting out of it!” (Yukinatsu)

“Really? Is it made of a strong material or something–?!” (Sofia)

“I was just making noise until it finished transmuting, but it looks like it wasn’t needed” (Yukinatsu)

“It turned hard. Well thought out” (Sofia)

Sofia who confirms that the restrain changed into a black shining mineral, praises Yukinatsu.

“Is that composure? Or could it be, self-conceit? I wonder how long you can protect yourself from concentrated fire in that restraint state. Show her! Tomoki-sama!” (Yukinatsu)

“Well done, Yukinatsu! Ginebia, just in case, maintain defensive stance; Mora, match me. Let’s give some presents to Sofia! At a level that won’t kill her, okay?” (Tomoki)

“How dare you do that to Nagi! Unforgivable!” (Mora)

“It’s okay to not hold back. Come at me full force. That ojo-chan over there as well. You might not be able to meet that flying dragon ever again, so come at me with the intent to kill” (Sofia)

At Tomoki’s orders, the angered Mora shouts for her injured partner.

However, while completely restraint, Sofia, instead of saying hold back, provoked them to not hold back.

“… This woman is getting ahead of herself. In that case, I will do as you wish!” (Tomoki)

“Die!!!” (Mora)

The five types of weapons Tomoki possesses all activate at once.

Strong armaments that don’t depend on the divine protection of the Goddess, weapons that he himself possesses and were suited for him.

Dagger Gladius, Spear Artemis, Thin Sword Rapier, and the Small Arm Hand-Gun.

These are the weapons he currently possesses in his general firepower.

Right now he is treating the God-spear he considered a companion in his fight in Stella Fort, as a sub.

The strongest line-up for firepower.

In his left hand, a gun; at his right hand, the God-spear; the other three weapons were floating in mid-air and were around Tomoki.

This is the reason why he uses these three weapons.

Those three are weapons that can show their highest firepower even without being in one’s hands.

They possess powerful might, and they are able to endow elements in its attacks.

The gun in his hand is something that the Empire is strictly safekeeping in a certain town.

It possesses the light element and was given to Tomoki by the princess.

From its shape, Princess Lily thought that it would be useful for her development in guns, but this magic gun that is specialized in shooting magic power, was not that much useful when developing small arms that use gunpowder.

Because its inner structure couldn’t serve as reference.

Its outside shape was similar, but she judged that it was something different.

But well, as a powerful sacred treasure in the hands of the hero, it was fulfilling its role plenty well.

The five attacks Tomoki fired and the two attacks Mora released, rained onto Sofia.

A thunderous sound and an explosion.

If it were released onto troops, its firepower would easily kill at least a hundred.

Thinking about the after-effects in the military formation and the damage, it can be said that this is quite the strong attack.

And this attack was received at close range, concentrated in a single point.

If Ginebia’s defense wall wasn’t protecting Tomoki’s party, it might have injured them as well.

Even within the Superior Dragon’s, ‘Sand Wave’ is considered as having high defensive power, and it was because it was Ginebia herself who was given this power that made it possible to mitigate this attack.

“Heh… If she is alive, I wouldn’t mind adding her as one of my women” (Tomoki)

“Onii-chan! It is the woman that left Nagi in that state you know?! I am against it!” (Mora)

“Tomoki-sama, I am also against that idea. I felt like that person holds a dangerous ideology” (Ginebia)

“Even if you want to add her, it would be better to consult Lily-sama first” (Yukinatsu)

At Tomoki’s victorious words, his companions unanimously object.

Just Yukinatsu showed an ‘on hold’ mood, but her expression was unpleased.

“Oioi, you guys. Why are you being so carefree? You are fighting against Sofia, you know? Pile up more attacks and shower her” (Lancer)

The boy shows a behavior not fitting his appearance and reproaches the hero’s party.

His voice came from a place where their vision didn’t reach, at a faraway location.

The boy was at the back of Sofia a few moments ago.

Of course, he must have received a direct hit along with Sofia, or somewhere close to it.

There’s no way he would be okay.

At the very least, he wouldn’t be without injuries.

Tomoki looked at the cleared up place with eyes filled of disbelief.

Without obeying the words of ‘Continue piling up attacks’.


“No way”


“It was certainly a direct hit”

From each mouth came out a denial of reality.

“That was impressive. See? The restraining magic from just now was destroyed into pieces” (Sofia)

Sofia was standing.

“Also, even when you mixed that many elements, the firepower didn’t mutually intrude each other. What an artistic attack. Your coordination with that ojo-chan was also perfect. I was making fun of your charm, but it seems you are able to perform quite the good coordination” (Sofia)

While cracking her shoulders, she swings her sword.

As if doing warm-up exercises.

“But well, it wasn’t to the level that it would create a lake. I already have experience in that kind of out-of-norm attack. And we both were able to defend perfectly against it” (Sofia)

Sofia was showing those ferocious eyes she showed on the back of the flying dragon for a second.

The movements of the woman that looked as if she were doing stretches, were calm, and she slowly raised her right arm.

The thin sword points at Tomoki.

A smile steadily spreads at her whole face.

Conversely, Tomoki’s face showed slight agitation.

“I ended up reminiscing a bit. I was thinking about caressing you with about 5% of my power, but if you are able to do this much, I think it would be fine to increase it a bit, right?!” (Sofia)

Sofia’s figure disappears.

No, it didn’t disappear.

And as such, Ginebia showed a response.

It is just that an ordinary person wouldn’t be able to follow her moves.

As the strongest shield that protects Tomoki, she fulfilled that role.

“Now, Tomoki! Show me the power of a hero! Don’t finish with just a warm-up!” (Sofia)


“Well then, I have cleaned up the surroundings. Sofia is… fumu, done huh”

Lancer looks at the surroundings and nods. He confirms the state of Sofia who was rampaging at his front.

It was silent.

There’s already no one there.

It was the deed of Lancer.

At the back of Sofia who had begun seriously fighting the hero, he was killing everyone that entered his line of sight.

Reduce the amount of witnesses, is also one of the reasons he had, but it was mostly because he wanted to confirm his own power.

Being almost killed by Sofia once, his own power was quite weakened.

Even at the time when he was fighting the Devil, with Makoto, he was only able to use about half of his power.

After facing a painful experience because of him, for about half a year, Lancer was finally able to completely recover his power as a Superior Dragon.

‘It has finally returned to this point’, is what Lancer thought as he nods satisfied.

“Sofia! What are you going to do with them? If you kill the hero, you would be able to get the Demon Lord to owe you. I think it would be good to do it” (Lancer)

He talks to Sofia.

Right now she was looking at the 4 defeated ones.

Miraculously, no one was dead.

No, there’s no way something so convenient has occurred.

It is just that Sofia didn’t kill anyone.

“… That means not everyone is as out-of-norm like that guy huh. Lighting up my fire in such a half-baked manner. Hey, you are a hero right?! You have more cards to play right?! Stand up! Fight!” (Sofia)

“Yareyare, he can’t hear you anymore huh” (Lancer)

Without holding back, Sofia slices at Tomoki who can’t even react properly and can only moan.

Without caring that Tomoki was already prostrated on the ground.

His abdomen, chest, arm, leg, neck, head; each time he was cut, he convulses, but there was no other reaction from him bigger than that.

It regenerated immediately and returned to its beautiful state, but it wasn’t a sight to behold.

The Royal Guard Ginebia who is normally the one that should be protecting him, has received a fatal injury and is lying at a place faraway from him.

If there was a miracle or whatever, she would have immediately gone to help Tomoki, but the convulsing self that didn’t care if she is conscious or not, made it harsh for her.

Her wide open eyes had blood flowing out, but she wasn’t blinking.

While her whole body had few wounds, the hole that’s opened at her side was overflowing with blood.

She was in a dangerous state.

Mora and Yukinatsu were in a similar state, no, since they have low defensive power, those girls were in an even more precarious state.

Mora had both her legs severed from her knees, her right hand was chopped into pieces, and was in a crouching position as if doing a dogeza. Yukinatsu was crucified on the ground, her limbs were pierced by light swords and her whole body didn’t show a single movement.

The three of them were still breathing.

Considering the number and ability of healers in the Empire, their wounds were severe, but they were still saveable.

That is, if they are able to escape from this situation.

It’s quite the low chance.

Tomoki, knowing this or maybe not, he screamed several times before shouting and standing.

This is an astonishing action that can be done by Tomoki exactly because of his regeneration abilities limited at night.

Sofia didn’t pursuit and was motionlessly staring at Tomoki who is standing and moving his shoulders up and down.

His expression was filled with exhaustion.

Can’t be helped.

The night provides him with a body that won’t lose; it provides immortality.

But even if that’s the case, it doesn’t mean he won’t get stressed when cut.

It will be carved in his body, so there’s no way it won’t burden him.

The silver boots, that were bestowed by the Goddess, eliminated his exhaustion, but it won’t remove the burden in his heart.

Even Tomoki who doesn’t feel pain anymore, being sliced infinite amount of times by Sofia was something his mind couldn’t take.

A merciless instantaneous regeneration that anyone who sees it would think that it would be better to just die.

Even if his sense of pain is gone, if he were able to maintain a normal state of mind in this situation, he wouldn’t be an ordinary person.

If Tomoki is still sane, his heart would clearly make a change and would have obtained an abnormal level of tenacity.

“Ara, I’m glad. Do you still have something? Hey, Tomoki-kun?” (Sofia)

“You… monstrous lunatic. Against an unmoving opponent, you sliced again and again!” (Tomoki)

A voice that one can feel exhaustion from.

But the will in his eyes was not that different from the time he was on the back of Nagi.

Looking at the glaring Tomoki, Sofia was internally in admiration and opens her mouth.

“It’s because I thought you couldn’t move anymore. Different from those girls there, you were still able to move but were trying to let it pass by not moving, right? ‘Don’t you have something more~?’ is what I thought. Ah and also, to call a woman monster, that’s discourteous, you know?” (Sofia)

“… Even though you are a hyuman, you went and allied with the demon race. I don’t want to hear that from someone like you!” (Tomoki)

Learning that his thoughts were seen through, Tomoki internally clicks his tongue.

If Lily were in a place where she can grasp the situation there, she might have used better moves and would have carried the situation to a more favorable one, is how he thought.

He soon shakes his head to the sides.

Because he thought that she wasn’t an enemy they can defeat in any way.

Because he judged that their current selves wouldn’t be able to defeat her.

That’s why he confirmed the other three were still breathing and intended to let it pass by playing dead.

But Sofia persistently tormented Tomoki.

Knowing that the limit of those three was closing, Tomoki got impatient.

He held an item that let him know the current state of their party members.

That’s why he was waiting until now.

That’s right. Tomoki had a grasp of the state of his three companions.

They were still okay, but as long as their enemy doesn’t give up, the limit will reach in time.

And that critical point was now.

“Tomoki-kun, show me. The power of heroes. You are not in checkmate yet, right? Your eyes are not dead” (Sofia)

“Don’t mess around!!” (Tomoki)

Tomoki shouted abusive language.

Just like how Sofia said, he still had a trump card.

He has one, but it is something he can’t use right now.

That dilemma was making him hesitate even more.

Without preparing a weapon, or setting up a spell…

“Damn it… damn it, damn it!!” (Tomoki)

“… Hmph~ is there some sort of prerequisite? Ah, those girls being here are your shackles, right?” (Sofia)

At the abusive language Tomoki was repeating for unknown reasons, Sofia seems to have comprehended something and nodded.

She was sure her intuition was not wrong and does an inner laugh.

“What… did you say?” (Tomoki)

As if seen through, Tomoki gets surprised.

“It’s fine. So, should I kill those girls first? Or do you want to try saying: “Please save me”?” (Sofia)

Sofia laughs with amusement.

Lancer, who at some point had gotten close to her, sighs at the bad habit of Sofia.

“…  If they die… I won’t show you my trump card even if it kills me. You want to see it right? In that case, bring my companions back to the Empire first. You guys should be able to do that” (Tomoki)

“You are half correct. Right, it would be troublesome if you don’t show it to me. It’s sad that I didn’t hear a ‘Please save me’ but, can I ask you to do it?” (Sofia)

Sofia looks at Lancer.

“… Fine. It’s okay to just bring those close to death fools to the Empire, right?” (Lancer)

“In front of the castle” (Tomoki)

“So many requests. Is being shameless one of the powers of a hero?” (Lancer)

“Say whatever you want” (Tomoki)

When Lancer shows a smile filled with contempt at Tomoki’s maddened eyes, he disappears along with the three severely injured to the Empire, and to the castle gate to top it off.

“I have kept my promise. Now then, show it to me. The seriousness of the Goddess’ divine protection!” (Sofia)

“How regrettable” (Tomoki)

“… What?” (Sofia)

The peaceful voice of Tomoki made Sofia show a stern face for a second.

“What I am going to show you now is not the divine protection of the Goddess. It is a super rare power that only a few who have gone around the world and fulfilled the requirements, are able to use. Even Hibiki can’t use it” (Tomoki)

Tomoki returns the contempt Lancer threw at him, right back at Sofia.

“Hibiki… the Kingdom’s hero huh. Hmph~ I heard the heroes came from a parallel world, but within them there’s rank divisions. That’s surprising. But if it’s that, I don’t really mind. Go on!” (Sofia)

“… It’s fine, taste it. The humiliating light that burned my country in the past. I will reproduce it in this world! This was your own doing so, prepare yourself!” (Tomoki)

“How exaggerated. Are the otherworldlers devils, or are the devils from other worlds? If you are going to confirm it, I don’t really care” (Sofia)

Tomoki pushes both arms to the front.

Connecting an aria that she has never heard before, Sofia was looking at him.

But she had her sword prepared. She already deployed her strongest defense and was waiting for Tomoki’s attack.

In time, a light is born in front of the hands of Tomoki.

It shines dazzlingly, a light so strong that one can’t see it directly.

The expression of Sofia dyes in joy.

Because she is sure she would be able to endure ‘that attack’ that was almost able to kill her in the past.

Tomoki shouts what seems to be the name of the spell.

At that moment…

The ball explodes with them as the centre. Ripping up the night, a dome of light was born.


In a place slightly further away from the Empire, a giant crater was created.

Moreover, outside the diameter of the blast, a gruesome scenery of destruction was spread out.

It didn’t reach till the Empire.

Tomoki’s attack had created a scar a lot worse than the one attack Makoto did when he created a lake.

What was slightly different was the cast and the conclusion.

At the centre of the explosion, there’s one person who had lost consciousness and fallen to the ground.

And then…

The other one had its sword back at its sheath, and standing with blue light enveloping its body.

“Quite the brutal trump card he had” (Lancer)

“Mitsurugi. Yeah, it was more fiendish than the arrow of the devil at that time. If we received this attack at that time, I would have been dead” (Sofia)

“Hoh~ to make you say all this, as expected of a hero huh” (Lancer)

“Hero… no, I wonder about that. It might have been Tomoki-kun’s own willpower” (Sofia)

“Tomoki-kun, you say. You are completely friendly now. Did you get charmed as well?” (Lancer)

“No way. This spell… well, not sure if it’s actually a spell but, it had quite the powerful fire element” (Sofia)

“Fire huh” (Lancer)

“And it’s a strenuous skill that shaves off some of the life of its user. But you know, the scary part is not that” (Sofia)

“What then?” (Lancer)

“Counting you, everyone that received the attack, the people that luckily survived, and also the people that luckily weren’t around the scope as well; they have been endowed with a special poison or curse” (Sofia)


“Fufufu, a power that can’t be scolded. Maybe it is easier to call it a poisonous fire? Come here, I will cure you” (Sofia)

“I have also been endowed with it huh. Sorry, I am counting on you” (Lancer)

When Lancer finds Sofia at the center of the crater, he glances at the fallen hero and begins to talk with Sofia.

And then, after listening to the trump card of Tomoki from Sofia, he headed to where Sofia is while in shock.

An invisible poison, this curse isn’t something that Lancer knew about, but if Sofia says so, it should be believed, is what Lancer thought.

He obediently gets bathed by the blue light.

“Hm, so long. Was it so strong?” (Lancer)

“Yeah. I still haven’t completely removed mine either. When I checked my body just in case, I was already afflicted by it. He really got me there” (Sofia)

“By the looks, I can’t really tell though…” (Lancer)

“But it certainly eats into your life. It distorts the foundations of your body and alters it. A fiendish type. Without caring about allies or enemies. It seems he himself is excluded from this, but it is quite the lovely power. I think he said something like ‘Nuke’” (Sofia)

“No matter if ally or enemy huh. Certainly that’s to your taste huh, that so called ‘Nuke’ spell. And then, Tomoki, it was him huh. Having the flying dragon killed, I thought your mood would be bad, but it seems there was no need to worry about it” (Lancer)

“Flying dragon huh. It is regrettable, but I was able to see something nice so it is fine. Well then, connect the thought transmission that was cut off. Ah, Mitsurugi. Don’t touch the hero-sama that is lying there, okay? That boy seems to be interesting, so I won’t kill him yet” (Sofia)

“Not yet huh. Well, with that composure of yours, it doesn’t seem like it will become an hindrance in the future. This one doesn’t mind” (Lancer)

Sofia stretches widely at the centre of the explosion and closed her eyes as if feeling good.

(Rona, do you hear me?) (Sofia)

(I felt tremendous magic power! The thought transmission got cut off, so there’s no contact from the units. Just what is going on?!) (Rona)

While laughing at the demon general Rona that responded immediately at the thought transmission of Sofia, she explains the situation to Rona.

Of course, halfheartedly.

(I was fighting Tomoki-kun and he used his trump card you see~. Ah, looks like his regeneration ability at night was true. If I had to correct anything, it would be that he is close to immortal. And so, that tremendous magic power was from his attack. He really got me there~. I wasn’t in a position where I could mind the other units you see) (Sofia)

(Trump card?! What was it?) (Rona)

(It seemed to be a quite vast scope fire element magic. It had a wide area and high power. The range and power were standing at the same height, so it was difficult to deal with) (Sofia)

(A spell’s standard notion doesn’t matter to heroes. How irrational. And so, what happened to the hero? Did you finish him?) (Rona)

Rona asks the hero’s state to Sofia.

Sofia lowers her gaze and looks at Tomoki who is still unconscious.

His chest was systematically going up and down. It can be seen that his life is safe.

(It’s regrettable but, he escaped. Sorry) (Sofia)

(… I see. If you even brought out his trump card, it is enough. Good work) (Rona)

(About the details of the scope, you can just check the crater later. The outside has also received quite the damage, so you can probably estimate the effective range to a certain extent) (Sofia)

(Thanks. I will soon send subordinates there. Can you two return to Stella once?) (Rona)

(Yeah. We are quite tired. Can you please let us rest—) (Sofia)

(Sofia?) (Rona)

The thought transmission of Sofia suddenly stops.

It wasn’t jamming.

It felt like she just lost her words.

Thinking that it was strange, Rona calls Sofia, but there was no response.

“Mitsurugi, you saw that, right?” (Sofia)

(Mitsurugi, you saw that, right?) (Sofia)

After a while, Sofia’s thought transmission and words overlap.

Normally, she would have cut off the thought transmission before saying anything.

It was a rare mistake for someone like her.

Rona was about to respond to her voice, but refrained from doing so.

Because she noticed that she began talking while forgetting to cut off the thought transmission.

Concealing her breath, she waits for the next words of Sofia.

“Yeah, I saw it. Certainly… it’s that fellow” (Lancer)

Lancer looks at the same direction Sofia is looking at and mutters.

It wasn’t exactly the same as last time, but a moment ago, a light pillar shone and descended to Limia.

A bitter memory is recalled in both of their minds.

“Yeah, no doubt. If it’s in this current situation, it is definitely in the Limia capital. Your powers have already returned, so you should be able to fly right, Mitsurugi?” (Sofia)

(Yeah, no doubt. If it’s in this current situation, it is definitely in the Limia capital. Your powers have already returned, so you should be able to fly right, Mitsurugi?) (Sofia)

“Yeah, if it’s to Limia, it won’t even take 30 minutes. But it appeared again at the crisis of hyumans huh. As expected, he is actually the protector of hyumans?” (Lancer)

“Well, who knows. But… we will kill him, this is our longstanding desire. Isn’t this an unparalleled chance?” (Sofia)

(Well, who knows. But… we will kill him, this is our longstanding desire. Isn’t this an unparalleled chance?) (Sofia)

Just what are they talking about?

Rona still couldn’t understand the particulars.

The only thing she understood is that an uncalculated factor has occurred at the Limia capital.

“That’s right. Sofia, let’s go. We are bringing him down” (Lancer)

“Just you wait, Devil. Right now I am coming to eliminate you, to kill you” (Sofia)

(Just you wait, Devil. Right now I am coming to eliminate you, to kill you) (Sofia)

Rona was close to lifting her voice, but desperately held it back. She silently cut off the thought transmission.

What a dilemma.

To think that the greatest insecure factor would not appear in Rotsgard or the Empire, but in the Kingdom’s capital where they want to succeed the most.

There’s still no reports from the capital yet.

The thought transmission has already been restored.

The detailed information should soon be relayed.

Rona bites somethinh while waiting for that moment.

“If even those two monsters are going to fight the Devil, Hibiki should die without doubt. Also, I should soon be receiving contact from Io’s unit, that’s why…” (Rona)

Even if Io is weak at thought transmission, it doesn’t mean that no one in his unit can use it.

After not much lag of a time, she should be able to understand the situation at the capital.


It’s here.

With the highest concentration she has had as of today, Rona receives the transmission.

(Report) (Rona)

(Yes!! We are currently at the capital. The strategy of bringing down the hero is in progress. The battle between Io-sama and Hibiki has begun. Confirmed that we are in the advantage)


A good report.

If they are already in battle, Io won’t make mistakes, is what Rona thought.

She silently listens to the continuation of the report.

(While our losses are big, we are also fighting against the forces of the capital. But…)

The words of the subordinate stagnate.

(Continue) (Rona)

(Yes. We have confirmed a mysterious light piercing the royal castle. Based on the report of a close-aide of Io-sama, an intruder appeared after arriving from a golden light or a ball of darkness!)

(The numbers? Name? Is the standing indicated?) (Rona)

(A Lich with extraordinary magic power and a pure white humanoid being; two people. Anything else is completely unknown, is what the report said)

(A humanoid being? Not a hyuman?) (Rona)

Hearing the word Lich, she had a connection in mind, but more importantly, Rona was irritated by the vague report of a humanoid being.

If the words of Sofia were true, that is the Devil. The chances of it being the insecure factor is incredibly high, so it couldn’t helped.

(We don’t know. It would be good if we were able to assist as well, but the opposition is intense and we can’t break the balance)

(Kuh. Okay, good work. Please continue by supporting general Io) (Rona)

(Yes. I will be fulfilling my task with my life on the line!)

The thought transmission ends.

A Lich and a white humanoid being.

Is it the Devil or another person, no, more importantly, is it an enemy or an ally?

Rona stands up.

A face that says this is not the time to be fortifying Stella.

Giving orders to the small remaining troops, they finished the attack to the Empire. Rona, who was going to wait and see how the events at Io’s side would turn out, repeatedly teleports, the destination was the Kingdom’s capital.

This is not the time to be worrying about the fatigue of another rally.

For her, no, for the demon race, this is an incredibly important strategy.

Its failure and success are hanging on the line.

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View Comments

  • How in the world he was able to imitate a nuke like explosion and to produce the side effects called radiation poisoning?
    I expect it's only 1kt yield.

  • would have preferred if the nuke actually did destroy everything. I'm sorry, but science beats magic any day of the week.

    Sofia should be a shadow on the ground. Maybe it wasn't a nuclear bomb but a moab. A Czar bomba would have rekt her up. no traces left, hell, such a nuke would rekt Mio and Tomoe, they would be annihilated.

    You don't 'strengthen' molecules any more than you can 'strengthen' a paramecium.
    Sorry, science wins, magic loses. No living creature can withstand the processes of the universe, not even root, who can at best tamper a bit with the tiny planet they live on. A small black hole would utterly obliterate them all.

    I want to see a modern military enter the picture with a few nuclear subs for good measure to just annihilate all the hyumans, the demons, the dragons, all these pieces of cardboard that don't know shit about strategy and real power.

    • are you stupid?
      in all your rambling you forgot one important thing: MAGIC.

      "I’m sorry, but science beats magic any day of the week."
      No. why? because magic doesn't exist, that mean you can't compare them since we have no data for magic.
      It only depend to how the author want to make magic

      "Sofia should be a shadow on the ground. (...) a nuke would rekt Mio and Tomoe, they would be annihilated."
      have you proof of them not being able to survive thanks to magic?

      "You don’t ‘strengthen’ molecules any more than you can ‘strengthen’ a paramecium."
      You forgot to take magic into account

      " No living creature can withstand the processes of the universe, not even root, who can at best tamper a bit with the tiny planet they live on. "
      what does it mean?

      "A small black hole would utterly obliterate them all."
      no shit Sherlock! that's like saying trowing them in the sun would kill them. but what the link with the nuke? no human is able to create a weaponized black hole.

      "I want to see a modern military enter the picture with a few nuclear subs for good measure to just annihilate all the hyumans, the demons, the dragons, all these pieces of cardboard that don’t know shit about strategy and real power."
      I understand for hyumans, but the demons was said to know strategy
      So your strategy is nuking them into oblivion? much intellect!
      Bringing "real power" is just arrogance of looking down on less technologically developed civilization by saying they don't know what "real" power mean, but without considering that you can be seen as "primitive" for a more technologically developed civilization, and that what you call "real power" is ridicule for what they call "real power", like gods for example. that a good mix of arrogance and ignorance.

      1 important thing you forgot: tomoki's nuke isn't an actual bomb but a magic spell.

      and lastly, in their world, magic is an existing part of the universe, that mean the study of magic is a science in itself.

      Because your read a physics book once doesn't make you smart. you are ignoring many factors and the context to awkwardly show off your limited knowledge.
      but you're a troll, right?

  • Hate tomoki more everytime he shows up. Starting to hate sofia too, parricularly with her bullshit *lets keep this guy alive because he is interesting and his attack is even stronger than the one we faced before, but we need to kill the other one at all costs*

  • Man, I hate Tomoki so much and I always feel terrible for the girls he brainwashed and raped. I'm still hoping that they break free at some point and take revenge on him.

  • I should send a letter of gratitude for Sofia, for b!tchslapping Trashmoki in Raidou place.

    The Next Main Dish is WAKA-SAMA personally b!tchslapping Trashmoki ... For each slap, a new lake formed in the surrounding area.

  • A nuke huh, even if trash is trash I have to recognize this, I'm really impressed, I still think that create a beatiful lake and charm all the presents is more amainzing but in offensive power this is superior, sooo, is time to show the new trump card and surpass this.

  • "The five types of weapons Tomoki possesses all activate at once.

    Strong armaments that don’t depend on the divine protection of the Goddess, weapons that he himself possesses and were suited for him.

    Dagger Gladius, Spear Artemis, Thin Sword Rapier, and the Small Arm Hand-Gun."
    I only see/read four tho...

  • You call your trump card "Nuke"?
    Tsk, tsk, tsk... what a bland hero.
    At least shout, "I.Am.Atomic!"

  • She didn't link this to the Lich she knows so much and the guy accompanying him ?

  • Nah, it should have been real nuke which was done with the help of magic since radioactivity (gamma-rays effect on DNA) effected Rona's&Lancers "life foundation" after the explosion. So it's different from simply using spell with the same energy output like it was done by RudeusG through imagination.

  • Maybe he circumvented the whole fission part and just magically force the fusion part of hydrogen bomb?

    I mean, I am just a layman, but I do understand that nuclear fusion is basically forcing two nuclei of two atoms to fuse, creating a huge energy in the process.

    All you need is high temperature and 2 hydrogen isotopes for it to combine. High temperature can be from magic. And if there's transmutation magic in that world, it's easy to get hydrogen isotopes due to the abundance of hydrogen in the air. Even if there aren't, if there's telekinesis magic, then who's to say there isn't something like subatomic telekinesis magic? Isotopes is just an atom with more neutrons after all.

  • you know, tomoki not necessarily have to understand how nuke work. it will be explained in later chapter. but basically, he being former middle school, with his few knowledge, what is most powerful force one could muster? his imagination give him answer as "nuke", so he got magic that do similar thing to that.
    for more explanation, wait few more chapters

  • Well, in simple nuclear weapons you just shoot a bullet like piece of uranium of a certain type (cant remember right now) into a larger piece o another type of uranium, that start the process of fusion/fision... now how to prepare the uranium is certainly something no high schooler (or even many physicist) should know.

    However... if you look into stars its a different story, in stars fusion/fision, occours mainly by the effect of high gravity, wich compresses the core of some atoms (generally hydrogen) into 1 only new core that will be of a diferent element.

    Now this is info you could learn by watching discovery channel and since we don't know exactly how magic works, it should be posible for tomoki to find a way to create a point with really high garavity, enough to produce fusion and since simple air contains hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and more, materials shold not be a problem...
    now, how to keep such high gravity without destroying space nearby and keeping the high temperatures controlled before the explosion... lets say... ¿magic? i dont know what else to say...

    So, in conclusion, a nuke made with magic should be possible... but still, i find it extremly hard to do by a high scholler... i'm a system engineer and i probably could not, maybe by trial and error??? but where tomoki tried so many times? only at night? and why nobody notices other explosions...
    Maybe a physicist could do it , but at the end, in that point the argumnet is still a bit crappy XD

    By the way, i'm not thaat good at english so... im sorry if it was hard to read...

  • Well Tomoki was 15, first year of senior school, in Australia the general form of nuclear reactions is taught by that time, (Year 10). Although it is not until final year of high school, year 12, in Physics that we go in depth. I can expect much the same in Japan, especially since in most manga and anime the math and science levels are equal to Australia.

    You also seem to forget Tomoki was a loner due to the bullying, meaning he could have done the research online (going around the world [wide web]) and manga or light novels often explain many things to an advanced level (Gun-ota ga mahou). So having the knowledge is not a huge leap for his character.

  • Not really true you only need 2 pieces of radioactive material such as plutonium and a way collision with enough speed to split an atom (not everything but basics) take a look at the trinity bomb blueprints they are declassified now.

  • Sorry but that not as simple as that. I should agree with the statement that it is overestimation of "magic" and Tomoki's abilities. If I assume your knowledge is from the high school as the same level as Tomoki it contains number of misunderstandings as well as missing concepts (energy barrier of the reaction, principles behind the thermonuke). Even understanding basics requires hundred thousands of trials to grasp the practical usage.
    If you follow your logic that Tomoki utilized hydrogen (in reality it should be tritium and deuterium) from atmosphere to create a Thermonuke (not simply nuke) it should be fusion type of the the explosion which (due to logic that you stated) will be "endothermic" so it should freeze everything, not explode.
    This alone demonstrates that common-knowledge level is not enough to create a nuke magic.
    Dude, don't underestimate the SCIENCE =)

  • O sea, esta bien que puedan usar magia para teletrasportarse, magia para crear nuevas dimensiones y mundos, con magia pueden transformar un tipo de energia en otro, pero cuando alguien hace una bomba nuclear con magia todos se ponen locos xD.... Tengo la sensación que solo teletrasportarse es mas complicado que hacer una bomba nueclear... Da flojera escribir en inglés >3

  • If it were that simple, everyone would be able to build a nuclear bomb just by using corresponding materials (acquiring them on black market for example). But it is just not that simple.

    Endothermic and exothermic are for chemical reactions, senior chemistry. Adding acid and bases.
    Nuclear is quantum physics, last topic in school. The simple theory, you probably know. Calculating mass defect.

  • I think about 30% of the people simply think that author overdid it with nuke. Since common knowledge is not enough to recreate a nuke. Other 70% are indeed amazed by stupid action/goddess decision etc.

  • he doesn't have radiation poisoning yet, cause its still night. but if he is still there by morning, then he is going to get cancer. and you cant heal cancer.

  • Sofia can treat and remove he radiation effects so it's possible. The question is if the empire is able.

    Also anyone find it funny that Sofia didn't tell Rona about the radiation poison? Given Lancer didn't notice I suspect Rona's subordinates aren't going to either.

  • And he is misusing his powers to short his life and the princes of the empire giving him those drugs. He will more than likely is going to die or he have a weak body that he not have the so called life force to life his full life.

  • The poison is obviously Sofia's way of describing radioactive fallout as she doesn't know any better, but need I point out how utterly HAX she is to be able to notice its effect at all? Even Lancer was caught unaware by it. And to Tomoki's credit his spell was even more powerful than Makoto's ridiculous lake pestering ring explosion, with a far more dangerous lingering result.

    Furthermore here we see him not only working with excellent teamwork, but suffering through torture and not breaking out into panic as he was so quick to do at Stella Fort. Much of this may be due to his vampiric nighttime invulnerability, as well as his confidence in having only slaves who can't betray him surround him, but you know that just makes him sound like the shield hero from a certain other series. >_>

  • He is on the same level as Shield Bro? Please dont even joke about it.He can act that high and mighty only because he know that he is immortal.His spec isnt bad since the goddess (eventhough her personality is the worst, her experience is not something to scoff at) wont choose someone incompetent but the personality is a big out.He just doesnt want to lose his useful slave since you can see that he doesnt mind using that skill to kill all other people.My conclusion: He had a good head and strong body but his personality is rotten.

  • I read all the comments on how people are talking about lack of radioactive materials. For the most part you're half-correct; it is possible that Tomoki use fusion rather than fission to make the nuke. Nuclear reactions can work either way and if Tomoki managed to solve the issues regarding fusion with magic power, he can very well have a nuke without needing uranium or sorts. Recreating thermonuclear conditions to achieve the fusion part and have it explode. The part where he travels might be about him trying to get enough magic power and tests out the nuke spell since he can't have people knowing about it and he need to try using it at long distances.

    On the side note, both fission and fusion parts does generate radioactivity; fission generate radioactive fragments and fusion (which is bit cleaner since it doesnt create radioactive fragments during explosion) generate all sorts of fun radiation (gamma to neutron). It is possible that some of the neutrons from Tomoki nuke spell transmutate buildings (yes, you read that right, buildings!) in the surrounding to be radioactive instead thus attributing to perceived fallout.

  • What do you mean he used the nuke while his friends were there? He only used it after Lancer had teleported them to safety, which is something he could confirm given his charm that tells him where his party is. Until they were moved away he was agonizing as he couldn't use it.

    Also keep in mind that his nuke blasted from his hands on the ground. When a nuclear bomb is dropped, it detonates like 50 miles up in the air and explodes while falling and that is what causes it to have such disastrous effects, as it increases the range of effect as well as the angel and spread, and this is what causes the mushroom cloud phenomenon. With his point blank explosion from in between his hands it's definitely going to cause a big blast, but the spread of fallout isn't going to extend very far, and will be blocked by any number or topographical features just as he blast is (which is again why the bombs detonate in midair). Gritonia is going to have a dead zone as opposed to Limia's lake, but it isn't likely to be the end of the nation.

    Bastard totally killed Nagi, though. Never forget.

  • He only saved 3 of his best slave and do you really think he only had 3 slave? Not to mention all those people that he has been with, even if they are less than companion, they are still on the level of acquaintance and he nuke them like he doesnt give a shit.(if you want some reference, lets use Makoto: it is like he just save Tomoe, Mio and Shiki and let all other people in Asora die without giving a glance).He can choose to ask Sophia to take him to some place that is devoid of people to use since she will pretty much accept most of his condition to see that skill anyway.In the very first place, making nuclear bomb into spell show how twisted he is especially since it allow only him to survive when used.There is much better stuff that is more controlled like Rail Gun or something that allow him to choose who you will unleash the spell to and still pack quite a lot of power, not something that only allow him to survive like that.

  • remember makoto at that time using power that "enough to anoyed the enemy" and trash using nuke as his trump card that slightly above those "lake maker".
    thanks due to makoto training since he was a kid, his mana and power far beyond those two so called hero

  • This is plausible, Root did explain that world travel also entails time travel. And that the Wise are presumably from different versions/times of Earth. The Hibiki we know may actually just be an alternate to Makoto's and Tomoki was the one he knows from his world.

    If this is the case

    We should be focusing our hate on the Bug for snatching, then enabling him to become the douche we all hate :T

  • Of course he did use the Nuke while is group was still there it would made me think that the Maou is better person then he is. I course I have feeling the way things are going. He will be one of the final villains after the end of this series.

  • that's also something that threw me off, but then again, "magic"

    it's kind of weird to include radiation in a fantasy setting

  • Well, you can assume that even if people talk about the Charm Eyes in front of his thralls it won't do much. For people who have been under his sway long enough they'll do anything he says and not take action without his instructions for fear of being hated by him for doing the wrong thing. For his party members even when the effects were suppressed by the demons anti-blessing effect, they still followed him with only a little confusion because they'd been under it for so long that they had been conditioned to act that way and it would take a while for them to go over everything that had happened and understand they were being brainwashed. And that's without the charm.
    With the charm in place even if they're told about it they'll either rationalise it, that it's an enemy lie or Tomoki is talking about something else and they just misunderstood. Or they might be so far gone that they don't care that they've been brainwashed so long as Tomoki is happy. They're not going to break free on their own or they would have by now.

  • nah, Root explained before that the level system only checked up to lvl 65535, so my guess is that Makoto is even higher than that, resulting in a display bug, showing lvl 1 instead

  • Makoto is only 2nd to the goddess in power. Because of the divine power the moon god gave him, his power is in or near the realm of gods, which is why he has to wear all that armor and jewelery to suppress it so people can look at him. When Makoto fought Sofia, he was still wearing his power suppressing gear, with the exception of his final attack, he never fought them at full power, and now he has gotten even stronger since then.
    I think this is the rankings (or at least how I see it)
    4)Demon King? (we don't know his power yet, but he has to have some ability right?)
    9)Makoto's Mamoo's
    11)Demon Generals
    12)Makoto's Students
    13)Hibiki's & Tomoki's Harems
    15)Normal Soldiers

  • you will find out soon why sofia is so strong its just when she was fighting with makoto he overwhelmed her with magic power sofia even defeated a superior dragon and I assume that lancer is not the only one who she defeated. A little spoiler well let see kinda like Fairy tail where natsu and other 1st gen slayer has a dragon ins........ thats all!

  • Don't be ignorant. Makoto used all his strength to release the lake attack+ added a few rings in there. After that, he fainted. Makoto was the one who thought he pestered them, but he himself used everything he could and managed such a powerful attack.
    The misunderstanding many of you in the comments make is that Makoto went easy on Sophia and Lancer when he actually did all he could muster at the time. Now Makoto is completely different; he has more control over his mana ocean and isn't in a complete panic this time.

  • Bitch please! before calling someone ignorant try to remember what Makoto said the moment Sofia tried to use the ring that seals the Goddess interference... he released part of his magical power he said that was not even close to his 70%

  • (In a hyped and loud voice)
    Where's the next CHAPTERRRRRRRSSSSSSS!!!!!!!
    Needs' ma chapterrssss nooooooowwwwwwww!!!!!...... plz and ty

  • No Makoto is the "real" hero that the gods of earth gave the Bug. She didn't like him so she kicked him out and grabbed two other humans instead. Which she wasn't supposed to do. And now the other gods are knocking on her door demanding an explanation for why she took two more humans.

  • For me it wasn't about irrational hate for Tomoki but the lack of judgement. Both Tomoki and Makoto got pushed to the edge by Sophia and Lancer. Both decided to put their trump card out. Both used power beyond "hyuman ability". Makoto used a native spell pumped up to absurd levels, where as Tomoki used science unknown to that world. Yes creating a lake killed lots of lives and changed the ecosystem, but he didn't irreparably damage the ecosystem and poison the land for the next couple hundred years. Tomoki had to use his biggest weapon, but he obviously didn't consider the after affects. Him knowing how to recreate a nuclear detonation with magic isn't that far fetched, but at the same time he would have to have known what the repercussions would have meant (both from the science and being Japanese). I have to think that if he knew the power and science behind a nuke blast, then he would also have known other means of high destruction, since learning science leads to learning other science. What he did was a dick move because he didn't think it through even though he put enough thought into making it happen. Makoto unleashed devastation too, but at least his was 'clean', and while we know just how powerful his attack was, Makoto thought he was just giving them a last shot that was a little more powerful not world alteringly devastating attack like Tomoki had to know it was.

  • LOL i remember Death march when Satou use those magic guns.
    Well if it is the eldwarfs for sure they can make a better version of those but even could it be that they make it in the past for petition of some outworlder.

  • the irony would be if magic could speed up the effects of radiation. magic generally makes nature stronger than it normally would be and act in weird ways. radiation, as artificial as it is, is still a part of nature and there is a very deadly possibility that it might be strengthened by the ambient mana.

  • What i mean is HERO as in hero = the champion summoned to save the HYUMANs Makoto maybe the hero/protagonist of the story but he never take side on anyone and is only moving for the sake of his own reasons and denizens of Asora so he never have any qualities to be a hero

  • but i bet once Makoto found out that princess Lily is developing such technology he would destroy it at all cost because if it continous it will result in devoloping more till it reaches developing nukes,missiles,etc. weapons of mass destruction that will destroy the beautiful scenery of the fantasy world he will destroy it at all cost in order to preserve the world XD

  • Uh... man that was absolutely obvious from the first POV chapter on him. Those girls are his harem!

  • Actually, that brings up a question for me. This world has lower gravity than Earth right?

    Would a lower gravity change circumstances needed for a nuke? Or anything else Earthlings take for granted?

  • Hmm, at first I thought so too but Tomoki mentioned: “What I am going to show you now is not the divine protection of the Goddess. It is a super rare power that only a few who have gone around the world and fulfilled the requirements, are able to use.” So it can’t be a power the Goddess granted right? But I also don’t think he build it himself because of obvious lack of skill and if you look at how he “casted” the attack he didn’t pull out any material like a giant steel ball or something, it’s just a ball of light that appeared from his hands so I think it has to be some sort of magic. That means the only conclusion is that it has to be some sort of ancient weapon created by a previous other worldler.

  • I think your classment is not good.
    For number four to seven we don't have any comparaison to class them precisely.
    For shiki don't forget he got part of makoto power (even if it's a sliver of it) so he may be stronger than you think.
    It is said in this chapter that demon generals (or at least io) are stronger than the hero for now so hibiki and tomoki may pass under them (for tomoki it's when he didn't use his immortality).
    Makoto's student may be strong but less than veteran like the hero's group. They couldn't win against a lower dragon when tomoki had an intermediate one in his group. let them have one or two year to improve their skill and level and then they could maybe give a fight against the hero themself.

  • lol I put 9 three times.... shoulda checked that. oh well.
    (4-7) My reasons for these ranks:
    Demon King we have no measure for yes, but I'm going to assume he is more powerful than his generals and for the sake of this story he cant be weak, so I think he has to be high in the rankings.
    Mio and Tomoe took the test and Mio got a higher score, so we know she is more powerful than Tomoe, of course that could have changed since then, But those 2 are pretty similar in power so it doesn't really matter (except to them) who is higher in this list. I do think they are higher than Sofia and Lancer though because when Tomoe was just a dragon, she was suppose to be on par with lancer and the other dragon, but since he pact with Makoto her powers increased dramatically. (would love to see her fight lancer and Sofia) so we can deduce that she and by extention Mio are stronger than Lancer, and I believe Lancer is only slightly weaker than Sofia. So Tomoe and Mio should be stronger than both of them.

    I rank the demon generals under the heroes, because the heroes have trained since there last fight with them. and that last fight they were just slightly weaker. The heroes and the demon generals I would say only have very minor gaps in power. but I believe in story progression, so I would guess they are just a bit stronger than them now.

    No, I think Makoto's students are superior to the heroes comrades. Yes the dragon tamer girl has a strong dragon, but for the most part reading about them, they are all just above average characters who still have the same stigma of relying on power and no tactics like the rest of the hyumans. I think 1 on 1, any of Makoto's students could beat any of the heroes' comrades. Even the dragon tamer, they could probably just target moa and gameover.

  • you forgot something... sofia didn't defeated lancer by herself she had to sacrifice her strong comrades along with it and it's not an overwhelming victory but a close to death battle

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